Chapter 6: Funhouse

Story by digiyifffan on SoFurry

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#6 of End Game: Destiny's End (Season 2)

"Dang, where'd they all go?" Armadillomon looked around. Gatomon grimaced, that accent of his tended to grind at her pointed ears. "I don't know, but we better get back to Cody and Kari now." "Oh, not just yet." Phantomon shimmered into view. He traced a blade across the sky, as if to announce his presence to the world. "Bring it on, laundry sheet." Gatomon struck a fighting stance. Armadillomon was impressed by her ferocity. "Calm down, Gatomon. I have not come for a fight." Phantomon lowered his blade. "I battled you once, and am not interested in doing so again. I am impressed though. Coming back from the grave, that was something I thought only I could do." "So what do ya want, you varmint?" Armadillo brandished his claws. "This is not for you, you speech-defective mole." Phantomon turned his attention back to Gatomon. "Beta wishes for you to visit him at his castle." Gatomon smirked but Phantomon stopped her comment with a wave of his scythe. "Before you answer, Beta wishes to present you with a little token." Phantomon slipped an object out of his sleeve and threw it to Gatomon's feet. Gatomon looked down at her paws. When she recognized the object, something welled up inside her. She didn't know it, but the spires where working on her as well. All of her logic disintegrated. Gatomon looked up and screamed. She leapt at Phantomon with rapid speed. Phantomon moved quickly, but still lost a piece of his shawl from her razor sharp claws. Phantomon flew up high and bowed. "Beta is waiting." Gatomon snarled as Phantomon disappeared. Armadillomon walked over to Gatomon as she stared up to the sky. "What's the prob?" Gatomon tore off without a word, dropping the object she was holding. Armadillomon tried to keep up, but she was much faster than he was. He finally gave up and decided to head back to Cody. Before he went back he picked up the article Gatomon dropped. He couldn't figure it out. Why did she get all worked up over a wooden rod with a golden sun at the end?

Cody and Kari were still in the subway station, Kari embarrassed beyond belief. She had done it with Cody, who was four years younger than her. Granted, she explained it to him after the spire's effect wore off, and Cody said he understood, but if TK or Davis found out... "Look, Armadillomon's back!" Cody pointed up the stairs to Armadillomon running over a mound of rubble. He appeared to have some sort of stick in his mouth. Armadillomon ran up to Cody and dropped the staff at his feet. "Armadillomon, this is no time to play fetch!" "Sorry, y'all, but Gatomon just up and left. Phantomon gave this here thing to Gatomon, and you could see the temperature rise." Armadillo answered. Kari walked over and picked up the rod. "Wizardmon, he must be alive!" She announced joyously. "But I thought Izzy said your friend Wizardmon was killed?" Cody asked. "He must have just been captured." Kari looked up and saw Gatomon jump down from a roof. "I'm sorry I ran off. I just saw that Wizardmon was alive and something came over me. It felt like, like, a black gear." Kari gasped at the phrase. "It's ok, I'm fine now." Gatomon assured. "The spires must work on digimon as well as humans, but only temporary. I'm just glad they wore off before I did something foolish." "Well, it's good you came back." Kari hugged Gatomon to emphasize the point. "Now we can all go to Beta's and rescue Wizardmon together." "Are you sure you want to keep that plan? Alpha has much better room service." A single Vilemon flew down behind Armadillomon. In his hands a long sword gleamed in the little light there was in the station. "If you think that sword impress us, yer wrong ya over grown buzzard." Armadillomon stood on his back legs. "No?" Maniacal laughter came from this Vilemon's mouth. He took the sword and threw into the ground in front to Cody. He threw the sheath beside the blade as it jetted out of the ground. The Vilemon jumped up into the air. "I think someone will find this particular weapon interesting. Toodles. Alpha sends his warmest, as does his guest." Cody picked up the sword and yanked it from the ground. His eyes studied it intently. He didn't say anything until Armadillomon questioned him. "What's the matter?" Cody took the weapon and placed it back in the sheath. He then wrapped the sheath behind his back. "I'm going to Alpha's. He's got my grandfather."

