Party Time

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#6 of The Severance Package

Party time

By Bunny Boy

This story and Bob is copyrighted to Bunny Boy, Arcc is copyrighted to his player As is Breeze, and Catfiddle

Warning the story contains nonconsensual sexual acts between adults and young furry males. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

Bob whistled softly to himself as he waited in the car. He kept glancing into the back seat at the sullen raccoon boy seated there.

Timmy pouted silently, not saying a word. He didn't want to go with Bob but his daddy told him to. His daddy explained that Bob knew a lot of things that could get him in a lot of trouble. And if that happened the police might take him away and he would never see Timmy again. Timmy wondered what Bob wanted him to do. He hoped he wasn't gonna have to do all that sex stuff again. He'd just started liking it with daddy but the thought of that mean dog touching him again... it just made the boy feel dirty.

The dog's fingers idly drummed on the steering wheel as he waited. It wasn't too long before the lights in the house across the way switched off "Looks like it's almost time to go. That's too bad Timmy, because if we'd have had any longer I might have had you help me pass the time up here with me." Bob grinned, knowing the coon back there was blushing bright red. It's wasn't too long after all the lights were out before he spotted a white streak crossing the road.

Arcc smiled as he headed towards the car. This was kinda fun sneaking out like this. He'd done everything Mr. Doggy told him to, putting a pillow in his bed, slipping out his window after mommy and daddy went to bed. He couldn't wait for the big surprise Mr. Doggy had promised him. The pup scurried across the road and knocked on the car's window.

Bob rolled down the window and smiled at the beautiful puppy. "Hi there puppy. Are you ready for the fun tonight?" Arcc just smiled and nodded. "Well hop in the back and say hi to Timmy."

The little white puppy opened the door and climbed in, carefully buckling himself in as the car took off down the street. He smiled at the worried looking coon boy sitting next to him. "Hi I'm Arcc, what's your name?"

Timmy just looked at the white pup's extended paw for a moment. "I... um... I'm Timmy." He carefully shook Arcc's paw.

"So, do you play with Mr. Doggy a lot? He's such a nice man, he's always doing nice things. Even if he does like to play silly games." Arcc just babbled good-naturedly at the coon. Timmy just stared back at the puppy, wondering if they were thinking of the same man.

Bob tossed a bag into the back seat between the two boys. "We're almost there lads. So I want you both to take off your clothes. There's something I want you to wear in the bag." He grinned as they turn into an alley and he heard the crinkle of paper. "We're going to a very special party, there will be lots of nice people there, and lots of games to play. So I want you both on your best behavior." The dog carefully parked the car and climbed out, walking around to open the door for the cubs. He smiled down at them, Arcc and Timmy both dressed in black fishnet tops and panties, as well as leather collars around their necks. "Aww, you both look so adorable."

Arcc just giggled, liking how these odd clothes felt against his fur. Mr. Doggy was so silly some times. The raccoon on the other hand did his best to cover himself with his little paws. He felt so exposed like this, it was almost worse then being naked. And that man was making them do this in public.

The big dog kneeled down and hugged Arcc close, almost purring as he lets his paws roam over that soft white fur. One paw cupped those teeny little jewels, a finger traced the pup's packed little sheath through the thin fabric. With a smile Bob produced a pair of leashes, snapping them onto each collar before he carefully walked the boys down the dark alley. They stopped half way down the alley and, the big dog knocks on the door, it's a complicated knock with odd patterns but soon the metal door swings open.

As they step inside the cubs are stunned by what they see. There is music playing and flashing lights, and lots and lots of people. Arcc looks around boggling at all the people. He sees there are lots of cubs, and lots of grown ups all talking and laughing. Some are dressed up fancy like him and Tommy. Some are actually naked, he giggles at some of the naked furs dancing. Some are playing those silly grownup games that Mr. Doggy likes.

