All Play, No Work

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 10

5th of April, 9:00 PM

3 Sugar Breed Mountain

Humming the tune to a ballad of 'Strange Fur' (the same ballad his father had sung to him when he was a cub), Sodom entered the milking room swiftly and with the conviction that he owned everything under the roof above him, which was technically correct.

The Doberman, many years ago had designed the milking rooms from an idea; twenty four hour pleasure for his boys. Organised across the right wall were several milking devices, all of them had been collecting dust for too long, which attached at the base and tightened until not even air could escape. They came in different sizes, considering that one of Sodom's boys ranged from gifted to endowed to micro penis. One end of the milking tube vanished in the wall, dipping down to the storage rooms below, whilst the other extended into a glass tube which currently extended from the wall. Connecting them was a bendy tube that could stretch a fair distance. Of course, that had only been the beginning of the invention.

Since then, Sodom had added plenty of other lovely things. Above each station was a shower head which was connected to the liquid storage tanks downstairs, piss, cum or water (although occasionally it could be an abhorrent brew of all three) could avalanche down onto whoever was strapped in. Sodom had learnt that not every boy could handle being milked for twenty four hours, around the one hour mark they'd break out themselves, so Sodom had chains installed: two at the wrists, two at the ankles, one at the neck and one at the tail in case the boy was good with his tail. On top of this Sodom had added a blindfold, earplugs to block out all sound, a nasal rub to erase sense of smell and numbing cream to shelves situated on the door's wall. As if that wasn't enough, Sodom had added his own personal touch of a self-invented dildo machine. It would stretch out on a metal limb from the floor when Sodom pressed the corresponding button on the control panel to fuck whoever was in it's way without mercy or the capacity to feel guilt. It would only stop when the off button was pressed or the tanks below dedicated maximum capacity. Sodom had considered adding more things to the milking room for a time being, such as shock collars to punish a resisting boy or giving the dildo machine the ability to come (using the boy's seed of course), but had eventually settled for not ruining the room's charm by adding newfangled inventions. The room was perfect for what it needed to do and for that, Sodom had kept it the way it was ever since he finished building it.

A few steps, about ten or so, behind the milking devices was the control panel that could do everything from turn to the milking devices on to pulling up cum from the storage to spray out from above. On the far wall was a rack of sex toys, leather gear and every Sodom needed to dominant his boys. Better yet, there was Sodom's favorite thing about all of his BDSM rooms on the left wall: a CD player. Most homes didn't have one of these, so everyfur new to Sodom's BDSM rooms was astounded to see one in such a strange place. Of course, they usually forget within a few minutes considering that anyfur who entered Sodom's BDSM room was probably going to have the brains fucked out of them by a machine.

After the flick of a light switch, a dark red glow filled the room. Now, Sodom could make out his victim for the next hour and a half: Luca.

The golden spotted Dalmatian was sitting in nothing but his fur, positioned in the middle of the room like a dog waiting for it's master. Which was exactly what Luca was to Sodom. When Luca tried to scurry over, Sodom clicked his fingers and growled.

"Stay. Sit." Luca dropped from his forepaws and knees to just his knees, leaning back on them he curved his forepaws and gave the Doberman puppy eyes. Chuckling at the fact that Luca was still obedient, Sodom dismissed the Dalmatian's begging and instead approached his CD player. Sodom was actually the only fur in the house who knew how to work a CD player, the rest having never grown up with one or sometimes even seen one! Luca understood what it was, but didn't know how it worked at all. He tried to crane his neck to see Sodom place a CD into the tray and was startled when smooth jazz filled the room. Luca beamed, he knew that this was one of Sodom's favorites; clearly he wanted to celebrate Luca's return in style.

Smiling as Sodom approached him, Luca couldn't help but wag his tail vigorously behind him.

"Master's here boy, you can calm down now." Sodom's words had no effect on the Dalmatian and, when Sodom was standing next to him, Luca rubbed up against his legs to imprint a scent onto the dog's trouser legs. "Aren't you just the cutest?" Sodom laughed as Luca slipped through his legs and nipped at his ankles. "I love being romantic with you, but we don't have all night." Sodom sighed and held Luca by the scruff. The dog underneath Sodom froze, but rose up when Sodom tugged gently.

Remaining silent as Sodom inspected him, Luca couldn't help but feel unnerved as the canine's eyes scanned him. Luca knew that he wasn't going to pass inspection, but he winced anyway when Sodom spoke.

"You're fur is glossy, angelic as always." That was the only compliment Sodom had for his boy. "But you haven't been eating properly, you fool." Sodom snarled and slapped the back of the Dalmatian's head, Luca cowered and let out a soft whine. "What would your mother say?!"

"Don't know." Luca croaked, holding back tears. After a second of trying, his attempts failed and tears streamed from his eyes. He choked on his tears and flopped against Sodom who sighed and let Luca cry for a minute. When the Dalmatian's tears dried up, he pecked Sodom on the check and stood firm as he snapped back into the character Sodom wanted him to play for their session. "Mad." Was all Luca could say, Sodom understood though.

"Exactly. And so am I. I expect you to eat everything I put in your bowl tomorrow." They may have been playing characters for the session, but Sodom meant everything he said and Luca knew that.


Sodom gave a warm smile in response, that was the answer he was looking for.

"Good. Now then..." Sodom adjusted the cuff links of his suit, "How about we get started? Your naked ass has teased me long enough!" Giggling as Sodom threw him to the wall, Luca blushed. He collided against the wooden wall and the entire structure moaned with pain, he flipped himself and pressed his face into the wood.

Licking his lips, Sodom forced a finger inside of Luca and found pleasure in the pained gargling noise Luca made when his taut ring failed to defend. Sodom wriggled the finger around, opening up Luca for the dildo. Sodom was tempted to fuck the Dalmatian himself, but he knew that it would be unfair to spend his load on Luca and then leave Jewels with a small orgasm and a cock that didn't respond to anything.

