Free For The Hour

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Free For The Hour

The Platinum Brothel, Prharan

30th of July, 6:21 PM

Waiting like a cat on hot bricks, the albino seized his precious, valuable I.D card to the candy red polo shirt he wore as if it were his heart. Forget about having butterflies in your stomach, the starveling felt as if he had a wasp nest in his guts (along with a riled up horde of the little yellow devils stinging him) thanks to his three biggest fears that confronted him all at once; the group of frats behind him that continued shoving him whenever he balked about moving forwards in the line, the dark night that surrounded him as well as muffling his sight and worst of all the bouncers who guarded what Reuben believed to be the only entrance into the club.

Thanks to their muscles that bulged massively under their tight-fighting black shirts without looking too ridiculous and their stoical looks, these bouncers (a Texas Longhorn and a large, wine reptile that was either a drake or a dragon) were the eidolons for all security workers. With this came a rapidly growing ego that was heightened whenever they beat somefur physically. A group of two had tried to muscle up to them previously, demanding access to the finest prostitutes the brothel had to offer for free. The two fools had ended up with black eyes, broken teeth and bruised prides. This had sent an example for the rest, pay up with valid I.D or leave. Hundreds of fake and valid I.D cards were snapped, crumpled, twisted and then disposed of in the dumpster each night. The albino rodent had been a victim of this only a month ago.

His best-friend had turned eighteen and being the horny teenagers they were, had settled on going to a brothel and paying for special attention in order to celebrate. Both had been turned away, the rodent on the basis of being too young and the oldest on the basis of carrying drugs. With all options gone, they had turned around and gone home with newly burnt fingers. The albino rat who anxiously held his tail in one forepaw, his I.D between two fingers, fretted that the bouncers would recognize his looks as well as his squeak and would toss him into the dumpster along with his I.D. The I.D that he carried was not fake and certainly looked legitimate. But the rat knew that his timid ways as well as young looks would work against him. These trepidations were correct.

When the Texas Longhorn bull allowed the furson in front of the rat to enter, his eyes scoped out the rat. "Reuben Moreau wasn't it?" He grumbled, recognizing him without too much difficulty. "Y-yes." Reuben, the albino rat, whimpered already on the verge of tears. If the bull so much a touched him, or even if the drake did, Reuben was sure that he would wet himself and run home screaming. "Look, cub. You have one chance to get out of the line before we make you leave." The Texas Longhorn and the drake both took a few intimidating steps towards Moreau. "I'm eighteen now!" Reuben tried to argue and shakily held up his I.D, that looked exactly like the one he had attempted to use a month back. After raising his eyebrow at the drake to get his opinion (which came in the form of a shake of his mighty, scaled head) the mammoth of a bull plucked the card from the rat's forepaws and held it up towards the moon. "Give it back!" Reuben hissed and pressed himself against the bull in an attempt to retrieve the card. He jumped up curling his toes in his light blue sneakers, repeatedly crying out as tears welled in his eyes.

The purple drake whistled casually as he walked around the side of the building, towards the dumpsters. "Hey, Sergej. Toss it over here." He said sounding jaded already. "Let's not make a game out of this crap, we do it every night." "Buzz kill." Sergej rolled his eyes and threw the card to the drake who caught it in his forepaw. As if he was surgically attached to it, Reuben followed until he collided with the mountain of a drake and bounced back to hit the floor. From his position, he watched the card fly through a second time only to crash land inside of the dumpster that was filled with other I.D cards. Now Reuben could hold back the tears, he dived after it and pushed aside everything in an attempt to find it, but he only jumbled it up more because of it.

When Reuben looked back to the bouncers, hoping that one of the furs would help, he saw that those in the line had simply moved forwards without a care in the world. Behind the group of frats who had just been entered was a vixen dressed scantily, she was clearly seventeen. After flashing the bouncers a look that told them everything, she disappeared inside followed by the drake who's tongue flicked out of his mouth. "Alright you lot, we're at max capacity now." Sergej announced with his booming voice. A groan came up the crowd, some were threats. Ignoring them, Sergej spoke over the chatter. "You can wait around for a bit or come again tomorrow." With that, he entered the Platinum Brothel's doors and made sure to bang them close on his way in. A few furs tried the door, but it was locked tight. Most walked off into the night, already on their phones to arrange a lift and others waited around, seeing if they could pick up a fur or two to take home and spend the night with. These predators paid the sobbing rat no attention, mostly because they had no intention to comfort an alleged piece of jailbait.

