Chapter 8: Death of an Angel

Story by digiyifffan on SoFurry

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#8 of End Game: Destiny's End (Season 2)

Sorry for not updating this series for so long. Things have been pretty busy. But anyway, here's the next part of End Game. Remember to take a look at RedRover's profile if you haven't. Till next time.

Patamon was having a beautiful dream. He was Angemon, flying through the air. All around him, viral digimon attacked, but they fell before him till the last one collapsed. When the dust cleared, a beautiful digimon woman walked forward. Long white wings came from her back, and golden hair strung from her head. Angewomon walked forward toe to toe with Angemon. He bent down and kissed her on the lips, a long deep and hard kiss. Angewomon removed her helmet, and opened her eyes. Angemon balked back in horror. Angewomon's eyes shone a dark red. A hot searing pain filled Angemon's belly, and when he looked down, a black lance was jetting out of his stomach. He looked up and Angewomon's laughing face. Her skin turned pale white, black leather crept over her body, and her hair turned dark transforming her into Ladydevimon. Ladydevimon pulled out the spear as Angemon fell to the ground. Ladydevimon crouched down and ran her fingers through his hair. "Poor Patamon, couldn't save his friends. Poor Patamon, Patamon, Patamon..."

"Patamon!" Somebody cried. Patamon woke up. The funny thing was, the pain in his belly was still there, but it was more like a dull throbbing. He looked down as his eyes focused, and found his lower torso bandaged. "What happened?" "You've been shot. Joe put you in this room by yourself, the humans are still a little edgy around us digimon." The same voice answered. "I'm sorry I woke you, but it looked like you where having a terrible dream. Patamon looked up, and found his head in Biyomon's lap. "Biyomon! You're safe!" Suddenly another thought crossed his mind. "Where's TK?" "The spires got to him and he took off. Mimi and Gomamon are looking for him." Biyomon replied. "I got to go find him!" Patamon announced. He got up quickly and flew, but a sharp pain filled his belly and he landed on the bed again. "You've got to be still, we digimon heal fast, but you where shot seriously. Joe is sorry." Biyomon apologized. "Please don't be too hard on him, he's a little hair triggered." Biyomon was still stunned. "How did you, I mean, I saw you die." Patamon realized this must be a shock for her. "I came from another time-line. In my time-line, we saved the digital world and Earth, but Ladydevimon changed everything, to this, this destiny." Patamon looked around. "Where are other friends? Agumon? Tentomon? Palmon? Everybody?" "I don't want to talk about it please." Biyomon shifted her gaze. "Please Biyomon, I have to know." Patamon pleaded. "What happened on File Island?" Biyomon closed her eyes. "All right." And Biyomon began to tell her tale.

There we where, on File Island in our in-training forms. It was the day, the day we all waited for. Our digivices flew into the air and disappeared. We waited for our human friends to arrive. And waited. And waited. Time passed and we eventually digivolved into our rookie forms. And still we waited. We kept looking into the skies. It was especially hard on poor Palmon. I don't think her gaze ever shifted downwards since she was Tanemon. We didn't know what to do; our whole lives where destined to something that never was. Palmon's grief tuned to self-loathing, and eventually anger. She announced she had no life, and she wanted something, anything. One night we woke up, and she was gone. We were surprised at first, but realized she was right. We couldn't spend the rest of our lives here, but none of us had the courage to leave. It became moot though, as Devimon took over the island shortly after Palmon left. Our lives became as prey, hiding and scouring. A long time went by, and then we heard the sounds of battle. We came out of our hiding place, and saw a new character battling a gigantic Devimon. A lady clad in leather with deep red eyes flew in circles, striking at will with her lance hand. Black blood flowed from a dozen places as Devimon shrunk down back to normal size. Devimon looked up at his tormentor and asked "Ladydevimon, why are you doing this?" Ladydevimon replied, "Because you betrayed me." "I never betrayed you witch!" Devimon coughed up black blood. "True, but you will." Ladydevimon struck with her weapon, deleting him with a swipe of her blade. When Devimon's form completely broke up, she called out to us. "Patamon, Agumon, Tentomon, all of you come on out. I have defeated your enemy." We where unsure at first, but we had no one else to trust. We all came out. She did destroy our most feared enemy. "Who are you?" Gomamon asked. "My name is Ladydevimon." She bowed. "I know all about you. The digivices, and your digidestined and how they never showed." "But how do you know that?" Gabumon inquired. Something didn't seem quite right as he eyed this new character suspiciously. Ladydevimon laughed. A piece of black leather opened on her, and seven digivices strung out in front of us. "I know because I took them. But I'm here to make doubly sure that Magnangemon never comes back. You can never be too careful." We all began to back up, readying for an attack. "Who's Magnangemon?" Patamon squeaked. "Funny you of all digimon should ask. Where I come from, he defeated me, converted my army, and was a great lover." Ladydevimon chuckled as her hand reshaped into a lance. "He happens to be your ultimate form Patamon. No hard feeling, eh lover angel?" We all fired as one. Ladydevimon flew in the sky, dispersing every blast with a wave of her hand. I flew behind her and fired another spiral twister. It hit her in the small of the back. She barley flinched. With lightning speed she reached behind her and grabbed my by the neck. She pulled me around and held the tip of her weapon to my throat. "Well I did come for Patamon, but you all can join him." "NO!" Patamon screamed. "I give up, just let her go!" "You mean you'll sacrifice yourself for her? Nobel." Ladydevimon's grip on my throat tightened. "Yes, just promise me you won't hurt any of my friends." Patamon flew so he was face to face with Ladydevimon. "I can live with that." Ladydevimon threw me into Tentomon, who was sneaking up behind her. We both fell to the ground as her long fingers wrapped around Patamon's neck. "Too bad you can't." I opened my eyes as Ladydevimon flew straight up. We heard a high pitch scream, and could see orange dots float away from Ladydevimon's hands. She landed back down in front of us. We all had tears in our eyes, and all tackled her again in rage. Ladydevimon threw us all to the ground. "I just wanted to see the look on your faces. I would delete you for defying me, but I am a lady of my word. That, and the fact that you are no threat to me. I think I'll keep you alive for my own amusement." Ladydevimon flew up in the air, and disappeared from sight, leaving us with our grief.

