Behind Closed Doors

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 10

Delta Kappa Frat House

23rd of September 7:21 PM


For the first time in three years, Jiyeon was knocked flat on his ass by somefur else, but was back on his paws before he was trampled to near death by the stampede of furs who were flailing about to the beat of the repetitive music. "Luke!" Jiyeon cried in surprise, the wolf (although he hadn't been knocked over) looked stunned, but the irate look in his eyes returned. Fretting, Jiyeon rested his forepaws on Luke's pecs.. "I'm sorry, did I get something on your-" Luke batted Jiyeon's forepaws aside, ignoring the fox's panicked state. "Will you be alright getting to the university without the jeep?" Luke inquired abruptly, silencing Jiyeon by speaking loudly."Yeah... Garret and I can walk back. Why?" Looking past his fellow canine, the vulpine spotted Teofil being dragged by the wrist. "Oh my!" He giggled like a teenage girl and covered his mouth to tease Luke. "It's not like that." Luke swatted Jiyeon aside more gently this time with his arm and charged out of the door. "I sorry!" Teofil shouted with enough volume to shatter a fur's ear drums to Jiyeon as he passed, leaving the fox to follow the two canines who were probably about to get dirty in the back of the jeep with his eyes.

A white rabbit darted around the muscular canines and through the door to figuratively jump on Jiyeon. Garret grabbed Jiyeon's wrist and bounced up to knock heads with him accidentally. Jiyeon stumbled backwards a pace, where as Garret fell back onto a coffee table. "Oww..." He began to calm down, rubbing the point of contact and giggling slightly. "Well I guess we deserve that for running around the house twice and pushing about five fursons over." "Ehh!" Jiyeon shrugged.

"They were probably jerks. Besides, I think I might know where Tyson is; I barged a few furs over and they told me not to ruin the sex party they have going on upstairs." "Tyson wouldn't want to be a part of something like that." Garret frowned, defending the one furson that he was about to start a shouting match with. "But his friends would, they would have coaxed him into doing it, to prove himself to the fraternity and what not." Jiyeon explained, dismissing Garret's claims with a wave of his forepaw. "So I say that we go up there, barge in, you tell Tyson that you knocked a lighter over and started a fire in your room, he comes outside with us and then you can ask him about what he's been saying. Got it?" "That's a lot to take in, Jiyeon. What if he doesn't come outside? It's hardly believable." "You're a klutz and I know for a fact that he has a bong or two. Tell him that the fire spread under his bed, no doubt he's got a few burnable things under there he'd want to check up on." Jiyeon smirked after winking to Garret. "Tyson has what?" Garret stared at Jiyeon. "Come on! Just think about how funny it would be if we barge in whilst he's fucking somefur, hah! I bet he'll go limp. Imagine the names they'll call him!"

For the second time that night, Jiyeon wandered off. The fox was unbelievably good at slipping through crowds to Garret's surprise, he could hardly keep up. Dean was at the bottom of the stairs, it took one stare and a few mouthed words for the hyena to step aside to allow Jiyeon to interrupt the private sex party.

"So, when Tyson runs off, do you want to take his place in the sex party?" Jiyeon asked he climbed the stairs quickly, Garret however lacked Jiyeon's ardor. The carpet that decorated the stairs. was stained by beer, vomit and piss, but Jiyeon didn't seem to mind as he stepped into the puddles without noticing them where as Garret danced around each and every one of them. "I have a girlfriend!" Garret hissed. "Right. Do you want a condom?" Jiyeon grinned and reached into the back pocket of his jeans. "You bunnies tend to take small, right?" Jiyeon flicked a packet at Garret, it bounced off of Garret's head and fell down on the landing "Don't call me a fucking bunny." Garret scowled. "What are you then? A hare?" Jiyeon questioned as he began to climb the second flight of stairs. "I'm a bloody rabbit, Jiyeon. And what are you, hmmm? You look nothing like a fox." "That's because I'm a marble fox, my more orange-y colors come from my father who is a red fox. That's why sweetie." "Don't call me sweetie." "Anything else I shouldn't call you? Can I call you anything?" Jiyeon joked. "Garret. Just call me Garret." "What about Gaz?" Jiyeon smirked. "Shut up." "Right here we are!" Jiyeon exclaimed, coming to a halt at a door labelled 'master bedroom'. "Now then, Garret, do you need to go to the toilet so that you don't piss yourself when we go in there?" "No! No I do not, Jiyeon." Garret rolled his eyes and shoved his full weight against the door to open it with a thud.

