Exotic Pets and Companions Co., Inc., From Man to Dolly, Part 2

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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Exotic Pets and Companions Co., Inc.

From Man to Dolly, Part 2


William W. Kelso

Then the man put a HALTER on my head with a lead rope attached to it! I was too shocked to do anything. Then he undid the manacle around my leg, and pulling on the rope he lead me away. I couldn't do much to resist, so followed him as best I could. At one point he gave a hard jerk, and I fell to all fours and followed him the rest of the way like that. To me it was no longer much different, and in some ways, more comfortable then standing upright.

He took me to another stable, but this one was different. The stalls were smaller and had concrete floors, and he tied the lead rope to a ring in the wall. Then another man came in the stall and without warning he grabbed me and pinned me to the floor. I squealed and tried to kick. Asshole! I thought. But he expertly held me down, while I breathed heavily and rolled my eyes in fear.

"NNNNNNAAAA!, BAAAAAA!" Plleeeease, don't hurt me, I thought!

Then the first man came back, and he had a mean looking electric razor in his hand. He plugged it in, and with an evil grin said,

"Shearing time!"

Oh, GOD, I thought, and tried to struggle some more. But I was helpless, and soon he was running the shears over my body and a large pile of wool was soon piling up around me. And he shaved me all over, everywhere. He didn't shave me down to the bare skin, but left a kind of thin soft layer over most of my body, but he still nicked me a lot as I squirmed and tried to kick or bite. But I quickly found if I stayed still he was more careful and didn't cut or nick me as much.

And heaven help me, after awhile I actually began to enjoy it! My wool had gotten thick, hot, matted, and scratchy, and it felt good as it fell away. I began to make soft noises of pleasure, and the man just grinned even more.

"Feels good, don't it ewe!" he said.

Then after they were through he told the other man to bag the wool for shipping Then he dragged me to a "shower" and proceeded to hose me down with cold water. That did NOT feel good and I didn't like it at all. I squealed as the water blasted me, trying to protect myself. And I was now aware of my nudity like

I hadn't been since the change. Before the thick layer of wool had been a thick protective layer, kind of like wearing clothes, and covered up my um, privates. Now that it was gone I felt, well, embarrassed. He had even shaved my rump, and now my human breasts were totally exposed. I felt vulnerable, and I was scared.

I had good reason to be. Up until now I hadn't thought much about being a female after I got over the initial horror of my "sex change", which had also been partly affected by the realization that was no longer even human. Once I'd discovered I no longer was a male

I hadn't really thought much about sex at all. I was too traumatized. And no one else, human or my fellow ewes, and done anything to bring the matter up so far. I had just assumed I would just be given to some rich kid as a cute "pet" or something, a living plush toy. How wrong I was.

After the man had finished bathing me, he took a large coarse towel and briskly dried me off. As he did he fondled and molested me. Oh God, he squeezed and fondled my human breasts AND my udders! My nipples had grown hard from the cold water, and he pinched and tweaked them with his fingers, and they were tender and responded. It actually felt good, a little. Then he ran his hands over my rump, and suddenly forced some of his fingers into my vagina. Stop that! I thought. I let out a squeal and tried kick or buck, but he knew what he was doing and held me still. He ran his fingers in and out of me, tears running down my face. "Baaaaaa!" I moaned. Please, oh please stop!

"Oh yes, my pretty, you are nice and tight! He said, But we'll soon take care of that!"

Oh God, I thought, Stop it! Please stop it! But he continued to touch and rub my nipples and vagina, and ohhh God I felt myself helplessly beginning to respond to his unwanted attentions, felt my vagina began to grow wet and tender.

"UH UH NAAAAA, BAAAA!!!" I cried. Please, no, stop!! I thought. PLEASE, I'm a MAN, not an animal!!! This isn't right!!!! But my own body was betraying me.

