Faux Pas

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Faux Pas

Merjuh University, Dorm 6: Room 4

24th of September, 11:43 PM

Head palpitating in synch with his heart, mouth dried and eyesight blurry, Garret tossed and turned in his bed as he tried to catch more sleep in order to forget about how awful he was feeling. But he couldn't. Everything from last night was fresh in his mind, from the few minutes they'd spent at the frat party to the miracles Jiyeon had worked on his body all night long, and haunted him; keeping him wide awake. That and he was caught in an extreme pain, getting run over by a truck would have probably hurt less. Fortunately, Garret had his memories of that marble fox to keep him distracted from the pain.

Last night, the room had been completely hushed. There were no crickets humming, no loud frat boys humming and no owls hooting; there were only the sounds of silk sheets moving along with soft moaning from the both of them. The two of them finished up with the paw job in three minutes; then they had ripped off their clothes and Jiyeon had pounced on the rabbit to make out with him for what seemed like an age. When they broke their final kiss, dozens of minutes had passed. As their eyes met, mouths dripping with each other's saliva, time slowed down. Perhaps the rabbit had blushed or winked, but a moment later Garret found Jiyeon's silk soft maw, pleasantly warm breath and marauding tongue had explored all of his cock. Coming every four or so minutes, Garret's cries of excitement had lasted for as long as his orgasms had. Surprisingly, Garret hadn't been soft for more than a minute.

Having drunk his fill of rabbit seed, Jiyeon had gotten on all fours and ordered Garret to return the favor; to which Garret had given a drunken hiccup and two fingers. At least it had been two fingers at first. The marble fox had managed three fingers and a handjob before he'd blown a rather voluminous load. After that, Jiyeon had taken advantage of his stretched out tailhole as well as Garret's talent for staying hard and had rode the rabbit's cock until he'd passed out. An hour and two orgasms later, a satisfied Jiyeon nuzzled up to the rabbit to be his companion for the night rather than stumbling back to his own room.

The fox who wandered Garret's thoughts nuzzled up to him, the rabbit grumbled and rolled over to meet Jiyeon's eyes. The two ran their forepaws through each other's mussed, sticky furs and giggled. Neither had the wits about them to start the day. Whether it was the soreness, the pain or the hangover that forced this laziness neither could guess. Their furry, naked bodies were a tangled mess of limbs and sticky, sweaty fur with soft gentle touches thrown into the mix.

Pecking his lips against the end of the fox's muzzle, Garret thanked him: "Last night was amazing."

"Amazing doesn't begin to cover it." Jiyeon giggled into the pillow he shared with Garret. "How about we take it a step further?" Garret felt a forepaw fondle his sapped balls beneath the sheets. "There's plenty we haven't done." The fox whispered, leaning in to steal a passionate kiss. At first, Garret tipped forwards as well and opened his mouth, but when Jiyeon's tongue slipped between his teeth the rabbit recoiled.

"B-but Serena..." He realized, his eyes wide with shock. "God Serena!" The rabbit bleated remembering that he'd promised to be entirely faithful to that satin rabbit. "Fuck! Why didn't you stop me?" Garret sat up suddenly, causing his head to throb harder and his vision blacken; he almost fainted.

"We were drunk, besides it's not like she'll know." Jiyeon sat up shrugging, the covers fell away from him to reveal his naked form. Copious amounts of cum stained his fur, especially his black lips. Most blended in with his white, but the scent wasn't that discrete. Despite the muck tarnishing his pelt, the fox was stunning and glowed under the bulb's light. Most furs would have taken the light being on as a sign that they were't alone, but the two boys were too distracted to even acknowledge the other fur's breathing let alone the other dead giveaways.

"We need to shower." Garret stated. "What time is it?" He threw his arms around to grab the alarm clock, he stared at it with disbelief. "Fuck! It's almost one in the afternoon! Serena will be here soon." The rabbit began to panic, sweat soaked his furrowed brow and it was only a matter of time until he started biting into his already blunt claws again.

"Don't worry. She stopped by earlier, I told her that you were hungover and felt sick. She left." A chuckling voice came from the other side of the room. Garret's head whipped around in terror to see Tyson. "But you should still be getting up now." Tyson's voice turned stern. Sitting on the edge of his bed in nothing but his skin, Tyson added: "You can't stay in bed all day."

"We can! Do you want to join us, Tyson? There's room for a big hunk if one of us rides you." Jiyeon winked, giving his sore ass a lewd slap; he let out a pained hiss.

"Trust that you aren't fed up of sex, Jiyeon." Tyson winked back at the fox. "In any other circumstance I'd accept and be over there pounding your ass further into oblivion, but now isn't the time. You two were going at it all night, you'll become bored of sex if you don't slow down."

"Me? Jaded of sex. Tyson, you do realize who you're speaking with right?" Jiyeon giggled.

The orca laughed heartily in response: "The biggest slut in Veden apparently! Especially judging by how energetic and bouncy you were last night."

Garret had been blushing in embarrassment throughout their conversation, but when Tyson finished his sentence Garret's jaw almost dropped at the voyeuristic orca. From what he'd gathered, the orca had gotten into bed, watched them have sex and had probably been beating it under the covers!

"So you just lay down in your bed and watched us fuck?!" Garret shrieked. He didn't know how to feel. Should he feel violated? Angry? Annoyed? Was he supposed to laugh it off and make a funny joke.

"No. Not exactly. I laid down in your bed and was forced to listen, it's not as if you two were trying to be quiet. Hell, you didn't even notice me asking you two get out of my bed. Well..." Tyson cleared his throat and couldn't help himself but to flirt with the fox. "I was only asking you, Garret, to get out of my bed." Jiyeon whistled and winked to Tyson as the rabbit next to him stared in disbelief. Then he noticed his night light sitting on the nightstand next to Tyson.

"C-could you like, not sit on my covers naked?" Garret pleaded, Tyson rolled his eyes in response

"Afraid I'll make them into the gay version of a small pox blanket? No offense Garret, but you did just fuck a male fox several times..."

"I was drunk!" Garret protested, crossing his arms and huffing.

"Besides, maybe I don't want anything but gay guys in my bed." Tyson chided back, the rabbit shot him a frustrated look which was nothing but adorable.

"It's not the first time I've been in your bed!" Jiyeon bounced from the bed as if he had the energy to run a marathon.

