Exotic Pets and Companions Co., Inc., From Man to Dolly, Part 1

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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Another Yiffy one friends, so be warned. Part of a Series about a company

that puts money over human misery and degradation. And no 17 or younger

readers please!!!

Exotic Pets and Companions, Co., Inc.

From Man to Dolly, Part 1

by William W. Kelso

I was in really in a bad mood, I'd just been let go from my third job in less than four years. It wasn't even my fault, they were just downsizing. Since then I've been to about thirty interviews, but nothing looked very promising at all. Despite my college degree and military service I just can't seem to find any kind of decent job. Of course the tanked economy and inflation didn't help any. But I'm still fairly young, single, and in good health. Surely I can find something decent, sooner or later.

The next interview was one I had mixed feelings about. It was with a new company called the "Exotic Pets & Companions Co., Inc.", and was one of those new rage companies that had popped up over the last few years that were using genetics to create "Anthro-Animals" and other weird things for rich people to buy as pets, or whatever else they wanted them for. I'd also heard they were used for some medical and other experiments instead of "real" people. I'm no SPCA nut, but I don't like the idea of doing that to intelligent animals. And I'm not sure I approved of mixing human and animal DNA, and then growing the new "creation" in a vat! I mean, are they human or animal? Did they have souls? Should they have the same rights as humans? I've seen stories on the process on TV and in scientific journals and they claimed in was ethical, but I've also seen plenty of worldwide protests too. The "Anthros" as they were called, were still pretty much a rich man's vice though, they cost way too much for an average citizen like me to afford. The job offered good pay, benefits, and retirement though, so I'd called and made arrangement for an interview.

I came to the address on the appointment letter the company had sent me after I'd sent them my resume and background. It was a large modest office complex, but with no logo or company name on the door. I entered the door and walked up to the Security Desk and handed my appointment letter to the guard, then waited while the guard verified the appointment. The guard looked up with a smile, and told me to go down the hall, fourth door on the left. "Ask for Mr. Blythe" he told me.

I walked down the hall way to the correct door, and knocked. Almost instantly the door opened, and a pretty young lady invited me in. She took another look at the appointment schedule, and said

"You're a little early, Mr. Blythe will like that! Go right on it, he's expecting you!"

Well, I thought, I'm off to a good start for a change. Most of the interviews I'd been too had involved waiting for hours along with dozens of other expectant applicants, sometimes never even getting to see the interviewer. This was the first time I'd been ushered right in, and I felt my hopes start to rise. Maybe they'd liked what they saw on my resume. I had no experience in genetics or anything like that, but did have a degree in Business Administration and had been a clerk in the military. The job had been for a "general administrative assistant", and I was definitely qualified for that kind of work.

I entered the office and Mr. Blythe rose from behind his desk to greet me. He was a short stocky man and wore glasses with coke bottle lenses that made his eyes look like a fishes. I tried not to giggle. He introduced himself and asked me to sit down. I politely waited while he shuffled and looked through some papers for awhile until he evidently found what he was looking for. He held up my resume, adjusted his glasses, and looked it over again.

"Looks pretty good, he said, very acceptable."

Great, I thought, putting on my biggest ass-kissing smile.

He said. "I have a couple small details I'd like to clear up, if that's OK?"

"Of course." I replied.

"Good! He said. It says here you're single, no wife and not a divorcee?"

"That's correct." I said.

"Good! He replied. Means you can travel! Now, do you have any immediate family, I notice you left the "Contact Next of Kin" portion blank?"

"Um, I said, both of my parents are dead now, and I'm a single child."

"OK, he said, I'm sorry to hear about that, but isn't there anyone we could contact in case of an accident or injury on the job??"

"No, I replied, I'm pretty much on my own."

"Uh, huh, he kind of muttered to himself, OK, I'll leave that section blank then. Let me make a quick call." I waited hopefully while he made the call. "Yes, he's here. I like what I see too. OK, I'll send him on over." He looked up, and gave me a big smile.

That looks promising! I thought.

He said "Now all you have to do is pass a routine physical, and you're hired."

He held out his hand, and I gave him a hearty handshake. Finally! I thought, a good job!

He told me, "We have our own company doctor, and he'll do the exam right now if that's OK?"

Sure! I said. He gave me a temporary pass and directions to the doctor's office which was in the same building.

