[SotO] Chapter 9: Grown up

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#9 of Shadow of the Oasis

Hello friends!

It took me a day longer because of BBQ and other 1. May stuff.

My time is very limited at the moment but I managed to write this story. There will be at least 3 - 4 more chapters. I am also already thinking about the next series. If you have any requests (like I got one for a spinn-off from Snow Valley) feel free to ask me directly or in the comments.

I hope you like this months chapter. Please enjoy my story.


All characters in this story as well as the story are copyright by me (Imya). Please do not repost or use characters without permission. You may do fan art of the characters (this is very welcome) but please link the story to the fan art.

This story is pure fictional and meant for entertainment only. All actions and characters in the story are pure fantasy and in a fantasy world.

This is a pure fictional story is an artwork for the purpose of entertainment. Any similarities with real persons are unintended and any content of the story do not reflect the opinions or suggestions by the author.

The age circle in this story does not follow human standards but the standards for each respective animal that was used as reference for the characters. For legal reasons all actors of this story are adults (in this fantasy world).

This story does contain sexual and erotic content of feral big cats also involving cubs and adolescent big cats of different species with an adult lion.

If you are under the legal age for your country (normally 18),feel offended by this or do not like this kind of content please do not read any further. For the rest: Please enjoy.

Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 9: Grown up

Chuma woke up and something was different. He was not sure what and this alarmed him. He got up and looked down at the sleeping Sanura. He did not have the sense of danger but something just was different this morning. A few meters away Leta was sleeping with her two cubs Laia and Chari. The 6 months old cubs reminded him how cute Sanura had been at this age. Sure they looked much different. They had clear visible spots now all over their body but their features more reminded of lions than of leopards.

His attention was taken away again. His nose twitched and there was a smell in the air that was different from the day before. His body recognized the smell faster than his still half asleep mind and he felt his member creep out of its sheath. One of the girls was in heat and after Chuma noticed what the smell meant he directly went towards Aisha who was laying a few steps behind Leta. His suspicion was confirmed when he descended with his head and sniffed at her rump. He took in a long sniff before licking around her tail base and even flicked a lick over her wet pussy. The liquid was like a drug for him. His member was rock hard and he did not want to wait any longer. He nudged Aisha and the female slowly woke up. She was still half in her sleep but Chuma was full awake right now. He nudged her in the side to have her roll on her belly and then he bit down at her neck which made her moan and push her body a bit up into the perfect mating position. Chuma was sure she had not caught up yet that she was in heat and she definitely was just reacting on instinct right now but he did not care at all. He joined her in a long moan when he pushed into her moist and warm folds and felt her flesh engulf his member like a glove. He started a slow but steady rhythm and with every moan Aisha seemed to wake up a bit more.

Aisha woke up by a nudge in her side. A weird tingle was in her belly but she was still half asleep and did not regard it much. A second nudge and she evaded it by rolling on her belly. Her eyes shot open when she felt a bite in her neck and the sudden rush of endorphins in her whole body. The tingle in her belly turned into a burning that she never felt before and right after that it exploded when she felt Chuma push through her libido and enter her tunnel with long and slow strokes.

Aisha could not understand what was happening. It felt so much better than ever before. She just loved the feeling of Chuma pushing in and out and she did not regard anyone around her. She just moaned with each push that was igniting the fire inside her more and more. The barbs scratched her inside but the pain did not bother her but instead aroused her even more. Her pussy was drenched in her own liquids and she submitted to him moaning and chirping in the rhythm of his pushes. She felt him slow down and come to a hold deep inside her womb and then she felt him spurt. It was like gushing oil over a fire. Her own walls trembled and squeezed him and she came down in a powerful orgasm like none she ever experienced before.

Chuma was not done yet though. She felt him start to move right after and all she could do was moan under him. He let go of her scruff and placed his head next to hers. She licked his muzzle in affection but she was not able to do anything more. The spiraling climax she was feeling with every push of him took away her reason and her mind went blurry receiving his love again and again. Her nose faintly noticed his strong musk and her own strong smell. Her half opened eyes noticed a movement around them from the waking other females but her mind did not process any of that. Her mind just wanted him to continue like this forever and entered a daze that gave her climaxing body the control over all actions and blanked out her mind.

