Sweet Dreams 5

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No! Oh no oh no! What have I done?! Sonya was sure she had ruined everything with her sudden outburst. Marcus must have figured out what was happening for sure which is why he suddenly stopped. He must think I'm some kind of perverted freak... And it was true, wasn't it...? Everything that happened was because she was feeling so good that she couldn't help but crave more. She had tricked her friend into doing it to her again and then lost control in front of him...

Tears began to well in her tightly shut eyes as her thoughts spun around a single point. Now he'll never want to be with me...!

Meanwhile Marcus's was certain his life as he knew it was over... How could I have been so careless, so greedy...? Somehow he'd convinced himself that there was no need to hold back anymore, that nothing he did could possibly wake the cub. And he'd followed that ridiculous belief straight to certain doom. God only knew what Ramona would do to him when she found out, never mind his own parents...

Worse than that though, what would his little puppy think of what he'd done to her while she was so innocently sleeping beside him...? Sonya was by far his oldest and closest friend and he'd forced his lust upon her. The thought of her looking at him in disgust, seeing him for the perverted monster he'd become, was almost too much to bare.

Through the haze of his growing guilt, he heard the cub beneath him whimpering; it sounded like she was struggling to keep from full out crying but there was so much anguish in the tiny sound... If it was even possible, Marcus's heart sank even lower at seeing how much he'd hurt her. How could he even begin to apologize for what he'd done though? Was there any hope for his friendship?

The panther struggled to calm himself down. If there was any hope left, he would have to act soon. Slowly he gently placed a hand on her shoulder, recoiling slightly when he felt her jump at the touch. "Sonya..." he said barely above a whisper, giving her shoulder a gentle shake.

There was no point in faking it anymore, Sonya finally conceded. The boy knew she was awake. She slowly opened her eyes to find him staring down at her. His face was unreadable behind the shadow of the soft moonlight, but she didn't have to see it to know what he was thinking... She couldn't bare to meet his judgmental stare as the tears she'd been holding back finally started to fall.

Marcus shrank when she turned away from him, unable to even look at the beast that had violated her so... Still he had to do something, say something to try to keep his irreplaceable friend from hating him. "S-Sonya," he started, unable to find the words to possibly make amends. "I... I..."

Before he could manage another word, the tiny cub sprang up to her knees, suddenly wrapping her arms around him as tight as she could, burying her face in her chest. "I'm sorry!" she sobbed, her words muffled by her proximity to him. "I'm so sorry! Please don't hate me! Please don't leave me...!" Whatever else she said was lost amid her hysterical crying.

Marcus's brain stalled, unable to process what was happening. Why was she apologizing to him?! What could she have possibly thought that made her think that any of this was her fault? No matter what else, he couldn't let her go on blaming herself for his misdeeds.

He pulled his arms free from where she'd pinned them to his sides, but before the distraught puppy could pull away he wrapped her in his own embrace. One hand brushed through her hair, hoping that the familiar touch would calm her down. "Sonya please, it's okay. You didn't do anything to feel sorry for." He took a deep breath and placed his hand on her chin, lifting her face up to meet his. "I'm the one who should be apologizing. I never should have taken advantage of your trust like this. I don't even know where to start to explain what I was thinking..."

Still sniffling as she reluctantly looked up at him, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her desperation momentarily forgotten, she tried to clear the confusion as to who was at fault. "What are you talking about? I'm the one that tricked you into doing that to me. I was pretending to be asleep so you would do it again, like last night."

"But I never should have done that in the first place. It was so wrong!"

"Why was it wrong? You were making me feel so good... That's what you were trying to do, wasn't it?"

Marcus's brain continued to hitch as he struggled to process what he was hearing. Not only was his sweet, innocent little puppy aware of what was going on, she had actually baited him into continuing to molest her... She'd purposefully worn that see-through nightie and taken off her panties before he arrived... Because she was enjoying it... He wasn't sure what to think anymore. It was a long moment before he realized she was starting intently at him, another before he recalled her question.

"Well yes I wanted you to feel good, but honestly it was more about making me feel good." He finally said.

She continued to stare at him, a heavy blush now settling on her features. " M-making me feel good makes you feel good...?"

He could only nod, his voice lost to his own growing embarrassment.

