Midnight Silence

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Midnight Silence

Zere University Boys Dormitories, Zere

5th of May, 0:41 AM

Talon stood staring wide-eyed at the beagle.

Never in a million years would he have guessed that Kester was gay, the beagle had always been so masculine. None of the shock came from seeing the canine naked and rubbing one out; weeks ago Talon had peeked around his door to catch Kester with his paws up on the desk and his cock in his forepaw. Everything about the scene had given Talon a raging erection, the moans, the very sight of a jock lost in pleasuring himself, the wet slapping sounds of a fur bottoming out and the musk; all of which had kept Talon glued to his peep hole.

That night, the toilet bowl had been painted with equine seed. Talon had done his very best to destroy the evidence, but horse musk was a difficult smell when it came to removing it. Kester's acute nose had sniffed out Talon's late night activities quickly. Imploring Kester to not tell had not saved Talon, the beagle told Reggie immediately. The insulting names that Talon had been given were gone, but the humiliation was not forgotten by the supple equine. Now, the tables were turned.

Stunned, shocked and mortified, Kester remain frozen in his seat. His cock had retreated back into it's sheath now that it had blown it's hot sticky load, but the musky scent remained on his fur. His heart pounded away in his chest and his gut felt as if it were churning up his dinner.

"Fuck..." He thought to himself and quickly scanned the room for an escape route.

He could easily overpower the equine, but that would only exacerbate the already dire situation.

A sly grin spread across Talon's face before the equine burst out into laughter. He pointed accusingly as he guffawed, in the end he had to hold his stomach to stop himself.

"Fag!" Talon roared with his feminine voice.

More mocking laughter erupted from him, riling Kester further and further. Unfortunately for Talon, Kester had no patience for insults.

Kester banged out of his seat, sending the leather hair clattering to the floor.

"Eek!" Talon squeaked.

A moment later he was held to the wall by his clothes. Talon was much taller than Kester, but the beagle was stronger. With ease, the muscular, enraged dog wrapped his large, beefy forepaws around the slender, screaming equine's coarse, lemon colored polo-shirt. Cum rubbed into his clothes as Kester pressed his nude body against Talon's clothed one. He let out an aggressive growl as Talon's begging died down. Kester's visage was morphed into a scowl, his eyebrows low and his red eyes squinting to glare at Talon.

"P-please don't beat me up!" Talon whimpered, a spineless whine followed his words. "I won't tell a soul!"

What was he saying? He had the upper paw! Two rumors could be spread by him, Kester's sexuality and his night time habitats.

"You'd better not!" Kester released Talon's shirt and let the stallion shrink up to the wall. "Stay there whilst I get cleaned up. If you're gone by the time I get back, I'll fuck the shit out of you!" Kester warned with a violent snarl as he left the room, heading for the bathroom in a hurry.

Talon stood motionless, but Kester's computer refused to. On the computer screen, Kester continued to fuck the rabbit with powerful bucks of his hip. Confidently, Talon marched over to the computer and went to hit the power button before he found arousal in the sight. Then an idea hit him, he could record the video and it would be perfect blackmail! Talon pulled out his smart phone and turned on his video camera, the lens picked up everything it needed to. Talon dropped his phone into his pocket and hit the power before he was discovered.

"What are you doing?" Kester glared at Talon as he re-entered the room, his chest wiped free of cum.

The beagle was still naked, flaunting his floppy sheath and his hefty balls for Talon to admire.

"Er... Stopping the porn video." Talon said. "Who was that in the video? I mean, who were you... putting your dick in."

"No fur in particular."

"Really? So you're a gay porn star? Or do you just make videos with random fursons?" The horse smirked and put his forepaws on his hips.

"It's none of your business, Talon."

Kester opened his underwear draw and took out a tight pair of hot pink boxers with chartreuse rims that would be snug against his body.