Biyomon closed her eyes as she finished the story. It was something she replayed over and over in her mind. She had came back to Joe's Church to tell Gomamon that she found another chosen digimon called Hawkmon. Imagine her surprise when she met Gomamon on the way out, and he told her that Patamon was alive and with a digi-destined! But there was a mis-understanding or something. She didn't understand what he was talking about until he led her to a back room. There was Patamon, bandaged and badly injured. It was just like that day on File Island. She broke down crying and grabbed Patamon's head. Gomamon told her she had better watch over him. He was going to look for Mimi and that digi-destined named TK. Biyomon had spent the better portion of the night just holding Patamon's head and watching him breath. Joe had come in once or twice, she barely noticed. He had apologized and asked if she needed anything, but he had not come back in over an hour. Biyomon began to run her wing over Patamon's head again. Patamon closed his eyes, feeling the feathers caress his forehead. He began to sigh softly, forgetting the pain in his belly as Biyomon massaged his temples. He began to shift his position, nuzzling closer to Biyomon chest. Biyomon looked down at Patamon. "You sacrificed yourself to save my friends, to save me." Patamon replied with his eyes still closed. "I know you would do the same."

"But now you're back. Everything going to be all right now." Biyomon placed her chin on top of Patamon's head. "I'm sure of it." She wrapped her wings around Patamon's body, hugging him tightly. Patamon felt a slight twinge of pain in his stomach, but he had almost completely healed. Biyomon kissed the top of his head. Patamon was beginning to be turned on he realized, especially as he felt the familiar feeling of his dick leaving his hidden pouch. Biyomon felt the tip of his cock against her wing tips. Patamon blushed embarrassed and stuttered something. Biyomon turned around him and licked him over the face once. "You saved my life Patamon. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you. There's nothing I would deny you." She bent forward and placed her beak on his lips. Patamon opened his mouth, taking her beak inside. Biyomon opened her beak and stuck out her tongue. Patamon felt her tongue work inside his mouth, wrapping around his own. He could feel her wings run up his back, tickling him slightly. Her wings moved down slowly, until they reached his ass. Patamon let out a high pitched moan that died in a whimper. Biyomon began to play with his short tail, stimulating Patamon even more. Biyomon took her beak out of Patamon's mouth, so Patamon moaned loudly now. The room was nearly sound proof luckily, so the humans barely heard. Biyomon began licking his non-existent neck, moving down to his chest, just above the bandages. Biyomon began to run her tongue up and down the entire length of Patamon's chest up to his neck, Patamon breathing in and out as she did so. Biyomon began to run her wings up and down Patamon's dick, already half out of his pouch and starting to get hard. Biyomon ran her tongue up and down his chest at the same rate she ran her wing tips over his cock. Finally when Patamon's lock and slender cock obtained maximum hardness, Biyomon stopped licking Patamon's chest. Patamon's chest fur was completed matted and wet, sticking together in clumps. Biyomon brought her wings back around Patamon's ass, and began rubbing it again. She opened her beak and stuck out her long thin tongue. She placed it at the base of Patamon's shaft. Patamon's entire body shuddered in delight and anticipation. She very slowly lifted her head, dragging her tongue up the underside of Patamon's dick. Her tongue finally reached the head, and came off with a slurp. Biyomon let out a sigh of enjoyment, and another sigh when Biyomon out her tongue back at the bottom of his shaft again, and repeated the same long, slow, and wet procedure. Biyomon did this a third time, eliciting another high pitch shrill of happiness from Patamon's mouth. Biyomon felt Patamon's dick begin to vibrate, meaning he was almost at his climax. She moved her hands from Patamon's ass and placed them on his back. Biyomon began to lie down on her back, pulling Patamon on top of her. Patamon felt Biyomon's feathers ticking his dick, an all-together pleasant experience, but Patamon wanted more. He moved himself slightly down, positioned