It was now Sonya's turn to shut down as she tried to process what her friend had just divulged. What he was doing had been so amazing for her, and somehow was making him feel good too. Did that mean...? Could he possibly actually like her the same way that she liked him? It was almost too much to hope for, especially when just seconds ago she was certain she'd blown her chance at getting with him forever... Was this the chance she had been waiting for? It certainly didn't seem like the right time to bring up feelings, but then again she was pretty sure things couldn't possibly get more awkward.

She remembered her friend Jynx's advice about men: 'don't be afraid to do whatever it takes to get them to do what you want them to!' While she wasn't quite sure what the naughty kitten was alluding to, she had to admit there was wisdom in the statement itself. The way things were going, the two of them barely getting to see each other anymore, and especially after the last two nights, she might never get another chance like this again. She had to be brave! She had to let her feelings be known.

She wasn't sure if it was even possible for her to blush harder than she already was as she shakily grabbed one of his hands in both of hers. "H-Hey Marcus, can I tell you something...?" Her voice was barely above a whisper as she struggled not to freeze up. Her heart felt like it was trying to beat straight out of her chest in anticipation and trepidation.

Marcus was similarly caught between hope and dread, having no idea what new bombshell the Pom pup was preparing to drop on him. Her tiny hands on his at once felt like the most comforting touch in the world and an unbreakable vice keeping him bound to the spot as he helplessly stared into her trembling eyes. "Y-Yeah," he finally managed.

"I, um... I've been- I mean, for a long time now, um..." Sonya stammered, desperately trying to find the words. She felt as though she might burst into flames at any moment, but she was determined to get her confession out. It was now or never. "I... I maybe, kinda, sort of l-like-like you..."

There, it was out, she finally said it! It almost killed her, but she finally said it...! As she stared at him, waiting desperately for his response, she thought she could make out some color forming under his own black fur. How hard would he have to be blushing for it to be visible under that fur?_she found herself wondering. _Wait, is he actually blushing? If he is blushing, does that mean...?

Her thoughts threatened to start running in circles but she was snapped back to attention when she heard Marcus starting to speak. "I, ah..." He seemed to be having just as much trouble as she had. She looked up at him hopefully, her little tail wagging in barely repressed excitement.

"... I kinda sorta like-like you too."

Almost immediately after the words had left his mouth, his vision was consumed by her cute little chest as she leapt to her feet on the bed. "You do, really?!" The girl hadn't bothered to put her nightie back on from before so her flat chest punctuated by two pert little nips were on full display to him. The temptation to reach out for the sensitive little nubs was still there despite everything, but thankfully his attention was more focused on gauging her reaction. Which at that moment was excited on a level he hadn't seen in ages.

In the face of such passion, all he could do was respond honestly. "Yeah," he said finally. "I don't know what changed, but ever since I got here this weekend I've been looking at you differently. I can't seem to help myself..."

The puppy's demeanor suddenly became tense again and when she next spoke it was quiet and serious. "Then does that mean... Do you think that we could be boyfriend and girlfriend?"

In light of what he had admitted, to her and to himself, the answer was so simple that there was no sense in denying it... "Yeah... I'd like that." He wanted her, his invaluable young friend. While his hormones may have driven him to lust after her body, deeper down he realized he wanted _all_of her. And from the sound it, she wanted him as well.

Sonya brightened for a moment but then the tension seemed to rise up again. "Then... Could I ask you to do something for me? If you really want to be my boyfriend?"

"O-Of course. Anything." He replied, feeling considerably less confident than his response implied.

"Could you, I mean..." she turned her head to the side, unable to meet his gaze while she made her request. "W-Would you please... kiss me?"

It was so rare for Marcus to see the hyperactive puppy so demure; to his eyes it was the cutest thing he'd ever seen. Her request had surprised him for a moment, but seeing her like that, there was nothing he wanted to do more than wrap his arms around her and claim her lips as his own. He gently grabbed her sides, guiding her to kneel over his lap so her face would be in line with his. Sonya was a mess; he was sure they both were after the emotional whirlwind they'd just endured. But Marcus didn't mind at all, she was still his beautiful little angel and he would stop at nothing to fulfill her wish.

Sonya found herself paralyzed in Marcus's grasp, her face somehow managing to burn even hotter than before as he drew her closer and closer. The Pom cub was practically panting as his face dominated her vision. While she was having a mini panic attack, he was not hesitant at all, and before she knew what had happened she found her tiny lips dominated by his larger mouth. Her eyes went wide for a moment before the sensation finally registered in her mind, then they fluttered closed as the rapture overtook her mind.

