The Dragon's Highway Pride

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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The Dragon's Highway Pride

Cheng's Pearl Restaurant, Famity City Center

2nd of December, 10:38 PM

Order after order was designated to the white wolf, but the customers weren't making them.

"Baxter keep that station clear: they might want to come into the kitchen!"

"Baxter keep that soup stirring, don't let the chicken burn!"

"Baxter change your shirt: you've got something on your underarm!"

The head chef, Cheng Junior, had one hundred and one tasks for Seth to do before his shift was over, yet the restaurant was serving the meager amount of twenty five. But these customers were special. What made them special was that these customers were celebrities who would certainly attract a crowd that would keep business booming until the decade was over. Everyfur from Famity to Fait to Prhrhan knew that the restaurant had served a famous writer only a week ago, but no fur had anticipated fifteen other celebrities and their partners visiting in a group. They'd hired out the entire restaurant for the night and were paying by the hour, so the Chengs were hardly mad about having their restaurant taken over for the night.

These celebrities had brought with them a fan group of around five hundred, Seth could hear their screaming and shouting over the usual clatter of the kitchen surrounded him. "Didn't know that I had fans!" Seth, speaking to a fellow chef, gestured at the security force that also occupied the kitchen. This security force had been brought in by the celebrities. Every door had been locked to prevent fans from getting in and they constantly checked the dishes for poisons, despite the fact that they had searched the entire restaurant (including the chefs) from top to bottom and had found nothing out of the ordinary. "You'd better not fuck up my soup!" Seth growled to a large, buff lion who was drinking his soup from the metal ladle. "If I get fired because your mangy mane furs got into my dish I'll fuck you up." The white wolf threatened with snarls, the lion just give the chef a disregarding look and carried on to taste the other dishes.

"Are the twenty number five starters ready to be served?" A waiter shouted, leaning through the gap to the kitchen. The brown river otter appeared overwrought with anxiety, incessantly checking his watch and bouncing about on his paws as he waited. "Baxter, how's that soup coming along?" Cheng howled from across the kitchen. "I know that we had you cooking some for their starter, but they want another batch." He elaborated. The black and white panda was dashing around the kitchen, checking on everyfur and everything. Occasionally, he would stop to help out, but aside from that he was doing nothing productive. This had forced many of the kitchen staff to work two stations rather than one, Seth was one of these unfortunate furs. "It won't be long now, boss. They wanted croutons in it didn't they?" Where as most of the other kitchen staff would have stuck a post-stick note to their station, Seth was cocky and challenged himself to remember everything without a prompt. "I told you to fucking use post-sticks!" Cheng shouted nearly tearing his head furs out from under his net, but cooled off before the guests could hear his screaming. "It wasn't mentioned, but don't do it just because you can!" "For fucks sake!" Seth growled and nearly punched his station in anger. He dived into the dish with his ladle, trying to fish out the croutons before he lost his job in a blaze of lawsuits, bad press and an enraged panda trying to kill him.

"Baxter, they're starting to complain about how long a simple dish...!" The river otter stressed, shouting from the same position as before. "... is taking." He finished. This time, he came into the kitchen and tried to swipe the soup bowl from Seth. "Baxter it needs to be served now!" The young pup tried to wrestle Seth out of the way. "Fuck off, pup! I'm not finished with-" "Baxter! Let him have the soup, now! Otherwise you can kiss that promotion goodbye!" Cheng ordered. That got Seth to obey. The white wolf backed away from the dish, forepaws raised in submission. "Well at least I'm not the fur who has to deal with their complaints." "Yes you are, Baxter." The waiter announced sounding glad. Seth glared at the mustelid in confusion. "They want the chef to deliver it, something about a proper thank you." After loading the entire thing onto a cart, the waiter trotted off to hold the door. The wolf entirely forget about how long it had taken him to prepare the dish as well as the fact that croutons were swimming in the dish, these facts were replaced by a sense of pride. The wolf was pushing the cart through to the restaurant's guests in the blink of an eye.

The restaurant itself was completely different to the kitchen's white and blacked tiled interior, for one it didn't smell of fish. Instead it smelt strongly of spice and incense which was being burnt in the foyer and wafted through the doors. There was a dark black carpet along the floor which was rarely sullied by dropped food, thanks to the cleaners who worked around the clock. The furniture was made of cheap sepia wood chairs with fancy patterns carved into them, but already Cheng was planning on replacing everything with anything that was more expensive and stylish than what he currently had.

All of the tables, except for an enormous group table consisting of thirty places, had been pushed against the wall to give the celebrities space to move about in. Drunk out of their minds, some were up dancing with their partners or even a fellow celebrity. Most of these furs cheered when they saw Seth approaching with his recently well renowned soup. The writer, a polar bear weighing no less than 400 pounds, who had originally tasted and fallen in love with Seth's soup stood from his seat and tapped a glass with a metal spoon. The horrible sound resonated through the entire restaurant, catching everyfur's attention.

"Ladies and gentlefurs!" His gruff voice boomed, for a writer he had an extraordinarily loud voice. "I know that most of you followed my opinion ando ordered Baxter's fantastic chicken soup for your starter, but how about we all taste it another time to finish our night off with a truly magnificent dish?" Many of the celebrities started cheering, roused by the writer's speech. The polar's bears forepaws shout out, gesturing to the approaching wolf. "This, my friends, is the mastermind himself who carefully crafted his dish out of what must have been the finest ingredients on the market." The attention now turned to Seth, who's ego was further bloated. He stood up tall and smirked. "I can cook it a hundred times over if you'd like." He cut the polar bear off, but the ursine did not seem to mind too much. Grinning from ear to ear, he boomed: "I'm sure that if this dish is as perfect as the last, I'll pay you to cook it a thousand times just for me!" The restaurant erupted into laughter, Seth faked his laugh so that he did not offend the writer who adored his dish.

"Now sit, Baxter. It's always good for a chef to try his own meal." "Me?" Seth pointed to himself. "Of course, you did cook this soup didn't you?" "Yes. And I know how cliché that sounds, but no fur else in that sauna could cook soup like mine." The wolf winked back to Cheng who was watching closely as he was shown to an empty seat. Seth happily accepted as a bowl of his soup was placed under his nose. It smelt wonderful, much better than it had in the kitchen now that I did not mingle with the hundreds of other smells.

A mummer erupted among the group, something was amiss. "What's this, Baxter?" The polar bear raised an eyebrow as he poked one of of the croutons with his spoon. "A crouton." Seth flinched, knowing that he'd messed up big time. "I've never tasted one before, but it can't hurt to try." The polar bear was the first to push one of the crusty pieces of bread into his mouth. He crunched down on it, trying to get a taste of it. There was a faint hint of chicken that had come from the soup, but overall it had no taste. "This is..." The polar bear pulled a foul face and glared at Seth. The wolf gulped and seemed to shrink in his chair, fearing for his career. "Better than I expected!" The polar bear guffawed as he swallowed. He nearly doubled over in laughter at his own little trick, the polar bear ended up covering his mouth with both forepaws to silence himself. When this happened, the rest of the table couldn't get enough of the croutons and spent an entire hour savoring the dish.