But he didn't, he kept fingering me until my vagina was swollen and wet, and there was nothing I could do about it. He knew what he was doing and I was helpless. I had never felt anything like it! Towards the end my squeals and bleats were no longer ones of pain, but of growing pleasure! Ohhhh, I thought , WHAT is he doing to me! Please stop it! But it felt soooo gooood! I leaned my head against him licking his chest and enjoying the taste of his sweat and scenting his male pheromones. Ohhhh God!! I can't believe I'm enjoying this!

Finally he stopped, and still holding me he carried me into a nearby room. There was a kind of thing that looked like a vaulting horse, a narrow table with a leather pad. He draped me across the pad, and using heavy leather straps he strapped my front legs in the front, and then spread my hind legs and strapped them as well so that I was totally helpless. I didn't struggle at all. My whole body was tingling in expectation of what was coming next, even as another part of me recoiled in horror. Ohhhh GOD NO! I thought! This CAN'T be HAPPENING!

Then he crouched down behind me and continued his assault on my vagina. He kept it up for several more minutes, and at one point I realized he was using his tongue, sliding it over, and in and out, of me. I squealed and tried to buck.

"BAAAA, I bleated in desperation, BAAAAAAA!!!!" I wanted something, but I didn't know what!

He finally stopped, and a heard the sound of cloth falling to the ground. He walked around in front of me, and he was nude! For a man his penis was huge. Jutting and rampant, swollen with his lust, his large scrotum hanging low and bulging with his testicles. I couldn't help but stare at it with both horror and growing desire. I had never felt like this, never felt so aroused! And it was different from being a man! It was more even more demanding. It was an ache to be filled, the need to be serviced by a dominant male. It was more the desire of a female animal then a human woman. Oh God NO! I thought. This can't be happening to me! But my new body was still betraying me, it knew what it wanted and needed. I looked at him, tongue lolling out of my mouth. "UGGGH, BAAAA!" I moaned softly. He looked at me with a smile, and said,

"I do believe you are ready for me, my fine ewe!"

Oh yeeessss, I thought, oh pleeeassse!!" And I moaned softly again at my own lust. Oh God, what is wrong with me! Why did I feel like this!! It wasn't right, it wasn't right! And I felt tears running down my muzzle.

He walked around behind me, and a second later I felt something press against the swollen sensitive lips of my vagina. He moved my tail out of the way as I tried to tuck it, and I felt him press against me as he pushed the head of his penis against my lips. Then with a sudden powerful shove he thrust himself into me and mounted me! And I screamed more like a man then an animal. Ohhhhhhh God it huuuurt! It was unlike anything I had ever experienced, or thought possible. He grabbed me in front of my hind legs and thrust powerfully several times to achieve complete penetration, and as I felt his hardness fill me I threw back my head and squealed in pain and ecstasy!!! He found a steady rhythm, fucking and humping me with powerful thrusts, grunting his own pleasure. NOOOO! A part of my mind wailed, this can't be happening! But another part of me was loving it. And that part was getting stronger as my pleasure and lust grew and grew! And the horrified part of me was slowly being submerged by that lust.

He knew what he was doing. He would speed up and then slow down. Then he would stop and be motionless, buried to the hilt, and stay that way so I could feel what it was like to be impaled helplessly. I writhed and moaned in ecstasy, and any time he stopped I tried to push back against him in mindless need, but the straps made it impossible. Ohhhh pleeeassee, I thought, on pleeeeaase make me come. End it! Pleeease! "BAAAA!" He was making me LIKE what he was doing! Making me ENJOY being brutally raped! But as an animal, not a human!

"BAAAAAA!! BAAAAAA!" I bleated as it went on and on. Of course it was probably not all that long, but it felt like eternity. Finally he started humping me again, picking up the rhythm as I squealed, my head thrown back and my eyes rolling up in my head! OHHHHH PLEEEEASEE, I can't stand it, I don't care

anymore, OHH PLLEEAASSEE!! And then I felt him explode in me as he gave out a loud guttural grunt of pleasure, and my own orgasm exploded and I came and came and came!! "YAAAAA!!!BAAAAAA!!!" Squealing and thrashing mindlessly.

Finally it was over, and as he slid out of me I found myself eagerly looking forward to the next time, even as part of me sobbed in disgust somewhere down deep inside. He came around to the front again, his cock still hard and rigid, glistening with our sexual fluids. I looked up at him, panting.