Adding a second finger, which caused a trickle of blood to escape Luca's tailhole, Sodom moved Luca to the side and used his free forepaw to chain Luca up. The metal clasped around Luca's wrists, ankles and his neck to trap him. The Dalmatian could hardly move, not that he wanted to. Still, Luca was finding it tough to put up with Sodom's sudden intrusion and knew that he was about to fail the challenge. The challenge? Take three fingers dry, Sodom hadn't uttered a word about it, but Luca could read the Doberman like a book. His suspicions were confirmed when the dominant canine attempted to force a third finger instead of Luca's hole. Were the dog Jewels or lubed up, three fingers would be a cakewalk, but since nothing had penetrated his ass properly in quite a long time and his hole being sparse of any lubricant, he simply couldn't take it. With a disappointed look, Sodom pulled his fingers out and wiped them off in Luca's fur; the Dalmatian was going to pay for failing such an easy challenge.

Luca, being only able to see wood, had to listen to what Sodom was doing. His ears flicked at the clacking Sodom's shoes made as he moved across the wooden floor which, due to it being the same material as the walls and ceiling, made the room into a wooden box essentially. The Dalmatian whined, sounding apologetic and full of submissiveness.

"Hush, boy! I'm not above gagging a mute." Sodom threatened, Luca whimpered once before falling silent and still. If he wanted any updates on what was happening, he'd have to obey perfectly and guess what Sodom wanted. For now, until everything was ready that is, Luca inferred that Sodom wanted silence.

Sodom's eyes fell on the rack which was filled with BDSM gear. A gas mask, harnesses of all types, leather pants, rubber pants, a dominant's gimp suit, an outfit made of entirely rubber, a cat suit... Sodom had everything on there, but he wanted none of it for the session. All he wanted was to be able to feel Luca's fur against his paw pads, to be as close to him as possible without material restricting them. Normally, Sodom got dressed up for a session because he wanted to invoke fear and a servile nature in his boys, but Luca didn't need that. Then again, Sodom needed to let Luca know who he was; that he was still a mob boss who liked to dip into sodomy for his pleasure. The Doberman kept his suit on; besides, nudity was overrated.

With any other boy, Sodom would have smoked a cigar.

"I'm not wearing any fetish gear boy. Just my suit. I know that you want me naked, so you can feel my cock, but this isn't about you. It's about me, you know that. If we were doing this for your pleasure, I would stick you between a group of hunks and give you free reign over them. But this isn't about you. This is about me." Hearing those words put Luca into a hypnotic state, which was exactly what Sodom needed for the first few minutes of the session. It was going to hurt for a few moments and Sodom hated the idea of putting Luca through too much pain.

"What do I do first?" Sodom approached the dog and ran a finger down his bare, white chest. "I have an hour and ten to make you squirm like never before. I'll only need thirty of those to make you scream. Well... I only need thirty of those to force you to make a noise similar to screaming." Just hearing those words being whispered into his ear made Luca's cock slide out of its sheath until only the knot was left inside. Sodom pressed his body up against Luca's. A moment after Sodom's crotch ground into Luca's naked ass, Luca's sheath was peeled back as far as possible causing his red and purple knot to be free.

Sodom explored Luca further with his forepaws, a steady amount of precum beads rolled from the Dalmatian's cock slit. Thanks to months of being denied an orgasm, his cock was mostly a bruise purple with large veins snaking all over the member; Sodom thought that it was a shame to ruin a beautiful sight, but perhaps seeing that seed erupt up a pipe would be even more attractive. The Doberman peeled back a part of the wooden wall, so that he could see just that when it happened.

When Sodom took his forepaws away, leaving Luca with a kiss on the small of his back, the Dalmatian whined for him to come back. Chuckling, Sodom ground the bulge in his pants against Luca. Then, from the wall, he pulled a glass tube with a pipe connected to the top. A part of the tube slipped off, the rubber ring at the end of the bell shaped tube. Sodom pushed it around Luca's cock then tightened it, so that it wouldn't slip off. Then, he attached the rest of the milker to it and checked to see that it was tight by waggling it; it stayed perfectly attached with the edge of Luca's knot squeezed against the sides as it tried to grow. Satisfied, Sodom pushed Luca's legs apart so that he had easy access to the dog's tailhole. A dildo machine was positioned directly below Luca's tailhole with a purple dildo without lube on the arm. Sodom sighed, he hated this part.

"Luca. Relax, feel no pain please." Sodom projected with a stern voice, doing his best to not sounded concerned. The Doberman slipped the blindfold over Luca's eyes, along with the earphones and applied the paste to stop his sense of smell. Then, to help his boy, he smeared numbing cream all over his tailhole and slightly inside.

Cradling Luca's hips with his forepaws and leaning forwards to kiss the back of his neck, Sodom whispered: "You're going to fill half a tank with your seed before I return." Luca writhed in his bondage and only struggled more when Sodom stepped away.

"Relax, Luca. Save your energy for the challenge." Luca stopped moving and a shiver ran down his spine, the challenges were the worst part about Sodom's sessions. "Now normally I'd say that you're not allowed to come, but that would ruin the point of this session; I am milking you for every drop after all. Therefore..." Sodom released Luca's wrists. Sodom raised the Dalmatian's arms painfully above his head so that Luca was standing on his tip toes and ordered: "Keep your arms up here." Sodom, scratched the wood with a claw to mark the point where Luca's forepaws needed to be.

Luca had been through too much in the day for him to have enough energy to truthfully keep his arms up for more than a few minutes, especially when the milking began.

Being generous, Sodom decided to get the dildo started before anything else.

