Exotic Pets and Companions Co., Inc., Nanny 676

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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Friends, this one is Yiffy. If you don't like that kind of stuff then please

Don't offend yourself by reading it. And of course, NO kiddies under the

Age of 17 please!

Exotic Pets and Companions Co., Inc.

Nanny 676

By William W. Kelso

It was a quiet night at the Custom Pets and Companions Co., Inc. facility. The doctors and technicians had all processed the new subjects for the vats, and the transformation programs had all been entered and activated successfully. The preparations and process were all well practiced and supervised, and there had never been a problem. Now most of the workers had gone home, and only a few techs and guards remained on duty.

The transformation lab and facility were state of the art, and were upgraded on an almost daily basis. The huge amounts of money they were paid for their end "products" more than covered the cost of these upgrades and the very high salaries of those who knew the company's true source for their "raw materials". However it was only a matter of time before something went wrong.

It was a warm muggy night, and there were thunderstorms in the area. And even though the buildings of the facility were well grounded and temperature/humidity controlled such electrical storms could still have an effect. In this case it was static electricity that was the culprit. It slowly built up over a period of several hours, and then all of a sudden a spark jumped from one switch to another in one of the monitoring units on Vat 17 containing "Subject Nanny 676". There was a soft pop, some programming instruction were changed, and then everything went back to normal. It happened so fast even the tech monitoring the main computer thought it was a glitch as the red warning light on Vat 17 only flickered for a split second. Of course he ran standard diagnostic programs immediately, but all came back green, functions optimal. With an irritated grunt he settled back and kept reading his book.

And after ninety days the transformation process was complete, and the monitors signaled the main computer that Vat 17 Subject Nanny 676 was ready for removal, and put the Vat on maintenance until a tech or doctor could remove the subject. Within an hour two techs arrived and started the final program to remove the subject from the Vat. The various hoses, probes, and other attachments were removed from the subject. She was taken to the post removal room and cleaned up. She was inspected by a vet and given a light sedative to keep her unconscious and cooperative during her short trip to the nearby facility where she would be then be broken and trained to remove any lingering human traits. It was a very routine process, and accomplished in record time.


This is where I come in. You see, I'm Nanny 676. I was Danny Morgan, but those bastards at the Company changed that forever. I still remember what happened to me like it was yesterday. I tried to kill myself, and I admit it with no shame. I had no real family left, and been unemployed for a long time. The economy was dead, and there were no real jobs of any decent kind except the military (I failed the entry exams), the govt. (same reason), or basically working for slave wages. No, slaves would have been treated better, as I was to find out in a round about kind of way. There were only two classes of people left in the new

world order. Rich and Poor, and that was about it. So I tried to kill myself, and the loving people in the hospital I was taken to called the Company and turned me over to them for a big bonus. And my life as a human being ended forever. This the story of my new life as an animal, with no human rights at all. But in a way I guess I was lucky, or maybe not, depending on how you look at it.


I woke up with a start, confused and disorientated and sore as hell all over. Oh God, I thought, what a headache! Then I remembered, the razor blades across my wrists, the sinking into a dark bliss. Then the loud noises and lights, and waking up to find myself strapped down in a hospital bed. Then some dude had come it and looked me over, the doctor had said something about "he's yours", and then a gurney ride to a black van, and then oblivion again. I figured I was back in a hospital bed at some govt. facility to be "rehabilitated" as one thing the state does not like its citizens to do is to die without permission. But boy was this bed scratchy and it stank.

I opened my eyes, but the light hurt so I closed them again. Man, what a horrible headache. With a moan I reached up to hold my aching head, and suddenly jerked my hands away. What the hell! Since when did I have large furry ears! Now I did open my eyes, and squinting against the light I looked at my hands in disbelief. What the fuck! I was looking at two lumpy things with three large fingers with huge black nails and no thumbs. I wriggled one of my hands, and some of the lumpy things moved too! Oh, NO, NO WAY! I thought, and then I looked down at the rest of my body and almost passed out again from growing terror. I screamed a strange high pitched squeal as I looked at myself. This, this! couldn't be my body, could it? I was looking down at a body with black and brown hair, or fur, or something, and there was something like a pink bladder between its legs and the legs ended in cloven hooves!! But worst of all, most horrible of all, was there was NO penis! My belly and crotch were completely bare. With a moan I reached down and ran my "hands" across my belly, "NAA NAAAAA!!" I moaned. The only result of that inspection was I found out the pink thing was an UDDER! And also that I now had a pair of very nice human FEMALE breasts, full and firm! "A HA, NAYAAA!" I screamed as I truly freaked out. I don't know long it was before I was coherent again, but I vaguely remember someone coming into the room and holding me down while someone else gave me a sedative. I heard one say "This is a really bad reaction, much more severe than usual." Another voice said "Don't worry, the sedative will help. I've seen some go crazy like this before, but they usually settle down after the conditioning kicks in." And I passed out again.

I woke up again, and quickly remembered what had happened. It HAD to be a bad dream. I must have had a bad reaction to some medicine or something, caused hallucinations. But even without opening my eyes I could tell it was horribly true. I could still feel myself lying in a pile of straw, and still smell the strong smell, but it was less of a stink now, more of a barnyard smell? I slowly opened my eyes again, willing myself NOT to freak out! But I still let out a shrill, "BAAAAAA!" My God, was that a BLEAT? My body hadn't changed, it was still clearly no longer a human body. "Oaaaa", I moaned, and reached up with my weird "hands" to run them over my face, NO, my muzzle! Ohhhh, God, what's happened to me? I slowly ran my hands over my new muzzle, the big mouth, large rubbery lips and sensitive wet nose, the big hairy ears. And I had small horns, that was the only thing those hard growths on the sides of my head could be! I looked down again at the black cloven hooves that had replaced my feet. Can I even stand on those I wondered? With a grunt I slowly pulled myself upright, the wall was made up of planks with gaps so made a kind of ladder. The planks ended at shoulder height, and I found myself looking into the next door room. NO, I suddenly realized in panic, it's not a room, it's a STALL! And I looked around my own room, and it was a STALL too. What, why? I looked over my shoulder and found my neck was now so long I could almost turn my head a 180, and looking over my back I saw it was also covered in brown fur or hair, I could even see a short tufted tail sticking up. I wriggled it, and it moved. "UGGGGGHH!! I grunted, NO NO this can't be real. A tail? With a shaking "hand" I reached slowly down behind myself and felt around carefully. The hair on my rump was a different texture then on my back, less laid down and a little thicker. I felt my asshole, nothing new there, but then underneath I found another opening. I had NO doubt what it was, somehow I had already known. Oh Sweet Jesus, I had a VAGINA now. But it was in the wrong place. Instead of being between my legs it was higher up on my butt. And it finally occurred to me what I was now, I was some sort of weird GOAT! A NANNY goat. And with a moan I slid down the wall to the stall, and collapsed on the floor. This isn't possible I tried to tell myself, this is insane. It's like something out of some weirdo sci-fi book!

