Chapter 9: A Deception Unveiled

Story by digiyifffan on SoFurry

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#9 of End Game: Destiny's End (Season 2)

"Vee Headbutt!" Veemon charged the door again, but rebounded off. He fell to the ground, spirals in his eyes. Palmon bent down and rubbed her hands over his head. "Nice effort, but I spent entire days firing blasts into that door as Lillymon. I haven't even tarnished the finish yet." "I figured as much. I just wanted to try it out for myself." Veemon got up and rubbed his head as well. Palmon began to rub his shoulders. "You are very stubborn sometimes, you know that?" "I prefer to be called determined." Veemon smiled as Palmon's fingertips ran down his back and shoulders, massaging his sore muscles. "You're quite good at that." "It gets better." Palmon began to rub harder, kneading his blue skin deeply. Veemon smiled as her hands moved around. Palmon's fingertips slowly extended. Six long serpenty vines began to rub all over Veemon's body, wrapping around his legs, arms and tail. Veemon began to groan in pleasure as his dick was induced out of its hidden sack. Veemon's bright blue dick was soon enveloped in Palmon's vines. Veemon gasped as Palmon began a combination of pulling and rubbing his dick. He became rock hard almost instantly. Palmon smiled as Veemon began to thrash about on the ground as he neared his orgasm. She squeezed all her vines together tightly, almost hugging the life out of Veemon. Veemon groaned as he began shooting out of cum straight up into the air. The cum came back down as gravity took effect, landing all over his crotch and Palmon's vines. Palmon continued to rub his crotch, extending his orgasm for as long as possible. Finally when Veemon collapsed to the ground, she retracted her vines. She licked her cum covered fingers when she brought them back.

"Mmmmm......" Palmon replied as she licked her fingertips clean. Veemon turned his head and looked at Palmon. He began to get up off the ground, but Palmon pushed him back down so he was lying on his back. "You just stay there for a bit." Veemon did what he was told, lying down as Palmon stood up and walked to in front of him so she was standing at his legs. She got down on her knees and examined Veemon's cock. He had already get another erection waiting to see what Palmon had planned for him next. He got his answer as Palmon laid down on her stomach on his knees, and began licking around his crotch. Her tongue began lapping off all the cum from his previous orgasm. She drew in ever-closer circles, cleaning Veemon thoroughly until she finally reached his prick. Veemon's prick was now completely hard again as she began dragging her tongue up the base of his shaft. Veemon held his breath until Palmon finally reached the head of his penis. Veemon breathed out as he felt Palmon's mouth wrap around his prick, taking his entire blue member inside her mouth. Veemon reached up and ran his hands over her flower petals on her head. Palmon smiled as she felt his hands caress his dick's head, and sucked harder. Veemon closed his eyes and moaned s Palmon began licking his dick at the same time sucking on it. Veemon bucked his hips forward once, and Palmon felt her mouth fill with a warm liquid. She swallowed the semen as fast as Veemon shot it out, savoring the taste. She pulled Veemon's dick out of her mouth and licked her lips. "How was that?" Veemon smiled as he sat up. "That was good, but I feel like I'm forgetting something." Veemon pushed Palmon down with his palm, so she landed on her back. "I know what I'm forgetting!" Veemon replied as he grabbed Palmon's hips. He bent down on his stomach and shoved his pointed nose up Palmon's already moist crotch. He shoved his nose in and out of her cunt, breathing in as he did so. Palmon began to moan as Veemon use his nose as a dildo. Veemon, tired of just sniffing her pussy, pulled his nose out. But before Palmon could voice a word of complaint, Veemon plunged his tongue in to replace his snout. Palmon groaned in delight as she felt Veemon's tongue caressed her sensitive cunt lining. She grabbed Veemon's head and pulled him in tighter, wrapping her legs around his neck as he did so. All four of her limbs hugged Veemon as he licked harder. She squeezed tightly as she felt her orgasm run through. Minty pussy juice was lapped up by a hungry tongue, cleaning Palmon's pussy thoroughly as she released Veemon's head. She placed her hands on the ground, sitting up, breathing heavily as she did so. Palmon smiled as Veemon turned over and sat with his head in Palmon's crossed legs. "At least with you sharing this cell with me, the time will go faster. In a way, I hope we never get rescued." Veemon closed his eyes and sighed in contentment. He sat with his head on Palmon's lap as she rubbed his closed eyelids. "Sorry to disappoint you, but Davis should be back shortly." A click in the door lock brought the two to attention. The door swung open as Veemon ready himself for attack. He charged forward, yelling "Vee Headbutt!" Veemon went down tumbling out of the hall, landing on the chest of Davis. "Whoops...." Veemon mumbled jumping off and helping Davis up. "First you throw me in a waterfall, then I risk life and limb sneaking back in this place," Davis rubbed his chest. "Now you try to bust a few ribs!" "Would it help if I said I was sorry?' Veemon asked. "It's ok, I'm just glad you're safe Veemon." Davis gave Veemon a quick noggie, until he noticed another figure coming out of the cell. "Look who I found!" Veemon announced. Palmon quietly came out of the cell and smiled. "Palmon!" Davis cheered, and he rushed forward and grabbed Palmon, twirling her around the room. "That's great! One member of the old team back already!" "I'm glad to see you too!" Palmon choked out surprised. "But we should go see you sister, Veemon told me all about it." Davis put Palmon gently down. "I'd like to, but we aren't powerful enough to take on Epsilon." Palmon smiled. "Oh yeah? Watch." Light twirled around Palmon as she cried, "Palmon digivolve to TOGAMON." A flower opened on Togamon's head as another figure flew out, shouting "Togamon digivolve to LILLYMON." Lillymon landed gently on the ground in front of Davis. Davis first thought was that this couldn't possibly be the same digimon, she was incredible! Lillymon smiled and nodded to Davis. "I learnt a few tricks." Flamedramon, who had digivolved behind the scene walked up, and put a clawed hand on Davis shoulder. "Davis, there something Lillymon told me." He bowed his head. "She informed me who Epsilon is." "I don't care who it is, she's going down for hurting my sister." Davis sneered. "Epsilon is your sister Jun, Davis. I'm sorry." Flamedramon continued. A dark look overcame Davis face. He turned and started walking towards the hall. Flamedramon ran up and grabbed Davis shoulder, but Davis just shrugged his grip off. "Davis stop, I'm sorry I had to tell you." "I don't care. This is a trick. And we're going to find out one way or another. Are you two coming or not?" Davis scowled.