Bob smiles at the bear doorman. "Hello my names Mortimer. We're on the list." The dog does his best to be careful. Though some folks here might know his real name he didn't want it written down. That list, important as it was to keep out the riffraff, could fall into the wrong hands.

The raccoon looks around furtively. Trying to find some one who can help him get out of this situation. Maybe there was some nice adult who could take him away from this and back to his daddy. He whimpers as he looks out at the gathered furs.

The bear looks bob over and takes in the two cubs on their leashes. "Cute kids. You know the rules if you want to partake in the roamers you have to provide some sport for the rest."

Bob smiles and nods, "Of course. Why do you think I brought two?" He strokes Arcc's cheek with one paw, "one to keep," while ruffling Timmy's head fur with the other, "and one to share. The bear grunts and hands over a pair of clip on tags, marked public and private. Bob carefully clips the private tag to the fox's color, and attaches the other to the shy raccoon. He surveys the room, spotting an empty table near the back wall. It's the perfect place to show off his little pets.

As the trio make there way through the crowded room Arcc beams at all the nice people. They seem so friendly, smiling and waving as he passes. Mr. Doggy sure knows the nicest people. Just a few steps behind the pup Timmy sees things a little differently, he's already felt half a dozen paws on him. Stroking him, fondling him, groping him, and the leering faces seem ready to pounce.

Bob gathers the boys at the corner table so he can watch the whole room. With a smile he sits the boys before him, one on each knee. He stops a passing waiter, a nine-year-old skunk boy wearing just a bow tie and carrying a tray, and orders some drinks. His paw fondles the boy's tight sack before a swat on the ass sends the striped lad on his way. "So boys what do you think of the party so far?"

Arcc giggles a bit, as Mr. Doggy's paw scritches his tail. "It's great. Everyone looks like they are having fun and there are so many nice people."

Timmy stares at the fox. There must be something wrong with the boy, he thinks these people are nice. The raccoon doesn't say anything though. His eyes scan the room looking for some one who might be able to help him out. His eyes light up briefly as he spots a policeman's uniform in the corner but then he notices the cop is hunched over the body of a seven year old girl that he's got spread out across a table His hips pumping as she writhes and moans. The boy squeaks as Bob whispers in his ear. "Yes I know what your thinking, bit no there is no way to escape and no one here will help you. They all want your body for the same reason. And if you thought I was rough with you some of these bastards are down right savage." Timmy gulps at the thought and looks around nervously. "But so long as you're here as my property they will behave themselves... They will use you, and abuse you but they won't hurt you for fear of never being allowed back."

The little coon whimpers and looks up at Bob pleading. "Please Mr. please I'll do anything you want please don't let them take me."

Bob keeps their voices low so that Arcc doesn't hear over the noise. He doesn't want the boy's innocent view of the party spoiled. "But it's the rules my dear little Timmy. To get in here you must bring a cub and you must share him. Since I brought you I don't have to share my sweet little Arcc with anyone at all. But don't worry I'll spends some time with you once it's all over." The dog smiles over the coon's shoulder and nods to the waiting fur. Purring a big giraffe bear puts a paw on the little boys shoulder leading the whimpering cub off to a dark corner.

Bob smiles to see them go. Oh the stories that boy will tell, most likely to a therapist. As Bob bounces Arcc on his knee the drinks arrive, the skunk looks confused for a moment holding 3 glasses of champagne and a bottle for a table with two furs. He sets it down quickly though before scampering off, He's learned better then to ask questions round here. "Arcc I want you to try something." He hands the cub the fluted glass.

The sweet little fox kit sips at bubbly drink, he giggles as the bubble tickle his nose. "It tastes good mister Doggy. I like it." As he takes another sip he looks around noticing for the first time Timmy's gone. "Where's Timmy?"