I suddenly caught a whiff of something, and flaring my new, uggh, nose I caught a stronger scent. It was food! And I suddenly realized I was horribly hungry. It felt like I hadn't eaten since I couldn't remember when! I staggered to my feet, no, my hooves again and managed to stagger over to the back wall of the stall. It was like walking on the balls of my feet, but my balance seemed to be OK. There were two buckets hanging from hooks. One was full of what looked like lettuce and other veggies, the other was full of water. I hate salads, but it does smell good! I tried to pick up some of the greens, but my damn clumsy hoof/hand just weren't any good for grasping. Finally in frustration I just stuck my muzzle in the bucket, and shoveled the greens into my mouth with my tongue, and it worked just fine. Man, I thought, this stuff isn't half bad! In no time the greens were gone, but I was still hungry. I eyed the hay on the floor of the stall, but not yet, I thought. I did drink almost all of the water, it was tepid but tasted like a cold brew to my parched mouth and throat. God, I was still SO sore all over. I felt like a walking bruise. I had the urge to urinate and relieve myself then, but not knowing exactly what would happen I braced myself against the stalls wall and sprayed a long stream of urine onto the floor, and when I crapped it was in small shiny pellets. And there was no toiler paper to be seen, gross. Then the medicated water kicked in, and I quickly feel asleep.

When I woke up there was fresh food and water, and I pigged out again. And for the first time I realized I wasn't alone in this terrible place. I head a squeal from the stall next to mine, on the other side from the empty one I'd already seen. I stuck my head over the wall and looked, and in the stall was another Goat thing just like me! Hey! I tried to say, but it came out "Baa?!" The other goat, a Nanny like me, heard me and came over and looked at me. We stared at each other, and I could see the same horror in her eyes too. She reached up to touch my face, and had the same horrible three fingered front hooves or whatever they are. She felt my face and I didn't pull away. She kept trying to say something, but all that came out was "BAA NAAA!" Then she pulled away and went back to the same corner, and crouched there again. As she walked away I could see her rump, and thought, God, is that what I look like back there? Her lighter belly fur came up between her hind legs so her rump was the same color, she had an upright tufted tail like mine, a tight asshole, and large black rubbery looking pussy lips. Ohhh Noooo, I thought! I DO not look like that, oh pleeease no. I was one thing to have a human vagina, but an animal's? Oh Noooooo! And I went and sat in my own corner, scared to death, and listened to the sobs from next door.

I was just dozing when the next person came in to change the food and water buckets, and

I was waiting for him. As he reached my stall and opened the door I let him have it right in the back of the head with a bucket, as hard as I could! And he went down like a poled ox. I noticed the guy was stark naked as I rolled him over, pervert I thought, then I thought "whoa!" when I saw how big he was. Poor guy is deformed I thought. He did have a belt though, and in a small pouch were a couple of door swipe cards and what looked like a palmlink. I quickly taped in a request for building layouts or blue prints, and got a great fire alarm exit chart. There was a glowing red dot that said "You are here". Better and better, I thought. And there was an exit fairly close by that looked like it led to a parking area. I ran to the door of the stables with a kind of weird hoping skipping gait, and swiped the cards through the sensor, and the second one worked. The door opened and I found myself in the corridor of a rather plain looking building, and from the chart I took a right and headed down the corridor to another security door. I swiped the cards again, and again the door opened

with a click. "Oh yeah!, I thought, on a roll!" I found myself in a kind of courtyard, and the final exit was to my left. I ran up to the heavy metal door, and let out a squeal of anger and frustration. It was a code box, the cards wouldn't work on it.

"BAAAA, NNNNAAAA, BAAAA! I screamed in rage, so close, so close! That's when I realized I wasn't alone, I smelled them before I saw them. I turned to find four men, butt naked like the first perv, gathered in a semi-circle as they closed in on me! "Easy, girl!" one said. And I yelled "FAAAACCKK UUU, MIII NAAM ISSS DAAAANN!! And I flipped them the rigid digit salute. And all four had a look of total shock on their faces, and they were clearly very shaken up. "Whaa, said one, she talked! That's impossible!" One of them recovered quickly though, and pointed something at me. There was a popping sound, I felt something hit me, and I squealed and passed out. Again! This was getting really old.

When I woke up this time I was on an examining table in what I thought was a doctor's office, but soon realized my mistake, it was a vets office! I tried to move, but was securely strapped down. Then the vet came in, wearing the required white lab coat, and stood looking down at me.

"Whuut taa heeeeellll RU laakiiing aaaatt!" I managed to mumble.

"You, he said, you shouldn't exist!"

"NAAAA SHAAATT!" I replied.

"What I really mean, the vet said, is you shouldn't be like you are, something is wrong!"


He just shook his head in worry, and said "I need to do some tests, I promise they won't hurt!" Somehow I knew he was telling the truth, he smelled right. But I tried to bite him anyway. After the second time I tried to take a chunk out of him he said,

"Look, you can cooperate, or I can have one of the Rabbits shoot you with a tranquilizer gun again!" he told me.

