06: That Sister

Story by krisprowler on SoFurry

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Starshadow couldn't help but run all the way over to Sweet Apple Acres, her excitement that she would be staying in Ponyville increasing with each step. The massive farm wasn't hard to find and she grinned as she reached the farm after only a few minutes. "Wow, he lives so close by." she said to herself as she entered the farm and headed towards the large red barn that stood out among all the apple trees.

She didn't see any sign of Big Mac, but there was another pony pushing a large pile of crates into the barn. Though each crate was as tall as the pony pushing them and the crates were stacked four high, the orange mare in front of her didn't seem to be breaking a sweat as she pushed the heavy looking load inside. Starshadow wondered if everypony in Big Mac's family had super-pony strength as it seemed to run in the family, or more likely developed after years and years of manual labor. As she continued her approach the orange mare finally noticed the pegasus and waved.

"Well, howdy there, don' think ah've seen ya before. Welcome ta Sweet Apple Acres. Name's Applejack, what can ah do for ya?" the earth pony greeted her.

"Uh, hi Applejack. I'm looking for a pony named Big Mac. Is he around at all?" she asked, not really interested in talking to Applejack.

Applejack's guard immediately went up, not sure why an unknown pegasus would be asking about her brother. "He's busy at the moment in the fields. Is there somethin' ya needed from him?"

"Kind of. I had asked him about delivering some of his hard apple cider for me, but I'll be staying here in town longer than I thought so I came to tell him that he doesn't have to have the cider delivered all the way to Cloudsdale anymore." Starshadow explained. Vinyl's warning about Big Mac's sister replayed through Starshadow's mind and though she wasn't sure that Applejack was the mare Vinyl had told her about, she decided to play it safe and not mention anything about her relationship with Big Mac.

Applejack's tension eased dramatically as she heard that the pegasus mare in front of her was here for business reasons. "Oh, well okay then. Big Mac handles everything with that since he's the one who makes it. If ya want he's over in that grove somewhere. Shouldn' be any problem finding him, jus' follow the sound of him buckin' the trees." she said, pointing towards the area where Big Mac was working.

Thanking Applejack for the help, Starshadow walked in the direction that AJ indicated. Her instructions proved to be quite good as it wasn't very long before the loud 'WHUMP' of Big Mac kicking a tree could be heard. Following the sound of the bucking was easier than Starshadow thought as it stood out against the overall quietness of the farm. It only took a few more minutes for Starshadow to find the pony she was looking for, his large red frame standing out among the green trees. The stallion heard her trotting up to him and took a break from his hard work, wiping away the sweat that had accrued on his forehead before she came up to him.

"You're headed back home already?" Big Mac asked. He had been hoping that she would consider staying in town longer, maybe even willing to stay with him as long as Applejack would back off of her concerns for him dating a non-earth pony, but he figured that she had other obligations at home.

"Actually, no." Starshadow said, her happiness radiating from her features, unable to keep the good news from him. "I'll be staying at Vinyl Scratch's house for a while and be playing at the club on the weekends, so I'll be living here in Ponyville for a while."

Big Mac felt his heart explode in joy as he learned that his time with Starshadow wasn't over yet. His grin let Starshadow know that he felt the same as she did, and they both moved forward to kiss in celebration. As their lips connected Starshadow got a strong whiff of his sweaty masculine scent, the smell beginning to turn her on. Big Mac also got a quick sniff of her odor, her body sweating slightly from her running to the farm. Something clicked inside Big Mac's head and he found himself lusting after her, wanting to claim her as his own in the middle of the orchard, right then, right there. He didn't care that Applejack or Apple Bloom could come through the fields and see him rutting the mare he was kissing, nor did he care that Rainbow Dash was known to fly through the farm, using the trees as an obstacle course. He knew what he wanted, and he wanted it now...

Big Mac turned and pushed Starshadow up against the nearest apple tree and forcefully kissed her, causing her to moan into his mouth as he aggressively pressed his body against hers. With her now at his mercy he roughly rubbed her crotch, causing her to quickly become extremely wet.