Neither of them could have stopped if they wanted to. They felt a spark of electricity where their lips met which radiated through them to all the places their two bodies met. Acting purely on instinct, Marcus let his tongue slip past Sonya's open mouth to seek out hers. Once she felt the intruder, Sonya's tongue jumped up to meet it and the two appendages danced and struggled in their mouths. Sonya detected a strange taste on Marcus's tongue and after a moment she realized that it was her own juices she was tasting. Oddly enough, this only made the puppy that much more excited as she became even more aggressive, seeking to capture more of her surprisingly pleasant taste.

Marcus meanwhile let his hands roam over the girl's back, one settling on her shoulder while the other sank to the gentle curve of her little butt, squeezing and kneading at it. The cub responded by moaning wantonly and pushing into the kiss with renewed vigor. Her own hands paved randomly at his broad chest, desperately seeking something to clinging to through the storm of passion in her head.

On and on their make out session went until finally both were forced to come up for air. A pair of gasps escaped them and Sonya fell forward into Marcus's chest. "Whoa...!" was all she could manage, her head still swimming in the sensations.

"Yeah..." he breathlessly replied, equally blown away; he'd been forced to prop himself up with his arms to keep from falling back on the bed and even then his limbs trembled and threatened to give out. Not only had the simple act of kissing been far more intense than he'd anticipated, but the whole time Sonya had been straddling his cock, unintentionally grinding on him. He'd been fully aroused for what seemed like hours now, from the moment he'd felt her body under his tongue, and now under the teasing his member throbbed almost angrily.

Sonya had noticed too, though at that moment she couldn't find the strength to lift herself up off of him. Everything was happening so fast, she didn't know what to think. She had found the courage to confess her feelings to her friend and he had reciprocated. She actually had a boyfriend! And then that kiss...! And before all of that he had touched her in that way that had made her feel absolutely amazing... He had done that because it made him happy to see her feeling so good.

"Hey Marcus?" She said after a long moment to try to catch her breath. Marcus stared down at her intently as she slowly "I was thinking... You made me feel so good before, like nothing I've ever felt before and, um... I-Is there anything I can do to make you feel good like that too?"

Marcus couldn't believe what he was hearing. Could Sonya really be asking to do that? Would she be able to handle it? She didn't seem to know all that much about her own body, much less his. While he was impressed by her attentiveness and enthusiasm, he was also concerned about her well-being. He wanted every part of her first experience with sex to be as pleasant as it was memorable. At the same time his penis, tired of being teased and ignored, all but demanded satisfaction from within the confines of its cloth prison. There was a perfectly good pussy just inches away and she had all but invited him inside! What more could he possibly be waiting for?!

He settled for a small compromise; he would just have to ease her in gently, at her own pace. "Well, remember this morning when my penis was big and hard?"

"Penis...?" Sonya thought for a moment before the realization dawned on her. "Oh, your pee-pee, yeah I remember. It's hard like that right now too."

"It sure is. I didn't want to tell you before, but the reason it gets like that is because I'm feeling good. And the reason I was feeling good then, and now, is because I was thinking about you."

Marcus could almost see the gears turning in Sonya's head. "So touching my chest and my vee-vee-"

"Vagina," Marcus interrupted. "It's the proper name. Sometimes it's called a pussy or a cunny."

Sonya giggled a bit at that. "I kinda like cunny actually... So, touching my cunny makes you excited and then your penis gets big and hard?" Marcus nodded. "So then if I touched your penis, would that make you feel good?"


"Um... May I?" She gave him the biggest, most potent puppy dog eyes she could manage, her excitement at the prospect of being able to return the favor for him clearly evident. Marcus's heart seized for a moment, even if he had wanted to deny her for some stupid reason, he could never have hoped to resist that look...

"Sure, of course," he replied hastily, flinching away from the painful cuteness. "Just, try not to be too rough, it's really sensitive."

"Yay!" The puppy rolled off of him and sat up next to his crotch, her focus zeroed in on the bulge in his shorts. Much like that morning, there was no hesitation when she suddenly, unceremoniously grabbed the waistband of the athletic shorts and tried to pull them down his legs. Marcus caught on to her intentions and lifted his hips just before the cub threatened to rip the clothing off his body.

