Tux's Story part 1

Story by Kargrash on SoFurry

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As the thumbnail says this is still considered a work in progress by me mostly cause I'm unsure about how well I can do a more 'serious' story. That being said I do hope that if you give it a read that you enjoy it. It's based around FNAF (Five nights at freddy's for those of you who might not know) though an alternate universe kind of deal. Those of you who dislike t he series please refrain from leaving hateful comments. If you spot something that you think could use a tweak or know of a better way to write out some parts please send me said ideas in a note. Also if you are looking for smutty FNAF stories this is not what you are looking for.

Tux's Story Part 1

Alex took a deep breath as he got ready for work. Each night at his new job had been stressful, with last night's events being the last straw for him. He picked up the article he had been reading when he was nearly jumped the night before and slipped it into his pocket.

"I can do this." He did a quick check over his gear before leaving for work. As the pizzeria came into view, he shuddered. Alex parked his car in the practically empty lot and made his way to the doors, letting himself in before heading towards the back office. He kept his eyes to the floor as he passed the stage and pirate's cove.

"Ah glad you could make it," the day security guard smiled and handed over the keys to him.

"Anything odd happen today?" Alex asked while looking over the laptop monitor tuned to the cam facing the stage.

"I didn't see anything of note, but I did hear that they were having trouble with a few things in the basement, so if you hear something from under the building, it's nothing to worry about. They are supposed to be getting someone in to look it over." The guard then stood up and made his way out of the pizzeria leaving Alex to get settled.

Alex eased himself into the chair and grabbed up the laptop to begin his shift as the night guard. He watched on for about an hour, checking between the show stage and pirate's cove. "Nobody is moving tonight..." He almost regretted saying those words as Bonnie tilted his head up to peek at him through the camera.

Bonnie made his way off stage slowly but surely. He didn't seem to want to play around as he had done on other nights as he was making a B-line to Alex's door.

"Sh-..." Alex bit his lower lip and pulled out the missing children article he had out last night and waited. The mechanical thuds of the animatronics' footsteps made him shudder; he stood his ground and watched as the bunny made his way toward his room, though instead of shutting the door he held out the small slip of paper.

Bonnie wasted no time at the door either and simply stepped in. He towered over the sitting Alex. The animatronic then gently reached for the slip of paper and took it from the man's hand to begin reading it over.

"D-do you know something about that?" Alex asked. Fear made his words nearly inaudible to himself. He cleared his throat to speak clearer only to stop mid-action as Bonnie looked up from the paper. Fear gripped him again and he waited for the worst to happen only to watch the purple bunny point to the paper and then itself. "What?"

The bunny stepped back out from the office before turning to look back at Alex. He extending a robotic paw towards him and motioning for Alex to follow along.

Alex didn't resist, fearing that if he didn't go along with the animatronic, something worse would happen. He flinched a bit as they passed by pirate's cove with foxy peeking just from behind the curtain. Bonnie led him straight to the stage where Freddy and Chica were waiting and watching.

Bonnie brought the paper up to the two on stage; the two took turns looking over the sheet about the missing children. The two made a few sounds odd sounds from their voice boxes while making motions seeming to question or inquire about something to which Bonnie pointed to Alex.

"I was just reading about it," he said, trying to clear up any sort of confusion amongst them only to grip his wrist in a bout of nervousness as Freddy walked off stage and stepped in close. He could hear the whirr of the optical lenses scanning him over. "Did I do something wrong?" he asked only to go quiet as the bear lifted his paw.

Freddy's jaw hinged open as a garbled bit of speech started to come from its voice box. A few hard-to-hear words were scrabbled together with the voice his circuits were wired to use.

"I can't understa-..." he was cut off by a large bang from below the building which shook the place, tossing them about. Alex groaned as he slammed into the floor. He slowly moved to stand before looking about, wondering if that had been what the other guard had told him about.

Another loud bang from the basement was followed by the whole building seeming to lurch and send Alex over one of the tables as the beams of the building start to snap and bow.

"Shit! The building is coming down!" Alex thought before looking back to see Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie already moving, headed towards a designated safe spot in case of an emergency. He slowly got up feeling a bit battered and bruised. He quickly looked over to pirate's cove to spot foxy all tangled up in the curtain over his display. "Oh god! He can't be stuck now of all times..." He rushed over, clambering over knocked over tables to start unraveling the trapped animatronic.

Foxy flailed one moment then moved calmly the next as if swapping between modes rapidly; he even took a few swings with his hook at Alex.