Reuben scanned the piles of cards once more, but found nothing. Sulking he managed to drag himself to lean on a nearby building. He waited for a moment, until his tears had subsided, before he took out his phone and dialed his best friend's number. It rung once, twice, a third time, a forth and finally a fifth before the answer machine spoke to the rat. _"Hey! I'm sorry, I can't get to the phone right now!" _With a whine, Reuben looked at the cash he had crumpled in his forepaw. It wasn't enough for a taxi journey that would be over an hour long, nor did he really want to sit on the street begging for the whole night. Sooner or later, his best-friend would call him back or come to pick him up. In the meanwhile, Reuben grumpily slouched down the alley where he thought he had come from. He leaned against the wall that was covered by a canopy and slumped once more. He was hidden from the sight of furs who passed in the street by a dumpster and so no fur saw him.

He didn't know how long he waited for, but it didn't take him long to fall asleep completely.

Two hours later...

"Hell no, Alain; what if he's... I don't know, some kind of tramp who's going to bite you?" Somefur with a firm and masculine scoffed. Reuben could not see who had spoken, simply because his eyes were closed and he refused to open them. He was worried that he had been discovered by security, the police, or worse: a rapist. "Don't b-be silly, Rail. I mean Raul." Somefur spoke. Their voice was much more feminine and soft, but they were certainly male. "Hello?" They called out to Reuben. "M-Mr. Rat... can you hear us?" "Mr. Rat? He doesn't look like the type of furson who'd go with Mr. or Sir!" The furson who had spoken laughed at his companion. "Then what do I... What do you want me to call him? Albino? That's offensive, you know that." The kinder furson tutted. Reuben noticed the furson's stutter now. "He is albino, Alain. It's just a fact."

By now Reuben had a clear picture of the two. The gruffer of the two was perhaps a bull, a dragon or some other big, burly creature with muscles as large as watermelons and a dick bigger than Reuben's own forearm. The second was perhaps something more feminine and would be the firsts boyfriend who he kept as an arm accessory. The curiosity that came from guessing made Reuben open his eyes.

His sight was filled with a cow (Reuben observed that they had a large brown spot over their eye) who leaned forwards, their dark brown eyes stared into Reuben's blues and the brass nose ring they wore shook about as he darted backwards with a giggle. "S-s-s..." The bull stopped trying to speak and instead took a few steps back until they were standing next to a large, muscular badger. "Sorry..." The bull's expression dropped and they clung onto the badger's arm awkwardly. "Don't mind Alain here, they've got a bit of a stutter. It's kind of cute." The bull, Alain, blushed heavily and seemed to budge up to the badger in a loving way, the badger loved this and even put an arm around the bull. Suddenly, the bull immediately scooped Raul's arm off of their shoulder and gave a convivial curve of his lips to the badger, it was not a smile.

"I'm Raul." The badger offered his forepaw, choosing to ignore the cow's passive hostility."We found your I.D card on the floor, you must have dropped it." "B-b-b" Alain seemed to scowl at Reuben for his stutter. "But it got thrown away. The drake bouncer threw it in the trash." "He must have missed it." Raul shrugged. "Here. It's not a fake, so I think that we should let you in. After all, I wouldn't mind serving a lil' guy like you." Reuben blushed at the complement and stood up, taking his card as he did. "T-thank you." Reuben stuttered nervously and pressed himself against the brick wall.

From his new perspective he saw that Alain was a chubby, brown and white bull no older than twenty. That was when Reuben gazed at their head, the bull had no horns. There were no stubs were their horns would have been cut off with a saw and so Reuben assumed that they simply didn't have any. Perhaps 'he', was a 'she.' On their face they wore a cheery smile, their forepaws folded politely behind their back. The poor cow could not keep still and continued to bob up and down on their hooves. When Reuben looked at their clothes he was almost certain that the cow was female. The cow wore a over sized plaid shirt that swamped their waist, but the sleeves were rolled up all the way revealing their stocky arms. The colors, blue and a stone color, reminded Reuben of a farm hand for some reason; then again, the cow did have a country air about them. They also wore denim shorts that were cut off, revealing the pockets and their beefy legs. The cow didn't seem to mind being so exposed.

The second furson, Raul, was a badger and was not dressed similarly to the cow. He wore a boring combination of a plain white shirt and black work trousers. This seemed to amplify his serious nature. Reuben noticed that Raul could not take his eyes off of Alain, especially his exposed legs and the tummy that seemed to bulge out at the bottom.

