[SotO] Chapter 5: The sounds of the night

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#5 of Shadow of the Oasis

It is New Year and this also means it is January an I got another update for you. :)

The January update of Shadow of the Oasis.

As you know this is a monthly series so the next update will be in Fabruary.

The next month will be busy because I want to finally find a new (bigger) apartment here (after living on 11m² for 10 years I totally need more) and a lot of other things I want to do for the new year. (Most importantly "Stay Healthy" after my rough last year.)

I hope you like this chapter.


All characters in this story as well as the story are copyright by me (Imya). Please do not repost or use characters without permission. You may do fan art of the characters (this is very welcome) but please link the story to the fan art.

This story is pure fictional and meant for entertainment only. All actions and characters in the story are pure fantasy and in a fantasy world.

The age circle in this story does not follow human standards but the standards for each respective animal that was used as reference for the characters. For legal reasons all actors of this story are adults (in this fantasy world).

This story does contain sexual and erotic content of feral big cats also involving cubs and adolescent big cats of different species with an adult lion.

If you are under the legal age for your country (normally 18),feel offended by this or do not like this kind of content please do not read any further. For the rest: Please enjoy.

Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 5: The sounds of the night

Chuma woke up from a soft groan and a movement of Bina. The first thing he noticed when his mind slowly took note of his surroundings was the tight grip of her love tunnel around his member and a slight pressure on his tip. The next thing was that he felt horny and the whimpers of the cub. Chuma looked down to Bina and saw that her belly was bulged out clearly noticeable. He apparently had come once or twice in his sleep and his member still was hard in her. His mind was almost clear and he directly noticed that he needed to pull out of her. His gaze fell upon the sleeping Sanura and Leta in front of him and the slumbering Kani on his flank. Carefully he dragged Kani down and rose to his paws. Bina seemed to have been asleep but by him shifting now started to wake up. He knew that she would feel pain when he pulled out and would wake up everyone. Then they would see that she was leaking cum and there would be questions. He better would not do this right here in the cave. He cursed himself for following his horny whims the evening before and penetrating the cub again. His horniness though enjoyed the tight grip around his member at the same time and he inhaled deeply the scent of Leta's heat. A loud groan of the cub got him back to reality directly. He looked under his belly and saw her eyes in tears looking at him.

"Try to be silent for a while." He asked her and caressed her face softly and caring with his paw. Then he supported her body with one paw so that she was now hanging down pressed on his belly and slowly started to move towards the exit of the cave. It was hard to run with three legs only and the movements made the cub groan because his member began to slightly move in and out with each step. Chuma moaned lightly and it took him a minute to reach the exit of the cave. He looked back to the others but nothing hinted towards one of them waking up. He quickly slipped out and began to hump a bit faster on his three legs to get down the cliff. The waterfall was roaring loud overpowering the groans of the cub and his moans that got stronger with each of his steps. The horniness in Chuma grew with each friction of her tunnel around his member. He did not stop at the plateau but continued down lost in the pleasure the movement brought upon him. Without looking back he headed towards a bush right at the bottom of the valley. His lust clouded mind did not regard the discomfort of the cub that was now groaning and crying nearly as loud as the waterfall. He got past the bush and stopped surrounded by bushes to trust into her eagerly. It only took him one or two more strokes before he felt his body tense up and his balls contracting. He pushed more fertile seed into her overstretched womb. He was lost in pleasure but by slowly coming down from his lust daze he noticed that the cub was past her limits. Her belly looked like she was pregnant .He thought it was a very funny look for a cub to have but a spark of responsibility and reason made Chuma pull out and while his member spurted all over the black body of the cub he saw semen gush out of her snatch in a strong stream. The cub sighed in relieve and Chuma slowly calmed down while his last spurts coated the head of Bina who was too exhausted to move yet.