And finally she caught sight of it... and for a long moment, all she could do was stare at it in awe. Marcus's member, while not exactly huge, was still impressive for his age. It certainly looked massive to the little Pom cub... Dark pink and covered in little barbs, it was unlike anything she had ever seen before. It seemed to pulse along with his heartbeat.

Faced with her all-consuming stare, Marcus began to feel oddly self-conscious. Still he watched her with rapt attention as her shocked expression slowly became curiosity. Tentatively she reached out her hand, inching towards him until her fingertips grazed him every so slightly. He struggled to hold in a groan; even that tiny touch, coming from her, was surprisingly intense. He wasn't sure if it was because he'd been horny for what seemed like a lifetime, and frankly he no longer cared. The promise of relief was right in front of him, staring intently at his cock.

It occurred to him after a moment the reason for her hesitance. "Don't worry about the barbs, Foxy. They aren't sharp or anything."

Sonya nodded, never taking her eyes off his dick. With more confidence, she reached a little further, letting her fingertips brush along the edges of his barbs, the soft flesh yielding under her gentle caress. Marcus sucked in a shuttering breath at the feeling. He completely collapsed under his own weight a moment later when the cub's hand closed around his shaft, a low grunt escaping him.

"It's so warm...!" Sonya said, almost entranced. She could feel his pulse so strongly now as though his whole body was focused on his manhood. Thinking back on how she had felt earlier when he touched her there, she supposed that wasn't so farfetched. "Um... what should I do now?"

"Try moving your hands up and down along it."

Sonya nodded again, bringing her other hand to his throbbing mass. Moving smoothly along the cock in her hands proved difficult as the barbs, soft and pliable though they were, impeded her gentle strokes. Still, the cub was determined to help her new boyfriend feel good like he had for her. As she slowly figured out how much force to apply, her stroking finally began to find a rhythm.

Marcus meanwhile was completely taken aback. He was no stranger to masturbation, being a healthy teenaged male, but somehow his little girlfriend's tiny, clumsy, unskilled hands felt better than anything he'd ever been able to do for himself. He moaned uninhibited at her ministrations, kneading the bed beneath him. "Mmm... Yeah that's good. Keep it up."

His praise caused Sonya to beam with pride even as she redoubled her efforts. As she continued to stroke his length, the task became easier as a sheen of sweat began to build. With it, she finally noticed a small white bead of... something building at the tip of his penis. Her curiosity was piqued; it didn't look like pee and it certainly didn't smell like it... What was that?

Steeling herself, Sonya leaned in and let her tongue lap at his tip, collecting the drop of pre on her tongue. She didn't get a chance to consider the taste though as, with a sharp moan, Marcus instinctively thrust his hips forward towards the moist warmth of her open mouth; he managed to get his tip inside before she pulled back in surprise.

The cub blinked and licked her lips as she considered what happened. Marcus told her that touching his penis felt good for him, and based on his reaction licking it had felt even better. His thrust surprised her, but it made sense if she considered he'd lost control for a moment because it felt so good; she was definitely familiar with that feeling... All in all, she figured, his penis wasn't all that different from her cunny in terms of reactions. Following her childish logic, when Marcus had sucked on the little button in her cunny it had felt better than anything. His penis wasn't hiding any secret pleasure buttons that she could tell though, so naturally the best course of action would be to suck on the whole thing.

Marcus may have been trying to say something, she honestly wasn't sure; she had tuned everything out while she thought, and now that she knew how to please him her focus was solely on that. She flashed a confident smile as she resumed running her hands along the base of his prick. Leaning in, she placed a tender kiss right on the tip, letting her lips be parted when the panther's hips once again jumped. Now once again with his member just penetrating her mouth, she began to suckle at his tip while licking it inside her mouth. While the taste of his dick wasn't especially exciting, Sonya ignored this detail in favor of how strongly Marcus reacted to her new technique.

"Oh fuck~!" Marcus moaned out, panting heavily now. "Sonya please... deeper!"

At the same moment, Sonya noticed the tingling in her cunny was coming back. Watching Marcus in such bliss because of her was making her excited... Wow! So making your partner feel good really does make you feel good...!

