The Birthday Boy

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#3 of Commissions

The Birthday Boy

By Bunnyboy

This story was commissioned by Lazar Wolfe and is copyrighted to himself.

Warning the story contains material of a sexual nature between an adult male and a number of male cubs. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

Joel couldn't help but smile as he watched his little boy play in the yard. Little Lazar had it rough growing up with out a mother, not to mention his fathers peculiar rules, but his dad was still happy the boy turned out so happy and well adjusted. He'd really grown up well, of course at just under 5 years old the boy still had a lot of growing ahead of him, but his daddy was still proud. The older wolf stopped at the doorway with yearly marks of his son's growth. Examining both notches, measuring height and length, he smiled and wondered what tomorrow would bring. Well, today was a big day, his little boy's first sleepover and tomorrow the cub will be 5 years old. Joel laughed softly as the little blue furred pointy-eared wolf played in the yard with his friends. Lazar had came to him earlier, begging to let him have this birthday sleepover. Those sweet little eyes were too much for the gray wolf, melting his heart into a puddle. Of course the fact that his sons sweet little muzzle had been wrapped around his cock probably helped a bit too.

Lazar was so happy that his daddy was letting him have this party. He'd never had a sleepover before and with daddy's strict rules he wasn't sure he'd be allowed to. But Daddy said it was okay and so far Lazar was having a ton of fun. Convincing his friend's parents was kinda hard because they were so young, but since his daddy was a police officer they decided it would be safe. They had fun all day long. First, they played in the pool for a while, and Blue the otter just HAD to show off what a good swimmer he was. Lazar could only do the doggy paddle, but he still tried to keep up. And when they played hide and seek, Melchi the kitten beat them both. For dinner Daddy let them pick out there own pizza; it was so cool. It was such a good day the pup was kind of sad it had to end.

They were all bundled up in sleeping bags in Lazar's room whispering quietly, giggling to themselves. Lazar was the first to drift off, his soft snores telling the boys he was finally out of it. The kitten followed shortly, purring in his sleep rather then snoring. But Blue just couldn't sleep. He had to pee really bad, but he was scared of the dark hallway. Afraid of what his friends would think if he wet the bed, Blue mustered up all his courage and made his way down the hall, dressed only in his tighty-whities.

With his task now finished, the otter pup crept his way back to the bedroom. Suddenly the sleek young body was framed in a rectangle of light as some one flipped a switch. Joel just couldn't believe his luck as he smiled down at the boy from the doorway. "Hi there," murred the older wolf, "Your name's Blue, correct?" The otter just nodded, not sure what to say when confronted by a rather scary adult dressed only in a bathrobe. "I thought so. Lazar talks about you all the time. Always saying what a good friend you are. I'm glad he found someone like you to be his best friend." The boy smiled back up at the grown up, maybe Mr. Wolfe isn't that scary after all. "Now, I'm getting a special birthday surprise ready for Lazar. You can help me out if you like, but only if you're a true friend who'd do anything for him. Would you do anything for my son, Blue?"

The nervous little otter looked around into the darkness, not sure what he should say. He looked up at the shadowed wolf, framed by the warm glow coming from the adult's bedroom. "Sure mister," His voice shaky, "I'll do anything I can to help."

"Just the answer I wanted to hear." He then let the robe slide open, showing his thick sheath just starting to fill out. "I want you to prove it." Using one strong paw Joel gripped the blue furred pups shoulder and pulls him closer, pressing the shocked lad's face into his musky groin. "I want you to show me how good a friend you are to Lazar by taking my cock into your mouth and sucking on it just like it's a yummy lollipop." The pup wanted to argue, but there was something in Mr. Wolfe's tone of voice that told him he was better off giving in. That thick length of wolf cock slowly rose into view as Joel rubbed his sweaty jewels into the boys muzzle. The adult's firm grip guided the young lad to the emerging slab of wolf meat. "Lick it." Barked Joel, "I want you to taste every inch of it." Hesitantly, the otter pup stuck out his tongue, letting it brush the top of the grown man's erection. "That's not good enough boy." growled the wolf, as he pulled the young cub closer and mashed his hard dick against that sweet muzzle. "Really get into it. I want you to really taste it." Needing no further prompting, Blue began to gingerly lap along the policeman's dick, his little tiny tongue gently covering every inch of that throbbing man meat. The grown up just groaned softly at the feeling before guiding the lad up to the leaking tip. Not sure what to do, Blue lapped up a few drops of the dripping pre, wrinkling his nose at the salty taste. He was surprised at how the adult moaned when his tongue touched that oh so sensitive tip.

