The Restaurant

Story by Kargrash on SoFurry

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A short story involving a fox and a wolf.

The Restaurant

Night had settled in on the busy establishment waiters zipping in and out from the kitchen to serve their guests. Jason had just stepped aside to take a breather out the back door when he noticed Matt's car wasn't in the parking lot. "Did he skip out on work again?" The fox rubbed his face and muzzle to try and wipe a bit of the steam residue off. It had been the fourth day already this week that his rabbit coworker had simply disappeared during the busiest time of the day. He had already talked to the owner about it and yet the rabbit was still around. He took a few minutes to relax resting his back to the building before he stepped back inside.

The kitchen was a mad house the cooks just barely keeping up with the orders, Jason was back out serving plates up to the hungry guests when he spotted a well-dressed wolf making their way to the VIP section. He had seen the fellow before but only seen the rabbit serve him.

"Oh better go tell him Matt's done for the night." The owner said with a soft sigh.

"I could serve him." Jason said looking up to the big grizzly, his boss, while still holding onto a small serving tray he was bringing back to the kitchen.

"I don't know about that I mean he has a few... unusual habits." The big bear said with a slight smirk when he saw the fox flip open his order booklet.

"Oh please if that bunny can handle him I'll be fine." Jason said with a smirk as he quickly took off towards the quieter section of the restaurant. It almost felt like he was totally alone the room was off a ways from the normal crowd. He took a deep breath before stepping up to the wolf's table. "What can I get for you tonight sir?"

The wolf's ears perked and he looked up from the menu in paw with a smile. "Hehe I would have said the usual but I don't think I've met you before." He said with a smile. "I'll have the deluxe burger, extra bacon and a whole plateful of fries." He folded up the menu and handed it to the fox.

Jason smiled at the comment before nodding and taking down the order. "And what would you like to drink sir?" He asked politely.

"I'll go with a large chocolate shake." The wolf said with a grin. "Any chance I could get a bit of foxy sweetness with that order?" He asked while reaching to give the fox's clothed tush a pinch.

"A um a bit of wha-" Jason blushed and yelped softly feeling the gentle squeeze of his butt cheek. He blinked a bit and looked to the wolf the lupine's playful grin made him rub the back of his head a bit embarrassed. "I'll be back with your order sir." He said before walking back to the kitchen with a slight hurried pace.

The grizzly chuckled softly when he saw the fox's confused look. "You can handle him right?" He said with a smile before taking the small order slip.

Jason slowly nodded, slowly getting back into the swing of things delivering a few more trays of food before spotting the one plated up for the wolf. "Just bring him his food and be polite." He muttered softly to himself, he took a deep breath again as he made his way into the VIP area and set the tray down at the wolf's table to unload the meal.

"Hello there again." The wolf said in a soft tone as he watched the fox. He waited for the two plates and glass to be set in front of him before wrapping an arm around and yanking the fox in close to him.

Jason yipped at the sudden pull and blushed a deep red when he found himself seated on the wolf's leg and able to feel the big of a plush gut the canine had. "Uh hello to you too." He muttered starting to wonder if the large tip the bunny always got from the wolf was worth it as he tried to stand up.

"Aww no need to run away so fast Jason. It's not like I'm going to hurt you or anything." He said while letting out a soft happy rumble before letting the fox go. "I'll see you in a bit for my bill."

Jason nodded slowly only to blink a bit in confusion when he felt the wolf kiss him on the cheek before he could get away, his heart was racing when he got back to the kitchen. His boss was standing there waiting for him.

"Now, you've already started with him and you are going to finish up with him just for tonight. Next time I'll just let him know Matt is out for the night. Okay?" He said politely "You can take another break if you are feeling a little stressed."

He didn't give his boss's option a second thought as he raced out the back door and took a seat as soon as he could find a decent spot. He rested there a while, his mind still on the wolf inside, only a few walls away. He wasn't sure how long he had been out there but the next thing he was conscious of was a gentle tap on the shoulder.

"The wolf back in the VIP section is waiting for his bill." The grizzly said with a soft smile as he helped the fox up and walked him back inside.

He nodded slowly and took the order paper with the bill written out on it and made his way back to that secluded part of the restaurant. "H-here is the bill." He said as he set the small paper down only to yelp when the wolf grabbed his wrist and stood up. He looked up to the wolf standing nearly a foot taller than him. "Y-yes sir?" His arm shook softly in the wolf's paw.

"You never came back and asked if I wanted any dessert." He said with a soft growl before wrapping his arms tight around the fox hoisting him up.