By the time it was over, the celebrities had gathered around Seth to congratulate him personally; the polar bear was the last to do this.

"Baxter, is it?" He said with a booming voice, despite the fact that the wolf stood just in front of him. The ursine offered a forepaw to Seth. "Actually it's Seth." The wolf corrected as he accepted the writer's shake. "Ah! And here I was thinking that Baxter was actually your first name. No matter. I'm Shane Fausto, have you heard of me?" Shane seemed to be trying to not come across as arrogant or haughty, carefully picking his words as he spoke so that he sounded intelligent at the same time. "Who hasn't?" "Flattering." Fausto chuckled, a warm smile spreading over his face. "But blarney will get you no where." "I don't except it to, that's why I have looks." Seth winked and clicked without thinking too much about it, all he was interested in was showing himself off. Shane burst out into laughing, "Is that flirting?!" Shane returned the wink when his laughter died down. "N-no!" Seth gagged, "I'm not gay." The polar's expression seemed to droop slightly and his voice quietened as if he'd just received grave news, "Oh. Okay." He responded, but soon shook off this depressed attitude to replace it with his usual grin and echoing voice.

"Right, my boy." He coughed into a handkerchief that he produced from his two piece suit. "About your cooking, I'd like to reward you." Seth's mind was immediately galvanized into dreaming about luxurious limousine rides, holidays in fancy far off locations and all the women that money could buy him. "How does a small tip sound?" Seth's visage was the one to drop now, his entire body slumped as well. Shane noticed this, but continued regardless. "Don't look so gutted, our definitions may be very different." A large wad of cash was crammed into Seth's curled up forepaw as well as a small note. With that, Shane patted the surprised wolf on the back and pecked the side of his face with a small kiss. The polar bear sauntered from the restaurant, flanked by the security team and his fellow celebrities.

"Now how does an after party sound my friends?" Seth heard the polar bear shout followed by a drunken cheer.

The white wolf stood stunned for a moment, but gradually unfolded the note cautiously. In scribbled, hurried writing It read:

"_Come work for me: 12 Private Drive: Prhrhan, Ivia. Find me when ready." _

Several Months Later

"How's my favorite head chef doing?" Shane came sauntering into the kitchen yawning, as he often did after waking up from his unusual sleep cycle. He was dressed in nothing but a pair of pink night shorts decorated with different shades of purple circles, Seth had grown use to the sight considering that Shane rarely wore anything but colorful night shorts and cute, cubish shirts. "Stressed, mostly. You could have told me that I'd not only would I be running a restaurant that only serves celebrities, but I'd also be working as your personal chef." "What can I say? I like keeping you busy so that I can have you all to myself." Shane winked. The two often flirted like this, but refused to take it any further than witty, snappy jokes.

"So what am I cooking for lunch, or breakfast in your case? Pancakes with melted butter and some fancy, imported maple syrup? Or are we not going to put a massive dent in the budget this morning?" Seth asked as he continued to clean up the kitchen, apparently Shane had raided it for a midnight snack and in his tired drunkenness had forgotten to put things back in the right places (in some cases at all.) "Ha-ha. Is this about that wolf I brought home with me last week? Don't worry, he's not going to replace you. I've got other ideas in mind for him, if you catch my meaning." Shane purred, curled his forepaw and winked at Seth. "But seriously, I'm going to cook for myself." "Yeah right!" Seth laughed, that ended with dried pasta (which had been scattered over the floor) being tossed at his head.

Beaming, the polar bear opened several cupboards until he found what he was searching for: a box of his favorite cereal. Sitting down at the table, Shane poured the milk in (Which Seth had left out for the bear) and ate slowly so that he could watch Seth skillfully move around the kitchen. It was fascinating to the bear how the slim wolf didn't drop anything as he danced around, let alone how the wolf knew what he was doing.

"Cereal at this hour?" Seth commented when he looked over his shoulder to see Shane with milk dribbling down his chin, the bear was an unbelievably messy eater. "You should start eating properly." "I forgot that you were my boyfriend." Shane smirked and flicked a chocolate cereal heart in Seth's direction. Although Shane was often flirtatious or charming towards the wolf, the compliments and friendly kisses had no romance behind them anymore.

"Now if you're done rebuking my eating habits, how about we talk about your stress management?." Shane frowned at the wolf. "What's there to talk about? I do my job well don't I?" Seth often got antsy whenever Shane would talk about career, normally the wolf would have to run his forepaws through his messy, blond hair that was practically drowning in product in order to soothe his nerves out. "Yes, you do. I'm thankful for that, but you haven't cashed in any of your free days. You have more than enough to take all of Summer off." Shane explained. "I know. But I'm not going to get a promotion slacking am I?" "You're the head chef Seth, I don't think that I can give you a promotion." "Fine then, a raise." Seth corrected himself, stopping what he was doing and turning to Shane. "What, did that fancy new car take a few zeros from your bank balance?" Shane was referring to the sports car that Seth had blown at least twenty grand; the figure had inflated considerably when the wolf had tuned, tweaked and tampered with every aspect of the car. The polar bear didn't know what the make was, he'd never cared for cars, but he did know that it was exotic, imported and perfect for furs who like to show off. "Jealous?" Seth chuckled, forgetting that the polar bear was a multi-billionaire. "Seth, I could buy that car with a weeks earnings." The wolf scowled at Shane, he was highly offended by the remark. "Don't you think that you could splash some of that cash on me?" "Seth, you're not the only worker I employ-" "Really? Because it feels like it!" Seth snarled. He stopped, sighed. "Sorry."

"It's alright Seth, but if you really want a raise I demand that you take some days off to enjoy yourself. I don't care what you do, so long as you don't work." "I can't just not work-" "Yes you can. And if you can't do that, think of it as ... field work, I suppose, where you need to go out and taste the food from some of the finest restaurants in this country. I'll still be paying you and you get to relax." "And if I do it I get a raise?" Seth raised his eyebrow, suspicious of Shane's intentions. "Yes, now go, before the restaurant opens for the lunch shifts." Shane stood up, carrying his finished bowl and pecked Seth on cheek. "Take care of yourself, I'll need my head chef back in one piece."

Grinning, the white wolf tossed his apron onto the floor and hit the ground running.

By the time Shane was regretting letting Seth take a holiday, the wolf was thundering down a high way that cut straight through a rather barren part of Ivia's 'countryside'. The grass was a dry brown and there wasn't a home in sight, it was just Seth, his car and the road. The wolf had rolled down his windows a few miles back and was enjoying having fresh, cold, night air blasting into his face. Shades covered his blue eyes, making it almost impossible to see. Not that it mattered, considering that Seth hadn't seen another soul since he'd left Prharan.