Starshadow was surprised by Big Mac's sudden aggressiveness but she offered no resistance. The way she had her back to the tree, she was unable to reach down and stroke Big Mac's groin, but he didn't need the stimulation as she felt it beginning to rub up against her as the stallion continued to rub her body. The thought of her lover taking her and using her in the middle of the open like this excited her beyond words, and she couldn't wait to see what he was going to do to her.

Big Mac felt Starshadow's tight love hole becoming soaked with excitement and her muscles began to tense up as his touches almost drove her to the point of orgasm. He stopped before she could reach that point, though, and released his hold on her body by stepping back. Starshadow slumped to the ground, her legs giving out from Big Mac's forcefulness. Looking straight ahead she saw Big Mac's cock already beginning to harden. She remembered her failure last night and took advantage of his semi-erect state, moving forward and quickly engulfing his hardening member before he reached his full size.

Big Mac placed one of his heavy hooves against the back of her head as she moved back and forth, moving her mouth along his shaft and felt it becoming harder and harder. With each thrust of her head the shaft reached deeper and deeper down her throat, and it also became harder for Starshadow to bob her head back and forth as his shaft became firmer and wasn't able to bend to the contours of her throat as well. Even with the simple blowjob becoming harder and harder to continue, she refused to give up as her desire to please him was greater than her own safety.

Big Mac was able to tell that she was going to have trouble soon and stopped her, pulling his cock free from her mouth. She looked up at him with a pout, wondering why the stallion wouldn't let her try to finish him off with her mouth, but her question was quickly answered as Big Mac began to push himself into her soaking wet pussy.

"Yessss..." Starshadow hissed as he stuffed himself into her tight hole. As before, Starshadow wasn't able to take all of Big Mac inside of her but his groans let her know that he was still feeling good. Letting the big stallion have his way with her she remained motionless and let Big Mac take the lead, gasping and yelping as he forced himself on her.

Even though the farm was huge and the two lovers were far from the barn, the noise was still enough to catch the attention of another pony passing by. Applejack's ears twitched as she stopped as she thought she heard somepony yelling out. She remained motionless and heard the faint noise again. It didn't sound like anypony was in trouble; in fact, it sounded like whatever pony was making the noise was having quite a bit of fun.

Applejack shook her head; it wouldn't be the first time she had caught two ponies making love in the secluded areas of the farm. She didn't mind all that much that ponies would sneak onto her land to find a secluded spot for their coitus as they never really stole or otherwise vandalized the orchard; her main concern was to make sure that Apple Bloom didn't wander upon the scene. With that in mind Applejack would always make sure that whichever ponies were rolling in the hay were far away enough from the barn. In this case, Applejack was certain that the two ponies causing the noise wouldn't be found by her little sister as she and the other Crusaders were helping out at Fluttershy's cottage that afternoon, but curiosity got the better of her and she moved towards the noise to see which ponies were in her fields.

Even though the two ponies would clearly be too preoccupied with each other to detect her presence, Applejack still walked carefully as not to give herself away as she approached the source of the groans and yelps of pleasure.

'Sounds like whatever pony is getting rutted, she's having a blast.' Applejack thought. She began to wonder which pony could be giving the mare this much pleasure... Mr. and Mrs. Cake had used the fields before, but it didn't sound like them. Maybe it was Thunderlane, he had brought a few mares over here before. Or perhaps Filthy Rich was exploring the taboo of mating outdoors with one of his mistresses...

As Applejack finally reached her target she carefully peeked around the large apple tree she was hiding behind and almost gave her position away with a loud gasp of shock. 'Big Mac!?' she realized in horror, but there was no mistake. Her brother was the stallion causing the mare to be so vocal, but what really angered her was when she finally identified the mare writhing in pleasure under him.