"I hope it won't be the last." Tyson added. Jiyeon stretched his forepaws over his head, twirling them into a braid. He did the same with his legs as he stretched. He stayed like this as he observed his body, checking it for any anomalies such as missing fur. The only thing Jiyeon noticed were the matted patches on his belly, the origin of them was clear. His messy fur bothered him greatly.

"Can I borrow a towel, Tyson?" Jiyeon requested. "I only need to cover up to get to my room."

"It's not like you to cover up." Tyson chuckled. "Sure, sure..." He added when Jiyeon gave him a frown. "But do you mind if I join you? I'm still covered in chlorine from the pool." Tyson explained. "I mean, it'd be fine if you took this the wrong way, but I don't want to seem too horny."

"Are you training for the gala still?" Garret asked before the opportunity escaped him.

The frat boy in Tyson got the better of him for a moment, flexing the orca haughtily answered: "Yeah! I should put in three or more hours of training everyday , not that I need to. There are plenty of benefits that come from morning training sessions."

"Let me guess, there are fit, sexy slim guys who train in the morning?" Jiyeon pinned the orca and put his forepaws on his hips, smirking.

"Mhh... They've all got wet fur, toned muscles, tight speedos, thin frames and best of all they're all lacking self confidence." Jiyeon scowled at Tyson. "I'm just kidding!" The orca laughed sonorously. "I wouldn't manipulate somefur like that. But in all seriousness, somefur should tell divers that their performances are amazing."

"I don't know. Anyfur can suck a dick and not be gay, but complimenting diving? That sounds too gay." Jiyeon sarcastically joked.

"And a guy pole dancing isn't?" Tyson opened his mouth to laugh, but saw that he had taken it too far he closed his mouth. For a moment, the tension in the air was palpable. That is until Garret reminded the two that they were supposed to be showering.

"Oh, right, towels!" Tyson dove into his wardrobe, which (unlike Garret's) was immaculate and orderly. He emerged with two, fluffy white towels which were large enough to wrap around their bodies. The marble fox covered his chest by wrapping the towel around himself, then he draped it down to conceal everything as far as his knees. Tyson tied his at the wiast to hide genital slit, he wouldn't mind it if somefur started eyeing up his pecs.

"Are you coming with us Garret? We could squeeze three into the same shower if we tried." Tyson offered.

"Err... No thanks. I don't want a share the same shower with you two, but I'll come." Garret got out of bed in a hurry, grabbed a towel that was much smaller than Tyson's, cocooned his body in it and found some clothes to wear after his shower.

"Great, hope you won't mind if I steal a peek when you shower." Tyson winked and gave the rabbit a firm smack on his pert cheeks. He yelped in surprise, jumped half a mile and shot Tyson an annoyed look.

"Come on, Garret!" Tyson laughed, forking through is wardrobe again to find clothes. "All three of us are gay, young adults."

"I'm not gay!" Garret pouted. "Besides, that doesn't just give you permission to slap my ass or watch me have sex."

"That's fair enough, but it was just a joke!." Tyson shrugged and joined Jiyeon at the door. He took both key cards, handed one to Garret and ruffled the rabbit's hair.

"Want some deodorant? You smell like a used condom."

"Thanks. I suppose that there are worse things to be compared to. Anyway, I can get my own stuff." Sulking, Garret headed into the bathroom.

"Could you get mine as well?!" Tyson shouted. "And my toothbrush?" Seconds later, Garret returned carrying everything he'd been told to bring. He could hardly carry everything in his arms, but fortunately Tyson took things from him to make the load easier to carry.

"Ready to go then?" Jiyeon asked, he'd been patiently waiting by the door the whole time. "Sorry to keep you waiting." Tyson apologized. "No problem. Last night Garret had me waiting for at least three minutes whilst he fumbled with a condom, which he ended up breaking." Tyson and Garret burst into laughter. "Says the guy who didn't last two minutes when I touched him with my paws!" Garret nudged Jiyeon in the belly as he walked past, the fox simply laughed and pounced for the rabbit's towel.

"JIYEON!" Garret howled as he felt his towel whip away from his body and saw the marble fox rushing down the corridor. On instinct, Garret curled up to cover his genitals. Tyson burst out laughing. "Jiyeon! Jesus Christ!" Knowing what Garret would want, Tyson averted his eyes as well. Jiyeon waited at the end of the corridor, rubbing Garret's towel behind his neck to taunt at the lagomorph. "Jiyeon! Give it back before somefur catches me like this!" Garret begged with a whine, holding his crotch as if he desperately needed the bathroom. He considered running after Jiyeon ,but he knew that the fox would only run and lead him to somefur who'd spread word about the rabbit who ran naked around his dorm chasing the gay fox for a romp. "Here, cub." Tyson handed his towel to Garret, wrapping it around the rabbit and patting him on the back. "I don't mind being seen naked, maybe I'll bump into somefur who wants a piece of me." How Tyson could be so lax about naked, Garret didn't know, but then again the orca could easily cover himself with his large, beefy hands. "I-I'm not a cub..." Garret stammered.

"So are we still going to your room?" Tyson shouted down the hall, "Or do you want me and Garret to head up to the showers to get the water war,?" "I'd like that! You know how I like my showers right?" Jiyeon bellowed back, putting Garret's ex-towel around his shoulders. "Warm water with a dick up your ass?" Tyson joked. Jiyeon flipped him the bird and scurried off to his room. "Come on Garret." Tyson smiled and turned towards the stairs that would take them to the shower.

Every cubicle was empty, they observed, as they walked to the shower. This was good, considering that it looked as if Garret and Tyson were about to go and fuck in the shower. When they arrived, Garret laid out his hygiene products on the side board next to his sink in perfect order. Looking into the mirror, he began furiously scrubbing his teeth to get them clean. "Clean them any harder and they'll fall out." Tyson commented as he took his place at the sink next to Garret. Tyson was much more precise with his cleaning, making sure to focus on his gums rather than all over. "Don't come crying to me when your teeth fall out because you don't clean them right." Garret snapped in response. Tyson shrugged off Garret's comment and swilled out his mouth with mint flavored mint wash. It was a sharp, icy taste, but it was much better than Garret's which had been issued to him by his father. "Did Braeden give you that?" Tyson frowned at Garret's mouthwash, which smelt horrible and made the rabbit flinch as he placed it in his mouth. "It does its job..." Garret spat it all out and swilled his mouth with water like a wanderer who'd been denied a good drink for weeks might. Tyson decided not to comment and walked away to turn his shower on, since he didn't need to bother with clipping away at his facial furs.