But that was about to change. Far ahead in the distance, rapidly approaching, was a building with a large, bright neon sign just outside. As Seth got closer, he noticed several Harleys parked outside along with the cracks in the wall and the fact that most of the letters in the neon signs weren't lit. "Dragon's Highway Pride" it read. The letters 'Dra' in Dragon's and 'Id' in the word 'Pride' were the faulty ones. It was certainly old, pushing 100 or so judging by how the walls seemed to breaking under the weight of the sign. It even had the old gas pumps in the place of some modern ones.

"Wouldn't like to be caught in that crap hole." Seth chuckled.

Perhaps it was because of the modifications he'd made or just plain karma, but as Seth drove past the run down biker stop disaster struck. Plumes of white smoke spluttered out of the engine and from the exhaust. "Shit!" Seth cursed in surprise and slammed on the brakes with his shoes. He came screeching to a halt at the side of the road, he very nearly dived out of his car to escape it. "What the fuck?!" He screeched vehemently, stomping on the dusty road as he glared at his car that was continued to churn out smoke. He threw open the bonnet to see that the smoke was coming from his engine, but he had no idea why. It was true that he had made plenty of modifications to the car, but he hadn't been the one to get everything working and had no idea how to fix it.

Seth grumbled in anger. Slamming the hood of his car back down, he turned to look at the biker stop and cussed. Was he really going to have to go into a place like that? No, he told himself, he could just call for help. He retrieved his phone from his car and turned it on. Why he thought he would have signal is a mystery, but for some reason he was shocked when his phone told him that he was unable to make a call. He pocketed the device rather than tossing it into the car, the last thing he needed was to lose his phone, that would make the day the worst in his life.

Muttering more insults, the wolf sulked his way towards the bar hoping that there would be somefur in the building who would be able to fix his problem for a decent price.

As he approached for the second time, he noticed two bikers dressed in the typical biker outfit, black leather jackets with studs, large boots, white top and black jeans. One of them, a cheetah with long bright lilac hair that flowed down to their neck was resting their head in a dragon's lap. Or at least, that was what Seth thought. As he approached he noticed a distinct, potent smell: musk. The entire area was swimming in it. "Mhhh..." The cheetah whined from between the dragon's legs as he sucked him off, twisting his lips around the fat shaft . If not for the fact that the dragon appeared to have been modifying his bike, Seth wouldn't have even gone near the pair. "Aahh, fuck you kitty." The dragon chuckled as he fussed the cat's purple hair. "If you make me come again I swear to god I'm going to ruin that ass of yours!" The cheetah replied with a submissive whimper and continued to bob his head up and down, not that he was actually afraid of what the dragon would do to him.

"Err... Excuse me?" Seth looked the couple up and down. The dragon returned this look with more aversion, the cheetah was much more casual, but wasn't exactly happy to see Seth. "Did I tell you to stop?" The dragon growled with bared teeth, the cheetah joyfully continued without balking. "Want something wolf? Because I'm busy." The chartreuse and emerald dragon continued. "Well my car just broke down-" "Pity." The dragon spat at Seth's expensive shoes, Seth could have sworn that the pavement sizzled where the dragon spat. "Fuck off wolf, I've got better things to do than fix a city boy's car. Why don't you call daddy and beg him to fix your problems?"

"What the fuck did you just say?!" Seth howled in shock, he was used to being treated like some kind of king when he was wasn't working. "You heard me, pretty boy. Now fuck off back to your car before I rob it." "Look I'm just looking for somefur who knows their way around cars, do you know anyfur?" Through out this conversation, the cheetah had been trying harder and harder to make the dragon come, as if he wanted some input in the conversation. The dragon had already been close when Seth had approached, but the increased pace was starting to break the dragon down bit by bit. He was already leaking pre, squirting it on occasion to the back of the cheetah's throat. "Rrr..." The dragon tried to think of something witty, but couldn't. "I know my fist, how about I introduce you to him?" The cheetah's forepaws found the dragon's waist, hoping to stop him from getting too violent, but Seth was the fur the cheetah needed to hold back. "Try me." The arrogant wolf tore his scarf off as well as his denim waist coat to throw both of them onto the dirt, he raised his fists and stared down the dragon.

Before things could really kick off, the cheetah grumbled something on the dragon's cock and stood up. "Hey!" The dragon shouted, sitting up and moving his forepaws to cover his cock from view. Ignoring the angry dragon, the cheetah wiped his mouth with his forepaw and shoved Seth away. "Come on, I know how to fix a car." Seth stared at the little, feminine feline in disbelief. "Move it, Keaton. I need my tools." "You were giving me a blowjob!" Keaton stood and pulled up his jeans before things got even more awkward. "And I was about to punch him." "Too bad, here." The cheetah tossed a few notes in his direction and grabbed the red tool box. He lifted it with ease and waved goodbye with a little flick of his wrist. "I'll suck you off again later." He promised, taking Seth by the wrist he dragged the wolf in the direction of his car. "Get back here, Selim!" Keaton demanded, but when the cheetah ignored him yet again he gave up and wandered inside to drink away the memory.

"You two seemed friendly." Seth commented with a friendly chuckle. "Shut up city boy." Selim hissed. "I'm only doing this because you're paying." "Who said that I'm paying?" "I did. Unless of course if you'd prefer walking to the nearest city? Or maybe push your car? Either way I'm sure that you'll die of heat exhaustion." Selim shrugged, he dropped his toolbox at the side of the car and gazed at the sports car. "Definitely a rich city boy. Which means that you can pay me..." Selim turned to the wolf and held out his forepaw. "Cough up one hundred." "Only one hundred?" The wolf beamed and thrust the entire amount into the cat's forepaw with a smug grin. The cat shoved it into his jeans and turned back to his tool box. "Anymore and Keaton will force me to pay off my tab with cash."

"That dragon owns the bar?" Seth groaned, pissing off the bar manager within his first few minutes wasn't the best thing he could do, but it also wasn't the worst. "This place has dragon in the name, what did you expect? No matter, what was the problem?" "I was driving and then white smoke came out of the engine and the exhaust. What's the verdict doc?" "A broken down car and a dead wolf if another joke like that is cracked." Selim rolled his eyes. "It sounds like you have a bad gasket, a damaged cylinder head or a crack in your engine block." Seth didn't understand what Selim was saying (there were way too many jargons for him too understand), but he knew that it was bad. "How much to fix it?" Seth groaned, reaching for his wallet for the second time. "You'll need a new engine." Selim smirked, knowing that the wolf wouldn't be able to pay so much money without going back to the city, which was quite frankly impossible unless somefur gave him a ride. "But you stopped as soon as you saw the smoke right?" "Errr... Yeah, but does it matter?" "It'll save you some money; I can rebuild the engine, but as you can imagine it'll take me a few hours." "A few hours!?" "Are you shocked because you think that's a long time, or because it's such a short time?" "But I don't have a few hours! I have like, one hundred dinner reservations on the other side of Ivia! How-"

"Tough shit." Selim shrugged casually. "Now go relax in the bar or the motel, rent a room, suck some dicks! You have a few hours to kill after all." Selim giggled and slowly stripped himself of his leather jacket, white shirt and even his boots. He undid a few of his jean buttons, so that he could stretch and bend, then he trotted over to the engine bonnet and threw it open to get started. Seth noticed that despite the cheetah's lithe, trim frame that contrasted with his snappy, bossy personality he was quite muscular. Sporting rounded biceps, quick reactions and a slowly developing six pack; he was certainly no damsel in distress.