I just nodded my head "OK" and said "Ahh bee gud." Rabbits, I thought, they have bunny people here too? What WAS this place? He hooked up some leads to my head and face, and activated a monitor of some kind. He pressed a few buttons, and the machine beeped and clicked for a few seconds, and then he said

"Oh My! I thought so! The vet said to himself. This is bad, very bad!"

And I thought, What is bad, very bad? Do I have a tumor too, or something? Then he must have noticed my obvious distress, because he said,

"No, no, it's OK, really!" It's just that, well, you're not what you're supposed to be!

And again I could only say "NAAAA SHHIIIITT! WUD HAAVVV UU DUUN Ta MEEAAA!" and I started crying! I really lost it again then as everything that happened suddenly caught to me, all the terror and fright. The vet finally gave me another shot, and I passed out AGAIN, and it was getting really old.

When I woke up I was back in the stall again, but quickly realized it was a different stall in a different stable or building. It was obviously an "isolation" stall as it was the only one I could see, the walls were solid and it had a real door with a window in it. Other than that it was the same. Abig pile of fresh hay on the floor, two buckets (this time secured) on the wall containing food and water, and nothing else. Plus I was chained to the floor, a heavy locked leather cuff around one leg just above my hoof was chained to a heavy bolt in the floor. It was obvious I wasn't going anywhere. After I had been up for awhile, and eaten, the door to the stall opened and the vet and one of the overly endowed naked pervert guys entered cautiously, I guess to make sure I wasn't armed with another deadly bucket. I backed away from them, baring my teeth.

I backed up to the far wall, and stared at them nervously. Was I going to be punished for trying to escape? "Pleeeaaas don huuurrt meee" I said meekly. The naked guy did a double take, and the vet said,

"See, I told you she can talk!"

The naked guy said "But Doc, how is this possible?? She's not supposed to be able to anymore! None of the other changelings, except for us Rabbits, have ever been able to!"

What Rabbit? I thought, I didn't see Bugs Bunny anywhere. "Rabbiiiittt?" I asked.

The one called Doc looked at me and replied "We won't hurt you, and I'll explain about Rabbits in a minute." He turned back to the nude guy and said,

"Rob, I ran a brain scan on her, and none of her higher brain functions have been wiped or altered, her brain is the same as mine or yours with the exception of a few of the usual changes to adapt to her new body. Her mind is still much more human then animal. I've never see anything like it before. There must have been a major screw-up at the Vat lab!" The naked guy, I guess his name was Rob, said,

"But what do we do Doc, do we have to send her back? What will happen to her, what if they hurt her!" and he seemed genuinely worried and concerned.

The Doc replied "You know the process is irreversible, they couldn't try and modify her again, it would be fatal. If we send her back she'll probably be destroyed. They can't afford to have a talking pet running around!"

Destroyed, I thought, and felt some new survival instinct I hadn't been aware of before kick in, and I wanted to run! "Naaaaa, Baaaaaa!" I bleated in distress. "Plleeeeease dun hert meeeee, I ba gud, I ba gud!"

The guy named Rob turned to me and said "Easy, easy, girl! I won't let anyone hurt you!"

Then he turned to Doc and said, "Please Doc, I'll take care of her, she won't be any trouble!"

And I was actually a little touched by the real concern and anguish in his plea for me.

I looked at him hopefully.

The Doc said "Rob, you know this is very bad, we need to talk it over. Not only us, but the other Rabbits as well, and maybe even a few of those who know the truth."

What is it with Rabbits again?, I thought. What rabbits??

Rob turned to me and said "We'll be back later, don't worry, I'll take care of you!" and they both left, closing and locking the heavy door after them. And I finally realized what kind of room I was in. It was stall for mental patients. Great, I'm an insane goat. I felt like having the tantrum it was designed for, but instead just made myself as comfortable as possible in the pile of hay, and cried myself to sleep. I didn't notice when Rob came back later, and looked through the window for awhile in obvious distress himself.

The Doc and Rob walked down the corridor to the main vet clinic, and in to the Docs private office. The Doc made sure the door was securely shut, and that the PC was off so no one could observe or overhear.

"Rob, he said, you know what kind of a mess we're in, don't you?"

"I've got a pretty good idea, Doc." he replied.

The Doc rubbed his face with his hands, and said "Oh God, what to do!"

Rob said "Look Doc, I'll take care of her, I really will!"

Doc looked up and said "Rob, there is no way she can be broken and trained like the others, her mind is still basically human, just like yours. It would kill her, or at the least make her catatonic. Besides what would an owner think it they got a Pet that could talk?" You know the company would never allow that to happen. It might be best just to put her out of her misery, and you imagine what she must feel like without any of the mental conditioning or docile tendencies? Basically she's a human trapped in the body of a goat, I can't imagine what that's doing to her mind. We can put down the reason for euthanasia as mental defect. Rare, but they do happen, like in this case. You know what the others go through while they're being broken and trained, and they have brains that are more animal then human now! Can you imagine what it must be like for her! She still thinks of herself as a male human, what being trapped in the body of a female animal might do to her mind I just don't know. She may go insane. I know you and the other Rabbits are well adjusted and accept what you are, but how would you feel if you had gray fur all over and long floppy ears? And how will she react when the adjustment period is over and her new sex drive kicks in?"

Rob thought awhile, and he could see the Docs point, but he still didn't like it. "Doc, he said, she's still sane so far, we have to give her a chance. If we don't it would be just like murder. Please, let's give her a chance. If she does go insane or become dangerous I'll be the first to admit it, and let you put her to sleep. But please, let me at least try. We can find a place for her somewhere. Look at Dolly 502 and Bob, they get along fine, and she was a normal ewe. Please Doc, do it for me. Please!"

Doc looked at the pleading expression on Robs face, and knew he couldn't say no. How could something most people would consider to be monsters be so caring? That had never ceased to amaze him about the Rabbits considering what they had been created for, and what they did for a "living". Doc let out a long slow sigh, and Rob knew he had won! "OK, said Doc, we'll give it a try. We'll have to let the other Rabbits know, and a few of the trustworthy staff, but you GOT to make clear to her what the situation is, that is more important than anything!!"