"Clean me off!" He said, and stood closer.

A part of me deep inside thought, ohh gross! But the animal part of me was in total control, and attracted by the scent of my mates musk and my own I gently took his penis in my mouth, sucking and tonguing it until it was clean. He scratched my ears, and said,

"Oh Yes, I am going to enjoy training and breaking you. And as for now my lovely little ewe, we are just getting started. OKAY boys! She hot and ready, come and get it!"

WHAT! I thought? Then I heard someone open the door to the room, and looking over my shoulder I watched as a half dozen men came into the room. And in dawning horror I watched as they started to take their clothes off, some of them already hard and rampant.

I looked at my handler in beseeching terror! The human part of me finally shocked awake again. NOOOOOO, I pleaded with my eyes!! "NAAAAA!! NAAAA! I squealed!! But he just scratched my ear,

"I'll be back in a couple of hours, in the meantime, ENJOY!" he said

I tried to struggle as the men approached me, but the leather straps held me motionless and helpless. The first man mounted me with a powerful thrust, and oohhhhh God it felt so goood! "NAAAAA! NAAAAAA" I screamed. And the six men took turns fucking and humping me for hours, trading places, sometimes making me service two of them at the same time, one with his cock buried in my vagina, the other with his cock sliding in and out of my mouth. I couldn't resist and endured the horror, and the even more disturbing pleasure I felt with tears streaming down my muzzle, or sobbing when a penis wasn't in my mouth. But the men showed no compassion or sympathy as they took their pleasure. And after awhile I noticed that new men were coming and going as the gang rape went on and on.

I passed out more than once from the agonizing and unendurable sexual pain and pleasure, only to wake up as another penis was forced into my vagina and/or mouth! And in my mind

I begged for death as I screamed silently.

Finally it ended, and my handler came to collect me. I had been alone for some time, my head hanging down in humiliation and total submission, fluids dripping into the large puddles on the floor under my rump and head. I looked up at him with tears still streaming down my muzzle. Why? I thought. Why did you let them hurt me? He gently undid the straps, and led me to the wash room again. Only this time the water was warm, and he carefully soaped my body and cleaned me very thoroughly, all over. I didn't even mind when he inserted the hose in my vagina and washed out all the remaining sperm and semen. It felt good to my sore, stretched, muscles, but I still felt filthy and degraded. I shuddered and held onto him. Why, I thought, why?? And he seemed to understand. He put his hand under my chin and looked me in the eyes, and told me,

"You must learn you are no longer a human, my pet" He said. "That you are only an animal now, subject to any and every whim of your masters. You must accept pleasure, and pain, equally. Learn to relish and enjoy them both, your only desire to satisfy your owner. You must forget you were ever human as that is what is best for you now. It is my job to make sure you do. You did well today, and I am pleased."

You are? I thought, and felt strangely pleased myself.

"Tomorrow, he said, I will see to it that your partners are gentler, and that they give you more pleasure."

Ohhh God, part of me thought, please don't make go through that again! I'll do anything you want, but not that! But another part of me was already looking forward to it, and it was the dominant part, the animal part. Oh God, I thought again. What have they done to me, what's happening to me?

And my handler carried me back to my stall, and gently put me on the floor. Then to my surprise he remained with me until I finally fell asleep. And I felt strangely protected, and knew he would allow no one else to touch me without his permission. And as he looked down at me, he thought to himself, God how I hate what I am sometimes.

