Sweet Dreams 4

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The minutes after her mother left the room seemed like months to Sonya as she anxiously waited for the door to open again, bringing with it the boy that she so desperately crushed on. The boy that may or may not have introduced her to a whole new level of pleasure without her consent, and that she secretly hoped that he had and would do so again...

Just thinking about it was making her feel strange- aroused, as Jynx had called it. It had been that way all day, since she had touched herself in the bathtub. Every time the thought of Marcus doing that to her entered her mind she could feel heat in her loins and a growing craving to touch herself there again. It had been a trial to go through the day normally without giving into that urge again, but she didn't want to risk Marcus thinking she was weird or dirty...

Now as she lay in her bed, bottomless, waiting for the boy she pined foe, the thought of him doing those things again quickly flooded her mind. Her eyes fluttered closed as she quickly succumbed to the fantasy that had been building up all day. She imagined him running his long, slender fingers over her naked body, tweaking her tiny nipples and rubbing her clit in tandem. Only this time she was awake they both knew how good he was making her feel. His wondrous hands never stopped working her erogenous zones, quickly pushing her to climax. Just as she was feeling herself going over the edge, he brought his lips down and took hers in a deep kiss!

Unconsciously her hands began to move, sneaking underneath the nightie to expose her already stiffening nipples. She took one between her fingers, rolling and squeezing it in time with her fantasy partner's hand. The sharp pleasure no longer surprised or scared her, instead quiet, mewling sounds pushed passed her closed lips and the increasingly familiar heat began to burn in her lower lips. She fought the urge to thrust her free hand between her legs, but this didn't stop her from instinctively rubbing her thighs together. Even that slight manipulation was enough to set her little body ablaze with arousal; she could feel the soft fur around her girlhood getting slick from the juices now slowly leaking out.

Sonya wasn't sure just how long she had been lying there indulging in her fantasy, but she found herself wrenched back to reality with a start at the sound of her door slowly opening. Despite the illicit nature of her intentions, still she found herself flush with embarrassment and desperately moved to hide the evidence of her behavior. She quickly pulled her nightie down beneath the shield of her blanket. She could still smell the faint scent of her arousal in the air around the bed and she was completely flushed but there was nothing to be done about either of those things now. She prayed silently that the low light from the moon out her window wouldn't be enough to highlight the blush and that he somehow wouldn't notice the smell...

She sat up as Marcus finally let himself into the room, trying to appear as natural as possible. The boy slowly closed behind him the door to keep it from creaking too loudly. The boy's sleeping clothes were partially the same as the night before, his long gym shorts which, she noted with a strange sense of satisfaction, was covered in small golden hairs. She did note that he had decided to leave the shirt behind. She had seen him without a shirt countless times, but somehow now it set her nerves completely on edge. She couldn't tell from the distance what the boy was thinking, if she was as excited to see her as she him, and his black fur made it all but impossible to tell if he was worked up...

Marcus paused in the doorway for a long moment, not quite meeting her gaze. His young friend, the object of his sudden obsession, sat partially obscured by her blankets on her small four poster bed. The deep red blanket and sheets caused her to stand out in stark contrast, and it drew his eyes to the silver nightgown she was wearing. It was definitely strange; he had never seen her wearing anything other than her childish, albeit super cute, pajamas. The much more feminine attire was strange but really appealing to him. Especially when he noticed that with the soft moonlight coming in through the window behind the bed, the sheer material appeared almost transparent. If only that light were coming from the other side...

He shook his head of the thought before it took hold of him. After what happened the night before, he wasn't sure he could trust himself to not give into temptation again. Why had he let himself agree to this? He was already losing the battle with himself just thinking about what the girl was wearing, and she was expecting him to sleep with her...

No, there was nothing lewd about this situation. Sonya had invited him to sleep with her, yes, but only because she missed spending time with her best friend. That was all she saw him as. That was all she would be to him. He glanced around the bed at the piles of stuffed animals of all shapes and sizes around the room. It was a stark reminder of how innocent she was and her intentions must have been in letting him in her room in the middle of the night.

