[SotO] Chapter 6: Secret or no secret

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#6 of Shadow of the Oasis

A new month, a new chapter of this story. For now I will keep with monthly releases. If I find more time to write for Sofurry I will increase the rate.

I am also thinking of a story game to add here in addition. This would be a game where I would update more frequently smaller posts and you can decide where the story goes.

So you decide what the main character does and have a few options (and stats). I will then write what happens based on your decisions (or the decision of the majority).

I would however only do this if there is enough people who want to participate in this. If you would like this idea please comment in this story and say if you want me to do this project. (It will only work if there are enough people playing. :))

I hope you all got a good start into the new year. My start was okay. I managed to already do a few things I wanted to do and up to now my health still hangs in there. :)

Without further delay I want you to enjoy this chapter.


All characters in this story as well as the story are copyright by me (Imya). Please do not repost or use characters without permission. You may do fan art of the characters (this is very welcome) but please link the story to the fan art.

This story is pure fictional and meant for entertainment only. All actions and characters in the story are pure fantasy and in a fantasy world.

The age circle in this story does not follow human standards but the standards for each respective animal that was used as reference for the characters. For legal reasons all actors of this story are adults (in this fantasy world).

This story does contain sexual and erotic content of feral big cats also involving cubs and adolescent big cats of different species with an adult lion.

If you are under the legal age for your country (normally 18),feel offended by this or do not like this kind of content please do not read any further. For the rest: Please enjoy.

Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 6: Secret or no secret

Bina and Kani were quite exhausted. They joined the other cubs in breakfast but did not rush out with the others. Chuma let them explain the reasons and the others cubs took the excuse that they wanted to sleep an hour or so longer and rushed out into the morning sun. They cuddled up in a corner of the den while Chuma directed all his attention to Leta who also just woke up. He was able to control himself for as long as she was eating some food and he also replenished his energy with a bite. He noticed that he had to hunt today if they did not want to go starving. He sighed thinking about it but this was one of his duties as their guardian and he was not about to cut short on this task. He himself did not want to go hungry too after all.

Leta drew his attention away from his thoughts to her snatch by presenting and mewling eagerly. Chuma looked at her hind and saw her pussy juiced up strongly. He wondered how long her heat would keep going. Taken the days they mated and that it had possibly not been the first day of her heat when he met her, the heat would stop any day now. He felt his member getting painfully hard while his nostrils flared and he pushed away the heavy thoughts and his mind dove into arousal once again. If this was to be one of the last days of her heat he was sure to make the best out of it. Without any further hesitation he mounted her and pushed his member deep into her hot waiting pussy. He felt like melting and let his mind go into a rut. Leta sure did not complain. The effect her heat had on Chuma was only a split of the arousal and urges she felt from it and Chuma soon heard her chirp and mewl under him in ecstasy. This time he did not pull out as much as the day before. Like in the night with Bina and Kani he pushed through his orgasm filling her while preparing for the next shot already. He totally forgot that the two dark furred cubs were still in the cave and slept not far from them. His mind did not care about anything around him. He just thought about Leta and how to pump her full with cubs. He was sure that no further semen was needed for that but her heat still had his breeding instincts on overdrive. Chuma started to lick her head and neck while he mated her and Leta showed total submission to him licking him back or just standing there for him to take her as he pleased. While humping her Chuma wondered in the back of his mind what made Leta stay and have a lion take her so many days. Either her heat was really mind blowing and would make her forget who rimmed her just now or she was starting to develop feelings for him. He certainly had feelings for her. For him she was already a part of his pride and if he could help it he would not let her go anymore. It was not only about rimming her but he also wanted to see their cubs and place a new batch into his girl when the time would come again for her to go into heat. While resting atop of her and spurting into her hot womb Chuma pushed away the thoughts of the future. He would worry about it when it came but he had a more important job at hand right now. He did not have to think about future heats but his attention was to tend to her current heat here and now. He felt her start to climax as well and began his pushes again. He pushed right into her twitching tunnel and made her roar in a climax that was prolonged by him taking her rough and finally spurting a new batch of litters into her. He felt his own energy dropping down as well as his spurts entered her already overfilled womb and he rested atop of her while continuing his caring licks on her head. He felt the spasms of her go weaker and her body relax until she lay down to rest. Chuma still stood over her while she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep with his dick dripping on her tail base.