"I'm sorry sir!" He yelled before going wide eyed as the wolf's muzzle closed around his own, his heart raced as he felt the warm wet tongue lap over his snout. He kicked his feet while he attempted to flail about which only served to tire him out. He started to whine when that maw slowly crept over his head all his attempts to scream being cut short with his maw held shut in the wet convulsing flesh. He felt the wolf's head tilt back while he was lifted the wolf's strong arms held his own to his sides as he felt that gulp that pulled his shoulders inside the warm drool coating, soaking into his work clothes and fur, a few soft gulps later had left his arms pinned to his sides as easily as his maw had been held shut. "Please... someone come back here... save me..." he prayed even as he felt the wolf plucking his things from his pants pockets. "You can have it all just let me go!" he yelled the moment his head eased into that wet mess in the wolf's stomach the loud churning and gurgling had him kicking and flailing until he could feel his feet being closed around by the wolf's lips.

"Mmm just the right amount of sweetness." He said with a happy rumble as he felt the fox slowly ball up in his stomach, the suit he had on was a little extra-large for the purpose of leaving him still looking rather normal sized even with a fox in his gut. He walked the bill to the counter and paid for the meal before heading out his belly churning and gurgling noisily.

Jason pressed out on the fleshy walls with his paws and feet when he felt them move and even yelled again when he heard their cashier talking with the wolf but to no avail. "No..." he panted and cried before the heat finally got to him lulling his tired body to sleep.

Cold, it was all over splattering down and yet Jason couldn't bring himself to move, that was until a large splash of cold water hit his face. He coughed and sputtered as he looked about, the wolf was standing over him in a bathtub. "Wha-?" He yelped and bolted upright while backing up as he stared at the wolf. "H-how..."

"Relax, easy now." He very slowly eased in resting his knees on either side of the fox's legs while his rump settled on the vulpine's feet. "You're okay." He leaned in and wrapped his arms around the fox. "My belly doesn't digest cute fellows like yourself." He said in a playful tone.

Jason shuddered in the soft embrace just noticing at that moment their lack of clothing. "Wh- why didn't you tell me?" he felt a bit sick to his stomach and wanted to curl up.

"I thought you knew. Your bunny friend has gone through me so many times... I kind of forgot how terrifying it can be. I thought you were just playing." He squeezed the fox a little tighter. "I'm sorry I scared you. I'll do what I can to help with that." He kissed the fox's lips "Also my belly just doesn't churn up live folks kind of a nice feature for me. I'd never stuff someone inside with the intent to have a meal."

Jason took a while to take it all in, his paws and arms shaking so bad that they were hard to control. It was some long time later that he slowly wrapped his arms around the big wolf. "I can just head home now right?" He asked fearful of the wolf's answer.

"You could, though your clothes did not survive the process. I got all your things though your phone and wallet an such." He slowly stood up pulling the fox with him before turning about to let the water wash over the both of them a brownish slime slowly falling from the fox's fur. "Mmm sorry about all the mess it's really hard to have a clean exit after so much food... and a lovely fox on top of it all."

Jason shivered slightly at the cold shower he was given before relaxing there in the wolf's arms. "So... how am I going to leave?"

The wolf sighed softly and nuzzled the fox's cheek. "I got ahold of your boss and he is getting some shorts and a shirt sent over tomorrow."

He looked up to the wolf at that. "He knew about all this?"

"Well of course, do you think I'd get away with just gulping down a worker if I didn't have the okay from the boss over them?" He chuckled softly. "Oh, by the way Jason... I'm Xander. Nice to meet you."

The fox looked down to his paws and flexed them before relaxing again. "Xander... Does Matt stay the night with you too?"

Xander smiled as he stepped out of the shower and set his guest down before starting to dry the both of them off. "Yes, though he opts for the couch."

Jason wiggled as he felt those strong paws drying him off. "I'm allowed that option too right?" He asked as he slowly turned about looking at the bit of a belly on the gray wolf's form.

"Of course." He chuckled "It's not like I'm going to force you to join me in bed after a night like tonight. I prefer to ask and only after a good date." Xander rumbled softly "Speaking of which... are you working Friday?"

"I... I am." Jason nodded slowly as he was swept up again by the wolf's arms and carried out into a large living room and laid out onto a lush couch.

"Maybe I should swing by order the usual and drizzle you with my chocolate shake before I gulp you down." He said with a smile and a lick of his lips "Though with all that sweet stuff I might get a cavity." He said teasingly before reaching down to gently massage over the fox's back.

Jason let out a nervous chuckle before watching as the wolf reached around him only to shudder when he felt those strong paws rub and squeeze over his back. He wiggled a bit when Xander's paws gave his rump a playful squeeze only starting to relax when a blanket and pillow were pulled out from behind the couch.

"In all seriousness I'd like to meet and talk with you again, maybe get to know you a lot better before I opt to bring you home with me again." He leaned in and kissed the fox's cheek. "Good night, rest well and I'll see you in the morning."

Jason blushed at the kiss and watched on as the wolf slowly left the room flicking the light off as he went, left in darkness he slipped the pillow in under his head while he laid there his ears perked for the sound of the wolf coming back, he gripped the couch until sleep took him again.

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