"I'm glad you decided to come with me." Cody whispered as he made his way through the dark grounds. "I know you wanted to rescue Wizardmon." "I know, but we can't all split up." Kari was next to Cody as they wandered through Alpha's lair, a converted amusement park. Kari looked around nervously. In her time, this place was teeming with kids, filled with sounds of joy. For some reason, this setting was spookier then any place she's ever been. She could swear someone was following in the shadows, but every time she looked behind, there was no one there. "Kari's right. Wizardmon's strong; he'll be fine for a little bit. Your grandfather's old, we should rescue him first." Gatomon scampered across the roofs of abandoned carnival games. "Don't be so hard on Cody's Grand-pa. He's a tough old bird, I reckon." Armadillomon scouted ahead. Lights up ahead caught his eye. "Hey y'all, come and take a gander at this!" The group walked forward, stopping in front of the only powered up ride in the park, an enormous fun house. It had obviously been expanded a hundred fold. They looked up in wonder, as it seemed to travel to the skies. "Well, I guess this Alpha's lair." Cody craned his neck up. "What was you first clue?" Gatomon replied a rather snotty tone in her voice. "Gatomon! Don't be rude." Kari lectured. It was unusual for Gatomon to be so coarse. "Sorry, Cody." Gatomon apologized. "I guess I was just worried about Wizardmon. I shouldn't have snapped." "It's ok Gatomon, I'm worried about everybody to. Especially Grandpa." Cody started to walk into the entrance, the mouth of enormous clown. The rest followed suit. Unlike the lighted outside, the inside was dark. The four took to feeling the walls. Now Kari could swear she heard someone behind her, but she couldn't see anyone when she looked back in the limited lightning. "WELCOME! WELCOME!" Lights flew on, blinding them as their eyes adjusted. Carnival music filled the air, which only seemed to heighten the fear. The walls turned out to be mirrors as well, as a thousand distorted images of Cody, Kari, Gatomon, and Armadillomon filled the room. Suddenly, a fifth figure mixed in with the army of clones as he walked in the way the group came in. A tall thin clown dressed in a gray skintight suit. His unmoving face was painted black and white with the face of drama, one side smiling, and one side frowning. "I am so glad you decided to come to my fun-house! It's gets so lonely here without any entertainment. Imagine my utter delight when I heard digidestined have come to amuse me!" Alpha clapped his hands together. "Oh, please forgive my rudeness, I am Alpha." Armadillomon growled. "You're going down, clown boy!" Armadillomon charged, but only rebounded off an unbreakable mirror. He fell back stunned. "Wrong one!" Alpha laughed, and he brought out three balls and started juggling. A familiar ring in his voice filled Kari's ears. Where had she met this lunatic before? She pushed the thought from her mind. "Gatomon, Digi-armor-energize!" Gatomon snarled and leapt forward. "I don't need to digivolve to take out this clown." Gatomon leapt at the real Alpha, who skillfully dodged. "Nice reflexes kitty, let's test them further." One of the balls flew from Alpha's hands and exploded in gas around Gatomon. Gatomon coughed and fell next to Armadillomon. "Now how about a ride for my new friends!" Alpha clapped his hands, and a trapdoor sprung open underneath the two digimon. Armadillomon and Gatomon disappeared down the pit. Alpha turned back to Cody and Kari. They were trying to escape, but couldn't even find each other, let alone an exit. "Now who wants to play next?" "I do!" The three didn't notice a fourth figure sneak in. "Pepper Breath!" A fireball seared out, but harmlessly collided with a mirror. "Agumon! How lovely you decided to join us! The more the merrier!" Alpha walked around, closing in on the kids. Cody remembered his grandpa's sword on him. He reached behind his back and brandished his sword. Before he could do anything though, another one of the juggling balls exploded in his face. Sleeping gas swirled in his nostrils, and Cody passed out on the ground. "Cody!" Kari screamed, picking up the slumbering child, his hand still gripping the sword. Agumon had followed these kids into the fun house. He didn't know why, but he felt a connection with them. And now all he knew is he had to protect them "Pepper Breath!" A fireball seared from Agumon's mouth, but he aimed straight up. The fireball splashed against the roof. Long neglected fire sprinklers burst open with rusty colour water. The mirrors became streaked and a path seemed to instantly open up. "Come on, you two, let's get out of here!" Cody, Kari and Agumon streaked down the corridor, but the only escape route took them further into Alpha's lair.