"Good boy! You certainly are a true friend, aren't you? Time to prove how good. Suck on daddy's lollipop and you'll get a prize." The blue furred otter whimpered a bit before moving in, closing his eyes as he wrapped his lips around the man's fat fuck stick. With his lips just barely around the head he started to suckle, nursing on the wolf's member as the grown man panted above him. "Oh, such a good boy. I knew you'd be a natural. Every cub is a cock slut deep down" With a thrust Joel pushed into that tender muzzle. "Careful of the teeth." Blue just whimpered as the man pushed into his full muzzle. There was nothing the boy could do, he just stood there, paws gripping the canine shaft as the man fucked his face with reckless abandon. Joel, on the other hand, was in pure heaven. He'd been fucking Lazar every day since his son's first birthday, not to mention all the cub loving he'd gotten on the job, but some how this was different. His son's best friend was at his mercy, and being robbed of his innocence just a few feet away from his friends. With a grunt he hunched forward, knowing he wouldn't last long. "Okay, you sweet little slut, you've proven your friendship. Now it's time for your prize. I want you to swallow every drop." With a growl the big wolf gripped the pups head in his paws and thrusted deep into his muzzle one last time as he blew his wad. The cock in Blue's muzzle twitched and pulsed as it spurted, painting his tonsils with a fresh coat of sweet, salty jizz. The young otter drank down everything he could, swallowing as much the adults cum as possible but still some seeped out past his lips. He started to cough as a few spurts worth of seed spurted out of his nose.

Joel stepped back, his semi hard cock still aching for a little more attention, but he knew it'd get better if he waited. "Good lad." He said down to the traumatized young otter, coughing up semen, "Now it's time for Lazar's birthday surprise. Go fetch the kitten so we can get ready."

Lazar whimpered softly as he was jerked abruptly back to the waking world. He glanced about confused at first. He could tell by the dim candlelight that he wasn't in his own room anymore. But as his eyes adjusted, he started to recognize the fact that he was in the living room. The couches and stuff have been moved around, but there was still enough there to be recognized. His next realization was the fact that his hands were restrained, thick leather straps held the naked wolf's paws to the bar above his head. "Daddy, I thought we weren't going to play tonight. It's my birthday." Whined the cub softly.

A thick gruff voice floated out behind the boy. "I never said we wouldn't play son. I just said you could have your birthday sleepover, and invite some friends, but I never said we wouldn't play. You know the rules Lazar, besides, I have a special surprise for you tonight." The little one's father stepped into view, his white fur contrasted by the crotchless red leather chaps he was wearing, as well as the harness that criss-crossed his slim, well defined chest. The grown up walked over to the corner and checked the camera he set up. He turned to smile at his son as he stepped over to the coffee table, checking on something covered with a sheet before picking up a heavy leather flogger. "It's not every day a young pup turns five, you know. And since you are five now it's time for your birthday spanking."

Lazar whimpered softly, "Daddy, please no. What if my friends see? You told me no one could know about our playtime." He tugged at the wrist restraints softly, knowing from experience that there was no way out till his father decided it was time.

"Ohh, don't worry about your friends, my lovely little boy. They'll only find out what I want them to." With that the adult slipped from view and Lazar could feel something soft caress slide across his rump. His tail was gripped and lifted out of the way and the child closed his eyes, knowing what was coming next. He heard a growl from behind him as daddy's voice barks out "One!" The pup whined softly as the first blow was surprisingly light. The next blow came much harder, the lad yipped at the pain as the leather creased his ass "Two!" shouted daddy, the growl having slipped from his voice. The next swat was just as hard, it brought a barking whine from the young birthday boy "Three!" went the chant. As the shout of "Four!" rang out the flogger struck his right ass cheek, only adding a little extra sting to the swat and "Five!" does the same for the left. Daddy walked back into view, his nice thick canine cock already starting to leak as he surveyed his dangling boy. The lad might have protested, but the pale white skin of his immature little erection proved he enjoyed that. As he looked into Lazar's black little eyes Joel smiled and nodded over his son's shoulder. The last swat was the most painful of all since it was a complete shock. The grown up just smiled and purred as he stroked his son's sweet little cock "And one to grow on."

Joel turned away from his trussed up son for a moment. "Put it over there and come help me with the next bit." Blue sheepishly stepped into view holding the flogger. The young otter was completely naked and his blue fur carried numerous semen stains. The boy was holding his head low, seemingly ashamed in his part in all this, but he did sneak a peak over at his friend, noticing the boy's erection. "See Blue, I told you he liked it." Grinned the adult. "Now undo those straps so he can see his birthday cake." Blue muttered apologies as he fumbled with the wrist restraints.