"Relax! I'm here to get you free!" he said as he pulled back a piece of torn curtain. To his surprise, Foxy slowed its motions and looked at him. After he pried the last of the cloth out of the way, the animatronic slowly made his way towards the other three with Alex following him. As they neared the emergency room. He heard the weakened wood splinter and snap followed by the crack of part of the ceiling. He quickly pushed Foxy into the room only to have the doorway give under the strain and fall on him, pinning him to the ground. The weight alone coming down on him made some of his bones emanate a nauseating cracking noise. Alex's pained scream never go out; it was held in place by the weight pressing on his chest, making it nearly impossible to breathe.

The last view he could remember was that of the four animatronics peering down at him before darkness would start to cloud his eyes. Each attempt to breathe was more labored than the last until he was almost certain it had stopped. A cold numbness started to fill his body. He could feel pressure lifting him. His addled mind figured it to be whatever rescue crew had been notified of the situation. The last thing he could recall was something hard and metallic being pressed against him and feeling bound in place. It was cold, then it lost temperature. Then feeling altogether.

The next thing Alex became aware of was feeling heavy and being unable to feel anything. He waited there for what seemed like ages hoping the numbness would pass and let him open his eyes. After a long while with no sounds, he slowly moved his arm to bring his hand to his head and soon felt pressure against his face consistent with his motions. There was something wrong, though, but his mind was adrift. A few moments passed as he pressed his hand to various places of his face before light hit his right eye as he had moved whatever had been blocking his vision.

At first, he thought he was dreaming as he saw gridlines over his hand like some overlay on a video game character. It was then that he saw it: his hand had only four fingers, was stained red, and was clearly not his own.

Panic gripped him, his mind racing with reasons it couldn't be happening. It had to be a dream or a horrible prank, right? He tried to take a few deep breaths, but his body didn't respond, not even with the rapid beating of his heart or the shakiness of his hand. Despair gripped him as the harsh reality set in, it wasn't a nightmare and no prankster would come forward.

He slowly started to peek around the area he was in only to spot his eyeball that had fallen to the ground when he knocked it free. He opened his jaw in surprise only for his ears to be greeted by a muffled crunching sound. He brought his hand up again, slowly feeling a bit more in control as he watched it approach his blind spot and with soft, wet tearing sound he pulled his other eyeball out and off of where his new ones were. "Oh... no..." he thought.

Alex looked about. Things seemed much clearer now. He noticed the two crates that had been stacked in front of him as if to hide him away. "Where am I!?" He had to watch his limbs move the soft foam made to look like fur on him as they were squeezed tight around his mashed corpse and new endoskeleton. Each motion felt labored and would cause him to produce sounds of tearing flesh and breaking bones. He worked himself into a standing position to be able to peer over the boxes only to spot large amounts of furniture from the pizzeria. "Does that mean I'm..." he thought as he quickly started to scan the area to see that he was in some large shipping container. He spotted a few familiar figures. "There they are." He pushed on the crate in front of him the new machine parts made the shifting of the box rather easy.

"They'll have answers," he hoped as he took his first slow but steady step forward followed by another and another as he made his way over "Freddy, Fox-..." he tried yelling when he neared them only to be met with silence. His own voicebox was most likely damaged during the incident.

The four stood heads-down, looking almost like they were asleep standing up, Alex's motions going completely unnoticed. "Damn it..." He looked about again his new eyes, able to pick out obstacles even in what he assumed was the pitch black of a closed container. He made his way to the doors of the large container they had been stowed away in and pushed on it. The doors opened up just enough to let him see the chain holding the doors shut. "Not good," he thought before reaching through the crack in the doorway and gripped the chain between his thumb and index fingers. He squeezed, trying to feel how tough the chain was and was met with only the sensation of pressure when his joints refused to close further. Fear flooded his mind, knowing that if he were found as is by anyone other than a corrupt employee, he'd be destroyed. He focused on the link of the chain he had a hold of and kept trying to push his fingers together a loud whirring starting to come from his hand. "Come on..." he kept pushing and grinding the gears of his hand, "break!" He wanted to yell his frustration. After what felt like an hour, he pulled his hand back.

"Okay, new tactic..." he slowly moved towards the back of the container making sure to move stuff out of the way to give him the room he'd need. "Foxy did it. Shouldn't be too hard." He set himself up at the back, mentally picturing himself running at the doors and breaking them open. "I can do this," he said as he started moving only to step forward one clunky motion at a time. "Not fast enough." He kept his pace and ended with a kick at the door which barely moved it. "All right..." He began to pace back and forth, slowly getting used to his motions to the point he could look up and away from his feet while walking.

He then tried to accelerate the process, moving a bit faster though the sounds of cracking bone followed as his joints bent more to get him to a moderate walk speed. He made another attempt at the door, rushing a bit faster at it. "Come on, break!" he thought as he rammed the door, hearing a light clacking sound from the chain. "One more..." He rushed to the back of the container before running towards the door, feeling a bit off at the speed he was moving before he'd slam into the door, breaking the chain with his forward momentum, making him fall on his front and skid across the ground. He stayed still a moment, looking around from where he laid. The warehouse grounds were luckily empty.