The two of them already had an image of what the bedroom would be like, a few girls roofied or drugged so badly that they couldn't tell up from down, all of Mason's friends stripped down, all of them awkwardly hoping that they weren't accused of looking at one of their pal's dicks and maybe a beer keg in the corner. What they weren't expecting, was a single blindfolded mare handcuffed to the bed with her pussy stretched wide whilst it leaked seed. Aside from the mare's, every head in the room was turned to the door, to Garret, some were surprised, most were angry, Mason was getting ready to kill. Mason, naked like most of his friends, clenched his fist, his six pack appeared to ripple and his whiskers twitched at the tips. Tyson had his dick pressed to the mare's cunt, there was a look of relief in his puffy eyes, was he high?

Tension exploded between everyfur like an air bag. "Fuck it's a fag!" Jacob grunted (although it sounded a lot like a scream) when Jiyeon leaned around Garret. They each grabbed for something, clothes, a pillow, the quilt and even a vase to cover their cocks along with their fragile masculinity. Sawyer didn't have to move, he was fully dressed. "Do you guys want something?" He asked, unable to muster a growl like Mason was. "YOU FUCKING FAGS!" A glass hurtled across the room, flying from Mason's forepaw to hit the wall. The glass didn't carom off like a rubber ball, it shattered into thousands of pieces. Glass shards sprinkled into Garret's hair, a few cut his face, his neck and his arms, but none of them were particularly harmful to him. Mason however, was just as dangerous as a nuclear warhead. He vaulted the bed expertly, much to Garret's despair, in order to grab the rabbit by the neck and hurtle him into the wall. Jiyeon stepped out of the way, but was back in before Mason choked the life out of Garret.

"Mason!" Jiyeon gave the lion's shoulder a sharp tug. The lion unsurprisingly let out a leonine roar and attempted to ram his fist into Jiyeon's face. Jiyeon ducked under it and struck Mason's shoulder again with a thrust. The lion staggered back a few steps, grumbled something and slammed the room's door shut on their faces. Garret shrunk to the floor, crimped his legs and whimpered. There was a burning in his lungs and his throat, somehow he managed to aerate as his ablicant face twisted into a look of abhorrence. "Where's the bathroom?" Garret asked, sniffling like a cub. "Why?" "I pissed myself, alright?" Garret admitted with chagrin and tried to crawl away. Normally he would have been cagey, but the door could open in a moment and he didn't want to be caught with piss in his pants. "Door on the end. I'll go and make sure that no fur is in there." Jiyeon stepped ahead of Garret to check, but before he could the bedroom door opened wide.

They anticipated disaster, Mason with a camera in his forepaw having recorded Garret's confession, Mason wielding a knife or a gun or worse Tyson. Garret flinched and Jiyeon whipped around in fear for his friend. It was Sawyer, his equine nosed picked up on the scent before Jiyeon could react. "Garret? Did you do that?" Sawyer hissed, he closed the bedroom to mask his voice. "No!" Garret lied and shuffled away, he could feel it trickling down his legs. "Fuck you did, didn't you?" Garret physically winced and expected Sawyer to call his buddies. "Do you need some spare trousers? I might have your size here." "Yes please. I'll go clean him up, you get the clothes. Get some strong deodorant as well, please." Jiyeon gave a benign smile. Sawyer quickly trotted the stairs to the room he owned in the frat house, although the equine preferred to stay on campus he kept spare clothes, gym equipment and the more important things in his life locked away in his frat room.

"Do I not get a say in what happens?" Garret asked, Jiyeon opened the bathroom and then gestured to Garret to come quickly. "No. Let me and Sawyer sort this out." "He's probably gone to get his phone..." The rabbit locked the bathroom door behind him, Jiyeon stepped out of the way of the window into the shower. "Don't be cynical. I can spot a nice guy from a mile away, he's a dick when he's around his friends, but Sawyer's kind when you catch him alone." "If this gets out-" "You can blame me." Jiyeon promised. "But it won't." Taking the shower wand in his forepaw, Jiyeon adjusted the temperature of the water. "Use the toilet, dump your clothes somewhere and then come let me you wash you down. You can have a proper shower back at the dorm room."