"I- I know that I'm not supposed to ask this, but are you pregnant? Alain?" Reuben pushed the ends of his two fingers together, hoping that Raul wouldn't throw a punch between his eyes. Instead the two burst out laughing. "Pr-pregnant!" Alain repeated with a guffaw, which was repeated by Raul. "I don't have a vagina! Did the accent, looks and the clothes frow... throw you off?" They giggled after a slight pause. "I'm really sorry!" Reuben squeaked. "I didn't intend to offend you." "Don't sweat it, I always get called a girl or a bitch. Most of our loving patrons like calling me degrading names." Alain seemed thrilled that they managed to get everything out without stuttering. "Your patrons?" "We're pros-pros-ros..." Alain sighed in disappoint and slumped against Raul. The badger ruffled the cow's already messy ginger hair, Reuben caught sight of two small and stubby horns on top of Alain's head that seemed to be sawed off. "We're prostitutes." Reuben blinked in disbelief at the two of them.

"We were about to leave for a break: it's the end of our first shift." Raul explained. "When we bumped into you, passed out, next to the garbage." "Err..." "Sh-should we leave you be next time?" The cow did not sound the least bit nervous, but still struggled to get his words out. "No! Thanks for, helping me... I guess. I'll be going now." Reuben turned to leave down the alley, but Raul caught his forepaw and kissed it delicately.

"Have you had your fun here yet?" The badger audaciously asked without a second spared. "Pardon?" "Have you hired somefur to fill your desires tonight. Or did you turn out empty-pawed? Tell me, were you looking for a quick fuck from a prostitute or maybe an unlucky patron, or are you just wanting of a drink?" "I- I don't really know why I came here." Reuben admitted, stunned by Raul's charismatic flirting. He didn't actually have a plan, sure getting laid was a good as anything, but he knew that he hadn't brought enough money to actually buy somefur for an hour and hooking up for a night-stand wasn't his thing. "So you're just nosing?" Raul chuckled. "Pretty much." "Do you want do something with your night?" "A-are you..." Reuben stopped trying to speak and let his mouth hang open for a moment. "Are you offering to fuck me? Both of you?" "I'd love to do that!" Alain giggled, "But-but we're talking about a job." They slurred. "There's an opening and you'd fit right in." Raul added. "Assuming that you're alright with having a price. I'd say that you'd cost... hmm.. £50 for the hour."

"Hell no! I'm worth more than that!" Reuben protested and broke free of Raul's grasp. "Are you sure, cub?" The badger snapped. "Raul!" Alain gasped. "What? I'm being generous. This rat looks like the most boring lay ever, I wouldn't even buy him for £25..." The badger scoffed and crossed his arms, he seemed angry about having been turned down. "Fuck you!" Reuben screamed at the badger, threw his own I.D card at him and dashed away with tears streaming.

The badger watched him go, laughed to himself and then slapped Alain's back in victory. "And that, Mr. Borde, is how we get rid of underage rats like him." The cow scowled at Raul. "But f-that was so mean! He didn't deserve fat... that." Alain picked up Reuben's I.D card carefully and read it aloud. "Reuben Moreau." "I guess that he's Vedish." Raul grunted in reply. "D.O.B: 29/7/97. He's eighteen by a day!" Alain chirped, happy that the boy was legal. "I think that you fucked up Raul." Alain smirked, crossed their arms and turned away from the badger. "He was cute, sure his stutter was annoying me, but he was cute. I bet that Ruivige would give a dream job to anyfur who went and got him for us." "Fuck that! I want a better job, but I'm not fucking a crying rat in an alleyway for it. Besides, you're younger, so you should go do it." "You-you're healf... healthier than I am! And faster." "No, Alain. Catch up to him, apologize, give him a business card and his I.D. Then, we wait for magic to happen." Raul smirked and leaned against the wall. "Fine, but I get the ice cream that's in the freezer." Alain said without hesitation before sprinting off in the direction that Reuben had gone.

Only a few streets away from the club, Reuben had hunkered up in a dark alley where he could sob quietly obscured by fur's views. His blood boiled with rage, having a price tag on a fur was absurd! But the way Raul had degraded him so quickly, as if he had planned it from the beginning, as if it wasn't just quick and witty thinking. He had been told all of his laugh that he was worth more than he could comprehend, but after one contradiction he was doubting what he had been taught. Reuben curled up further, desperate to hide from the outside world. Despite his hiding place, Alain found him with ease like a bloodhound sniffing out its prey.