It was a couple of floors down, so I started by going to the row of elevator doors at the end of the hall. They had an operator, or security guard, and after looking at my slip he said,

"OK Sir, the special door!"

He used a key to open the door, and told me to push the number "2" button. So I pushed the button, the door shut, and the elevator slide smoothly down. When it stopped I exited, and another attendant, or guard looked at my pass, and told me,

"Last door on right at end of the second hall on your left. They're expecting you."

Wow, I thought, what a place! It's a lot bigger on the inside then it looked from the outside! It was nice too, very bright and clean. I reached the door to the doctor's office, knocked, and walked inside.

It was a typical doctor's office with a waiting room, and I went up to the nurse's window and politely rapped on it. It opened and a very businesslike nurse took my pass and told me to wait. I sat down and looked at the reading material, but it was all scientific journals and stuff, way beyond me. Fortunately I didn't have to wait for very long. The nurse stuck her head out of the door a few minutes later, and said,

"The doctor will see you now!", then waited for me.

I followed her down a short hall passing some examination rooms, until we came to another one.

"Wait here." Said the nurse, and put on this gown." And she handed me one of those hospital gowns that was open in the back. She said "Take off your clothes and put them in this basket."

"All of them?" I asked.

"Of course." she said.

"OK, I said, but no peeking!" She just snorted at that, and left. No sense of humor I guess. It didn't bother me because I'd been to more than one exam that required stripping. So I took off my clothes, put them in the basket, put on the gown, and sat down and waited. And shivered because it was cold.

Just a few minutes later the doctor came in, and said,

"Hope you haven't been waiting very long." I said nope, and the Doc got right down to business. First he drew a little blood and had the nurse collect it. Then he asked me the usual questions, poked & prodded me in all the usual places, gave me a prostate exam, looked in my eyes & ears, and so on. He seemed pleased overall,

"You're in very good health, and as soon as the blood work comes back we'll know if you're suitable or not!"

"Why the blood test?" I asked.

He seemed confused for a second, then said "Oh, to make sure you don't have AIDS or any other diseases of any kind, just routine." About that time the nurse returned and handed him a clipboard. He looked at the papers on it, and looking up with a big smile said "Congratulations, you're perfect!"

"Great, I said, does that mean I get the job!!"

"Oh, yes, sure!" he said. Then he walked over to a cabinet, and took out a syringe and medicine bottle.

"Whoa, I said, what's that for?" I have this thing about needles.

He smiled and said, "It's a special flu shot, all our employees are required to have one. We might as well get it over with while you're here. It's free."

"Uh, OK." I said. I wasn't thrilled, but I wasn't going to blow this job over a little shot.

He came over, swabbed my arm with alcohol, and plunged in the needle. I didn't like needles, but he was quick and practiced.

"Now, he said, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

But I couldn't answer him because I had slumped over and passed out. The doctor called the nurse and said, "Call collections, we have another one! Fourth today, we're on a roll!"

Then he called Mr. Blythe's office, and when he answered the doctor said, "He couldn't be more perfect!" Mr. Blythe said "Thank you." and hung up the phone. He turned to his desk, took my application and resume and dropped them in the shredder. Next he called his secretary and told her to remove my name from all computer data base records. Then he leaned back with a smile on his face, Four in one day, I'll get a bonus for this!!

The doctor removed the hospital gown from me, and with the help of the nurse he rolled me off of the examination table and onto to a gurney. A few minutes later what looked like two male nurses in white uniforms came to collect me. They put some heavy leather straps around me, even though one said "No way he'll wake up before we get to the prep room, but rules is rules!" They wheeled the gurney down the hall to what looked like a janitor's closet, complete with mops & brooms on the inside. They entered, and one pressed a hidden switch on the back wall, and the wall slid aside to reveal an elevator. They pushed the

gurney into it, pushed one of the buttons, and the elevator started to rapidly descend, going down several floors before coming to a stop. The door opened, they wheeled the gurney out, and proceeded down another long hall to a pair of double hinged swinging doors, passed through, and wheeled me over to a desk.

"Another one to prep, they told the nurse behind the desk." She looked up and said,

"OK, we have just enough time to prep him and get him to the Vat room before shutting down for the night. We'll take it from here."

"Thanks!" Said the two men, and they turned and left.