Chuma came to a hold when the sun was already shining golden through the waterfall into the cave. The other girls had looked at him and Aisha got consumed into his intense love making. Even the two cubs Laia and Chari watched him. For them it was the first time they actually saw him mating. Leta was so absorbed by the frenzy in front of her eyes that she did not stop them from watching. It was not that they did not see him like that before but in the last months he had controlled his urges a lot, mostly because he did not want to frighten the cubs with showing them a strong pounding. Right now though he did not regard the watching cubs at all and also did not notice the eyes that followed them until he stopped and caught his breath. The ground under Aisha was wet from a poodle of their combined juices. Chuma had pulled out a bit to empty her barrel before he continued every now and then. The breath of Aisha also calmed down and Chuma, still with his twitching member deep in her womb, saw that the frenzy love daze she had been in was fading away slowly.

"Good Morning!" he said with a low voice and while the last spurts entered Aisha he turned his head around and looked every girl into the eyes. Leta now noticed the cubs watching him with big eyes and quickly guided them to the other direction where the food was to get their attention away from Chuma and Aisha. The girls were not happy about not being able to watch until the end. At the start they had been shocked by the noises they were making and the fast movement but towards the end they were just curious. Her father and Aisha seemed to have so much fun and both were smiling when they stopped. Chuma dismounted Aisha and let her catch a breath while he also walked over to the meat to get some breakfast. The other girls helped Aisha to clean up before they brought her to the food as well so she could replenish her energy.

"Wow, that felt a lot different than before." She finally whispered after laying down next to Chuma. He purred and licked over her head. "It sure does. It is better when you are in heat, right?" Aisha looked up to him and licked his muzzle. "It sure is." Her mind was pretty clear right now and her eyes did not look like they were in a daze anymore. "Wait until your cubs are born. This is the happiest moment of all." Leta mentioned between two bites and Aisha first looked at her a bit confused before it finally sank in. "You mean I will have cubs?" she asked and Chuma chuckled. "Yes Aisha. That is what being in heat means. You are ready to have my cubs." He chewed a juicy part of the meat while he watched Leta cutting a slice into small pieces to let Laia and Chari try to chew the food. They still were drinking the milk but she started to make them get used to solid food so they would eat with everyone else. Laia was already chewing the meat eagerly while Chari only suckled on it a bit before turning to her mother and demanding to get some milk.

Chuma was much more in control than he had been when Leta had been in heat. Being a father and being a bit older now had him get more experiences with holding in his urges. In the act he still was not regarding anything else but right now he let Aisha rest and eat while he also replenished his energy. For sure he would not wait too long. He already smelled her heat increasing again and he knew that soon she would demand him to mount her again which he would eagerly comply with. He looked to Leta and the cubs that now both suckled at her teats. Leta had finished her meal as it seemed and now started to wash her cubs one after another.

"Why don't you go to play with Laia and Chari at the lake?" he suggested and did not only look to Leta but also to Bina, Sanura, Kani and Kamaria. "The sun seems to be out. From what it looks like this will be a wonderful day." All girls looked at him but when he nudged Aisha and they saw that his member was already half erect they knew that he controlled himself hard to wait until the cubs were outside before he would continue. Chuma was sure that in the next days they would see him take Aisha more often and he did not mind anymore now that they already witnessed it but he did not want them to stay in the cave that was reeking of Aisha's heat the whole day. "Call me if there is any problem." He mentioned and Leta nodded towards him. They finished their meal around ten minutes later and while Kamaria, Bina and Sanura joined Leta and the cubs to go outside, Kani stretched and rolled on her back. She seemed to not be interested to go outside but wait here and watch Chuma take Aisha again. The black lioness was by far the one that loved to be taken by Chuma the most. She had been one of the reasons why the other lionesses got longer breaks because when Chuma could not hold back anymore and she was around and noticed it she presented for him directly and moaned with every push. Chuma was not sure if she just wanted to watch or if she hoped that she would get a turn as well. The heat had an effect on her as well and he noticed that her snatch was dripping wet from arousal. At this moment though the heat scent and a mewl of Aisha made him turn his head to the cheetah. She already was in mating pose again and with her drenched pussy he knew that the urge inside her was so strong that she could not wait any longer. With a moan he mounted her and bit into her neck. Then he pushed inside her slippery wet love tunnel and began to pick up a fast rhythm.