"Reuben It's me, Alain. Can you come out please?" The cow stayed on the other side of the dumpster, they could see the tips of Reuben's bone white hair from where he stood. "Go away. You guys are assholes." Reuben spat between his crying fits that had started to spike again in the cow's presence. "Not me, just Raul. That badger's not here anyway! I wanted to give you your I.D card, so I chased after you." Alain explained. With that, they trotted around the side of the green canister to see Reuben with his knees tucked up to his chin and his polo shirt pulled over them. With a smile, Alain pushed both the I.D card and business card into Reuben's waiting forepaw.

Holding up the black and red card, Reuben quipped. "Why would I want this?" He went to toss into the dumpster, but Alain interrupted him. "Because it's a V.I.P card: you can get any prostitute, any drink and free access until September when the card becomes invalid." "Thanks." Reuben muttered, somewhat happy about his gift. If anything he could give it to somefur else. He pocketed both his I.D card and the V.I.P pass for later. Taking Alain's still outstretched forepaw, Reuben helped himself to a standing position, but did not return a cheery smile to Alain.

"S-so... Are you going to spend the rest of the night in this alley? You might get raped." Alain shuddered. "At least I'd be having sex." Reuben chuckled at his own joke, Alain was not as happy as Reuben. "I-i-i can give you sex without the bad memories..." The cow blushed. "I'm a prostitute after all." "No thanks, I'd rather not catch something-" "Oh please!" The bovine pouted. "I use condoms normally, but you're a friend, so I'll make an exception."

Alain's visage changed to be somewhat more innocent as they took a hold of Reuben's skinny waist. "Are-are we friends?" "I- I guess... Not many furs would risk chasing me through Prharan." Alain gave Reuben a warm smile and used their forepaws to explore Reuben's fluffy torso fur that was concealed by his polo shirt. Reuben's forepaws shot backwards to slam against the wall when Alain lifted up his polo shirt until only Reuben's arms prevented it from going further. When Alain let go, in order to travel back down to Reuben's nipples, the material stayed there.

Seeing Reuben's nipple piercings, Alain giggled and tweaked one of them. Reuben gave a whimper as if he was about to come. "Alain..." Reuben moaned when he saw the cow begin to suckle on the metal. "I'm sensitive there..." That was all Alain needed to hear. Erotically, the cow pushed one finger against the tip of Reuben's other nipple bar and rubbed it around in circles whilst they sucked on the other. Alain slacked his push on Reuben's nipple and traced down to the outer edge of the areola. He circled the pink ring, each full circle he spent a moment flicking Reuben's nipple bar to make him gasp in pain. Reuben's tail shot up "A-ah! Alain!" He cried and struggled in the cow's grasp as the cow's teeth found Reuben's erect nipple. The cow tugged back on one, keeping the bar between his teeth. Only when Reuben tried to push their head away from his chest did Alain release Reuben and wipe their mouth.

"Keep quiet." Alain demanded, their visage changing to a scowl in a second. They feared that passersby would over hear Reuben's echoing cries of pleasure and discover the two of them. The dumpster next to them provided some cover and the repugnant smell masked them from any sniffing noses, but if Reuben didn't keep quiet the disguises wouldn't matter. "I'm sorry...." Reuben blushed in embarrassment. "It's hard to stay quiet when your doing that." "S-sounds like you enjo-enj...enjoyed it." Alain giggled with pride,they felt like punching the air in victory. "How did I even enjoy that..." "That's a slut secret. I'm sure that I could teach it to you if you ever became a prostitute." Alain hinted. "I've got a little more up my sleeve though.." "Like what?" Reuben chirped, somewhat desperate for that kind of stimulation again. In his mind he expected the cow to reach for something like his belly and touch him in such a way it would make him orgasm in just a second, what he got was something much more vanilla.

With a lewd and sexual grin,the cow slowly slipped down further, until they were face to face with the zipper of Reuben's jeans.

"Alain, w-what are you doing?" Reuben shuffled about awkwardly as the cow reached out with their tongue to lick along the metallic zipper. The taste of iron danced along their tongue, but that would soon be replaced with something more enjoyable. Reuben bit his lower lip nervously and kept his finger nails close to his mouth, so that he could chew on them when his anxiety reached its peak. In his nervousness, his candy red polo shirt fell back to its usual place.

Alain was no amateur when it came to blowjobs, or even in foreplay leading up to actually taking a cock into their mouth. Guys had come before they had even sucked on their cock and a blowjob from Alain could easily last an hour or so. "Do-don't you need to be back at the club?" Reuben whimpered. "I'm free for the hour; in two ways." The cow answered, speaking onto Reuben's denim as they scanned the jeans to see what would be the best place to bite into. Reuben gasped in either shock or delight as the cow bit into his jeans and tugged them down gracefully. They were around his ankles in one swift movement, his silk, white boxers revealed to the midnight air. Reuben and Alain did not feel the chill of the night nor did they acknowledge their grimy setting and the stench thanks to the adrenaline that was beginning to start flowing.