"What, do you have a problem with me being muscular? Can a little gay guy not work out, does he need to be some sissy who depends on his boyfriend?" The cheetah frowned when he caught Seth gawping over his muscles. "Or are you impressed?" Selim smirked. Before Seth could respond, to defend himself of course, the feline was diving into his engine to fix it. "Err... Thanks I guess." "Don't sweat it, wolfy. Now try not to get killed or mugged when you go in that bar, I need silence if you want me to be able to do this." "Can't I stay out here? I like the night air and the-." "Bar. Inside. Now." Selim grunted from under the hood of his car. "Otherwise, I use your ass as a place to store all of my tools." "What if I pay you to let me stay out here?" Seth found his wallet, which was beginning to feel light again, and waved it around. "The only things you can pay me to do are fix your car or suck your dick." "Then we can call it a bribe." Selim scowled at the wolf. "Take a hint you annoying, stuck up prick: fuck off! "Fine, but only because this conversation is getting boring." Seth pouted and stuffed his forepaws into his pockets as he sulked his way into the bar.

Upon entering the bar, Seth was hit by the familiar scent of fresh, ice cold beers. Looking around he could see that just about everyfur in the bar was downing one, challenging their biker friends to imbibe more pints than they were. So far, not a single fur had bailed from this challenge, despite the fact that their speech had become slurred so badly that no fur could understand them.

The interior of bar was in no better shape than the walls outside and the pattern of cracks snaking over the walls continued, only some of them were slightly covered by large paintings. That was when Seth caught sight of the large, rainbow colored flag hanging on one side of the room. Seth groaned, he was standing in the middle of what was possibly the only gay, biker bar in the world with nothing to do but drink until he forgot about his troubles.

Seth forced himself to put up with his setting and dragged himself to the bar. Standing just behind it was the dragon, Keaton, washing out a glasses and laughing to a friend. "The fuck do you want, city boy? Are you here to follow up on those threats of yours?" Keaton looked over his shoulder in disgust. "I want a beer." "Is piss okay?" Laughter erupted behind Seth, he turned to see a group of bikers closely watching his amusing conversation. "We don't serve city boys." Knowing that he was only going to make more of a fool of himself, Seth flipped Keaton the bird and walked off before things got worse.

Seth stood next to the payphone that was mounted on the wall and slowly slipped his change into it. He picked the phone up and waited, expecting it to just dial Shane for him. When it didn't, he grumbled and slammed the phone down. Quickly, he dialed in the number and picked the wand back up. It rung once. Twice. Three times and then cut off. Seth groaned in disappointment, either the polar bear was stuck in his office writing his next best-selling novel or he was out partying.

"What's wrong, wolf? Did Daddy not answer you?" Keaton laughed over from the bar, he was joined quickly by the same group from before. "Fuck off, Keaton. You're just mad because Selim gave you blue balls." "Awww, are your daddy issues taking their toll? I'll be your daddy if you want." The dragon winked. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Seth took Keaton's words as an insult, he turned to the dragon expecting a scrap. "It means, that if you make up for interrupting my blowjob, I'll pay you one hundred and a little extra if you're a good boy." "Hell no. I'm not going anywhere near your dick." Seth refused, but the dragon wasn't finished just yet. "Come on wolf, I know you'd enjoy it. Plus I'll throw in a free beer to wash down the taste." Unbeknownst to Seth, the dragon had been fumbling with his jeans for the entire time and a rather large lion was approaching him from behind. "I told you, no." Seth turned back to the payphone, in the glass he finally saw the approaching lion.

"Hey! What the fuck?!" He howled as two large and muscular arms constricted around his belly and his arms, he was lifted into the air and carried. "Put me the fuck down!" Seth flailed about in the lion's arms and kicked his legs into his attacker's thighs, but all he managed to do was make the lion grunt. Silent the feline gripped Seth's wrists and pulled them behind his back to prevent him from escaping. The raucous, especially Seth's shouting had drawn in a lot of attention from the other customers and most were now gathering around the bar to see what was going on. Upon seeing Keaton's cock hanging from between the zipper of his jeans they cheered and even offered to help pin Seth down. A dainty fennec fox lay across legs and a muscular tiger held his head up so that he was forced to look Keaton in the eyes.

"You owe me, pup." Like a pendulum, Keaton swung his meat from side to side as he spoke, holding it by the base. Seth certainly didn't want the thing inside of him, with a thick, black knot, ridges over his cock and a rather sharp look to the tip it was rather menacing to have it waved in his face. "So you suck me off and these guys will let you go, otherwise, we can do this the hard way and Victor here gets his rocks off." Keaton gestured to the large lion who was grinning like a maniac at the subdued wolf.

"Where's the option that involves me biting your dick off?" Seth threatened, baring his teeth at Keaton and letting out a low growl from between his clenched teeth. "Hah! Like you've got the fucking guts. Now what's it going to be, wolf?" Seth contemplated for a moment, despite the fact that he knew whatever path he chose it ended with Keaton getting a blowjob out of him. "Come closer, I can't suck your dick when you're hallway across the room." Keaton erupted into laughter at the wolf's final answer, lewd whistles rose up from the crowd. "Let him go boys." Keaton ordered, the others backed away from Seth with visible disappointment. "Does this mean that I get a piece of Selim's ass?" Victor chuckled. "You wish!" Keaton chuckled.

The dragon took a hold of Seth's jaw and pried it open, he waved his cock dangerously close to Seth's drooling mouth. "When you interrupted us, Selim was taking this dick balls deep. So you'd better have a wide throat." Without another second spared, Keaton pulled back his hips and rammed full force into the wolf's mouth. His cock narrowly avoided Seth's sharp teeth as it traveled, bouncing off of the back of his mouth, but then arching down to cram his throat full with an impressive eight inches of drake manhood including the knot that pinned Seth's tongue down. Keaton's pendulous balls swung forwards, slapping Seth right on the chin and spreading the musky scent all over him. The wolf gagged on the sudden intruder, his eyes bulged and his reflexes kicked in. Desperately, he attempted to escape by slapping at the dragon's chubby thighs and pushing away with all his might, but Keaton insisted on keeping his cock lodged in the wolf's throat for as long as possible. After ten seconds, Seth's vision was blurring and his face was turning blue, fortunately Keaton wasn't a complete bastard. Slowly, the sadistic dragon dragged his cock free of the wolf's mouth. Before the wolf could recover, Keaton swung his meat and slapped Seth across the face with a loud 'Fwahp!'

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU-" "Ah, ah, ah wolfy." Keaton tutted, once again he slapped the wolf's muzzle with his cock, a small amount of wetness dribbled onto the wolf. "I was just stretching out that throat for you, now there are no excuses when it comes to you not being able to take it all." Keaton rubbed his giant cock over Seth's face, Seth didn't know if this was better or worse than having it slap him. It was humiliating to have his sight blocked by the dragon;s cock, his scent all but annihilated by the musk and his pride snuffed like the aggressive flame he showed when he'd first met the dragon.