A soft lick over his balls startled him and he looked back. Kani stood behind him with a smile and started to clean off his nether region. In the corner of the den Chuma could see Bina watching her actions with interest. Both of the cubs must have been awake for some time now because he could not see any sleepiness in their eyes. He just realized that he gave them a first seat show on mating but to his surprise he did not care as much as he thought. If anything it aroused him even more and at least Kani seemed to be aroused by the show rather than being disgusted. Chuma remembered that he took them already so they knew about mating by now. Thinking further he had taken all of the cubs except Sanura already so was it really needed to hide this fact from the others? His attention was drawn back to Kani who now licked along his rod and urged him to produce a bit of pre already. He would think about the other cubs later. He now had to take care of the kitten at paw and with a pleased purr he turned around and licked over the head of the lioness affectionately. While Kani still licked his member he started to lick her tail base and urged her to raise her tail. Her pussy was damp and he noticed by the slimy texture that more of his semen had slipped out of her nether lips and now lubricated her snatch. This view showed his lust crazy mind that she was more than ready for him and without any word or further action he circled around her having his dick pop out of her muzzle. Her gaze towards him showed that she anticipated his bite in her neck and when he moved atop of her and pushed deep into the little kitten she sighed. It was not all pleasant for her as he noticed her groan a bit at the first pushes but soon she huffed and mewled nearly as much as Leta before.

Kani groaned at the first entry but the initiate pain soon faded and gave way to the feeling she longed for. The arousal spiked up as the burning pleasure in her snatch multiplied by Chuma taking her hard and fast. She did not know why but she loved this feeling while her mind felt light as if she was floating. The light sour scent around and the show Chuma put on with Leta had been enough to have Kani remember the night and request for more. Luckily Chuma had been pleased to take her up on this request. She felt his balls smack wet against her erect clit and send jolts of pleasure through her pussy. At the same time his barbs caressed her cervix and made her moan and chirp in arousal. The little liquid that was left in her womb soon coated his member and he pushed forward hard hitting the back of her womb a few times. Her view blurred a bit from the swimming pleasure in her head but she still could see Bina watching them with an open muzzle. Kani did not care what Bina was thinking or that she was watching. All that mattered right now was to soothe the burning itch in her pussy and to feel this wonderful warm liquid overflowing in her again. She did not have to wait long for his first spurts. Like with Leta he just pushed through his orgasm making the cub mewl helplessly. Kani felt the spurts splash against the walls of her womb and the pleasure shot through her each time the hot liquid hit her flesh. He filled her with a few more spurts and still pushed in and out of her while his spurts subsided slowly. She felt him let loose of her scruff and lick over her head. She put her own head into the neck and started to lick his muzzle and yaw and everything she could reach from him while he still pumped into her eagerly. When the second wave of spurts hit her womb and started to stretch it Kani already was totally out of it. She swam in pleasure and arousal just letting him do whatever he wanted with her. And he wanted to continue to pound her. She felt him already move after a few seconds of spurting and because her body started to get exhausted she slowly descended onto lying on her belly while Chuma adjusted with her and kept in her snatch this time.

She did not have the same stamina as in the night because she only got a few hours of rest and therefore she already was at the edge of sleep when she finally got down with her own orgasm. She felt him still moving in and out through her spasms and twitches and she started to grunt and moan and roar from the pure sensation of his barbs rubbing her oversensitive tunnel. A few seconds were enough for Chuma to come down with a new climax and filling her already stretched womb even more. Her belly already was bulged out and because she was lying at the ground it could not go downwards and so Kani felt it stretching to the side. With a strong moan she drifted off to her dream land while she still felt him spurting and moving inside her clenching tunnel.

Chuma lay atop of Kani panting hard. He spurted his seed deep into her and felt the pressure on his tip increase. His attention was drawn to Bina who still watched them with an open muzzle. He saw saliva dripping down her yaw and he was sure that against the will of the cub she felt quite aroused by their show.

"Come here for a moment and help me clean her up, will you?" he asked when he softly pulled free. It took a moment for Bina to react and Chuma could see that she was wary and her gaze showed that she was not sure what Chuma was up to. He pointed down at the gaping snatch of Kani that now strongly dripped cum. He still held a paw in front of it to stop the stream of cum. He remembered that Bina had not been as eager to lick the semen as Kani had been. In a mean streak he planned to train her how to drink it properly. When she stood next to him and looked at his paw he put his other paw into the back of her head and pushed her towards the snatch of Kani. Then he removed his paw and pressed her muzzle against the opening before the stream could push out. She had still been in a daze from the show before and had her muzzle slightly open when he pushed her forward. Before she could react Chuma saw her mouth filling with the spunk that gushed out. It came so suddenly that she could not react in time and he heard the cub cough and splash spurts after spurts of cum through her nose until he saw her stopping this circly by chugging down the cum that followed with hasty gulps. He licked his paw while watching the little cub drinking his cum still unable to draw back because his other paw pushing her against the pussy of Kani. Bina pressed her eyes shut and just did what she could to not be drowned by the liquid that flushed her muzzle. Chuma chuckled silently and felt his member getting hard again from this view. He started to lightly massage the neck of the cub with the paw holding her down while enjoying his own taste from the last traces of liquid he licked off his other paw until it was clean. Chuma lost any reason or self-control and just let his horny instinct guide his actions. His mind was just observing and his body took over for the most parts.

