Foxy Troubles

Story by Kargrash on SoFurry

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A dirty little story featuring my fennec fox Trevor and my buddy's hound and panda.

Trevor belongs to me.

Shade and Tj belong to

Foxy Troubles

It was late but the music from the local nightclub was loud, Trevor smiled as he danced through the crowd the little fennec fox only about hip height to most. As the music died down between songs he made his way towards the bathroom giving a few squeezes to ample rumps he passed by on his way.

Shade had been standing outside the stall a short while now, the hound's belly grumbling as he waited for the fellow in the large stall to finish. "Come on, before I decide to add you to th-" he sighed in relief at the sound of a flush followed by the stall opening up with the wolf that had been inside it darting out. "Fina-" he yelped softly when he felt a small paw firmly grope his tush but by the time he had turned to face whoever it was they had darted into the stall. "Oh you little..."

Trevor chuckled softly slipping his shorts and underwear off as he sat down, a blush across his muzzle as he relaxed, closing his eyes for a moment only to yip softly when he felt a fuzzy tail coil around his ankles and hold him there to the seat followed by the sound of a heavy pair of shorts hitting the ground before he'd open his eyes to spot that big bare hell hound butt. "Hi Sh-" He was cut off as he was sat back on.

Shade smirked as he sat back on the little butt grabber, he let out a loud gassy fart followed by pushing to work the muddy mess down over the vulpine's body. "Think you can just zip by and take what you want without consequences hm?" He said with a chuckle as the foul waste poured out over the sides of the toilet seat and about as much funneled between the fox's legs and into the toilet bowl.

Trevor gagged a bit at the humid and rank air being pushed out over him. He shuddered feeling that mess slowly push down and over his body the wet brown filth sinking into his fur, sliding between his legs and down over his groin and into the toilet. The scent and warmth made him wiggle as best he could while more and more was pressed down and over him getting into his muzzle and nose forcing him to gulp it down. He was almost about to get cozy after the last log had been squeezed out, when he felt those cheeks squeeze on his hips and pluck him up. He yipped getting another mouthful of mess before he'd curl his tail tight around the base of the hound's own to keep from going up and in fully.

The big hound patted his slightly less rounded belly while he emptied out, only to grin when he felt that vulpine tail curl round the base of his own. "Hehe cute though I think I got the advantage here." He teased as he clenched again only to groan as his tail was gripped tight still. He reached back to uncurl the fluffy fox tail from his own "Don't worry I think you'll look good on me." He teased again his belly letting out a low gurgle before getting a whiff of a familiar scent and brought one of his paws up to his muzzle to sniff a bit of loose fox fur. "Foxy?"

The fennec fox squirmed and pushed on the fleshy walls to give himself a bit of speaking room "Yeah it's me." He yelled his voice muffled by the pounds of hound muscle and fat around him.

"Hehe well why didn't ya say something? I'd have just sat on your head and fed ya directly." He said with a smirk. "You can let go sweetie I'll keep my foxy safe." He said with a loud rumble as his belly quieted down, he clenched again this time those mess covered legs and that fluffy tail slip out of sight to leave a small bulge on his belly.

Trevor relaxed his grip as he was pulled up and through the still slightly messy tunnels, only to blush when he was pulled up and into that expanse of a warm belly the juices washing his fur slightly though left him alone. "Silly naughty hound." He said with a chuckle "Sorry about the panda." He mentioned with a grin.

Shade blinked a bit at the odd comment only to yip when the door to the stall made a light click sound, he looked up from his belly to see the massive panda butt over him.

"Thought you could just play with my tush and then hide in a hound hm? Nice try foxy." Tj smirked and plopped back onto the hound who slipped up and in with a wet squelch only to be followed by a cracking sound from the toilet under the massive panda and hound butts.

"It was all Shade's idea." Trevor yelled to be heard from the hound's belly before he chuckled and curled up tight in the warm fleshy belly.

"I di-" Shade didn't get to finish before having his maw packed with the bear's warm mess what didn't get pushed down onto the little fox inside started to splurt and push out onto the floor coating all of their dropped clothes in mess before it'd pile and slowly expand over into the other stall coating the floor over there too.

Tj smirked and patted his gut as the hound inside started to bloat up, the canine's swelling gut made for an easy grab when he clenched his fatty cheeks over Shade's own, plucking the hound up and off the toilet in only a few moments. He'd then stand up leaving a mountain of mess all over the toilet. He grabbed up their shorts and underwear then balled them all up before stuffing the clothes into the hound's tail maw to get back later. "Now you two be good in there." He said with a chuckle as he stepped from the stall to wash his paws.

"That is disgusting!" A rabbit yelled when he entered the nightclub's bathroom and noticed the massive pile of shit coming from the large stall.

Trevor and Shade both chuckled softly from within the panda's gut when they felt TJ make his way over. "Ya know what is more disgusting?" Tj lifted the bunny up, they squirm and thrash about before he brought the bunny behind him to be wiped between those fatty cheeks as the panda cleaned his back side as best he could, soon left with a yelling shit stained bunny before he'd stuff the loud mouth head first down into the large rounded wastebasket . "Being toilet paper." He said before heading out of the bathroom and out from the club without a care in the world.

Trevor did his best to get cozy in that mess filled belly, closing his eyes as he rested there. He was soon snoozing peacefully as he was swayed back and forth by the panda and hound's motions. The next thing he remembered is opening his eyes to a large wet tongue lapping over his face. He then took a moment to look about only to find himself snug between the panda bear's moobs. "Oh, hello there." He said with a smile before kissing the bear's lips. His ears perked when he heard the big bear's belly wobble and slosh, he pulled back to see what was going on.

"Don't worry he'll be fine, for now just get cozy little teddy fox." Tj smiled and nibbled over the fennec's large ears.

Trevor blushed and nibbled back before licking over the bear's muzzle softly. "Oh just going to keep me hostage a while?" he asked with a playful chuckle.

Tj smirked "Well of course, after making a mess over our clothes I'll need something to slip in back to be my underwear for a while." He said with a grin before he lapped over the fox's muzzle a few more times, nodding off to sleep a little while after.

The little fox soon followed suit a red blush across his muzzle as he pictured how the following days were going to play out.

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