The Black Goat

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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Friends fellow Yiffers. This story is pretty Yiffy, more so then I usually

write, so if you are easily offended please DON'T read it! I have no

real idea why I wrote it, the idea just came to me. And no kiddies

as I don't want to warp your fragile little minds!

The Black Goat


William K. Kelso

It was a pretty good job as far as the pay went, but driving a delivery route over 500 miles long every day got really old, really fast. And the damn van didn't even have AC! And in the West Texas summer heat even going down the road at 65+ mph with the vents and windows open you still sweated like crazy. I always carried plenty of bottled water in a cooler as otherwise I would have been in serious danger of dehydrating. And the days were long, hot, and there was seldom even any cloud cover.

In order to save money I had been bringing my own lunch, and would stop at a suitable roadside park or other well shaded spot to eat my lunch and rest for awhile. I found the hidden pool quite by accident. I had found an older two-lane back road that allowed me cut a few miles off my route. It was a narrow, twisting road and I had to drive a lot slower, but it still saved time in the long run. The countryside was lovely too with a lot more trees and green then normal this time of year. There was one really nice spot where a creek that flowed all year long, which was rare around here, passed under the road. It flowed in shallow ripples over several descending slabs of stone like steps before disappearing into some tree and bushes. I had been pulling off the road under the trees, and would sit in the open back of the van and enjoy the quiet and soothing sound of the water flowing over the rocks in little waterfalls. It was a truly lovely place. After I ate I'd go and wash my hands and face in the nice clear cool water, then go on my way. It was my favorite stop.

One day shortly after eating I had to take a dump, one of those "if you don't do it now you'll be sooorry" ones. So I took a roll of TP (I'm always prepared, used to be a Boy Scout), and jumped an old falling down barbed wire fence to look for some suitable privacy. There wasn't much traffic along here, but I didn't want to take any chances. That was how I found the pool, or pools. I pushed through some thick brush, found a spot, and did my business. As I was cleaning up I could hear the sound of falling water, and curious I pushed back further through the bushes, and stepped into a clearing. It was beautiful! The creek had flowed into a small pool hollowed out of the stone, then on to another slightly larger pool, and so on. I followed the line of pools until I came to another clearing under some huge old trees, and found the biggest pool of all. Like all the others the water was crystal clear and notstagnant, and it emptied into a shallow stream bed that meandered out of sight around a bend. The pool was maybe twenty yards by forty yards, and I could tell it was pretty deep as I could see some small fish swimming around in the bottom. The clearing was fairly large and completely shaded by the huge old trees, and the ground was covered in green grass just like a lawn. And there were none of the usual cattle footprints, cow pies, or churned up muddy water, the place was pristine, and beautiful. I had never seen a place like it before, especially in Texas.

I walked into the clearing, and it must have been twenty degrees cooler than the 105 some odd normal degrees, and I tested the water and it was cool, but not icy. So what else could I do? I went skinny dipping! And oh God it felt soo good as I washed off the sticky sweat and frolicked in the pool. The little fish came up and nibbles at the hairs on my legs and it tickled. I fell in love with the place. I had been in the water about twenty minutes when I noticed the goat, a big black one. It was curiously nosing at the pile of my clothes. Oh great, I thought, it might eat something! I could just see myself trying to explain why I was sans pants or shirt when I got back in to the depot. A goat ate my pants boss, honest. I'm sure that would go over real well. "Hey! I yelled, get away from there!" and splashed water to get the goats attention. It looked up, let out a happy sounding Baa, and started munching on one of my socks!

"Yeee Haw!" I yelled as I came out of the pool. The goat beat a short retreat and turned to look at me with a hurt expression on its long face."Baaaa??" And for some reason I actually apologized to it. "Look, I said, you can't eat my clothes. I'll bring you something if you're still here later, OK?" The goat let out what sounded like a "Baaaa!" of agreement and next time I looked up it was gone. You're losing it dude, talking to a goat. I got dressed and went back to the van, and reluctantly drove away. That place is mine, I thought, I'm not going to tell ANYone else about it.