"Oh yeah Doc, believe me I understand! She's smart, she'll understand too" said Rob.

I looked up as Doc came into the stall. I backed into the corner again, nervously. I could sense he was all worked up.

"Look, he said, I need to tell a few very important things, some of which you won't like at all. First of all you are never going to be human again, or male."

I let out a little whimper of terror.

"I'm so very sorry, he said, but that's the way it is. For what it's worth neither I, nor Rob, nor anyone else here had anything to do with what was done to you."

And I believed him, I could tell he wasn't lying from his scent. How I don't know, I just did.

"You are what we call a "PET", I'm sure you've seen the ads or heard about them?"

"Buutt, I said, theeey r clonees?"

"No, said Doc, that's what the company says, but it's much cheaper for them to transform real people then to make clones. All the Pets used to be people."

"Buuutt thaattss, thaaatts, uggh!" I said, damn it it's hard to talk.

"Yes, said Doc, it's a horrible foul thing to do a fellow human. To reduce them to a sex crazed animal to be the sex toys of rich perverts, but that's what they do. They do it for the oldest reason in the book, money. A well trained Pet is worth close to $750,000 at the least, and sometimes sell for over a million. They are strictly a rich man's vice, but some companies buy them and rent them out. Mans capability for evil is horrifying, but his capability for caring is even more amazing. Honestly my first reaction was to have you euthanized."

"BAAAAA, NAAAA, Pleeeeaaaazz!" I squealed in alarm.

"But I'm glad that Rob talked me out of it, Doc continued, he wants to try and save you, find a place for you here. I have no idea what it must be like, but you must already know you're going to be going through even more mental and physical trauma in the future. You're still adapting to your new body, and you'll need to adapt to your new life as well. To accept you're no longer human, no matter what you might think. And the main problem is that while the other changelings eventually forget they were ever human and completely adjust to their new life, you never will be able to. You'll have to learn to live as something this is both human AND animal at the same time, and frankly I don't know if that's possible. But most importantly you must never, ever, let anyone see you talking or acting as something other than a bipedal animal. You life depends on it."

While he was talking I had sunk down again into the corner as the shock of what he had to say started to sink in. Up until now I had still been hoping it was a big mistake, that something would happen and they could change me back, but now I realized that would never happen. I held my "face" in my "hands" and sobbed and moaned. I heard Doc get up, and as he left he said,

"I'm going to send in Rob now, he's volunteered to take care of you and try and make things as, well, as nice as they can possibly be for you. He's taking a big chance for you, if the company ever finds out they'll kill him too. They might kill all of us to keep their horrible secret from being revealed."

I heard the Doc leave, the sound of quiet voices, and then the door shut again. I was still sobbing and crying, moaning and holding myself and rocking back and forth. When I looked up Rob was standing there looking down at me in obvious distress, his own face anguished and concerned. Before I realized what I was doing I reached up to him, and he sat down next to me and held me gently while I grieved for my lost humanity and the horrible thing that had been done to me. He gently stroked my muzzle, and said soft soothing words I don't remember, and it felt good. Finally, still quaking, I feel asleep in his arms and realized how nice he smelled. And he kept rocking me gently back and forth, and I realized he was crying too. What a strange, but nice, man. And at least he had on shorts now.

When I woke up he was gone, and I felt a hollow feeling I had never felt before. I realized

I wanted to see him again, as soon as possible. His presence was, well, reassuring. He had said he wouldn't let anyone hurt me, and I believed him for some some reason. The next time the door opened I hoped it might be him, but was still relieved to see it was the only Doc instead of a stranger. He came over to me and sat down on a bucket, and said,

"Rob told me you had a bad night?" I just shook my head "Yes" and snuffled a little bit.

"Did it make you feel any better?" Doc asked.

And to my surprise I realized it really had, "Yaaas" I bleated.

"Good! said the Doc, that's a very good sign. While he was here last night Rob was supposed to tell you what he is, what is "function" is, so you wouldn't be too horribly shocked by the sights you'll be seeing later."

I just looked at him in puzzlement and shrugged.

Doc sighed, and said. I guess he didn't get a chance. He told me you were really shook up. You see, Rob is also a changeling, just like you. Look at your left thigh."

I did, and found "N-676" tattooed there.

"That is your designated Subject ID, you are "Nanny 676", in other words Female Goat 676 out of the total of your type that have been transformed. Each "pet" has a similar ID number and you also have a chip implanted in your brain that can be traced with scanners. A pet cannot run, and any attempt to remove the chip is fatal."

My God, I thought, so many! All those poor people!

"Rob is what they call a Rabbit, his number is R-77. He still looks mainly human, but his mind and instincts have been changed, and he has been enhanced, um, sexually with genes from a male hare to make him, um, sexually insatiable. That is necessary for part of his function, what he was made for. You see, his "species" was created to sexually break and train new Rets to be the pleasure animals their new bodies and minds are designed for. The Rabbits do it through sexual pain and pleasure, both as punishment and reward. When they are through the new pleasure animal lives only to give and receive sexual pleasure, and has no memory of ever having been or done anything else."

Seeing the horror on my face, he quickly added,

"But please! You must understand that Rob and his fellow Rabbits are NOT sadists! They do not torture or inflict pain for only the fun or sake of causing pain by itself! It is only as part of the breaking and training process. They actually love their charges and are very protective of them. What they do is necessary as the new animals also have greatly enhanced sexual drives and capabilities, they would go insane without the constant sexual release. I have never seen an animal that didn't end up loving their handler once they come to understand what they are. But you do NOT have to worry about that, Rob or any of the other Rabbits

would never force themselves on you. They will instinctively and intellectually know you are different and are not a normal pleasure animal needing training. They could not hurt you even if they wanted, the very thought would make them helplessly ill. They can only respond to you if you want them to. That's why they are so unique. But you need to understand that in after your "adjustment" time is over your increased sex drive will kick in and you will go into a permanent state of mile estrus, and you will have to accept and get used to it. Sooner or later you will have to seek out their services."