The nurse wheeled me into a small room, then took an electric razor and carefully shaved me all over, and I mean all over. Head, chest, crotch (!), legs, back, etc. Then she took an old fashioned straight razor, lathered me up, and did it all over again. When she was done I was squeaky clean and as smooth as a baby's butt. Of course I hadn't been awake to "enjoy" any of this. Next she hooked me up to

a machine by sticking a tube up my ass, then turned it on and the thing gave me

a super enema. Then she stuck a tube down my throat, and the same machine pumped out my stomach contents. Then the thing sprayed some sort of disinfectant or something up my ass and down my throat. During all of this I remained unconscious and totally unaware of what was happening to me. She finished, cleaned me up, and wheeled the gurney back out into the main room. Next she made a call on the intercom, "Come and get him, he'd ready for a Vat!" She looked down at me, gave me a gentle pat, and said "Sorry sugar, but I've got to make a living!" A short time later the double doors opened, and two more attendants entered and collected the gurney.

They wheeled me a short distance down the hall until they came to a heavy door that required a key card to open. They swiped it, and rolled me inside. There was a second door, and they had to do the same. Then they entered a large fairly open room that was lined with what looked like big covered bath tubs. A small nervous looking attendant told them to put me next to "Vat 25", and leave me there. The two attendants rolled me over near the "Vat" and then they left. The nervous attendant went and knocked on a door, and presently another man in white lab clothes answered. The attendant said,

"Got one more doctor, he's the last of today's batch."

"Good, said the doctor, I'm worn out. Let's get him done and go home."

They both went over to the gurney, and while the attendant removed the straps the doctor turned on a bank of expensive looking equipment and a computer system and waited a few minutes for them to warm up. Then he pressed some buttons and the top of the "Vat" popped open with a hiss. The "bathtub" was full of a thick opaque fluid of some kind, and it gave off a fine mist as it was warmer then the rooms air temperature which was pretty chilly. He pressed another button and a shelf slowly rose up from the goo. It was roughly contoured to fit a body and had holes in it like a screen.

Next the doctor came over to me. The attendant was ready for him and already had me rolled over onto my face. The doctor opened a sealed sterile bag of tubes and other things, and proceeded to attach them to my body. He took one tube and after lubing it he shoved it carefully up my ass until it reached a kind of rim, and he activated a switch and the rim sealed itself around my anus. I moaned softly at the intrusion, but didn't wake up. Next he rolled me over on my back and inserted a tube into the tip of my penis, running it in as far as he could. Next he slid a clear sleeve down over the tip of my penis and sealed it too. He did the same for my mouth, but the sleeve on that tub fit tightly over my mouth and nose and made an airtight seal. The tube started to hiss quietly as it pumped air into my lungs. He then attached all sorts of electric monitors and probes to my body, dozens of them. Then he and his assistant carefully moved me from the gurney and put me on the shelf in the vat. The doctor then attached the tubes to the correct outlets, and punched in some more commands to the computer which activated the tubes and monitors. Last he very carefully attached some IV tubes to my arms, legs, and neck at the major arteries. He double checked his work, and finally satisfied he and the assistant both signed a form that stated that "Subject 498" was ready for processing. The doctor pressed a series of buttons, made some entries on a keyboard, and started the final sequence. He watched as the shelf slowly lowered itself back into the Vat and the thick warm fluid gurgled at is slowly covered the figure of the naked man until he was just a blurred outline. Then the lid to the Vat lowered and sealed itself with a hydraulic hiss. The doctor checked the printouts and screens one last time, made sure the injections had commenced, and then he and the assistant left for the night, turning out the lights as they went.

And I was left alone, still completely unconscious with no way of knowing what had been done, or what was still being done, to me. I wasn't alone, the other Vats in the room also had "subjects" occupying them. The room was quiet except for the machines and computers hooked up the Vats as they clicked and hummed to themselves, the flashing lights changing from time to time. Other than that it was as quiet as a graveyard.

I didn't know it, but I would spend 90 days in the Vat. The doctor and his assistants carefully monitored the Vats, and the progress of the subjects inside. At fixed intervals some tubes were removed, others inserted, more injections were made, specimens taken on a regular basis, and more. All under their careful supervision. This was mostly done automatically by the machines as once a vat had been sealed it could not be opened until the process was completed. Each Vat had an extra computer that monitored the other computers and systems, and its sole function was to warn them of any problems, but they rarely did. This was a well oiled and smooth running operation. The company used only the best equipment to protect their investments.

