[SotO] Chapter 7: Little Princess

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#7 of Shadow of the Oasis

Another month ran by and I found very little time but finished this chapter. For the next chapter I hope I will be in time because this month will have a lot of work (and even on my weekends a lot of visitors etc. that prevent me from writing). I will do my best to still upload the next chapter next month.

But first this.

There will be a small time jump after this chapter but you will know why in the end. I hope you enjoy it.

Also because there was no response the project I planned in my last chapter was canceled.


All characters in this story as well as the story are copyright by me (Imya). Please do not repost or use characters without permission. You may do fan art of the characters (this is very welcome) but please link the story to the fan art.

This story is pure fictional and meant for entertainment only. All actions and characters in the story are pure fantasy and in a fantasy world.

The age circle in this story does not follow human standards but the standards for each respective animal that was used as reference for the characters. For legal reasons all actors of this story are adults (in this fantasy world).

This story does contain sexual and erotic content of feral big cats also involving cubs and adolescent big cats of different species with an adult lion.

If you are under the legal age for your country (normally 18),feel offended by this or do not like this kind of content please do not read any further. For the rest: Please enjoy.

Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 7: Little Princess

The first thing Chuma noticed when he woke up was the heat scent of Leta. It got a bit weaker showing that her heat started to decline but it was enough to have him erect directly. The tip of his member poked against soft and wet folds and without a second thought he pushed in to the hilt which made the female beneath him moan and slowly wake up. Chuma opened his eyes to see that he was not atop of Leta but Aisha. He remembered that he fell asleep while pushing deep into the cheetah the last evening after their hunt. The girl did not seem to mind his intrusion as she moaned and also slowly opened her eyes.

"Good morning big girl." He whispered into her ear and licked over her cheek while he established a steady rhythm. Aisha looked up to him and licked his chin in return. Chuma was not sure if the girl was completely awake yet. She closed her eyes again and moaned from the stimulations his dick triggered inside her. He also was quite aroused and felt his climax already approaching. When he stopped and felt his spunk empty in the womb of Aisha he heard the other females slowly waking up. He did not let this fact disturb their intimacy as he soon started to hump Aisha again while more and more eyes started to watch their morning practice. Aisha did not notice the other cubs as she had her eyes closed and just moaned with every movement of Chuma. She seemed to be still exhausted from the hunt and just lay there receiving his love and affection and her love tunnel gripped weak and warm around his member.

Chuma himself enjoyed the attention of the others while he mated Aisha. It made him more aroused and soon he came to his second climax. Looking to Leta he saw that she was hot for her round and her eyes looked at him in a demanding manner. He wanted to switch but he also wanted to at least have Aisha get one climax herself. His steady pumping motion was followed by the eyes of all females now and accompanied by the moan of him and Aisha. Her voice got more lustful and the spasms around his member told him that she was closing in to her own climax. A few more humps and he felt her clamp around his member and she chirped while clenching around him. His balls contracted as well and he filled her already stuffed womb with more spunk while her insides were milking him off his load. It took a while for Aisha to come down from her orgasm and even when Chuma pulled out she still was panting heavily. She kept her eyes closed and put her head on her legs while cum oozed out of her snatch and dripped from his member on her back.

Chuma looked around and saw that everyone was awake. "You can grab a bite. Aisha caught her first prey yesterday and we have plenty of meat." He pointed towards the two okapi as if he did not just give them all a show of their love making. Aisha opened her eyes and seemed a bit embarrassed when she saw all the eyes of the other cubs and Leta on her. Leta was the first to get out of her frozen state. She turned around and put her tail high into the air. Chuma was hit by the strong odor of her declining heat and saw her drenched pussy presented for him. He did not waste time to take the few steps to the adult leopard and mount her. Leta sighed and moaned loud when he pushed his member deep into the heated passage and soon Chuma pumped in and out of the leopard without caring about the eyes that now changed from Aisha to Leta.

The tingling was a bit faint this day but still present. When Chuma finally pushed into her the little sparks in her loin exploded in pleasure and she moaned loud not caring about the cubs that were still watching. When she had seen Chuma take Aisha before she had felt a bit of jealousy that he took another female than her. But all this was now forgotten that he actually pumped into her. She closed her eyes and marveled in the wonderful feeling of his long rod scratching her love tunnel. She got used to the feeling of his member sliding inside her that it was nearly an addiction. She realized that this was strongly influenced by her heat but in the last days of him taking care of her this way she developed a strange kind of love towards the lion. She never would have thought about taking a mate that was not a strong leopard before. In her maiden dreams she imagined a strong and handsome leopard tom giving her cute little cubs. She knew that with all the actions they did in the last days Chuma sealed her fate and made sure she would have mixed cubs and not pure leopards. To her own amazement she did not care about this anymore. She just wanted to moan under him and have him fill the void inside her snatch.

