Kyouti's Internship

Story by Kargrash on SoFurry

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#11 of Stories for others

A gift story for my buddy Kyouti featuring the meerkat himself and my character Mark. I only gave it a once over proofreading I hope if you read it that you'll enjoy.

Kyouti belongs to

Kyouti's internship

It was a rather average summer day the sun shining brightly on the outside world, Kyouti sighed lightly as he gazed out the window from his small cubical, he had been a bit strapped for cash for his next venture which was now why he was stuck working as a record keeper for a shipping company as an intern. "I really should have looked a bit more." He mumbled as he typed out another order he had received and sent it to where it needed to go next.

"Kyouti." A female voice called out and making the meerkat perk his ears up and turn to see the lioness that had hired him.

"Y-yes?" He asked as he turned from his computer to face her.

"You are wanted on the top floor by the big boss man, his office will be right in front of you after you get off the elevator." She said with a slight smile before walking off to let the meerkat get to it.

Kyouti rubbed the back of his head already feeling nervous by that, he got up looked over his cubical before heading to the elevator. He shifted a bit straightening his shirt and pants as he rode the elevator up. When the doors opened he was greeted by a large empty office room with a desk set with a computer in the center of the room. "Boss?" He slowly stepped out and into the room letting the elevator shut behind him. On the desk was what looked to be a bluetooth head set and a note. "Mark?" He called out before picking up the note.

"I'd prefer a roof top visit today, please slip the earpiece on and meet me on the roof." The note was unsigned.

Kyou looked over the note a few times before shrugging and fitting the small piece to his head. "Hello?" he said into the mic.

"Oh hello there, is this Kyouti?" A deep voice asked through the headset.

"Yes it is." He said getting used to the device as he started his trip to the stairs that were just beside the elevator. "I'm on my way up just had to make sure this was meant for me." He said as he rushed up the stairs.

"Ah good, I'll see you soon then." Mark said before the device would go silent on the kat's ear.

The meerkat stepped out from the small doorway up onto the roof to once again be greeted by empty space. "Mark? Hello?" He called out as he made his way more towards the center of the roof top hoping to see his boss for the first time in person. After a quick look around the roof top he stopped to rub the back of his head "Uh boss, where are you?" He asked as he noticed it getting dark thinking a cloud must have passed in front of the sun.

"I'm around." Mark said with a chuckle.

Kyouti turned towards where he heard the voice coming from with his non covered ear only to be presented with a huge brown spotted hyena butt descending on him. He barely got a yelp of surprise out of his mouth before the giant sat back onto the top of the building, those cheeks would press down over him the huge hyena's musk filled his nose while he squirmed to break free. "Help! Boss I've been caught by a giant!" he yelled into the mic before he heard the head set cut out. He yelped when a giant finger pushed on him pressing him up and against that musky fleshy hole of the canine's pucker.

The earpiece came alive again with the same deep voice as before "Oh what was that? I didn't quite catch it." Mark said with a soft chuckle as the finger pushed a bit harder on the trapped meerkat pushing him head first up and into the warm fleshy tunnel of the hyena's backside.

"Send for help he is stuffing me up his rump, I'm not joking." He huffed into the earpiece as he flailed his feet in attempts to get away only to feel the finger push him up and in with little trouble soon leaving him snug in the warm rank rectum of the hyena while that fleshy ring closed behind him.

"Aww it wasn't that bad was it?" Mark asked with a playful chuckle as the hyena stood up and started to walk off through the city being extra careful to not step on folks or cars as he made his way to much more open areas. "Besides I promise it won't last long."

Kyou perked his ears up at that and blinked "What do you mean by that?" He slipped his paws down to that fleshy opening and waited.

"I jus- ah!" Mark shuddered lightly and clenched his cheeks when he had felt the kat's paws poke through his pucker only to blush lightly.

"Why didn't you just tell me!?" Kyouti smacked the fleshy walls around him slightly as the hyena's motions swayed him back and forth.

"Hehe oh come on now would that have been any fun?" Mark teased while clenching on the meerkat in his rump "Besides I have it on good authority that you kinda like this stuff." He said with a playful chuckle.

Kyou blushed a deep red at that only to moan softly as he was squeezed tight by the musky flesh his fur and clothes soaked in the warm juices all around him. "You could have spared me the panic by just letting me know you wanted me up your butt..."

Mark chuckled and as they stepped out of the city he made his way into a wooded area far from town before he squatted down as low as he could with his muscles gently flexing around Kyouti "Alright we are here." He said before groaning as he could feel the kat slowly easing out of his pucker only to squeeze his cheeks to keep him from falling.

Kyou blushed and squirmed as he was slowly forced out of the fleshy tunnel only to be squeezed by those toned cheeks, he slowly slipped down landing on the ground below with a soft wet thud followed by a gush of warmth over him which was followed by a coughing fit from him. "What did you eat!?" He asked jokingly.

"I had a small side of meerkat with my jog today." He teased before he leaned forward onto his knees and then turned about to sit facing Kyouti. "I'd suggest getting any phones or other electronics out of your pockets for now, don't worry bout the earpiece it was made with that kind of trip in mind."