It was painfully slow at first, but ruthless. The dildo, equine shaped with a brutal, monstrous girth, pushed forwards relentlessly and was pressed against Luca's tailhole within mere seconds. The Dalmatian expected Sodom to stop the dildo machine before it could get inside, after all Sodom always enjoyed being the first to plunder a tight tailhole, he was wrong.

"AHGH!" Luca let out a gargled scream, his face twisting with unparalleled pain as the rim of his tailhole was stretched extraordinarily for the dildo's head. Fortunately, Luca's tailhole was experienced enough to open up further until... 'POP!' The dildo slipped in with an audible sound and Luca made another strange noise similar to screaming. Sodom chuckled, he loved forcing boys to make noises; the louder the better.

Again, Luca assumed that his master would show mercy. Again he assumed wrong. The dildo continued to assault him until all ten inches were inside, filling up his tailhole and leaving a bulge on the front of his stomach for Sodom to admire.

With a lewd grin, Sodom brought the dildo to a halt and step forwards to stroke Luca's body. He squished and squeezed the Dalmatian's cheeks in his forepaws and ran a finger around the dog's stretched rim. "Is it painful?" Luca shook his head to say no. "How does it feel?"

"Alien." Luca answered with look of bliss on his face. Sodom ran a forepaw over the bulge in Luca's stomach, it was a rare sight and it was the exact reason why Sodom was using an equine dildo.

"Now do I make it twist, expand..." Sodom listed as he returned to his command panel. "Oh! I almost forgot about the milking tube!" Sodom, with one flick of a button, activated the suction in the tube.

"Gah!" Luca gasped, his entire body rippling. His arms dropped to his side. Sodom tutted.

"One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six... Seven... Eight... Nine..." Luca managed to drag his arms up to the position that Sodom desired him to take. "Good." Sodom chuckled as Luca, whining about soreness, managed to keep his arms up. "You've earned yourself nine firm spanks at least, but I promise to go easy on your first three." Sodom promised, knowing that he was lying to Luca. Luca knew that he was lying as well, but didn't care at all; something was enjoyable about being spanked hard. The rush was amazing.

Luca grunted in response and writhed helplessly. His cock ached in the tube and he could feel his first orgasm building rapidly. Due to a combination of being denied an orgasm for so long, the sheer intensity at which the tube sucked on him and how quickly the horse dildo began pounding in and out of him, Luca came quickly. The Dalmatian howled as he threw his head back and a large amount of seed burst from his meatus. The moment it entered the tube, it was sucked from him and went straight into the pipe before Luca could even finish his howl. The dog dropped his arms as he came, Sodom began counting again. By the time Luca had recovered, Sodom had counted up to fifty. Sodom chuckled and stopped.

"You've failed your challenge." Sodom tutted. Luca whined in response. "Now... I would love to spend all of the time with you because this is highly entertaining, but I need to attend to Jewels. Is this alright?" Luca managed to nod in agreement, despite the devices already miking him again. His cock was too sensitive for him to be touched again so soon, he doubled over and braced himself against the wall as his prostate received a similar treatment.

"Yes sir..." Luca added then groaned loudly; it was going to be a long hour.

"Thank you. You have the remaining time to fill up your tank, I'd say you're a tenth full just from that last load. Mh... I would have loved to milk it out of you with my bare forepaws, but Jewels must be crying out for his master by now." Sodom chuckled and stepped forwards to stroke Luca across his back. "I'll send somefur to collect you when the tank is full, I'll see you later tonight. Promise" Luca grunted in response and couldn't ask why Sodom was being soft with him as already he could feeling his second orgasm about to burst free from him. When Sodom closed the door, slamming it to Luca know that he'd left, Luca' s second orgasm erupted from his cock to splatter up the tub. After ten or so more of those, he'd probably manage to fill up the tank.

Sodom moved through the halls with grace, for a lean and muscular doberman he was surprisingly elegant. None of the guards, maids or helpers stopped to question Sodom as to why he was rushing and instead stepped out of the way. Naum was an exception.

"Umm... Master?" The cheetah squeaked, stopping in front of him. Naum, having hung up his scrubs for the day, was stark naked and seemed to wave his body in an attempt to be attractive; it actually looked as if the cheetah were drunk rather than flirting. Sodom, like a bull, charged past and knocked Naum aside causing the feline to squeal. He was used to this cold treatment, so it was no surprise. "Sir!" Naum barked loudly in the way that Sodom would when giving orders and grabbed at the dog's forepaw. He caught it and regretted it instantly.

Sodom spun around in a flash, twisting Naum's arm around his back then colliding the lowest pad on his other forepaw with the back of Naum's skull. He drove through with the blow and ended up forcing the cheetah to the ground. Sodom snarled:

"Who gave you permission to do that!?" Naum cowered beneath him, too afraid to speak. "You know that no fur touches me unless instructed by me!"

"I-i'm sorry..." Naum tried shaking his ass, Sodom didn't notice. "I'm very sorry!"

"And rightly so. Give me one fantastic reason why I shouldn't hail a guard and have him dispose of you. No, actually, what defense do you have against me wanting to snap your neck and throw you out?" Naum couldn't think of anything. As Sodom breathed warm breath down the back of his neck, the cheetah burst into tears.

"P-please! I-i have-"

"What, you have a family? A boyfriend? They're all dead if I remember correctly." Sodom smirked. The cruel and wicked comment made Naum curl up into the smallest ball possible, which wasn't very small considering that Sodom had him pinned.


"Then what do you have? As far as I'm aware, you have a jar of money and your fur coat to your name. That isn't much to offer or bargain with when it comes to your life, is it?"

"No sir! Please don't kill me... Or skin me." Naum pleaded.

"So you're going to allow me to beat you as a payment? Perfect." A strong paw pulled on Naum's flesh, making him jerk away from it to no avail.

"No!" Naum squealed and writhed around underneath him. He repeated his pleas until Sodom silenced him with a growl.