She felt his spurts inside her when she was close to her orgasm as well and soon after him she joined in a powerful climax. She felt his sperm gush over her already fertilized eggs and the warm feeling that at the same time sparked the fire inside her and soothed it. Her tunnel milked his member that was already pumping inside her again. In the moment after her climax died down when her mind was a bit clearer she looked around. All the cubs still followed their actions. Some of them started to eat while observing their love making but they all, even the little Sanura, looked very interested in his humping. She saw Kani, the dark furred cub, licking the snatch of Aisha and it looked like her snatch also dripped a white fluid. While her mind was beginning to be consumed by the pleasure of Chuma's member she began to suspect that the male lion not only took Aisha driven by her heat but maybe even Kani. It did not bother the leopardess though. She felt flattered and happy that she had such a strong influence on him and that she made him horny. She began to chirp and mewl under him while he pounded her like the days before without slowing down.

After his third orgasm and her second he dismounted her and she felt his spunk flow out of her used pussy and along her legs. For now Leta was satisfied and she heard the stomach of Chuma growl and knew that he stopped to have a breakfast. She joined him and even the cubs that did not eat before finally took a bite. Kani approached the rear of Chuma and she heard him moan when the little cub licked his member. The girl seemed to like the taste and Chuma did not stop her from cleaning his member but even lay down on his side to give her more access.

Chuma had given in to his hunger after he came in Leta three times. The female seemed satisfied as well and not as antsy as the days before. Her heat was clearly in its last reserves. He watched the cubs, who did not all eat while watching him, start to join him in his breakfast. Suddenly he moaned from a lick over his member. When he looked down he saw Kani going at it with a smile on her face. She seemed to like it to serve him and he did not mind. He let his body fall to the side to give her more access and continued to chew his meat.

He felt a second tongue at his dick and when he looked down he saw to his surprise that curiosity had come over the 5 months old Sanura and she imitated Kani and licked over his member. She did not like or dislike the taste. Her face showed the excitement of exploring new things and for her it seemed to be some kind of new game. Chuma stopped eating and watched the little cub licking along his rod together with Kani and smiled. He always had a soft spot for the little one since he rescued her. She was his favorite cub, his little princess. Chuma moaned and felt his balls getting close to orgasm. The cubs did not stop to lick his member even when it started to twitch and a minute later he moaned loud and splattered his semen all over the heads of the cubs. Sanura was surprised at first but joined Kani in the giggle right after. For her this seemed to be a funny game and she followed the older cub's example and licked the excess cum from the member and her friends face. They continued to lick his member and Chuma enjoyed the continuing tongue job by the cubs. The others had by now finished their meal and watched the two cubs serving him. They hit the right spots and Chuma knew that with Kani to show her Sanura would soon be an expert at licking his dick.

He felt the pressure building and the next climax drawing nearer. His eyes were fixed on Sanura and he wanted to cream inside her. He caressed their heads and made them to back off while pulling Sanura closer. The cub giggled from his licks and then he positioned her in front of his belly. His member softly touched her snatch but the cub seemed to be oblivious about what was going to happen. He just parted her lips slightly with only the very top of his tip entering her which was not enough to cause discomfort for her. His mind stopped him from pushing further. He had long planned that Sanura would be his queen in the future but he also decided that he would deflower her at her first heat. Fair enough was that he did not plan to deflower the others before that but Sanura was special and he controlled himself hard to not push inside her. Kani had approached his member and now licked at it again. Chuma moaned and forced himself to hold still and not move. He did not want to pin the 5 months old cub right here. Then he went over the edge. His spunk entered the snatch of the cub and spurted back out because there was not enough space for it. He moaned and enjoyed the cream gushing over his member and against the nose of Kani. It became even harder for him to control himself. His body wanted to push into the cub at this instant. With his last restraint he got up and let Sanura down to the ground. He rushed towards Bina who had barely time to react. The one closest to Sanura in the cubby body and in size was the panther girl. The 11 months old female groaned when he mounted her and if not for his paws that blocked her at the front she might have jumped forwards. He felt his member being engulfed from her tight snatch and his moans overpowered her groans. He just pushed in to the hilt and the last spurts filled the small cavern deep inside Bina. After the initial pain and surprise she now seemed to feel a bit of arousal by his semen hitting her womb and the groans turned into low moans.