"Sniff if slut, inhale that musk. What does it tell you? What does it make you want do to me? Huh? Want to take this big cock up your ass like the slut you are?" Seth balked for a moment. "Beg for it." Keaton ordered sternly. "Please let me have it, sir!" Seth's whine escaped in a voice mimicking Selim's. "Your musk makes me horny, sir! Please! I really need to taste your cum, sir!" Seth could feel his tail wagging involuntarily behind him, 'Stupid thing.' He cursed with a grumble. "Please come in my mouth, sir! I want to suck your dick and make you happy!" "If you say so, slut." Keaton chuckled. "Now you'd better do this how Selim does." The dragon slouched, favoring his right paw as he stood. Seth was slightly grateful that Keaton was giving him some control, even if it was such a small amount. "Thanks..."

Seth was no stranger when it came to giving blowjobs, he had a vague clue as to what he was doing. He started by wrapping a forepaw around Keaton's thick knot, his other one finding the dragon's sensitive taint. That forepaw, with two fingers, tickled up the miracle line and carefully brushed over the skin that it could find as it carved a path to the dragon's tailhole. Keaton let out a growl of warning when the wolf tried to worm one finger inside of his tailhole, but had no problems with having his pink pucker rubbed. Seth's finger retreated, settling for just rhythmically rubbing the dragon's taint to get the dragon rumbling.

When he'd worked himself into a good pace, Seth opened his mouth for the second time and bobbed forwards to suckle on the tip of the dragon's cock. Pre leaked from the wolf's meatus, spreading a small patch of wetness in his briefs which were concealed by his tight trousers. The dragon's cock was leaking at a much more impressive rate, Seth had to swallow every thirty seconds or so as the silky, clear liquid flooded his mouth. "Mhh..." Keaton grunted above him, a forepaw slipping under his white shirt to fondle one of his erect nipples. "Don't stop, pup. Show me just how much you love sucking on that fat, lovely cock." Seth thought of a witty comment along the lines of: 'It's only big because your a fat fucker' , but didn't dare to say it.

To eliminate the gap between the dragon's knot and his lips entirely, Seth brought his head further forwards now. Now his black lips kissed the fleshy bulb that was the size of, if not larger, than his knuckles. His forepaw which had been around the dragon's knot was forced to withdraw, it claimed a place on the dragon's balls and squeezed lightly to get the dragon rumbling again. Seth worked his thumb into the dragon's ball sack, toying with the flesh and tugging on it like an attention seeking dog might tug their owner's trouser sleeve for attention.

Seth continued working his mouth back and forth, his eyes were locked on Keaton's closed ones; the dragon's face told him that he was lost in pleasure. He moaned loudly, roaring at times. Seth smirked, he was finally in control of the dragon. As far as he was aware, he could do whatever he wanted with the dragon. If he ordered it, Seth expected that the dragon would bend over for the last stretch before his orgasm. Or at least, Seth thought that things would be this way. In truth, the dragon was only revving himself up to knotting the bitch's maw and face fucking him until he came to the feeling of the wolf's soft, velvety lips wrapped around his member.

"Fuck... Get ready for this knot bitch!" Keaton drew back his hips suddenly, alarming Seth. "W-wait!" Seth howled, but the vibrations only served to entice Keaton further. With a howl of triumph the dragon forced his knot into Seth's open mouth, trapping it inside of his lips. Howling like a hyena, Keaton threw his hips back and forth forcing his cock further down Seth's throat. The wolf gagged on it, spluttered around the member and attempted to escape; only to find that Keaton had his forepaws wrapped around the back of his head! The dragon continued thrusting to push himself over the edge. "FUUCKKKKK!" Keaton howled as his cum came rushing out of his tip. The first few streams dribbled out, but the rest began shooting, spraying to the back of Seth's throat and making him splutter over the fleshy member. With one last desperate pull, Seth tore free from Keaton's cock only to be rewarded with a jet of cum right over his muzzle.

"SHOT!" Somefur with a very familiar voice roared from the other side of the bar, apparently they'd attracted an audience.

Seth looked to the side with one eye closed, now that Keaton had finished coming and was busy giving himself a few last second rubs, to see a group of about five leaning over the counter with their cocks out. "Nice shot, Keaton. Is it our turn with the whore yet?" Seth turned to see Selim in the middle for the group with oil staining his shirt. "Shush, kitty." The tiger who had held Seth's chin laughed and slapped Selim's ass. "But can I do something for you?" "You know my price." Selim held out his forepaw as he squeezed the tiger's bicep. "But I suppose that a little discount can't hurt, you know how to make me happy with that cock of yours." "You'd know wouldn't you, Selim?" Keaton chuckled, pulling up his jeans.

Seth shot out from behind the bar, since Keaton was busy chatting to somefur who wanted a drink, to speak to Selim who was now tongue-tied with the tiger. "Err... Selim, is my car fixed?" Selim broke the kiss, pushing a finger inside of the tiger's mouth to hold his tongue. The larger feline seemed to enjoy this and happily sucked on the digit like Seth had sucked Keaton's dick.. "No. I'm taking a break." "But I need my car fixed!" "Tough fucking luck! You cock-blocked me and I have to rebuild your engine from scratch. Look, I'll take a few guys out to help me later." "Fuck you, Selim." Seth cussed and stormed off to the corner of the room where no fur would bother him. Once again, Seth's judgement was wrong.

Immediately after Seth broke away from the crowd, a dainty fennec fox grabbed a cold beer from the bar and rushed over to Seth. "Hi!" The fox enthusiastically chirped. "What's the matter, Mr. wolf?" Seth raised his eyes from his forepaws to look at the fox. He saw that he was dressed scantily in nothing but a thong and an immaculate apron that was too short for him: it showed off all of his thighs, barely covering his sheath. "Do you always dress like a slut?" Seth grumbled, making it known that he wanted to be left alone. "You sound stressed, is it Keaton's fault?" Seth refused to answer that. In response to this, the fox went on the offensive and clambered around the booth's sofa to snuggle up to Seth. "Awww... come on big guy, tell me what's troubling you. Let me take care of it." The fox rested the beer on the table and pushed it closer to the wolf, offering it to him.

"I can go and get one of my friends if you'd like; we wouldn't mind making you happy. Free of charge as well." The fox offered, stretching out his forepaw and rubbing Seth's inner thigh slowly. "I'm straight." "I can change that. Give me three minutes. Got a girlfriend?" Now the fox sounded as if he was begging. Seth thought about his answer for a moment, if he lied it could backfire on him, but what were the chances of him actually meeting the fox again? "Yes." Before the fox could reach his crotch with his forepaw, Seth grabbed his skinny wrist and pushed it away. "So, fuck off! And if you start hitting on me again we'll have a problem." Scowling, the fox spat at Seth in disappointment and went to retrieve the beer. Seth stopped him, "This is mine." To prove this, Seth picked up the drink and drowned half of it. After swallowing, he spat into the drink. "Still want it?"