The solid oak door burst into a thousand pieces as Flamedramon and Lillymon sailed in, taking point on either side of the room. Davis strode right up the center and looked at the enormous hall. Vines strung from the ceiling in the narrow hall and crawled down the walls. At the very end was a gigantic solid oak chair where a lone figure with wild brown hair sat in it. Davis' sister smiled at him and replied. "Did you get my shirt?" "Jun, how could you!" Davis ran up to his sister. "Look at what you're doing to this world! People are dying!" "Did you get my shirt?" She repeated. "You aren't my sister!" Davis brought his fists down to his knees. It wasn't anger or hatred he was feeling, as much as utter disbelief. "I can't believe it, my sister would never do anything like this!" "Did you get my shirt?" Davis' sister repeated a third time. "ANSWER ME!" Davis grabbed her wrists, but his hands went right through. Jun's image flashed, and repeated "Did you get my shirt, my shirt my shirt..." Before the hologram blinked out of existence. "IT'S A TRAP!" Flamedramon shouted. "Back to back!" Lillymon announced. Flamedramon stood with his back against Lillymon's, ready for an attack from any angle. Davis stood looking at the chair, still wondering about the fate of his sister. "BEHIND YOU!" Lillymon shouted again. Flamedramon turned, just in time to catch a blast of energy in his stomach. Davis turned around when he heard Lillymon shout and Flamedramon grunt in pain. He dodged Flamedramon's form as it flew over him. Flamedramon continued his trajectory behind Davis and left a sizeable imprint in the stone wall. Flamedramon flashed and turned back to Veemon, and fell to the ground. Davis ran up to Veemon and tried to help him up, but it was clear he was out of it for a while. Davis turned back towards the direction of the attack. He expected many things. A powerful digimon holding Lillymon by the throat, an elaborate machine firing blasts at anything that moved, a human army armed to the teeth. The one thing he did not expect to see was Lillymon by her lonesome; hovering a few inches above the ground, her flower cannon still formed and smoking in her hands. "Lillymon?" Davis choked out. The cannon disappeared. Lillymon ran her hand threw her hair and smiled. "You can call me that if you like." She hovered over the ground and flew past Davis, landing in the oak chair. She crossed her legs and smiled at Davis again. "But now a days, everyone calls me Epsilon."

Chapter 8: Death of an Angel

Patamon was having a beautiful dream. He was Angemon, flying through the air. All around him, viral digimon attacked, but they fell before him till the last one collapsed. When the dust cleared, a beautiful digimon woman walked forward. Long white...

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Chapter 7: Sanctuary

"Oh man, Kari's going to kill me!" TK ranted. "Come on, TK. It's not your fault, you were under the control of the spires." Patamon rested on top of TK's head. "But still I blabbed to everybody!" TK had no idea how to even begin to apologize to Kari....


Chapter 6: Funhouse

"Dang, where'd they all go?" Armadillomon looked around. Gatomon grimaced, that accent of his tended to grind at her pointed ears. "I don't know, but we better get back to Cody and Kari now." "Oh, not just yet." Phantomon shimmered into view. He...

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