Operation P.R.O.N.

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Operation P.R.O.N.



Objecting to cubs seeing


By BunnyBoy

This story and the characters in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy.

Warning the story contains a non consensual sexual encounters between adult males and male cubs. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

The alarms were blaring as the six year old raccoon, wearing only a pair of dark wrap around sunglasses, raced through the corridors of the tree house. His little pecker was already hard as he burst through the doors of the command center. Mission sirens always got the boy excited. He spotted a chubby rabbit cub, wearing a pair of goggles, sitting behind a bank of monitors. "Letter B, status report!" Barks the young coon.

"Roger that,letter A." The rabbit snapped off a reply before turning back to his screens. But not before the raccoon spotted a pair of orange furred knees beneath the desk.

The boy sighs tiredly, "Letter C, come out of there! We have a mission and you can do that later." The little fox boy let out a girly giggle as he crawled out from under the crudely constructed security station. He was rather lean and wiry, as well as completely naked, except for what seem like permanent cum stains across his face, chest, and butt.

The hare shot a dirty look at A, he was enjoying that, before he reported his findings. "Well boss, It looks like the dirty magazines, comics, and videos that we've managed to seed across our sector are being tampered with."

A rather large black colt strolled into the control room. He was dressed in only a blue jacket with a red baseball cap pulled down over his eyes, each ear was lined with a number of silver studs and between his knees swayed a cock bigger then any cub should rightfully have. "Tampered with?" Came his soft soothing voice. "Exactly how are they being tampered with?"

"Well letter E, I'm getting reports of censor bars, pixilation, and hentai style invisible genitals on a large scale." Said the rabbit as he checked the latest field reports.

The raccoon thought for a moment. "So, our pornography is being censored is it? I think I know exactly who is behind this attack." He turned to the rabbit. "Is there a pattern to the disturbance? Can you predict where it's headed?"

"Yes sir, not a problem." The pudgy little boy checked his data one last time. "Well sir ,it looks like they are headed straight for... the central hub of sector 69's porn distribution network."

The door was kicked open by the fifth member of the group a little yellow kitten wearing an orange hooded sweatshirt and a torn pair of sweat pants that did nothing to cover his dangling little penis. "Sorry I'm late letter A, but I was a little tied up so... hey did you guys start with out me?"

The raccoon ignored the kitten and continued the briefing, "If they make it to the vaults below the hub they could cripple our operation in this sector."

The kitten looked around confused. "Who could? What operation?"

The pony smiled, "Yeah, but if we let them destroy it we could always make more where that came from, baby."

A thinks about that for a minute, "You've got a point there. And all that extra work to get us to full capacity again would be fun."

Frustrated the latecomer shouts, "What could be fun?"

"Oh quiet down letter D." groans the raccoon. "If you want to know the full story, then you should get here on time for a change." The leader turned back to the maps. "Hmmm... no. I think we'll have to move to stop him. It's just too risky. If they corrupt the whole vault they might be able to spread from there to our whole porn network. We can't let that happen." The young raccoon spun around, his erection rock hard and dribbling pre as he shouted, "Cubs Next Door...Battle Stations!"

There was a fast flurry of motion as all five of the cubs dashed for the armory, and then out onto the flight deck. Letter B headed for one of the faster airships in the small cobbled together fleet. A took the command chair, B hit the pilot's couch, D manned the weapons, E took a seat watching the scanners. However the com station was curiously empty, but letter C's giggles could be heard under the bank of scanners. The black horse just gave the coon a wink and shrugged his shoulders as the fox's giggles were suddenly muffled.

A just sighed, and ignored C's antics for now. Its just that if he did too much now, he'd get all fucked out before the mission even started. "Letter B, set coordinates and take off. We have to get there soon if we want to have any hopes of saving our porn."

The ship took off with a boom and in no time they were rocketing towards their destination. "Letter E," shouted A, "are you picking up anything on the scanners?"

The horse grunted softly and mummered to the kitten below his station. "Yeah baby, we've got a big target headed straight for the depot."

"I thought so." Growled the young leader. "Porn pirates. Target the ship's sails and prepare to board."

Down on the ship the big bulldog Captain Fuzzybeard drove his crew onward. "Keep those cannons firing. So long as the CensorShip is armed we'll be able to wipe out that accursed pornography once and for all!" The big pirate stands at the wheel of his ship, guiding it on to the cubs' magazine vaults. He was a tall muscular dog, dressed up in full pirate regalia with a full thick beard that seemed to be made up of big blocky pixels. There wass also a censor bar over his right eye. "Keep firing! Every magazine, every comic, and every movie will be properly sanitized so that the cubs of the world will be safe and pure."