"Ohh don't worry about him lovely, Timmy is off playing with a nice lady." Bob smiles down at the white fox cub as he refills his glass. "But for now I think it's time we played a game." One thumb catches the back of the boy's panties tugging them down just enough so he can rub that thick digit over they boy's waiting anal star. Arcc whimpers softly and looks around. "I know that normally we play in secret but this is a special place Arcc my pet. Here it's okay for people to see, it makes it more fun. Now my favorite plaything I want you to take out my cock and rub it till it's hard." The little pup's paws fumble with the big dogs zipper, once the gap is wide enough he reaches into that dark crevice. His soft little paw fishing around, groping and searching till eventually it finds the dogs big thick length of meat, he carefully pulls it free smiling to see that the sheath is already skinning back pink tip glistening with pre. "Good boy, now turn around and sit in my lap. You know just what to do my sweet little slut."

Arcc's ears flush bright red, as he gets ready. "Yes Mr. Doggy." Facing the stage as he lowers himself onto Bob's waiting cock. His moan wafts out and is lost in the din of moans, whimpers, grunts and sobs.

Bob leans back in his chair sipping his champagne as the boy works that tight ass up and down his throbbing shaft. Every few moments he pauses to give the boy a sip. He's enjoying the sensations of being watched. He knows out there a number of men are staring, lusting after the perfect specimen of boyhood writhing in his lap. He lets his eyes travel to the stage watching one of the acts. It's a rock band all the musicians are adults except for the singer. The singer is a black and white bunny cub, dressed only in a red leather harness attached to a dildo in his bum. As he gyrates across the stage bob sees the straps go taunt pushing the toy in and out as he moves. So engrossed in the show is the dog that he doesn't immediately notice the teenaged cat standing near his table.

"Hello there." She's rather attractive for a female. He notices she has vaguely canine features, and her light pink fur seems to highlight her rather ample breasts. She's dressed in a tight green tank top that barely holds her in and a black miniskirt that can't hide the thick latex erection she's got strapped between her thighs. "I couldn't help but notice your beautiful little boy. And I was wondering if you'd mind us sharing your table?"

"Why sure ma'am feel, ohhh, free to join us." Arcc's eyes are glazed as he rocks back and forth angling his strokes so Mr. Doggy's cock hits his pleasure bump on each down stroke. He clamps down and shudders through his own little orgasm.

The kit flops back supported by the big shaft crammed deep into his anus, as he comes down from the high he finally notices the lady sitting there. "Oh hello ma'am" He blushes embarrassed to be caught and makes to get off but Bob stops him.

"Your not done yet slut. Stay put!" He lets the pup rest though as he smiles over at his guest. "So ma'am what brings you to our little play ground."

The pink pussy just smiles, "Well I'm Catfiddle and I'm here for work you see. Since I do a lot of babysitting this party is just perfect to get a little work done." Bob chuckles as she describes her day job. "I'd like you to meet tonight's job" She tugs a leash pulling a shy little squirrel over. She picks up the six year old and sets him on the table. "Say hello to the nice man Breeze."

She's got the little boy dressed up in a school girls outfit, a white blouse, little black skirt, and knee length stockings round out the blushing cubs look nicely as he looks over at Bob. His eyes go wide as he notices what the white fox is sitting on. He can see the man's knot still outside, as the little fox delicately balances on his cock. "Err hello Mr.... Err um." He blushes embarrassed not to know the man's name.

Bob chuckles, "Just call me Mr. Doggy. That's what Arcc here calls me. Isn't that right boy?" He pats the little cub on the shoulder, causing the lad to yip as he slips and that knot starts to stretch him wide.

As soon as he's recovered Arcc vigorously nods his agreement. "Yep he's Mr. Doggy, and he's such a nice man he takes me to the bestest places."