"I'm going to let you go, you're going to stay on your knees and tell me what you're going to give me." Sodom, as he had said, released the cheetah and stood tall; towering over the cheetah. Naum slowly turned, got onto his knees and looked up at Sodom with wide, teary eyes.

"I-i'll work without pay!" Was all Naum could think of. Sodom shook his head. Naum burst into more tears. "Pleeeeeaseee!" He stressed. Sodom chuckled.

"Seeing as how you have a minimal amount of things, you can have my mercy in exchange for an answer. Why have you been attempting to gain my favor so much recently?" Naum fell silent, sniffling on occasion.

"B-because. I want to be noticed by you again." Sodom turned away.

"Be out of my home by midnight. If I discover that you have taken anything other than the money in the glass jar, I'll have you hunted down like a rabid feral."

"I want to be your pet again!" Naum shouted. Sodom looked over his shoulder and dismissed Naum with a wave.

"I have four here already, what makes you think I want a fifth? I hate odd numbers."

"Because you'll have eight over all! If anything I'll just be around to make it eight!"

"I have a hatred for eight. Besides, Seven is the number of psychopaths and I might as well start fitting the bill." Naum could feel tears coming on again, he couldn't be thrown out by Sodom; he'd have nothing! He'd die on the streets, assuming he made it off the mountain, which in the middle of winter would be impossible. Naum couldn't stand the thought of becoming a frozen corpse, buried under the snow on Sugar Breed mountain. No fur would find him and no fur would remember him.

Naum crawled to Sodom who stopped just to watch the pathetic bug come to him. When the cheetah reached him, he pushed him down to the ground with his paw as if he were an annoying feral jumping at him for a fuss. Naum, without touching Sodom with his forepaws, wriggled out from under him and kissed his bare paws in worship. They smelt of cherries, Sodom's favorite shampoo scent. It brought memories of bathing with the Doberman to Naum's head, having big forepaws run over his body as he pressed back into the bed made of Sodom's fur and muscle, being nipped on the shoulder and squeezed... Naum's day dream was interrupted by Sodom.

"You are good for one thing at least." Sodom had also recalled the cheetah's penchant for licking paws, to no surprise he was equally good at giving paw massages. My bedroom in the morning, be there at five thirty and wait until I awake. You are not to wake me early. I'll begin your assessment immediately, you know the rest." Sodom allowed Naum to worship his paw for a few more seconds before brushing the cheetah aside. Ignoring Naum's ebullient thanks, the doberman hheaded straight for the play room where Jewels was waiting.

Where as the milking play room had been dark, ominous and full of gear, the room where Jewels waited was the opposite. For the buck boy, it was heaven. The room was... strange. Sodom had made it as a joke at first, but soon turned it into a comfortable room for tender moments. The floor was a bed, squishy and perfect for rolling about on. The room was large enough for it to not cause claustrophobia, but not so large that it was a waste of space. From the door to the back wall there were pillows everywhere, small ones, big ones, round pillows... Sodom had chosen light, pastel colors; his boys tended to like those colors. Jewels, seeing how the buck spent most of his free time snuggling with his imagination in the room, had been given a giant teddy bear (it was seven foot in height) to mush up against. Sodom wasn't surprised when he entered to find the deer squeezing it, god the doberman had missed the adorable looks Jewels gave him.

The deer had the face of a four year old cub in a sweet shop when he saw Sodom enter. Immediately, he assumed a submissive stance and presented his naked body as a welcoming. Sodom had to fight to keep himself from pouncing. He closed the door behind him and glided across the room, ending up on his forepaws and knees by the time he reached Jewels. The two bumped muzzles. Jewels gave a canine whine as Sodom gently pushed him to the cushioned floor.

They rolled around on the soft floor, enjoying just having their bodies mangled so closely. Jewels reveled in the heat of Sodom's body and Sodom drowned in Jewel's scent. The doberman knew he had so many things to re-explore: the buck's musk, taste, his squeals, his talents... Sodom wanted all of him, he fought hard against the urge to just spend the rest of his night breeding Jewels again and again until either his balls were empty, or Jewels' belly burst.

"Mff..." Jewels noised as his sensitive cock rubbed across Sodom's six pack. The deer looked up at Sodom with wide eyes before the doberman told him everything.

"I'm going to milk you now. Sit on my lap, no anal, no talking, just lose yourself. Don't worry about me edging or ruining your orgasm, I have every intention to allow you to enjoy this night." Jewels opened his mouth, Sodom answered the question before he knew it. "Luca's in a milking room, he'll be in there until we're finished."

The doberman, finished with his instructions, sat crossed legged against Jewel's bear. "I can see why you like this thing." The doberman chuckled as he relaxed into the fluff of the bear's belly. Jewels gave Sodom a false grumpy look to tell him that he didn't appreciate having his toys stolen, then giggled and climbed onto Sodom's lap. The buck tried to sit with his legs apart over Sodom's, so that he could stare into Sodom's eyes whilst the dog played with him, but Sodom had other ideas and moved Jewels so that he was pressed up against his chest. The scrawny buck was so small, or perhaps it was because Sodom was so tall, his head rested against Sodom's shoulder when he was in position.

Sodom reached between their bodies and glared into Jewel's light blue eyes. They were filled with excitement, passion and fear almost. Jewels hadn't been in this position for a good long while. Sodom had fucked him earlier, but it had been just a quickie. There had been some passion, but what they were doing now was so much more passionate, intimate and sexy. A blush bloomed beneath Jewel's light tan fur when he met Sodom's eyes. The Doberman whispered.

"Two orgasms, is that alright? I don't want to push you too hard."

"That's perfect."