Soon after Tyson stepped under the warm beams of water, Garret got into the shower cubicle next to him and shivered under the water. "Shit!" He yelped. "This water's cold, how can you stand it?" "What, does Serena's sorority house have better plumbing?" Tyson mocked as he rubbed his hands over his body to get himself wet. "Not really, it's an old house, so the water's lukewarm." Garret shuddered. "But this is just freezing..." He scowled, no longer jumping at the temperature. "Really? I don't think it that's cold. Maybe you should come into my shower and see if this one's warmer than yours." Tyson smirked. "Is that an attempt to see me naked?" "You caught me." Tyson laughed. "But seriously, if it's any warmer you can have this shower. The cold doesn't bother me." "Thanks for the offer, but I think that I'll adjust." Garret smiled warmly, cracking open a shampoo bottle now that his fur was damp.

A giggle came from the main room, "Are you two done flirting?" The horny fox walked straight into Tyson's cubicle, threw himself into his arms and kissed Tyson on the lips. Not bothering to draw the curtain or even wait for Garret to leave, Jiyeon growled: "In the mood, big boy?" "Was Garret not enough for you?" "Nothing is enough for me. Now do you want to wash first, then fuck. Or fuck first and then wash?" "Fuck first, might as well whilst you're still messy." Tyson shrugged and pressed the fox to the wall before he could respond. "Mmm... Is that all you've got?" Jiyeon goaded, moaning as the orca slammed him against the wall in an attempt to seduce him, three more of those powerful shoves and Tyson had the fox wrapped around his finger. Or was it the other way round?

Tyson, perhaps on Jiyeon's orders, flipped the fox around and pulled his legs back so that he was leaning against the tilled wall. He reached down to his slit, took a hold of his enormous cock and drove it straight into the horny fox. "Oh god!" Jiyeon gasped as his tailhole, somewhat loose naturally and because of last night, was split open. "I'm going to tear you a new one!" Tyson warned, using a hand to grasp Jiyeon by the scruff of the neck as he ploughed into him. "Bet you'd love to use that one when you're finished with my other ones..." Was Jiyeon's witty response. Tyson would have responded, but when Jiyeon suddenly tensed Tyson lost all of his thoughts and lost himself to the instinct of breeding.

Garret heard everything; from Jiyeon's moans, to Tyson's grunts, to the wet, sexual slaps of their bodies colliding whenever Tyson speared forwards like a battering ram bringing down a palace door. It was highly arousing for Garret to listen in on their fun and before he knew it, he was pushed up against the shower wall trying to peer over and catch sight of the scene like a pervert. He was too small to even get his forepaws on the top of the wall. Garret had to settle for imagining. Through sound alone, Garret could guess what was happening. Judging by Tyson's wild huffs and grunts, he was on the edge of orgasm and Jiyeon wouldn't be too far behind if not closer to his orgasm than Tyson was. Before Garret could estimate a guess, Jiyeon cried out. "Fuck me! Fuck me! I'm coming!" There was a heavy thud against the wall and an extended moan from Jiyeon: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Fuck!" The entire shower block was filled with Jiyeon's slutty orgasm. Garret pictured the fox's orgasm face, tongue lolling out of his mouth, eyes shut tight and nose scrunched up with his ears folded back. "GAH!" Tyson grunted, another thud came as Tyson got as close to Jiyeon's body as possible to pump his orgasm as far as he could into the fox's butt. Jiyeon was reduced to canine howls, Tyson's vocab was shortened to grunts into the back of the fox's neck as they humped out their afterglow.

Everything fell quiet, Garret used the opportunity to continue washing himself.

Just as Garret began washing out the conditioner, Jiyeon spoke: "Ohh... Tyson." The orca's cock slipped out from between his wet cheeks, having been hard and drooling orca jizz/pre for a few minutes. "Are you going to eat my ass now? Or am i going to have to run and fetch a dildo." "Rimjob." Sudden moans escaped Jiyeon as Tyson had dived down to plunder his ass with his tongue. "Once... you're... clean... we fuck... again." Tyson said between laps as he just collected what had already dribbled from Jiyeon's tailhole with his tongue. The orca pulled back to observe what damage he'd done to Jiyeon. Hardly anything, sure the fox was gaping like an open mouth, but he was sure that the guy would tighten up over the next few days. He just wouldn't swalk straight for the time being. "Between you teasing me in the car, those twinks in their speedos and Garret I need to work out a lot of frustration." Tyson confessed before going back to eating the fox's ass. Garret balked from washing, disturbed that Tyson had mentioned his name. Had they forgotten about him in their lust? Garret considered reminding the two that he was still present, but a part of him didn't want to ruin their shower cubicle hook up. He stayed quiet and slipped out of the shower, fur dripping with his cock erect, to dry off.

He planned on running for his room, but as a loud cry of happiness echoed off of the walls, Garret stopped bundling up his belongings and started drying off to the sounds of sex. He didn't dare stand in front of their cubicle worrying that the curtain would be open and they'd catch him, so instead he got ready for the day close by where he'd stil; be able to hear everything.

"You're clean, get ready for it." Tyson warned, not a moment later Jiyeon was back to screaming as his tailhole was ruined and Tyson's primal growls reverberated off of the walls. Garret blushed, how he wished that he'd been in Jiyeon's place! Luckily for Garret's sanity, he managed to convince himself that it didn't really matter who was on the giving side and the image he had in his head of Tyson plunging his cock in and out of his tailhole was only there because he was hearing it happen only a few steps away from him.

Dry, Garret pulled on his white briefs. He'd abandoned his idea of getting ready for the day, now he was going to return his room, drop his briefs and masturbate to the memories of the couple banging in the shower. But he'd need more material if he was going to really fap to the sight of hem. Furtively hiding around a locker, Garret peered around the corner to see Tyson lifting Jiyeon up and fucking him from below. Jiyeon had pushed his own fingers into his mouth to keep himself from screaming bloody murder and praising the orca. .Tears streamed from his eyes, he was really enjoying getting fucked. After one particularly large thrust, Jiyeon's eyes broke open and his forepaw slipped from his mouth. His screams of pleasure reached the furthest point in the building even if they were faint, but to Garret the noises and sight replayed in his mind. Garret could have sworn that Jiyeon saw him, so he ran to his room with a raging erection in his briefs.

Getting into his room, Garret dropped his clothes to the floor along with his briefs. In this flurry, he forgot to close or lock his door.

Their voices and moans echoed in his mind.

_"Oh Tyson!" _

He could vividly picture their wet bodies colliding, grinding into each other as they made love.