Kani watched with jealousy as Chuma pushed into the moaning Aisha again. The other females left the den already but she stayed behind. The scent of Aisha's heat had an effect on her as well and she already was wet. She was sure not in heat yet but it aroused her to smell the heat scent and even more the musk of Chuma. In the past month she had developed a sensibility for the scent of Chuma when he was aroused. She smelled it before it was showing with his member poking out and when he was in a rut like now the smell was so overpowering for her that she got aroused on the spot. When Chuma came in Aisha again and Kani saw her dotted friend also reaching her climax she could not hold back anymore as well. She curled up, still showing all her privates to Chuma, and started to lick her own pussy with long strides. It felt good but it was nothing compared to the feeling she knew Chuma was giving Aisha. The couple started to grunt and moan again and Kani managed to watch Chuma hump her again while still licking over her snatch. At his second climax though just licking was not enough anymore. The scent of his cum tickled her nose. She had become one sex crazy lioness and to vent her frustration she plunged her tongue deep into her own snatch. Her own lewd taste mixed with the smell of Aisha and Chuma and made her moan and chirp in pleasure. She did not regard the couple anymore and only the strong smell and the noises showed her that they were still at it. She pushed her tongue deep into her snatch wiggling around and touching all her own buttons behind her labia. The pleasure inside her was rising more and more and she felt her own climax approaching. She never reached it by licking herself but the smell and noises made her extremely horny. When her pussy started to twitch and squirt her girl juices all over her own muzzle she also heard a roar of Chuma and Aisha. When she looked up with her body still twitching she saw Aisha with a belly that was clearly bulged downwards and cum dripping from the balls of Chuma. His balls were still twitching and the instinct made Kani rise directly and approach the couple from behind.

She extended her tongue and started to lick the contracting balls and the clit of Aisha earning moans from both of them. After a while the twitches of Chuma stopped and he pulled out. Kani did not move and had him step over her while she licked his retreating member and the pussy of Aisha until cum flooded into her muzzle when Chuma popped free. Kani felt a slimy trail over her nose and forehead where the dick of Chuma scrubbed over her fur while the male stepped further back. She did not regard it at all because she started to gulp down the semen that entered her muzzle from Aisha's snatch and pushed her tongue inside to scoop out more. When Chuma's penis glided over her rump she pushed her tail high and her ass up at the moment it slipped over the end of the girl. She felt his tapered dick brush over her quivering drenched folds and they gripped softly at the tip. This alone had Chuma ready again and her plan succeeded. With a long moan she felt him push deep into her wet love tunnel and bite down at her neck. While Kani continued to lick out scoop after scoop of cum out of the snatch of Aisha and made her friend moan she also moaned under Chuma who was going at her with a fast pace. It did not take Kani long to climax and Chuma was not far behind. She felt his spunk entering her tiny womb and chirped by the feeling it triggered inside her. Chuma did not stop but pushed through it like Kani was already used from him. When he finally dismounted her the belly of the dark lioness was bulged as much as Aishas had been and she rolled on her side satisfied for now watching how Chuma climbed atop of Aisha again to tend to her needs.

The heat of Aisha lasted for four days and most of the time Chuma and she spent inside the den. Kani often was accompanying them but with less and less attention she got from Chuma and the increasing endurance of Aisha she lost interest on the second day and on the third day only watched them for a few hours. Even when Chuma and Aisha left the den they did not stop mating. Chuma was around her all the time and it did not take him more than ten minutes after dismounting to be atop of her again. By now his baby girls saw them mate frequently and he even started to teach them on how to clean him up after he dismounted. He did not go any further. An instinct inside him prevented him from advancing on his daughters and so he just let them lick his member a few times and focused more on Aisha.

Even after the heat diminished at the fourth day Chuma still was highly aroused and he took Aisha even when she already stopped moaning loud and slipped in a few groans. Kani was happy to relieve her friend at this time and for one more week Chuma went back to a daily routine of emptying himself in one of the females, mostly Kani. When the scent in the den wore off Chuma slowly calmed down and everything went back to normal. In the next 2 months Aisha started to show a growing belly and she spent a lot of time with Leta after the cubs had outgrown being nursed and trained and played with the other females and Chuma.

And then came the day Kani waited for so long and finally she woke up with a tingle in her tummy and from all she heard from Aisha and Leta before she knew that her time had come. She went to Chuma before he could wake up and pushed her pussy into his face. Her scent had him on his feet very fast and he jumped up leaving the two cubs Laia and Chari, who cuddled with him this night, on the ground. They woke up and looked up just in time to see Chuma jump on Kani and push into her with a unified loud moan that woke up all the other females.