Two days later I had a slow day, and didn't even have to make deliveries to two of my regular stops. That gave me time for an extra long lunch break, and I knew where it was going to be. This time I'd brought along a really nice lunch, and a couple of big beach towels. I was most definitely going for another swim in that lovely cool water. It was like having a private pool. I pulled the van well off the side of the road down a narrow dirt track and behind some trees where it would be invisible from the road. I did not want anyone coming by and getting curious about a van parked by the creek. I jumped the wire, and went directly to the pool. I spread one of the towels, and sat down to enjoy my lunch.

I was about half way through when I heard a soft questioning "Baaaa?'', and looking up found the same black goat looking at me expectantly. "Oh yeah, I said, I did promise you a treat didn't I?" And to my surprise the goat bobbed its head up and down like it was nodding "Yes"! "Well, I said in bemusement, I do always keep my promises, even to goats! Want an apple?" As I offered the apple the goat came up to me and eagerly took it from my hand. "Bmmm, mmmm!" it said as it ate and crunched the apple in delight. And of course it wanted more, but I was running out of munchies. I gave it half a banana, complete with peel, and it gave a little squeal of satisfaction as it ate it. "That's all, sorry!" I said. The goat looked a little disappointed, but still happy, and turned away to start nibbling at the lush grass. Guess she didn't get many treats like those, or visitors for that matter. Maybe she was lonely too?

I looked down and started packing away the remnants of my lunch and didn't hear the goat come back until all of a sudden I felt a warm moist tongue start to lick my ear! "Whoa!" I said in surprise. But the goat kept licking my ear, and it actually felt kind of nice until I finally pushed it away. Yuck, I thought, Goat slobber! And wiped my ear off with a paper towel. As I wiped away the drool

I caught a whiff of a scent, kind of sweet and musky, and felt a few seconds of arousal. Whoa again! I thought, What was that?! Then I looked up. The goat had turned away from me and its rump was very close to my face, and I felt my eyes drawn to its sex. And suddenly I realized that was where the nice smelling scent had come from. Oh, no, no, no! I thought, time for a cold shower. It's been awhile, but I'm not THAT hard up!

I went over to the pool, stripped and hung my clothes on some bushes tall enough to keep them out of the goats reach. With an "Ow, Ow, cold, cold!" I waded into the pool, and dived into the deep part. It was almost fifteen feet deep there, and the water was crystal clear. I had a blast, swimming back and forth, chasing the fishies and generally acting like a little kid. It was so great! Finally, tired and getting a little cold I finally got out of the pool, and toweled myself off. I looked at the time, and was glad to see I could spend at least another hour here and not be late getting back to the depot. I looked around and saw the goat way over on the other side of the clearing grazing. Apparently it had lost interest in me since I had no more food. Then I lay down on the towel, still nude, and soon fell asleep in the warm air.

And I dreamed I was lying in bed in the dark and an unseen beautiful woman. She kissed and fondled me until I was rock hard then started giving me a blow job, gently caressing my balls while she sucked and licked my aching erection. "Ohhhh, God!" I moaned, and suddenly woke up more than a little confused. My eyes were still closed, but I knew I was awake and someone WAS licking and sucking my cock! "What in the!" I said as I opened my eyes and sat up in shock. It was the black goat. She was standing over me, her head hanging down to my crotch, and she was gently sucking and tonguing my rock hard erection and balls! And, God help me, it felt sooo goood! Her saliva was warm and seemed to tingle a little. I had never felt anything like it. I reached up to push her away, but instead found myself gently holding on to one of her short horns as she kept pleasuring me.