"Jiyeon!" Tyson moaned as he pounded into the fox, building up to spraying spunk deep inside of the fox's tailhole.

Delineating Tyson's form in all its glory in his mind, Garret flopped back onto his bed. Garret remembered everything from just a few mental pictures: the way his muscles bulged, the way his cock arched, the way his tail would flap about like a fish out of water. The first and most vivid memory was walking in on Tyson changing and de-stressing for sports try outs. He'd been standing butt naked in the center of the room, thrusting into the two forepaws over his cock... Upon discovery, Tyson had just laughed and finished off in the bathroom. After the orca had gone to try outs, Garret had slipped into the bathroom in order to put away his bottles. Tyson's seed had painted the toilet bowl, splattered up the lid as well. If not for his horrible phobia of germs, Garret would have gotten much closer to the remains of Tyson's self pleasuring.

Garret bent one leg and curved it as much as possible, the other flattened out on the bed. He had perfect access to his cock. Gripping it, he bit his lower lip and squeezed. "Gah..." He noised as pre dribbled from his meatus, trickling down his length until it reached his fingers. The rabbit was incredibly sensitive, even after coming so many times last night. He decided to use this to advantage, he planned on relaxing and just slowly building up to his orgasm. Tyson would take hours in the shower, especially since Jiyeon was with him.

_Jiyeon... _That fox was a mystery to Garret. The vulpine could swindle his way out of any situation and into anyfur's pants, even Garret had succumbed to him. Garret understood why. Jiyeon had what people wanted, an attractive body that they could use for sex. For a moment, all Garret could think about was how many men and women Jiyeon must have bedded.

He wondered if any of them had managed to convince the fox to date them. As far as Garret knew, Jiyeon had never had a boyfriend. 'Reasons.' Was Jiyeon's answer whenever he was asked. Garret hoped that Tyson wouldn't have any luck. The way they had sex together, they way that Jiyeon clearly went to Tyson regularly to relieve... whatever was bothering him. Jiyeon was clearly used to Tyson's cock, he took it like an expert in the shower despite it being longer than his forearm. In less than a minute, thinking about the couple having sex and only squeezing his cock became too much.

Garret shot out of bed and retrieved the nearest bottle of lube he could find. He poured a fair amount into a forepaw and grabbed at his cock.He let out a loud groan, the lube was unbelievably cold against his bare member, but felt silky and warm as he began to stroke. The rabbit took up a position in which he was slightly tilted back, a pillow molded against his bent back, one arm over the headboard to support himself with his legs splayed out over the bed sheets.

Garret had masturbated before, but not recently thanks to Serena's ministrations. So, as his forepaw worked over his twitching cock, he fretted that he'd blow his load too soon thanks to the rediscovered act of self-pleasuring. Garret had always succumbed quickly to sexual touching, it was just seemed to do so much more for him than sticking his cock in something. That, added to having abstained from masturbating for weeks, was why Garret was panting, wincing and sweating in ecstasy as his fingers pumped over his member.

"Fuck..." Garret moaned, closing one eye and drawing his legs closer to his body. Sweat dripped from his forehead and suddenly the entire room felt too clammy for his liking, but somehow this only served to heighten his lust. The rabbit's form tingled, his balls, paws and taint especially. This sensation spread to his tailhole, seeming to burn past his pucker to go inside of him like an itch. He had to do it.

"Mmmmm..." Garret took the forepaw he used to support himself and went straight for his virginal tailhole. He worked his finger over his pucker for a second, before worming it inside. It brought him a flash of delightful pain. "Gah!" Garret bleated as pre squirted out from his meatus to stick to his belly furs. Shocked by the feeling, Garret brought his finger away from his tailhole quickly and massaged his balls instead. He'd been told that it was fun, not painful... However, he couldn't deny that something had felt good about having his own finger inside of him. He had to feel it again, just a small taste... Nothing too gay or wrong.

Panting, he buried his face into his pillow and moaned. Maybe he shouldn't be trying to get a finger inside of him, he had a girlfriend after all. Serena wouldn't exactly be mad at him for fingering himself, but his own morals taught him that he should be chaste until... "For fucks sake!" Garret shouted, cutting out his own thoughts. It wouldn't hurt him, it wouldn't hurt anything, just one finger couldn't do anything. Two? Maybe... Three? Definitely. But one? That couldn't do anything. it had only hurt him before because he was rushing, he just needed to slow down and stretch his pucker first. Garret sighed in relief having come to a conclusion about the morals of fingering himself, the tempting act would be fine to perform so long as he only used one finger.

Garret got into a more relaxed position, on his back with his paws towards the roof. Wriggling his toes, Garret giggled. It wasn't a turn on for him to see his own paws, but picturing somefur licking them certainly was. That imaginary furson who payed worship to his toes changed, sometimes it was Tyson, sometimes Serena, Jiyeon maybe as well, even himself, but at that moment in time Garret didn't want to picture anyfur; he was too focused on getting one finger inside of his tailhole.

The rabbit had seen anal fingering porn, it was no different from normal fingering. After toying with his taint for a brief moment, turning the fur around his jewel slippery and moist, Garret rested his finger on his pucker again. Taking a deep breath, Garret refused to hesitate and pushed forwards. There was hardly any resistance as his pucker engulfed his digit. "Eek!" Garret cried, his finger resting on the inside of the rim. To his tailhole the intruder felt strange and alien, as if he were being probed by something metallic, to his finger the inside of his tailhole was an unusual, but upon going just that bit further, both parts of his body recognized the warmth of his own body and his tailhole let that finger in further and further until...

"Oh fuck!" Garret shouted loudly for all furs to hear as his finger brushed his prostate. He adjusted his posture, finger sliding back slightly, because he mistook this feeling for pain. When he slid his finger back over his prostate, he received the same feeling. His tongue lolled from his mouth rather than his body rejecting the feeling this time, he was certain that the wave of pleasure (which he'd previously believed to be pain) was natural. The finger resting on his prostate began rubbing the swelling nut. "That must be prostate..." Garret moaned to himself. "Fuck that feels good!"

Mason had heard enough to understand what was going on in Garret's room.

From outside of the door, the buff lion pounded on the wall. "Oi! Garret!" He bellowed, trying not to snicker at the faggot of a rabbit. "Serena was looking for you, where have you been?" For now, the lion didn't let Garret know that he had been listening in and laughing at the rabbit's little discovery, but he would when the chance presented itself. "In the shower..." Garret admitted from inside of his room. Startled, like a bird hearing a farmer's gunshot roar into the sky, Garret rushed around his room getting dressed and drying his forepaws on whatever he could. His bed sheets were wet with lube as well, but a simple pillow would hide that evidence.