"I am sorry sweetheart..." He began but then suddenly stopped as he heard something on the other side of the bush. It was a very silent noise but for the experienced hunter it was no problem to hear it. Someone was closing in on the other side of the bush. He wondered what it could be. It was definitely a soft step of an animal but he could not find out which animal it was. Chuma turned to the bushes and got ready to jump. He tensed his hind legs, stretching out his front legs. The tension in his body increased to its maximum. When he heard the other creature stop in front of the bush he leaped over it with one large jump and readied himself to attack the intruder. Shocked eyes met his gaze when he was half over the bush. The shy Kani stood there apparently having followed them outside. He didn't realize he woke the cub up. The 13 months old cub could not even react except for looking at him surprised. He landed next to her and his yaws closed gently with her scruff between his front teeth. She was a bit bigger than Kamaria. Her shy nature always made her seem even younger because she was very silent and most of the time just observed instead of taking part in the games or discussions. Chuma was surprised himself and had not been able to stop his attack entirely and now he stood beside her with her scruff in his muzzle. The cub was immobile because he skillfully bit the spot at her neck that he also used for mating. His mind slowly coped with the situation but before he could make a rational thought his still strongly lingering horniness and arousal took over. The situation with her staying there motionless just gasping surprised and him holding her at her neck was something that triggered his mating instinct. Maybe it was because of Leta's heat or from his urges and horny instincts of taking Bina but his mind slipped to the back of his thoughts and the beast inside him took over. He looked over the dark fur of Kani. She was nearly a bigger and more matured version of Bina. Being a few months older she clearly got past of being a cub and went into adolescent hood. She still did not have quite the adult body but despite her size, that was a bit bigger than Kamaria, her figure was much like that of an adult lioness. Held by him she stood in a steady position with her hind legs only slightly spread and her tail curled up. This was probably a reaction to him biting down on her neck but Chuma did not really spend time thinking about this topic right now. He dragged Kani forward through the bushes and he heard a fearful whimper from her. She came to a halt in an even more open position and her hind legs spread more when they were right in front of Bina who was still leaking cum from her snatch but now that her agony was gone and the stream soothed her sore tunnel she had fallen asleep again. The lust crazes male lion did not wait for Kani to understand the situation but within seconds after stopping again he was atop of her. His slick member, still slimy from his own cum, smeared lubricant around her snatch and a scared cry from Kani was the only reaction to the big organ probing against her virgin folds. Chuma was past reason or control right now and without taking any concern about her being a virgin or this being her first time and that the only lubrication was the sperm on his dick he lined up with her soft folds and then pushed in hard.

She was tight. Nearly as tight as Bina had been but his strong push got him past her hymen tearing it apart and pushing up against her cervix with the first stroke. He ignored her loud groans and cries of pain. He held her tight with his grip and pulled back merciless raking her virgin canal sore and then pushing back in. Blood started to add to the lubricant and her pussy also started to produce her own liquid in the try to make his entry more slippery and less painful. He entered a rut humping her without a second thought pushing in and out of the young lioness. She could do nothing more than groan loudly with each push and pull while her tears were overflowing. Chuma did not hear or see any of this. His mind was clouded by his horny lust, an instinct he got less and less control over. Even with his eager pushes it took him a few more minutes to finally breach her cervix. It refused his entry for some time but finally his penis overpowered the entrance of her womb and pushed into her inner sanctuary. He was this close to the edge that he directly started to inseminate her. He released his grip on her neck and started to lick her neck and head in affection while more and more of his liquid spurted inside her tiny womb. The cub did nothing more than shiver under him and still groaning even though she got husky by now. Chuma bit her neck softly again and started to hump. Even though he was still spurting his arousal was already on the rise again and he did not plan to pull out. The husky groans of Kani rose stronger but he still didn't care about it. He established the same pace as before while still spurting his last loads of semen into her coating her tunnel in his slippery lubricant. His balls smacked against her clit with every push and Chuma lost himself in pleasure moaning loud and taking Kani like an adult lioness in heat. Normally he would rest between the times he spurted inside her but his body seemed to be in overdrive not even taking this rest right now. He did not pull out or slow down but just pushed through his second and third orgasm inside her. Her groans slowly subsided and turned into very low moans. On his fourth orgasm he felt her starting to climax as well and he held his penis inside her pushing in his fertile seed with strong spurts and resting atop of the cub. He waited like this until her orgasm kicked in and she started to milk him. Her orgasm aroused him that much that he did not even have to move. His fifth climax followed a few minutes later just urged on by her clenching tunnel.

Kani moaned and huffed exhausted. The strong pain she had felt in the last onslaughts of Chuma turned into a very faint burning itch inside her tunnel and pussy. Her whole inside felt slippery and slimy. The member of Chuma that now twitched inside her womb and spurted more of this liquid into her started to feel pleasant. Her vision was blurry because her eyes were still full of tears and her mind was fogged by the new feeling of arousal and pleasure. She felt bloated and her womb was stretched very strongly but her mind welcomed the stretch because it added to this mysterious new feeling. Her tunnel still twitched and clamped around the thick rod that Chuma inserted into her. Kani was confused and did not understand what they were doing but deep in the back of her mind something was wishing for him to continue.