This is wrong, a part of me was saying, you're not into this kind of thing! Stop it now! But I didn't pay any attention. It just felt so goood, so erotic. With a soft moan I lay my head back down and the let the goat do continue to do what she was also obviously enjoying from the muffled sound of her soft bleats. It had been sooo long since I'd been with a woman, and it had never been this good before. And any second I thought I was going to explode. I began to thrust upward and moan. Then, much to my disappointment, the goat stopped and lifted her head. "Please, I said, please!" as she looked at me with her strange yellow eyes, "Please, don't stop!" I begged. God, I needed release sooo bad!

Then she turned away from me and presented her hindquarters to me. Again I caught that spicy musky scent, and I found my eyes drawn to her sex and felt my penis throb in response. And her vagina was wet, her lips glistening from the thick fluid on them. The black outer lips were swollen and I could see the dark pink of her inner lining. "Ohhh my God, I thought as I shakily climbed my feet, Ohh my God." I had never been interested in bestiality or anything like this, but found I was totally powerless to turn down her invitation. Her scent was driving me crazy. Her saliva was making my genitals tingle and I was so hard it hurt. I had never felt such lust, never wanted a female so bad before in my life! I knew it was wrong but I couldn't help myself, I had reached that level of arousal where all inhibitions disappear, drowned out by pheromones and lust.

In a light headed euphoric daze I crouched down behind her, reached down and placed the head of my aching penis against the lips of her sex, and mounted her with guttural grunt. With several powerful thrusts I penetrated her to the hilt and found a good steady thrusting rhythm as I coupled with her. "Uhhh!" I moaned. It felt sooo good! She was nice and tight, hot and slick, ripe and ready for me. I slid out easily but met a little resistance as I thrust back in, which only made it even better. And as I fucked her I could still hear a part of me somewhere in the back of my mind saying, This is wrong! This is wrong! But I was way beyond caring about anything except my sexual partner and the pleasure we were giving one another. I no longer cared that she was an animal. She turned her head to watch as I serviced her, her eyes half closed and tongue lolling out of her mouth. "Baaa, Uaaaa, Baaa!" she squealed softly as I kept ramming myself in and out of her. It seemed to last forever even though it was probably no more than a few minutes. And finally I could no longer resist that most ancient of urges and needs and I orgasme. It was the most fantasticly pleasurable thing I had ever felt in my life. And the goat screamed almost like a woman as it had its own orgasm. With a final moan I dismounted, my rapidly shrinking penis sliding out of the goat with a pop and slurping sound.

Oh God! What have I done! What the hell was wrong with me! I ran to the pool and waded in, and started scrubbing at myself in loathing. Oh Jesus, I thought, I just fucked an animal! What the HELL is wrong with me! Using handfuls of sand I scrubbed and scrubbed until I felt raw. I excited the pool and without even drying myself off got into my clothes as fast as I could. I could feel the goat looking at me, and I said "Get away fuck from me!" I started to quickly walk away, but at the last second I couldn't help it and turned to look back. The goat was still watching me with those strange yellow eyes. As I turned away again I heard it give a sad little questioning "Baaaa?

As I drove back to the depot I tried to come to terms with what I had done. Part of me said it was a crime against nature, a perversion. I was no virgin, but I had never been very successful with the ladies, being a little overweight and definitely not a hunk. But I just couldn't deny what had happened as much as I wanted to! I had never thought sex could be like that, and to be honest it had been the BEST sex I'd ever had. Just great, I thought, I finally meet the girl of my dreams and she's a barnyard animal! I got back to the depot, signed in, and went home. And all night I lay there in bed thinking about what I had done and more than once was dismayed when I got hard again thinking about it. When I got up in the morning I took a good hot shower and put a lot of baby power on my crotch as my balls had started to itch a little. I thought maybe I'd gotten fleas from my "lover". Great, I thought, just great! Just my kind of luck.