"Where's Tyson?" Garret didn't dare to tell the truth to Mason, that he and Tyson had taken a trip to the shower block at the same time, even if they hadn't shared a cubicle. "He's in the shower, he went after I got back here." Garret lied, Mason believed him. "And why do you care about Tyson?" Mason didn't exactly tell a whole truth: "The fucking cops shut down our party and confiscated all our beer, if he buys some fur us he can come back into the frat." Deciding not to tell Mason that Tyson had joined a new frat, Garret switched the subject.

"What did Serena want? And where is she?" Garret emerged from his room with his key, wearing what he had intended to get changed it before he'd given into lust. "She just went off to check the Art side of campus, looking for you I imagine." Mason shrugged as if he didn't know everything. "Like I said, she wanted to speak to you." "Thanks." Garret darted off down the corridor, intent on not leaving Serena hanging. Once again, he forgot to lock his door.

Any normal furson, or at least a furson who wasn't a complete bastard, would have called Garret back, but Mason watched him leave before entering the room. The lion took no notice of the decor or even Tyson's side of the room, he went straight to Garret's. He saw the lube bottle, but that wasn't exactly blackmail material; everyfur had a bottle of lube somewhere in their room after all. He checked everywhere for something he could use to bust Garret, in shoe boxes (which, surprisingly for an young adult with something to hide, actually contained shoes), in the bottom of his wardrobe, under his bed sheets and under his bed. He found nothing.

In pure rage, Mason let out a leonine roar and kicked Garret's bed with such a force the wooden frame threatened to splinter or break. His sensitive ears picked up a rustle and the rage which had built in Mason fizzled out to replaced by a sense of fulfillment almost. The lion reached down the side of the bed and retrieved two porn magazines, smelling strongly of Garret's seed. Mason knew he had struck gold when he opened the pages and had his eyes violated by pictures of dicks being jerked off with paws. Shutting the magazine out of disgust, but with a wide grin, Mason folded a magazine under his arm and went to leave. What he saw was perhaps even more revolting to him than the porn.

Tyson stood in the doorway, naked. There was of course, nothing 'gay' for Mason to see, but regardless Mason averted his eyes and grunted. "What the fuck are you doing in here?" They questioned simultaneously. "You first." Tyson ordered, folding his arms and grunting. "This is my room." "Picking this up." Mason answered openly and showed Tyson the magazine in his forepaw. "Those are Garret's, put them back." Tyson snarled with rage and took a few step forwards.

"Put some pants on, fag." "What, are you uncomfortable? Because I'm fine with being naked, especially if you hate it." Tyson smirked. "Put some pants on before I beat the shit out of-" "You're going to beat the shit out of the 7'3 orca who works out more than you? Beat it kitty." "Like your daddy beat you?" The lion sneered. "You still say daddy? How cute." Tyson laughed, riling Mason further.

The lion curled up his fists and subconsciously took up a fighting stance. "Go on then, cub. Take a swing at the big, bad orca. See what happens." Tyson invited and even made his posture wide, allowing Mason to take a few swing. "What? So you can grab me and make me suck your dick-" "I didn't even mention forcing you to give you a blowjob. You know, they say that a furson's upbringing shapes their words. Was your mother not the only fur who liked to get between Dad's legs?" Mason shouted his not-so-witty response: "Fuck off bong-boy!" The lion tossed the porn magazine at Tyson who caught it and tucked it beneath his arm. "Glad that you learnt not to steal. Now fuck off." Tyson stepped out of Mason's way and moved to return Garret's magazine. "Step in this room uninvited again and the Dean will have a word or two for you." "Sure. Whatever fucktard." Mason faked his annoyance as he left.

When the door closed, he nearly jumped for joy. He sprinted for the Art block, hoping to find Garret with Serena.

"You're not mad with me, are you baby?" Garret whimpered almost, squeezing the satin rabbit's forepaw. "Nah, not you Gaz." Serena cuddled up to him on the bench. "I couldn't stay mad with you." They sat in the center of the Art courtyard without a care in the world. Garret had his forepaws locked with Serena's and the girl was doing her best to squeeze a french kiss out of Garret before he had to leave for his boring old day job as a cashier. "So were you mad?" "I was very mad; you promised me that we'd shower together." Serena slapped one of the rabbit's pecs, making the bunny wince and rub the sting.

"I can make up for that still, can't I?" Garret offered, tilting his head to the side so that Serena could kiss him. "Fuck yeah you can!" Serena slammed herself into her boyfriend, knocking him down so that he was laying on the bench. She clambered on top as they made out. Whispering when she had brief seconds away from Garret's mouth, she informed him: "I'm going...comm...ando under my skirt,...want to eat... Mhh... Fuck... me out in some secluded corner?" She finished her question by breaking the kiss, leaving Garret horny. Being pent up from being interrupted earlier by Mason, Garret couldn't refuse. "Do I get a reward? I believe that you were giving me a paw massage before we were rudely interrupted by Jiyeon yesterday."

"Look, a leaf is falling!" Serena gleefully pointed up to what was possibly the first leaf, however it was most likely the second, to descend from a tree on Campus. "You change the subject to the most random things." Regardless of his complaint, Garret looked over to watch the brown leaf float to the ground. As he turned his gaze back to Serena, he saw Mason who was approaching with a spring in his stride and what looked like... Garret froze. He recognized the cover of the magazine Mason was holding out.

"Hey Serena?" Mason hollered, loud enough for the whole of campus to hear. Fortunately, the rest of the rabble muffled Mason's voice to most of the furs who hadn't noticed him. Those who did notice him left the scene, for when Mason was around trouble almost certainly broke out and they did not want to be around to witness Mason kill Garret. Fortunately for both of the satin rabbits, Mason wasn't in his usual murderous mood.

"What's this?" Mason held out the magazine, grinning at Garret who remained stunned and visibly sweating. "That's Garret's." Serena shrugged. "Where do you get it from?" "It was in his room, he forgot to lock it so I just nipped in to lock up for him. Then I saw this on the floor, saw it wide upon on a page full of dicks. I assumed it was yours, seeing as how there were only dicks in there, but I guess we have a fag in our midst." Mason shot a look that made the rabbit stare down at his paws and not in a sexual way for once. He twiddled his thumbs and prayed that Serena would be merciful.