Chuma looked at the hind of the cub and saw her tail raised and her pussy slightly dripping in arousal and a bit of his semen from last night. Getting her fill with semen seemed to have kicked her arousal in and he was not able to hold back either. His mind went blank and he positioned himself behind her to take the third female in a row with pleasure. Taking advantage of the open position and that she was blocked in front by the body of Kani he aimed at her pussy and stepped over her. She came up from the pussy and gasped for air before he pushed forward and struck gold. His member pushed into her in one smooth push. He stepped over Kani and started to lick her back while his member twitched in anticipation inside the womb of Bina. He could hear a muffled gurgling groan from Bina and felt her push against his hilt hard. Chuma enjoyed the friction of her wet passage and started to pull out and push in again. He entered a slow rhythm. From the way Kani moaned in her sleep Chuma knew that Bina had pushed her tongue into her snatch.

Bina groaned in discomfort. Her sore pussy was being stretched to the limits and her muzzle pushed strongly against the pussy of Kani. The sudden surprise attack on her pussy had her push out her tongue in a groan and it was forced into the pussy of Kani when the strong push of Chuma sent her crashing against the snatch of her friend. Her nose was slimy and sticky in and out and she felt it smear the spunk of Chuma all over the tail hole of Kani and her tail base. To not get her face crushed on the hind of Kani Bina had no other option than to push back against her rapist. She groaned loud and involuntarily pushed her tongue even deeper into the snatch of Kani. She could taste nothing but this strong musky taste of Chuma's semen that filled her gullet and muzzle. With each push of Chuma more of his semen pushed out of Kani and into the muzzle of Bina. It mixed with her saliva and swam on the bottom of her muzzle. Now and then Bina still gulped down when it became too much. She felt her food canal being coated by the slimy liquid and her stomach was filled completely with the male's milk. She felt like she drank so much of this that her belly stretched like after an overfilling meal.

Her love tunnel returned to the numb tingling feeling from last night and even though the stretching and the friction still caused her a bit of discomfort the pleasure also kicked in and her groans changed into moans. Her thoughts moved into the back of her head and she just concentrated on the feeling of fullness and pleasure that rolled through her body in waves. The lubricant inside her and on the dick of Chuma made her so much more slippery and his entrance more easy and pleasant. The slight pain she felt just added to the arousal and pleasure. Her mind went blank and she just stood there, her tongue in the snatch of Kani and pushing back against the big organ of Chuma feeling his balls slap against her clit and his wet fur tickling her pussy lips at each push. Suddenly Chuma stopped deep in her womb and soon Bina felt spurts of semen splash into her tiny chamber. It was filled to the brim within seconds and while the cub tried to catch her breath and pull her tongue out of the snatch of Kani she felt her womb stretching and pressing against her full stomach. She lowered her head until her forehead pressed against the wet and slimy pussy of Kani. This way her neck did not hurt as much as in the other position. Cum dripped out of her opened muzzle and her nose on the ground while she huffed, groaned and moaned exhausted.

She felt Chuma starting to move inside her again and the liquid in her womb pressing into her love tunnel each time he pulled back. But it was pushed back with his dick each time he pushed. Bina started to groan and moan in the rhythm of his pulls and pushes. Her mind just retreated and let her body turn into a receptive sleeve for the big lion. She felt each push but the pain had subsided and only a strange pleasure was left. Her groans vanished completely and she moaned weakly while cum still dropped out of her muzzle and the scent and musk of his semen and Kani was all around her. He filled her once more a few minutes later and she felt the pressure going up in her womb. It was now stretched as much as her stomach and she felt bloated. Her legs got weak but she did not collapse yet even though her mind fogged more and more and went towards sleep with big leaps. Again Chuma started to move and this time he seemed to be more eager. Bina felt her own body heating up and the pleasure spiked. She moaned tired onto the ground while her insides started to burn in pleasure. Her small tunnel began to twitch in preparation of this strong good feeling she had experienced the night before and then with the next spurts of Chuma she finally was there. She let her whole body be engulfed in the feeling and all her muscles contracted, especially those in her love tunnel and pussy. She squeezed his big member and with each squeeze it sent more and more of his milk into her womb. She felt her power fading. Finally her legs gave in and her front half sank to the ground. Cum was still dripping out of Kani's snatch now and then and hit her left eye. Her hind was still raised being held by the big member of Chuma that still was pushed in to the hilt inside the little cub.