The bigger lion started to move again and his barbed dick pulled back through her tunnel. The barbs that scratched her painfully now only massaged her inside and shot jolts of pleasure through her tunnel. Part of this was caused by the slimy liquid that now coated her tunnel and made it very slippery and by her inner canal going numb for pain and experiencing it as a strange way of pleasure. The spot in her neck where he bit down tingled and waves of pleasure pulsed from her neck to her snatch. She felt the big intruder move inside her back and forth until the spurts inside her added to the pool of slimy liquid in her womb. While he spurted inside her she felt him licking over her head and her face and the tears were removed from her eyes. Her gaze fell upon Bina who was lying directly in front of her. A pool of white and clear liquid was under her and drips of the same liquid still exited her slightly opened snatch. Kani could see splashes on her whole fur. The cub was sleeping with a smile on her face. She lowered her head and started to lick over the hind of Bina licking up the liquid. It tasted salty and strong. Kani did not find the taste to her liking but at the same time she also did not hate it. In addition the taste and the strong musk around her made her inside tingle in anticipation and without really noticing it herself she started to clean up the fur of Bina until no traces of the semen were left on her fur. Then she started to lick up the drips that exited her snatch still not really sure if the liked the taste or not. The only thought in her mind was that the taste made her tingle even more and that this tingle was a nice feeling.

Meanwhile Chuma had come one more time inside her and her womb started to stretch so much that it felt uncomfortable and she began to groan. She glanced a look under her body and saw a clear bulge of her belly. It was not yet painful but a rather new feeling of being very full. Kani did not dislike it even though her body screamed in discomfort. Her next climax drew near and Chuma granted her unvoiced wish and continued to pound her. She felt him moving in and out at a high speed even though he still spurted inside her womb and tunnel. Then with a loud moan she started to twitch and clamp around the intruder and milk every spurt. Chuma stopped and just enjoyed her milking his dick while Kani felt her energy seep out of her body with each spasm. She moaned and chirped uncontrollable in the ecstasy of her pleasure and only felt his lick on her head again very slightly as if he was barely touching her. Her legs started to wobble when he started to spurt again and add to the pressure and fullness inside her womb. On instinct to not fall down because she was unable to support both their weights anymore she crouched down until she lay on her belly. The dick of Chuma plopped free from her sudden movement and she felt the liquid gush out of her snatch without anything to hold it back. Her tunnel still twitched and she felt empty. She was so highly aroused that the only thing she thought about was getting filled by him again as if she was in heat. She rose her tail high and to the side to show him that even if she was not able to raise her humps she was asking for him to take her again. She felt the spurts of cum from the now free member of Chuma splash on her back and even the back of her head. Some of the spurts stopped at her tail and from the spots his massive rod touched her tail she was sure he was crouching down. She felt his weight upon her back and the wetness of the liquid he squirted on it earlier being massaged into her fur by his belly and chest. Then she felt his slick member rush over her tail base and tail-hole until it was caught by her quivering pussy. Then she felt the thick meaty pole enter her small snatch again and stretch it to its limits. She welcomed it with a moan and a submissive gaze towards his head. He watched her not biting down yet. Kani put her head into her neck and licked the bottom of Chuma's yaw in an affectionate and submissive way to show him how much she liked what he did but her energy pummeled fast even in this position and so she soon had to lower her head and put it between her forelegs. Her nose stopped between the legs of Bina just an inch away from her snatch. She took in the faint scent of the cub and the strong musk that also was emitted from her pussy as her tunnel was still coated in Chuma's spunk.

She felt Chuma starting a slow rhythm that was scratching her at all the right places. She closed her eyes and inhaled the intoxicating musk from Bina's snatch while concentrating alone on the wonderful feeling in her deep cavern. Chuma filled her again. Kani lost count and did not care about it. She only focused on the pleasure she received with each push, each pull and each spurt of him. When her own orgasm kicked off again she lost the last of her energy and fainted. She was guided to the dream land by the steady humping of Chuma, her own twitching pussy and a sea of pleasure that softly held her afloat.

Chuma felt her fainting and drifting off to sleep. He had tired her out completely but still the girl had demanded him to take her. She was very special and different from the others. If he did not knew better he would guess she was in heat but even heat would only go so far in presenting and starving for a male's cock. 'Silent waters run deep.' He thought by himself and smiled at the now sleeping cub. He must have hit something in the silent cub that may have been slumbering there for a long while already. The cub was nearly as horny as he was and she seemed to enjoy being pumped full by him even though she was definitely not in heat. Chuma would surely not deny her wishes as he was align with them. He felt a high arousal and strong love towards the young dark furred lioness that urged on his horniness even more. He was not sure if it was just the confusion about the situation and her new found pleasure but she was giving herself voluntarily even in her sleep. Chuma knew he could not impregnate her but he did not stop trying so nonetheless. His sex clouded mind did not see any other option than to pound the sleeping lioness until he was satisfied or too tired to go on. A lot of his semen had gushed out by her losing her balance earlier and him slipping out but he was ready to replace it. Two orgasms later he already felt a slight pressure on his tip again and pushed into her eagerly while still spurting. He felt his energy slipping away finally and with another strong orgasm he just stopped deep inside her womb and let his body rest atop of her. He supported his own bode with his legs to not crush the cub but he put his head on hers taking in his own musk from the snatch of Bina just like Kani did all along. He heard the steady breath of the small cub, the heavier one of the sleeping lioness under him and her heart beat together with a low purr. He joined in with his own purr and while he twitched and spurted and felt her womb clench weakly in a small orgasm he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep atop of his lioness.