Now it's Catfiddle's turn to chuckle as she watched Arcc's antics. She gently pushed Breeze onto his back making him lay across the table as she sipped the unattended champagne. As he layed back the boy's skirt rides up showing off his pretty pink panties. The young squirrel quickly tries to cover up but his cubsitter stops him. "No no no... I didn't dress you up in such nice clothing so you could hide them." The girl smiled over at Bob hoping the jaded old man will like her little show. Gently she tugs the boys panties just enough to free up his tiny little sheath. "I've found that with the right sort of leverage." She started to message the little boy's shaft, slowly, letting the immature erecton build gradually as the cub blushes bright red. "You can make even the most difficult cubsitting job nothing short of a pleasure to perform." She leans down to lick at the hint of pink as the head of the little cock peeks out.

Bob grins and not to be out don stands up leaning Arcc over the table. "Look lad. That little boy seems shy. You know what she's doing feels good don't you? So why don't you help him get more comfortable. Arcc supports his weight with his paws as he looks down into the squirrel's eyes. He cranes his neck about looking back at Bob confusion evident on his face. "I want you to kiss him boy, Help him relax."

Understanding bloomed in the cub's eyes as he leaned down and kisses the boy's upside down muzzle. Just as Breeze started to moan his lips met with another's. Both cubs' whimpered are muffled by the frantic kiss. Arcc tried to do everything that Mr. Doggy taught him, his tongue probing at the squirrel's lips, eagerly searching for a friend in this new place. The kits eyes go wide as he feels Bob's first thrust, sending a startled yelp down his partner's throat.

Not to be out done Catfiddle stood behind Breeze. The little squirrel's miniature erection dwarfed by the latex appendage she revealed from beneath the folds of her skirt. She tugged off the boy's panties with a gleam in her eye before gently rubbing the lube-slicked dildo against his still virgin pucker.

Breeze is worried, Ms Catfiddle had been his cub sitter for weeks now and they had played many games but this was something new. He broke the white cub's kiss to peer down at his lady friend only to have Arcc's paws grip his cheeks and pull his muzzle back into the kiss. And it was lucky they were kissing because even lubed the lady's first push caused the boy to squeal like he was bee stung. The cries are however muffled by his new friend's lips and tongue.

Bob smiled over at the young lady, wondering if she could keep pace with a natural cubfucker like him. He grunted as he bucked his hips pushing deep into the sweet young ass before him. As the thrusts got harder Arcc was actually bucked from his lip lock with the strange squirrel. The pup kissed his way along the lads throat whimpering softly as he heard the mix of pain and pleasure coming from the boy beneath him. Arcc smiled fondly remembering his own first time, even as he lapped at the other boys hard little nipples.

Breezes whimpered and moaned, it was so strange feeling Catfiddle split him open like that. It hurt so much to be stretched wide like this. But somehow that full feeling felt good as the toy invaded his bowels and the knobs rubbed against his under developed prostate. He doesn't know what to do now that the kissing has stopped, but he can feel the boy above him. He can feel the white fox rubbing, licking and nuzzling against his body and Breeze starts to mimic the lad.

Catfiddle whimpers softly, She can feel each thrust, each buck into the tight little hole herself as the double headed dildo sends the vibrations into her own dripping cunt. She doesn't want to come to soon but she dare not back down. She meets Bob's eyes across the crowded table as each hard thrust each grinding buck brings them closer and closer as well as pushing the boys lips further and further down the others body. A squirrel tongue teases a fox's belly button between jackhammered thrusts. The squeaks and squeals from the center of the table mingle with wet slaps, and pleasured moans.

Almost all too soon Arcc's journey came to an end. He stared down at Breezes pink little pecker and wondered. He's never seen another boys before. Not up close like this. It was so small compared to Mr. Doggy's. He wrapped his lips around the shaft easily suckling on the pretty little length as one paw fondles the squirrel's nutsack. But the fox's eyes focus on the black rubber cock that's pounding the boycunt before him into a well fuck mound of jelly.