Bina felt Chuma push forward but in her position she did not have the power to push back and she felt her hind being pushed over her upper body. She groaned when she put her head to the side to not get her neck crushed. Chuma still pushed and soon she was lying on her shoulder with her hind high in the air. The push of Chuma now was downwards and Bina slipped a bit back coming to a halt with her shoulders and the beginning of her back on the ground. Her head now was comfortable lying upside down on the ground and the back of her tail base touched the wet pussy of Kani soaking in the wet liquid of the other female. Bina was curled up like a ball. Her Hind legs touched her neck from the side and she was able to see her wide stretched pussy and her strongly bulged belly right in front of her eyes as well as the big balls of Chuma lying on her belly. Her ears and head became very wet and slippery from the pool of cum on the ground and Bina started to feel a bit more comfortable now that her face was not pushed on the ground. In her position she was however helpless to watch Chuma fuck her upside down and she saw every movement of his hind. His member pulled a bit up and then pushed downwards into her pussy making a bit of liquid splash out of it and on the face of Bina. He was reaching even deeper as before and Bina moaned and groaned. She could not decide if this position was more uncomfortable but her inside burned with every push and she also felt her belly stretch more and more when Chuma stopped again and spurted a new load into her. She saw her belly grow with each spurt but with the full weight of the lion resting on her pussy now the seal was stronger than ever before. Bina entered a new orgasm and a love daze took over her mind. While spasms ran through her little body and she saw every contraction of his balls and each squeeze of her own body she pushed her head upwards and hit the massive balls. By reflex she started to lick his balls and the spurts continued strong accompanied with a loud moan of Chuma. When the spurts of him subsided and her own climax also died down her mind cleared up a bit. She felt him pull out and her body, robbed of the steadiness of his dick, moved a bit more on the slippery ground while cum ran down her belly over her chest and on her head. She felt cum flushing out of her snatch but when she slipped all the way into a lying position on her back she felt something press against her still quivering pussy. When she looked towards her rear exhausted she noticed that she touched the pussy of Kani and that the other lioness's pussy was also still slightly open. The spunk flushed into her opening and then back on her belly and ran slowly down on the sides of her still bulged abdomen to the ground. Bina felt all the exhaustion that was pushed away by the hormones in the last few minutes catch up and lay her head down into the pool on the ground. She closed her eyes and felt the liquid flushing over her abdomen and coating her complete hind as well as soaking into the fur on her head and back from below. Then she drifted off to sleep.

Chuma enjoyed the new feeling. He had pushed the cub into an upside down position and now was pushing downwards slowly. His lust crazy mind did not regard the possible discomfort for the cub but was lost in the sensation on his dick. If felt even better than before. She seemed to have become even tighter and when she climaxed he also was unable to hold back. He just pushed down one last time and spurted deep into her. He felt her lick his balls and moaned in pleasure while closing his eyes to enjoy the feeling.

"What are you doing here?" the voice of Kamaria pulled him out of his love daze instantly. When he opened his eyes he saw the white cub standing right in front of him looking from the sticky backside of Leta to the sleeping Kani and the upside down Bina who were both sticky with his spunk.

"We are just having a bit of fun." Chuma replied. The hormones still raged on in him but he pulled up and felt his dick slip out of Bina. He stepped over Kani towards Kamaria and his last spurts sprinkled the fur of Kani on her back and the back of her head. He noticed that Kamaria followed him with her eyes still a confused look on her face. Her eyes transfixed his swinging and dripping member when he came to a halt directly in front of her.

"Do you want to have some fun as well?" he asked and before the cub could realize what he was up to Chuma licked over her neck and then gently bit down. The missing lubrication of the 9 months old cub was filled in by his cum coated dick. He slipped in easily with a low growl of the cub when she noticed what was happening. She was nearly as big as Kani but her tightness more compared to Bina. Chuma grunted and started a fast pace humping the cub that just stood there growling and groaning but was unable to move. Chuma's mind slipped off fogged in lust and pleasure and he was mating the lioness below him like he meant to breed her. The heat scent of Leta that lingered strong in the cave made him horny and his mind believe that even the lioness below him was in heat. Her tunnel slipped tight around his member making him moan and grunt with each push. He did not hear and totally disregarded the growling and groaning of the cub under him. He was lost in the pleasure and would not stop until he fucked her full of his semen like the other 3 females in the cave.