He watched Sanura who giggled from the licks of Kani that cleaned up the cream pie he made inside her snatch. Leta was finished with her meal and it seems that even the declining heat demanded his attention right now. She positioned herself directly in front of him and raised her tail high to surround him with her powerful scent. His hips started to move again inside the tight cub and he extended his tongue and licked Leta. While the adult leopard moaned as well as Chuma the cub began to groan again. She emitted a mix of groans and moans while he enjoyed her tight tunnel and the taste and scent of Leta. When Chuma exploded in Bina again he filled her so much that her belly soon bulged. He felt the cub trembling around him and a few spurts later she also came down with her own orgasm. Despite her being reluctant to all this she seemed to have been quite aroused. Chuma enjoyed her milking tunnel until his own spasms stopped and the last of his spurts entered her small cavern. Then he pulled out his still rock hard member and stepped over the cub to mount Leta.

Leta moaned load and grinded her hind against Chuma. She met his pushes and pushed back herself to make him enter her very deep. She had been surprised to see Chuma take the small cub but it also aroused her. She saw that the snatch off all the cubs was slick and messy and she suspected that her heat had Chuma so strong in need that he took his urges out on all the cubs. She had to last longer to make him spend all his energy on her. Even though Aisha seemed to have enjoyed the ride earlier she was not sure if the small Bina enjoyed it much. The cub now laid huffing and moaning on the ground and cum gushed out of her snatch. The male was in overdrive and Leta soon got her senses taken away by his powerful pushes. She was only regarding the strong feeling he was creating inside her after that point and forgot about the cubs.

Leta felt her own orgasm approach when he spurted inside her the first time since he entered her again. She entered a circle of moans, mewls and chirps and her inside was burning in need. Her heat for the moment revived to full power and her flesh gripping hot around his member heightened the arousal. When he finished spurting inside of her and started to push in and out again she let out a strong roar and felt her tunnel grip his rod strongly. He pushed right through her spasms and each grip of her tunnel around his hot member was like a strong additional sensation for. Her orgasm did not die down this time. His pushes and soon his next splashes inside her kept it going and enter a spiraling climax. She was gripping and clenching around his penis nonstop and grunted exhausted with each of his pushes. Even though she felt her belly starting to stretch she still milked him off what he was worth. He continued to slide his big organ back and forth through her tunnel until with his fifths orgasm he finally stopped atop of her and joined her in a powerful roar.

Leta felt that the pressure in her womb became a bit uncomfortable but she still milked and clenched around his member and urged more spurts into her overfilled inner cavern. It took a few minutes of both adult felines standing there without moving until his spurts and her climax finally died down. Her heat was sated but a short while later she noticed that his hunger for her pussy was not. Her oversensitive flesh cried out in the sensation of him starting to move again. It stimulated her love tunnel and clit stronger that she could handle in her exhausted state and even though she moaned she was feeling uncomfortable from the pressure in her belly and the overpowering feeling of him sliding in and out. Even though her insides were numb they burned in a fire that he did not sooth but lit even more with each push. Her mind did not drift off but was kept clear by the burning pain which fought down the arousal and stimulations. At the same time it was uncomfortable it was also pleasing and nice in a strange way. She looked around while Chuma on her was mating her without a break. Aisha had started to lick Bina clean and the small cub soon moaned under her licks. Kamaria had sat up and curled into a ball to lick her own slick pussy clean and Kani was still taking care of Sanura.

After two more climaxes inside the womb of Leta the leopardess was worn out and her legs gave in. Chuma helped her to lay down on the side and the semen that was flushing out of her snatch soothed the burning pain a bit and with a sigh Leta put her head on her fore paws and watched Chuma and the cubs. She was exhausted but not tired and so she watched him moving over to Kamaria. With a skillful bite in her neck he made her stand still and then he mounted the young cub.

Kamaria groaned when Chuma entered her. She just had cleaned her pussy when he approached her. After he bit her scruff she had been unable to resist him. Against her will she felt his big member entering her tight pussy and soon he was moaning in the rhythm of his pushes. It did not hurt as much as before but still Kamaria groaned with each push. Like before she knew that Chuma would not stop because of this. The white cub concentrated on the small good feelings but was unable to completely phase out the pain and discomfort. Only every now and then she would moan but most of the time she groaned and just wished that he would soon finish.