Suddenly a huge explosion rocked through the ship, and an unusual flying machine touched down on the deck. When the hatch slammed open, D was the first boy out, a weapon in each paw as he preyed into the accumulated pirates. His cock was rock hard as his weird wooden weapons hosed down a few of the adults with a white sticky goo, binding their limbs to the decking. The kitten was immediately backed up by A, C, and E, who started firing into the crowd as well.

As soon as the cubs have cleared the deck, the ship dusted off. B circled around the ship, grunting as he fired on the pirates' cannons. Great gobs of white spooge splattered across the cannons, clogging the barrels of the censoring blasters. In the flight chair the young tubby bunny deftly piloted with one paw, dipping, swerving, bobbing and weaving as he furiously pounded on his little pink pecker. He needed just a little more jizz to feed the gun for the next volley. "Oh yeah baby, yeah... that fucking ship is going down. Just you and me baby just... you..." groaned the bunny as his churning balls finally let loose the needed ammunition.

Letter C squealed with joy. He couldn't believe how lucky he is, surrounded by so many strong and handsome sailors. The fox's grin turned predatory as he opened fire with his weapons. The attacking adults slipped and slided across the deck, scrambling just to keep to their footing as the boy hosed them down with twin barrels of high-grade personal lubricant. "Yay, silly party!" shouted the kit as he pounced on the nearest downed pirate, his claws making quick work of the cat's soaked pants. Almost reverently the little fox boy stroked the adult's nice fat cock. The boy's face lit up to see it grow big and firm. C straddled the shocked pirates hips before simply sitting down. Both the adult and child moaned loudly as that tight hole got filled with a nice fat tomcat cock.

Meanwhile, Letter E had things under control. The colt decided to forget weapons in favor of a more hands on approach. "I'll just have to warn you boys. I'm a master of the CND's secret martial art, Barefu... in fact I am a nude master." Says the horse with a smile. He sank into a low fighting stance, that massive length of horsemeat almost looking like a third leg. Three pirates charged E at once, the first went down to a simple shoulder throw, a leg sweep sent the second man tumbling down onto the first. The third man was sent tumbling unconscious onto the heap as the colt leapt spinning into the air, smacking him across the face with that massive drooling cockhead. "I told you, didn't I?"

D charged into the thickest crowd of pirates, preying into them with a studded leather paddle in one paw and a strange pistol in the other. The gunfired weighted leather straps that wrapped around a sailors limbs, tying him down and binding him to the nearest object. Once the man was trapped the kitten started in with that flogger, preying into the grown ups bare bottom with a vengeance.

Letter A waited for the deck to clear. He knew his target would seek him out on his own. And the man didn't disappoint. Captain Fuzzy Bead glowered down at the naked coon boy before him. "You blasted Cubs Next Door can't stop my crew. Each one of these scurrilous scallywags has dedicated their lives to saving cubs from the degrading filth of pornography." With a flourish the bulldog pulled a long thin censor bar from his sheath. "And we're not about to let a few randy brats stop us now."

The Raccoon dodged the first swing, and aimed his high-powered dildo launcher. The captain deftly slapped the gun from letter A's paw, forcing the cub to back peddle furiously. "You can't win Fuzzybeard, the cubs next door will never surrender." Reaching behind him the cub's paw groped under his tail. With a wet sucking noise he pulled an eighteen-inch dildo from his behind and leapt back to his feet before coming out swinging.

Seeing his comrade trapped under letter C's sexual assault, one of the remaining pirates rushes to the man's aid. Unfortunately, the pig slipped on one of the copious puddles of lube and skidded across the deck, right towards the fox. At the last moment, right before he collided with the cub, the pirate managed to steady himself on the mainmast. His relief quickly vanished as he felt his trousers being torn off and a warm wet sensation engulfed his twisty little cock. The man's moans mingled with his comrades and the fox's wet slurping noises as letter C bounced between his two incapacitated playmates.

The fight carried E across the deck, his barefu becoming more artistic. Throws and strikes were mingled with gropes. Before he sent the adults packing the pony wanted to size up their packages. Thick gobs of pre are smeared across the fallen foes as the horses throbbing cock bludgeoned them into submission. Finally, he found an opponent that seemed satisfactory and flawlessly linked a throw with a depantsu, stripping away the pirate's trousers before his butt could even bounce across the deck. The colt leapt into the air, his aim perfect as he came down hard with a flying reverse mount maneuver, landing in the man's lap in such a way that forced that hard throbbing cock deep into E's hungry ass. The Pirate gasped as the wind was knocked from him, hardly noticing the nice tight asshole buggering itself on his shaft.