"Wahooooo!" Armadillomon shouted as he fell down the slide, which came to an abrupt halt as it dumped him into a cage. Armadillomon rolled into a ball to absorb the impact, and spun on to his feet. "What a ride!" He was joined shortly by Gatomon, who simply landed on her feet. The trapdoor above them shut, sealing them in. "Well, where are we?" Gatomon looked around, apparently not too concerned. She brandished her claws and sliced at the bars. Sparks and sound filled the cage, but the bars where no worse for wear. "Seems evil villains always good contractors." "Well, we'll just have to up and dig ourselves out, yup." Armadillomon stared tearing at the floor, but quickly discovered the floor was just as tough as the cell walls. Armadillomon stopped his attack. "We'll don't that beat all, now what are we supposed to do?" Suddenly Gatomon's tail whipped around and slowly dragged itself across his nose. Gatomon smiled as she waved her tail back and forth, the golden ring seemed to be almost hypnotizing Armadillomon. "I can think of something." Armadillomon was taken aback by Gatomon's abruptness. "Whoa, just a second there missy! We should be trying to escape this oversized bird cage here." Gatomon's tail flicked under his chin. "We already tried, and there's no way out. We'll just have to wait for someone to come rescue us. I was just saying we could do something in the mean time. Besides, I find that accent absolutely irresistible." Armadillomon was about to protest again when Gatomon's long tail wrapped his neck. The golden ring made a little chime as it connected with his hard shell. The only female digimon in the group was coming on to him, and here he was resisting? Being under that digi egg for so long must have scrambled his brains. He caught the flipping tail in his mouth. Gatomon smiled as she began to lead the enticed Armadillomon around like a dog on a leash. Armadillomon finally released Gatomon's tail and leapt forward, pushing Gatomon into the steel bars. He placed his hands on her feet to keep her from moving, if she even planned on it. His nose was level with her pussy, and he immediately buried his nose into it. Gatomon let out a purr and rubbed her paws over Armadillomon's head. She could feel hot air washing over her cunt. Gatomon's tail whipped around and dragged under his chin. "I hear you're good at working in holes, aren't you?" A tongue thrusted up into her cunt was her answer. Gatomon closed her eyes and shivered as Armadillomon began to eat her out. Armadillomon's wet touch moved in and out of her inside, licking every place he could reach. Armadillomon breathed in deeply, inhaling the smell of her cat twat like fine wine, and savoring the taste. Gatomon ran her hands over Armadillomon's face rapidly as the mole began to lick faster. "Purrrrrr, morrrrree....." Gatomon's pleaded. Armadillomon pushed his tongue in even deeper, burying the first part of his snout inside her cunt. His dick had begun working his way out of his hidden pouch from a combination of the taste, sound, and smells emanating from Gatomon's body. Gatomon let a purr as she came. Pussy juice flowed inside Armadillomon's nose causing him to choke a little. He licked his lips clean as Gatomon's moaning finally died down. "That was very good, I always said you were good at burrowing." Gatomon got down on her four paws and turned around. She took her paws and reached behind her. She gripped her pussy lips and pulled herself wide open, giving Armadillomon a full view of her spread. Her cunt was dripping wet as a few drops dripped to the ground. "Let see what else you're good at." Armadillomon jumped on Gatomon's back. Gatomon let out a little grunt and placed her front paws back on the ground to support Armadillomon's weight. Armadillomon had to completely climb on Gatomon's back in order to get in position. His back paws dangled just off the floor. Gatomon easily support his mass as his front paws wrapped around her chest holding her tightly. She could feel the head of his dick rubbing against her behind as he shifted his position. Armadillomon rubbed his dick up against her furry butt, getting himself as hard as possible. Gatomon was getting annoyed with his inability to find her, so her tail wrapped around the base of Armadillomon's substantial cock. She pulled his dick into her ass, deciding she wanted to be analed, since she already had her pussy done. The tightness wrapped around Armadillomon's prick like a vacuum. A goofy grin crossed his face as he shoved himself up completely up her ass hole. Gatomon shuddered as she felt her rectum filled up. Armadillomon began humping, pulling half way out before thrusting in again. He held on to Gatomon's chest tightly as he bucked his hips rapidly. Gatomon closed her eyes and shuddered every time Armadillomon propelled himself in. Gatomon decided that her pussy needed a little treatment as well. Her agile tail whipped down under Armadillomon's legs and up between her legs. She plunged the tail in her pussy, letting out a long sigh as she did so. She began to twist her tail left and right, the fur rubbing the inside of her cunt. She started to move her tail in and out at the same time, all the time rotating it as the same time. All the while Armadillomon was slamming into her ass, drawing ever closer to his orgasm. Gatomon moved her tail in and out faster. Her hair rubbed the insides as she plunged the fur-lined dildo in as fast as she could. Armadillomon bucked his hips one more time. He shot his an enormous load for such a small digimon, coating Gatomon's rectum with semen. The white liquid dripped out of her ass hole and down her legs. Gatomon meowed as she felt her butt being filled up. She came a second time with a purr of contentment. Her tail was soaked with her pussy juice. She pulled the tail out of her satisfied cunt. Drops of pussy juice dripped to the floor as Armadillomon fell off her back. Armadillomon landed on the ground, his dick already shriveling back inside him. Gatomon got off her paws and knees and ran her tail up her cum soaked legs, taking the seed off her fur. She brought the tail to her mouth and licked Armadillomon's seed off. "Not bad, tasty." Armadillomon responded with a snore. He had already collapsed on to his belly and had fallen asleep. Gatomon shook her head. "Typical male." She dragged her tail across Armadillomon's nose, causing him to snort in his sleep and shift his position. Gatomon sighed and decided she may as well get some rest too. She curled up in the corner and fell asleep.