"Jewels Sodom, do you trust me?" He asked, his voice thick with accent. The buck boy in his arms sunk against his chest, emotion and energy alike leaving him.. Sodom grinned, good to see that he could still work his magic. "It's your birthday. What I'm going to do to you is a present. Oh... and I'm your Daddy." Sodom purred. "No talking, boy." Everything about Jewels changed as if his very DNA and memories had been adapted. He clung to Sodom more tenderly and looked at him as if the buff Doberman were his everything. With his change of posture, a birthday boy glow sprung up around the buck and he smiled warmly whenever Sodom brushed his forepaws against him.

With Jewels prepped, Sodom started. He cupped the buck's ass cheeks, smothering them both with one gigantic forepaw, and rolled them in his paw. His other forepaw prodded Jewels' glowing, neon light green cock; Sodom had no problem with jerking off a mutant. If anything he was thrilled, this was the first mutant cock he'd seen in what felt like forever. Jewels was beaming like a cub at this point, having his 'Daddy' play with his cock and it being his 'birthday' was too much for him. He trembled with glee in Sodom's clutches and couldn't keep still, Sodom didn't dare ruin it by ordering Jewels to stop.

The buck continued whining and trembling as Sodom's prodding turned to a clasp. The mutant's cock was drowned in Sodom's forepaw, the tip barely escaping Sodom's grasp. But, when Sodom moved his thumb, all of Jewel's cock was covered. Sodom rubbed the pointy head and watched closely as Jewels' expression twisted. He gasped, jerked his head back and let his mouth fall open wide as Sodom gave the boy's cock head a shining with his thumb. Jewels was already close, Sodom could tell by the buck's reactions. He'd never moved like this before, but months without sex seemed to be able to change a fur's personalities drastically.

Jewels, unable to resist Sodom's touching, blew his load all over his own chest. It was thick and came out in long jets, resembling glue more than seed. Sticking to his fur, only a small amount dribbled down to the lower parts of his belly and his crotch.

"Oh dear..." He whined.

"What did I say about talking?"

"I came, Daddy!" Jewels exclaimed. "Sorry."

"I know that boy. Now stay hard for Daddy." Sodom continued rubbing Jewels' cock, convinced that the boy had much more seed to spill. Sodom's assumption was right.

Small globs dribbled out of Jewels' meatus as Sodom continued just fondling the boy's shaft. He enjoyed seeing Jewels' member squish and obey his fingers as it softened slightly, eventually reaching a semi. Sodom glanced at Jewels' light blue eyes, the buck was lost in concentration: he was trying to keep his cock hard. Sodom decided to help.

"Think about what you want me to do to you. Everything... Sex related."

Everything Jewels wanted flowed through his head: sex, shower sex, rough sex, calm sex, orgasms after orgasms, being squeezed in Sodom's arms, knotting, knot fucking... The list went on and on. After no more than three minutes, Jewels' dick was hard in Sodom's forepaw again. Some of his jizz that had bubbled off of his cock rather than shot was stained over his member, the liquid appeared to be tinted green thanks to the glow coming from beneath it.

Sodom went back to teasing, having Jewels cum easily would just be boring. The canine was getting fantasies of what he could do to Jewels to make him come again as he rubbed a thumb against the buck's tiny balls. Sodom stopped.

That was it.

His balls.

Sodom looked at them. They were sensitive, god they were sensitive! Jewels twitched when Sodom brushed against them and mewed when Sodom rolled them. Those delicate, furry orbs were the perfect way for Sodom to extract Jewels' seed for the second time.

"Daddy?" Jewels called, snapping Sodom out of his reverie. Growling, Sodom pushed Jewels away suddenly, making the buck yelp. "Sodom!" He cried, snapping out of his hypnotized state. The Doberman flopped down on his legs, half-pinning him, and grabbed hold of his balls roughly. The noise Jewels produced was close to a scream when Sodom, with a grip tighter than a pitbull's bite, pulled (with the strength to rival a body builder's) on the boy's balls. Jewel's balls were stretched to an unbelievable length, about a quarter of the way down his thigh and ten times lower than normal. This was mostly because of the rubber stretchers Sodom had kept on the boy's spheres for great mounts of time.

"Do you trust me?" Sodom asked through gritted teeth.

"Y-yes!" Jewels screamed, his forepaws scratching at the air. Sodom frowned, that wasn't the answer he was looking for. Nevertheless, he released Jewel's balls and gave them a soft rub. They went back to their usual place, leaving Jewels panting. "Thank you." He managed to say. "I'm sorry, I love that stuff normally..."

"Give it time. You'll be head over heels for CBT in time." Sodom hummed, sitting next to the deer as he backed up against the giant bear again. "Want me to carry on milking you? I could feel your balls churning to get more out."

Jewels squirmed against Sodom as the doberman scooped him up again. "Well I won't deny that I was loving it. It hurt too much, that's all."

"Want me to continue?" Sodom squeezed Jewel's love handles, making him giggle.

"I don't see why not."

"Then close your mouth and sit back, enjoy." Sodom grinned with his teeth before moving one forepaw down between the buck's legs to play with his balls again. Sodom rolled them over his palm, blind I might add because of Jewels' positioning, then gave them light squeezes. Jewels reacted to each one with a sharp hiss, however he moaned as pleasure replaced pain. The canine squeezed again, just to make sure that what he was seeing was real. It was and when Sodom squeezed again, tighter this time, Jewels moaned even louder. Sodom's mouth curved.

Continuing to squeeze with growing strength, Sodom used his other forepaw to rub between Jewel's family jewels and watched in euphoria as he squirmed, moaned and bucked against him. Jewels' cock rubbed across the top of Sodom's forepaw, bringing him minimal amounts of pleasure.

Sodom grew jaded of teasing quickly.