"Tell me! Otherwise I can go tell Reggie that you were jerking off to a video of yourself fucking some rabbit! That's triple embarrassment. Right?" Reggie threatened, the beagle flinched, but gave in to Reggie's demands.

"The rabbit in the video is my boyfriend. It's home made." Kester admitted. "Tell anyfur and you'll be starring in the next one." He growled, so that Talon knew that he had not gone soft.

"Oh! I won't tell anyfur." Talon giggled. "But..." He smirked. Talon waved the phone in Kester's face, the video was still playing.

"DELETE THAT!" Kester howled, diving for Talon's phone. Gracefully, Talon dodged the enraged beagle and screamed at him.

"I'll tell Reggie if you try that again!"

"Do that and I'll fucking kill you!" Kester shouted back. The beagle went to dive again, but saw that the equine had his message tabs open. They stood still for a moment, Kester spoke next.

"What do you want? Money? I'll pay you to delete the video." Kester blurted desperately.

"No I don't want money! I want to humiliate you!" Talon giggled like a cub. "But then again.... I am horny." Talon began fumbling with the front of his jeans.

"I'm not a bottom."

"You are now. Give me a blowjob and we can forget about this."

"Please don't make me do this..." Kester rumbled.

"Ha! No thanks, jerk. Remember all those times you made me do your homework? Clean the piss stains out of the bathroom? Hmm? Well this is my revenge."

Talon dropped his jeans to the floor, revealing his white briefs that housed his impressive eight inch beast of a cock. It was smaller than Kester's in truth, but size didn't matter much when it was being rammed down at throat.

"For fucks sake I'm really going to have to do this!" Kester threw his forepaws up in protest. "If your brother comes back I'm going to kill you!"

"Nah! I think he'll kill you for first for assaulting me." Talon stuck his tongue out at the beagle.

"Let's just get this over with."

Talon grinned with a sense of victory coming to him, he hadn't expected Kester to give in so easily. Kester's submission was going to make things very easy, if Talon was lucky maybe he'd be able to convince Kester to go a little further than a simple blowjob. The equine settled down on the edge of Kester's bed and leaned backwards, marking the entire furniture with his scent (a mixture of 'Spritzs perfume' and good, old fashioned B.O.)

"Aren't you going to take your briefs off?" Kester frowned as he got down on his knees between Talon's spread legs.

"Ever heard of underwear worship?"

"Fuck you, pony." Kester snarled and crossed his arms in protest. "If you think I'm about to get down on my knees and worship you-"

He was cut short by Talon suddenly grabbing his tuft of hair and forcing him to kiss his bulge. Kester's shouts of protest were muffled by the material as Talon rubbed his crotch all over Kester's surprised face. He made muffled screams into Talon's underwear, but the vibrations only stimulated the equine's sensitive cock...

"Ohhh" Talon dropped his guard, allowing Kester to burst free of Talon's grasp and wipe his mouth with the back of his forepaw.

"Fucking bastard..." He spat as he glared at Talon.

"It's not like I'm going to worship my own underwear. Get back to it before I get mad!" Talon demanded, pouting and pointing a finger back to his crotch.

"Fine! But let me do it at my own pace."

Kester put his forepaws back on Talon's thighs without aggression before doing anything more. Scrunching up his face, he forced his muzzle back to the soft fabric layer and opened his mouth wide. He pushed his nose against the bulge and let his tongue dance to wet the material. Meanwhile, his forepaws moved up and down Talon's legs, brushing the horse's soft fur to turn him on.

Talon watched with intrigue, his forepaws ready to snap up and grab Kester should he choose to make the wrong decision.

"This isn't the first time you've worshiped a bulge is it?" Talon smirked, he raised an eyebrow and was rewarded with a glare from Kester that told him everything. "Is it the third time?" Kester grunted something. "What? You've done it more than three times?"

Talon raised his voice causing Kester to squeeze the horse's legs. Talon giggled, he may have been acting dominant, but the stallion had a very feminine side that he struggled to suppress even when he was making somefur go down on him.