Kyouti slowly rolled onto his back and fished out his wallet, keys and phone setting them in a spot in the grass to keep from getting soaked through. He took a few moments to relax taking deep breaths as he did his best to cover up the slight tent in his pants. "So, do you do that with every intern you get?"

"No, just the ones that fail to mark the checkbox about not being eaten. Got to keep it legal ya know." Mark said with a chuckle before stretching a bit. "Now don't worry I didn't bring you here to fire you or have a stern talk, I just noticed you seem to keep on top of things at your job really well, I was kind of wondering if you'd be up to being my secretary? I know it would be quite a different job but I think you could manage to keep things in order for me, you do well enough with the shipping orders."

Kyouti put a paw to his face to keep from chuckling at that. "I think just asking me while we were in the city and I wasn't covered in hyena rump musk would have sufficed." He took a deep breath to relax as he looked up at the giant hyena. "Though I'll have to decline on that offer, I really only joined up to get enough money to fuel my next adventure." He said with a slight chuckle.

Mark nodded and sighed slightly "I see and here I already liked the idea of carrying you about as my secretary on the go." He said with a soft chuckle before reaching down and gently stroking over the meerkat, his finger purposefully pressing the kat onto his back before he'd lightly massage over Kyou's groin teasingly.

The meerkat meeped as he was forced to lay back only to yip and moan lightly at the gentle rubbing and teasing over his tented pants. "Bosss..." he wiggled slightly before letting out another yip as the hyena very gently used his claws to tear the clothes from him quickly leaving him naked on the tatters of his clothes.

"Hehe figured at the very least I could play with you a bit more before I bring you back. Can't just steal you away for a job opportunity, well I guess I could but I don't want you to have worried and stressed out for nothing." He said with a smile and a chuckle as he got up on his knees and started to scoot over the kat.

Kyou blushed as he watched the giant slowly scooting over him, he kept still not wanting to dart off only to be flopped on, he shifted a bit to cover his groin with his tail as he got a good view of the hyena's groin only to yip as Mark sat down the big canine's balls coming to sit on his face while his lower half was pressed on by the giant's tush. "Mmm naughty hyena... who told you by the way? About me that is?"

Mark grins as he slowly wiggles to grind on the meerkat. "Your pops told me, you see we are kind of old friends so when I was talking about you he told me all sorts of things." He said with a chuckle.

Kyouti blushed a deep red as he groaned "Mmm I'm gonna owe him for this." He said in a playful tone as he moaned softly his erect length starting to leak pre.

"Well don't be too harsh on him, this little adventure was all my idea." Mark said with a chuckle before slowly scooting forward to sit and trap the kat between his musky cheeks, he'd clench softly to smoosh Kyou tight between them.

The meerkat blushed and moaned softly between the doughy cheeks grinding his length against it as he gripped the right one as he was being squeezed tight between then he buried his face into the soft flesh as he moaned and coated the spot he was pinned to with kat seed. "Ohhh."

"Hehe glad you liked that." Mark said into the ear piece before reaching a paw back to gently push the kat back up and into his pucker letting out a soft moan of his own as he seals the little fellow inside. "Mmm just relax in there and I'll bring you home for the day." He said with a smile "sound good to you?" He asked as he clenched over the kat.

"Mmm fine by me boss, just don't leave my stuff." He said with a soft smile as he rested in the soft warm flesh that squeezed softly over him he closed his eyes while listening to the soft pulse from the hyena.

"By the way, do you have my number on your phone?" Mark asked as he slowly stood up doing his best to try and relax not wanting to walk into the city while fully erect.

"I don't think so... why?" Kyouti asked as he felt the shifting about, he idly rubbed and squeezed over the soft flesh around him.

"Well the way I figure it, if you are off on an adventure and need to be picked up I could swing by and take you home." Mark said with a grin on his face as he made his way towards the kat's listed address.

"Hmmm sounds like a plan to me." Kyou said with a chuckle before being squeezed on and slipped a bit deeper into the hyena. "Careful you don't pull me too far."

Mark smiled as he squatted down in the kat's backyard and groans as he pushes Kyouti back out while slowly stroking over his length waiting for the little fellow to plop out onto the ground before turning about.

Kyouti blushed as he was pushed out of the hyena's rump again taking a moment to adjust to the cool breeze blowing through the area before letting out a yip as Mark turned about that throbbing hyena length pointed towards him. "Boss?" He got out before a gush of hyena seed flooded over him.

"Sorry about that, couldn't really help it with such a sweetie passenger." Mark said with a smile as he looked over the drenched meerkat. He set Kyou's effects over in a dry spot of the yard. "Take the rest of the day off don't worry about your pay you'll still get a full day."

Kyou slowly got up from the sticky mess. "Okay boss. I'll see you tomorrow perhaps?" He asked while looking up to the hyena after clearing his eyes of the musky mess.

"Maybe, I really only stop by the office if I need to get in touch with someone there, otherwise I'm running our same day deliveries." Mark smiled "Though if you want, you could drive out to where we were after 8pm and we'll see what comes of that." The hyena slowly stood up and walked off. "Oh and bring the ear piece in tomorrow and give it to Emily the lioness she'll know what to do with it. Have a good day." He said with a happy rumble before heading off.

Kyouti took a few more minutes to take it all in before getting up grabbing his stuff and heading inside to clean off and relax all the while wondering how tomorrow would turn out.

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