"Fuck you, wolf. Keaton was right about you, you're an ass." Disappointed, irritated and with his fingers burnt the fox walked off to serve other customers who were paying. Seth kicked back in the booth and drank the rest of his beer.

It took him around five minutes to finish his drink and Selim, keeping his promise, had taken three other furs out to help fix the engine. The tiger was not one of them, neither was the fennec who had seemed obsessed with Seth's paws or Keaton who looked as if he knew his way about a motor. Seth had observed all of this, as well as the angry fennec fox chatting away to Keaton.

"Can I order a beer now?" Seth asked as he approached Keaton, the dragon shrugged. "I don't see why not. Straight from the tap I imagine?" Keaton seemed a lot cheerier than before, it was somewhat unnerving. "Sure..." Seth doubted the dragon's generosity and wouldn't have been surprised if his drink turned out to be spiked or if the rim was laced with something deadly. Seth took a place at the bar, resting his tired paws on the metal bar and spinning slightly as he waited. The furs next to him grinned, but hurried away as if Seth was infectious. The wolf was offended by this, but refused to show it. "Drink up." Keaton placed the cold beverage on the counter and walked away without charging him.

Seth didn't notice the groups of furs congregating near to him, whispering and muttering as they watched out of the corners of their eyes. Impatiently, they waited as Emmerson (a young and dainty, but rather sly fennec fox who could hold a grudge for weeks) paced around his target. Most suspected that he'd simply steal the wolf's wallet or get him so drunk that he'd blow all of his money on drinks, but Emmerson (or Emm as most called him) had much better plans. After finishing his rounds, making sure that everyfur had drinks for the show, he dropped his apron in the corner with his pen and pad. Stretching, he winked to the tiger, Kras, who was eagerly waiting for Emm to start. "Won't be long now." He mouthed to him, this got the tiger excited. He spun around to glare directly at Seth as if he didn't want to miss a second of the action.

No fur, except for Kras, had a clue as to what or how Emm was going to get his revenge and as he slunk under the bar furs only got more confused. Seth was the only fur in the bar not to notice the fox untying his laces. "Hey!" He cried out as he felt a tartan and leather shoe coming off, Kras made his move now. The tiger bumped up to the wolf, holding his shoulders. "Don't budge, wolf." He threatened, allowing his claws to dig in slightly. "You're going to let this happen and you're going to like it. Go ahead, Emm."

Emmerson followed Kras' orders and hung his tongue from his mouth. After pulling away Seth's socks, the fox ran his wet tongue over Seth's paw making him flinch and shiver. "Fuck no!" He shouted, "Let go!" He tried to struggle, but Kras kept him in his seat for just a moment longer. "What? You want to be on the other end? Because either way Emm here is getting his revenge." Kras explained. Seth weighed up his options again, it was disgusting to him to have his paws worshiped, licked and fondled, but how much worse would it be on the other end? "Come on, slut. You loved licking that dick, what makes you think that you wouldn't love paws?" Kras hummed into his ear, loosening his grip on Seth. "We'll be in the corner booth once you've decided what you want." Kras whistled to Emmerson, who came out from under the bar leaving a tingling feeling on Seth's paws, and walked slowly with him to a circular booth which featured a dark red leather seat stretching all the way round a circular table. There they lounged, side by side with their paws exposed.

Seth was following after him not a moment later.

"Eager to get started, slut? What, is this your true calling?" Kras laughed as Seth disappeared under the table to find their paws. "Shut up. How do I do this?" Seth asked to Emmerson, hoping the fox had some experience in kissing up to paws. "Do whatever you think is going to make us feel good, extra points for getting a whole paw in your mouth" Emm winked and watched closely to see what Seth would do first. The wolf only stared at Kras' paws, taking in the small details such as the web of cracks on his paw pads, the fluffier fur between those pads and the way his paw claws were trimmed blunt. Something about those paws made Seth chose Kras over Emm.

"Aww? Don't like fox paws?" Emm pouted as Seth's tongue lolled out of his mouth to press up against Kras' orange and black furred paws.

"Kiss it." Kras barked, treating Seth like a cub learning to ride a bike. Seth leaned forwards, he was a gazelle taking sips from a river; always looking around to spot threats, and stopped only a few centimeters from Kras' paws. He could smell them, the taste of it stung his tongue and stained his synapses with the scent, but through a miracle he managed to adjust to it in record time. The first kisses that Seth planted on the tiger's paws were cautious, he was simply testing the water to see how it tasted and would run at a moment's notice if it was foul. Above him, Kras' and Emm's cocks were stirring at the sight (and feel) of the wolf learning to worship Kras' paws.

"Tongue out, lick them." Seth didn't know who spoke, he was deep into worshiping Kras' paws by then.

Seth licked the tiger toe to ankle, side to side, he worked his tongue over everything and traced the lined pattern of Kras' fur to leave not a single square inch of the paw untouched by his tongue. Hearing Kras' rumble filled Seth with confidence, he scooped the paw up with both forepaws by the heel and eagerly lapped over Kras' paw pads. They were rough to the touch, but Seth's tongue seemed to soften them gradually. Kras felt a tingly, slimy, but exhilarating feeling dancing over all of his paw, Emm was eager to experience this as well.

"Go on, slut. Take a toe in your mouth, taste me. Love me." Kras purred. Reaching out, he stroked Seth's hair and repeated himself with more of a whisper this time. A shiver ran down Seth's spine, one that galvanized him into obeying the dominant feline. He popped Kras' big toe into his mouth, resting it on his tongue and making sure that he wasn't bending the paw awkwardly. The scent was gag worthy, the tickle from his fur no better and the way that Kras seemed to try to force his toe in further didn't help, but gradually Seth began to suckle on it. Kras could feel Seth's sharp teeth on his hard claws, but all he cared about was making sure that the wolf knew his place. "That's it, pup. That's how it's done."

Kras words weren't distracting and they didn't throw him off, what did was Emm's advances. The fox's paws found their way onto Seth's legs and stroked down them but quickly they found his crotch and pushed against his swollen sheath. "Oh my! Wolfy 's horny." Emmerson chuckled. "You must be close to popping an erection, how about we let it out?" Seth said nothing, ignoring the fox and his lewd chatter.

Emmerson pouted. "My turn!" He announced to Kras, who agreed with him with a grunt. The fox pushed the table away from them with a loud 'screech!' and was on Seth like a hungry wolf on raw meat. One paw pushed down on his face, the other dangerously close to his chest. Surprised, Seth yet out a yelp, but could not move as Emm's paw was rubbing over his face, the rough paw pads scratching him in places. "Lick 'em!" The fox barked. Seth's tongue shot out of his mouth to stab between the fox's toes. Seth had excepted Kras' paws to be disgusting, but Emmerson's had a fowl, cheesy taste to them that burnt his eyes and made them water. Worse yet, it was been scrubbed onto his tongue with every passing second by the movements he made in an attempt to service the fennec. He slathered Emm's paws with his tongue, wetting them with his saliva and whining underneath the wight of the fennec's paws. When Emmerson grew jaded, he released his play thing and sat down on the sofa with a yawn. Seth got to his knees again, expecting to have another paw forced in his face. What he got was much better.