Now that the pouch on Talon's briefs was wet with both pre and spit, he lowered them to let out a musky scent that repulsed Kester. It was purely masculine, stinking of of piss, cum and sweat. The stench contrasted with Talon's usual girly perfumes. It primarily came from the horse's leathery balls that were surprisingly big compared to the size of his penis that had sprung out of the briefs a moment ago. Both of Talon's endowments bounced as they were revealed and, even without the aid of Kester's spit, shined in the lightning of the room. Talon's cock was still somewhat flaccid, but not for long.

Kester set to work, licking the musky scent off of Talon's balls with his rough tongue. There was no way that he was going to start sucking on Talon's dick only to have the horse get hard when his dick was half way down Kester's throat. Besides, it was so much more fun to tease the horse whilst Talon had ephemeral control over the situation.

"Urgh..." Talon grunted as Kester explored his hefty ball sack.

The beagle snaked his tongue under Talon's orbs and took one of them in his mouth. He sucked and sucked until Talon grabbed hold of his head in order to force Kester into taking both of the gigantic balls into his mouth. Kester had struggled with one, but two cut off his air. He gagged and tried to escape, only to have Talon take his struggling as a cry for more.

Talon gripped his now hard, dripping cock and rubbed it over Kester's head as the beagle continued to gargle his balls. Pre drizzled down the back of Kester's neck as he was forced to suck on Talon's balls until his face turned blue.

"Huhhhh!" Kester gasped for breath as he pulled free of Talon's grasp.

He fell onto all fours clawing at the air with his mouth, desperate to get oxygen into his lungs. Slobber dampened the fur around his mouth and his jaw ached with such a pain it felt as if it had broken.

Kester dried his mouth on the bed sheets.

"Fuck you."

Leaning down to cockily glare at the beagle, Talon stuck out his tongue.

"I know you would."

"Rrrr..." Kester growled, but was silenced when Talon pushed his fingers against his lips.

"I have the video, so either you give me good head or I... hit send." Talon waved his phone in front of Kester's face, taunting the beagle further.

"If I get my paws on that I'm going to snap it in two and shove it up your tailhole!"

"Then I'm not going to let you touch it."

Talon cock slapped Kester again. The pain smarted for a moment, but the humiliation didn't fade so easily.

Before he caught himself snarling and tearing into the horse with his teeth, Kester breathed deep and did his best not to gag as he brought his muzzle closer to the horse's heavy shaft. He breathed heavily, panting almost, onto the member. His tongue lolling out of his mouth, Kester dragged it over the stallion's length making the horse whine into the air and grab hold of the pillows behind him. Pleasure flared through the horse's body, numbing his senses and the guilt that was starting to build.

"Fuck..." He moaned, eyes rolling back and ears flattening too. His carefully groomed tail flicked about, brushing hairs onto the bed sheets.

But he knew that he still needed to remind Kester who was in charge. He tugged on Kester's head furs with his forepaws, forcing Kester to carry on worshiping his shaft. Next he pushed down onto Kester's crotch with his hoof, bending Kester's precious sheath.

"Gah!" Kester gasped in pain, but didn't resist.

But even he had a breaking point. As Talon twisted and curled his hooves over Kester's genitals, injuring them and hurting him beyond belief, Kester reached his limit and promised himself that he was going to ruin Talon one day.

Roughly, Kester grabbed Talon's pendulous balls with his right forepaw and squeezed with enough force to bruise them.


Talon gagged in surprise, frowned and glared at Kester who continued looking up to the furson who was trying to dominate him, but Talon didn't know what he'd gotten himself in for. Kester didn't stop tugging on Talon's balls, nor did he stop stimulating the horse with his canine tongue.


He moaned onto the shaft to keep Talon horny, despite the undeniable pain that haunted his nethers. It took one mistake to change Talon's mind,

"STOP! STOP IT NOW!" Talon roared when Kester found a sensitive spot.