Finally, 90 days later to the minute, Vat 25 let out a load "ding", and went into maintenance mode. Within an hour the doctor and an assistant responded, and wheeled a gurney over to the Vat. The doctor entered a series of commands, and some of the probes and tubes removed themselves from the occupant, and the lid opened and the shelf slowly rose up out of the steaming fluid. As the occupant emerged the assistant said,

"It never fails to amaze me at what science can do today. Just a few years ago this would have been considered just science-fiction."

The doctor replied "To most people it still is."


They gently slide me onto the gurney, and proceeded to remove the remaining tubes and monitors. As they pulled the breathing tube out of my throat I let out a gasp for air and they quickly put a mask hooked up to a tank of oxygen over my face. The doctor also gave me an injection to keep me knocked out for a short time longer. Then the assistant wheeled me into a nearby room, and used a warm hose to clean the remaining goo from my body. Amazing, he thought, as he cleaned me up. Better you then me though. Finished, he made a call on the intercom, and a short time later I was collected, and the attendants and assistant signed both acceptance and release forms for "Subject 498, Vat 25". As they wheeled me away through the double security doors another Vat chimed, and the assistant wearily prepared to repeat the same process with that Vats occupant. Plus he had to clean Vat 25 and prepare it for its next occupant At least the pay is good he thought.


I woke with a gasp and snort of pain and an extreme sense of something not being right. "Ooaaaaa!" I said, and reached up to rub my aching head. And I froze in surprise as I saw my hands. What in the hell? I thought. Those can't be my hands! I was looking at two weird things that had just three "fingers" each, each "finger" had a large hard black nail that completely covered the tip and then some, and where were my thumbs? And the arms they were attached too were covered with thick kinky white hair. Whaaaat the fuuuuck? I thought in growing alarm. I looked down at my body, and it was completely covered with the same thick white kinky hair. Everywhere! "BAAA!" I moaned in disbelief. I closed my eyes and tried to think, but my thoughts were strangely muddled and it was hard to concentrate. OHHHH, I thought, what the hell did I DO last night? I tried to remember, but my thoughts kept wandering.

Suddenly my main concern was that I was HUNGRY! I opened my eyes and looked down at myself again, but nothing had changed! Except now I noticed that my legs now ended in black cloven hooves. I stared and them and tried to wiggle my toes, and the hooves flexed a little. Oh sweet Jesus, what's happened to me? Then the hunger hit me again and became my number one concern above everything else. I was lying on a floor that was covered in straw, and it was stuck all over my "hair". I tried to brush some off, but gave up as my new "hands" were just too awkward. There were boards on the wall of the room I was nearest to and with their help I was able to drag myself to my feet. I held on, dazedly trying not to fall back down. I was so confused and disorientated and things just felt wrong. Every time I tried to stand I felt like I was going to fall on my face. But I could smell the food and I was getting desperate. So I looked for the source of the smell and saw two buckets hanging from nails on the wall at the back of the room.

I managed to stagger over to the buckets, fighting an urge to fall down on all fours, it was like I was walking on the balls of my feet. I finally got there and found one bucket was full of what looked like lettuce and other greens and the other was full of water. I tried to pick up some of the greens, but my "hands" were useless, they couldn't grasp anything. So finally I just stuck my muzzle in the bucket and used my tongue to shovel the greens into my mouth. Ummmm, they tasted really good. God I was hungry! For awhile my only concern was eating, and once the bucket was empty I turned to the one full of water, and drained it eagerly, sucking the water up through my muzzle using my lips and


tongue. My hunger and thirst temporarily satiated I slouched down next to the wall again with a soft moan of pain. God I hurt all over, and felt so damn weird.

The food and water helped to clear up my mind some, and slowly the horrible pounding headache receded. I didn't realize there had been a mild dose of medicine in the water that would help with the pain. But now I was faced with growing horror as I reexamined myself, only I wasn't ME anymore. I looked down again at the thick kinky white hair covering just about my whole body, only

it wasn't really hair. Fur? It covered me entirely, except for my testicles. But where the hell was my penis? I couldn't feel it! I felt through the hair on my belly for it desperately. And in doing that also examined my "testicles" again, only to realize that my scrotum was empty. It was completely soft and pink colored, and then I noticed the bumps on it. I suddenly realized with horrified disbelief, the bumps were nipples! Noooo! It wasn't a scrotum, it was an udder! In horror I opened up my mouth to scream and said "NAAAAA! BAAAAA! BAAAA!!"