On his end Breeze tries his best to do like he'd seen Catfiddle done to him on occasion. His lips suckle at the tip of the white fox's boy hood even as the lad's low hanging fruit rest along nose forcing him to inhale that sweet boy musk. It feels so good what ever the white furred boy is doing to him that the little squirrel can't help but try and return the favor. He gasps to see the big dogs massive pecker stretching Arcc's anus wide open, and he wonders if that's what's happening to his own bum. He closes his eyes though as each thrust drags the adults sweaty balls across his own face.

Bob grits his teeth grinning over at Catfiddle as he pants and moans. His climax is imminent but he's determined to out last the girl. Catfiddle herself groans making damn sure that man won't show her up as she buggers her precious Breeze. But no one tells that to the boys beneath them the lads are racing towards there own orgasms. They can't help it the tangled mess of impulses, from the sucking, being sucked, and the hard assed fucking doesn't just tip them over the edge it hurls them over it. Breeze blows first since his white furred partner is working on his second dry cum of the evening. As he shudders he breaths in suckling on Arcc's cock like a nursing babe even as his anal ring tightens up on the toy forcing redirecting some of the force back along the shaft stopping it short and ramming the other head a little deeper into his sitter then she expected. The increased suction from the squirrel finally detonates Arcc sending the boy tumbling into orgasmic bliss, the boy collapses forward onto his new playmate even as his fox hole spasms around the man who brought him here. Almost at the same moment Bob and Catfiddle cry out in pleasure. The sudden stress pushing the double headed dildo back into Fiddle sending her tumbling into orgasm as Bob, his knot popping in and out of the boy, feels that little anus squeeze like a vice, causing the grown Shepard to explode flooding the young ass with thick sticky ropes of cum.

As the orgasms die down Bob pulls back his knot popping noisily from the little cubs anus, letting that fresh load of cum dribble out and splatter across little Breeze's face. Catfiddle flops back into her own chair, undoing a few snaps and pulling her own toy free with a slurping noise. Smiling at the woman sitting across from him Bob pours her another glass of champagne. "Wonderful show madam, quite wonderful indeed."

Catfiddle smiles back and raises her glass in response. "Why thank you sir, we aim to please." She purrs softly gazing about the room, smiling at the number of furs who had been watching their performance.

Timmy whimpers softly, tears running down his face as he moves through the crowed. Men and women both eye him lustily. The little raccoon is so sore. His butt hurts not just from the violations forced upon him but from the slaps, swats, scratches and bits as well. His little boy cock is tender from over abuse, and he's been forced to do and see things he could never have imagined. He spots Bob's table through the crowed and makes his way to the table. Maybe if he begs and pleads the big dog will take him home. They had been here for hours it must be time to go soon.

Bob smiles down at the little coon as Timmy makes his way towards him. "Ahh just the lad I wanted to see. It's almost time to leave. But first before we go I want a taste of this little squirrel. I want you to entertain Ms Fiddle, and once I'm done you can go home to daddy."

Timmy whimpers softly as he looks from Bob to Catfiddle. The purring female seems nice enough, and Bob said we could leave right after. The little raccoon shuffles closer. Spunk running down his legs and dried into his fur. "Hello Ms, how can I help you?" Tim whimpers as Fiddle leans forward. Her rather ample breasts seem to hover ominously over his head.

"Why hello there cutie." She scoops up the scared coon and sets him on her knee. "If you want to help me why don't we play house for a bit. I'll be the mommy and you are the baby. It's feeding time baby." Catfiddle tugs down the top of her shirt letting one of her mammaries spill forth. "So time to nurse like a good baby boy"

Bob ignores the developing show across from him. The sexual antics of a woman are simply not that appealing to him. Instead he rolls the tired Arcc off his new squirrel friend. The white fox lays their legs splayed across the table as Bob lifts the tired little squirrel into his paws. The boy starts to squirm as Bob backs his rump up, pulling the boy back against his still rigid cock. He struggles as Bob starts to stretch his not so cherry ass open once more. The dog moans and Breeze squeals as his rump is pumped once more.