his dick between Biyomon's legs. Biyomon felt the head of his cock pushing around, trying to find an opening in her forest of feathers. Finally, she felt the dick head push against her pussy hole. Biyomon let out a shrill coo as Patamon began to push his length. Patamon was so long, and Biyomon so tight, that he could only get three quarters inside her tight twat. This was more than enough for Patamon. Biyomon's cunt walls hugged his dick so tightly it felt like she didn't want him to leave. Patamon had to grunt in effort to pull his dick out. He felt a slight twinge of pain in his belly as he pulled out, but the hormones coursing inside him all but over shadowed the pain. He plunged himself in again; getting a little further inside as Biyomon expanded to fit him. Biyomon placed her wings on his butt, urging him to go faster. Patamon complied, moving his hips back and forth as fast as he could. Each time he thrusted forward, Biyomon's cunt expanded, taking a little but more of Patamon's dick inside her. Patamon's dick began to vibrate as he neared his orgasm. Every inch of Biyomon's insides were oscillating as one. Biyomon moved her wings to Patamon's back and pulled him tightly. She took Patamon's entire length insider her, burying him up to the very base of his shaft. She let out a coo as she orgasmed. Patamon left himself inside her, the wetness and tightness of Biyomon's pussy gripping his dick as it vibrated one more time. Patamon's dick shot up his cum inside Biyomon's twat. Biyomon could feel a warmness fill her as she hugged Patamon tightly. Patamon's body shuddered as he wrapped his ear wings around Biyomon's head. His cum leaked out from her cunt, forming a tiny puddle between the Biyomon's legs.

Biyomon had her wings wrapped around Patamon tightly, his dick still inside her pussy. It was if she was afraid she was to let him go, for fear he would disappear again. They didn't even hear the door open, but their attention was finally diverted to the door when they heard growling. Biyomon turned around and saw Gomamon in the door. There was a scowl deeply running across his normally cheerfully face. He dug his claws deeply in to the floor, drawing slivers of wood. "Gomamon, I...I...I'm sorry!" Biyomon stuttered. "It just...happened." She pushed Patamon away, her cunt still dripping wet with Patamon's cum. "YOU!" Gomamon's eyes were filled with frenzy, scaring Patamon half to death. He had never seen Gomamon with anything less than a smile on his face. Now he had an expression that would be envious of any viral digimon. "What's going on!?" Patamon backed up on the bed as Gomamon jumped up with the two. "She's MINE!" Gomamon dragged his claws across the bed, shredding the blanket. He made his to Patamon, breathing hard. Biyomon grabbed Gomamon's head from behind. "Don't let the spires take over Gomamon!" She held on tightly. "Don't get angry!" Gomamon growled. He twisted out of Biyomon's grip and swiped at her with his flipper. "Get off me you digi-slut!" He snarled. Biyomon took the blow full in the face, rolling of the bed and to the ground. She made a half hearted attempted to stand up, but passed out before she could get to her feet. Patamon realized that spires must affect digimon as well as humans. "Gomamon calm down! I didn't know she was your girlfriend!" Gomamon let out a primal growl. The spires had completely took over him now. "I don't how you came back from the dead." Gomamon brandished his claws. "But it's going to be a short trip."

Chapter 9: A Deception Unveiled

"Vee Headbutt!" Veemon charged the door again, but rebounded off. He fell to the ground, spirals in his eyes. Palmon bent down and rubbed her hands over his head. "Nice effort, but I spent entire days firing blasts into that door as Lillymon. I...

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Chapter 7: Sanctuary

"Oh man, Kari's going to kill me!" TK ranted. "Come on, TK. It's not your fault, you were under the control of the spires." Patamon rested on top of TK's head. "But still I blabbed to everybody!" TK had no idea how to even begin to apologize to Kari....


Chapter 6: Funhouse

"Dang, where'd they all go?" Armadillomon looked around. Gatomon grimaced, that accent of his tended to grind at her pointed ears. "I don't know, but we better get back to Cody and Kari now." "Oh, not just yet." Phantomon shimmered into view. He...

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