Getting into the SVA

Story by Kargrash on SoFurry

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A short story involving my characters Kargrash and Ray where the panda helps a new buddy get into the SVA.

Kargrash and Ray both belong to me.

Getting into the SVA

It was a bright and sunny day, a slight breeze blowing through a city park when Kargrash settled onto a bench. He figured the light walk and fresh air would do him good after being cooped up at home for so long. The panda let out a soft sigh as he took in the calming atmosphere, his eyes closing for just a moment before he felt someone take a seat beside him.

There was a long moment of silence before a voice he hadn't heard before spoke up. "Hey... Is your name Kargrash by chance?"

He opened his eyes and looked over to a see a kangaroo dressed in a simple pair of red shorts, looking a bit on the athletic side. "Uh yeah that's me. How can i-" He was cut off by the roo's sudden shift over and onto his lap, that broad tail lightly pressed to his side as the roo laid back against his belly.

"I have it on some pretty good authority that you are into things of a vorish nature." The roo shifted position slightly to face the panda, a slight smile on his face.

Karg tilted his head in confusion before he spoke. "That depends on what you are getting at with that." He slipped a paw down to lightly poke the roo's lean belly. "Also a name would be nice since you know mine."

"Oh right, my name is Ray. It's nice to meet you." The roo gently took hold of one of the panda's paws to give a polite shake. "As for the vore stuff..." he started to search his pockets before finally pulling out a rather plain looking ID card.

"Is that a-" Karg gently plucked the card from the roo's paw and gave it a few looks over, it listed the roo's name, height, weight as well as his trigger food and favored methods of eating folks. When he flipped the card over he saw a list of names nine in total with space for a tenth. "Hehe been searching about for someone that'll help you finish your membership for the SVA hm?"

Ray nodded and rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah it's a lot harder than you might think. Most of the folks that consider themselves prey are either not in the group or won't do anything with you unless you are a full-fledged member." He leaned in against the panda.

Kargrash shuddered a bit "Well if you want me to help, first things first. Don't call me prey or a pred, not really fond of the terms that much." He chuckled softly. "But if you are alright with that I think it'd be better if we took this elsewhere. Don't need cops being called in for a friendly encounter."

Ray rubbed the back of his neck as he looked about. "To be honest I'm still pretty new around town... Perhaps you know of a good place to hang out?"

Karg smiled as he slowly stood up easing the roo off his lap as he did so. "Yeah I know of a spot. Just follow me." He said with a soft rumble before leading the way out of the park and further into the city, every so often he peeked back to make sure Ray was keeping up.

A few minutes into the trip Ray stepped up and wrapped his arms around the panda from behind. "Mmm are we getting close by chance?" he asked curiously.

"Just a little more to go." Karg pointed to a large red building down a few streets. "My buddy owns the place and I know he has a private room or two to use." He reached back to give Ray's rump a playful grope.

The roo chuckled and gave the panda a playful grope back before resting his head on the panda's shoulder as they stood there a moment. Ray rumbled softly enjoying the moment only to yip when he felt his legs lifted up held by the panda's paws as he is held piggyback to the bear. "I can walk you know." He said with a smirk.

Kargrash chuckled and kept walking "Oh I know that but you seemed so content I didn't want to interrupt." He rumbled softly when he walked up and through the double doors. "Hey Kiros, think I could get a private room for a little while." He called out to a pudgy tanuki behind the reception desk.

Ray blinked and watched on from where he clung to the panda as the tanuki clapped his paws and pointed to a door just off to the right that he was sure wasn't there a moment before.

"You two have fun in there. If you don't I'll have to join in myself." The tanuki said with a playful grin as he stuck his tongue out at the two.

Karg smirked as he stepped through the door and set the roo down, the small hotel like room looked like everything had just been opened and set up that day. "So... got any preferences when it comes to storing folks inside?" he asked with a playful smile before leaning in to nibble on the roo's cheek.

Ray rubbed over the back of his head "Well normally I just swallowed them down normal like." He pointed to his maw. "Though since I only need just one last recommendation as a pred and I came to you, you can choose."

The panda nodded and chuckled softly before lightly tugging at the roo's shorts "If that's the case then you won't need these."

Ray blushed and backed up a bit before stripping his shorts and underwear off in front of the panda an awkward smile across his muzzle. "Um... front or back?" He asked politely.

Karg smiled "Back, please." He rumbled softly before working his own clothes off to kick off to the side as the roo turned about. "Go ahead and lean on or lay your upper half on the bed." He said with a playful rumble.

