[SotO] Chapter 8: New Lives

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#8 of Shadow of the Oasis

I was thinking about doing a 1st Aprils Fool here today but then decided to be one of the few that do serious business here.

And so it is the next chapter you probably have been waiting for.

I am writing every weekend a bit now to get the next chapter for next month in time.

I am not able to speed it up though because there are a lot of other projects (and work) and some free time activity (and work) and friends (and work) and health and work that take away most of my time. (Unfortunately it does not look like it is changing much in the next months.)

I will however find the time to write for you and also I will most likely keep up with the 1 every month update.

I missed Eastern (and a special there) because of my tight time plan right now (I am sorry for that).

I plan (if I got time) to make up for it with a special of one of my other stories but this might take a bit until it is finished.

I hope you at least enjoy this months chapter.


All characters in this story as well as the story are copyright by me (Imya). Please do not repost or use characters without permission. You may do fan art of the characters (this is very welcome) but please link the story to the fan art.

This story is pure fictional and meant for entertainment only. All actions and characters in the story are pure fantasy and in a fantasy world.

The age circle in this story does not follow human standards but the standards for each respective animal that was used as reference for the characters. For legal reasons all actors of this story are adults (in this fantasy world).

This story does contain sexual and erotic content of feral big cats also involving cubs and adolescent big cats of different species with an adult lion.

If you are under the legal age for your country (normally 18),feel offended by this or do not like this kind of content please do not read any further. For the rest: Please enjoy.

Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 8: New Lives

"Conceal yourself better. You have to crouch very low on the ground." Chuma was training the cubs and even Leta took part to learn how to hunt in packs. Bina crouched down a bit more. With her growth spurt she had problems to maneuver her body as good as before. After a few tries she managed to stalk between the trees like he instructed. Her dark fur helped her to hide in the shadows.

"Very good" Chuma praised her and looked to Aisha and Leta who were good in sync slowly snuck up on him while going around coming from the opposite direction of the wind. Sanura followed the dotted females and made big process with her sneaking even though she would not yet join the hunt but she trained with small creatures.

Kani and Kamaria had more problems with it still like Bina. While Kani still was too loud and did not regard every branch and leaf that could make a sound, Kamaria had more problems with concealing herself because of her white fur. She tried her best but without grass to hide her she was like a warning signal whenever a ray of light caught her. But she got better at avoiding the rays every time and dashed silently from tree to tree that Chuma was sure she soon would be a silent hunter like none other. She was the one getting the best results with sneaking silently. When Chuma closed his eyes he still could hear every one of them but Kamaria. As long as she did not step into the light no prey would hear her coming and if they would not look she would be perfect.

It had been 3 months since the end of the heat of Leta. A lot of changes happened. On the one hand Chuma was not as horny as before with no kitten in heat around him. In the last month he only had one day where he could not bear his arousal and the licking of Kani did not solve his urges. The now 14 month old cub enjoyed the mating that followed though much more than any other cubs, accept Aisha, did. Leta had become very round. She ate for two and Chuma was sure that it would not take long until the cubs were born. He was excited to see how cute they would be.

All the cubs had changed a lot. Sanura, now 8 months old, still had her cub features but she grew a bit bigger and even cuter every day. Kamaria, now exactly one year old, was the beauty of the cubs. Her white fur and her slender figure was already that of a lioness even though she still was growing. She nearly was as big as Kani who nearly reached her final size. She was already a full grown lioness at least from her body and nearly as beautiful as Kamaria.

Aisha grew a lot as well and was fully grown. As a cheetah she was clearly smaller than the lions but still bigger than Leta who was only half the size of Chuma. Sometimes the male wondered how the small Leta had managed to bear him atop of her. She was only a fifth of his weight. On the other hand, she had been bigger than Bina who also managed to take him atop even though not as often. Bina outgrew Leta at least in the past months. She lost her cub features and became a beautiful lioness that looked a bit like a smaller version of Kani except for the white scar on Kani's leg, a reminder of the attack of the hunters when Chuma saved them. She now was the same size as Aisha even though as a lioness she was bulkier and nearly twice the weight of the cheetah woman.

"This is enough training for today. Let's see if you catch something today." Chuma called out to the girls and they assembled around him. Sanura was excited and wanted to join the others but Chuma held her back. "You will stay with Leta sweetheart. You have to grow a bit more until you can join the hunt." The cub made a sulking face but obediently followed Leta to the lake to play. Because it was harder for the leopard female with her big belly to run around and hunt she started to take a pause from hunting while Chuma led the others to get food. It was the first hunt for Kamaria and the girl was as excited as Sanura had been before.