Oh GOD, I thought, and slapped my "hands" over my mouth. Did that come out of ME? And for the first time I felt my face since I had woken up. I ran my shaking hands, or whatever they were, carefully over my face. It was long and stretched out, with a big mouth with large rubbery lips and nose. And I also realized I was staring down the length of it, that I could see most of my own "nose", but it wasn't a face anymore, it was a muzzle!! I found I had large ears now too. "NNNAAAAA!" I squealed in growing horror. And I could see in an almost 360 arc, my eyes were farther back and higher on the sides of my head. This wasn't possible, this CAN'T be my body! Desperately I tried to talk, to say anything! I tried with my tongue working over large square teeth and my vocal cords straining, but the only sounds I could make were bleats and squeals. I held my hand in my head, tears running down my face. OH God OH God, I thought. This can't be! It must be a sick dream. And still sobbing I rolled over on my side and feel asleep from exhaustion.

I woke a short time later and realized I need to pee, bad! I felt around my lower abdomen again for my penis, but I still couldn't find it or feel it. But the pressure in my bladder was growing unbearable. With a grunt I managed to pull myself to my feet and lean against the side of the wall, and with a sigh of release felt a strong stream of urine come squirting out of my rear. What? I thought, as I felt the stream spray away from me to splash in the straw covering the floor. That's NOT right! When I had finished I carefully, with a shaking "hand" felt over my rump. First I found a TAIL, a short stubby one, and it moved on its own as

I touched it. Oh, jeeeez! Then I felt my asshole, and running my "fingers" down a little farther I touched another larger opening, one that was sensitive. With a sob I yanked my "hand" away. Omygod Omygod! It can't be! Again I carefully felt over my rump, and this time I slowly ran my "hand" over the second opening, and unlike my tight anus it had fairly large fleshly lips. As I pushed against them I suddenly felt one of my "fingers" unexpectedly slide inside. With a grunt I instantly pulled away. It had been an interesting feeling, and not unpleasant, but I didn't have anything to compare it to. I put my "finger" up to my nose and sniffed it, and there was a strong musky scent. There was no denying it now, no matter how much I refused to believe it. I had a VAGINA! And instead of being between my legs like a womans, it was higher up on my rump! Oh God, please, no! This is insane! I'm a MAN for God's sake! A MAN!!!!!! NOT A FEMALE ANIMAL!! I'M NOT A SHEEP!!!! And with a sobbing disbelieving moan I passed out. It was too much for my mind to accept.

I should of realized I was being monitored, and when I collapsed a concerned "handler" immediately entered the room I was in, and checked my vitals.

"She's OK, he said into his mike, just fainted. Probably the shock from starting to realize what's happened to her."

About this time I started to wake up, so he turned to leave. I saw him and staggering to my feet I tried to follow. He gently pushed me back into room. I looked at him with pleading, desperate eyes, moving my mouth and trying desperately to talk. "NNAAAAA!, BAAAAA!" I grunted and squealed. I so badly wanted to ask him to help me, but I couldn't talk! He said,

"It's OK girl, calm down! I'll bring you some fresh fodder in a minute." I just kept staring at him, tears running down my face. Please help me! I thought, Please, what's happened to me!? Don't leave me here!"

When he returned with fresh water and a new bucket of fodder the new ewe was sitting in a corner sobbing to herself. He quietly hung the two buckets on their hooks, and left without her even noticing him again. I wonder which is worse, he thought, waking up to realize you're no longer human, or realizing you've also had a "sex change"? Of course he was a changeling himself, but his own "modifications" were minor compared to the confused new sheep in the stall he had just left. Sometimes he hated what he was, and what he had to do.

I leaned in the corner of the room, or stall as I now realized that's what it really was, and sobbed myself to sleep. The smell of the new bucket of food woke me some time later, and again I fed and drank with my muzzle, my front "hooves" being useless. And again the medicine in the water helped to calm me down, and it also helped with the now fading soreness in my body. When I had to relieve myself I tried to do it in the same corner. When I took a dump it came out as slick little balls of dung, collecting in nice little piles. Twice a day someone came in and "mucked" the stall. At least they could have given me a bucket I thought, then it wouldn't be so messy to clean up.