"First of all, bring your voice down." Serena snapped. "Second of all, let's speak in private. You're upsetting Garret." Serena shoved Mason, which did nothing but disturb Mason's shirt. "Not my fault the fag can't handle it." Mason shrugged as he followed after Serena who went to stand under the nearby tree.

"He's not a fag. He's bisexual and I don't give a fuck that he is." Serena frowned as they stood under the shade." "How do you know he isn't making that shit up? There's no such thing as bisexuality." "Yes there is. And I know this because he eats my pussy whenever I ask." Serena had no quarrels with being lewd, mostly because she didn't give two shits about Mason or his opinions. "And his other magazine is full of vaginas and feminine paws. So stop being a fuck boy and give that magazine back to him, he likes it. In fact, it was a gift from me."

"Awww, you like paws too?" Mason smirked. "No. Not exactly." Serena crossed her arms. "You're right. The only things you lick and like are balls, you liked mine didn't you?" Serena gasped in shock and had to suppress her urge to slap the lion across his grinning, smug face.

"Break up with that fag and I'll keep that quiet." Mason offered before Serena could reply. "No! What do you even get from that?" Serena refused and turned back to Garret, who was trying to tune into the conversation, but couldn't. This only made him fret more, if the two were whispering so quietly that his sensitive ears couldn't pick it up, he was royally and truly fucked.

"Just do it babe, you deserve me. Date me instead of that paw loving freak and I'll hit from behind this time." "I'm not going to date you and I don't like the sound of that at all..." Serena pouted and stared Mason down. Suddenly, her posture dropped: "But I should try to stop his paw fetish, it's so.. His paw fetish is pretty weird. Maybe he'll stop it if I threaten him." "See? That fag-" "Stop calling him a fag, Mason. He's bisexual, there's a fucking difference." Scowling, Mason responded: "Go break up with the freak already." "I might not break up with him. I'm just going to ask him to stop liking paws so much."

As Serena turned back to him, Garret very nearly flew off of the bench. "W-what is it Serena?" He asked nervously, paws bouncing up and down with his ears drooping. The satin rabbit placed herself next to him and slipped an arm around him. "Garret." She said sternly. "I'm going to break up with you-" "Wha-why!?" What have I done?!" Garret squealed, coming close to crying already. He inched up to Serena and tried to trap her forepaw. "Let me finish." She hummed calmly. "I love you and you know that, but this paw fetish needs to stop. It's too weird." "Serena... I can't just stop liking something... It's just like you can't ask me to stop being bisexual." "I'm not asking you to do that, I wouldn't. But like I said, stop liking paws. Or at least, stop watching paw porn..." "No. I can't." Garret answered foolishly.

Serena removed her forepaw from around Garret and stood. "Then we need some time away from each other." Before Garret could apologize or promise to not indulge in his fetish, Serena was walking away towards the sorority house with Mason in gleeful pursuit. "Fuck off, Mason! We're not dating." Serena flipped him the bird and ran.

Mason came to a halt, offended, but it wasn't as if he really wanted to date the rabbit; she wasn't his type. Too him, she was: too skinny, too prude, too bossy and too educated. Mason knew that he'd get bored of her in the first five minutes. What he wanted was some curvy, slutty, bimbo who didn't know her left from right and could be convinced by some bullshit, made up fact. The lion turned around to Garret, ready to carry on with the next stage of his plan.

"Hey, Garret!" Mason barked as the Satin rabbit sulked away, returning to his dorm where he planned on either cleaning his sorrows away or by calling on both Jiyeon and Tyson for some... stress relief. Ignoring Mason, Garret tried to scarper away faster. Unsurprisingly, the feline was much faster than him. Mason, having reached Garret in a few, long strides, caught Garret by the scruff of his neck and growled: "I'm talking to you, pansy." His heart came to a stand still in his chest. The blood pumping through his veins froze. He could almost hear the glass smash above his head. "Sorry." Was all Garret could bleat to Mason.

Releasing him with a shove forwards, Mason huffed. "I knew you fucking heard me, fag." "What do you want?" Garret tried not to sound aggressive or demanding, but instead afraid of what Mason was going to do with him, to do to him. "Hmm... Cheese fondue for my starter. A Southern Vedish spaghetti bolognese dish for my main course and then... How about a nice cheesecake for dessert? I like my cheese." Mason remained stone faced. "Pardon?" "You're ordering my meals from now on fag-" "The fuck I am!" Garret shouted in protest.

As he turned to leave and laugh about it, Mason grabbed his arm and pulled him close. Not the intimate 'close,' but the 'murder close.' This time, the glass didn't even have time to shatter. "Listen up, fag. You're paying for all of my fucking meals, inside and outside of university. Otherwise, I'm going to fucking beat you to a pulp and show everyfur just how much of a fag you are. Don't ask me how." "How?" Garret guessed that Mason actually did want to talk about how exactly he'd out Garret, evil villains were addicts when it came to revealing their plans after all. "Well... I'll spread word of your fucked up fetish all over the campus. Then, after a bunch of us who don't want to see this country go to hell beat the crap out of you for giving our paws heart eyes, I'll let my boys have you. They don't give a fuck about what they put their dick in when they're drunk." Mason growled.

"Be at the canteen for 1.20." "B-but... The canteen closes at 1.00" Garret sniffled. "Not for me it doesn't."

The tan lion turned on his heel, whistling and sauntered off around the corner of a building. Garret sprinted back to his dorm and, upon arriving at his room, threw himself at Tyson.

"Garret! Garret, what's wrong?" Tyson fretted, clutching Garret by the waist as the rabbit nuzzled him. "W-where's Jiyeon? I want something from him..." "He went back to his dorm." Tyson raised an eyebrow, confused and surprised that Garret wanted to have sex with another guy. "You'll do." Garret muttered and forced the nude orca into his bed. "Garret!" Tyson cried out in protest, but stopped when he saw just how miserable the rabbit was. He put his forepaws on Garret's hips and let the rabbit do what he wanted.