With no further convincing necessary, she slowly pushed herself further down his length, sucking gently on it as it continued to fill her tiny mouth. His barbs tickled and teased her tongue and mouth as she determinedly pressed further until all too soon she hit the back of her mouth. She pulled off a bit, prompting a heavy moan from the boy. Marcus's cock began drooling pre onto her tongue, giving her her first real taste of it. She didn't really know what to expect, but she found it was surprisingly tasty. "Mmm..." she purred around his dick, the vibrations further stimulating him.

Using Marcus's reactions as a guide, Sonya slowly worked up a rhythm, pulling off until just the tip remained, then thrusting forward as far as she could. Though she could only take about half of him in her mouth, her little hands attended to the rest, vigorously stroking his length. As she got more and more comfortable, the pace of her head bobbing and stroking picked up. All the while her tongue was working overtime inside her mouth, trying to coax out more of his delicious fluids.

Marcus was in heaven. In all his short life he could never have imagined that anything could feel this good. If he had the wherewithal to question anything in that moment, he might have wondered just how in the hell his sweet, innocent little puppy could possibly be this depraved and this good at it... All he could manage was a series of feral grunts and moans as the pleasure quickly built to a head. He could feel the climax he was building towards would be unlike anything he'd ever felt before.

In his lust-addled haze, he instinctively grabbed for the back of Sonya's head as he began humping haphazardly at her tiny mouth. Taken by surprise by the sudden turn, Sonya was as level to do nothing when she felt the tip of his cock battering the passage to her throat before finally forcing its way down slightly. The Pom cub gagged, instinctively trying to clear the obstruction but only managing to further entice the boy mindlessly face fucking her. His erratic but powerful thrusts coupled with his hands pulling her down on his cock forced her a little deeper onto him each time. Sonya struggled against him as her breathing became more and more difficult, but she had no one chance against his strength.

Finally, after one massive thrust, her face slammed into his crotch as he bottomed out in her. Immediately the panther boy came, nearly howling in rapture while the puppy felt ropes of heat firing down her throat directly into her stomach. Just as she was starting to feel faint, Marcus's grip on her relaxed and she pulled off him as quickly as she could. A thick rope of cum filled her mouth as she retreated and slumped forward, coughing and gasping for air. As his titanic orgasm finally began to wind down, he shot one final streak into the girl's face and hair before he finally collapsed himself.

Sonya sat gasping over her friend's cock, his cum slowly oozing down her face and out her open mouth. Marcus meanwhile had completely collapsed on the bed, paralyzed under the weight of his mind-blowing climax. Slowly but surely though, the reality of the last few minutes came to him. With all the energy he could muster, he pulled himself up to a sitting position and held the still recovering cub gently in his arms. "Oh my god, Sonya I'm so sorry!" Marcus said in a panic. "I didn't mean for any of that to happen! I don't know what came over me, I just-"

His frantic apology was silenced by a shaky hand falling over his mouth. "It's okay, I understand. I'm happy I could make you feel so good."

Sonya favored him with a weary but genuine smile. What happened had been scary at first, of course, it was so sudden and uncomfortable and then she could hardly breathe. But then she felt him release, and felt that wonderful warmth running through her. She could still feel it in her stomach from where he had shot most of his load directly into her. There was no question in her mind he had hit his peak in that moment. She had thought about when he had done it to her; when he was licking her cunny right before she hit that euphoric peak, there was nothing she wanted more than to wrap her legs around his head and somehow pull him in further so he could pleasure her even deeper somehow. That was the same thing that he'd done to her just now, she realized. So, despite the fear and discomfort she'd felt, what she felt most was a profound sense of pride and accomplishment. She had done it, she'd made him feel as good as he had her!

Sonya reached up to kiss her new boyfriend before she finally noticed that she still had a mouthful of his spunk in her mouth. Focused on it now, she considered the taste. It was much thicker than the pre had been, and saltier. It wasn't entirely unpleasant though so she resolved to let it join with the pleasant warmth she still felt in her stomach. She swallowed as deeply as she could before reaching to gather the streaks on her face up with her fingers, sucking them clean.