It was Saturday, so I didn't have to go back to my lame job, but part of me was kind of sad. I still didn't really want to believe what had happened. It almost seemed like a dream. But I knew I did want to go back to that favorite place. All day long my damn balls itched like crazy, but by night they'd finally stopped, so I guessed any critters I'd picked up had finally died or jumped off if I tasted nasty. That night I dreamed about my, um, encounter with the black goat. In the dream she was licking and sucking me again and with a start I woke to find I had a rock hard aching erection. With a gasp I threw back the covers and stared at myself, and unable to stop myself I started to masturbate desperately. And I was already nice and slick with pre, the covers were soaked with it. "Uh! Uh! UGH!"

I moaned as I stroked myself. It seemed to take forever, but finally I came with a grunt of pleasure, drenching my stomach and crotch with my seed. "Ohhhhh God!" I moaned. Then I jumped out of bed and went into the bathroom to clean myself up. Normally I used a rag to catch it when I jacked off, but I hadn't had time to get one this time and I was nasty. As I used a warm rag to clean myself off I kept staring at penis. I was still hard due to the warm rag, and reaching in to the sink drawer I pulled out a ruler and measured my hardness. Seven inches! I thought in surprise. I'd measured myself before, hey ALL guys do! It had only been about 6" tops if I remembered correctly. Still, that had been a long time ago and maybe it had grown some with age. Nice, though!

Sunday came and went, pretty much like Saturday, and again I woke up that night with a raging hard on, and again had a very pleasurable jerk off. And afterwards fell back into a very deep sleep. When I woke up to the alarm I felt great. Had a big breakfast, loaded up my cooler with water and a big lunch, and set out for work. I had no doubt where I was going to be stopping for my lunch break.

I had come to accept the fact that I wanted the black goat again, if she still wanted me. I no longer cared it if might be considered wrong, sexual arousal and lust had a way of making even the deepest social taboos & inhibitions disappear. I just knew I wanted more of that incredible pleasure. I wanted and needed it more than anything else, I had to have it. I hurried through my rounds, speeding most of the way so I would have as much time at the pool as possible.

When I reached the creek I hid the van again, jumped the old barbed wire fence, and walked quickly to the clearing with the large pool. At first I thought I was alone, and felt a real and great disappointment. Then I heard a bleat from the brush on the other side of the clearing, and the black goat stepped into the clearing. I approached her hesitantly, and offered her an apple from the cooler. With a bleat of eagerness she ran over to me and took it from my hand, and happily crunched and swallowed it in three bites. "Baaa Mmmm!" she said.I reached up and scratched her ears and she made little happy sounds. "Do you remember me?" I asked softly. She looked at me with those strange yellow eyes and then began to nibble on my ear. I felt that strange tingle again that her saliva seemed to cause and felt myself start to respond. "This is so wrong." I said as I kept scratching her ears. "So wrong." Btu she didn't pay me any attention. She knew what she wanted. I closed my eyes enjoying the feel of her tongue and lips. She licked my ear and face a little while longer and the tingling got stronger and more pleasurable, and then with an impatient grunt she thrust her head between my legs and tried to lick me there again.

"Ohhh, yes." I moaned. Quickly I took my clothes off and threw them in a heap while she waited impatiently. She put her head between my legs and started to lick and suck my rapidly hardening penis. I held her horns in my hand, my head thrown back, "Ugghh! Uhhhh!" I moaned at her attentions. God! I thought, why hadn't it ever been this good with a woman? As she lathered my genitals and crotch with her saliva I began to feel weak kneed and light headed again as the tingling got more intense. It was almost like a mild buzz, and the lust! Finally after quite some time she suddenly pulled away from me, and spun around to offer me her rump. She was panting heavily and let out a squeal of lust, and my own lust was so great by that time I thought I was going to pass out! What are you doing! I thought. But I was way beyond caring. With a moan of my own I mounted her, and it was even better then the first time. She felt even tighter then before as I humped and fucked her energetically. It seemed to last for hours, and we climaxed not once, but three separate times! She squealed and bleated in pleasure as I copulated with her, my own gasps and moans of sexual ecstasy mixing with hers. The first two orgasms just weren't enough for either of us. The third and final one lasted so long I almost passed out from the sheer unbelievable agonizing ecstasy. When we were finally spent I looked at my watch and realized I'd been fucking the goat nonstop for over an hour! Jesus, I thought, three times. And the goat was obviously very disappointed when I had to leave after cleaning myself off as best I could in the pool. I crouched down and looked into those strange, but beautiful, yellow eyes of hers. "Don't worry, I'll be back." I told her. And I knew I really would. I no longer cared what she looked like or what she was. I had finally found a lover who wanted me as much as I wanted her. Maybe she was as lonely as I was as she seemed to be all alone.