"Pants down, boy. Show us that lovely cock." Kras ordered. The front of Seth's trousers were down without question, he didn't even look around to check if he was being watched. Out of the gap, his average sized cock sprung to life, leaking pre in copious amounts. Emm chuckled and reached out with a forepaw to tease Seth's balls, which were still compressed inside of his underwear. The wolf grunted and pushed into Emm's paw, humping it he let out a louder groan; luckily no fur heard it. "Shush, if we get caught I'll fuck you in the ass whilst everyfur watches. I know that you'd like that, slut." Kras growled and prodded Seth's cock with his big toe. "Now I'm going to hear you beg before you cum." With his paw, he pressed Seth's cock against his belly and chuckled as the wolf let out a whine. "Please..." He whispered more quietly than before. "Get them wet, boy." Kras' paws found their way in front of Seth's muzzle, the wolf eagerly licked at the soles of them, making sure that he didn't miss a single inch all whilst ensuring that Kras was getting off to the sight of the wolf licking his paws. Emm helped with this.

The fox tugged down Kras' jeans, allowing his barbed, massive cock to fly free. It was leaking pre much more than Seth's and stank horribly of thick, pungent musk as if he hadn't washed in weeks. Emm loved this, unlike Seth who scrunched up his noses and tried to block out the scent, and firmly gripped Kras' cock with a small forepaw; he could barely even fit the thing in his forepaw! Emm slowly brought his forepaw down, making sure to slightly tug on Kras' sensitive member as he did to make the tiger produce a leonine, dominant growl that told the two whores to keep on going until he came. With both Seth's and Emm's ministrations, his climax was only minutes away.

Emm was much faster than Seth, stroking his forepaw up and down Kras' cock at an impressive rate that kept the tiger pinned to the couch and moaning in pleasure. Emm's other forepaw went between his legs to fondle the large, hefty balls that were busy churning up delicious cum. They were tight against Kras' body now, warm as well and were gradually becoming less pendulous. Emm didn't care much that Kras was close to blowing his load, if anything it was a treat. Picking up the pace, Emm's forepaw began burning up and down Kras' slick cock as if there was no time to spare. Kras growled, snarled even, each time his barbs were knocked by Emm's forepaw.

Seth struggled to keep up with Emm's pace, his tongue was beginning to feel dry, his knees sore and his forepaws were tired from having to carry such large paws for so long. Kras noticed this and, with some mercy, patted the sofa next to him. "Get up here, slut. I'm going to come in that mouth of yours and you're going to swallow every last drop." Without protest, Seth was up on the sofa and awaiting his reward like a puppy wanting a treat.

He held on to Kras' bicep, stroking down his thick arm and squeezing his forepaws. Kras locked his forepaw in Seth's and tugged the wolf up to his muzzle. Immediately, he pushed his muzzle against Seth's and forced his tongue into Seth's mouth. It was a sloppy, wet kiss with lots of tongue wrestling, each partner tried to go deeper in the other's mouth all whilst trying to stop the other's advances. Kras won this war and soon had Seth in an iron grip, his forepaws locked around the wolf's and his tongue deep in his mouth. Seth pulled free, panting and some what exhausted, but so, so very horny.

"I'm going to come, sluts. What are you going to do?" "Swallow." The two said in unison. Seth resumed his position on the sofa, opposite Emm, and watched as the tiger angled his cock towards him. "Drink up slut." Kras' chuckled, squeezing his cock he humped into the tight forepaw and roared for everyfur to hear.

This took Seth by surprise, the first spray bubbled out of Kras' cock and landed just in front of Seth on the sofa's leather. The next didn't land there, but instead on Seth's chin as the wolf was darting forwards to catch some before it was all wasted. The third, he managed to get in his mouth. The taste was wonderful, a cauldron of one, dominant and masculine taste that was both sweet, but salty at the same time, It filled Seth's synapses, forcing him to want more. But he didn't get more. As Seth swallowed, Kras pulled his cock away for Emm to taste the last few squirts. By the time it was Seth's turn again, all of it was gone and Emm was greedily gobbling up what was dribbling off of the end of Kras' cock. Emm cleaned him up and stood wearing a proud, satisfied smile.

"So can I- GAH!" Seth cried out as the giant tiger took an iron grip around his cock. Seth had several spasmodic jerks inside of the tiger's forepaw, his body going limp in an instant. Seth's entire cock was lost inside of the tiger's giant forepaw as he moved his forepaw up and down. "Slut. One pawjob and you're reduced to nothing more than a bumbling sex toy." Kras tutted. Kras increased his speed as as he stared down the wolf. Seth's tongue lolled from his mouth, his eyes rolled back in his head and his body tensed to allow Kras to take control.

Kras was just as skillful as Emm, constantly twisting his forepaw around as he jerked the wolf off. It was impossible for Seth to focus, his mind had been fried by the tiger's sudden advancement. A hot flash filled Seth's mind as pre squirted from his cock, spraying over the leather seats and Kras' leg. "Mmmhh..." Seth whimpered, bucking his hips once before he found that doing so was too much to bare. His forehead broke out into a sweat, his fur hot, sweaty and clammy all over his body.

One squeeze later, Seth could feel that he was teetering on the edge of his orgasm, If he had felt the thrill of being incredibly close to an orgasm only fifteen minutes earlier, he would have pushed his hips forwards and ended the night there, but now he wanted more. He froze, allowing Kras to dominate his cock and his orgasm. This was a horrible mistake. Not a moment after Seth gave the reigns to Kras, the tiger dropped them. Releasing Seth's cock suddenly, he reached over to touch Emm's cock.

"W-wha..." Seth glared at Kras with rage, his orgasm denied and his cock edged. "Silence, puppy. You'll get your orgasm very soon. But I'm going to edge my kitty first. Watch and learn, puppy. This is how a true pussy boy takes his handjobs." Kras forepaw glided over Emm's cock much faster than it had on Seth's, the tiger was relentless towards the fennec. But the fox did not falter at first, happily allowing his cock to be stroked so violently as he stood tall and waited to be given permission. This attitude ended quickly. One moment later, new sensitive flared through Emm's cock causing him to twist to the side. "KRAS!" He screamed. The scream filtered into a moan as the tiger refused to stop abusing his cock. Then Kras stopped, sensing that Emm was also so unbelievably close.

"ohh..." Emm moaned loudly, doubling over and crimping his legs together to force his orgasm to stop. A small dribble leaked from his meatus, trailing over his cock and down onto the leather. "I'm... so sorry sir." Emm said, but was silenced by Kras. "it's alright, Emerson. I'm satisfied that you didn't let it all out. But you know what you need to do to d,on't you?" Kras gestured to the dozens of men who had gathered on the other side of the table, having been drawn in by Emmerson's sudden screaming.