The roo nodded and slowly laid his upper half on the lush bed a blush still across his muzzle, he bit his lower lip when he felt the panda's paws moving his tail only to let out a soft gasp when he felt the bear's muzzle push between his cheek and that tongue lightly lap over his pucker. "Ohhh."

He kept up his leisurely pace lightly pressing his tongue against that fleshy hole all the while rumbling softly between those toned cheeks that thick tail resting on his back.

Ray shuddered softly before moaning out as he felt the panda's muzzle push up and in stretching him out as he started to pant. "Really new with that approach still." He gripped the sheets tight as his backside stretched a bit more followed by a wet pop as the bear's head slipped up and inside. "Oh fu-!"

Kargrash chuckled softly and started to nuzzle about inside of that warm, musky and fleshy tunnel, he pushed a little harder to work his shoulders up and snug between those cheeks a smile crossing his muzzle when he felt the roo actively push back on him. He let out a low happy rumble as his shoulders slid inside followed by his torso bit by bit. "For being new with it you seem to have a pretty good idea what you are doing." He said with a grin.

He moaned loudly and slowly pushed his way back and down over the bear slowly easing off the bed to be standing with the panda's lower half between his legs. "Just, just a bit more." He said as he started to push himself down with a paw on his belly as he could feel the panda's form slip up and inside filling his gut as he sat back. He let out a soft grunt when gravity took hold forcing all but the bear's feet inside. "Mmm ya make me look fat ya know?" He said with a grin.

The panda nodded and wiggled a bit with most of his upper half in the roo's stomach. "Hehe just wait 'til I'm fully inside."

Ray blushed and slowly got up letting his body get used to the weight while slowly clenching and squeezing his cheeks together to squeeze the panda's feet inside with a wet squelch. "How is the room?" He asked with a soft chuckle as he eased himself up onto the bed.

"Mmm rather warm and pretty accommodating considering how it looked on the outside." The panda smirked and gave the fleshy walls a few nuzzles.

"Oh hey now... what is that supposed to mean hm?" Ray asked as he massaged over the bear's form on his gut.

"I just meant you looked pretty skinny, nothing wrong with that to be honest. Helps show off those rather beefy arms and legs you have as well as that toned tush." He said with a happy rumble.

Ray smiled as he got cozy on the bed. "So... how long do you want to stay in there?" He massaged over the massive bulge on his gut.

"Until we get to the SVA's main building." Kargrash said with a chuckle before he started to close his eyes relaxing in his new buddy before fully drifting off to sleep.

Kargrash woke to a bit of cold water being splashed over him. He bolted upright and looked about before noticing the all too familiar tiled walls of one of the SVA's bathrooms "Oh jeez, sorry I passed out on you like that." He said when he noticed Ray seated on the edge of the tub.

"It's alright, though now that we are here..." He started to fidget a bit looking rather excited his feet lightly tapping against the panda's side.

"Hehe right I got you. Let me rinse off and I'll be out to meet you." Karg slowly stood up as Ray took off and began to rub the juices from his fur with the aid of the small free soap that was provided and some warm water. After a few minutes washing and drying himself off he stepped from the shower stall and got dressed rather thankful that the roo had remembered to bring his stuff too. When he stepped out of the bathroom he smiled and waved to a few other SVA members before moving to wrap and arm around Ray. "Lets get your last recommendation settled."

Ray smiled and worked his own arm behind the bear as they walked towards the reception desk in the main lobby area they were in; there were banners across both doors leading into the main hall that were labeled "Safe Vore Association". He stepped up to the desk and smiled to the lioness behind the counter. "I have my last recommendation." He said as he handed over his temp ID.

"I need their ID as w-"

Kargrash pulled out his own ID and slid it across to her. "There you go. This is a first time I've heard I needed my ID too." He tilted his head "I thought they just needed five from when they were prey and five from when they were preds."

The lioness chuckled and nodded. "Yes they still need five recommendations of each type though now with such a large community they no longer accept recommendations from folks other than other members. Thus why I needed your card too."

Ray smiled when he heard the whirring of the small machine behind the desk before hugging the panda tight when his new ID card was laid out for him. "Thank you again, so much." He kissed the panda's cheek before darting off to the main hall only briefly pausing to hand his ID to the bouncer at the doorway.

"He was really fired up to join I suppose." The panda chuckled, he had just slipped his card away when he felt two strong arms wrap around him from behind.

"Think I could get a recommendation out of you too?" A large rat asked with a playful smile as he looked down at the panda.

Kargrash rolled his eyes slight and chuckled softly before leaning back into the large critter, he blushed as the rat was already tugging on him, figuring the way things had been going, it was going to be a long yet interesting day.

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