The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War, Punishment through Pleasure

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War

Punishment through Pleasure

William W. Kelso

The Krill soldier looked down at the unconscious animals at his feet. The animals were

filthy, and even the feral natural human stank. The Krill was surprised to find a human

who had not been transformed, but there were a few rare ones who had somehow

survived the mutagen viruses that had transformed most of their race into hybrid animal

species. They had caused much damage to Karn property and had even attacked and

wiped out, a Krill patrol a few days ago. It and two hybrid males and a single female

hybrid had been operating as a guerrilla band against the colonists for several months, but

finally they had been cornered and captured. The Karn administrator had finally called in

professional soldiers, and after a spirited firefight the Krill soldiers had used a special EMP

grenade designed to only affect the electrical synapses in living organisms. It was designed

to render the animals helpless, much in the same way as an old taser gun. It shocked them

into helpless convulsions, and usually unconsciousness. He had no hatred for the animals,

and in fact admired them for their tenacity and brave, but futile, resistance. Every species

had a right to fight for survival, the Karn and their subject races acknowledged this. They

would not be executed for their crimes. The Karn valued intelligent life too much for that, but

they would be punished in ways that would benefit the Karn. The soldier commanding the

detachment supervised the loading of the animals on the hover truck, and dispatched it on

auto pilot to the main Karn settlement. There the human and hybrids would be cleaned up

and their fates decided.

Kevin woke up with a horrible headache, and was still wobbly and disoriented from the EMP

blast. Then he remembered, the Lizards! He had been in a hot and heavy firefight with them,

along with the other members of his band. Then the dam Lizards had used some sort of

grenade that had knocked him out, but what about the others? He had no way of knowing

though, as he was alone in the small featureless room. It had a large shelf with a pad on it

recessed in one wall, and a sink shaped bulge which contained water, but that was all. Kevin

realized he was nude, and smelled clean for the first time in months. They must have washed

me while I was out he thought. He heard a soft pop, and as he looked another sink like bulge

grew from the wall, and when he looked it was filled with a thick paste. It looked nasty, but

smelled pretty good. He hadn't had a full meal in weeks, and decided to try to the paste. It

tasted fruity, not bad at all! After eating all the paste, and drinking most of the water he lay

down on the pad and quickly fell asleep. As he slept deeply, a result of the sleeping drug in

the paste and water, a tube emerged from the roof of the sleeping recess and attached itself

to his arm, pumped an infusion into his arm, then withdrew again leaving no sign it had ever

been there.

From his booth the Tawn scientist watched as the infusion was completed, and the tube

was withdrawn. It was a simple modification, and only the one infusion would be needed.

The mutagen virus would act quickly. He was mildly curious about the reason for the

modification of the subject as it was a rather unusual one. About this time a Karn male

entered the booth, much to the surprise of the scientist. He was a Tawn, a member of

one of the many servant races of The

Karn Dominion, and so he bowed in proper respect and deference to his master. "How may

I serve you, my lord?" He politely asked. The Karn stood looking at the subject in the cage

for a few moments, then let out a hiss and said,

"How long before the required modifications are completed?" It was more of a demand then

a question.

"My Lord, said the scientist, it is a very simple modification, and three days will be sufficient."

"Good! said the Karn, his crest rising for a few seconds showing his satisfaction.

Knowing his master was in a good mood, the scientist dared to ask "My Lord, it is a rather

unusual modification, might I know its purpose??"

The Karn, pleased by the scientists performance, decided to answer the somewhat reasonable question. "This is one of the feral humans who have caused so muuch trouble." He hissed.

He is to be punisshed by being assigned to the Animal Husssbandry Ssection, artificial

insssemination department!"

"A most fitting punishment, my Lord" said the scientist.

"Yessss, it iss!" replied the Karn. The Karn added, I am pleassssed with your attention to

your duties, infform your senior sssupervisor and I will acknowledge the commendation.

"Yes, my Lord, thank you my Lord!", the Tawn chattered happily! To be noticed by a Master

could be a very good thing for ones career!

Kevin woke up the next day after a deep restful sleep partially brought on by the drugs in his

food and the infusion. He was ravenous, and quickly emptied the paste and water sinks, then

relieved himself in the new bulge in wall that was obviously for that purpose. As he urinated he

looked down at himself, and thought with some pride, wow, didn't realize I was such as stud!

Those Ram and Horse Hybrids had really been giving him a sexual inferiority complex lately.

He didn't remember his penis and testicles being so large before though. Must be the food

and rest he thought.

When he woke up the next "day" he finally realized what was happening to him. To his horror

his testicles had grown to four or more times their normal size while he slept, and his penis

had grown several inches and length, and hung thick and flaccid. "Oh sweet Jesus!!" he said.