Alex slowly got up. The nighttime sky overhead would give him a bit of cover. "Please let them have skimped on the guards here, too," he prayed while making his way off to a secluded section of the yard before he'd look down and ease his "gloves" off. He looked over his "hands" and saw what used to be his real hands smashed over the metal digits of his new ones. He then began to remove the arm coverings, each removal letting a bit more of his old body break free of his own. His arms started to feel a bit easier to move. He then brought his hands up and slowly lifted the head up and off, he took his time very careful not to tear the fabric. He could hear the slick flesh being split and torn when the head came off. He set the suit parts off to the side quickly working off the ears, body, legs, and removed the feet last. With the bloody suit parts set aside he started to push and pry the flesh from him, the sounds of tearing flesh and breaking bones filled his ears. When he was done, he stepped away from the mangled body that used to be his. He felt odd knowing he would have been sick to his stomach if he was still his old self. He stood there for a long while, his mind filled with sorrow knowing there was no turning back from this.

He looked down at his new body nearly every inch of it was coated in blood. "Damn it..." He started to look around the facility, going nice and slow, keeping his ears perked for any sounds to indicate someone was approaching. He felt a bit of relief when he found a few cleaning supplies and some buckets. He grabbed them up and rushed back toward the corner he had been using, taking note of where he was leaving bloody footprints. After arriving and setting things down, he grabbed up one of the rags he had found and sprayed it over with the cleaning solution hoping it would do the job. He started with his hands, working the rag over them, finding it to be quite the tedious process to get the majority of them cleaned. He then went to work on his arms and torso, tugging small bits of flesh out of joints and other spots it had snagged. He was extra careful around the circuitry, not wanting to short-circuit himself. By the time he was done, the rag was soaked through with blood on it. "Please work," he thought to himself as he opened a new bottle of the solution he had been using and poured it into one of the buckets. He tossed the rag inside and watched on as the red stain slowly faded from the rag leaving it a pinkish color. "I hope they have more of it," he thought while tossing the gloves and feet into the solution-filled bucket. He made his way back out to find the cleaning station where he had originally found the solution he was using.

"Ah, there we go." He almost would have smiled if he could when he found the large, undiluted container of the solution he was using. He rushed back to the few buckets he had and began to pour a large amount into each. "Please work," he said as he pulled over the suit's arm and leg parts in one with the torso having to be in a bucket of it's own. He stood there, watching as his mind went over things again and again. "I need to get this cleaned, then clean up my footprints, and then find out where they put the container info and put myself on it." These thoughts cycled through his mind becoming almost chant like as he went over it. He couldn't tell how long he had been there before stepping forward and reaching down to pull out the gloves of the suit. His jaw dropped as fear gripped him the once brown and red stained gloves were now white "Fuck... Oh no..."

Alex had to work with it. He had to, now. He flipped the torso over to get the top half dunked into the solution before pulling out the white leg and arm bits with the gloves and feet being set next to them. He looked about at all the storage crates, each with a label on them with the contents written down. He made his way back over to the large container where the rest of the pizzeria stuff was. He began to look over the sheets of paper, "Animatronics: Freddy, Foxy, Chica, Bonnie. Party room supplies..." He needed to be on the list or he might not be taken when they were moved.

He left the small corner of the warehouse he had been in and made his way around all the shelves and large containers that made the warehouse almost maze-like. He was nearly in the corner opposite his own when he saw it: the large glass windows of a guard's office. He crouched down low as well as his new body could before starting to creep along, knowing his endoskeleton would definitely cause alarm. He took each step as slowly as he could, making sure his metallic feet didn't scrape along the ground. He could see into the room; the guard was asleep in his chair. How he hoped that the guard was a heavy sleeper.

Alex reached up and slowly pulled the handle down to ease the door open, stopping every few seconds to listen for the low snoring of the guard. He began to creep his other hand up and in toward the desk in front of the guard. He gently leaned in, now able to see the top of the table and the guard. He slipped his hand past the man's feet up on the table to grab up a stray pen. Alex had to make a few attempts at the writing utensil before his fingers would grip it right. He pulled back as slowly as he had come in, his eyes never breaking from the man in the chair, not until the side of the doorframe cut him off. The hard part was done. Now he just had to make it back. As the door slowly closed he kept his hand on the handle so it wouldn't slam, after it had clicked softly into place he took off for the pizzeria's storage crate.