Marcus watched the whole thing play out with rapt attention. The puppy continued to surprise him with her naughtiness. Despite her childish naiveté, she was able to go above and beyond with the sole purpose of pleasing him in mind... He honestly had no idea how he had gotten so lucky to have a friend like her that returned the feelings he realized he had for her with such zeal. He also realized in that moment that the desperate need for her that had been controlling him for the past two days had at least momentarily cleared. While the sight of the girl swallowing his cum and then licking the remains off of her fingers was undeniably sexy, he was simply too spent to even consider continuing after the long overdue climax.

Still his thoughts circled around the girl. "You really are amazing, you know that?" He said to her, letting a hand fall on the side of her face to gently guide her eyes to his. "You've accepted all of this so easily and with such enthusiasm."

"Of course," Sonya responded with her usual vibrant energy, albeit fatigued from the night's events. "I would do anything for you Marcus."

His smile widened to reflect hers. Without another thought he led the cub into his lap again while he leaned in for another kiss. The cub offered no resistance as she let him lead her into the intimate embrace once again. While their second kiss lacked the sexual charge that the first had radiated due to the extreme fatigue on both parties, it was no less exhilarating for them. Both moaned into each other's mouths as their tongues danced between them. Marcus let his body sink, falling back to the bed while Sonya, still in his lap, simply let herself be carried along with her boyfriend.

When his back hit the bed, there was a resounding _'squelch'_sound beneath him. Startled, they finally broke the kiss as Marcus rolled onto his side with Sonya ending up behind him looking over his back in curiosity. On the bed where he had landed there was a sizable wet spot next to Sonya's discarded nightie. The cub blushed as the realization struck her that she had made that spot earlier when Marcus was pleasuring her.

Then another realization struck her... "Oh no!" Sonya said in a hushed shout. "What am I gonna do when mom sees this? What will she think? I haven't had an accident in years!"

Marcus rolled over and put a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay calm down. We'll take care of this together before your mom finds out at all." He wasn't actually confident that they could keep Ramona from finding out, but he didn't want Sonya panicking and marring their memories of this beautiful night. The cub seemed to calm down a bit at his touch and they smiled at each other again.

The thought of her mom did raise another question though... "While we're on the subject though, how is it that your mom hasn't heard any of this?" The master bedroom was right across the hall from her room; there was no way she could have missed her daughter's rapturous screams earlier... Unless... could Ramona actually be condoning of their relationship? The two of them were left alone for most of the day the last few days, could that have been on purpose...?

"Oh that..." Sonya said calmly. "Don't worry about mom hearing. Mom doesn't sleep very well normally so she has to take these really powerful sleeping pills. She's usually out for at least eight hours."

Marcus nodded, slightly disappointed that his theory was incorrect. But at least there wouldn't be any problems with what they'd done that night. He caught the cub giving the most adorably huge yawn and moments later gave one himself. It had been a very long night, he realized, and though there was still more he wanted to try with his shockingly depraved little girlfriend, it would have to wait until tomorrow at least.

Resigning himself, he rolled himself onto the side of the bed that had been spared the blast of sex fluids, laying on his back. Sonya crawled onto his chest and lay her head just under his shoulder.

"Hey Marcus?" Sonya mumbled, clearly already losing the battle with consciousness. "Thank you."

Marcus glanced up at her in confusion. What was she thanking him for? He had forced all of this on her... if anyone should have been thankful, it should be him for how receptive she'd been to everything... He stared to ask her what she'd meant, but one look at her face told the panther boy his little puppy was gone.

Despite his confusion, he couldn't help but smile. There was something so pure and innocent in her when she slept, even after everything they'd done. It was no small wonder that he hadn't been able to resist her... He let his hand gently glide through her hair and let a contented sigh pass his lips.

I love you, Foxy, he thought to himself as he let his head fall back to the pillow. Soon after, he too succumbed to slumber.

Sweet Dreams 4

The minutes after her mother left the room seemed like months to Sonya as she anxiously waited for the door to open again, bringing with it the boy that she so desperately crushed on. The boy that may or may not have introduced her to a whole new level...

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21: Guardian

"H-hold on. I think I... have to... t- huurghh!" Specter sighed and looked away in disgust as Thunderlane started vomiting on the ground. Though his teleportation spell could only be detected by powerful unicorns who spent time training in forbidden...

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20: Jealousy

Just seconds ago, while downstairs with Big Mac, her mood had been happy and her heart as light as a butterfly, but by the time she reached Big Mac's bedroom her stomach felt like it was twisted in several knots and she was more nervous than a pegasus...

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