"Marcus, you made it." Sonya said at just above a whisper. At some point while he was fighting himself, the puppy had gotten out of her bed and was now standing next to it. From this new vantage point, Marcus was able to see clearly that the girl had no pajama bottoms on with her nightie. What's more, the moonlight now completely illuminated her, making the outline of her tiny little body plain to see beneath the nightie, which he now saw barely extended beyond her hips. Only her own shadow prevented him from being able to see everything.

The battle in his heart was quickly won by his libido, and thoughts of the night before, letting his hands run over her sleeping body, tasting her, flooded him again. The erection he'd been fighting from the moment he entered her room instantly sprang to life, tenting his shorts. He dropped his hand subtly, he hoped, in front of himself and finally managed to stammer out a response. "O-of course. I wouldn't miss this."

Sonya's heart skipped a beat. Marcus said, essentially, that he wanted to be with her; moreover, he was just as nervous as she was... Did that mean... could that mean that he felt the same way about her that she did about him? No, I can't get too excited now, she reminded herself. I have to stick to the plan!

She did her best to still her nervous shaking and patted the bed next to her, beckoning him over. He he hesitated for just a moment (though it seemed like an age to the puppy) before walking over and sitting on the side of her bed. She quickly crawled up next to him, her eyes locked to her hands in her lap. She feared she might catch fire, as hot as her cheeks felt. For as much as she had been looking forward to this moment, now that it was upon her she felt so embarrassed at being so exposed in front of him.

Fortunately for her, before she could get completely worked up, Marcus found his voice. "I, ah, really like your nightgown."

"Th-thanks!" she almost shouted before she clasped her paws over her mouth. "Thank you," she repeated at a much lighter volume. "It was a birthday present from mom."

Marcus balked at this. Her mother bought her that?! He could only assume that under normal light the tiny gown hadn't appeared so... revealing...

His thoughts were interrupted by an adorably whiny yawn from next to him. It was late, he remembered, well past her usual bedtime and the puppy cub was understandably sleepy. He smiled inwardly; no matter what else happened between them, she was still the same hyperactive, goofy, painfully adorable little puppy that looked up to him like an older brother. "Sorry, I don't think I'm gonna be able to stay up much longer," her voice was distant as though she was barely clinging to consciousness. "Maybe we should just lay down..."

The slight pause had given Marcus a chance to calm down and, free of his libido's control for the moment, able to act normally around his adorable little puppy. "Yeah." He finally said, slowly pulling the covers down for them.

"Yeah..." The little puppy paused for a long moment, fidgeting and struggling with herself to get the words out. "Did you maybe want to...?"

Before she could find the words to finish that thought, Marcus had wrapped his arms around her from behind, pulling the Pom cub into his lap. Despite everything that had happened over the last two days, there was something calming about just being near his young friend like that. Except...

If he had been surprised at how Sonya's nightie looked, then the feel of it against his bare chest (he silently cursed himself for giving into the awful late spring heat and deciding to wear just his shorts to bed that night) was something he could have never prepared for. The silvery, silken gown was like nothing he'd ever felt before; it felt so good against his fur. He wanted desperately to just let his hands roam across the alluring gown, and the beautiful cub beneath it...

Sonya gave a surprised "Eep!" when Marcus suddenly pulled her and himself under the thin covers of the bed (though he somewhat awkwardly pulled his hips out of contact with hers). The girl beneath him squirmed for a moment before she settled, cuddling up to him with a contented murmur. With the moment passed, the burning temptation faded until at last the boy was able to relax again. For some reason he couldn't bring himself to loosen his hold of her...

"Goodnight, foxy," he said, ruffling her hair and bit with his free hand. A mumbled "'nnght" was her only response. She cuddled up against his chest and little more before she finally fell still.

The room fell still after Sonya finally fell asleep. Marcus once again found himself staring down at the adorable puppy wrapped in his arms. Almost immediately the memories of the night before flooded back to him. What she had looked like under her cute little pajamas... how wonderfully soft and amazing her fur and flesh had felt beneath his probing fingers... And here he was again, with her completely vulnerable and now in that incredible nightie that just begged him to caress it.

He also remembered the guilt he'd felt that morning when he reality of what he'd done hit him. And the fear he'd felt when she had half remembered it. It was wrong and terrible... wasn't it...? He couldn't possibly be considering doing that again, could he...?