Alpha sat back in his surveillance room. One screen displayed Gatomon and Armadillomon asleep in a cage. He had arrived to find them slumbering, probably exhausted from battling him. In another screen was Agumon leading Kari, who was carrying Cody on her shoulder. Alpha enjoyed the obvious fear on their faces. He had decided to allow the children to wander helplessly in his funhouse for a while, to heighten the terror they already felt. They would soon find there was no escape. Only then would he make his final performance. The capture of the girl Kari, Alpha dragged a finger across a fine-edged sword he held drawing a thin drop of blood as he finished his thought, and the death of the boy Cody.

Chapter 7: Sanctuary

"Oh man, Kari's going to kill me!" TK ranted. "Come on, TK. It's not your fault, you were under the control of the spires." Patamon rested on top of TK's head. "But still I blabbed to everybody!" TK had no idea how to even begin to apologize to Kari....


Chapter 5: The Corrupt Martyr

Yolei rubbed her head as consciousness came back, along with an ensuing headache. Her eyes finally focused on a figure in front of her. Hawkmon was the first thing she saw when her vision cleared. He had brought her back to the school, with great...


Chapter 4: Epsilon's prisoner

"Davis, are you feeling better?" Veemon asked. He had devolved back to his rookie form. "NO! I am not!" Davis stomped a foot. "TK! TK! TK! She screwed TK!" "Davis, calm down!" Veemon shouted. "With that reject from Gilligan's Island! How could...