Finally free, Lazar rubbed his wrists and smiled at his otter buddy. "It's okay, really it's fine. Daddy just likes to play silly games." He then craned his neck, trying to see what Joel has planned next. The big wolf was messing with something on the coffee table, but the cubs couldn't see. The adult was careful to stay between them as he wheeled the table closer. With a flourish he stepped to the side, showing off his work of art. Bound and gagged, spread eagle across the table, a cushion lifting his rump up to just the right height was Melchi. His ass was presented to the cubs like a favor. His pink fur standing in contrast as his butt, legs, balls, and sheath were covered with white icing. Five lit candles are planted on that frosted ass, 4 birthday candles spread across the cheeks and one big stick candle thrust into the kittens virgin pucker.

"So, what do you think of your cake my boy?" Crowed Joel as he pulled Lazar over, bringing him closer to the terrified kittens rump. "Blow out the candles and make a wish."

Lazar couldn't see his friends face but he could hear the kitten whimper through the ball gag in his muzzle. But he knew that his father's rules must be followed. It's strange though, Daddy always said that their games had to be kept secret but now he's letting Lazar's best friends play. He leaned forward, took a deep breath and blew. The pup giggled excitedly as all 5 candles went out, that meant his wish would come true. "Yay, I did it!"

"Yes, you did. By the way, don't you think Melchi makes a wonderful cake?" Joel started to pick off the candles as he talks. He saved the biggest one for last, gripping the wax shaft and gently twisting it, slowly pushing it in and out of that tiny hole, making the kitten squeak. "He looks so good I just want to take a big bite." He pulled the candle free, getting a yelp from the cake. "But he's your cake Lazar, so I want you to enjoy it. And once your done eating your cake he's also your present. Your very first fuck"

The blue and white puppy smiled up at his daddy. "Thanks poppa." He leaned in sniffing at his friends frosting covered rump. The sweet scent of sugar and cream mixed with boy sweat and musk. The wolf's rough little tongue flicked out, licking gently at the boy's inner thighs, savoring the flavor of daddy's home made icing on his friends body. The lad slowly made his way up, cleaning his friend's thighs in the processes. The cakes pink contrast to the white icing started to change at the boy's gently licked, a hint of blue started to seep in around the edges. Lazar stopped cleaning his friend's legs and moved on to that sugar coated sheath, kissing and nibbling his way down from the base as the pick meaty tip pushed it's way free from its frosted prison. The blue tint spread on the confused kitten's fur. The pup started to suckle on his friend's meat for a moment, even though there was no icing there to clean. It seemed that Melchi was enjoying himself, the kitten soft squeals of pleasure could be heard through the gag.

"Yes, I think it's about time." Whispered Joel from his spot on the sideline. He's been enjoying the show as his paw slowly masturbated Blue. The white wolf suddenly released the otter, walking over to the cubs at the table. He smiled before bending over and undoing Melchi's gag. The sounds of the kitten's pleasured moans suddenly filled the room. Joel beckoned the otter to join him as the groans rang out like music to the man's ears.

Lazar slipped his lips off his friend's tender boy bits, slowly kissing his way back up the shaft. He paused for just a moment before licking at the tender young testicles. First the left one, that rough sandpaper tongue sampling that tiny musky orb, before engulfing it, rolling it round in his muzzle as he suctioned off ever bit of it's sugary coating. By the time Lazar moved on to the right globe, the pink having completely faded from Melchi's fur, replaced by its original light baby blue. Lazar was a little less gentle with the second jewel, gnawing on it slightly, careful only to use his lips as the kitten squealed. The wolf slid up, eagerly lapping up the icing from his friend's buns, swinging back and forth and tracing a short, tightening arc across the kitten's backside. He nipped gently at that sweet kitty seat as he moved side to side, closing in on the frosted pink pucker of a tender young tail hole.

Melchi yipped softly at the first touch, his friends warm tongue felt rather good on his sore little anus. He moaned out softly at first as that tongue teased his straining ring, pressing against it, pushing and prodding. Finally in the battle between tongue and sphincter, the tiny tongue wins, entering the kitten.

A commanding voice rang out. "That's enough son, now it's time to play with your present." the pup pulled away from his friend as daddy walked over. He gripped the back of the Lazar's head, pulling him into a passionate kiss before letting him go. One paw reached down to stroke the kitten's tiny erection. "Look here son, it's just like I told you, all boys wanna be bitches. That's why I showed you those games and that's why we play every night. Now it's time for you to claim your first bitch."