He shut his eyes tight. This was so wrong even to think about... no matter how amazing and right it had felt... or how desperately he wanted to feel that, to feel her again... The image of the puppy in his mind's eye was there again, so gloriously, shamelessly displayed and beckoning to him. He chased the dangerous thoughts out of his head. He wasn't some kind of perverted predator. He wouldn't allow himself to prey upon his young friend's innocence and trust in him... again.

Yet try as he might, that terribly inviting thought simply wouldn't leave his thoughts. Nor did it get any easier to ignore how good that damnable nightie felt against his fur, or the thought of the forbidden, enticing flesh that lay beneath... That barrier that was so thin that it may as well not even be there.

This was going to be a very long night.

* * *

Inside her head, Sonya was quickly losing her mind. Pretending to be asleep was proving to be much more difficult than she imagined. Lying perfectly still with her eyes closed was difficult enough for the hyperactive puppy, but combined with her uncertainty and the anticipation keeping her nerves on edge, it was quickly becoming absolutely unbearable...

She could feel Marcus behind her. He was moving so she was pretty sure he was still awake, but beyond that she had no way of knowing what he was doing or thinking. Her own thoughts continued to center around the things she was now longing for the boy to do to her, things that still shocked her to even be considering. Heat continued to rise in her features and she hoped that the boy wouldn't notice, if only for the fact that she feared it would betray her still being awake.

How long had she just laid there, pretending to be prone and vulnerable? Could her plan have failed somehow and he didn't want to touch her again? Was it the nightgown? Did he not like it? Could it... could all of the previous night have been a dream after all? But, no... it couldn't have been a dream. What he did made her feel so good. And when she tried it herself later it worked too. She couldn't have just made that up... right?

She desperately wanted him to do it, she finally decided; it no longer mattered to her if it happened before or not. She wanted her special boy to feel every part of her, to make her feel that rush of ecstasy that washed over her when she hit that peak before. She wanted to just roll over and beg him to do it to her... But the plan... He wouldn't do it if he knew she was awake.

Her swirling thoughts ground to a sudden halt when she felt Marcus's hand, which had been resting on her side above her hip, twitch slightly. It wasn't much but with how tense she'd been it was all she could do not to jump or cry out in surprise. I-is this it? Is he really gonna do it?!

And then his hand began to move up towards her chest. It was slow, painfully slow and almost apprehensive, and it was just electrifying the poor girl's senses. That hand pressing the cool nightgown against her made her feel like she was burning under his touch, but even so she never wanted it to end. In fact, she desperately wanted to feel that heat all over her body, that wonderful sensation that only came from his touch...

Yet she was completely at his mercy, forced to pretend she hadn't been so intensely aware of every little move he made, that she wasn't even awake. Because if he found out that she knew, that amazing feeling would stop... She silently prayed that he would continue, just like in her "dream", and that she had the willpower to stay still and quiet throughout...

* * *

In reality, Marcus's resolve lasted all of about 15 minutes...

He was slow at first, tentative. His free hand, the one not trapped beneath her neck where she'd cuddled up to him, ever so slowly crept up towards her little flat chest. Every tiny fragment closer he drew to that goal his conscience pleaded desperately for him to stop. But that voice may as well have been coming from across the world for how ineffective it was; he was already passed the point of no return from the moment his hand started the impossibly long journey. The memory of what awaited him was all his libido had needed to sway him at that point.

At long last, his fingers slid over the tiny ridge that was the girl's nipple, clear as day through the thin semi-shear cloth of her nightie. He paused for a moment in contemplation. Was she like this the previous night? Yes he had managed to excited her sleeping body to the point where her little immature tits has been hard and excited, but she hadn't started that way, right...? He also noticed, with his hand gently gracing her chest, that she seemed to be breathing kind of hard... Any further contemplation was shot down in his head however as his libido finally made itself known again. He was literally within grasp of his goal and his body demanded he act upon it!

His idle hand gently laying on her chest became a slight rubbing. Beneath him Sonya gave a small mewling sigh but otherwise didn't react. Emboldened, the strokes slowly grew rougher and more insistent as he once again set about mapping out the girl's simple but oh so enticing features. There was just something about her that he simply couldn't get enough of.

On one of his increasingly impassioned strokes he caught the girl's now rock hard nipple under his fingers. This at last elicited a response from the sleeping puppy as she gave a sharp gasp, bucking slightly up into his hand. Marcus all but jumped back from her (only his other arm still trapped beneath her head prevented him from doing just that) and froze. He was caught for sure, there was no way that wouldn't wake her up...!