Garret quickly emptied what was left in his bladder, shook off the droplets and turned back to Jiyeon. The piss stained Garret's white fur and had soaked through two layers, fortunately the wet patch had appeared to stop growing in size. but not in stench. Garret shed his trousers and his boxers, dropped the contaminated clothes onto the floor and awkwardly stepped closer to Jiyeon. The fox rolled his eyes, "I am not going to fuck you. Get here now, before I make you wet yourself again." "Shut up!" Garret demanded, but walked closer to Jiyeon. Like a cub who had just finished their tantrum, Garret stomped a paw, crossed his arms and scowled at Jiyeon as his front got washed. Soon the stain was gone and the scent was mostly eradicated. "There are towels around here somewhere. I'm going to step out for a minute. Talk with Sawyer and what not." "Fine with me."

Jiyeon made sure to shut the door fully behind him and sighed as he closed the door. Surprisingly, that hadn't been the first time Jiyeon had dealt with a young adult wetting themselves. Tyson was standing at the other side of the landing, he was grinning. Jiyeon gave Tyson a look that told the orca that if he opened his mouth for more than a second he would have so many broken bones he'd have to kiss his career in sports goodbye.

"What happened?" Tyson asked as he crossed the landing with a concerned look on his face. The orca had slipped into a pair of loose fitting jeans and long sleeved blue top with a shade similar to deep waters, his favorite habitat. "None of your business." "Jiyeon?" Sawyer interrupted. He tossed Jiyeon some boxers, deodorant, a belt and a pair of shorts that would probably become trousers on Garret. Tyson eyed the items carefully, but didn't comment as Jiyeon kicked them into the bathroom for Garret.

"Is he alright?" Tyson gave Jiyeon a concerned, but bemused frown. He doubted that Garret needed to change his clothes because he'd spilt bear down them. "Well he almost got choked to death by Mason, so no." "Good point... Err... Thanks for getting me out of having sex with Mary. I think that you saved Dean's relationship." Jiyeon chuckled and slapped Tyson's belly. "Are you sure? He and Mary won't work, I swear. I'm sure that it isn't your only reason for being so delighted. " The two laughed mildly.

"Now then. What have you been saying about Garret? Hmm?" "Ahh crap. That's what you're here for. I only told Mason about what he and Serena get up to." "And did you not realize that maybe Mason would spread that?" Jiyeon quipped, snapping his fingers in front of Tyson's face to snap the orca out of his jocular mood. "Sorry." Tyson looked at his paws.

"Yeah you should be!" Garret shouted as he stumbled out of the door. The belt barely held up the beige shorts that reached his knees, but at least they were't piss stained. Sawyer dashed into the bathroom to collect Garret's clothes and remove of them before Garret's reputation was squandered. "I'm sorry Garret." "What else have you been saying about me, bong boy?" The rabbit berated. "Nothing else." Tyson mumbled and gripped his arm nervously. "Err... How do you know about the bongs?" "Jiyeon told me." Tyson stared at Jiyeon. 'Hypocrite', he mouthed; Jiyeon simply shrugged his shoulders and flipped Tyson two birds. "You deserved it to be honest." A sly grin spread across Jiyeon's face. "Maybe I showed Garret one of your special lighters, maybe we dropped it and set fire to the room accidentally-"

"Is that true?!" The door to the room burst open. Mason, now clothed, caustically glared at Jiyeon waiting for his answer. "Did it spread to the other rooms?" "Your porn collection is safe, Mason, we put the fire out, but Tyson's might have taken a few hits." Jiyeon chuckled at the pun. "That's not what I was concerned about." Mason pushed past Jiyeon and Tyson followed by the rest of his group. Sawyer fell into their ranks quickly, but Garret strayed away from them, especially Mason. Tyson went to follow. "Don't bother." Mason said coldly. "We've decided to not let you into Delta Kappa regardless of whether or not you last through hazing week." "What why?" Tyson looked devastated. His posture slumped, his eyes went hollower than they had been before and he felt his legs beginning to buckle. "Hah. You just took shit from a fag, we don't want pussy boys like you in our frat." Mason started down the stairs and was gone in a few minutes, flanked by everyfur else who religiously followed him. "Don't worry, we'll put your stuff in your uni room when we get around to it. Hand your key in to Dean." Sawyer advised. "Don't give them something to be mad about." "Thanks, Sawyer." Tyson sighed.