After getting home from work the first thing I did was to sit down and eat a huge meal, man was I hungry, I was ravenous. I stuffed my face for close to an hour before finally giving a belch of satisfaction. About that time my balls started to itch again, so I repeated the process of a good hot shower, put on fresh clothes, and powdered my crotch liberally with the medicated baby powder. And again after a few hours the itching finally stopped, and I figured that even if I had picked up some fleas it was worth it.

Tired but strangely happy I went to bed earlier than usual as I was exhausted. And again I dreamed I was having sex with the goat and woke up to another raging hard-on. It was starting to rain and lightening, and as the flashes from the lightening lit up the room I stroked myself toward the release I need soo bad. I couldn't believe I was ready again so soon after what had happened today. As the flashes of lightening revealed my penis I found myself thinking, that can't be right! But there was no way I could stop what I was doing and eventually finally reached an extremely pleasurable and shuddering release, messing myself up again. With a grunt I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom and cleaned myself off again. This time my hand was shaking a little as I got the ruler out of the drawer, and measured myself. TEN inches! NO fucking way! I thought. Part of me was of course very pleased, but the intelligent part was scared. And my BALLS! I thought. They were most definitely larger than they had been before. I guessed they must have at least doubled in size!

"Ohh, God! What's happening to me?!?", I moaned. This can't be real. I must be flipping out or something!" There was only one explanation, it had to have something to do with the black goat that had become my lover. I went and turned on my PC and looked up Goats, Sex with Goats, and everything related I could think of. But nothing had anything about sex with goats making you get bigger. Maybe it was some kind of well kept secret? I was flaccid by now, and reaching down I examined and looked at my sex and realized the color of my penis and balls had also changed a little. The shaft had a pinkish tint to it, and my balls looked duskier, almost gray colored and had white hairs on them. As I examined myself a bunch of my pubes came away in my hand, they were all falling out. It felt nice to touch myself. I had never felt so sensitive, so I continued to do so while I thought about what I should do. You need help, that irritating small voice in the back of my head kept saying, you need to see a doctor! Something is very wrong, you're sick! Maybe infected! But the rest of me gave a firm NO. What I need is MORE sex! If it makes my cock and balls larger, GREAT! I can live with that. She needs me and I need her.

When morning came I called my boss and told him I was sick and couldn't come in. He didn't like it, but I was good dependable worker so he didn't bitch much as I'd never asked for a day off before. To his credit he even asked if there was anything he could do for me. I just said "No thanks boss!" in a slightly breathless voice as I fondled myself. God, it felt so good just to touch myself now. I didn't bother with boxers as I put my pants on, they'd just be uncomfortable. I loaded the cooler up with water and all the fruit and veggies in the house, and almost running to my car I threw the cooler in the trunk. I was a little embarrassed as the size of the bulge in my pants, but no one saw me. I jumped in and took off and reached the creek in record time. I was lucky no State Trooper saw me as I definitely broke the speed limits. It was still very early in the day and I knew I wanted as much time as possible with my strange lover! I parked my car in the usual hiding spot, and walked quickly and eagerly towards that special hidden place where I had found so much pleasure.