That made me feel a little bit better I guess, all but the sex part. But I was still

appalled! Breaking, sexual training, uggh! I looked at the Doc, and said "Buutt waaat abuut U? He understood what I meant with no problem.

"When I first came here I didn't realize where the Pets really came from. It didn't

take me long to realize it though, and of course the Rabbits knew. Once they knew they could trust me they told me about the whole rotten thing. Most of the older Rabbits and some of the Toys had been convicts or people dying from diseases because they couldn't afford the cost of the medicine to save them. They thought they were being given a second chance so volunteered, but they had no idea of the horrible kind of slavery that awaited them. When I found out at first I wanted to go to the authorities. I was receiving fantastic pay as do most of those who work for this branch of the Company, and I realize now it's partly hush-hush money. When the Rabbits found out what I planned they talked me out of it, and I agree with their reasons.

"Whaaat reeaaaasuns!" I asked.

They know that if they, and the other changelings, were given their freedom that most of them could not handle it. Frankly they would die or go insane in most cases.

"Buut whaaay?" I asked.

Doc replied "Think about it, what would happen if you suddenly gave freedom to the pleasure beasts, or normal animals for that matter? Without a human to take care of them they would just wonder aimlessly, and eventually die of starvation or the elements. They could not take care of themselves. As they are now at least they have owners who value them and take good care of them. And they need the very thing they were enslaved for, they also need the sex to survive. They have no choice. And besides, the authorities are the same people who let this happen. Some very highly placed and powerful people in the govt. have got to know about this. I have no doubt they would not hesitate to have everyone involved, pets included, destroyed if they thought it would affect their power. And we know that once an employee did try to go to the press, but he ended up in a Vat himself. They made an example of him to put fear into their other employees. They had him changed completely into a sheep, but left his human mind intact. Then they put him in a breeding farm. They say he went insane, but they still keep him alive as an example, alive and pregnant. So you see how far they will go to keep their dirty secret."

No, I thought, I wouldn't doubt that at all! And that poor man.

"So against my every instinct and feelings of justice I decided to keep quiet, and do what

I can for the poor creatures. And you'd be surprised how many of us at this facility feel the same way.

"Doooc, I said, Illl duuu myee beest to bee guud!"

Doc said, that's all I can ask for. Now let's get you out of here!" He undid the leather shackle around my ankle, and he left the door open when he walked out.

I went to the door and timidly stuck my head out into the corridor, and Rob was waiting for me.

"Um, hello", he said kind of shyly, are you OK?" I just nodded Yes. He smiled and said, "Good! If you want to come with me I'll take you to a, um, sleeping spot that's fairly private. It will be your own if you, um, like it." And he stood there shuffling from side to side like an embarrassed little kid.

"Okaaaay" I said. He smiled even more, and I followed him down the corridor. We passed through the vets office and came to an outside door. He stopped and said,

"Um, I'm, um, not supposed to wear shorts outside unless there are, um, visitors. If they see me wearing them we might get in, um, trouble." And with that he slipped them off and hung them on a rack by the door.

Ohhh boy! I thought, I had forgotten how, um, well endowed nature boy was. I turned my back in embarrassment. For some reason my own nudity didn't bother me all that much, but seeing him there with all hanging out did! Go figure! Then he spoke again,

"NO!, that might be a problem if you look like you're embarrassed at being naked, or seeing others naked. It some of the owners or workers here see that they'd be curious, and that's not a good thing. And another thing, DON'T talk unless we're in a private secure room. If they hear you talking we may both end up dead. Plus I should have you on a lead rope, but

I think we can get away with that for now."

Whoa, I thought, slow down Tarzan.

He looked at me again and said, "Do you understand? Then he added, "Please!"

I knew he was serious. So I just nodded my head "Yes", and he gave a noticeable look of relief.

We went out the door and crossed the same yard I'd seen during my less then successful escape attempt. I noticed other nude men and also things like myself, some of them being led by ropes or leashes. A few looked at me in curiosity, but without any real interest other than passing. We quickly crossed to another building close by the vets hospital and he led me inside. It was another stable of some sort, but looked like it hadn't been used much recently.

"We have peak times in the winter said Rob, probably for the holidays. We use it mainly for the storage of fodder and supplies the rest of the time."

Yeah, I thought. Here's your present Billy. A nice transformed human slave animal. Merry Xmas indeed!

I followed him back to a far corner of the large open building, and we came to a huge pile of stacked hay bales. He went around the corner and I followed him into another stall. I soon realized the hay bales had been very carefully stacked to hide this corner stall, you'd have to be seriously looking for it to find it. There was fresh hay piled in the stall, with a kind of pallet or mattress on top. The Ritz, I thought. Rob seemed kind of embarrassed,

"Sorry, he said, it's the best we could come up with on short notice. Hate for you to sleep on the floor, but we don't have any beds here. I'll bring fresh fodder and water three times a day. It's probably OK to move around the building, but if someone finds you just act, um, stupid? OK? They'll just think you're lost and turn you over to a handler."

I nodded my head "yes". Oh yes, thought, I can do that.

"OK, he said, I need to get back to work or I'll be missed. If you have to leave for any reason ask me, or one of the other Rabbits, to escort you. I'm sure the Doc will come by to visit fairly often too." As he turned to leave I said,

"Thaaaank uuu Raaab." I bleated in my weird goat talk.

He just nodded his head, and left. And I was left to survey my new domain. Great, I thought, just great. I went over and ate the "fodder" in the bucket, and drank most of the water in the other one. Since that was about all there was to do I finally sat down on the pad, not bad, and dozed for awhile.