"We will do it like last time just with Kamaria joining Aisha to lead the prey to us." Aisha was the best runner and had learned how to lead the prey into the trap. They talked about Kamaria before and because of her fur color she would be better as a beater than laying the ambush. They set out to the hunt. Chuma looked back at Sanura and Leta who now arrived at the lake. The expecting female lay down and watch the cub playing close to the water. Looking at the big belly of Leta, Chuma already thought about the joy when Sanura would finally be old enough to have his litters. This would be over a year in the future though and before that he would have a lot of other bellies to fill. Now however they set out together to get a different kind of fill for their bellies and Chuma pushed the horny thoughts away to concentrate on the hunt.

Today it was Kani's turn to lead them to the prey and the black lioness ran in front sniffing in the air to get a scent of an okapi. It took her an hour to finally pick up the scent. Chuma had been close to giving her hints a few times but decided to let the cub try by herself. They had to learn how to find the prey. When Kani finally was sure that she had the right scent she signaled them into the direction and Kamaria followed Aisha to go around it with a big circle. The others and Chuma crouched down behind a few bushes and watched and listened to every movement. Chuma could make out three okapis by the smell but he did not see them yet. He heard the silent steps of Aisha running away while Kamaria followed her like a ghost and made no sound. It took a few minutes until they finally heard a loud surprised shout of one of the okapis and the thundering of their hoofs. They tried to run into a different direction but turned and closed in. Chuma got ready to jump. Bina and Kani did the same and then the okapi rushed through the bushes. Chuma jumped at the biggest one and saw in the corner of his eye that Bina and Kani followed his direction. Kani missed her okapi by a hair but Bina landed the bite right at the throat and slammed the prey to the ground. On her second attempt Kani at least managed to get the okapi off balance and jumped on it. She was not as effective as Bina but with the help of Aisha and Kamaria that now appeared as well panting from their run she managed to kill the okapi. Chuma let his limb okapi fall out of his muzzle and nodded. "Very good girls. I think you are a real hunting party now!" he praised them and the girls looked happy. "You also did great." He said to Kamaria who stood there panting and watching up to him with a proud smile. "You are now an adult lioness Kamaria." The smile of the girl vanished when he moved over her and bit into her neck. She moaned from the sudden endorphins traveling through her body. The other cubs just watched him mount Kamaria. They knew that this would happen as he also had celebrated their first successful hunt the same way. They lay down and watched Chuma push forward while Kamaria groaned at the first entry.

Kamaria groaned from the pain that shot through her loins. Even though she had grown her pussy still was too tight for the entry of the big male. In the last weeks she had have a break from his assaults but she still reacted the same like last time and just submitted, braced herself and endured Chuma as long as it might take. She felt his barbs scratching her tunnel sore within a few minutes by moving back and forth slowly. His tip poked at her cervix and tried to enter her womb. Very slowly she felt herself lube up with her own juices which made the entry of him a bit pleasurable. Her insides were warm from the exercise and burned from the sore flesh and the scratching barbs. But deep under all the pain this strange kind of arousal and pleasure crept in and she moaned very faintly under her groans. She felt Chuma let loose of her scruff but she did not even think about trying to escape from under him. Not because she did not wish him to dismount her but because she learned to be submissive under him and endure it. She just clenched her eyes shut and spread her hind legs a bit more to have a steady stand and hold his heavy weight upon herself. Chuma licked her neck and ears and grunted loud with each push. She felt tears form and roll down her cheeks but the hot tongue of Chuma soon washed over her face while he still humped away at her. It felt like a very long time before Kamaria could feel him splash into her tiny womb. He had finally managed to break through her cervix and now his balls were clenching and emptying their load into the infertile cub. The warm goo triggered her own orgasm that she had not even noticed was forming and she contracted around his hot member milking more and more spurts from him. He stayed atop of her until his spurts and her clenches died down and to her surprise he dismounted her instead of directly going again.

"You did great." He repeated his praise from earlier but Kamaria was not sure if he still meant the hunt or enduring him atop of her. She opened her eyes and saw all the other girls watching. This made her feel a bit embarrassed. She wanted to clean the slimy spunk that now exited her snatch drip by drip, making her lips feel weird and slippery and running along her legs. She put her tail over her private place to hide the evidence of the act they just witnessed from the others. "You take your prey home." Chuma requested from her and she picked up the okapi and followed the other girls. Chuma went last. Kamaria felt weird and uncomfortable with more and more slimy spunk dripping out of her snatch and running down her legs. It felt warm but sticky. She clenched her pussy lips and tried to keep most of it inside but the feeling of her walls being coated by the semen was as weird as having it run down her legs.

