Red vs Blue

Story by Kargrash on SoFurry

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A short story involving my goo tiger Jake and my buddy 's gooey lion having a bit of fun at the expense of a local football team.

Red vs Blue

Night had fallen on the city the brisk winds left the streets rather empty so late into the day, Jake held his large gut as he made his way one small baby step at a time. The hefty goo tiger cracked the pavement under his feet if he so much as shifted his stance. "Do you think we over did it a little bit?" He asked while looking to his equally hefty goo lion friend.

"Nah, besides I think they'll be happy that we cleared out all that junk." Alex patted his belly only to be met with a rather solid resistance.

"It's just hard to keep it so compacted..." Jake groaned, the two had cleaned out a few small demolished buildings and most of a nearby landfill only to neatly compact their excess goo down to pass as slightly taller than normal furs.

"You'll get used to it I'm sure." Alex said while walking along trying to get to a normal pace, the sound of cracking sidewalk and the small craters that were made, made the lion chuckle "Erm maybe not."

Jake chuckled softly as they very slowly made their way through the city leaving small dents in the ground and any buildings their tails happened to smack into. They were nearly half way home when Jake spotted something; the football stadium had a team bus sitting outside of it the rest of the parking lot was empty. "I think I know what we could do to get some of the extra weight off." He said in a playful tone as he looked from Alex to the stadium.

"Oh and just what might this idea be hm?" Alex asked with a chuckle before watching as Jake let his form grow and stretch to a size suitable for his weight, the giant blue goo tiger then took a seat his legs straddling the left half of the football stadium his groin pressed against the outer wall. "I like where this is headed." He said with a grin as he let his own body swell out in size before taking a seat opposite the tiger. Their gooey feet touching on either side blocking the exits, he let his big red goo belly fill the seats in front of him. "So... who gets who for their team?"

Jake smirked as he let globs of his form drip down in on part of the team that was training there and suiting them up in his blue goo and forcing them to start putting away the training equipment while the rest got slathered in Alex's goop. "Well, this is all well and good but I don't think there are enough empty bellies on the team to get rid of all of our excess..."

Alex grinned at that "hehe I got an idea for that." He forced a large panda to pick up a ball and bring it to the center of the field. "If your team gets the ball to my goal I'll let you empty out into them, but if my team gets the ball to your goal I get to feed them."

Jake nodded slowly "Alright, sounds simple enough." He forced the group he had taken control of to gather on his side of the ball, while Alex's team gathered on the opposite side.

"On the count of three. One... Two...THREE!" Alex yelled as both sides rushed towards the ball to pick it up the panda that had brought the ball to the field got his paws on it first only to be tackled by a dragon Jake had controlled. "Ooh that was a good..." Alex chuckled softly when he saw that the dragon had forced itself onto the bear kissing and grinding on him. "Hey now, that's cheating."

Jake smiled as he had all but one member of his team start to tease and please Alex's team making them pant and shudder with his fennec fox grabbing the ball and making a run for the goal line.

"Oh you evil." Alex said with a smile as he forced a hefty hound to break away from the sex pile to chase after the fox it's uniform all but broken down in Alex's attempt to make him faster.

Jake watched on as he forced the fox into a sprint, it was almost photo finish worthy when the fox reached out only to be tackled to the ground the ball bouncing from his hand and into the goal before the goos would make the two make out. "Hehe looks like I won." Jake said with a smirk only to blink a bit when he noticed red tendrils already pumping the red coated furs full. "Now who was cheating again?" He asked with a roll of his eyes as he started to fatten up his own team watching the squirming mass bloat up soon leaving the two goos staring at a large group of fatties all conked out where they laid.

Alex smiled "I actually think I found a solution to our problem without leaving one of us having to be extra large." He said with a grin as he leaned over the stadium and kissed the tiger on the lips slowly absorbing Jake bit by bit the blue feline shrinking further in size with every passing moment.