I'm as big as a damn horse! He looked at the blank walls and screamed, "What are you sick

sons-of-bitches doing to me!! Then he looked down again, terrified to even touch himself down


Then next "day" he woke up again, and looked down at himself again in mewling horror. Oh

God! he thought, Oh God!! His testicles were now the size of musk melons, and his penis

hung limp and huge, twelve inches long! Ohhhh, he moaned, holding his huge swollen and

tender testicles, Ohhhh God please no! "Why have you done this to me, he screamed,

why??!! You sons-of-bitches!!

"He's ready my Lord." The Tawn scientist said. He had been monitoring the specimen and

his obvious negative reaction to his transformation. He did not understand the reference to

a female dog, but he did recognize the insolence. He expected his Master to be displeased

by such disrespect, but to his surprise the Karn male let out a hiss of amusement and said,

"Ssssooon he will not be ssssoo cocky! Hisss, Hisss! Come, we will collect him now and

ssstart his punisshment!" The scientist couldn't help giving the human male a last glance

as the handlers entered the cage to collect him. Poor bastard he thought.

Kevin sat up when two Tawn handlers entered the room pushing a gurney, but he was in no

condition to resist when they gently lifted him on to it. Despite his "condition" they still

strapped him down securely. As they left the room a Karn male, from his body paint and

harness a very high ranking one joined the little procession. "Why the hell are you here,

you Lizard mother-fucker! Kevin snarled!"

The Karn looked at him with its beautiful, but expressionless reptilian eyes, and said "I do not undersstand you humanss preoccupation with rude comments. I can assssure you I have

never, and never will, copulate with my motherrr! Asss to why I am here, I am going to watch

with delight as you ssstart your punissshment for your crimes!"

"What crimes, you stupid Lizard, I'm a freedom fighter! You invaded our planet and took over,

and changed all my friends into animals! What gives you that right!!"

"That iss neither here nor there, it iss a done fact and of no importance. What only remainss

now is for you to pay for your crimess by sserving the Karn colonistss in the best posssible

way!" Replied the Karn.

The little procession soon came to the door to a room, and entered. There was what looked

like some sort of dentists chair in the center of the room, some banks of equipment surrounding

it. In one wall was a one way viewing window. A Kanat technician, looking something like

a large tailless rat, entered the room and removed dust covers from the equipment, and began

to power up the machines.

Ohhhh God, thought Kevin, they're going to torture me! Castrate me or something! The two

handlers undid the gurneys straps, and with one big heave placed him on the chair. It had

metal and plastic pads and supports, and was cold! With expert practice they quickly strapped

his arms and legs down with numerous straps, rending him totally immobile, eagle spread

and helpless. They also gently placed each of his huge testicles in large plastic cups evidently

designed for that purpose. Kevin gave a start as he felt the cups start to warm up, but it was

a pleasant feeling after the cold. Then the technician started to place sensors on various parts

of his body, mainly around his groin and obscene loins, but also attached some to his nipples

and throat. Then he attached several probes directly to Kevin's testicles, the probes were each

several inches long, hair fine wires that penetrated his testicles, but they did so without pain or

any blood, and small rubber caps sealed the probes where they attached to prevent infection.

It didn't hurt, but Kevin still screamed, "What the hell are you doing to me!! Stooop it!" But the technician ignored his pleas and continued its preparations. Next it activated a machine, and

Kevin let out a startled yell as he felt something touch, and probe his anus. With a deep grunt

he tried to arch himself to get away as something forced its way into him. "OOOOHHHH GOD!" Please stop, it Hurts! And screamed as he felt the probe pushing its way deeper into him!

"Not to worry, said the Lizard, it isss jusst a tube to remove your wasste! It will create an airtight ssseal so there will be noo, uh, accidentsss!"

Kevin moaned as he felt the tube forcing its way even deeper into his rectum, but the pressure

really didn't hurt anymore, and he soon felt it balloon in his anus as it created the seal. It was degrading, but he could do nothing!

Next the technician tapped some symbols on one of the machines, and all of a sudden the various probes started sending strong, but pleasant tingles, into his loins and penis! In horror Kevin looked

as his massive penis began to harden and become erect! "Noooo, he moaned, oh God, Nooooo!"

