20: Jealousy

Story by krisprowler on SoFurry

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Just seconds ago, while downstairs with Big Mac, her mood had been happy and her heart as light as a butterfly, but by the time she reached Big Mac's bedroom her stomach felt like it was twisted in several knots and she was more nervous than a pegasus foal who was learning how to fly by jumping off the edge of Cloudsdale. She froze in the middle of the room until Big Mac walked up to her.

"You okay?" he asked her, looking at her with concern.

Starshadow quickly nodded her head. "Y-yeah, fine." she said. Her mind was moving at about a hundred miles per hour, trying to think of what she could possibly do to show him how sorry she was. 'He liked it when I did that, maybe I could... no, I already did that before. Maybe if I... no, that's not good enough.'

Starshadow was so lost in thought that she didn't notice that Big Mac was guiding her to his bed, realizing it only when she found herself being lifted up onto it. 'Oh Luna's flank...' she thought, her mind jumping to the conclusion that the large stallion was going to have his way with her all night. She braced herself mentally and physically for the impending domination, her mind wondering which hole he would take first. However, her thoughts came to a screeching halt as she felt him position himself behind her, but instead of feeling him using her body for his pleasure she instead felt the large stallion gently kiss her cheek and his hooves lightly wrap themselves around her body before he fell asleep. Her confusion and slight panic slowly gave way to a feeling of comfort and calm, and before long she too began to succumb to the desire for sleep, the long day of excitement and fun having drained almost all of her energy. Just before sleep overtook her, Starshadow exhaled deeply and allowed herself to enjoy the greatly-missed sensation of Big Mac holding her while they slept, enjoying the feeling of safety that it brought, and before long she too fell fast asleep, a genuine smile on her face.

Morning came all too soon for Starshadow, but as her eyes groggily opened she saw that it was well past sunrise. As expected from sleeping in so late, Starshadow found herself alone in Big Mac's bed. It was obvious that the stallion had awoken many hours ago to start his daily chores alongside Applejack. Heading downstairs to find breakfast, Starshadow found Apple Bloom in the kitchen with two unicorns. One of them was a young filly that Starshadow recognized as Sweetie Belle, but the other one was a pony she had only met last night at Pinkie's party.

Apple Bloom saw Starshadow and waved her over. "Mornin' Starshadow! Ya'll are just in time to try our pancakes that me'n Sweetie Belle made."

"Hey, maybe cooking is our special talent!" Sweetie Belle chimed in, but Apple Bloom quickly shook her head.

"We can't get 'em now, not when Scootaloo ain't here." she said loyally.

The third pony nodded. "I don't think you'd get a cutie mark in cooking, Sweetie Belle. Don't forget your earlier attempts." the bigger unicorn said before turning her attention to Starshadow. "I'm so sorry I didn't have time to introduce myself earlier last night at your soiree. My name is Rarity, and this is my little sister Sweetie Belle."

Starshadow nodded, but before she could speak the two fillies shoved a large stack of their flapjacks in front of her. "We made a whole bunch, try 'em and tell us which ones ya'll like best!" Apple Bloom said with a grin.

Starshadow looked at the plate in front of her and gulped. While the simple plain ones looked and smelled okay, there were some disturbing-looking ones mixed into the pile, including one that looked like it had rocks in it. "They're not that bad, I assure you. Just avoid any that look plain inedible like that one." Rarity hinted, pointing directly at the rock-cake. "Well, girls, I'd love to stay but I must go find Applejack to discuss some important matter. Sweetie, I'll see you back at home later today." Rarity said, taking her leave and leaving Starshadow at the mercy of the two fillies.

Half an hour later Starshadow managed to slip out of the house and decided to find Big Mac somewhere in the fields. Rarity had been right; most of the pancakes weren't too bad. Only a few had been absolutely terrifying, such as the rock-cake and one that had Poison Joke pollen in the batter.

Walking through the sections of farm that Big Mac usually worked, it didn't take long until Starshadow could hear the familiar 'WHUMP' of Big Mac bucking trees, and with a smile Starshadow trotted towards the source of the noise. However, her smile faded as she crested the last hill and saw Big Mac talking to Rarity. Seeing him talking to another mare wouldn't normally cause Starshadow to become jealous, but from the body language that Rarity was exhibiting it was more than clear that the white unicorn was trying her hardest to flirt with him.

Starshadow crept closer and hid behind a tree once she was within earshot of the two. Peeking out from her hiding place, she watched as Rarity openly eyed Big Mac's muscles as he continued working.

"My, Big Mac, I don't know how you can do so many trees in a row like that all day. I bet you are the strongest stallion in all of Equestria." Rarity said, batting her eyelashes as she lightly grazed a hoof over his cutie mark.

"Probably, though I reckon there's stronger ponies out there somewhere." Big Mac said as he moved on to the next tree. Undaunted by his lack of interest, Rarity went bounding after him, her eyes never leaving his solid frame.