Chuma moaned loud and closed his eyes while he pushed into his long tested sex partner with long and powerful strokes. Kani had always been very eager to have sex with him but right now she was more demanding than ever before. The sensitive female was already twitching even though Chuma did just enter her a few minutes ago and before Chuma was anywhere near his own climax he felt her tunnels spasm around his member and grip on him tightly. The male lion pushed through it and with the overpowering heat scent all around him and the squelching sound of her drenched folds he came closer and closer to his own release. Kani moaned, chirped, purred and mewled all at once. She sounded like three kittens in heat. For Chuma she had been a big help in all the months because of her willingness to let him mount her and because he always knew that she enjoyed it even without heat as much as he did. It was partly because of his training in the whole last year but the dark lioness also had a natural gift and liking towards mating. She was by far the most sensitive female and small touches were enough to get her wet but with her heat she was crazy in need and every stroke, every lick at her neck and every soft brush over her fur made her moan and push against him.

Chuma came to a halt and felt his seed spurt strongly into the womb of his female while her womb still twitched and the tunnel milked him from his live giving seed. He felt liquid running down his sack and then small tongues that licked it off and made him moan and his balls contract a bit longer. When he looked back he saw Laia and Chari going to work and cleaning him and the moaning Kani up while they still were connected and Chuma still shot more and more spunk into her. Chuma had trained them at cleaning him up in the last two months. He did not jump them but this did not mean he was not teaching them how to serve him. The girls had been eager to learn all this from him and some of the other females, all in front Kani, even though their mother was not too fond with this. By now she had however accepted that Chuma encouraged them knowing that he would not take it any further. When his spurts subsided the cubs still licked him and made his member stay hard and fully erect inside Kani. Chuma started to move again and moaned in unison with Kani. He saw that his daughters started to lick each other's private parts, a game they learned from Kani, while they watched him go again but at this point the faded away from his conscious as he started to get more into a rut and only concentrated on Kani. He lost the sense of time and did not notice when all the other females left the cave including Laia and Chari who protested but were led outside by their mother.

Kani had much more endurance than all the other females and nearly equaled Chuma with it. Both of them mated moaning without long breaks. Chuma only pulled out for a short time when he felt the pressure being too much and right after the barrel of Kani emptied he pushed into her hot and drenched pussy again. Kani did not leave the spot. She was in a bliss and when he pulled out she put up a wide stance that helped the seed to exit her faster because she knew that this would cut down the break by a few minutes. When the others got back into the cave they were still at it and if not for their demanding and bringing food to them both of them would not have stopped and replenished their energy at all. Chuma did not dismount but just stayed atop of Kani while he felt her twitch around him and his seed spill into her full womb while both of them chew the meat. Laia and Chari made Chuma moan while eating by licking his balls again and soon he finished his small snack and started to push into Kani again who started to moan in unison with him again. There was not much rest in the night as well. After both of them finally depleated all their energy Kani just lay down on her bloated belly and Chuma just lay atop of her still slowly pushing into her every now and then. With his last unified climax, with only a very bit of semen adding to the pool in her womb, they both relaxed and slipped off to sleep while still being connected.

In the next days they still went on ignoring the others for the most time. Both their privates were sore but they did not regard this. After the pain subsided there was only pleasure. The sessions got slower though because of the energy both of them consumed in the act and because their bodies demanded rests for the sore member and tunnel. Chuma rarely pulled out during these rests but just rested atop of Kani. When her heat was gone four days later and Chuma felt the cold air around his sore member after days of constant heat around it both of them started to feel the sting and groaned when the other females licked over them to clean them up and sooth the sore flesh. In the next nearly two months mating was the least of interests for both Kani and Chuma. Even after the soreness of their privates vanished their sex drive seemed to be sated for now but at least for Chuma this would most likely soon change.

Laia and Chani grew cuter every day and Aisha had left them to bear her cubs in the cave Leta already went. Kani's belly was big and heavy already and she showed it off to Chuma and the others proud. Chuma spent a lot of time with the others. He watched his daughters when the females were on the hunt and cuddled with all his females on regular bases. This peaceful and calm time came to an end eventually. Aisha was expected to return any day soon and Chuma went nervous like with Leta waiting for the second mother of his children. But then something happened that took his mind off the worry for the moment.

[SotO] Chapter 10: Traditions

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 10: Traditions Chuma woke up and his nose twitched in the scent of heat. Even though he was still sleepy he directly knew who the female in heat had to be because Bina just turned two years and was due to step...

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[SotO] Chapter 8: New Lives

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 8: New Lives "Conceal yourself better. You have to crouch very low on the ground." Chuma was training the cubs and even Leta took part to learn how to hunt in packs. Bina crouched down a bit more. With her growth spurt...

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[SotO] Chapter 7: Little Princess

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 7: Little Princess The first thing Chuma noticed when he woke up was the heat scent of Leta. It got a bit weaker showing that her heat started to decline but it was enough to have him erect directly. The tip of his...

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