After I had rested I was wide awake, and bored as hell. I was slowly, but surely, getting used to my new body and moving around was no longer a problem. I no longer felt like I was balancing on the balls of my feet (what feet?) anymore, and my stance felt, well, perfectly normal. I also found I could jump or hop fairly high distances or heights too. My legs were very strong. I could hop up and down the huge mountain of hay like a, well, a mountain goat. I decided to explore the building some. It was pretty much like any other barn or stable I'd seen. Some broad straight areas lined with stalls on each side, and with tack and/or supply rooms at the ends. I did find some extra rooms in one section, and they had some weird contraptions in them that looked like vaulting horses, complete with leather padded covers. But they also had chains and leather cuffs attached at the bases, and then I caught a whiff of old sex. I knew what that scent was! Then I suddenly realized what the "vaulting horses" were for! "Baaaaaa, Naaaaaa!" I squealed, and backed out of the room in horror. I went back to my stall and stayed there for the rest of the day.

Rob or Doc would come by a couple of times a day, or more, to bring me food or treats and check up on me. I found it was amazing how delicious a raw carrot was, I had used to hate them. Sometimes Rob would even spend the night in my stall, and was always a perfect gentleman. He'd even bring his own pad. We'd talk a lot, and he had a great sense of humor. Once or twice I tried to get him to talk about his "job", but he'd get all antsy and clam up on me. I finally gave up. After working hours we'd sometimes go over to Doc's and he'd run a test or two, but that was rare. And I enjoyed having him spend the night because frankly the big empty barn gave me the heebie-jeebies, especially at night when I was all alone. I can't ever remember having been so scared of the dark in the past, and waking up to have him sleeping nearby made me feel safe. But I was slowly going stark raving bonkers from being cooped up all the time. I wanted to get out of the place! So one day I decided to sneak out and look around. It was big mistake.

I waited until after lunch then put my plan into action. I knew all of the changelings in the compound wore halters, and that I'd be noticed without one. I had found some while messing around in the barn, and one fit me perfectly. It even felt kind of nice, made me feel like I had some clothes on for some reason. I stuck my head out the door, and looked carefully around. I saw only one of the handlers leading a sheep from one building to another. OK, so far, so good. Stepping out of the building I tried to look properly, well, goat like as I walked slowly towards the nearest building, I picked it mainly because I could smell other animals there and I was lonely. I entered cautiously, and looked around. No one in sight! It looked just like the barn I had just left, only it was occupied. I looked in some of the stalls and some had Nanny goats like me, or sheep ewes in them. Most were sleeping, but a couple came over to say "hello" with a nibble and/or bleat. After I returned the greetings (now how did I know how to do that anyway?) they lost interest and went back to resting or whatever they had been doing. One thing that really bothered me was the strange blankness in their eyes, like the lights were on but the wattage was really low. It had been a contented blankness though, so I didn't worry too much about it. Well, I thought, they certainly seem happy enough And again I could smell old sex, lots of it, but it was not mixed with any scents of pain, so it didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. In fact I found myself scenting it with real interest, and that surprised and disturbed me a little bit. Then I noticed there were some of those same small rooms at one end of the barn, and from faint sounds one was occupied. I decided to check it out. That was my next big mistake.

I cautiously approached, and as I got closer I could hear bleats and squeals of what sounded like pleasure, and I could smell sex! God, the closer I got the more the air reeked of it. And to my surprise, and curiosity, I felt a strange heat start to build up in my vagina. I had pretty much tried to ignore it so far, and had so far succeeded to some extent. But now I couldn't any more, no matter how hard I tried. "Oaaaaaaa!" I said softly. What a strange, but oh so nice, feeling. I wanted to touch myself back there, see what was happening. But I held off as my curiosity as to what was going on in the room won out. The sounds had not ceased, but I could no longer hear the sheep or goat bleating. What was going on in there? I let out another involuntary soft moan as the strange, but very pleasurable feeling in my vagina, increased and I suddenly felt wet back there. And my human nipples were getting hard! God!, I wanted something, but still didn't really understand what yet. I snuck up to the door, and looked slowly around the edge. At first I was not sure as to exactly what I was seeing. There were two handlers in the room, and at first I thought they were just looking at one another across a kind of weird table. But then I saw their buttocks thrusting and clenching, and heard their thighs slapping against what was draped across the vaulting horse. And God, the smell of the sex almost made me pass out and my legs suddenly felt very weak. "Uhhhh", I moaned. Then one of the handlers gave a loud grunt and pulled back, and the goat he had been fucking in the mouth lifted up its head with cum dripping out of its mouth and gave a loud squeal as the second Handler thrust one more time and shuddered too! Then he dismounted and I could see his huge erection, and the goat's rump with cum dripping out of its pussy! "OHHHHH GAAAAD!! I screamed, NAAAA! BAAAAA!! I turned

and ran blindly down the rows of stalls screaming at the memory of the horror I had just seen. They had been raping her! I ran into a startled handler and knocked him flying. NAAAAA!! NOOOOO!!! I screamed as I ran out of the barn and back to my own one, and running back to my stall I pulled the sleeping pad over me and tried to hide. Oh God, Oh God, Oh my God! That's what they were going to do to me!

A short time later I heard someone enter my stall, and knew it was Rob from his scent.

"Nanny? he asked, are you OK? What happened? Why did you leave the barn!" He sat down next to the pad, and tried to pull it off of me!

Oh God, I thought, he's going to do that to me! Oh God! And I kicked and screamed at him "Geett awaaay from me-e-e-e! You Mooonssster! Get awaaaay!!" I screamed! "Don't huuurrttt meee, pleeeaaase! Geet awaaaay!! I'll kiiilll myseelff, I'lll kiiillll myseeellfff!" And

I screamed and screamed, bleating and squealing in terror and flailing wildly at nothing. And after awhile I suddenly realized he was gone. Still terrified I finally managed to fall into a restless troubled sleep. It was full of horrible nightmares, and when I woke up later and couldn't smell his scent I started crying, and realized I wanted him there with me, to protect me, but I just didn't understand why. And I cried and cried because I was so lonely and so scared.

Later that night I heard the door to the barn crash open, and backed into the corner of my stall in terror. Oh God, I thought, they're coming for me! But then Doc burst into my stall, and he was in a rage.

"What did you do! he yelled, What did you do to Rob! They said you left the barn and later ran back screaming. What did you do to Rob!!!"