As I emerged from the bushes and entered the clearing I heard a happy bleat and my lover came running to meet me! I squatted down and let her eagerly lick my face and ears, and even returned the licks in what was not quite a kiss. By the time I'd taken my clothes off I was already rock hard and rampant, and this time I just mounted her right away with no oral stimulation required. Ohhh my God, it was sheer agonizing ecstasy! I thought it had been good before, but it paled in comparison to our frenzied couplings. I bent over her and held her in front of her hind legs with my arms, listening while she bleated and squealed her own lust, and humped her as hard and fast as I could. And no matter how many times we came it was never enough. Oh, God! I thought, I hope it never stops!"

After awhile I realized I'd been having muscle spasms in my legs and feet. Really painful cramps, but they came and went fairly quickly. But they were happening more often now. God, they hurt sometimes. I'd figured I was getting them as the result of being crouched over in an awkward position for so long, so I adjusted my stance as much as I could which seemed to help a little. My new stance gave me an even better angle to thrust from, and the pleasure increased as a result. My partner didn't seem to mind the extra weight on her back at all. I shifted my grip a little farther forward and that helped too. Then I felt the cramps move up my legs until my lower back began to hurt. I thought. Oh crap, I'm going to throw my back out if I don't stand up for awhile. I'd done it before and didn't want to chance it again, not now. I had been laid up for days the last time. It took me more effort than you can believe possible, but after my next orgasm I managed to dismount from my lover. As I pulled myself out of her the goat let out a shrill scream of pain, and stepping back I looked down at myself and screamed myself in horror! "Ohhh, My GOD!" I screamed, Ohh, MY GOD!"

My legs, my legs, Oh God, my legs! They were covered in short black & brown fur or hair. I staggered backwards trying to keep my balance until I backed into a tree trunk. My legs now ended in black cloven hoofs, and they were shaped all wrong too, they bent backwards at the knees now! And my penis jutted out from a penis SHEATH and was now a dark reddish pink color! I whimpered "Oh God!" My testicles hung lower than they ever had before, and were at least the


size of pool balls now! "Oh Goddd! No, please no! What was happening? I moaned as I stared in disbelief. That can't be me! I reached down and felt the short fine hair and it was all too real. And then I felt something at the base of my spine rub against the tree, and reaching behind me I found that I now had a tail. "Uhhh, NOOO!" I sobbed and staggered over to the pool. Before I got there I fell forward on to all fours as my back just didn't seem to bend the right way anymore, my legs just didn't bend right at the hips. I looked at my reflection in the mirror of crystal clear water and saw that my nose had turned black and wet looking and I had what looked like a harelip now as my upper lip was split in two and joined with my nose and my ears now stuck out and were longer and hairy. "AAAHHH!!" I screamed, and managed to crawl back over to the tree and stand up again by leaning against it. I leaned there griping the tree and whimpering in terror, eyes squeezed closed with tears running down my face. "Nooo Noo!" I moaned. I was also aware more than ever of the aching throbbing need in my new, obscene, loins. Despite the marathon sex I had just had I could feel an aching throbbing need building in my loins. "Nooo", I sobbed quietly.

And then I heard a soft voice and was aware it had been talking to me for some time. In my horrified state I just hadn't realized it until now.

"Why did you leave me, my love?" the voice said, "If you had not dismounted you would not be feeling this pain and confusion, our mutual pleasure would have just grown and grown!

I'm so sorry you are hurting my love, come back to me and let us finish what we started!" I turned around and opened my eyes to find the black goat standing a few feet away, but she was standing upright now and had changed!