Kamaria was confused when she saw Chuma humping away on Bina who was in a very strange position. Her gaze wandered to Kamaria and Leta and they looked sticky like she had been after Chuma had forced himself upon her a week ago. Just when she remembered how it hurt at start and how little she liked the taste of this slimy stuff he suddenly felt him lick her neck. Her instinct wanted to dash forward but it was too late. She felt her body freeze in the sudden bite of Chuma and then the big lion was atop of her just like the last time. All her growling and groaning did not help to get him off her. She just stood there confused and a bit scared feeling her tunnel stretch painfully and his barbs scratching her love canal sore again. Slowly her body got used to being filled like that again and started to produce lubricant itself. Her inside became more slippery and the barbs started to stop hurting but instead producing jolts of pleasure each time they scratched her numb tunnel. Her growl turned into a very silent purr and her groans switched to moans. Her body remembered the pleasure and against her will her hind legs were spreading to support the weight of Chuma as well as giving him better access. Because Kamaria's mind did not take in the whole situation yet her body took over and her mind retreated behind a fog of arousal and pleasure. She noticed the scent of Leta's heat and the musk of Chuma around more clearly and her body tingled from these smells as much as from the big member that was being pushed in and out of her womb.

The first spurts of him inside her womb were like oil on a fire and made her inside tingle. She moaned strongly while Chuma lowered his pace a bit but continued to push in and out of her little snatch while spurting in her womb and her tunnel. She felt him losing the grip on her neck but her body still did not dash forward but stayed in this position while she felt him lick her head and neck and pump into her with slow but strong pushes. Her inside started to burn but in a good way. Her tunnel already clenched a bit now and then but it was still a long way for her to reach her climax. Kamaria put her head down and huffed hard as the actions of Chuma exhausted her young body. She had played the full day up to this time and already had spent quite some energy before he jumped her. From her last experience with Chuma's horniness she did not expect him to dismount her anytime soon but her mind behind the cloud of pleasure was screaming for him to stop right away. It was muffled more and more in the lust and arousal that lit up inside her and a few minutes later she was moaning and chirping in the rhythm of Chuma's pushes. Her body and the arousal sparked by the air around her and the stimulation inside her pushed away her mind and her body went into a reception mode. Kamaria felt her hind actually pushing against the invading dick and crashing against the wet balls that sent jolts of pleasure through her clit. As much as her mind screamed to him to stop her body beckoned and requested from him to not stop. At this point Kamaria gave in with her mind and did not try to fight a long lost battle inside her. She just gave herself to the feeling and tried to enjoy it as much as possible. When she reached her own climax at his third spurt her mind returned a bit and she was able to take note of all around her.

Bina and Kani now slept still connected in a sticky kiss between their pussies. Leta also slept a bit on the side with her sticky pussy in a small pool of semen. Kamaria took a deep breath full of her heat scent and the musk of Chuma. It tickled in her nose and made her nostrils flare and quiver. A shudder ran through her body making the squeezes and convulsing of her tunnel and womb much stronger and kept her orgasm around the spurting penis going. She felt her inside milking every drop of the member even though she already felt full. With her head low she looked under her body and saw her belly slightly bulging out and contracting around the big intruder. With a moan she pushed back hit by a sudden arousal and even though Chuma did not move for the first time since entering her, his rod was now being rubbed back and forth by Kamarias small movements. Chuma did not object. He stood there moaning and grunting and a minute after his spurts subsided Kamaria could feel new spurts in her womb stretching it even more while her orgasm slowly died down.

Kamaria felt exhaustion piling up and crouched to lie on her belly. She felt the long rod of Chuma slip out until only his tip was in but at this point Chuma noticed her movement and reacted. He also started to crouch and Kamaria felt his dick pushing in again. Her oversensitive walls quivered from the sensation but the pressure in her womb started to get uncomfortable. With the additional pressure on her bulged belly she felt like a balloon just before bursting and her moans turned into groans again. When she looked up from the corner of her eyes she noticed Chuma having his eyes shut and moaning in pleasure while pushing into her with slow but powerful thrusts. She noticed that he did not see her agony and did not hear her groaning. She clenched her own eyes shut to bear with the pain as she knew that Chuma would not stop even if she pleated now. Tears formed in her eyes and ran down her cheeks while every push of Chuma she felt her womb overstretching with a dull pain. Her nipples rubbed over the ground each time her belly extended which added a bit of pleasure to the pain. She clenched her teeth and endured the pain hoping that Chuma would soon be satisfied and dismount her. Her body was exhausted and her mind sleepy but the mix of pain and pleasure kept her awake and her mind clear as long as he pushed into her in this position.