As Starshadow continued watching the two ponies interacting with one another she felt a strange pain shoot through her heart. Despite telling herself that Rarity and Big Mac had known each other long before she arrived in Ponyville, seeing her flirting with him so much was beginning to stir emotions she had never felt before.

Starshadow recalled the many times her last master and mistress invited other ponies over to play with without including her, and whenever she showed any hint of jealousy or similar emotions she was usually beaten and left alone to suffer even longer. Despite having the feeling of jealousy beaten out of her and being used to sharing herself among many ponies, this one situation somehow hit her deepest sore spots.

Starshadow's attention snapped back to Rarity as the unicorn shuffled her feet nervously. "So, um, Sweetie Belle is going over to Sugarcube Corner tonight to help Pinkie Pie with some cooking, and I had planned on taking her to that new restaurant that Chef Gustave le Grand opened up a few weeks ago. I simply cannot cancel my reservations, but going alone is absolutely out of the question, so... would you like to accompany me tonight?" she asked, once again batting her eye lashes.

Big Mac's answer was almost immediate. "No thanks." he said, continuing his work as if nothing had happened.

Rarity was a bit taken aback by his answer, but quickly regained her composure and tried her luck again. "Are you sure? I heard that the menu is absolutely marvelous, and after dinner I have a special treat that I'm sure you will positively love." she said seductively, walking around him and flicking his nose with her finely combed tail.

The anger building up inside of Starshadow was reaching critical levels but her training kept her from running over to Rarity and starting a fight. However, her emotions were slightly calmed by Big Mac's response. "S'awful kind of ya, but no." he said. "I got plans later tonight with Starshadow."

Rarity tried her best to maintain a dignified composure despite the insult of being turned down, especially after her 'generous' offer. "O-oh, I see. I didn't realize you were already occupied this evening. Perhaps some other time?" she said before taking her leave.

Starshadow breathed a sigh of relief, heading back to the farm herself as to not make anypony aware that she had been spying on them. Still more than a little annoyed by Rarity's attempt to ask Big Mac out, she tried her best to push what had just happened out of her mind, but as she cleared the fields and came up on the farm she saw Applejack talking to another mare she didn't know. The unknown pony was a young pegasus, younger than Starshadow but older than Apple Bloom. The mare's mane was decorated with a large pink bow, and after a brief conversation Applejack pointed in the direction that Starshadow had just come from.

"Thanks!" the young pony shouted as she took off, speeding through the air above Starshadow and disappearing into the apple orchard. Applejack finally saw Starshadow and waved to her, trotting over to meet the small pegasus.

"Hey, there ya are. Ah though ya'll was gonna sleep all day after that party last night." she said with her usual friendly grin.

"Hi Applejack. Who was that pony who just flew off?" Starshadow asked out of curiosity.

"Her? Oh, jus' another filly with a crush on Big Mac, is all." AJ said chuckling. "Ah swear he's got more young mares with their eye on him than a dog got fleas. Oh, but don't ya'll worry none, he never take up any offers or nothin', 'specially since he has ya'll now." she said reassuringly.

AJ's words still caused Starshadow to begin to feel jealous once again. The rest of the day the small pegasus tried her best to forget what she had seen and heard, but no matter how hard she tried her mind kept on whispering that Big Mac may soon leave her for another, more stable mare.

Finally bringing herself out her depression just before dinner, Starshadow stood up defiantly and stomped her hoof down. 'I won't lose him.' she thought to herself.

"Think about it, and let me know if you change your mind!" Flitter said, quickly waving goodbye before she shot off into the sky. Her face was almost as red as Big Mac's coat after she had summoned the courage to ask him if he would accompany her on a picnic sometime. He had politely turned down her offer, the young mare being a little too young for his tastes, but mostly due to the fact that he was already seeing somepony else; Starshadow.

Once again alone in the fields, he continued his work as if nothing had happened, continuing undisturbed until the sun began to set. Wiping his brow with his hoof, he set off back to the barn, content with his day of hard work. He made it back home just as his oldest sister was about to ring the bell to call him for dinner. "Nice timin' as usual!" Applejack teased him. "Ya'll always seem ta know jus' when supper's ready, dontcha big boy?"

Walking inside with AJ, Big Mac held the door open so she could go in first, but as she passed him he felt her tail sliding against his body as she went past. The contact was definitely too slow and too deliberate to be even close to considered accidental, but Big Mac chose to keep his mouth shut about the matter due to certain activities he had done with AJ. Applejack herself wasn't sure why she decided to tease her own brother like that, but she was glad that he didn't ask any questions or make any remarks, and in silence the two siblings joined the other ponies waiting for them.

Apple Bloom and Granny Smith were their usual selves, but Starshadow too was quieter than usual during dinner, and after everypony was finished with their meals Starshadow, Big Mac, and Applejack quickly parted ways, leaving Apple Bloom and Granny Smith wondering if something weird was going on.