The fabric of Reuben's polo shirt snagged slightly on the coarse brick wall as he backed up against it. Alain took a hold of Reuben's naked shins, preventing him from escaping. Alain gazed up into Reuben's eyes and allowed their own tongue to loll out of their mouth, just to let Reuben know what was about to happen. To tease Reuben further, Alain snaked their tongue up from Reuben's right ankle all the way to the bottom of his boxers. Alain bit into the soft material and pulled on it slightly, but they did not lower it just yet.

Turning their attention back to Reuben's legs, his inner thighs mostly, Alain lowered their mouth to the flabby part of Reuben's legs and kissed him. Their tongue slipped out of their mouth to give more slobbery kisses to Reuben's legs. The rat was hard in his pants, his cock straining and his meatus leaking like it never had before. His brain could not let go of the pleasure he had felt when Alain had began to touch his nipples, the way they had tugged on the metal piercings to make him ache in his pants. His forepaws wandered to his nipples and tried to repeat what Alain had done to him, the cow noticed this and gave yet another proud smile.

Meanwhile, the cow used two fingers to stroke the backs of Reuben's knees. This was nowhere near as pleasurable as having his nipples sucked as been, but Reuben could not deny that he felt weak suddenly. Alain used his spare forepaw to poke just behind Reuben's balls, stimulating the rat's perineum in one sudden stroke.

"Nah!" Reuben cried out suddenly, his body jerking forwards in a spasm as pleasure overwhelmed him. The nip of the night on his wet nipples, the feeling of having his nipples pulled and Alain's ministrations was too much to handle. A wet, warm and sticky liquid engulfed the front of Reuben's silks. He felt it spread like wildfire, the musky scent spread much faster. His blush however, was much more slower, but when Alain whistled it picked up the pace and made his entire face red with embarrassment. "I-it's alright Reub-Reuben!" Alain laughed, the cow did their best not to guffaw, but when the rat crimped his legs and tried to pulled his candy red polo shirt over the front of his boxers Alain could not help it and let out a big, hearty laugh.

Regardless of the rat's apparent shame, Alain reached out and forced the rat's legs open to see a little stream of his cum trickling down his leg, meandering whether possible. The cow stopped the biggest meander with their tongue and followed it all up to the little pool that was building just under the leg of one of Reuben's boxer legs. Alain lifted it up, allowing it all to come raining down onto their tongue; they swallowed it greedily to Reuben's surprise. Alain paused for a moment to allow Reuben to collect himself, the rat had already dropped his embarrassed and cagey stance, now he stood frozen. "T-thanks..." Reuben managed and was about to pull up his jeans, but Alain was not finished yet.

As the rat bent down, Alain rose up slightly to kiss the rat on the lips. The rat had no quarry and was happy to allow Alain's invading tongue to share with him the familiar tang of his own cum. Reuben rumbled onto Alain's tongue as the cow explored as far as possbile before pulling out. Bridges of saliva attached to both of their tongues as their mouths hung open. For a moment, all they did was breath heavily on to each other. Alain made the next move. They dove between Reuben's legs to clean up his cock for him. They considered eating the jizz out of the fabric of Reuben's boxers, but Alain could tell that Reuben was much too nervous, but desperate for more. Leaving him on edge would make him come back for me.

"I- i need to go back to the club." Alain stammered as he stood up, he wiped his mouth with the back of his forepaw. Quickly they checked in a puddle that there was no cum around their mouth. Satisfied with their looks they took Reuben's forepaw and kissed the back of it. "Will I see you tomorrow?" Alain asked with a flirty bat of his eyelids and a suck of Reuben's middle finger. "Of-of course..." Reuben stuttered, he was shocked that the cow was still being lewd with him. With one more giggle, Alain turned on their heel and dashed back to the club leaving Reuben on his own to paw off to his memories.

Thanks For Reading! ^_^

I'm sorry about the rather short lived porn scene, but I suppose that this was more of a prologue to what's to come. I have plenty of other characters planned including a gray jay, a sheep and a skunk, but I decided to showcase just five in this story since I want to save the rest for next time (or the time after that). If you enjoyed this story, the characters or just the concept please leave a favorite and a vote so that I know what to focus on next! ^_^ If you want to see what else I'm writing, why don't you watch or subscribe to the folders I have?

Story, characters and locations © Kalebthecat

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