Jiyeon and Garret, who had stayed quiet, took a few steps closer to the orca. "Hey, Tyson? Are you going to be alright? I know that the P.E coaches are all from Delta Kappa, did I just kill your chances of getting on any teams?" Garret questioned, he wanted to hold Tyson's arm to comfort him, but he assumed that the muscular whale wouldn't appreciate any intimate attention that came from another guy. "No, not really. The swimming teams don't worship this frat, the more 'feminine'..." Tyson used the term loosely. "Sports have their own frat, Omicron Phi, I think it is." "Does dance count as a feminine sport?" Jiyeon raised his eyebrows. "Yeah, but I'm sure that it wouldn't fly well if a gay guy started living in their frat house." Tyson warned. "Not that I've got anything against you-" "I'm all for this touching moment, but can we go before the rumors start spreading?" Garret fretted. He peered over the stair banister. "Aptly put. I think that I'm sick of this place anyway." Tyson managed a half-smile before holding out his forepaw for Garret to shake. "I honestly hope that we're still friends." "I don't know, are you going to stop smoking weed?" Garret refused to shake Tyson's forepaw. "I use the bongs for aromatherapy. Hence all the incense and oils I have." Tyson explained and withdrew his forepaw. "Fine!" Garret cried and squeezed Tyson's waist with a friendly hug, his face buried into Tyson's ample chest as they forged a new amity between themselves. "Well you caved in quickly." Tyson patted Garret's head. "Here. You have glass in your hair." Tyson picked twinkling shards out of Garret's hair. "There's no bleeding anywhere, but do tell if you start to get dizzy."

"Well come on, Garret. We've got a walk and a half to do." Jiyeon gestured. He got one paw down the stairs before he was interrupted. "Do you guys want a lift? It's dark out and... well... there will be a lot of drunkards out." Garret sighed in relief, Tyson's kind offer alleviated some of the stress Garret had accumulated in the past few minutes. "I can defend myself." Jiyeon promised. Garret gave Jiyeon a surprised look, he for one wasn't going to turn down a lift back home, it wasn't as if he didn't know Tyson. "But thanks for the offer big guy." "It'll be faster. Besides, why don't we stop off in the city to get a takeout?" Tyson suggested. "I'll pay, compensation for being a jerk and what not." "I want Ivian, far eastern." Garret demanded. "Chow mein if I can get it, rice if I can't." "Same here." "Three chow mein's it is. I know a good place."

The three were huddled into Tyson's budget car within the next few minutes with Garret in the back. Jiyeon flipped open his phone. "999..." He muttered as he inputted the numbers. "Jiyeon!" Garret burst out into a giggling fit. "Shh!" Tyson quipped with a grin on his face. "Err, hello? There's a party on frat row." A pause. "Yes, the Delta Kappa frat house. Their music is too loud and my cubs are trying to sleep." Another pause. "Thank you madam." Jiyeon turned off his phone and burst out into boisterous cachinnation. "That is how you get revenge." Jiyeon winked at Garret. "So then, Tyson, where's this Ivian takeout? I'm hungry!" Garret whined. "Calm down, bunny. It's only a few blocks away." Tyson said. Garret blushed at Tyson's pet name for him, but didn't say anything of it.

"I'll be back in a minute!" Garret shouted over Tyson's music as he closed the car door and hurriedly walked into the Ivian takeout. Jiyeon's forepaw immediately clasped on Tyson's leg. "What's wrong big guy?" Jiyeon asked with a cathartic tone of voice. It didn't take a genius to spot the pained flinches and swaying movements that Tyson had been making over the past few minutes. Like anyfur would be, Jiyeon was concerned for Tyson's health and his own. "Side effects. Thanks for getting me out of that frat..." "Don't mention it." Jiyeon un-buckled his belt, got on his knees and leaned over to rest his chin on Tyson's shoulder. "Tell me what's bothering you." "I said, side effects" "But what are they? Nausea?" "A migraine. A bit of dizziness when I was getting dressed Some pain..." "You really shouldn't be driving if that's happening to you. Let me take over."Jiyeon put his forepaws on the wheel and tried to barge Tyson out of the driver's seat. "I'll be fine." Tyson raised his arm to defend his position. "Did you take any drugs? Asinine knave..." Jiyeon muttered under his breath. "Viagra. Nothing dangerous." Tyson promised, Jiyeon managed to relax now that he knew Tyson hadn't been injecting himself with anything.