Finding seclusion in the living room, Big Mac poured himself a glass of hard apple cider and settled down to try to collect his thoughts. The two mares asking him out while he was working in the fields didn't bother him, but the strange feeling in his stomach whenever he thought about Applejack did. He had never, ever thought of his own sister in any way except as family, but ever since that first surprising day where he had walked in on Starshadow and Applejack's interesting way of becoming friends... He still couldn't figure out what he had been thinking when he had walked forward and taken his younger sister as his own, even going as far as cumming inside of her. Of course he loved Applejack, as family, and he loved Starshadow as his special somepony, but now the line between the two roles was starting to blur.

The stallion was so deep in thought that he didn't hear the soft hoofsteps of somepony approaching him until he felt somepony touching one of his legs. Slightly startled, he looked up and saw Starshadow standing in front of him, her gentle eyes locked onto his.

Waiting to see what she was up to, Big Mac held still as the small pegasus began to gently caress his leg with her hoof. She placed another hoof on his chest, pressing firmly on him to show that she wanted him to lean back. He complied, curious to see what was going on, and his curiosity was quickly answered as he felt her beginning to lick around his sheathed cock.

"Woah, hold on! What're ya doi-" he started to say, but the feeling of her slick tongue and hot breath on his crotch soon shut him up. He wanted to sit back and enjoy the pleasurable sensation he knew he would receive if he let Starshadow continue what she was doing, but they were in the middle of the living room, completely exposed. "H-hold on. What 'bout G-Granny Smith an' Apple B-Bloom?"

Teasing and scaring him briefly crossed Starshadow's mind, but she quickly reminded herself why she was doing this and told him the truth. "They just went up to bed." she said before quickly resuming her oral treatment.

"Then what 'bout Applejack?" he asked.

Starshadow merely shrugged, not too concerned if the mare walked in and saw what she was up to. "She can always join us again." she said softly before resuming her work, but deep down inside she wanted Big Mac all to herself tonight.

Hearing Starshadow's last sentence caused Big Mac to lose all restraint, his dick quickly springing to life and hardening. Starshadow eagerly began lapping as his growing shaft with her tongue, doing her best to get every square inch of his equine member. All of her concentration was focused on him, but Big Mac's mind couldn't help but think back to that afternoon where he was enticed to use his own sister.

Having finished licking every last bit of his shaft, Starshadow moved her head up and began to slowly slide every inch of Big Mac's cock down into her throat. He closed his eyes and let out a satisfying groan as he felt her hot mouth engulf him, and his mind wandering back to the day he first met the beautiful mare. Her tongue seemed to be following the same pattern, as if she remembered exactly what he had liked and how she could make him feel good. He could hear her starting to moan sensually as she continued working him over with her mouth, somehow getting enough pleasure through the act to start getting worked up herself. "Mmm, Master... it's so good." she moaned softly.

Big Mac's eyes snapped open as he heard her call him 'Master' once again. Memories of Starshadow's story came flooding back into his head, images of his special somepony being tortured, abused, hit, hurt, and raped. Trying his hardest to not hurt her, Big Mac pulled away from Starshadow, his member quickly softening as his lust faded away while leaving Starshadow confused and panicked. The small pegasus mare thought she hadn't done an adequate job pleasing her stallion.

"M-Matser, I'm sorry! I'll try harder, I swear. Please let me try again," she begged, crawling forward to resume her work. However, Big Mac stopped her, lifting her head up away from his crotch and guiding her so she was lying on top of his large frame.

"Starshadow, what's goin' on? Why ya actin' this way?" Big Mac asked.

Starshadow couldn't help from starting to cry and she buried her face into his chest. "I'm sorry, Master. Your bad pet doesn't deserve all of Master's attention after all. Your pet got jealous of your other mares and wanted you all to herself."

Big Mac gently stroked the back of her mane as she continued to cry. "Hey now, Ah said no more of callin' me master, remember?" he said gently. "An'ya don't have to be jealous of no other mare, you're mah only special somepony, Ah promise."

Starshadow lifted her head slightly and wiped her eyes. "But... all those other mares... you can have any other mare in Ponyville. Why me?" she asked.

Big Mac offered her a genuine smile. "'Cuz you're tha one Ah fell in love with. Nopony else."



Big Mac leaned forward and brought Starshadow into a long, passionate kiss. Though he had kissed her countless times, Starshadow felt a strange, unusual warmth begin to flood her entire body, as well as felt her panicked state begin to subside. For the first time in a long time she felt calm, and as the two ponies finally parted lips she smiled as the warm sensation lingered in her body for a few more moments.

"C'mon, let's head on up to bed." Big Mac said.

Starshadow nodded, moving aside to let Big Mac get up. She followed him obediently up to his room, but once again the large red stallion gently tucked her into bed and cuddled up next to her. Slightly embarrassed by what she was about to do, Starshadow hesitantly spoke up. "Hey, B-Big Mac? That thing... what you did last night... can you do that again?"

Big Mac didn't bother replying, instead wordlessly wrapping his hooves around her once again while kissing her cheek and neck. Starshadow closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling once again. 'I wish I could feel this every night with him' she thought before drifting off to sleep.

21: Guardian

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19: Breakout

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Interlude: Fixing Friendship

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