10:49 AM

To: [email protected]

_ Cc: _

_ Bcc: _

_ How are you? _

_Like the subject suggests, how are you Delphine? I know it's been over a month since I last e-mailed you, trust me that wasn't intentional. You can direct all your anger to the moving company that 'assisted' me in moving a continent over on such a long notice: 'Ronaldo's Rapids Moving Service.' * _

Since I know you're going to ask: I'm doing fine myself. Tired? Yes, but only because I've been having to work my tail off due to the fact that... I'M A TUTOR NOW! :-) I'm tutoring an Erian Wild Dog in Vedish for the rest of this year, then if he passes the end of year test he gets to drop Vedish and I get loads of things like free food thanks to a complete scholarship and recommendations to publishers, newspapers and paparazzi companies **. The only problem is that he's not exactly smart. Determined, but not bright and determination alone won't win a war! But I'm positive that if I can keep his head in the study books for a few more weeks, he'll stand a significant chance of not failing me and the university in a great, big flaming ball of fail. Wish him luck (and me!)

Anyway I'd be wasting your time if I didn't bombard you with more questions. Like always, the question for you - (my response so you don't have to ask me)

1) How has this past month been? - (It's been a stressful month like I said)

2) Ay boo, what dat mouth do? - (Kiss croc dongs apparently)

3) How's the family? - (I actually have no idea, I should call my ma and pa soon. From a guess, my brothers are causing trouble, my sisters are being prodigies, Dad's glued to the TV and Mom's cooking)

4) How's your day been - (I've just got up, it's 7:00 and my roommate's snoring, naked on top of his sheets. Dirty slob.)

5) Any luck on the romance front? - (I've had no luck, kind of.)

6) Been to any parties lately? - (Me neither. I'm still class loner.)

Ps. Your e-mail address sucks still Ms. Blue Blood

_* Could you be a dear and get them shut down for me? I'll owe you a coffee. _

** I promise I won't bother you, there are much more interesting celebrities anyway

_- Leonardo Donati _

11:01 AM

To: [email protected]



_ Coffee? _

I'm fine Leon, you forget I live in a palace with a hundred servants who all make sure that I'm synonymous with healthy. If I so much as sneeze, doctors get called and wills get written. This might sound funny to you, but as a furson with hay fever and somefur who has to go through this each time they sneeze, it's my worst nightmare. But enough about me.

Don't worry about you not messaging me for a month. Also, no, I'm not going to tear down a self made company because they're slow at moving your things.

And congrats on becoming a tutor! I hope he's fit since as soon as I get to Merjuh I'm stealing him. That's right! I'm coming to Merjuh for a while. Father is in the city on business so I'm tagging along. There's a nice river side walk I've found, we can grab coffee and find a bench. I promise that my guards will stay a respectable distance away from us whilst we chat, I hate typing out email after email to be honest. __Also, do you realize that if you ask nicely I can get you all those things without the tutoring an illiterate Erian? Oh well, good luck to both of you fools!

1) My past month's been fine, nothing could be better. (That's what you get for moving a continent over)

2) Talk shit (OMG what??? Leon I didn't think you had it in you ;) you gay fag whore. You have to tell me all about him when we meet this afternoon. Details coming soon) PS. I knew that you were gay from the start

3) They're fine and still busy (So no change for either of us right?)

4) I've just gotten up as well, late nights are responsible (EWW! Put a blanket over him! I know you like it though)

5) All the guys who come my way want money and blue blood pussy pics, so no (Sucking a dick isn't romantic is it?)

6) Royal balls, formal balls, normal balls... Lots of balls (not the fun kind)

Come meet me at Vivato Cafe today, no later than 1:30 PM. Look for a red hoodie and ripped jeans.

From Delphine Figueroa

Leon closed down his computer, leaned back and yawned with tremendous volume. Rubbing his back, he hissed in pain and stumbled forwards over one of Callum's shoes which had invaded his side of the room. Come to think of it, Callum was starting to keep most things on his side of the room. Leon, although greatly annoyed and almost disturbed by the crocodile's mess, said nothing to Callum about cleaning. Leon didn't dare to move a single thing and even pushed the shoe back to where it had been before. He climbed into his bed, face down and sniffled, trying to stop himself from wetting his sheets with tears. Maybe something else would stain his bed sheets if Callum discovered that his favorite shoe had been kicked.

1:18 PM

Close to two hours later Teofil was fretfully slamming his fist against the meerkat's door. "LEON! LEON ARE YOU IN YOUR ROOM?" The wild dog shouted, trying the handle to see if it would unlock. It wouldn't. He backed away, afraid of what might have happened to his friend. It was strange for Leon to miss tutoring sessions, in fact he'd arrive early to them most of the time. So, when Leon hadn't arrived for the morning literature tutoring, Teofil had suspected that the meerkat was too tired or busy. Then, he hadn't arrived for the lunch session and Teofil had been flung into a state of panic. Now, the meerkat wouldn't open his door and Teofil was about to have a heart attack.

The canine knew that Leonardo was in his room, artificial light streamed from under the door and he could hear shuffling. That at least meant Leon was alive, but maybe hurt. Then again, the meerkat would be wailing if he was under any pain. Teofil refused to dismiss the thought that Leon needed help, plenty of things could harm him, but leave him able to move somewhat.

An idea came to Teofil, he could try getting in through the window. He was on the second floor, which meant that there was a small ledge he could shimmy over then climb into the bathroom. The closest window to Leon's was Tyson's and Garret's as the rooms were separated into twos (Jiyeon's & Teofil's with Darren & Oliver's on the left and Mason & Dean's further down the corridor then on the right, Leon's & Callum's with Tyson & Garret's on the right.) Teofil charged to the orca and the rabbit's room, he pounded on their door. There was no answer, but that didn't stop Teofil from trying to enter.

Teofil should have suspected that somefur was in the room when the door swung wide for him, but instinct told him to go straight to the bathroom and help Leon. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" Tyson roared, if not for the rabbit in front of him he would have flung himself at Teofil. "Sorry, shit!" Teofil burst out with a bawdy laugh. "I need to... err... exit out your window. Climb?" Teofil frowned, trying to remember the word the coach had used when he'd had to clamber up a rope that descended from the gym roof. "Climb! I need to climb out your window." "What for?" Tyson asked, curious. "Make him go away!" Garret hissed from under the covers, tears in his voice. Teofil cocked an eyebrow. "Is somefur under there?" He questioned Tyson sighed and pulled the covers away from Garret. who yelped in surprise, but quickly resumed crying.

"Yes. Please don't tell anyfur, he's... in trouble." Was all Tyson could answer with. "Try not to fall out of our window please, it would be a shame." "I won't... Luke told me not to... tell furs if I'm gay. That didn't make sense." Teofil chuckled. "Sorry." "It's alright. I understand what you mean." Tyson smiled. "Go on then, don't worry about closing it behind you." Teofil smiled back and rushed his way to the bathroom.