He lifted the pen up and tried to grip it like he had with his old body. "I've gotta get it right on the first go." He picked a spot right below the other animatronics' names before stopping. "What is my name? My new name?" He nearly smiled when he thought of it and slowly began to write, doing his best to copy the print of whoever had signed the other objects to the paper. "Tux," short and simple, he figured. He tossed the pen away and headed back to the buckets to pull the now cleaned torso out and start soaking the head and ear pieces. "So close now," he thought at he looked to the white suit pieces.

He shifted about a bit nervously as he looked from the mess that was once him and then back to the parts that were to make the new him whole. He wanted to sigh. He felt sad seeing how things had went, but at the same time, he was glad to be alive in one manner or another.

After a lengthy soak, he pulled the head free along with the ear pieces to set them aside to dry. He very slowly began to slip the suit back on, starting with the torso, followed by the leg and arm bits and finished with the feet and gloves. He took the container of cleaning solution and began to splash it onto the odd shaped foot prints he had left, letting them wash away to the drains on the floor. He finished by walking back over to the disfigured and mangled body that was once his and let the rest of the solution pour out, trying to erase any evidence that someone had stood around the body. He then kicked over the buckets to let them drain as he picked up the head and slid it on. He felt more complete after fitting the ear bits on. Before he could get too comfy with his new existence, though, he heard loud footsteps approaching where he was. He ran back to the pizzeria's container as fast as he could and lined himself up with the rest of the gang before hanging his head and letting his arms rest to his sides.

He stayed there as he heard the guard call in to the police for the body. Each minute seemed to all blur together as he stood there the cops coming to secure the area, start the investigation, then close the doors after checking every nook and cranny of the container while he stood still unable to move freely and unable to enter sleep mode.

Days had passed, but time seemed nonexistent to Tux. It seemed as though the police had just started investigating the pizzaria when they began to finish the job. He snapped to attention when he felt the container starting to move, they were headed to their new home.

Tux kept still as they were unloaded and brought to the back room. Everything was being set up as the others powered on. He looked to them, wanting to be able to speak, but just watched as each of them were looked over by the engineer and cleaned up. His bleached bowtie was changed out for a blue one to contrast the white body of his. He watched on in interest as his fur was being repainted to be a more vibrant white color. When the engineers finished up their work and headed out for the day, he turned his head and slowly stepped off of the stand that was supposed to hold him upright.

The other four slowly got off their own respective stands and made their way toward Tux; their eyes made a few shifts as they took in his new appearance. Freddy stopped right in front of him, looking him over a bit closer before Bonnie stepped in to give Tux a hug. "You... made... it..." the robotic bunny said, his voice choppy at best with his voice box.

Tux was taken aback by the sudden hug before slowly wrapping his arms around the bunny to hold him as best he could. He then turned his head to the others and tried to speak only to be left with his mouth hanging open. He reached up and pulled the small band around his neck down and felt about for the voice box he should have had only to find the space empty. He frowned as much as he could, wondering if the engineers even noticed that.

The four looked amongs themselves for a bit before Foxy reached up to his own fake neck and pulled back the strap with his hook and reached for his own voice box.

Tux shook his head and reached to grab hold of Foxy's arm, wanting to take from another to be able to speak. He moved to look through the gear the engineers had. "Come on, you had to have a notebook or something..." he thought to himself before finding a small flip book and pencil. "This will work," he thought before writing down, "I'm alright", and showed it to the group.

They nodded slightly before group hugging Tux. Freddy smiled before pulling back from the group. "We... are... sorry... you... ended... up... this... way..."

Tux shook his head again and wrote, "Without you guys, I wouldn't be here. Thank you." He pointed to the new line as he held it out to the group.

The four looked among themselves again and smiled before slowly starting to look around the back room to get used to their new home.

Tux tilted his head, feeling a little confused as they moved about the room. He went up to the door leading to the main part of the pizzeria but found his hands stalling mid-motion. He pushed forward with his body, his arms becoming frozen; unwilling to move while the word "ERROR" appeared over the doorway. His body simply did not want move when it had reached past a certain point in the door way. He began to panic before he was pulled back by a pair of purple hands.

"I... got... you..." Bonnie said as he pat Tux's shoulder. "Digital... mapping... can't... leave..." he mentioned while pointing to the invisible barrier.

Tux's jaw dropped when he realized the cage they had just been left in. His eyes slowly scanned around the room looking for a door or window they could leave through or at least look out from.

Bonnie patted Tux's shoulder again "Might.. be... best... rest... and... recharge... now..." He nodded slowly before moving back to his stand and resting himself on it.

Tux kept peeking around the room; the shelves of parts and few boxes left little chance for them to escape. The other three were slowly returning to their recharge stands. He brought his hands up to hold his head while thinking it all over. He was now trapped with no way out and no way to see beyond the building they were in. He stood there a long while, thinking it over before slowly making his way back to his stand to rest. He closed his eyes and let the now fixed sleep mode kick in and let his mind wander.

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