My handler did not think about, nor did he care, about who I had been before my humanity had been taken from me. He knew I was a transformed human being, not a clone like the Company claimed. But either way he wouldn't have cared. He too was a changeling, owned by the same Company that now owned me. His modifications were much less apparent, but that didn't make any difference. The Company considered him just as much an animal as I was. He had an ID chip in his head just like all the other changelings, myself included. He had been given the sexual genes and capability of a buck rabbit, one of the most prolific male animals. That capability for rutting had also been increased, and his loins and Penis had been enlarged so he would be capable of coupling with much larger, or more endowed, animals and other changelings. His mind had also been changed to specifically perform the function for which he was created. He had been trained to break other changelings with sexual pain and pleasure, and was very good at what he did. He could service many females numerous times in one day, and he loved it. Like them, he too had been broken long ago. But he was NOT a sadist or a torturer. His methods were tried and true, and produced the best results. He knew what he was, and also that what he did to the changelings he trained was best for them. They had to be made to accept what they had become, and to accept their new lives or they would go insane. In his own way he loved them, and saw them as his mates. It was always very hard for him to let one go when it was taken to auction. He would grieve for days. The female, and male, changelings he trained were always eager and willing to please their masters in whatever way they desired by the time he had broken them. And most of them came to remember not the pain, but the pleasure he gave them once they'd accepted what they had become. And many missed him when they were sold. If anyone was to blame for what he did it was those who had created him and the other changelings, had subjected their fellow humans to such horror and sexual degradation, just to make money.

For several days the gang rapes continued. First he would mate with me for our mutual pleasure, making me enjoy it in spite of myself. Then he would turn me over to the other handlers for their use. It lasted for several hours every day, but to my growing horror and despair I began to realize I was slowly coming to enjoy being serviced by so many males. It made me feel my femaleness like I had never believed could be possible. But not really as a human female, but as an animal. I found that having so many males lusting after me aroused me to a peak I could hardly stand. It was partly their scent, their pheromones caused me to respond in a way I had no control over. After the first few days they no longer even bothered to strap me to the mounting table, but instead left me free because they knew

I would be a totally cooperative, and in fact an even willing and docile partner in my own ongoing degradation. I had no choice as the human part of me was driven deeper and deeper into the back of my mind. And it now included anal sex as well, and I loved it just as much. And I could tell my handler was very pleased with my progress, and the more I cooperated, the less pain there was. I found that by letting my animal self take over it was much easier, and my human part could retreat until it was over. But I still knew what had been done to me.

And later he taught me how to satisfy three males at the same time. One would lie underneath me, and I would squat down onto his waiting erection, another would mount be anally from rear, and I would then take the third man in my mouth. And God help me I enjoyed it. In all that time he never once forced me to have sex while lying on my back. He told me,

"That's not the way animals have sex, so since you're an animal you'll never be serviced except from behind as it wouldn't be natural." And that was fine with me!

And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, it did. But I accepted the new development complacently as I had long ago learned that resistance brought only more pain. And he completely broke my spirit and will, without my even noticing it! He would tell me things about what had been done to me. That my bodies sex drive had been greatly increased so I was virtually insatiable, that I was in permanent state of estrus. That my mind had also been conditioned to enjoy my new function in life, to be a complacent sex toy that enjoyed the degradations it was subjected too He told how they had pretty much lobotomized my higher brain functions, which was why I had so much trouble trying to concentrate or think about one thing for more than a few minutes and could no longer read or write. Even if you did manage to escape, you wouldn't even be able to tell anyone what has been done to you. They would find you right away though as you have and ID and tracking chip in your brain. And even though I know that it makes no difference as I am totally domesticated, and have no more thoughts of resisting or running away then a normal sheep. I know my place, and accept it now.

One day he said a special treat for me for being such a "good girl". I smelled the Ram before I saw him, smelled his potent male musk and his rut. I had never even thought about what it would be like to be mated to a natural Ram, but the animal part of me had no reservations about what was coming. I began squealing my lust before I even saw the Ram.

"BAAAA!, BAAAA!!!" I bleated in rising excitement and arousal, the Rams musk was driving me wild! "BAAAAAA, BAAAAAAA!!!!"

"Yes, my pet!" he's for you! My handler said with a big smile on his face. He's

a reward for your doing so well. You are one of the best ewe's I've ever trained and our owners are very happy. Some of our clients enjoy voyeurism, so you will also be trained to mate with animals and different changeling species as well.

But by then I was ignoring him, my total concentration on the Ram! He was magnificent! He glared at me with his intense yellow eyes, and I could smell his own growing lust. He was already well aware of mine! Ohhhhh, I wanted him so bad!! And I could feel my vagina starting to ache and throb, my sexual estrus fluids soaking it and dripping down my rump!