I looked at him in total confusion. "I diiidn't du aaanythiiing!" I managed to blurt out. "I I I saaaw theem raaaping a goat liiikee meeee! He caaamme here, aaand I thoought heee waanted me for thaaatt toooo! Pleeeaase don leet theemm do that to meeee, Pleeassse!"

"Oh God, said Doc, Oh God! I just got called in because Rob is in the hospital. He tried to kill himself an hour ago I just got through operating on him, but I don't know if he'll make it or not. He's been traumatized by something, he doesn't have any will to live"

Ohhhhh Nooooo, I thought, no, please, not my Rob! With a scream I pushed past Doc, and ran out of the barn and to the vet hospital. Some other handlers were clustered at the main door, but I just pushed my way through them. I found him by the his scent, and the scent of fresh blood. He was lying in a bed with some intravenous feeds in his arms, and was strapped to the bed. One of the assistant vets was sitting in a chair watching him, and when I came in the room he jumped up to stop me.

"Naaa, pleeaaase!" I said, Pleeaaase, I haave to seeee hiiim!"

The vet said, "Not right now, he's had a hard time of and he's resting!"

"Plleeaaaase!", I begged, tears running down my face.

About that time Doc arrived, and seeing the situation he said "Let her go to him, and get out and shut the door!"

"But Doc, protested the assistant, he needs watching, he might still be suicidal!"

"Don't worry, she'll watch him just fine! Now get out!" In a confused huff the assistant left, and Doc turned to me and said,

"He needs you more than he's ever needed anything, you can save him or let him die. It's up to you." Then Doc left too and shut the door behind him.

I stood there for a moment, scared and undecided. But then a soft moan from Rob made me turn and look at him. He looked so small and helpless in that huge bed, and there were bloody bandages on his wrists! "Ohhhhh, I moaned, and went to the side of the bed. He moaned again, and thrashed a little, and I could smell his pain. "Ohhhh, Noooo!" I moaned again, and crouching down next to the bed I undid the strap from around one of his wrists, and gently taking his hand I held it next to my face and rubbed my muzzle against it. He had been so nice to me, so gentle. He'd taken care of me and been so kind and understanding. And it was my fault he was hurt, that he was like this. And then the tears came and I cried uncontrollably as I held onto to his hand and rocked back and forth. Finally exhausted and spent I crawled into the bed next to him and laid my head on his chest and fell asleep. When I woke up he was gentley stroking my head, and looking up I saw he was just barely awake, but aware enough to know I was there.

"Nanny, he said, I could never hurt you! I would never let ANYone hurt you! I love you!" and then he fell back asleep.

I kissed his hand, and softly said "I luuv yu too." And I was suprised to realize I meant it, heart and soul. I had never had anyone to love me before, I had been all alone most of my life. I don't know if he heard me, but he smiled a little and seemed to relax.

Doc, who had been watching on the remote monitor, gave a relieved sigh of his own. He'll be OK now, he thought. And I think she will be too. He turned off the monitor and went to get some long overdue sleep of his own.

I refused to be away from Rob for more than a few minutes at a time. I would sit and we would talk for hours. I made no more mention of what happened, and neither did he. And he healed quickly, another "gift" from the company to its stock. He would always have faint scars on his wrist though. Doc, bless him, had managed to enter the incident in his log book as an accident. There would be no investigation by any higher ups as to the mental state of their property. Five days later he was able to return to his duties. And I went back to my own private stall.

For a couple of days he stayed away, but then one night I woke up and was suddenly aware I wasn't alone. But I wasn't worried, because I could smell it was him. He didn't enter the stall, but I could sense him looking over the top of the door, trying to be as quiet as possible. When he turned to leave I said,

"Doon't goo! Pleeaaassse staaay." I could tell he was nervous, but he opened the door and came and sat down next to me on the pad. He started to say something, but instead was surprised and unable to speak as I suddenly hugged him as hard as I could, and started crying.

"I I I thought I I I waaas gooiing to loossse you! I sobbed and moaned, Thaatt I I I woould be aaalll aaalone aaand noo one would taake caare off mee! Or orrr looovee meeee!" and I held him as tight as I could, and he held me back in his own gentle embrace.

"No, he said in a soft voice, I will never try to leave you again! I couldn't stand the thought of your hating me! I could never hurt you! I'd never let anyone hurt you! Don't you know that?"

"Yeeess!, I cried, I waaasss sooo sssstuupid! I diidn'tt undeerstaand! I waaas so scaared, but I doo now! I know noow I luuuuve you, soo muuch! Wiithoouut yuuu I woouuuld diiie! And he started crying too. And we held each other awhile longer, still crying but happy now, happy that we had found one another in this strange place, until we fell asleep.

When I woke it was early morning, and just enough light to see by was coming in through some small cracks in the walls. He was still holding me, and my head was resting against his shoulder. How could he be so gentle even while sleeping I thought. I also realized I had meant what I had said the night before, that I loved him. And I did. I know I should have been worried about it, but it felt right. He was male and I was female now whether I liked it or not, and he was strong and protective of me. And I found that to be very attractive in a male. He was kind and gentle, and so considerate. I had never known anyone like that. And he smelled sooo good.

He was starting to wake up, so before I evenrealized I was doing it I began to softly lick his chest. He woke all the way up, and was perfectly still as I reached down to his crotch and began to softly caress his genitals through his shorts. He gave a soft moan, and asked me, "Are you sure?" And I could hear the hope in his voice. I didn't say anything at all, just lifted up my hand and slid it inside his shorts and started doing the same thing. He let out

a funny happy little squeak and quickly slid his shorts off and threw them out of the stall. What followed was the most fulfilling and wonderful day of my life, as a man or a female goat.

I looked at him as I kneaded his large, God he's huge, penis and balls. He was already growing hard and I watched in mesmerized fascination as he grew and grew! And I felt that strange warm feeling starting back there again, and felt myself growing wet And his scent was driving me wild He was rock hard and rampant now. While his penis was hardening I had been concentrating on his balls, but now I turned my attention to that magnificent maleness. I gently nibbled at the tip as I ran my hand/hoof up and down the shaft, and he gave a low moan of pleasure which made me only want to give him more. I took him in my mouth and swallowed as much of him as I could, which was quite a bit as my mouth

was very deep, and he tasted sweet and salty, and oh so male! I ran my long almost prehensile tongue up and down his shaft, and also licked his balls whenever I could. He reached over and began to gently caress and fondle my breasts, and I felt my nipples grow hard and sensitive, and he gently tweaked and rubbed them, and oh God it felt sooo good.