Jake smiled at first letting his buddy break apart pieces of himself to be absorbed, his pleasure slowly turning to panic as the absorption sped up. "Please be careful!" Jake yelled nearly normal sized by the time he could free his head rather fearful of being dissolved completely.

"Aww I would never fully churn up my goo buddy." Alex said with a soft imitated purr and a kiss to his blueberry flavored friend's body. "I just have a much better use for this now." Alex set Jake down in the top row of seats before shifting to squat over the field. "Now instead of the super bowl it's the super toilet bowl." He said with a grin as he spread his hefty cheeks and started to push out a strong strawberry smelling goo out onto the field.

"Aren't you just spreading yourself out again?" Jake asked a bit confused at the action as he watched his massive buddy start to shrink.

"Nah the goo I'm pushing out is waste I just pull all the control from it and it becomes inert kind of like what furs and humans normally push out." He said as he imitated a loud fart splattering the seats with the inert goo.

Jake nodded slowly while he moved to take a seat next to his buddy's leg watching as the mass slowly piled up in the field covering the players and the full field within minutes. "Will they be alright under all that?"

"Don't worry about them they just munch a little air pocket if they are that well covered and they'll be fine." He smirked when he heard a van door open the two goos looking to see a news van had pulled up.

"That's not good..." Jake watched on as they started to set up only to blink as Alex's large gooey tail slowly curled it's way around the small news crew and hoisted them up and into the stadium.

"I've got quite a show to give em." Alex said with a smirk as he pressed them down into the sugary waste before pushing out more mess on top of them as he resumed filling the place to shrink himself down.

After nearly a half hour and a few news crews later Jake was standing beside his buddy. He looked out into the huge mound of mess the few reporters that Alex had snagged were stuffed kicking and screaming into the pile that nearly over flowed out of the stadium. "You did one heck of a number on this place." Jake said with a playful chuckle before noticing the big belly the lion still had. "Not going to empty yourself all out?" He asked as they leapt from the top of the stadium and into the parking lot landing with a soft splat before standing up again.

"Nah, never know when you might need to fe-" He was cut off by a human running up to them.

"Do you know what you have just done! I'm going to sue you until you are bo-" The man's ranting was cut short when Alex turned about and used his gooey tail to pull the man against his plump rump head first.

"Told ya." He said with a playful smirk to Jake as he started to push forcing the sugary waste down the human's throat while they flailed about helplessly.

Jake blushed a brighter blue as he watched the human's belly swell wider and wider with each pound of waste. The human's fighting to get free slowing down until they eventually passed out. "I think you should show me how you do that some time, seems pretty handy." Jake said with a soft chuckle as the human's head was pushed free with a soft wet plop there head coated in the red sugary waste.

Alex smiled and nodded before peeking over to the large doors as the panda slowly walked its way out towards them still coated from head to toe in the red goo. "Hehe there is my champ player, couldn't really stop your little fox though." He said as he bent over before forcing the bear to push and wiggle it's way up and into his gooey body stretching him out until it was like the panda was wearing a red goo lion suit.

"You are just going to up and take him hm?" Jake asked as the bear looked about seeming a bit panicked at all that had happened.

"Well of course, he was still mine after our little game." He said with a playful purr "Besides I think given time he'll love being fed and kept all cozy."

Jake stopped and thought about it for a moment before looking over as he guided the small fennec fox out from under all the mess in the stadium, he picked up the little fox carrying him like one might a pet, the vulpine looked about obviously nervous. "I see what you mean. Hehe they can be kinda cute." He said giving the fox's head a few pets before stowing the vulpine away in his gut space.

"Hehe how about after they demolish that warehouse just outside the city, we'll go in and churn up all we need for me to show you how to do things... like that." Alex said with a grin as he looked to the passed out human. "Wanna cause some trouble while we walk?" He asked with a playful smile as he formed an average sized barbed length for himself.

"Sounds like fun to me." Jake said as he turned about and felt that length slip up and inside his rump nearly prodding the fox inside; to them it was no different than holding hands. He purred softly as they walked home upsetting more than a few passerby who saw them.

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