Bunching up Jewels' balls, he delivered a cruel, sadistic squeeze and watched with a maniac grin as Jewel's length throbbed painfully. They felt full, looked full too, and when Sodom rubbed his thumb he could have sworn that he could feel all the seed they'd made swish about inside. Sodom was sure that it wasn't exactly healthy for Jewels' sanity for him to orgasm so quickly, only three minutes after the first, but the buck wanted this badly. The quick glances he took at Sodom, checking to see if the man was still up for it, told him everything; if he was denied or had this one ruined, he'd kill.

Sodom tugged down and, as if a lever had been pulled, Jewel's cock to stand attention with piston action. Jewels gasped and doubled over as spunk sprayed out of his meatus to add to the last load. Sodom crushed and squashed the orbs, making sure that he got everything out of the buck's balls. Jewels panted, not wanting or able to comment on this one. Jewels' breathing died down to normal levels, but panting still filled the room. Jewels looked at Sodom to see the Doberman's naked, furry chest rising and falling quickly like a wolf that had just killed.

"Do you remember that I told you I'd make you come twice?"

"Yes, sir."

"I lied." Sodom growled as he shoved Jewels off of them and dived on top.

What could have been minutes or hours later, Naum opened the door and gasped.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" Naum tried to apologize as the sight of Sodom, half-strangling Jewels whilst fucking him from behind filled his view. The two were on the floor, Sodom with his arms wrapped around Jewels' neck and belly from on top as he pounded his cock in and out of the boy. The knot was much too thick for Jewels' tailhole, seeing as how he was taking Sodom dry, but both still tried with all their might. Jewels pushed and rocked back whilst Sodom pressed and pushed, hoping to hear that pop sound as it went in.

"It's fine!" Sodom grunted, gritting his teeth as he assaulted Jewels' tailhole. The buck had came twice more since Sodom had tackled him, his belly, crotch and more or less all of his front was stained with his own seed. Sodom, on the other paw, hadn't came once. He wanted to, but first he was going to cram his knot in Jewels and wrench it free a couple of times. "Continue." Sodom ordered.

"Vv-ery well then. I came to tell you that Luca has filled his tank. I've turned off the milker, but he's still in his bondage." Sodom's fucking slowed down, much to Jewels' horror. The buck groaned, he was seconds away from his next orgasm! He tried everything to get the doberman back, but Sodom only chuckled and wiped his cock off between Jewels checks before plugging him back up. Jewels muttered something about Sodom being an ass, which made the doberman laugh.

"Thank you, Naum!" Sodom exclaimed getting to his paws. He hurried over to naked cheetah and embraced him before landing as kiss on the boy's forehead.

"Oh!" Naum stared at the dog in disbelief, did he really just do that?

"What?" Sodom chuckled. "I'm happy, I've got four tight tailholes to fuck, maybe five soon and- oh! Everything's back the way it should be!" Sodom nearly squealed as he cuddled against Naum. "I'm very sorry for all the shit I said to you earlier, but you'd still better be in my room tommorow morning." Sodom pulled away from Naum and coughed, trying to play it off as if those last few seconds hadn't happened. "Boy-" Sodom tried to sound stern, but broke out into a laugh. "Sorry. I'm not in the mood to be all commanding."

"And here we were thinking that you were this big, tough guy!" Jewels giggled from behind. Sodom looked over his shoulder, pulling a face to warn that the deer was crossing the line.

"Are you going to clean yourself off?" Sodom raised an eyebrow, Jewels knew that he was expected to clean up the messes he caused or made. "Eat your fill, I don't want you getting overwhelmed on your first day back." The Doberman yawned. "Naum, may you please take my clothes to the washing room please..." (Sodom had gradually undressed as he screwed Luca, going from just having his cock out to being in nothing but his fur somewhere between the buck's third and fourth orgasm) "...and then deliver everything one might use to search for underwear-" Sodom stopped speaking. "Actually, order everything in them. Everything you can find online, one or two of everything please. Tell them it's Miciah Sodom and I want them for tomorrow, so I'll be sending people to collect them."

"Who should I-"

"The fixers. And tell them not to spill any blood." Naum bowed slightly and went to collect Sodom's clothes from behind him. Sodom turned to Jewels again, the buck was greedily snacking on the spooge littering his belly. He was having the time of his life, but Sodom knew that he wouldn't be able to have it all.

"Stop." Sodom ordered after Jewels had gobbled down a large scoop. "Come, we're going to fetch Luca." Sodom stepped out of the room and Jewels, like the obedient puppy he was expected to be, was hot on his heels. They dipped into the milking room and retrieved Luca who looked rather stunned not to mention drained, but still can't help but to force a smile when he saw the mess Jewels was covered in. His cock was immediately hard again and Sodom was surprised that the Dalmatian didn't tackle Jewels.

"In a moment, boy." Sodom chuckled. "In the shower, then you can clean him up. I plan on treating you so don't you worry one bit about any conditions I might set." Luca grinned ear to ear and, tugging Sodom as well as Jewels by the forepaws, lead them to the bathroom; he still knew the way.

The bathroom was less of a bathroom and more of a not-so-public, public shower. It was set out like one, no walls between shower heads with ten or so stretching out along the wall. Everyfur under Sodom's employment used these showers, but the maids kept them clean. Sodom himself had his own bathroom, which was smaller, but more luxurious and opulent than this one, but (being just as horny as the two boys) he couldn't stand the journey and would rather just use the staff one. Fortunately, seeing how Sodom wanted Jewels and Luca to himself, there was no fur in the showers and judging by the fur in the drains, everyfur who would want a shower had already been.

Sodom ignored the clumps of equine, canine and feline fur, forgetting entirely when his two submissives knelt down under a shower head for him. Luca's forepaws were already creeping over Jewels' thighs, trying to inch closer to some of his seed.

"Go on then." Sodom chuckled, looming over them as he watched. Luca shoved Jewels to the floor harmlessly, causing the buck to give a sudden yelp then got on top of him.