Chuma felt in bliss. The tunnel of the white cub gripped wonderfully tight around him and the liquid in her womb sloshed around his member and aroused him every time he pushed into her cavern. Moaning and with his eyes closed he enjoyed each push into her. He would have continued like that forever if it had not been for his next climax that did not only shake his body so strong that he had to stop because it exhausted him too much to push at this moment but also got his mind back from his horny daze. He opened his eyes and saw the tears in the eyes of Kamaria and directly noticed the pressure on his dick growing stronger with each spurt.

"I am sorry sweetheart." He whispered and licked her head but he did not yet pull out. He enjoyed three more spurts inside her until his mind was clear enough to force his aroused body to pull out. His balls still contracted when he slipped out of her snatch with a wet slurp and a sigh of Kamaria. He stepped one step forward until his balls rested on her hind and spurted the rest of his load on her back. He helped the exhausted cub to lay down to the side and for a minute watched the stream of his cum to flow over her left leg and then dripped down in front and behind the leg to build a puddle behind her snatch as well as in front of her belly. Mesmerized by his afterglow he stood there watching her until a cold breeze let him look towards the entrance of the den. The waterful already was pretty dark which told him that the sun was very low and would soon set. If he wanted to hunt he had to go soon. He looked to Bina and Kani who slept peacefully. Softly he gripped the neck of Bina to carry her to Kamaria and placed her between the forelegs of the younger lioness against her chest. Because Bina was smaller than the other lioness her still oozing hind reached to the start of the belly of Kamaria. Then Chuma went back to get Kani and placed her on the other side of Bina. It was a bit harder to pull the larger cub but he managed to place her close to Bina which made them all warm up each other. The only space that was free between them was the area in front of Kamarias belly where a puddle of cum started to assemble from the spunk dripping out of Bina's snatch and from Kamarias leg. Now that Kamaria pulled her tail over her snatch the stream flooded even more over her leg and made most of the semen enter the place between them. Chuma wondered if he should move them but then again they were all still leaking and he did not have the time to clean them. He just would hurry so he would be back soon and could clean them and move them to a dry spot. It would take two more hours until the sun would completely go down and the cold night would come to this cave. He planned to be back by then.

When he stepped into the fresh air in front of the waterfall he felt his body relax and the arousal of the heat scent vanish slowly. His mind was clearer now and with a last look back to the entrance he padded down the path. He saw that Aisha and Sanura were still playing. Or more Sanura was playing while Aisha looked up to him waiting.

"Do you know what Kamaria does? She wanted to be back after eating." Aisha asked and Chuma could see that she was a bit angry at the other cub. "She was too tired and went to sleep with Kani and Bina." Chuma answered and greeted Sanura with a caress of his head over hers. "You two should also get into the cave and sleep right now. I am going out for a hunt." He explained and nudged Aisha with his nose at her flank as a greeting.

"Can't I come with you?" Aisha asked unexpected. "I want to learn how to hunt. I am nearly adult you know and if I can help you to hunt it would be much easier for you, right?" Chuma chuckled. He suspected that she watched the kids the whole day and just wanted to stretch out herself a bit. But she was right. She was 13 months now and it was time for her to learn how to survive alone or what to contribute to the pride. Two hours would not be enough to teach her the ropes but at least he could show her a few tricks and let her help guiding the prey into a trap. "Well, okay. I was planning to wait a few more weeks for that but if you insist I do not mind. Sanura darling! Please go into the den and sleep until we return, okay?" he asked the young cub softly. She looked at him with rebellious eyes. "I also want to go hunting with you." Chuma chuckled at the sparkling black eyes of Sanura. This girl was very headstrong but it was too early to take her to a real hunt. "Not today princess." He whispered and licked over her head affectionately. She was still his favorite of them. "We will train the basics for hunting with everyone soon, okay?"

It took a while to get the cub to agree to go back into the cave alone. Chuma waited and watched her going up the path until she vanished behind the waterfall. He waited a few minutes more until he was sure that she stayed inside and would not slip out again. "Okay Aisha. Off we go. For the start, just follow me." The cheetah girl was very excited and Chuma first put on a slow job to have her vent a bit of her excess energy. He needed her to concentrate when they were trailing a prey.