He didn't want to watch, but felt his eyes irresistibly drawn to the sight of his rapidly growing and hardening penis. Finally it jutted up, rock hard and rampant, and at least sixteen inches long. And ooooooh God, it felt, it hurt, sooo goood!! Kevin couldn't help but moan in unwanted pleasure. He

had never felt such arousal before. Now he watched, making soft moans, as the technician removed another tube, or really more of a sleeve, from another machine. The technician then took the sleeve and pushed it against the tip of Kevin's penis, which was now slick with semen. "UUUUUHHHHHH, UGGGGHHH" Kevin moaned as the tube slid down over his rampant penis! "OHHHHHHH, GOD!" When it reached the base of his penis it suddenly stiffened, and he could feel it seal itself around his cock! "UH UH UH, he moaned, helplessly trying to push at the sleeve to try and satisfy his growing need! He had completely forgotten about the Karn and technician, all his attention was riveted on his aching loans and throbbing penis! "UH UGH UH!!" The technician tapped some more commands into the machine, and as Kevin watched another narrower tube, about a quarter inch in diameter, snaked down inside the first tube, it had a blunt end, and it pressed against the tip of his penis and began to enter his urethra! And it hurt "OOOHH!" he sobbed, as it forced itself deeper and deeper into his


"OHHHH, Pleasse, it hurts, it hurts, please make it stop!!!" But it kept forcing itself into him with

a strong steady thrust, until he felt it reach his testicles! Then he could feel it split and actually penetrating both of his balls! UUGGGGGH! He moaned and sobbed!

The Karn said "I am truly sssorry for the discomfort, it is necessssary, it will ssoon passss. We

are almossst done here!"

Kevin just moaned, and said "Please, don't! What are you doing to me!!"

"You will ssseee ssson enougth! Said the Lizard, then he turned and left the room

and proceeded to the control booth.

The technician made some more adjustments to the various machines, double checked, and

satisfied turned to make the final preparations. He took some intravenous tubes from a new

machine, and attached them to the subject's major veins in his thigh and arm, then took another

tube and attached it to a spot near the males crotch, and watched as yellow urine started to

drain from the subjects bladder. Good. Next he gave another command, and nutrients started

to flow into the subjects arm and leg. Next he slid a tube down the subject's throat, despite its

best efforts to keep its mouth shut. The tube would provide oxygen and also additional nutrients.

He stood back and made a final inspection of the various tubes and other attachments, looking

at the helpless male festooned with all the various devices. He felt sorry for the male, but he

had his job to do. He turned to face the blank glass of the observation room. Behind him the

subject moaned and tried to move, but was unable to even wiggle much. "UHH UHH!" it said, its moans muffled by the tube in its mouth.

"My Lord, said the technician, you may activate the equipment any time! The Karn in the booth

did not reply, but instead just tapped in a command, and with a quiet hum the machines began

to function. Kevin suddenly let out a muffled moan and tried to arch his back.

"UUUHHHHH!!! OH GOD!!!" he moaned as his penis and testicles began to twitch and tingle,

and the inside of the sleeve over his penis began to slide up and down! "UUGGGGGHH!!" he

moaned as his arousal and pleasure grew irresistible, and with a strangled groan he came, and watched as thick white fluid was ejaculated into the tube in his urethra, to be sucked through

the tube and out of sight. He went limp from relief. But a short time later felt the tingling start t

o grow in his loins again, and the penis sleeve began to gently stroke his throbbing erection

again. And a few minutes later another massive orgasm began to wrack his body. And then

again, and again, and again!! Soon all he could do was thrash and make incoherent sounds

of agonizing ecstasy as the machine stroked him to orgasm after orgasm, pausing only to

drain his fluids before starting again!!

He looked up as the Karn entered the room. "UGGGGGH, UH UH UH!! Pleease, oh pleeasee

make it stop!!", then could only make helpless grunting noises as another massive orgasm

rocked his body! The Lizard stood next to him and watched as he writhed in helpless sexual


"You musst pay for your crimess, so it was decided that you would provideyour sssseeed for

breeding femalessss. But your ssseed will be used for artificial isssememination! You will

sssire thousandss of offspring over the yearss, and long after you are gone your stored sperm

will continue to impregnate femalesss. This is your punissshment and the way in which you

have been chosssen to serve your masters! You will spend the ressst of your life in this chair,

your loinss being consstantly drained, until you die! Of coursse you will probably go insssane

from lust and sexual ecstasy long before then! And now I will leave your to your laborsss!!


Kevin tried to plead,to beg, as the Karn left the room, but he could only grunt and squeal as

another massive orgasm racked his body! "NOOOOOO, he screamed, COOOMMMEE BACK, pleeeasse don't leave me like this, OH GOD PLEASE!! UGGGHHH, UH! UH! OUGGHHHHH!"

And he continued to writhe on the chair as his seed was constantly milked. His only visitors

were technicians that came in at regular times to check his condition, or when the machine

indicated the collection bottle was full. They would remove the full bottle and replace it with an

empty one. The frequency of the stimulation was slowly increased as the subject's capability

to produce sperm also increased, until finally it reached a peak of twelve orgasms per hour, one

every five minutes for twenty four hours a day. Four minutes to stimulate the penis and testicles,

and one minute for ejaculation. Of course Kevin no longer even noticed these visits. His eyes

were turned up in his head, and he made constant slobbering grunting beast like sounds as the unendurable sexual ecstasy and insatiable lust racked him again and again and again! He didn't

even know he would have been much better off dead!

The End


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