Catfiddle sighs as the scared little coon suckles at her teat. She guides one of the lad's paws over to her other breast. Almost instinctively the little coon starts to kneed, fingers massaging the massive tit, playing with the woman's nipple as his lips nurse on the other. Timmy stops whimpering, the latest task isn't all that unpleasant, in fact he's had to do much worse tonight.

Bob pulls the cub back using both hands on his hips. The big dog masturbates using the cub's ass for added stimulus as he pumps him up and down along that thick shaft. "Ohh such a good cubby boy." He angles the boy down till Breeze's muzzle is inches from the other cub's spoogey butt cheeks. "Do you see that boy? That's what's going to happen to you in just a little bit. I'm gonna flood your ass with my sweet jizz and fill you right up to the top."

"Ohh such a good little boy." Catfiddle looks down at the coon and smiles cradling him to her breast like a nursing infant. "Such a good cub deserves his own reward." Her hand snakes between the raccoon's legs gently teasing his tiny little sheath and jewels.

Breeze whimpers softly as Bob guides him down forcing his muzzle against that well fucked foxhole. "Tsk tsk tsk, what a shameful mess we made there. Why don't you give him a nice long tongue bath?"

Breeze whines, "But sir, I don't wanna lick his bum. It's icky." His stomach lurched as Bob suddenly pulls him up into a sitting position. The sinking feeling in his tummy is partially from the speed of the move but also from the fact that he now has the dogs full length of canine cock crammed between his ass cheeks.

"You think it's icky boy? Why do you say that? You are already familiar with the fluids coming from that boy's butt." The big dog wipes a finger across the squirrels muzzle holding up a sticky glob of cum he found there. "See that dripped from his rump and I saw you licking it from your muzzle. Did it taste icky then?" Breeze thinks then shakes his head, before his stomach gives a lurch and he's pushed back down toward the dazed fox. "Good then lick boy!"

Breeze whimpers again but doesn't feel it's a good Idea to anger the big dog. As his tongue starts lapping gently at the foxes tight little pucker the boy starts to squirm. He wriggles and moans under the little squirrel's tongue-lashing. Breeze wonders at the taste it's not bad like he thought it would be, it's thick and rather salty but that's okay. He grips the cub's splayed legs as Bob starts his eager thrusting up into his semi-virgin bum.

The skunk waiter wanders over towards the table. He's been instructed to see if the customers wanted another bottle or needed anything else. He's not all that surprised by the scene before him. In his nine short years he's seen all sorts of sexual perversions, but the creativity involved was rather impressive. A hand roughly grabs him by his waiter's collar and drags him into the sprawling display of sex. The big dog forces him to his knees with a growled order. "Lick" The skunk boy doesn't hesitate, he rather enjoys working these parties the blend of different species churning together in his gullet is a rather heady feeling. He leans forward slurping at the dog's thick low hanging fruit even as the dog bangs another cub's ass. His quick little tongue catching the man's shaft as well as the little boy's sack on a few of the excited slurps.

Breeze's cheeks burn bright red as he laps and slurps at cub's ass. It's almost clean of every dribble of dog cum. He moans as the pace increases and he feels something swell at the base of the dogs cock. It's huge he can't expect that to fit in... him... His train of thought derails down that dark tunnel as he feels a tongue on his balls. The pleasant surprise is short lived however as Bob lurches forward driving that big fat knot deep into a tiny anus. The squirrel yelps loudly as the dog ruts his tender young ass. He can feel the pulse deep down in his bowels as gobs of that milky looking seed pump into every nook and cranny. He shudders through an orgasm as the searing hot cum burns across his prostate.