Chuma took a few minutes to have his first climax but like Kamaria had suspected already he did not stop there. He did not even pull out but after a short break started to move inside her again. The cub groaned and braced herself for the continuation of the act. She felt his thick member moving back and forth while the last spurts of his last orgasm still filled her tunnel and womb. Her mind retreated and just let her body consume the pain and pleasure. Kamaria closed the eyes to phase out the other cubs and Leta who were watching Chuma taking her. With her sense of sight being out her other senses grew stronger. She smelled Chuma's musky sent and felt the warm and damp fur at his belly on her back. She could not make out of the dampness was from the juices of his previous females or from sweat. It did not matter to her anyways. Inside her tight tunnel she felt the big rod pushing forward and retreating again. The barbs raked her numb tunnel and brought some mix of pain and pleasure. Kamaria imagined that she also smelled the semen that dripped down from her clit to the ground. The strong rubs of Chuma had scratched the reminders in her tunnel and transferred them to the outside. Then Kamaria felt the warm liquid gushing inside her again and Chuma came to a stop. He moaned in pleasure and Kamaria felt her belly stretching but then to her surprise Chuma dismounted her and she sighed in relieve when her passage was not being stretched anymore and the hot and thick liquid ran over her sore love tunnel and soothed the pain a bit before dripping from her cunt on the ground under her. She did not move. She just stayed like this and when she opened her eyes she saw Chuma climbing atop of Kani. The black cub enjoyed the ride much more than Kamaria. The white cub saw her moan and she actually seemed to be having fun and pleasure from the act. Kamaria felt a tongue lick her slit clean and she moaned slightly. She did not move into another position. Her mind still tried to cope with the situation and get back in control. Before she changed anything from her position she heard Kani moan loudly and reaching her own climax. By the roars of Chuma he had three before she came down but the scary part was that the male lion dismounted the black cub now, licked over her head and approached Kamaria again. The cub did not react in time before she felt his bite in her neck again and groaned from his entry. She had to endure another two orgasms under him before Chuma decided to switch back to Kani and let Kamaria take a rest that she used to directly lay down to the side and curl to clear her own snatch. Her tongue felt hot when she extended it into her path to the womb that was sore from his barbs but she licked it clean without regarding the pain from her sore flesh. After she was finished she put her head on her paws and closed her eyes to sleep. She was exhausted and not much interested in Chuma who now was atop of Leta again.

The rest of the day the cubs stayed in the cave with Leta and Chuma. They were licking each other clean, watching him take Leta or moaning and groaning under the big lion that seemed to know no exhaustion or limit at this day. The only cub that he did not enter was Sanura. The 5 months old cub only was urged on to lick him clean a few times or he spurted his spunk over her but he did not penetrate the small cub. In the evening Leta felt that her heat had totally stopped and it took Chuma a few more rounds until he also noticed that she lubricated less and was not as hot inside.

Even after her heat the scent lingered a few days in the cave and made Chuma horny. He did not demand it as often as before but he still took one of the cubs or Leta every now and then when they were in the cave, mostly before they went to sleep. They spend a lot of time outside and Chuma started to teach the cubs how to hunt with small animals he brought with him. The life returned slowly into the rhythm before Leta arrived. Now and then, approximately once a week, he would request to mount one of the females. Aisha, Leta and Kani were the most willing ones while Bina and Kamaria were reluctant but did not fight it when he jumped them.

Two big changes happened over the next weeks. The first one was that Bina slowly lost her cubby features and transformed into a young lioness that looked like a smaller version of Kani and the second one was that the belly of Leta began to swell with the litters of Chuma.

[SotO] Chapter 8: New Lives

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 8: New Lives "Conceal yourself better. You have to crouch very low on the ground." Chuma was training the cubs and even Leta took part to learn how to hunt in packs. Bina crouched down a bit more. With her growth spurt...

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[SotO] Chapter 6: Secret or no secret

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 6: Secret or no secret Bina and Kani were quite exhausted. They joined the other cubs in breakfast but did not rush out with the others. Chuma let them explain the reasons and the others cubs took the excuse that...

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[SotO] Chapter 5: The sounds of the night

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 5: The sounds of the night Chuma woke up from a soft groan and a movement of Bina. The first thing he noticed when his mind slowly took note of his surroundings was the tight grip of her love tunnel around his member...

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