A new years resolution

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#5 of Bob's Special events

Bob's Holiday Special

New Year's Eve

By BunnyBoy

This story and the characters in it (Except for Breeze) are copyrighted to BunnyBoy... Breeze is copyrighted to his own player

Warning the story contains a non consensual sexual encounter between an adult male and a male cub. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

Breeze sat in his room trying not to listen to the noises coming from the other rooms. Silently he pouted. His parents had a bunch of people from work over for a stupid party and they wouldn't let him join in. The 7-year-old squirrel sulked. His parents let him stay up 'cause of new years but he couldn't come out and play. Eh, who cares... the adults had such stupid games anyway. There was a knock on the door and the squirrel perked up. Maybe Mom would let him play after all. "Mom is that you?"

"No." The voice was deep and unfamiliar. "May I come in?"

Breeze frowns. "Who are you? What do you want?"

"I'm a friend of your Dad's from work," says the voice. "I heard you were all alone up here and wanted to see if you would like some company. I've got pizza." The door was open almost before Bob could blink and the big dog looked around for a second before slipping inside and closing the door behind him. He handed the kid the slices of pie and looked around the room. He smiles a bit, he just loved being in a cubs own room, there was nothing quite like that thrill. "So how is your night going kiddo?"

The little squirrel just goes back to pouting, and in between bites of pepperoni he answers. "It's boring. I don't get to do nothing at all. The grownups are all having fun at their stupid little party but I can't come out and play any of their stupid little games. I hate New Years Eve. I can't even go to sleep; everyone is making too much noise."

The German Sheppard gestures toward a small TV in the cub's room. "Well why don't you watch something?"

The lad slurps up a stray strand of cheese. "Nuffing but stupid countdown stuff anyway. Got anything to drink?" Bob hands the cub a cola and hits the power switch on the set. Right on queue the box shows several thousand furs gathered into the square waiting for the famous lighted ball to drop. "See? It's the same on every channel, it's just boring."

Bob just smiles at the boy. "Well it doesn't have to be. I know it seems like new years is a grown up holiday, but cubs are very important to this day. In fact the new year couldn't start without boys like you."

Breeze seems a bit puzzled by that last statement. "What do you mean?"

The big dog's smile gets even wider as he leans in closer to the boy. "You see, the new year is symbolized by a naked cub. It's to show how the New Year is really a new start for everything. And that cub is taking over for an older fur like me."

The squirrel boy looks up at the grown up surprised. "Really? So a naked cub is responsible for starting the whole year? Where does this cub come from?"

Bob leans in some more, whispering to the boy. "That's the best part, no one knows who it's going to be until it happens. Lots of boy cubs get naked right before midnight hoping it'll be them. Cause they know that the new years cub is going to be famous." The big dog grins hungrily at the lad. He knows he's got the boy hooked now, all he has to do is just reel him in. "It could be you, you know. And I know a secret to make it a shoe in."

The squirrel's tail starts flailing back and forth from his excitement. "Really? I could be the new years cub, and get famous? What do I have to do?"

The sly old dog rubs his paws together anticipating a fun night. "Well first, like I said the new years cub has to be naked." Breeze slowly nods but seems a little hesitant. Bob leans in and says "I need to be here to help you with the rest, but if you want me to leave I will, and you can take your chances like all the other cubs." He stands up and acts like he's about to head for the door.

"No no no, you can stay," squeaks the young rodent. He quickly sheds his clothing. The shirt and pants are gone in seconds but he seems to hesitate for a moment before slipping out of his aquafur underpants. He blushes a bit and uses his big fluffy tail to try and cover up. "So what's next?"

The adult slowly stands up and starts to pace back and forth, all the while watching the sweet little treat out of the corner of his eye. "Well for part of it you'll need my help, and for the rest we'll need this." Bob pulls out a bottle of champagne he took from the party down stairs. "Like I said, the new years cub takes over for the grown fur. So to do this right you need an adult to help you out. The Champagne helps because it's always used at new years, and it just adds to the whole trick." The dog smiles as he starts to strip down himself. The boy is starting to get a little nervous at this point. Bob sits on the lad's bed facing the TV, his member already starting to thicken and swell. The big dog just smiles down at him. "Now you're going to have to come closer, son," his hands working hard on the neck of the bottle. The kid jumps at the sudden loud pop as the cork goes flying.

The initial spray splashes across the cubs face. Breeze licks his lips, "Was that part of the secret?" The stuff in the bottle is fizzy like soda but it tastes different.

Bob nods, "Yep that was part of it. Now you have to show you're willing to help an adult out." He slops the thick foam across his still limp dick. "I need you to help me out with that..." Breeze looks around for something to wipe it off. "No I need you to lick it up. It shows you're willing to do anything to help."

The boy looks up at the grown up not sure what he should do, did this man really want him to lick his thingy? But if it would make him the most famous boy in the world it might be worth it. Breeze leans in, as the man's cock seems to rise up to greet him, the tip glistening red in the light. He gently runs his tongue along the tip, slurping up the fizzy drink and tasting a hint of something salty too. "Like that?"

Bob moans softly. "Oh yes just like that. Now suck on the tip like its candy." The big dog whimpers as the cub obeys. The little kit was suckling on his tender member like a baby. "Such a good boy you are." He places his thumb over the mouth of the bottle and gives it a healthy shake. "Okay that's enough, now I need you to turn around, lift your tail, and bend over for me."

"Err okay sir..." The little cub quickly tries to obey, bending over and grabbing his ankles. The boy's tail is twitching like mad, as he's left wondering just what all this has to do with being the new years cub.