I made muffled squeals of pleasure of my own, and one of his hands slid down and cupped my udder and began to gently squeeze it. "OHHHHH, uggghhh!"! I moaned around his cock.

Then he slowly ran his hand up the side of my leg, over the top of it, and back around to my rear. Then I felt him touch me THERE, and all of a sudden his fingers slipped inside of me, and I pulled my head off of his cock and let out a squeal of ectasy! "Ohhhhh, BAAAAA!!

I squealed and moaned, Ohhh BAAA!" What are you doing to me! I thought, nothing can feel that goood!! But boy was I wrong! He was only just getting started! He came to a kneeling position, and pulled me up to face him, still with his fingers inside of me doing THINGS!

I looked at him, panting heavily with my tongue lolling out of my mouth, making incoherent sounds of pleasure. I desperately wanted to tell him something, but all I could manage was "BAAA-AAA!!!" Oh God, what was happening to me! I thought. I'd never felt like this before, even when I'd had sex as a man before my change. But that paled in comparison to this, this NEED! I wanted him, I NEEDED him! Soooo baaad!

I stayed crouched on my hind legs as he circled around behind me, turning my head to watch as he went, gasping and panting from my NEED! "Eh Eh Uh!, I moaned. He gently pushed me forward on to all fours, and the whole time I kept watching him as best I could. As my hind legs no longer bent forward I couldn't kneel on my knees, and my position was that of an animal, but it felt perfectly natural to me. Then suddenly I felt something soft and slick press against my aching vagina, and began to caress it slowly and oh so gently gently! "UHHHHH UH UH UH!!!" I moaned! Ohh pleeeease, I thought! And then I felt it slide insided of me and I almost fainted as it explored my sex. But all I could do was grunt and squeal, I couldn't make any human sounds at all, couldn't even beg him to take me! But he knew what I needed, and was being as gentle as he could. I stood there with my head hanging, my whole body trembling from his touch as he pleasured me in a way that almost drove me insane. When his tongue finally slid free I gave a deep guttural grunt of mindless lust.

Why did he stop! I can't, I have to!?! Then I felt something hard and slick press against the swollen oh so tender lips of my sex, and then arched my back and squealed as I felt the head of his penis slide into me and began to penetrate me! "OOHHHHHH BAAAAA!! UGGGGGHHH BAAAAAA! I bleated and squealed in mindless ectasy! I tried to buck, but his weight kept me pinned. He gently penetrated me to the hilt, taking his time and making sure he didn't cause me any discomfort, as if that was possible. And I loved him for it. And then he began to hump me and fuck me with slow powerful thrusts. And I braced myself for him, and pushed back to meet his thrusts as well as I could. I could hear his own moans and sobs of pleasure. He slid forward, bringing more of his weight on my back, and reaching under me he began to knead and caress by breasts! I bore his weight easily, and it was the most unbelievable pleasure I had ever known, and it far exceeded any I had ever been able to even imagine. And it went on and on and on! And then he began to speed up, increasing the number and power of his strokes. The steady slap of his thighs against my rump, his hardness sliding in and out of me, was driving me insane from agonizing ecstasy. I screamed and bleated my mindless aching need, and then he exploded deep inside of me, his own orgasm triggering my own first orgasm as a female goat. And as I came and came I knew

I would never ever want anything other than this! If this was what it meant to be a pleasure beast, then I wanted it. And then he passed out and slid off of me!

He came around as I was worriedly licking his face. I thought he'd had a heart attack or something! He looked perplexed and happy at the same time.

"It's never been like that for me before, he said in wonder, it's never been so good!''

"Weeell theen, I said, Theen hadn't weee beetter make suuree nothingsss wrong!" And it was amazing how soon he was ready again! And we mated again and again, and it was heaven.

And over the coming weeks he gently showed me what it was like to be a female pleasure animal. Of course I still knew I had once been a human, and a male, but it no longer meant that much to me, and I no longer had any leftover inhibitions.

I had found a mate who truly loved me, and even though I knew he was with many other females I knew he was MY mate, that he only serviced them to satisfy his own needs and to do his job of introducing them to what they had become. He never treated me as a Toy though but always as his equal. I live in his room now, and all the other Rabbits, and of course Doc know about it. I know what I am now, and so I act the part. I wear a halter all the time, and never talk except in safe rooms. And slowly I let him introduce me to the other Rabbits, both as friends and lovers. I enjoy the group sex now, being the center of attention from up to three insatiable randy males is a heady experience, and I take pride in being able to pleasure them all. I know part of it is the way my body was designed, that I was made this way in a test tube. But I am also totally in control and aware of what's happening, and it is my own decision and that makes a big difference! I know I will never be sold as a Toy, and that my services will never be forced. Unlike my brothers and sisters I pick my own partners. And I have a mate who loves me as much as I love him, and after all isn't that all that really matters?



Exotic Pets and Companions Co., Inc., From Man to Dolly, Part 2

Exotic Pets and Companions Co., Inc. From Man to Dolly, Part 2 By William W. Kelso Then the man put a HALTER on my head with a lead rope attached to it! I was too shocked to do anything. Then he undid the manacle around my leg,...

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Exotic Pets and Companions Co., Inc., From Man to Dolly, Part 1

Another Yiffy one friends, so be warned. Part of a Series about a company that puts money over human misery and degradation. And no 17 or younger readers please!!! Exotic Pets and Companions, Co., Inc. From Man to Dolly, Part 1 by...

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The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War, Tony the Cougar

The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War Tony the Cougar By William W. Kelso I lifted my head briefly and took a quick look. The Krill laager was about two hundred yards away where they'd set up in an old highway rest stop for the night. It was...

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