Chapter 7: Sanctuary

Story by digiyifffan on SoFurry

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#7 of End Game: Destiny's End (Season 2)

"Oh man, Kari's going to kill me!" TK ranted. "Come on, TK. It's not your fault, you were under the control of the spires." Patamon rested on top of TK's head. "But still I blabbed to everybody!" TK had no idea how to even begin to apologize to Kari. He sighed to himself. "We'd better get back." TK unenthusiastically replied. He was not looking for to the inevitable confrontation with his ex-lover and probably ex-friend. Suddenly, an old lady appeared down the street, and headed towards them. "Patamon, hide! I don't know how people will react to a digimon." Patamon nodded once. As luck would have it, a gym bag half eaten with rot was on the street. Patamon hid in the bag as TK slung the bag over his shoulder. The old lady limped towards them. She walked up towards TK and grabbed his shirt. "Wherever did you get these clothes, sonny? I haven't seen clothes without holes for years." TK was trying to think of an answer when the lady answered for him. "Ah, Joe's Church! I was headed there myself." The old lady blew her nose on her sleeve. "Walk with an old lady and keep her company will you?

TK agreed and the lady started walking down the streets. She walked a little bit ahead, so TK started whispering to Patamon in the bag. "I think we should meet up with Joe and Mimi. We need some more friends. You know what, it doesn't surprise me. Even in this day and age I would expect pacifists like Joe and Mimi to run a church or hospital or something." TK turned up a stairwell right behind the old lady. A crude hand-painted side proclaimed JOE'S CHURCH in bright purple letters. A yellow light cast a long shadow from TK that stretched half way down the street. The old lady turned around and smiled a toothless grin. "We're so close to being safe, safe from the digimon, digimon." The old lady laughed. Suddenly, the doors swung open in front of him. TK and the lady turned around. TK gasped in surprise. It was Joe, but it was not. He still wore his glasses, but had an eye patch over his left eye that barely covered a scar that ran down the side of his face. He was still skinny, but his body had a more muscular look. But the most surprising feature was the pair of .44 magnum revolvers in his hands. TK was about to say something when Joe fired. Two bullets slammed into the lady's chest as she fell down "YOU MURDERER!" TK leapt forward to the woman's aid. "Get away kid!" Joe pushed TK off the railing. TK fell to the ground with a grunt of pain. Patamon landed roughly in the bag next to him. TK was dumbstruck by the turn of events. He was even more surprised when the lady stood, then floated up in front of Joe. "Nice shot." The voice was much deeper now. The old lady turned white, her form warping until a Bakemon appeared in her place. "I hate it when you ruin our fun." "So why don't you come down and do something about it?" Joe shook his weapons at the ghost digimon. "Now, you know any digimon that hurts you or your pink-haired companion has a short life expectancy. But that doesn't mean we can't have some fun with your clientele." The Bakemon flew up in the air, laughing as he disappeared into the distance.

Joe replaced the guns in holsters under his armpits. He jumped down of the stair well. "Sorry kid." He grabbed TK by the shoulders and almost effortlessly picked him up to his feet. TK picked up the bag with the shaken Patamon. Joe motioned for him to follow. "You may as well come in. We don't have much, but you're welcome to share." "Um yeah thanks." TK was fluster by the dramatic change in Joe's personality. "But how did you know?" Joe motioned to the light over the doorway. "Bakemon don't have shadows, and neither did that 'lady'." Joe led TK up the stairs. "The Bakemon like to lead people to my church here, and then kill them on the doorsteps. We've found too many corpses here." TK walked behind Joe as he looked around. This wasn't anything like he expected. No pews, no parishioners. There were cots fill with sick and injured people. "What kind of church is this, Joe?" Joe chuckled. "It's a nick-name the refugees gave it. The digimon don't hurt me for some reason, or anyone around me. I act like a sanctuary of sorts to these people, so they call this place a church. Joe stopped and began to bandage a deep gash over an elderly man's face. TK looked over, slightly nauseated at the sight of so much blood. "I thought you were afraid of blood?" "All the horrors I've seen, a little blood is nothing." Joe got up, finishing his job and eyed TK suspiciously. "How do you know about me?" TK thought fast. "I remember you from camp, right before the digimon came." Joe smiled as the memories flooded back. "Ah yes, you almost cut off finger with that saw in shop. T....K?" TK nodded. "I'm glad to see you survived this nightmare. You may also remember my friend." Joe motioned down the rows where a young girl in a tank top and shorts was helping a middle age lady into bed. "Mimi!" TK exclaimed, happy to see another friendly face. Unlike Joe, it looked like she hadn't change a bit. Mimi got up and walked to TK, and shook his hand. "You have a good memory, we only meet each other in camp for a short while."