He couldn't have opened the window faster. Actually, that's a lie. Teofil had no idea how to open the frosted glass window, at first he tried shoving it as if it magically pop open. Then he tried pulling on the handle, by chance did he press the lock and push at the same time. However, despite this small victory which left him cheering, he had another challenge: climbing out of the window, shimming along a ledge and then getting through Leon's; assuming that it was open. If it did turn out closed, he would turn to his last resort: Callum.

The wild dog exited the window backwards, fearless for a brief moment. Somewhere between dangling from the ledge and moving along it, he realized how high up he was. He was two floors off of the ground, with only a few bushes to 'cushion' him should he fall. Not only that, but the he probably wouldn't be found if he ended up injured because a) the only two furs who knew what he was doing were busy fucking and b) the windows opened out to face a wall made of leaves, a hedge which was rarely trimmed and a grass alley where no fur went. The risks could be higher, but Teofil was happy enough without ice under his fingers or spikes in his way. His luck must have been turning a blind-eye because Leon's window was wide open. With a cheer of triumph, he raised a forepaw and climbed through the opening into Leon's bathroom.

Surprisingly, the interior was unbelievably clean: toothbrushes were stored away in a case, toothpaste along side the brushes, mouthwash at he bottom with floss somewhere among the organised pile of tablets. The porcelain sink was clear of everything and there were no scales or furs on the tiled floor. Teofil had expected the room to be covered in green scales thanks to Callum and his habitat of picking off scale to flick at Leon. There were freshly used towels slung over a rack, which was odd considering that the room didn't contain a bath or a shower and the pair always ditched their used towels at the laundry room upstairs. One sniff was all it took to inform Teofil as to why the towel hung from the rack. He charged through the door to the main room as if he would find Callum inside, all he saw was Leon curled up on his bed and a messy room.

"TEOFIL?!" Leon cried out, shocked that the Erian was somehow in his room. "Teofil how-" "Window." Teofil explained with a sigh of relief, at least Leonardo wasn't broken into pieces. He settled down along side the naked meerkat and chuckled as the man tried to hide his modesty. Teofil could smell Leon's suddenly abject scent as soon as he entered the room, Leon hadn't washed for a day or three. Not only that, but Leon's fur had become much less colorful like that of an emaciated feral or ailing furson.

"So..." Leon said, drying his eyes on the rough edge of the quilt. "Tutoring... Err.. Let's get down to it then. Did you bring your books?" "No. I came here to see if you were alright." "Well I'm perfectly fine." Leon smiled and sat up in bed, his eyes red and puffy. Teofil wouldn't have been surprised to find boxes of chocolates and tissues underneath Leon's quilt.

"So that why you missed two tutoring sessions?" Teofil said sternly, not angry, but wanting information. "I'm sorry. I've just had trouble getting out of bed recently... Stress, that's why." "Does stress make you bleed on towels?" Leon sighed and stayed silent, afraid to answer. "Callum?" Still, the meerkat didn't answer. The dog continued: "He's not here." Leon thought for a moment, maybe he could tell the truth and get away with it. "What happened in here? Why? How?" Teofil shook Leon by the shoulder, the meerkat softly begged: "Please stop that." Then flinched. That was a dead give away.

Teofil reached under the covers to feel Leon's back, he felt cuts, welts and some swelling. And to prove that he wasn't imagining it, Leon quietly hissed and twitched whenever Teofil's forepaw brushed one of his injuries. "What did Callum do to you? What breaks somefur in a night?" "Whipping." Leonardo sighed.

"Can we... Get on with your tutoring now? I don't want to talk about it." Leon pleaded. "That's alright. But... Maybe we should switch rooms. I mean, I don't want you getting hurt again if this is what happens-" "If I switch rooms- No... Just no. I enjoy it, actually. It's just that... What makes me dejected is that... I guess i just want it again." Leon lied, fortunately he lied well enough for Teofil to be fooled. "Okay. But, take the day off tutoring. I think that you need some time alone, so that you can learn to see through your love for Callum."

"Excuse me!? I don't love him!" "Then why do you let him hurt you?" "Because-" "Leon. I won't play this back and forth game. Stop this from happening." Teofil demanded sternly. "If you don't, I worry you'll become seriously hurt and-" "You don't own me! I'm not your catamite!" Leon flinched. "Just... Fuck off you asshole. I don't need this today. " That was perhaps the first time Teofil had heard the meerkat swear. "Leon I'm only trying to help." "I don't want you to help." Leonardo snapped and stood up, forgetting that he was naked. "Please leave me now."

"Not until..." Teofil cleared his throat. "Not until I see you out of bed, doing things with day." Leon didn't even bother to correct that. Instead, he stomped like a moody cub, grunted and, out of his wardrobe, dug out some clothes to wear. Normally, he would have selected something fancy or formal seeing as how he was meeting with royalty later, but anger made everything as good as a three piece suit and so he dug out a graphic-t with slacks. Meanwhile, Teofil dragged out the mini-fridge from the wardrobe and put it against the wall for Leon to attend to later.

"What I do is, I make a checklist-" "Well I'm not you! And you're not me." Leon shouted, shaking his shirt over his head. "So stop giving me suggestions! And put that thing back!" "Why?" Teofil crossed his arms and frowned, stubborn as ever. "Because this is Callum's room!" "No It's not. Your name is on the door, his too. So you should-" "FUCK OFF TEOFIL!" Leonardo screamed, pushing his legs through his slacks and charging right at the dog. The meerkat punched his chest, staggering the Erian, but hardly doing anything else. "GET OUT!" Leon shouted and tried kicking Teofil's shins, again the dog hardly faltered. Leon punched and slapped until his fists hurt, Teofil wasn't even sore. He just stood there like an iron statue, with stone eyes glaring at the meerkat.

Whether it was out of embarrassment, anger or sadness, Leon grabbed his trainers from beside the door and ran, leaving behind his pass.

"Leon!" Teofil cried, snapping out his meditative like state to give chase. As he entered the corridor, he discovered that Leon was surprisingly fast as, by the time Teofil looked out of the window at the end of the corridor, the meerkat was already running bare-paw out onto campus.

Thanks For Reading!

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Characters, Story & Locations © :Iconkalebthecaticon:

Midnight Silence

# Midnight Silence ## Zere University Boys Dormitories, Zere ## 5th of May, 0:41 AM # * * * Talon stood staring wide-eyed at the beagle. Never in a million years would he have guessed that Kester was gay, the beagle had always been so...

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Behind Closed Doors

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