"So that's what this bulge is." Jiyeon giggled and pressed his forepaw to Tyson's crotch. He gave Tyson's dick a squeeze and pecked the side of his face. "I had to stick my dick in a pussy. How else was I going to get hard?" Tyson laughed." "Congratulations on being the second guy I've turned since the start of the semester." "I was gay before I tried that glory hole." Tyson winked. "So you were staring at Dean's ass when I saw you at the gym!" Jiyeon laughed and put his forepaws around Tyson's neck. "Stop talking dummy." Tyson returned Jiyeon's previous amatory kiss, but this time made a bee line for Jiyeon's lips. He locked lips with the vulpine and forced his tongue to slap against Jiyeon's as they made out. Jiyeon rose up to make his back press against the roof of the car as Tyson lowered himself to allow his tongue to reach up further into Jiyeon's mouth. They groaned into each other's mouths, sharing breath and saliva as they passionately made out. The osculations were ameliorated by the heat of the body and the sweat that dripped from their bodies thanks to the stuffy interior of the vehicle

"Fuck..." Tyson broke the appreciably long kiss in order to breath, but didn't slack his grasp on Jiyeon's wrists. He wanted another kiss like that before Garret returned. "How's your boyfriend?" Jiyeon asked when he'd caught his breath. "He wouldn't care that you've kissed me a few times would he?" "We.... We err... We broke up. The slut literally fucked the entire Zere university football team behind my back." Tyson growled. "Ouch, I hear that those guys are harsh when it comes to gay guys." "He got them drunk first. I kind of don't want to be associated with somefur like that." Tyson admitted. "So if you're single?" Jiyeon's forepaw audaciously slipped down Tyson's trousers to fondle his tip. "Jiyeon..." Tyson's normal, bawdy guffaw failed to come out. "I'm not nearly as aroused as you think I am. But it was a very amorous kiss, I loved every second of it" "Sorry." Jiyeon withdrew his forepaw. "I forgot about the viagra." The fox settled back in his seat. "Are you going to try and join that other frat when we get back?" "Straight away. Their joining period ends at midnight, no hazing week, no drugs, no alcohol and no sex parties, it's a simple sign up sheet and you're in for as long as you want to be."

"Good for you." Jiyeon ran his finger down Tyson's arm and kissed the orca's forepaw. "If those side effects of yours get worse, please come and find me." "I will, Jiyeon. Rest in peace the furson who makes you panic." Tyson chuckled.

11:13 PM

"Fuck! How much did we drink?" Garret hiccuped as he just about managed to get the door to his bedroom open. Jiyeon and Garret tossed their chow mein boxes to the floor as they entered. Jiyeon had the sense to close the door behind them. The plan of eating chow mein and going home had hit the ceiling when they drove past a bar, the three sauntered in and two of them came out pissed. Tyson had escorted his inebriated friends back home, but had left to apply for his new frat only minutes ago.

"Four pints for me! Three for you!" Jiyeon laughed as he stumbled onto Garret's bed. He lowered his jeans without thinking. "Good thing that I don't get whisky dick!" He howled with more laughter as he fondled his sheath. "Come here and give me a pawjob, paw boy!" Jiyeon demanded. Not thinking straight at all, Garret kicked off his shoes and set to work on Jiyeon's genitals with nothing, but his paws. They didn't know it at the time, but they would regret the drunk sex. Everyfur in university regrets drunk sex, especially when they become addicted to the pleasurable feelings.

Thanks For Reading!

Story, Characters and Locations © Kalebthecat

As always please tell me if you spot any mistakes! Also, if you enjoyed this story why not give it a vote and a favorite so that other people can find it? If you like this series why don't you subscribe to the folder or watch me to see what else I write? ^)^

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