TK was about to mention that they all lived in Hightenview Terrace years ago, when he heard a door open. He didn't see anybody at first, until he looked down. A small figure crawled on the ground, carrying a sack bigger than he was. "Hey Joe, I'm back with the fish. Sorry it took so long, but Biyomon went off on another one of his rescue missions." Joe grabbed TK from behind by the shoulders. "Now don't freak on me! I know he's a digimon, but he's harmless." "Gomamon!" TK shrugged off Joe's grip and bent down shaking his paw. "I'm so glad to see you. And Biyomon's safe too? That's great!" Suddenly TK felt a strong grip on his neck. Before he knew it, he was dragged into an empty room and thrown roughly to the ground against a wall. TK's bag fell out of his grip. When he looked up, Joe had a gun leveled at him. "Ok, you know my name and all about me. You know my digimon friends and you aren't scared of them. Now you've got three seconds to tell me who the hell you are and what you are doing!" Patamon saw this whole drama unfold in a hole in the duffel bag. He knew TK told him to stay put, but this was too much. Patamon burst out off the bag. His body expanded, "Boom Bubble!" A surge of compressed air connected with Joe's gun, sending it flying. Joe howled in pain. "I knew it, you traitor! You brought a digimon in here!" With uncanny speed, Joe drew his second magnum and aimed it square between Patamon's eyes. Patamon squeezed his eyes shut as Joe pulled the trigger. "JOE, STOP!" Gomamon hurled himself against Joe's knees. Joe still fired, but the tackled sent his shot off. Joe fell back as his knees collapsed on him. "Gomamon, what are you doing?!" Joe shouted as he jumped up again. "Joe, it's Patamon from File Island!" Gomamon rushed forward as Patamon landed. He grabbed Patamon with his flippers. "Patamon, you're back! But how? I saw you die." Patamon was about to answer when suddenly his breath left him. A glazed look came over his eyes. He fell over to the ground and did not get up.