"Hey! I've been in this position twice already today!" Jewels complained, but silenced himself when Luca began dragging his tongue over the red deer's light tan chest. He took up an entire line of seed, then allowed it to rest on his tongue. The flavors came quickly, god he'd missed tasting cum! It was so... strange, but familiar, it had the perfect taste and Jewels' was like mangoes. Then that taste was gone and Luca couldn't identify it, but he could easily say that it was wonderful. Swallowing, Luca bobbed his head back down for a few more licks.

When Jewels' belly was at least half clean, Sodom spoke up. "Feed each other, boys." And they did. Luca, mostly because he already had some in his mouth, acted first and pressed his lips to Jewels'. Opening them, the buck's white cum poured out onto Jewels' lips, some escaped from the sides and dribbled over their lips. Feeling the warmth of it, Jewels opened his mouth and squeezed Luca's body as it rolled down his throat. It tasted so much better coming from Luca's mouth.

Rather than just pressing their lips together, Jewels pounded his body against Luca from beneath and managed to topple the Dalmatian. Now Jewels was on top, lying on top rather, and took over the kiss. With his tongue, he scooped jizz out of the dog's mouth, but was soon stopped when Luca swallowed and giggled. Jewels broke the kiss, Sodom observed long, thick strands of gooey cum hanging between their mouths. Luca split them with a tongue, wiped it all of then plopped it into the buck's mouth who began suckling until Luca's finger was free from the cum.

Jewels got off of Luca and looked at the Dalmatian's chest furs. They were drenched with cum, Jewels' cum. Being a polite gentlebuck, Jewels happily helped fork off all of the cum with his fingers whilst Luca did the same to him. When it was collected, they licked and rolled their tongues over each other's forepaws until the last few globs had been swallowed.

Both of the boys looked to Sodom who chuckled. "That was entertaining." He stressed, purring like a cat. "Remind me to make you do that more often." Sodom pressed a thumb against his erection, drawing the Dalmatian's and the buck's attentions to it. Luca made a whimpering sound and shuffled closer, followed by Jewels. They nuzzled against Sodom's chalice to elicit a soft grunt from him, but Sodom raised a forepaw to halt them.

"No. Let's get you both clean first." Obeying, both backed away and stood up. They didn't need to crouch or hunch to be smaller than Sodom, the Doberman was naturally tall and they were naturally small.

"You first!" Sodom barked, seizing Luca by the arms and pulling him in close. Luca's back pressed to Sodom's muscular chest, the dog's erection poking him in the back. "Grr..." Sodom growled as he felt up Luca with his forepaws, rubbing them over the Dalmatian's nethers and his pecs. His fur was soft and came away rather easily in the Doberman's touch. "Don't worry." Sodom licked the side of Luca's face, down his neck and across his shoulder before flicking off the end. "I promise that you'll enjoy this. Jewels! Clean him!"

Jewels dashed to a cabinet and retrieved his favorite, green apple. Jewels the type of furson who loved to love hated things. Squeezing some into his forepaws, he began working it into Luca's furs. Over his spots, around his swollen sheath, under his neck, down his perineum... Nothing was left untouched and Sodom made sure by following Jewel's forepaws with his own, lagging behind a few seconds or so. When Luca was covered in suds, Sodom positioned the Dalmatian under a stream of water and ordered him to wash. Meanwhile, he forced out large blobs of the shampoo into his forepaws and went for Jewels.

"Hey!" The buck giggled as Sodom's forepaws slipped under his arms to begin groping and exploring his body, smearing suds wherever they went. "I was washing myself."

"Too bad. I want to touch you." Sodom put it bluntly, there was no need to beat around the bush.

In a good few minutes, both Jewels and Luca were completely washed and conditioned from hair to toe claws. They stood under separate shower beams, watching closely as Sodom washed himself. All three were silent, save for Sodom's humming and Luca's occasional cough. The Doberman opened an eye, glaring at Luca with it to see what he was up to. The Dalmatian was doing his own observations, he stared at Sodom's cock and followed the muscles on his body. Those thick defined... A snap from Sodom caught the Dalmatian's attention.

"It's rude to stare." Sodom remarked. "Get over here. Both of you." They scurried over on their forepaws and knees. Sodom put them to work on his cock. Both were more than happy to make out over his red rocket.

Luca on the left and Jewels on the right, the two met eyes briefly and exchanged a plan. They'd have to share of course, both would have to get a helping of the Doberman's seed and Sodom would have to be in heaven by the end of it. That last one wasn't too much of a difficult task between them.

Jewels, being more experienced, took the lead.

He leaned forwards, his lips kissing Sodom's cock and pushed forwards until Luca got the idea and pressed his lips to the other side of Sodom's cock. Their lips met. With Sodom's cock sandwiched between them, the two made out. Luca's tongue went low under Sodom's cock and managed to get just inside of Jewel's mouth. The buck batted it away and returned his own jabs. Their tongues danced and toppled over Sodom's thick rod, barely able to reach the other's lips let alone their mouths. But still, the two treated it as if Sodom weren't there. Where their tongues lacked physical contact, their forepaws did not. Luca reached across, grabbed Jewels by the cock and jerked slowly. The buck winced, his cock was horribly sore from the milking and he was almost relieved when Sodom growled for Luca to behave himself.

Regardless of this, Luca still planned on showing off just how good he was with his forepaws. To win Sodom's favor, the Dalmatian made a fist around Sodom's cock and made slow jerking motions. The Doberman grunted and thrust forwards into Luca's forepaw to get himself off. Luca's forepaws could hardly fit around his master's knot and was somewhat relieved when Jewels motioned for them to change up their tactics.

