A Day at the Spa

Story by Kargrash on SoFurry

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A shorty story I thought to write up, I hope you enjoy. It was proof read by my buddy. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/damientheroo

Kargrash and Kiros belong to me.

A Day at the Spa

It was noon on an average summer day. Kargrash had made his way through town up and down familiar streets until he came across the building he was looking for a large bright red building with a rather simple yet elegant sign labeled "Kiros' Spa" above the double doors leading in. "You really went all out on this place, hm?" he asked aloud while pondering if his buddy had left it so plain looking on purpose. When he stepped inside, the main room looked rather large and spacious. The walls and tiled floor both had a floral design to them.


He jerked lightly in surprise as his name was yelled before spotting the tanuki standing behind what looked like a reception desk. "Oh, well there you are. How are you?" he asked politely only to blink a bit as Kiros zipped around the desk and headed straight for him.

"I'm doing alright how about yourself?" Kiros said with a smile as he wrapped his arms tight around the panda hugging him tight as their doughy bellies squished together.

"I'm good," he said while hugging his buddy back his paws gently rubbing and massaging over the tanuki's bare back only to blush as his go for a grope was impeded by the tanuki's shorts. "Hehe, now that is a first," he said with a chuckle.

Kiros smirked and kissed the panda's cheek. "I do have a business, ya' know. I can't go around like I do at home." He smiled. "Now, what brings you around to my side of town, hm?"

"I was kinda hoping that you could give me a back massage. It's been a bit painful the last couple days." He blinked a bit and watched as his buddy snapped his fingers making a closed sign appear on the glass double doors.

"Right this way," Kiros said with a soft chuckle. He turned to stand side to side with the panda as he walked guiding Kargrash to a room at the back left hand side of the building; within it was a padded table. "Strip down and lay on your belly and I'll fix you up."

Kargrash blushed lightly before slowly slipping out of his shorts and shirt only to roll his eyes when he heard the tanuki whistle at him. "Hehe, really now?" he asked with a smirk only to yip as his underwear were tugged down by the tanuki.

"Now, up onto the table," Kiros said with a smile lightly pinching and groping the bear's tush each time he hesitated until the panda had laid down. He slowly leaned in over the panda and began to rub, pressing his palms into the bear's back to massage those strained muscles, starting at the panda's shoulders. "So, how did it get all messed up? Too much fun with your kitty?" he asked with a playful chuckle.

The panda rolled his eyes before letting out a soft moan as the middle of his back let out a soft pop. "Ohhh... hm no it wasn't cause of William," Karg said with a groan as those paws slowly descended along his spine only to shudder at the sudden sensation of a happy purr coming from Kiros. When he turned to see the familiar brown furred tanuki, he blushed when he was looking at a big tiger. "Mmm, you show-off," he said with a soft rumble.

"I couldn't help it," Kiros said with a playful chuckle as he started to knead that lower back, working the knotted muscles with his new tiger paws, being very careful not to press on him too hard. He kept up his work while Karg was moaning into the soft pillowy cushion the table was covered in.

"Ohhh..." he panted and squirmed a bit his lower back popping a bit with the big feline's motions to relax the muscles there. "Mmm, thank you," he mumbled out as he laid there only to blush a deep red when he felt that doughy tiger belly gently press against his back as Kiros leaned over him.

"No need to thank me sweetie. What are friends for?" Kiros purred louder before slowly pulling back and moving down towards the panda's feet. He tapped the table making it split down where the panda's legs were so he could step right up and get at the panda's rump.

"Ah! No, bad tanuki!" he said while trying to move off the table only to yip as his legs were bound to the cushion. "You just fixed up my back. Come onnnn," he moaned out as he felt that rough sandpaper like tongue lap over his doughy rump.

Kiros chuckled and let the change fade before nuzzling his snout between the panda's cheeks to lick and tease over the bear's pucker, blushing happily as he heard the panda moan from the attention. "Hehe, aww, you know it'll be fun."