"I'm sorry." Joe repeated, although he knew words were not enough. "How could you?" TK cried as he kneeled down next to the bunk Patamon was on. Patamon's breathing was slow and labored. His lower body was bandaged with white bandages. A small dot of red appeared on the gauze on his lower torso where the bullet went in. "I'm sorry, he attacked me and I reacted instantly. You have to act fast in this world or you're dead, you must know that." Joe placed a hand on TK's shoulder. The spires began to work on TK's grief-stricken mind. "Get away from me, you murderer!" TK backhanded Joe. Joe took the blow full in the jaw, knocking him over. Joe fell to the ground as TK ran out of the room and out of the building. Joe got up to follow, but Mimi grabbed his arm. "Wait, let me go. You'll probably just aggravate him further." Joe sighed and nodded in agreement. Mimi beamed a quick smile out before taking off after TK. Mimi arrived in the middle of the street. She saw TK turn the corner at the end of the street. She ran after him, turning down the same corner a minute later. She lost him, but the slamming of a door turned her attention to an abandoned hotel. She cautiously opened the door and looked around. She had to be careful, since the spires had probably taken him over completely by now. Footprints in the ancient dust alerted her to TK's whereabouts. She quietly made her way to a rather large hotel room with the doors wide open. It was probably the honeymoon suite. She looked around as she entered the room. "TK?" She called out quietly. The door slammed shut behind her. She gasped in surprise and turned around. TK was standing in front of the door. His eyes were filled with rage. "Joe hurt one of, no, my best friend." TK began to advance on Mimi. "I think I'll do the same to him." Mimi backed up. "Now just simmer down!" TK grabbed Mimi by the shoulders of her tank top. "I know all about you. You're a cowardly pacifist. You'd rather talk then fight, even when you have no choice. You were always a whiny spoiled little girl." "Maybe back at camp..." Mimi balled up her fist, and delivered a gut buster to TK stomach. TK doubled over in pain, still holding on to Mimi's shirt. "But a girl doesn't survive in this world by being a wimp." TK looked up from his hunched over position. He growled and threw Mimi to the ground. Mimi jumped up, suddenly aware of a draft on her chest. She looked at TK, who was holding her tank top in his hand. She didn't have a bra, mainly because shopping malls had become non-existent in this era. If there was one thing that got to Mimi, it was humiliation. The spires hit her full force, filling her with unbridled fury. She screamed and leapt forward, tackling TK, his hat flying off. The two fell back on the king size bed, sending up a cloud of dust. Mimi straddled TK's chest, and wrapped her hands around his neck. TK pushed back on Mimi's chest, trying to get her off of him. Mimi's nipples began to grow hard under TK's palms. There is only one negative emotion more powerful than rage, and it was filling the two of them right now. Their fight slowly turned into something else. TK began to rhythmically squeeze her breasts, turning them in circles. Mimi groaned contented as her tits became rigid. Her hands moved off of TK's neck and around his head, messing up his blond hair. She shifted her hips down and lay down on his chest, and began to kiss and lick TK all over his face. TK's hands wrapped around her bared back, rubbing his palms up and down her creamy smooth shoulders. Mimi moved her hands down and placed them under TK's shirt. She slowly pulled her hands up. She stopped kissing TK briefly as he pulled his shirt over his head, but immediately started again when the shirt was off. This time it was a deep French kiss. Mimi shoved her tongue deeply into TK's mouth, exploring every crevice. She ran her ample breasts up and down TK's chest. TK could feel the hard nipples moving over him as he rubbed her back harder. His hands moved down and under Mimi's tight shorts, feeling her porcelain smooth ass. Mimi moaned in delight as TK moved his left hand around her hips and in between her legs. Mimi groaned as TK rubbed his fingers over her swollen pussy lips. His thumb rubbed her bulb, building her pleasure even more. After a minute of this, TK moved his head down, and started working on Mimi's breasts. He would suck one nipple, placing tiny little bites on the hard tit. Not enough to hurt, just enough for Mimi to thrash about in enjoyment. TK took his index and middle fingers, and plunged them inside her pussy. He began to rub her insides, moving his fingers in and out rapidly. His palm rubbed her clit as his fingers rubbed her insides. Mimi's body was thrashing wildly as TK got his ring finger in as well, filling Mimi up. It took only a few more seconds of his hand job to push Mimi over the brink. TK felt his fingertips become wet as Mimi let out an orgasmic scream that echoed in the dusty halls.

TK pulled his hand out of her shorts and brought it to his lips. He placed the fingers in his mouth, and sucked the juices off him. Mimi smiled and sat up, removing her shorts and pink panties. "Do you want some more?" She asked seductively. She crawled up TK's bare chest, and turned around so her knees were on his shoulders. TK shoved his tongue up Mimi's eager cunt. He lapped up the remaining pussy juices from Mimi's last orgasm, and began to help her on her next. Mimi smiled as she felt TK rub her insides with his talented tongue. Mimi bent down, rubbing her hands over TK's chest until she reached his shorts. She slowly pulled off his shorts and underwear. When his underwear moved over his dick, it snapped straight up pointing to the ceiling. Mimi smiled, "You're big for such a young child." She ran a single finger seductively up the length of his cock. TK shuddered, but still oralled Mimi. Mimi bent down, and slowly began to suck TK's head. TK moaned in delight, and redoubled his efforts. Mimi began to fondle TK's balls while continuing her blow job. TK didn't need much more encouragement, as he filled Mimi's mouth with his seed. Mimi drunk the cum as fast as TK shot it out. TK licked even faster, moving his tongue in as fast as possible. Mimi licked her lips free from the stray semen. She closed her eyes and let out a low moan, cumming over TK's face. TK licked Mimi's lips, savoring the taste like ambrosia. Mimi ran her hand over TK's dick again, making sure she was fully erect. TK starting licking her cunt again, but Mimi pulled her hips off. She turned around and moved her hips down so they were resting on TK. She reached between her legs and grabbed his dick. She got up slightly on her knees and positioned TK's dick at her pussy opening. TK shuddered in high hopes, until finally Mimi sat down, taking TK's ample boy hood inside her. She immediately squeezed her hips tightly, squeezing TK's prick tightly. TK almost came a second time, but held back in order to make it last longer. Mimi began to rhythmically squeeze and buck her hips. While TK was not huge, he more than made up for it with shear enthusiasm as he moved his hips into Mimi's cunt. He plunged himself into Mimi again and again. Mimi groaned in harmony with TK. They began to slam their hips into one another. They both gasped as they came at the same time. Mimi's pussy juice mixed with TK's boy cum. Mimi moaned in delight as she felt her belly filled. TK just closed his eyes and breathed deeply as a mixture of cum dripped down his legs and hips. Mimi fell on to TK's chest, his dick leaving her pussy and flopping out, sending a few stray drops of cum flying. She lay on top of TK breathing deeply as their orgasmic hormones finally passed, sending them both into a deep slumber.