Bob stands up behind the sweet little nut muncher, one paw resting on that firm young rump. The other hand brings the bottle around, pressing the lip up against that tight young anus. The boy squeaks as bottle presses into him flooding his bottom with chilled bubbly.

Breeze squeals for a moment as the cold glass stretches him open and the jet of chilled champagne hits. The boy's high pitched squeak quickly dies down though as the carbonated bubbles tickle his tender prostate. He smiles a bit, the blood starting to rush to his head. "Err is there any more to it sir? Cause I'm getting a little dizzy."

Bob smiles, one hand caressing that firm young bottom, as he lines up his now drooling dick with the boy's rump. "Just stay like that a moment longer, we're almost done. I've just got to make sure it's all in." The boy starts to shiver as he sways, feeling a bit cold now. In one smooth motion the dog pulls the bottle free and replaces it with his own hot cock. He's careful but they still spill a few drops. The bottle falls to the floor as the man drives home, lifting up the young impaled cub before sitting back down on the lad's bed. The young lad's teeny little nuts resting on the dogs much larger pair as the man just savors the feeling. And it's a good feeling too, so different from the usual cub buggering. The cold chill is bracing, and has made the boy tighten right up, all the while bubbles sent tingles up and down his shaft.

At first Breeze is too surprised to do anything as something new is shoved up his butt. But the man holds him close and he's starting to feel warmer. That sparkling feeling from the fizzy stuff is still there but there is also something stronger too -- it's the same sort of feeling but a lot more intense.

Bob groans softly, it's agony just to sit there but it's all part of the game. One hand reaches around fondling the little rodent's family jewels. He smiles to hear the soft moan that gets from the lad. "You're doing fine son just fine. I think you're ready for the next part." He rocks the lad in his lap, using his dick to stir up the champagne, listening to the lad's tone as the carbonation tickles his bowels.

Breeze still doesn't know what to make of this. At first he was sure something bad was happening but now it's starting to feel good, and the way the dog was stroking his bits was making it feel even better. "What's that sir?"

"I'm glad you asked," says the man with a groan. He starts to kiss along the kits neck. "Now we have to finish it off. In order for the new years cub to take over, the old year has to pass it on. And we'll do that like this." He grips the boy's butt with both paws, giving it a light squeeze. The lad even gives a squeak as the dog's claws prick those buns. He gently lifts the cub up, letting him feel every inch of his hard throbbing cock as it starts to slide from that oh so tight virgin anus. He doesn't let it go too far though, not wanting to risk a leak, before letting go and letting the boy's own weight drive him back down onto that rock hard member.

Breeze lets out another squeak as the man's cock head mashes into his prostate. He shudders for a moment as the feelings wash over him. "Oh god," he moans.

Bob grins and doesn't let up. It's slow at first but after the first few times he leans back for a better view as he lifts the boy. The sight of that taunt little tailhole wrapped obscenely around his thick man meat is enough to drive him wild. Both paws grip the little squirrel's waist, holding him tight as the big dog slides him up and down, churning the carbonated mixture building up in the boy's bowels even as he adds his own pre cum to the blend.

The cub grunts with each and every stroke. He moans as the man pulls him up and down, gliding him along that throbbing dog dick. He swears he can even hear the sloshing of the champagne. He can't help himself as every thrust sends a shiver down his spine and it feels so good. The boy starts helping, and soon the big dog lays back and moans content to let the cub do all the hard work, and work it he does. He pushes back hard, grinding his hips into the man's groin.

With perfect timing Bob can feel his knot start to swell. The dog smiles as he sits up, his paws slow the lad's over-eager pace. "It's time, now count down with me." He lifts the lad up as high as he dares before pushing back down. "Five!"

The young squirrel can hear other voices counting down too. From the TV, from his own house, he can even make out the voices of his mommy and daddy down stairs as they chant with him.

"Four." Goes the chant as the boy's rump is pushed back down along that shaft, the dog's knot straining to be let in. "Three" rings out as they come together with a meaty slap. "Two" fills the air as the boy is thrust up one last time. "ONE!" Both cub and man shout the word as the boy is driven down, that large bulbous knot stretching the boy wide open in a single powerful stroke, just as on TV the world famous ball drops. Bob moans loudly, knowing no one will hear with all the party commotion down below. He can feel the boy spasm as his pulsing member adds one final ingredient to the cocktail flowing through the young squirrels bowels. In his arms the boy whimpers, the swelling knot filling him up so well and just adding to the building pressure from the gasses inside. Bob reaches around fondling the lad's immature erection stroking the boy gently till he gets one more squeal and the boy cums for the first time. Nothing spills forth but he can feel the boy's body convulse with each hard pulse.

With a happy sigh, Bob sits up. The young boy is hanging limply from his crotch. The boy whimpers and moans softly, the knot wedged firmly in his rear is all that holds him in that awkward position. It's a few moments before the swelling goes down enough for the lad to collapse on the floor, his abused little anus leaking onto the rug. "Now that won't do at all," mutters the dog. "We wouldn't want to leave a stain." He lifts the tired little cub's tail, wedging the champagne cork into place. Bob carefully wipes his cock clean with the lad's soft supple tail fur before gathering his clothes. "Well, too bad son. Looks like you didn't quite make it. Oh well, we can always try again next year." He slips into his shirt and pants before making for the door. With his hand on the knob the man stops, he feels something tugging on his pants leg. He glances down to see the exhausted squirrel had manages to crawl after him. "Yes little one is there something you wanted to say to me?"

Breeze looks up at the stranger for a moment before hugging his leg. "Happy New Year sir."

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