Aisha felt good being able to run a bit. She felt a bit stiff from watching over the smaller kids. Not that Chuma had ordered her to do this but she felt responsible to watch over them when he was not around. Maybe her getting closer to adulthood was the reason for this changes that she tried to take over tasks of responsibility. For a cheetah that normally ran a lot and fast this was a boring job though. She wanted to ask Chuma for some time already to teach her hunting. She freeloaded from him for quite some time already and that even after she left home already. It was not that she did not learn how to hunt from her mother but she only learned how to chase a prey to death in a running dual over the free plaints of the savanna. In the wood she was unable to play any of the cards she learned from her mother and she noticed that she had to learn the hunting anew from Chuma when she wanted to pay him back a bit of his kindness.

Chuma had her track different scents while they were running through the forest and the anticipation and stiffness in her legs vanished after half an hour running around without a break. Finally Chuma stopped and explained her how her first hunting lesson would be.

"For the first time, also because it is late already, we will go with the strategy to chase a prey into a trap. You will chase something towards me and I will hide until it is close enough to kill it with one jump. Do you have any questions?" Aisha tried to process everything in her head. "How do I chase the prey to you and how do I chose which prey?" Chuma's voice was warm and caring when he answered her calmly. "Well, you can use whatever you like to chase them but normally they run away from us by instinct so you just need to make sure to block all their escape routes so that they can only run into one direction. As for your second question..." he put his head in the air and she could see him flare his nostrils "you can track them by the scent. I will wait downwind when you find a prey and you will go upwind to chase it down."

Chuma did not help her to find the prey and Aisha got a bit frustrated when all which she could smell was the strong musk that Chuma emitted. She bounded away a bit more from him but it still took her a while until she could smell something that she had smelled before. She did not know what it was but she followed the scent and Chuma followed her in some distance. She lost sight of him and because she was upwind she also lost his scent. She just hoped that he still knew where she was when she followed the scent that grew stronger with each step. Suddenly she bumped into two okapis and was as surprised as them. She had concentrated so hard on the smell that she forgot to look where she was going and behind a bush that she just passed were the okapis at their dinner. The okapis got to their senses faster than she did and bounded off. Aisha followed them but she did not know where she had to go. She tried to block their way but suddenly she noticed that she was running up wind and Chuma said something about waiting down wind. She sprinted past the okapi that easily avoided her and blocked their way so that they turned and ran back into the direction she came from. Aisha had no idea where she was or where Chuma was. She just chased them always down wind and her legs started to hurt. She never got close enough to jump them and she already saw a big bush coming up very close. When they reached it they would most likely lose her in the deeper wood. Just when they reached the bush though Chuma suddenly leaped out of it and bit down on one of the okapis. Both of them went down on the ground and Aisha was as shocked as the other okapi but this time she gained her senses back faster and she imitated Chuma and jumped. She missed the okapi's neck but her teeth sunk into the leg and both of them landed on the ground. Aisha held the okapi with her claws and tried to prevent it from getting up with her legs. At the same time she tried to bite down at the neck but it was too strong and she could not hold herself on top of the okapi. She was exhausted very fast and still the fight was not decided. The okapi still fought for its life hard and Aisha did not manage to control it.

"Bite into her nose." She heard the voice of Chuma and like a flash the teachings of her mother got back to her. She remembered that she one time said that unlike lions cheetahs were most of the time not strong enough to break the neck or hold the throat where the muscles of the prey were strong. Instead a cheetah killed by suffocating the prey. She felt embarrassed that Chuma knew besser how a cheetah had to kill than herself. It took her a few more minutes until she managed to bite strong into the nose of the okapi covering her muzzle and nostrils with her own mouth and clinging to it as if her life depended on it. The pulls of the okapi became weaker and Aisha just lay there on her back clinging to the head of the okapi and looked into the eyes of Chuma who comfortably saw a few steps away and watched her fight with the prey in amusement. She felt her own exhaustion piling up but she decided to not let go of the muzzle. Her vision got blurry but she still held her muzzle shut.

"You can now let it go." The voice of Chuma was right next to her and she felt a lick over her head. She followed his order and opened her muzzle. Air filled her lungs when she took a deep breath and just now she noticed that in her anticipation and excitement of the fight she forgot to breathe after she bit down on the okapi. Slowly her senses returned and the numb feeling in her head was cleared by the cold air.