A few hours later after waking up, TK and Mimi were making their way back to Joe's church. They had got up, and apologized repeatedly after the realization of what had happened sank in. Mimi made TK swear he would not tell anyone, especially Joe. He hadn't planned on anyway. If he was right about what he suspected about Joe and Mimi and if Joe were to find out... TK shuddered at what this alternate-reality gun-toting Joe would do to him. Suddenly TK stopped. "Wait." TK announced holding Mimi back. "Listen." "What is it?" Mimi looked around nervously. TK strained to hear, "It sounds like, like harmonica music." TK focused on the source, a figure in the third story window of a near by office building. The music became louder and a deep voice began singing in between the melody. "Well here I am." Da-na-na-na. "The baddest digimon in the land." Da-na-na-na. "And all the young fillies just want to shake my hand." Da-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-naaaaaaaa. "Metaletemon!" TK shouted. "Metal? Where did you get metal from, you squirt?" The figure jumped down from the window and landed in front of TK. Brown furred skin instead of shiny digizoidium alloy covered his body. "It's just plain old Etemon, King of Rock and Gamma's right hand digimon. Un-huh." TK chuckled involuntarily. "That's right, we haven't deleted you in this reality. YET." "A sense of humor, got to love that. Un-huh." Etemon bowed to Mimi, who jumped back. Etemon smiled at the reaction. "Now where were we?" He tapped the harmonica he was holding against his head. "Ah yes, a gift!" Etemon grabbed TK's hand and pulled it out. He dropped the instrument in TK's hand and released his grip. "Gamma wants you to do a concert for him." Etemon turned back to Mimi and blew her a kiss. "Hope to see you there, cutie, Un-huh." Etemon bounded back into the office building and disappeared. Mimi was speechless for a second. "That was one of Gamma's most powerful servants, and you didn't even blink!" TK turned to face Mimi. "Please, I stood eye to eye with Puppetmon, and he was at least ten times more powerful than this tone-deaf clown." TK smiled at Mimi's expression. "I'll tell you about it sometimes. Right now I'm more interested in why he gave me this...." TK turned the instrument over in his hand. His voice stopped. He ran his fingers over the inscription as to verify if it was really what he saw. Mimi saw TK's face turn dark. "Calm down. What's wrong?" TK turned the instrument over showing Mimi the insignia. The name Matt was etched out in the silver casing. "Gamma has my brother."

Chapter 8: Death of an Angel

Patamon was having a beautiful dream. He was Angemon, flying through the air. All around him, viral digimon attacked, but they fell before him till the last one collapsed. When the dust cleared, a beautiful digimon woman walked forward. Long white...

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Chapter 6: Funhouse

"Dang, where'd they all go?" Armadillomon looked around. Gatomon grimaced, that accent of his tended to grind at her pointed ears. "I don't know, but we better get back to Cody and Kari now." "Oh, not just yet." Phantomon shimmered into view. He...

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Chapter 5: The Corrupt Martyr

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