Feeling that Sodom had grown jaded of having the two make out over his fat cock, they separated themselves into two tasks; servicing his cock and his balls. Luca went for those furry, dangling orbs where as Jewels went up and slipped Sodom's cock into his mouth. The engorged member, despite being massive (10.8 inches to be exact) slid into Jewels mouth with ease. He bobbed forwards, each time taking in more and more until he felt his lips press against Sodom's knot. That thing must have been taken off a monster and glued to the base of Sodom's cock, it was fucking huge! Hell, having that shoved up his ass let alone ripped out would send him into a state of shock and very near kill him. One can easily understand why both of the boys were desperate for Sodom to breed them constantly.

As Jewels twisted about on Sodom's cock, swallowing copious amounts of pre, Luca payed special attention to Sodom's testicles. He knew the secrets, where to touch and how to touch them. He could work miracles if he'd had access to the full package, but Sodom's perineum was off limits and Jewels was hogging the chalice. Still, he could give Sodom a fine orgasm with a little bit of time.

Tugging on the sac slightly, Luca giggled and watched as they bounced about, occasionally coming forwards to slap his nose. Sodom was beginning to face fuck Jewels and the buck was responding by making whining noises around the member as the knot pounded his lips into a bruise purple color. Luca felt his own knot pop out of his sheath, Sodom wasn't the only fur who loved noises. All Luca normally needed to get off most of the time was a few moans, grunts and a strong musk. Sodom's was definitely going to suffice. Holding Sodom's balls still, Luca licked across the brown fur again and again, between the sack, along the bottom, anywhere he could get his tongue to take in the musk.

Before either of the boys could show Sodom what they could really do, Sodom backed off and cock slapped the both of them to make a statement.

"Now don't be greedy. Share and don't swallow, let it spray on your faces." Sodom touched himself slowly, agonizingly slowly for the two boys. They waited gingerly close to Sodom's twitching cock with their mouths closed and eyes looking longingly at the meatus. The Doberman had no intentions to make it quick for his boys, hearing them beg was delicious. With one forepaw, he moved his thumb over his vein covered member, dragging it up and down the length.

"Mhh..." Edged once and teased multiple times by Kai, Nate, Jewels, Luca and even Naum, Sodom deserved his orgasm. Hell, he'd earned it! Sodom growled as spunk sputtered from his cock.

In ropey strands, it blew out across both boy's faces. A powerful, canine musk that overpowered Luca's filled the room and the cum rubbed the same scent into whatever it touched, it would be a bitch to get out of a carpet. Sodom moved his cock side to side with each spurt, just so that he could get it all over Jewels' and Luca's face.

Jewels ended up with it streaked all over his face with strands hanging off whilst Luca had opened his muzzle to catch it all. It hung from the roof of his mouth, before Sodom could force him to spit it into his forepaw he swallowed and giggled. The Doberman scowled, "Luca.." The Dalmatian skittered off to dry and comb his fur, despite it being short the dog cared dearly about looking stunning. Jewels, on the other hand, waited for Sodom's order. The dog took a minute to rub his seed into Jewel's face furs, admiring his art work.

"Good boy!" Sodom chirped and Jewels visage lit up instantly, his entire body seeming to glow as well. "Why don't you go clean up?" Sodom added and Jewels was off.

Sodom chuckled, it was good to know that he could still trust Luca to be somewhat of a brat.

When the Doberman had finished, he found both Luca and Jewels waiting eagerly outside of the door nude. Clicking his fingers, they fell in behind him and followed him to the master bedroom, Sodom's bedroom.

The Doberman rarely slept in his bedroom, but it was kept clean and fancy by the maids. Upon entering, Jewel's and Luca's jaws dropped. Sodom had made a few renovations since his boys had last seen the interior.

"Oh my god! How much did this cost?" Jewels gawped, trying to take in everything at once. Sodom's old master bedroom looked like it hadn't been changed since the eighteenth century, it was hard for the buck to believe that he was standing in the same room. Sodom had kept the color scheme of gold, white and black, bu everything else had changed.

The plain white carpet was the same, but it had been renewed so it no longer smelt musty in the room. Aside from that, the walls were again painted white with golden bands stretching along the top and bottom to give it some color. The far wall was more or less made of glass with five large, golden curtains draping down to block out the light. Sodom drew them and chuckled.

"Wouldn't want a guard looking through, would we?" Sodom explained. As Jewels and Luca settled down on the king sized bed that sat on an elevated platform, Sodom locked the door.

"Menacing." Jewels giggled.

The rest of the room was decorated with a black oak wardrobe, a modern fire place, a flat screen TV mounted on the wall, a bookshelf, a mirror, a sofa and several expensive paintings.

"Like I said, I'd hate to be disturbed tonight. I'm still a little horny and... well... I have two boys in my room." Sodom joined the two on the bed and was soon treated to the sight of Luca bearing his backside. As tantalizing as the view was, there was something wrong.

"What's the matter, Luca?" Sodom asked, running a forepaw through Jewels blonde head furs as the buck cuddled up on his chest.

"Punishment." Luca answered.

"What punishment?" Sodom chuckled and gave Luca's tail a harmless, painless yank. "Get over here, I'm not in the mood to spank you at all." Luca blinked twice, he'd never been let off the hook before. With a smile, Luca nestled into the crook of the Doberman's arm and kissed the side of his muzzle.

"You're going soft." Jewels remarked and was rewarded with a gibbs-slap. "Seriously! You'd put me out in the rain for that and Luca would be limping back to his cage with a sore ass by now!"

"Language." Sodom rebuked and winked. "Aren't you grateful though?" He asked as wrapped an arm around Jewels.

"Of course. I'm not scared any more."

Thanks For Reading!

As always please tell me if you spot any mistakes ^_^ Feedback is always welcome, so please leave a comment to tell me how I did. I'm going to try to update more often from now own, but no promises

Story, Characters, Location © avatar?user=371211&character=0&clevel=2 Kalebthecat

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