"Congratulations for your first kill." Chuma told her with a celebrating voice. "You should remember to breathe at the next time and you still need a lot of training but I did not expect you to do so well on your first hunt." His praise was more than enough to have Aisha feel like she was floating from happiness. With her vision returning she looked down at the okapi proudly and it slowly sank in with her that she really killed her first prey and a big one on top of it. She felt the licks of Chuma on her head cleaning her from the traces of blood from the fight. Then he licked over her body and massaged her muscles that ached from the hard and exhausting wrestle with the okapi. When she calmed down again and shakily raised to her paws the sun was not in sight anymore and the sky above them was only of a light cyan color. "We need to rush back." Chuma said softly and picked up the okapi he killed. Now Aisha noticed that it was a bit bigger than hers but this did not count for her. She killed her first okapi. When Chuma wanted to get her okapi as well she stepped in. "Can I carry it myself?" she asked and Chuma nodded. "But do... not .... Overdo it." he mumbled with his prey still in his mouth. Then he led the way and with each step carrying the okapi Aisha felt more and more tired. In the end she only followed the tuft of Chuma's tail that danced in front of her.

The way back was much slower than the way to the hunting grounds. Chuma went slowly to not lose the cheetah girl. Aisha was clearly exhausted but he understood that she wanted to carry her prey alone. She did great for her first hunt even though it had been a bit of luck. He had adjusted his position numerous times because she had led the prey so unpredictably and when he jumped and killed the bigger one Aisha just followed her hunter instinct and did react a bit faster than the okapi. Chuma knew that the only reason why she was able to win against the okapi was that it had been injured before the chase already but he did not tell this to Aisha. He did not want to belittle her achievement and even with the okapi being injured before it was a great success for her first try in a hunt in the forest. He understood why she was exhausted. Not only the fight with the okapi drained her energy but also the run on the forest ground was much different than the savanna. It was not as hard and therefore drew more energy when running. He was sure her legs felt like they ran ten times the distance that she did.

They reached the waterfall and Chuma let Aisha go first to make sure she was not tumbling from the exhaustion. The adolescent cheetah still did not want him to carry the okapi and so it took them twice the time to get to the den. Aisha tumbled inside and let the okapi fall down on the ground. Chuma put his okapi on the side and then went back to get hers. She barely was able to stand on her paws and yawned. Chuma looked around. All the others were sleeping. From this angle he could see the hind of Kamaria und Kani wet and glistering as well as the hind of Leta. He knew Bina was sleeping between Kani and Kamaria but he did not detect Sanura at first. He went a bit closer to the bundle of cubs and finally spotted her. A smile ran over his muzzle and he moved a bit closer to them to see in the den that got very dark now that the sun was gone. Sanura snuggled herself in between the cubs right under Bina and at the belly of Kamaria. She lay in a puddle of cum of the three other cubs but seemed to be happy and warm in her little nest. With cum coating her whole body, because she had rolled around to get the best sleeping position as it seemed, she looked like a sticky furry ball. Chuma decided that he could clean her up in the morning. She seemed not to freeze and if he were to clean her now he would just wake her up. "Good night my little ones." He whispered and nuzzled all four cubs before moving to Leta. He nuzzled her but he made the mistake to take a deep breath right behind her and her heat still was strong. His member directly jumped into action. His eyes scanned the room with the hormones arousing his body more and more. Maybe the only way to escape this feeling was to wake up Leta.

Then his gaze fell upon the still barely standing Aisha. With a few steps he was by her side. "You need to lie down or you will sleep while standing." He told her softly and nudged her flanks. The cheetah already was half asleep and just crouched down and lay on her belly putting her head on her fore paws with a yawn. "Good work." He whispered into her ear. "You are now an adult female." With these words he softly bit her neck which brought just a weak moan from her and then he pushed his dick into her relaxed folds. She did not respond much. Her moan was weak in her sleepy state and her insides were warm from the exercise but relaxed from the exhaustion. For Chuma this was enough though. It felt wonderful and fulfilled his urges. With a sigh and a moan he pushed in to the hilt and while he felt his semen spurt into her waiting womb he lay his head next to hers and let his body rest half on her back and half on his own paws. Then he closed his eyes and while spurting inside he went off to sleep with her.

[SotO] Chapter 7: Little Princess

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 7: Little Princess The first thing Chuma noticed when he woke up was the heat scent of Leta. It got a bit weaker showing that her heat started to decline but it was enough to have him erect directly. The tip of his...

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[SotO] Chapter 5: The sounds of the night

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 5: The sounds of the night Chuma woke up from a soft groan and a movement of Bina. The first thing he noticed when his mind slowly took note of his surroundings was the tight grip of her love tunnel around his member...

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# Epilogue "Hello? Are you there Vince?" the soft voice of Stacy was hard to understand because of all the fireworks. Vince went inside. The house was dark and silent until he turned on the lights. His parents were not home. Like every New Year they...

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