Timmy starts at the boy's yelp of pain but Ms Fiddle gently sooths away his fears. "It's nothing to worry about dear." She whispers, before switching the boy's lips from one tit to the other letting his fingers roams over the wiggling mounds that once pressed to his lips. The teenage feline purrs softly feeling those tiny lips and fingers massaging her breasts. She lets her own hand go exploring sliding from the boy's tiny little erection down to her own dripping wet sex. She moans as the cub nuzzles close, pleasuring herself as the boy paws at her pillowy breasts.

With a loud sigh Bob pulls back his still engorged knot bringing out another squeal from the squirrel as he yanks free from that abused little rump. The shepard piles breeze casually onto the table next to Arcc his cock still rigid and hard slick with spent cum. He glances down at the Skunk waiter with a wicked grin. He pulls the boy to his feet, lifting him bodily by the collar. There is no need for even the barest of niceties this time, unlike with Arcc and Breeze this lad knows just what his purpose is, and eagerly yields to it. He groans as the dog bends him over the table, pinned there between the fox and squirrel. There are no kind words, no gently persuasion or rough intimidation this time as the man lines his eager cock up with the skunk's boycunt. This time there is just the lustful urging of the rut. Bob presses forward moaning softly as the skunk's anus closes around him. He smiled down at the boy on his back looking up at him with needy eyes. Bob howled as he thrusted forward, jackhammering into that tight willing hole as hard and as fast as his hips will let him. It wasn't love making, or breeding, or even sex. This was all out fucking. Bob didn't let up, his pace wasn't designed to last, the man just wanted to cum again, to flood a tight orifice with jizz as soon as possible. With a loud grunt the man drove his spurting cock home into the mewling cub one last time. He panted as the bliss of release washed over him. He pulled his cock free, still sputtering as he showered the assembled boys in sticky ropes of spooge

Catfiddle moaned softly, rocking back and forth as her fingers slipped back up to massage the cubs cock. She cooed down at the tired cub as her talented fingers urged him on. Unlike Bob, she gently urged her charge up and tipped him over the threshold of pleasure. Gently she squeezed little globes of boyhood as the lad shuddered in her arms. She smiled down at him beautifully as he pants. "Such a good little boy you are."

Bob stands back admiring his work as the three well-fucked puckers stare back at him. He glances down at his watch and whistled. "Damn time to go... I'm not worried about Timmy's father but I do have to get Arcc home before he's missed." He firmly tugged at Arcc's leash, pulling the fox kit from his stupor. As the boy rose himself to his hands and knees patches of matted fur stuck briefly to the table as the crude glue of spent cum fought to keep them in place. "Time to go sweetness." He walked over to Ms Fiddle, who was cradled a shuddering little coon" Sorry miss, but I'm afraid I have to take your playmate with me. It's almost morning and I really should be getting them back to there families." Catfiddle nods wordlessly to Bob before she places the boy onto his feet. With a gentle swat to the bum she sends him back over to the grinning dog. Bob snaps the leash back onto the coon's collar and bows to his newfound feline friend. "Good evening madam."

Bob turns around and takes no time in making his way out from the party. It's not hard, as the crowd had thinned some time before. He casually returns the doorman's tags, settles up his bar tab and leads the boys out side and into his car. Timmy is regulated into the back seat as Arcc is allowed a place upfront. "So Arcc how did you like the party? " Whispered the dog.

"Oh it was lots of fun Mr. Doggy." The boy giggles, "I didn't know so many people liked to play games like we did."

"Oh yes, lots of people like to play cubby games, but some folks don't like it so we have to keep it a secret." He pulled out onto the road, planning on dropping off Arcc first. "Hmm Arcc, could you do me a favor." The big dog undid his fly letting his tender cock out into the open air one more time. "Look at that, all our game playing has tired it out. Think you can lean over here and let your mouth bring our little buddy back to life?" He steadied his driving hand as that white furred muzzle dipped down to lick at his softened cock. The cub suckled gently feeling the grown ups sex starting to stir to life. "Ohh yes Arcc, that's good." Moaned Bob, wondering if the little cub could tell what he's been doing from the taste of the dog meat in his muzzle. "Now remember, when you get home rush straight to the...goddamn your good...bathroom and clean up. You don't want mommy and daddy seeing you all messy now do you?" Arcc looked up at Bob, the tip of the doggies cock collared between his lips, and shook his head. Bob moaned again and all too soon he pulled into the white cub's street. As those lips reluctantly left his cock Bob handed Arcc his clothes and watched the nearly naked cub scurry across the street in the predawn light.