"Y-you want me to suck them off?" Seth questioned, he doubted that he had it in him to service each and every one of them. "No, pet. I want you to beg. Tell them that you love being edged, tell them that a slut like you needs to come otherwise they can't go to sleep at night." "No!" Seth howled in disgust, he almost got up off of the couch, but Kras' low growl stopped him. "Seth..." The tiger's growl turned to a sexy purr. "Are you telling me that you don't want to come? That you're going to go home and try to make yourself come better than what I can to do to you here at such a small price? I can tell you that if you do, you'll be doing that every night. Edging yourself. Trying to repeat the results of what this night created. But you won't be able to. You can edge yourself, but you'll never howl like you did here tonight because of me. You need me to be able come, you need me to click my fingers and let you spill your seed." Kras stopped his little speech and leaned forwards to lick the wolf's ear. "You want me to give you orders, so I'm going to order you to beg to these men. Do it now, boy. You have five seconds before I don't ever touch your cock again and the horrible little of cycle of trying to have a good enough orgasm starts." Seth didn't buge an inch, the coldness from Kras' lick lingering on his ear.

"One." Seth didn't move till.

"Two." Their audience was watching with avidity.

"Three." Even Selim couldn't take his eyes off of the scene.

"Four." Keaton the dragon in charge himself had stopped the daily grind behind the bar to get a front row seat to the live porno.


"I need Kras to make me come!" Seth mumbled, so quietly that only the tiger could hear him.

"Say it again, wolf. Say it loud and clear."

"I need Kras to make me come!" Seth shouted, the room plunged into silence, becoming quieter than it already was. No fur spoke, even the sound of breathing was eliminated from the room. The night wind's baying outside, the creaking of the bar, the pounding Seth's heart, it all stopped.

"I need Kras to make me come, his forepaw feels amazing. When it wraps around my dick I can't get enough and when he edges me my heart feels like it stops." Seth claimed, his tail wagging as it had done before when Keaton had forced him to beg. Only this time, Seth's tail didn't not betray him. "I love it ! Iove feeling Kras' forepaw on my cock and I can't wait for him to pound my ass with his big, thick, dick! I loved licking it and swallowing his cum..." "That's enough. Seth.." Kras raised his forepaw and gestured to the wolf.

"Emmerson, gt up on the couch on your knees. You too, Seth."

The two were kneeling on couch in a second, dicks out and forepaws curved. Kras brought the two together until their slick cocks were touching at the tip. He made a fist around both tips, he made the hole tight so that it would be had to penetrate. Somefur stepped forward and poured a freezing lube over their cocks, but Seth and Emm would be grateful for this later. "Push your dicks into this, I want to see you fuck this hole together." Kras kept his forepaw still, the two kept their dicks still as well as they suspected that it was a trick.

Slowly, they realized that Kras was being truthful. Seth was the first to try. He pushed, "Hrngh!" he attempted pulling a pained facial expression as he tried to cram his dick through Kras' fist. He failed miserably and gave up with an exhausted pant. The edging and everything else had drained him, Emm was in no better shape. Emm tried next with more confidence, but failed just as quickly. Seth tired once more as did Seth, they felt Kras' forepaw open slightly, but not enough to allow them in. As Emm pulled backwards, his cock dragged along Seth's and made him cry out in pleasure. Seth's cock squirted a rain of pre, his mouth dribbling slightly.

"If you come before you get your dicks through, there will be a punishment."

"Emm? Why don't we try pushing t the same time and not stopping until it goes through?" Seth suggested. Emm shrugged, but he was willing to ty.

And so they did. Emm and Seth pushing with all of their might at the same time, Kras' forepaw opened up with ease. Their cocks lipped in with a 'Pop' Pride and joy filled Seth, but he did not have ,long to gloat. immediately, Emm began fucking Kras' forepaw with Seth's cock still right beside his! The friction was amazing. Having his cock sandwiched between Emm' and Kras forepaw produced a feeling that could not be compared to anything he'd felt before. "OOOHHH!" Seth started fucking Kras' forepaw as well. It was amazing for them both, their members being rubbed in places they'd never felt be touched and their senses being worked to the maximum. They didn't last long.

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" They whined simultaneously as they came. Two loads of sticky cum flooded from their cock's, but combined mid-air to form a geyser that came pouring down over their cocks and Kras forepaw. Seth fell limp as he came, but was snapped back to earth when Kras scooped the cum from his cock and held his forepaws out. Emm and Seth feasted together, lapping up all of the white goodness until the furs around their lips were stuck together with cum.

"Good work you two." Kras chuckled. "Would you say that Seth knows his place now?" "Yes." Emm nodded and cuddled up to Kras on the sofa after pulling up his thong. "No more grudges?" "No."

"Well then you're free to go, Seth. My advice? Go get cleaned up in the bathroom, I doubt that the restaurant you've made your reservations at would appreciate it if you turned up several hours late with the smell of cum on yours lips." Seth couldn't have moved faster, simply because he had just remembered about his job. How pissed Shane would be to learn that Seth had skipped out on several reservations!

In the bathroom, Seth hurriedly wiped the cum from his chin with a paper towel. For some reason, he expected the paper not to get caught in his fur. He spent another ten minutes tearing that out of his fur and then another two or more washing it. Finally, after what felt like an hour or so, he stepped out of the bathroom. No fur bothered him as he walked from the bathroom, plenty of furs seemed to be eyeing him up, but no fur made a move. He was almost relieved as he stepped out of the bar and into the cool, night air.

Parked next to a gas pump was his car, fixed and ready to drive. Selim and the others who had repaired his car were no where to be seen. Everything was quiet. Happily, Seth filled up his car, payed and got in. It started like a dream, the engine purring at him without a splutter or a cough. It even handled like one as he pulled out of the gas station with ease and set off down the highway.

As he drove, he was seriously tempted to take the same route on his way back.

Thanks For Reading!

As always please tell me if you spot any mistakes! This is the first of the requests I've written, a little longer than what I expected to write, but I'm not complaining; it was fun to write! ^_^

Story, other characters, locations, writing © avatar?user=371211&character=0&clevel=2 Kalebthecat

Seth Baxter and premise © avatar?user=370561&character=0&clevel=2 Wip

All Play, No Work

# Chapter 10 ## 5th of April, 9:00 PM ## 3 Sugar Breed Mountain * * * Humming the tune to a ballad of 'Strange Fur' (the same ballad his father had sung to him when he was a cub), Sodom entered the milking room swiftly and with the conviction that...

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Free For The Hour

# Free For The Hour ## The Platinum Brothel, Prharan ## 30th of July, 6:21 PM * * * Waiting like a cat on hot bricks, the albino seized his precious, valuable I.D card to the candy red polo shirt he wore as if it were his heart. Forget about having...

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Faux Pas

# Faux Pas ## Merjuh University, Dorm 6: Room 4 ## 24th of September, 11:43 PM * * * Head palpitating in synch with his heart, mouth dried and eyesight blurry, Garret tossed and turned in his bed as he tried to catch more sleep in order to forget...

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