I had never responded this way to a male before. And as my human part retreated, the animal part took over as usual.

With a big smile my handler opened the door to my stall and let the Ram in. He quickly approached me, snuffling at my rump to see how ready I was. And with a bleat of pleasure, echoed by my own, he mounted me, clasped me with this front legs, and began to mate with me vigorously, riding me with powerful steady thrusts. He was huge, rampant, and eager. He was a specially bred young Ram in his prime. And I bleated and squealed in sexual ecstasy. It was different then with a human male, more intense and even more animal!! He was huge, and as he rammed himself in and out I just braced myself, letting out guttural moans and bleats of ecstasy as orgasm after orgasm wracked my body. And it went on and on! My handler watched in satisfaction. Just before treating me to the services of the Ram he had given the ram a drug which would make it very hard for the ram to come, not that it would stop trying to.

So he listened in approval to the sounds of beastly pleasure coming from the stall. The loud meaty sounds of the Rams thighs slamming against my rump as he serviced me, and my screams of ecstasy as orgasm after orgasm wracked me. He thought to himself. This is by far the best ewe I have ever trained. She is totally and utterly submissive, her only desire to give, and receive pleasure, from her owners. They will get a fortune for her when she goes onto the block. But at the same time he was sad as he knew he would miss her.

Finally, after over an hour, the Ram was finally spent. He had come a few times, and had enjoyed servicing this female. She had been responsive and eager for his attentions, and her squeals and bleats had driven him to satisfy her. After the Ram finished and finally lost interest, at least for now, he took it back to its own stall. He had arranged to keep the ram for a week, and would be taking him to the ewes stall several times a day to service her to the best of his abilities, which were impressive. Yes, this ewe deserved a special treat. And after she had grown used to being covered by a natural Ram he would start to introduce her to other changeling and animal partners. She must be ready to eagerly satisfy any whim of her masters.

Then he returned to my stall, watching as I contentedly ate a bucket of oats and mash. He waited until I was through then entered the stall. He sat down with me and held me like he did at the end of most days, and I nuzzled him. I no longer had any hate for him, I had come to realize he had no more choice in what he did to me then I did. He was only an animal like myself. And that in his own way he wanted what was best for me in my new life. So I returned his genuine affection with my own.

And so my training continued for quite some time, but I had no idea of how much time it actually took as I just lived day by day. To try to think of the future was too painful for what was left of my humanity to stand. And the animal part didn't care one way or another. Out of necessity my animal part had become dominant, but my human part was always there, and I always remembered and knew what had been done to me.

Then one day after training was over he took me back to my stall as usual, but this time he stayed with me all night. He held me and I realized he was crying! In real concern I gently licked away his tears, and he just held me tighter. I found I was actually genuinely concerned, and did my best to comfort him. He told me he loved me, and that they were going to take me away for him tomorrow and send me to auction. It wasn't until now that I realized just how hard it was for him to do what he did, and even the human part of me couldn't hate him anymore. So I held him and cried too because I was so scared about what was coming next. And after he finally left me later that night I never saw him again, but I do think about him every now and then, both the animal and human parts of me.

Early in the morning the handlers loaded most of the ewes, including me, into special cages on a truck. We spent several hours traveling until we finally came to a stop. The truck was unmarked and nondescript, but the large fairground it pulled into had large banners that read "Exotic Pets and Companions Co., Inc. Auction Today". Of course we ewes were unaware of this, and if any of us did see the sign we wouldn't have been able to read it. My main concern was where was my handler? I missed and wanted him. He had always been there to take care of me, and this was new and strange. Both the animal and human parts of me were equally scared.