She still had a goat legs and hooves, but she now also had very human arms and hands and a pair of large firm breasts in addition to her udders. Her muzzle had shortened and her face had a more human took to it. She had grown long black hair that hung over her shoulders and down to her waist. Her eyes were still the strange yellow eyes of a goat except for the eerie glow which was now brighter than before. She was so beautiful! I flared my nostrils as I drank in her scent and it was much more powerful and heady then before. As I sampled her musk I felt a sudden desperate urge to go to her with an intensity I had never known. She held out her arms and said,

"Come to me my love, my mate, my ram!"

Ram, I thought, God that's what I look like now! "Who, who, are you! I managed to say, WHAT are you!"

She moved closer to me and I tried to pull away, but the tree trunk wouldn't let me.

She stared into my face from less than a foot away with those beautiful yellow eyes, and leaning forward she gently licked my face. I wanted to pull away, but couldn't! And I grew ever more aware of my massive, aching, erection. "Ohhhh" I moaned as I licked her back, our mouths joining in an eager kiss. Finally she pulled away,

"Do not be afraid, my love. She said. For longer than I can remember I have looked for a Ram who could satisfy me, for a soul mate. My search has taken me so long, and I have traveled so very far. I was so glad when I finally found you, and knew you wanted and needed me as much as I need you." And she reached up and gently stroked the side of my face. I leaned into her caress and licked her hand and fingers and she tasted sweet and salty. She ran her hand down my chest and stomach and reaching between my shaggy legs she began to fondle me and I almost came, it felt so good. I moaned helplessly as she kept fondling and caressing me.

"Whaattt aaaree youu! I managed to sob. What's haappening to meeeee!!!"

With a sad smile she said, I am the Black Goat of the Forest. I have always been and know not where I come from originally. Some would call me a nature spirit or nymph and once my kind were known by man. They would come to us to give us their seed in fertility rights or to learn what it was to be male. They treated us with respect and even worshipped us. But we have been forgotten for so long and are so lonely. You will be the first male of our kind. You will be my mate and herd ram, and will keep my sisters and me well serviced in endless sexual ecstasy over the years and we will no longer be alone." Then she kneeled down in front of me and I felt the now familiar caress of her tongue and lips as she took me in her muzzle.

"Uggghhhh, Uh Uh Uh!" I moaned as she fondled and caressed me. I held onto the tree and clenched my hands until the bark broke off in them, my head throw back as I sobbed in pleasure. She gently licked and sucked me, and I felt my lust growing and growing like it never had before. "Ugggh! Pleeeassee! Oh, Oh, Pleeeeasse!!" I grunted in a deep guttural voice.

As I stared out over her head into the clearing in a growing daze of lust and arousal I realized we were no longer alone. I hadn't noticed them before, but the clearing now had over a dozen other goats in it, all watching us intently and all with glowing eyes of different colors. Some yellow like my lovers, other green or even blue. "Ohhhh!" I gasped as she kept pleasuring me, "Oohh God!" Then she pulled away from me, causing me to moan in need, and said

"Not yet, my love, I must start to share you with my sisters for they have been patiently waiting!" She took me gently took me by the arm and helped me stagger over to one of the other goats who had already turned to present herself to me.

"No Nooo, pleeease!" I managed to sob as she positioned me behind the eagerly waiting female. I could smell the goats sexual arousal and felt myself start to respond. Her vagina was wet and swollen, and as I watched it "winked" at me. "Uuhhhhh! I grunted and the black goat helped position my aching erection as I mounted and lunged into her waiting sex with a guttural squeal of lust! "Uhh Uhhhhh!!" I screamed as I penetrated her. I moaned as I serviced her, lunging and thrusting as hard as I could until I reached a wonderful gut-wrenching orgasm. With a sob I dismounted and stayed on all fours breathing heavily, staring at the ground while froth dripped from my mouth. Oh Godddd.

"Yesss! Said the Black Goat, who had been crouching next to us gently kneading my aching loins as I'd covered the goat. "And now my love your next mate is ready!" I made no protest as she led me over to the next goat and I mounted her with no hesitation. I simply could not resist, I had no choice but respond to her heat the way any Ram would. I had never known such lust or pleasure.