"Her!" Applejack grimaced under her breath, grinding her teeth angrily. "She said she only came ta talk business with him!" Despite feeling anger towards the pegasus being penetrated by her brother, she couldn't stop watching the two as they continued to indulge in their carnal desires. She felt a twinge of pain in her gut and heart but wasn't able to tell what it was caused by. Normally she would go to Big Mac for advice, but she definitely couldn't go to him now. She also couldn't go to Granny Smith for advice, and there was no way she could bring her friends into this.

"Buck it." Applejack huffed. She couldn't watch anymore and stormed off back to the barn, unable to stand seeing her brother with another mare. The cries coming from Starshadow still rung in her ears as she walked away and she lashed out angrily at one of the trees once she was a fair distance away from the two love ponies.

The sound of her strike could be heard across the entire farm, but Big Mac and Starshadow didn't notice it at all. Big Mac's rough plowing was causing Starshadow to lose all control and be very vocal, each thrust he took causing her to let out a sweet cry of pleasure as she was stuffed over and over again. "M-master, s-s-slow down or I'm gon- gonna... Aaagghhhh!" Starshadow cried out. Try as she might to resist and wait for permission, she couldn't take any more of the pure bliss she was feeling and came hard, her pussy once again clamping down on Big Mac's cock and squeezing it tighter than ever before.

A grin spread across Big Mac's face as he felt the tiny mare beneath him cumming around his shaft. He increased his speed, wanting to cause her to cum as many times as he could. The powerful stallion still had plenty of stamina left even after working the fields all morning and he was easily able to maintain the faster, deeper pace. His efforts paid off when, just as Starshadow's body began to relax from her first orgasm, she was thrown straight into another powerful orgasm, her still sensitive pussy unable to take his faster thrusting. She cried out even louder and couldn't stop from releasing her own fluids as they squirted out form her crotch and soaked Big Mac's body and the ground. Big Mac felt her orgasm hit his body but didn't care or even acknowledge it except by fucking her as hard as he could.

"AAHHH! Master, please! It's too much! It's... Rrrgghhh!" Starshadow screamed out. Big Mac wasn't letting up, he was enjoying making Starshadow cum so much and watching her writhe uncontrollably as he brought her to orgasm after orgasm. As her third orgasm hit her hard and caused her to shake violently below him, he too reached his peak and he happily released his cum into her quivering pussy.

Starshadow was vaguely aware of her insides being flooded with his seed to the point where much of it began to seep out from the tight seal of his cock in her wildly twitching marehood; all other thought and feelings were lost to her as she continued to float along the roiling sea of pleasure Big Mac had cast her into... She wasn't sure how much time had passed before she finally regained control of her senses and body. The hot cum running down her trembling legs and pooling on the ground beneath her finally seemed to finally bring her out of the mind-shattering orgasms she had in quick succession, and as she felt Big Mac shoot one final spurt into her deepest depths she finally felt her body relaxing and going limp.

Both ponies stared at each other, panting hard as they caught their breath. As soon as their breathing slowed down they reconnected lips and deeply kissed one another under the shade of the apple trees. Big Mac pulled back after a few minutes and looked into her eyes. "I love you." he said.

Starshadow's heart fluttered as she heard him say those three words. She honestly couldn't remember the last time anypony had honestly said those words to her. She smiled back up at him and felt a tear of happiness fall down her face. Her voice betrayed her for a moment before she finally managed a simple reply. "I love you too."

Sweet Dreams 5

_No! Oh no oh no! What have I done?!_ Sonya was sure she had ruined everything with her sudden outburst. Marcus must have figured out what was happening for sure which is why he suddenly stopped. _He must think I'm some kind of perverted freak..._ And...

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05: That Intimate Moment

Starshadow still had her eyes closed but she could tell it was morning. Cracking her eyes open she saw that the sun was already up and heard the various birds outside chirping happily. As she became more aware of her surroundings, she also felt a...

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Interlude: That After-party

Vinyl Scratche's after party was in full swing. As soon as the majority of the audience had left Vinyl returned to the main dance hall and looked at the handful of ponies still present. Her assistants and the club employees were all present, as well as...

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