When he woke up his paws and his dangling sack felt wet. He noticed while shaking off the slumber that his member had gone flaccid during sleep. He seemed to have finally drained his sexual urges with Kani. Some semen still tickled on his sheath, over his balls and then down into a puddle of cum that built under Kani. He lifted himself from Kani and his nose bumped into the tail of Bina which woke the small cub up. "I think you should go and clean yourself in the sea. The sun will soon be up and we need to return to the cave." He whispered to not wake up Kani yet. The cub looked down at her own belly and paws and noticed the damp fur of the spunk puddle. With a hesitant smile she got up and walked to the sea. Chuma could see that Bina limbed a bit. He had seen Aisha doing this the day after he first took her but for Bina it was possible a much stronger pain taking that she was smaller and that he had been far more eager with her. He felt a bit guilty but he also noticed that looking at the cum-dripping cub from behind revived his dick once again. Even if it was only slowly it started to creep out and get hard again. He turned around to the still sleeping Kani and lifted her tail with his paw. Her snatch was still gaping wide open. It could not have been too long time ago that he went limb as cum still dripped actively out of her pussy. Her flesh was pink and sore. He took a lick over the open entrance of her cavern and earned a long moan from the sleeping lioness. The taste of her faint sweetness and his semen, the view on her open snatch and the musk around her hind washed away any guilt or reason as he stepped over her again. With a grunt and a loud moan he entered her stretched tunnel and pushed directly into her womb. His balls slapped against her wet hind with a smack and he started to hump her fast right away. Her love tunnel was lubricated good and still stretched so it was not as tight as in the night but Chuma enjoyed it nonetheless.

Kani's moans grew stronger until she finally awoke and looked up to Chuma. The male gently bit down on her scruff and held her in position to push into her with his eager thrusts. "Good morning my love." He huffed out of the corner of his muzzle. He came close to his orgasm and he also noticed that the tunnel of Kani twitched in preparation for her own climax. He doubled his pace and tried to hold back his own climax as long as possible. When he felt her actively clench her muscles around him he finally let loose with a sigh and this orgasm was stronger than any he had before. The semen gushed out of his member for the first few splashes like he was peeing inside her and even afterwards the quantity of his spunk was as much as two climaxes or three. Chuma grunted and moaned while Kani under him chirped in her own climax. Both of the lions took half a minute to finally calm down from their climax and with hard breathing they rested with him still deep inside her splashing his last spurts into her womb. The sky already started to lighten up which marked the sunrise was inbound. Cole stepped off the young lioness and watched her fur. It was sticky and slimy from his spunk entirely. He licked her cheeks and let her stand up. He saw that she was as shaky on her legs as Bina. But her face looked quite happier. "We should also wash ourselves in the sea." He whispered and led her to the sea where Bina just stepped out of the water. She watched Kani, who dripped of his semen as much as she had done before if not more, entering the water and washing off all the sticky sperm in her fur. Chuma also jumped into the sea making sure to wash off all of their love juices that stuck to him. Bina waited for them outside while licking off the last traces of water in her fur. From his angle Chuma was able to see past her half raised tail onto her pink pussy. With a smile he saw a drop of liquid that was not water drip down from her snatch and he knew that some of his semen still was inside the cub. He felt that this view aroused him again and quickly dove into the cold water. It cooled him down and let his member shrink back into its sheath. Shortly after Kani and Chuma stepped out of the water and shook their fur dry. The rest of water was quickly done away with a few licks and Chuma even spared a few licks for the pussies of the lionesses to clean the entrances of their love tunnels from his spunk. As much as he loved seeing them run around with the proof that he pumped them full of his seed he also did not want the other cubs to start and ask questions. They entered the cave just in time before the waterfall was bathed in light and the other cubs slowly started to wake up.

[SotO] Chapter 6: Secret or no secret

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 6: Secret or no secret Bina and Kani were quite exhausted. They joined the other cubs in breakfast but did not rush out with the others. Chuma let them explain the reasons and the others cubs took the excuse that...

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# Epilogue "Hello? Are you there Vince?" the soft voice of Stacy was hard to understand because of all the fireworks. Vince went inside. The house was dark and silent until he turned on the lights. His parents were not home. Like every New Year they...

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25th December

# 25th December It was warm and cuddly when Vince woke up. He felt the bodies of the girls around him and their fur that was caressing against his fur every time they moved. Vince took a deep breath with his eyes closed and noticed a faint scent of...

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