"Uhuh Ugggh!!" I grunted as I mounted and started servicing her. Oh God! This is insane, this can't be happening! But it went on and on until I lost track of how many goats I'd coupled with. At one point I noticed several of the goats were devouring my clothes, but I knew I would never need them again.

And as I serviced my new harem at the gentle urging of the Black Goat I felt the pain and cramps start again. They spread up my back and down into my arms, until I was no longer able to grasp the females in front of their hind legs as I thrust into them. My center of gravity shifted forward until I was putting more weight across their backs, and as my hands slowly changed into hooves I could no longer desperately grasp at their fur as I tried to relieve my insatiable lust. Finally all I could do was clasp them between my front legs. Sometimes the pain was so bad I would throw back my head and scream, but the Black Goats gentle voice and hands helped soothe and calm me. My head was last to change, though for some time now I had felt my growing muzzle push forward, and the scent of the females had become more and more irresistible. I also could feel a growing weight on the sides of my head, and out of the corner of my eyes could see curved horns slowly growing. And as the Black Goat kept fondling and kneading my testicles I could feel them continue to grow, impossibly so until I could feel their weight swinging between my hind legs as I serviced my lovers.

Just before I completely lost the ability for human speech I made one last appeal as I was still terrified at what was happening to me despite the almost unbearable pleasure. "Pleeeeassssse! Iiittt Huurttsss! Naaaaa!, Baaaaa!! Pleeeaasee Ssstopp! Ahm soo scaaared!" But the Black Goat just smiled and said,

"No more worries my love, no more loneliness or pain. Just the endless pleasure we will give you and you will give us. You will become immortal as we are and spend eternity with your loving harem." and as she talked I kept thrusting into the female I was servicing "Naaaaaaa! Baaaaaaa!!" I bleated as another massive orgasm rocked me. I dismounted from the female, and could already scent the dozens of other females in need of my services. And I wanted each and every one of them. I realized the transformation and pain had ended and I turned to my mate with the beautiful yellow eyes and flared my nose and lips to taste her scent. She was ready for me! She smiled as I moved toward her, and turning she dropped to all fours. With a guttural squeal of lust I mounted her, and settled down to powerful rhythmic thrusts as I humped and serviced her, this wouldn't take long! I knew my other mates needed me too.

"Oh yes, muttered the Black Goat, between grunts of pleasure, Oh Yeeeess! My love! We will never be alone again, and we love you so!" And then all she could do was bleat in ecstasy as I brought us both to another incredibly pleasure orgasm. As we had coupled she slowly resumed her four legged form until she was just a big black goat again, which was the way I liked her.

"Baaaaaa!! I trumpeted, as I made love to my mate. I now accepted what I had become, and I knew she and the others were my true loves. I gently bit and nipped her on the back of the neck to show my affection for her. I was completely happy and content with my new life. I knew what had happened to me, but I didn't care anymore. I was needed and loved and that was all that mattered!



Exotic Pets and Companions Co., Inc., Nanny 676

Friends, this one is Yiffy. If you don't like that kind of stuff then please Don't offend yourself by reading it. And of course, NO kiddies under the Age of 17 please! Exotic Pets and Companions Co., Inc. Nanny 676 By William W. Kelso ...

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Exotic Pets and Companions Co., Inc., From Man to Dolly, Part 2

Exotic Pets and Companions Co., Inc. From Man to Dolly, Part 2 By William W. Kelso Then the man put a HALTER on my head with a lead rope attached to it! I was too shocked to do anything. Then he undid the manacle around my leg,...

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Exotic Pets and Companions Co., Inc., From Man to Dolly, Part 1

Another Yiffy one friends, so be warned. Part of a Series about a company that puts money over human misery and degradation. And no 17 or younger readers please!!! Exotic Pets and Companions, Co., Inc. From Man to Dolly, Part 1 by...

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