Chuma had asked the other girls to stop for a moment and Kamaria, still exhausted from the hunt, also stopped. Suddenly she felt a warm tongue lick over her ass and the tail base. She knew what would happen when she felt the breath of Chuma but her body was conditioned to submit to him and against her will her tail rose and showed her sticky backside. The tail base was also slimy from the spunk that dripped out and smeared everything over her pucker as well. Chuma licked around her tail base and pussy and cleaned up a bit of his own spunk. It felt good to get this sticky liquid taken away and Kamaria went into a wide stance to give him access and closed her eyes while waiting for him to clean her up. But after a few licks she felt his weight above her. The okapi dropped down from her muzzle when she moaned from his bite and then groaned from his entry. Chuma pumped in and out of the submissive cub and Kamaria closed her eyes again. She knew the others were watching but she did not want to see them. It would make it much more embarrassing. She soon felt him spurt inside of her womb again and her belly stretched a bit to a bulge. This time he did not dismount. Kamaria was not sure if this was just because he was so horny or because she did not climax yet. Chuma pushed through his spurts and licked over the neck of Kamaria to stimulate her in addition. With his second orgasm inside her womb she also came down with her own climax and after her spasms died down he pulled out leaving even more sticky ropes and drops around her nether area.

On their way back Chuma jumped atop of Kamaria two more times. She felt sore and dirty with all the spunk now covering her hind legs, her ass and tail. The male even had her suck him off with her muzzle once when he noticed that she was groaning in a lot of pain from her sore tunnel so her mouth and throat now were slimy and full of his taste. Chuma walked directly next to her and licked over her head every now and then. If Kamaria would not have had the bad feeling, he would jump her again she would have enjoyed his constant signals of affection towards her much more.

Leta knew exactly what happened because she had seen the other girls come home from their first hunt dripping with Chuma's cum before. She greeted the exhausted cub with a nudge and licked over her face. She had to stretch herself up because Kamaria was already much bigger than the leopard. Chuma spend the evening close to Kamaria. He controlled himself better than with the other girls and just cuddled up with her for the night's sleep. Kamaria purred and seemed to have forgotten the agony that he put her through. The only reminder of it was the white spunk that dripped from her snatch. The other girls had cleaned her up but a bit still pushed out every now and then from the liquid that escaped her relaxing cervix.

One week later Leta left the cave with a last eye contact with Chuma. They had talked about it before. Actually it had been Chuma who brought it up. He knew that lionesses left the pride to have their young until they were a few weeks old. Leopards normally were parting from the father of their cubs much earlier and did not reunite afterwards. In a way she felt like she would just not return but something kept her here. She loved Chuma, not only because of the cubs but him as a male. It was very unusual behavior for a leopard and she knew it but she did not care. Chuma had told her about a cave that was at the borders of the pride territory. It was comfy and good to keep the cubs safe. He also told her that he would leave food at a rock a few hundred steps away so she would not have to hunt and leave the cubs alone for too long. Everything was planned out already.

The walk to the cave was long and she had to stop to take a breath every hour. The sun was already setting when she finally found the cave. The entrance was hidden behind a big bush but with the description of Chuma she found it without problem. She lay down exhausted and felt the litters move in her belly. "Soon you will see this wonderful world." She whispered and smiled while her paw ran over her big belly. With a last thought about Chuma and the girls and what they would do right now she finally fell asleep while the river was mumbling silently in front of the cave.

Chuma was very nervous. Leta left them over one month ago and he just hoped everything was okay with her and the cubs. She got the food he left her at the agreed point every three days so he was sure she was okay but it could have also been another predator who took the food. He had stopped himself from checking at the cave because he knew, from his old pride, that females did not want to be disturbed and could be very aggressive when a male came close to the cubs in the first weeks. He did not even follow his urges because he was thinking about Let and her cubs the whole day. The other girls knew what he was worried about and did not bother him when he lay on his rock and just looked into the distance. They had become a very good hunting team and did not have to go with them anymore. They did the hunting alone without him now and he stayed with Sanura and watched her play or, if the cub requested, joined in her games.

One evening when they just wanted to go into the den he caught a glimpse of movement at the edge of the clearing. He put his nose into the air and smelled a familiar smell. The other girls were surprised when he suddenly turned around and ran down the path at the cliff to the lake. "Leta! I am happy to see you again!" he greeted her while falling into a trot. He saw two small cubs that were quickly hiding behind their mother and Leta stopped to look at him. "Hello Chuma!" she replied. "We finally made it." She turned to the cubs. "It is okay. This is your father. He will not hurt you."