My new body was beginning to feel more and more "right", but my mind was still reeling and trying to refuse or accept what had happened. The soreness and disorientation when I moved or stood up was gone now. I found I could stand now fairly easily, but also that I could just as easily drop to all fours and move around. My "hands" made perfectly good hooves as well. I had also noticed a heaviness on my upper chest, and found that under the thick wool I had honest to goodness breasts, woman's breasts. They were fairly small and firm, but had large thumb sized nipples. Breasts AND an udder, Oh God!

By now I had figured out that the Company I thought was hiring me must have done this horrible thing to me. But why?? Some sort of sick experiment? Did they change sheep into people?? But then again I wasn't completely a sheep. Sheep can't walk around upright and sure as hell don't have breasts. And then I suddenly realized, OH MY GOD I'M A PET! They weren't growing them in clone vats after all. They were changing people into them. How could they do this to a fellow human? And it must be as illegal as hell. How did they get away with this horror? But there was no way I could ask the questions, and no one to answer them. I felt growing despair as I realized how helpless I was. Why? Why had they done this?

I spent several more days in the "stall" room, being fed at regular intervals. I was given oats as well, and found they tasted pretty good. And more than once between "meals" I found myself eating some of the fresher hay from the floor. When I caught myself doing that I spit out the hay. But later I would find myself doing it again. Evidently it was a natural reflex over which I didn't have much control. So after awhile I just ignored it, besides the hay filled me up. Twice men came into my stall, strapped me to a gurney, and took me to a room where a "vet" examined me. Rather rudely. Pervert, I thought. He seemed satisfied with his exams, but the second time instead of being returned to my stall I was instead taken to what can only be described as a stable.

I was given my own stall in a long line of stalls on both sides of a center aisle. Most of the other stalls also contained "sheep" like me, but some had "goats" in them. They attached a manacle to one of my legs, and it was attached by a long chain to a heavy ring set in the floor. The chain was long enough to allow me to walk all around the stall without any hindrance. After they left me I realized most of the other "sheep" and "goats" were staring at me over the edges of their stalls, and I found myself staring back. And we were scenting one another as well.

They were like me, but like people there were differences. Some were more slender, some taller, and others stockier. Most had white wool like mine but others were black, brown, or mixed colors. And all were female ewes like Myself. I wondered with a shudder how many of them had been men before? A couple of them bleated inquiringly, and I found myself instinctively replying. Since we couldn't talk there wasn't much else to "say". Most just stared for awhile, I guess to "welcome" the new member of this group nightmare, and then turned away to whatever they had been doing which wasn't much. There just wasn't much to do. Except for feeding times we were pretty much left alone most of the time. Except for lights out at "night" not much else happened. I was bored to death. I spent a lot of time dozing, munching the fresh hay that was provided in large amounts every day, and just waiting for something to happen.

To my growing dismay my thoughts seemed to be getting less, well, human. I found myself thinking more and more about food, listening to the other ewes as they fed and moved around in their own stalls, sometimes answering the occasional bleat. And it just kept getting harder and harder to concentrate on anything one thing for more the a few minutes. I'd try to think about escaping, if that was possible, only to suddenly realize just a minute or two later that I was hoping one of the handlers would have a carrot for me next time I was fed. I was getting USED to being a sheep without even realizing it. And now I know why we were left in the plain, but comfortable, stable for several weeks. It was to allow time for us to "adapt" to our new forms before the real horror started.

One day that started out like another suddenly ended in total terror. The handlers came and fed us like usual, and left us to doze and do whatever we wanted. Then at around noon all of a sudden the doors burst open, and a bunch of men came rushing in!

"UP! UP! YOU LAZY BEASTS!!" they yelled.

I woke up to squeals and bleats of alarm and fear from my fellow ewes, and added my own bleats of terror as the door to my stall suddenly crashed open! A huge man entered and looked at me as I cowered in a corner bleating in fear,

"Number 498! You are MINE now!"



Exotic Pets and Companions Co., Inc., From Man to Dolly, Part 2

Exotic Pets and Companions Co., Inc. From Man to Dolly, Part 2 By William W. Kelso Then the man put a HALTER on my head with a lead rope attached to it! I was too shocked to do anything. Then he undid the manacle around my leg,...

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The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War, Tony the Cougar

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The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War, Punishment through Pleasure

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