Kester released both of Talon's balls before the horse could send the video.

"Little piece of shit.."

With his now un-occupied forepaws, Kester explored other options. One of them began rubbing Talon's previously harmed ball sack, the other touching Talon's hard cock that was slick with pre. Soon Kester's forepaws became drenched in horse musk that was beginning to turn him on. Underneath Talon's restricting hooves, Kester was getting hard. His sheath swelled even though it was being compressed. It was painful, but somehow it was a good pain.

Kester's lower teeth slightly grazed Talon's sensitive flesh as he continued to trace every last vein on Talon's mighty phallus. Talon's maleness was somewhat impressive, with a girth matching a soda can, a length longer than most and a good medial ring to top it all off. Kester's furry fingers stroked up and down it, teasing the equine to maximum levels of anticipation before Kester swallowed up his cock like the good bitch he was becoming. He didn't know why this submissive side of him was being released, he'd always been dominate and a natural top. Sucking dick, although he could take much more than a horse's cock in his mouth if he willed it, didn't feel natural unless he was showing Kevan how to do it and having his hair pulled was no better normally, but it was as if he was transforming mentally to be more submissive; not that this switch would last long.

With his thumbs resting under the equine's corona, Kester forced both forepaws down Talon's length as he looked up with submissive eyes. Talon groaned in delight, he had no intention of coming, but the desire was becoming harder and harder to resist as Kester got more and more into his task. Kester desperately wanted to see Talon come, for the stallion to give out a leonine roar and spray seed onto his face. The almost fugue like state he'd reached was changing him.

"Suck my dick!" Talon ordered, Kester did so without hesitation.

In a second, Talon's length was being taken into Kevan's maw. Talon's shaft was much more impressive than Kester had expected. The way it throbbed told Kester that the horse had been blessed with a sperm count that could drown the unsuspecting slut. Despite all this, Reggie's cock was hundred times more desirable for hundreds of reasons.

Kester twisted his mouth up, down and around Talon's delectable cock as he milked the pony with his mouth. Godly tastes of horse pre flooded his mouth, musk clogged his nose and forced his cock to become harder than it should have been. Talon panted in desperation, his grip on both the bed sheets and Kester slacked as he got closer to his orgasm. Kester's sucking was becoming too much, the way he expertly attended to all parts of Talon's genitals filled the horse with pleasure. Kester snaked his tongue over the cock's underbelly, his teeth grinding over it lightly enough for it be pleasurable.

"Ohhh... FUCK!"

Talon rumbled as he emptied his balls into Kester's mouth without hesitation. It was like a tidal wave, Talon slammed his hips forwards choking Kester and forcing him to take all of the liquid in his mouth. It dribbled out of the sides of his mouth, cloying his brown furs and rubbing a new stench onto him. It was over in less than a second for Talon, who pushed Kester away in disgust. The stallion felt shame.

"I need to leave." Talon stated. "Tell Reggie that I was busy and couldn't work on his paper."

Talon left sprinting, his cock still wet with Kester's saliva. Kester however, whimpered and clambered into his bed. His mouth was heavy, his throat felt blocked and his jaw ached. The beagle didn't get out of bed the next morning and fortunately for him, Reggie paid the sleeping dog no attention. He never discovered his brother's cum around Kester's mouth. But this humiliation was not forgotten by Kester.

Only three days later, Kester pulled open a word document, Talon's social network accounts and a calendar to begin plotting.

Thanks For Reading!

As always thanks for reading! ^_^ Please leave a favorite or a vote if you enjoyed this short story so that I know to work on the sequel (should be titled Midnight Vengeance) If you like my style, why not watch me to see what else I write? Or if you enjoy these characters, subscribe to the folder to see more of them! ^)^ Their stories aren't over yet and neither are the rest of the series I have cooking.

Story, Characters and Locations © Kalebthecat

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