The truck was unloaded, and we were all taken to stalls for viewing prior to the auction. It was a big affair, by special invitation only. Quite a few men and women came by to check out the livestock. Some of the stalls, including mine, had tapes playing of us "at work". And soon I had a number of "admirers". More than one person, both male and female, entered the stall and gave me very personal inspections, to which I responded as I had been taught and was now natural for me. I watched as ewes and other animals were led past my stall, some standing upright, others going on all fours. I could tell by the look in the eyes of others like me whether their brains were basically gone, little more than animals, or if they retained their human memories like I did. Don't ask me how, we just knew which ones of us were still part human.

They saved the best for last, and finally came to get me. A handler came to fetch me, and hooking a lead rope to my halter he lead me on to a stage. After my eyes adjusted to the bright light I could see the stage was raised and was surrounded by a sea of people. In curiosity I snuffled at the air, smelling the scent of a mob of humans, but I wasn't really scared in any way. This was what I had been made and trained for. I could smell other animals, but couldn't see them.

"And now for our next lot folks, a very special little ewe! She specializes in group sex, both with human and animal partners, and from what her trainers say is insatiable! Now for your personal viewing pleasure and consideration we will have her perform her special act"!

I watched as three nude men approached me, all of them rampant. I could tell from their scent that they were all handlers, rabbits like those who had trained me, and the one I missed so badly. One lay down on the ground, and I quickly straddled him and with a bleat

I slowly lowered myself onto his rigid erection. Then with a guttural squeal of pleasure

I ground myself down on him. The second man positioned himself behind me and mounted me anally, thrusting in me to the hilt. I let out a guttural bleat of pleasure, my mouth open and gasping from the pleasure of having two males in me at the same time. The third man approached my head and offered me his penis. I accepted his member willingly, sucking it and tonguing it as I swallowed the whole length, then using my tongue to caress his balls.

I enjoyed his salty male musk and the taste of him. Then they took their time serving me, and the beast I had become loved every minute. They were a trained team, synchronizing their thrusts perfectly to give me and themselves the most possible pleasure. And I was an expert too, this was what I had been trained for, what I did best. And as the three rabbits serviced me I didn't hate them, I hated the humans in the crowd as they watched my willing degradation. Listened as they cheered knowing I had once been a fellow human being, but not caring! So who were the real monsters?

When they finished servicing me the Rabbits took bows, and left the stage. I was disappointed they hadn't rotated and each taken me three times, but there was nothing I could do about it. I remained standing there docilely as the bidding started. "$100,000, I have a bid of $100,000! Now $125,000! Come on folks, you saw this little lady perform! $250,000 thousand!! Now that's more like it! Come on folks, don't let this little lady get away! and so on. Finally I sold to a new owner for the sum of $725,000, the second highest sale in the auction.

My new owner collected me right way, loading me onto a trailer along with several other Pets she had bought. I was surprised to see one was a bull, they were very rare. The rest were females like myself. He was in the cage next to mine, and I could tell he still had his human memories. We stared at each other and I know he recognized my own remaining humanity. He reached through the bars and gently stroked my head during our long trip, trying to communicate and and comfort me the only way he knew how.

My new home was not so bad. I soon got to know the bull very personally, as I did many other male Pets and four legged animals as well. We were kept in stables with the regular animals to help remind us of what we were. The feed was good and regular, and we were well treated overall. We were trained to pleasure one another on demand for the viewing pleasure of our owners or theirs friends, or to pleasure paying customers. Like the well trained domesticated animals we had been made into we did our best to please or masters, and we even enjoyed it most of the time because we needed it. But some part of me always remembered and knew what had been done to me.

I more then made my owners investments back over the years, and she was quite pleased with my performance over the years. And I had many changeling friends and partners, but

I still remember the first handler who had broken me with pain and love, and I always considered him to be my one true mate.

I lived a good long life, my life span having been lengthened by the Company. As I finally grew too old to perform regularly I was given my own stall and partners trained at pleasuring older animals and beasts, so continued to enjoy

a very active sexual life up until the day I died. I died being held in the arms of one of my long time partners, content and happy. They buried me in a special little cemetery for Pets, and my tombstone read "Dolly 498, Gone, but Cherished in Memory". And one Rabbit, very old now, would come and leave flowers every now and then.



Exotic Pets and Companions Co., Inc., From Man to Dolly, Part 1

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