Karg moaned and wiggled a bit, clenching his cheeks over the tanuki's muzzle. "Oh, fine, but I'd like any spots you make fixed up... please," he said only to shudder as he felt his buddy's tongue lap over his pucker.

"I'll fix you up right as rain; no worries," Kiros chuckled before easing up from the bear's tush only to step forward and work his length between the panda's cheeks grinding lightly between them to work himself erect.

"Mmm, you are so mean," the panda said with a soft moan as he ground back to tease the tanuki further along, feeling his buddy's tip lightly poke and prod against his pucker while his own length started to throb softly against the cushioned table.

Kiros didn't take long in easing his length deep inside, slowly rocking his hips back and forth to slide it in and out again and again letting out small moans of pleasure when the panda would clench, squeezing that warm flesh and those doughy cheeks over him. "S-so lovely... every time," he said while panting.

Kargrash moaned and did his best to grind back on the big tanuki only to blush as he saw the room and even the massage table he had layed on start to change. The table changed to a lush, large bed with the room shifting to be more like an apartment room with only a bit of light being cast onto them now. "If you had wanted a date and playful romp, you should have just asked," he said with a smile while curling his leg to lightly smack the tanuki's rump with his foot.

Kiros growled playfully before hammering in deep and starting to cum as he slowly laid down on top of the panda. "Wouldn't have been nearly as fun," he said with a smirk as he kept up the steady gush of warm mess slowly making the bear's belly bulge out.

"Mmm, evil nuki," he said with a blush as his belly filled with tanuki seed, expanding wider and larger until his belly had pressed back and onto his throbbing length. The soft and sloshing gut got a coating of his own mess as he couldn't hold it any longer.

"I'm not evil. I'm just very full," he said with a chuckle as he kept up filling the panda more and more while his paws gently massaged that bloated gut only to stop when it was three or four times larger than normal. "Mmm, so nice," he mumbled before rolling and pulling Karg to lay on their sides. He slipped an arm under the bear to keep him held tight.

"Were you just trying to work up a teddy bear to snuggle with?" he asked while chuckling softly each motion by him made his big belly wobble; even the tender rubbings from the tanuki made it slosh and shake about. "Also, this is quite a bit for you. Were you just refilling yourself to keep filling me?" he asked before groping the tanuki's tush which only made Kiros jerk a bit and prod his own rump again.

"Mmm, maybe," he said with a playful grin on his face before leaning in to rest his head on the panda's neck gently nibbling and licking to tease. "But that is for me to know and you to never find out," Kiros chuckled before getting cozy with the panda. "Can I ask you something?"

He blushed and shuddered at the nibbling and teasing before looking back to the tanuki. "What would you like to ask sweetie?" he blinked a bit when he was met with a kiss to the lips.

"Will you stay my buddy forever? An I don't mean just a long time..." Kiros hugged the panda tight to him, his arms and legs were gently wrapped around the bear.

"That is quite the question you have for me," he sighed softly as he thought over it slipping a paw down to gently grope and squeeze the tanuki's rump. "As long as you think you are still going to like me after such a long time, then yes I'll be your buddy forever," he said turning as best he could to kiss the tanuki's lips again.

Kiros slid his length free before helping the bear turn around to kiss and snuggle him tight their soft bellies pressed against one another. He rumbled happily in the loving embrace.

Karg smiled and gave the tanuki as tight a squeeze as he could with his hefty sloshing gut. "Just remember, though, if you are feeling off or lonely, come by my place to talk or snuggle. I can't really imagine what it must be like being able to be immortal like you." He kissed the tanuki's cheek. "But I'll be here to help out as much as I can."

Kiros blushed a deep red and held tight the big panda to his gut as he snuggled up with him. "Can we stay like this a while?"

"Hehe, sure thing. This is your place after all. I hope you don't have any customers waiting for their time at the spa." He rumbled softly as he snuggled up to the tanuki.

"Hehe, well I guess they'll have to do a day without the spa," he said with a snap of his fingers before curling up to rest with the panda. "'Cause it's my day with you," he said with a smile.

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