Bob looked into the back seat with a grin, motioning for Timmy to join him. "I'm planning to end the night with a bang boy, and I'll need your help to keep me primed." As the coon got comfortable in the front of the car Bob took the lad's paw and placed it on the still engorged length of dog flesh. "Just keep me ready kid, this will be fun."

Timmy whimpered softly as his paw started to slide up and down the monster's cock. He could feel it pulse under his fingers, the way the skin flowed under his palm, the oily slickness as precum dripped around his digits. He dared not look away as he tended to his chore.

With a happy sigh Bob pulled onto Timmy's street. He grinned at the little cub as he parked right before the house. Before the lad could say anything the great dog exited the car, slipped around and opened the door for the coon. Timmy looked up at Bob warily as they made their way to the door. Timmy tried to be polite as his hand reached for the doorknob. "Goodbye sir..." He stammered and added mentally "... and good riddance." As the words left his lips he knew he was in trouble. Strong paws gripped him and lifted him up and pressed the yelping cub hard into the door. He could see through the window set in the door, he could see his father passed out on the couch. He must have tried to stay up all night so he could sooth the boy's fears but he must have been too tired. Tears streamed down the cubs face as a savior is only three feet away and he was powerless to call him.

Bob leaned into the boy and whispers into one flickering ear. "I said we'd go out with a bang boy, and I wasn't lying." He braced the boy against the door frame as he angled his cock up against the cub's very well fucked rump. "My my, just how many times were you fucked tonight?" the boy sobbed as the dog pushed in with one quick stroke. "Or are you so welcoming cause dear old daddy has been plowing that ass every night himself?" He grunted out the question between thrusts, reaming his cock deep between that boy's cheeks. "I bet that's it. It must burn him up inside though knowing I was there first." He huffed as his hips rocked forward, rattling the door a little bit. Timmy's eyes opened wide as he saw his father stirring on the couch. But it wasn't enough as the fat older coon rolled over in his sleep. "And It'll burn even more to learn of all the other cock's you've served tonight. You're an elegant little fuck toy did you know that?" He pushed in harder, grinding his cock into that immature anus. As he rutted deep and hard into the boy's ass one more time he sighed. This last climax wasn't as powerful as some of the others, but it's just as satisfying... if in other ways. He barely had any more cum to give as his aching balls poured out what they could spare into that sore little boy hole. "I just want you to deeply know how mine you are, slut. Your father can't protect you." He let the boy slump to the porch huddled on the welcome mat, next to the pile of his clothes. "Til next time, my sweet little bitch boy." He pounded on the door hard and fast, bringing the grown coon sputtering into wakefulness before running back to his car. As the door was yanked open, the father's anguished cry bellowed as Bob sped off into rising sun.

Operation P.R.O.N.

Operation P.R.O.N. People Really Objecting to cubs seeing Naughtyness By BunnyBoy This story and the characters in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy. Warning the story contains a non consensual sexual encounters between adult...

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The Birthday Boy

The Birthday Boy By Bunnyboy This story was commissioned by Lazar Wolfe and is copyrighted to himself. Warning the story contains material of a sexual nature between an adult male and a number of male cubs. So if your too young or easily...

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A new years resolution

Bob's Holiday Special New Year's Eve By BunnyBoy This story and the characters in it (Except for Breeze) are copyrighted to BunnyBoy... Breeze is copyrighted to his own player Warning the story contains a non consensual sexual...

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