In an effort to cripple the pirates ship B rammed the ships poop deck. A massive hydraulic ram pounded the wooden rear of the ship. Inside the CND's flying ship the tubby little bunny humped against the control station. Each thrust from the rabbit into the soft sucking outlet sent a signal that pulsed the ram into the CensorShip's battered behind.

D purred to himself, reveling in the sight of a dozen adults trussed up and waiting for his attention. The supremely confident little kitten approached his first victim, tearing away at his pants and mounting the man's bare bottom. "Oh yeah, take that you slut! Take my fat cock you bastard." D, the bondage expert in the group moaned and shouted as his little pecker barely buggered the pirate before he climaxed, sighing as he moved on to his next victim.

C moaned happily around the dick in his muzzle, almost drowning in spooge. Cum ran down the delirious fox's chest as he let his lips slide from one cock and onto the next. One shaft in each paw and one in his muzzle the lusty little agent wass fairly showered in jizz, despite his best efforts to drink down as much as his straining belly could take. The cat trapped beneath him moaned softly, long since passed out from pleasure overload having came into that tight little rump too many times. After gulping down yet another load of sweet salty seed C delightfully squealed, "Yay! Yummy treats..." before taking the next cock his paw had kept primed into that insatiable muzzle.

As E bounced on the fat cock of his chosen pirate, a well-placed leg sweep brought down a second target. The poor dog fell forward, collapsing face down into the pony's lap. With a grin the agent fed his big ol' member into the Doberman's muzzle, worming his way deep into the trapped mans throat. He whinnied softly as he rocked back and forth shuddering as his primed cock erupted, flooding the man's gullet with equine jizz. Meanwhile, the chosen pirate reached his climax, painting the colts tight little bowels white with seed.

The battle between the big bulldog and the little raccoon cub raged on, as both combatants danced across the deck. The pair traded blows as the battle moved towards the back of the ship. Letter A was gradually pushed back against the rail, Fuzzybeard using shear force to overpower the young raccoon. In a last ditch effort A swung skillfully, knocking off the pirates belt buckle causing his pants to tumble to the floor.

"Ha! You think that's enough to stop me?" Growls the big dog. "Sure, showing my dangly bits to a cub is a bit embarrassing, but I know the likes of you C.N.D brats have seen far worse." He raised the censor bar ready to deliver the final blow when all of a sudden B's climactic thrust into the ram caused the ship to pitch to one side, knocking the pirate off balance. A took this moment to his advantage as he leapt at Fuzzybeard, knocking him onto his back. The agile little coon spun about, gripping the adults' big floppy cock in one hand and deftly stuffing it up under his tail. Though the adult started off limp, the feel of the boy's silky tail hole brought the dog's dick to a throbbing life. Both the captain and the coon moaned as A rocked back and forth, the sensation driving the adult witless. A suddenly leaned forward, the little raccoon aiming carefully before driving his big long dildo deep between the pirates butt cheeks. Fuzzybeard squealed at the sudden entry. A started to rock back and forth, taking the man's cock deeper as the toy withdrew. .A , knowing if the pirate makes it to his feet again the fight will be over, gently angled the dildo so the long hard latex toy worked the man's tender prostate. Fuzzybeard almost melted in near orgasmic bliss, groaning with each stroke of the coon and his toy even as the boy's own cock rubs the bulldog's big hairy ball sack. It's just one more pleasurable sensation as the young boy fucked those sweaty globes. When A noticed that the captain's knot was swelling up nicely, he started to push back harder, delighting in the man's whimpering pleas to stop. With a loud groan he slammed himself down hard, forcing that knot deep down into his welcoming ass. With a tortured shout Fuzzybeard came hard, flooding the raccoons bottom with his creamy brew. As soon as that barrage of hot jizz barreled down the cub's bowels, A shuddered as he met his own climax, moaning as his little coon pecker spurted ropes of sweet boy seed, painting the pirate captains jewels in a glistening white before collapsing back against the man's belly.

After a few minutes A reluctantly makes his way to his feet. Letting the knot pull free from his ass with a wet sloppy splash. He looks around the ship taking in the scene of sexual carnage. The deck ran white with cum, the bodies of the tired and spent adults strewn about. The raccoon smiled as he adjusts his sunglasses, the cum leaking from his ass running down his legs. "We stopped them cold. Another successful mission!" His team gathered in a cleared spot on the deck as B put their ship down.

"Oh baby, that was a good mission." The pony trudged up the boarding ramp, his dick almost dragging across the deck.

"Wahhhh! All my friends stopped playing with me." Whimpered the fox boy, his fur nearly white with spilled seed. "They just stopped making the yummy juice. It's not fair... I'm still horny!!!"

As they took off, A looked back down at the bodies of the moaning men and smiled "It's good to be in the C.N.D."

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