Chuma smiled when he saw the cubs peeking around their mother. They were still very shy but showed curiosity as well. "Hello little ones." He greeted them and stopped in front of Leta. "Nice to meet you." One of the cubs made one step around the let of Leta but quickly retreated when he winked with an eye. "They will get used to you." Said Leta and laughed. "Let us go inside. I am very exhausted." Chuma led them up the path and behind the waterfall. The cubs stayed very close to their mother and when they entered the den they looked even more nervous because they were directly surrounded by the other girls. They all wanted to have a look at the litters of Leta and praised her for her cute cubs. There were two girls. Leta named one of them "Laia" and the other one "Chari". Leta lay down and had them drink their dinner before she curled around them and cuddled to sleep. Chuma decended behind Leta and cuddled close to her while licking over her head. "I missed you." He whispered and peeked over her flank to the cubs that now closed their eyes and directly fell asleep. "They look exhausted." He whispered while the other females also lay down to sleep. "Naturally!" Leta replied. "They walked the whole day. It was a long way for the little ones but now we are finally home. "I thought you might not come back." Chum admitted. "I mean, leopards normally do not live in a pride, right?" Leta turned her head up and licked his muzzle. "I am not like other leopards anymore. You changed me." She purred and then put her head on her legs. "Can we exchange our stories of the last month tomorrow?" she asked and yawned. "I am also very sleepy." Chuma just put his head on her shoulders and closed his eyes as well. "Good night my love." He breathed into her ear and then also prepared for the night. He had trouble to sleep for a long time and just listened to the breath of the other females. He was sure that some of the other girls also were not sleeping but watching them every now and then but he did not open his eyes. He was proud and happy to be a father. He already was sure that these cubs were the cutest cubs in the world. They looked like slightly smaller lion cubs but they had a faint marking in their fur that looked just like the dots of their mother.

The next weeks went by in a flash and the cubs slowly got used to all the other felines in the den. They loved to play with Sanura while the other females were on the hunt and they also cuddled up with Chuma when they were tired. One month passed by and another month and they soon were 3 months old and reminded Chuma about how Sanura had been when he found her. Laia and Chari became bundles of joy and kept Chuma busy when he watched over their play. Even though he could get less rest he was happy about this time that was like a reminder to his start at this hideout.

Then the day came where Sanura finally was old enough to join the hunter squad, a day she had been excited about for a long time. Because it was such a special day Chuma joined the hunting party and left the cubs with Leta. All the females had improved a lot and even Kamaria was now nearly impossible to see because she perfected the way to prowl around in the shadows and with her silent steps made it so much harder to notice her. Chuma was impressed from the progress all of them made and Sanura already was a great huntress. The other girls had taught her all they knew and learned from experience and the little girl was like a sponge and took all the knowledge and wisdom in. Because of her skills Kamaria had become the leader of the hunting party and Kani was her second in command. They knew exactly where to find the prey and it only took them one hour before they had a nice catch of two big okapis and Sanura did the final blow on one of them. Chuma praised her and all the other girls expected him to directly jump on her but Chuma controlled himself. Sanura was special after all and he had sworn to himself to wait until she was in heat and make her the queen of the pride at this time. Naturally the other girls knew that and were only a bit surprised that he controlled his urges. He could not completely ignore it though and licked over her nethers and washed her in a very intimate way like he did a lot of times before. She had given him muzzlejobs before and did not think anything wrong with returning his favor to him. So he did not penetrate her little snatch but at least he got her muzzle a few times until her head looked messy from his spurts.

Like any other first hunt he spend the day with Sanura and snuggled up with her for the night. Finally, the last of the cubs he saved peeked into adulthood and joined the ranks of the hunters. He was proud that he managed to bring them this far. With a satisfied purr he fell asleep unaware that the next day would bring another pleasant surprise to him.

[SotO] Chapter 9: Grown up

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 9: Grown up Chuma woke up and something was different. He was not sure what and this alarmed him. He got up and looked down at the sleeping Sanura. He did not have the sense of danger but something just was different...

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[SotO] Chapter 7: Little Princess

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 7: Little Princess The first thing Chuma noticed when he woke up was the heat scent of Leta. It got a bit weaker showing that her heat started to decline but it was enough to have him erect directly. The tip of his...

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[SotO] Chapter 6: Secret or no secret

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 6: Secret or no secret Bina and Kani were quite exhausted. They joined the other cubs in breakfast but did not rush out with the others. Chuma let them explain the reasons and the others cubs took the excuse that...

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