Joel stepped back as Lazar stood behind his friend. He lined up his little three-inch pecker with the tormented kitten's waiting tail hole. The head of his cock briefly contested with the tight ring of muscle but the combination of spit and butter made things slick enough as the young wolf mounted one of his best friends. The kitten squeals and struggles but can't get away. Lazar just moans at the tight feeling on his cock. He's never felt like this before. It felt better then daddy's paw, even better than his mouth. The pup whimpered softly as he pushed in, thrusting as deep into his buddy's backside as he could manage.

Melchi whined softly, the pink returning to his fur as his friend mounted him. "Lazar...why?" He whimpered as the pup pushed into him harder. It didn't hurt since the candle was just as big, but it was so embarrassing.

"It's okay Melchi. Daddy says it's okay, and he should know." The little pup grunted as he thrusted. "He says this makes you grow up big and strong."

Joel just smiled as his son took what was left of his friend's innocence. "Remember son, he's making you feel good so return the favor." He nodded as Lazar reached around, stroking the kittens softening member. That got the kitten purring again and the little boy started to get back into things. "Hmmm now what was next?" He grinned evilly down at Blue. "Oh yes, now I remember."

The little otter whimpered softly as the adult pulled him close. The adult's strong arms lifted the young boy, holding him close. "W-wait, sir I did what you wanted I helped out with the surprise. I helped you catch Melchi..." He squealed as he felt the head of the cop's seven-inch cock pressing against his butt. "No, no, no please sir you...I did what you wanted. Please don't..." the otter squealed as that water tight little ass hole was stretched open by the adults thick throbbing fuck stick.

Joel groaned loudly as he violated his son's closest friend, holding the lithe little body to his own. Blue felt every little twitch and throb as the wolfs meat pushed deeper and deeper into his boycunt. Joel leaned down and whispered into the traumatized cubs ear. "I lied little slut, you're gonna get fucked hard, and don't think for a moment I'll stop at just once." With a snarl the man forced the boy into a kiss to stifle anymore cries as he dove balls deep into the little brat. He didn't stop there either. Even with his knot half formed it was still a tight squeeze as he stretched that tight anus even wider. Joel held Blue tight as he rocked back and forth. He smiled as he detected the sound of pleased moans under the lads soft sobbing and whimpers with his sensitive ears. "I knew you'd like it ,my little boy whore. Secretly lad, every little boy desires a big fat cock crammed into his ass." The cop reached around and fondled the otter's immature member. It was already starting to swell as the adult punished his little prostate. "My, my, my, what do we have here? I think your even bigger then Lazar." With the young otter held tight to his chest, Joel positioned himself behind his son. "Hold still for a moment boy, we're about to have lots more fun with this one." One paw aimed Blue's now rigid boy cock at Lazar's well-trained pucker. Lazar's moans mingled with Blues as they were sandwiched together. "Ohh yeah, now we can get down to some good hard playing."

Joel started by thrusting hard into the otter and forcing him into Lazar, who in turn grinded his cock into the kitten's tight end. The adult moaned softly as he rocked back and forth, shaking the coffee table with the force of his thrusts, the sound of the trio's squeals, grunts, and whimpers egging him on. He arched his back, hunching over to angle his dick so that it grinding right into the otters immature prostate. Joel was in a state of bliss, eyes shut, tongue lolling out, drooling into the fur of the lads beneath him as he humped like a mad man. He blew his wad down that otter sluts throat merely a half hour ago, but he swore that he could still lose it any moment. Right now he just wanted to savor the raw rutting he was putting into these boys. He took Blues paw in his own and guided it down, around Lazar, and down to Melchi's dick. The addition of two new paws fondling his boybits, on top of the wolf pup pumping in his rear, it was just too much. The kitten shuddered, mewling threw his first dry orgasm; a good start to the chain since the feeling of his buddy's arse tighten on his cock mid release sent Lazar over the edge with a yipping howl, and so on up the line leaving the boys with nothing to show for it. Except for Blue's full belly, and Joel's last shout announces an addition to the otter's collection. The boys bowels were flooded with hot sticky with seed, his tight passage painted with salty ropes of thick jizz. The wolf collapsed forward, pressing down on the collected boys beneath him as he tried to catch his breath. "Son, as soon as I catch my second wind and my knot goes down a bit I want you to help clean up Blue here. Take your time though...your kitten friend still needs to know what it's like to be truly fucked." Joel stood up. the knot straining at Blues abused asshole as the man turned the otter around and forced a wet sloppy kiss on the lads muzzle. "But don't worry there's lots more play time ahead for all of you."

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