An extremely tense moment passed in relative silence. Sonya gasped a few more ragged breaths before she caught her breath and finally stilled; she appeared to be blushing but otherwise she gave no indication of awakening. Marcus finally let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding. That was far too close, he silently admonished himself. Okay, it's still fine. I just have to be careful not to move too quickly, let her build up slowly.

Holy fuck though, this girl can sleep through anything...!

Once he finally convinced himself that it was safe to continue, Marcus once again gently brought his paw down on her chest, letting his fingers flex out to cover both the girl's pert little nips at once. The sleeping pup let out another tiny mewling sound as his hand returned to her chest. It almost sounded like a pleasured moan to his lust addled senses. A self indulgent grin flashed over his face at this thought; if he didn't know better, he'd have thought she was happy that he'd resumed touching her...

He began massaging one under his palm while he slowly teased and toyed with the other with his middle finger. Her sighs steadily grew more urgent as her breathing became noticeably more labored. Several minutes under his ministrations and she was becoming noticeably flushed, tiny moans escaping her and becoming more frequent. Seeing her like that warmed his heart, even more so than simply the perverse pleasure he drew from the act itself. On some level, Marcus reasoned, she was enjoying this just as much as he was. That was all the motivation he needed to keep going.

It wasn't enough though. He couldn't bring them to the heights of pleasure with that damned nightgown in the way, no matter how nice it felt against his rough fur. His path clear, he carefully extracted his trapped arm from beneath her head before somewhat reluctantly taking his hand from her chest. It was only a temporary retreat of course; soon enough he would be able to make her feel so much better... Now unrestricted, he sat up on his knees, straddling the tiny Pom cub. The vision of his sweet little friend, sleeping so soundly and yet flush with pleasure from his teasing was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen...

That is, until he finally moved to pull her nightie up and out of the way.

Reaching for the sides of the offending cloth, he slid it slid it up until it passed over her shoulders. He met surprisingly little resistance due to Sonya's back being slightly arched as though she were seeking out his hand that had been pleasuring her tiny teats. She shivered where his hands grazed the now unprotected fur on her sides as he worked the nightie off of her. He let out a shivering breath of his own as his prize slowly came into view. It was so simple in reality, a plain of thin creamy yellow fur, broken only by the tiny nubs that jutted out just enough to be seen. But those tiny little nubs were the driving force behind his of his raging desire.

And then he finally noticed... At first he had been so focused on her diminutive chest that nothing else entered his vision, but after a moment something else caught his attention. A smell, not unpleasant in the slightest and in fact not unlike the Pom pup's scent except... stronger somehow. Following the now inviting scent, he looked further down before his body froze upon the sight before him.

Past the plain of the girl's slightly heaving chest was more of the same wonderfully soft creamy fur, this time unobstructed by the pajama bottoms or childish panties from before. With her legs pinned together beneath him, he couldn't see it completely clearly but as her stomach gave way to her legs there was a little cleft where her fur began to get more and more fine before finally stopping altogether. He could just make out the barest hint of the hidden pink flesh that lay within, the single greatest treasure in the world in his eyes... With that revelation came the identity of what he'd smelled that led him to this discovery. His earlier ministrations had clearly had the desired effect on the little cub and what he had smelled was the proof of it. Despite being dead asleep, she was aroused.

If there had been any lingering doubt in his mind, the very real smell of her arousal chased it away. Without any further hesitation, he carefully lowered himself down as to keep his weight off of her while he zeroed in on his target. His lips met with one of her nipples which he immediately seized, hungrily suckling at it and licking it inside his mouth. The effect on the sleeping puppy was immediate; she let out a quiet but needy moan, leaning into his touch as much as she could in her unconscious state. Her body was responding so wonderfully to him, driving him to forget his inhibitions as he continued to assault her unguarded teats. His hand then moved to the top of her crotch, slowly working his fingers into the cleft of her legs where her little immature cunny awaited. Her legs parted slightly on their own, all but begging him to continue, which he had no intention of disappointing her.

Finally making contact with her tiny slit was an experience beyond any he'd had to that point. The night before she had had panties in the way and he hadn't had the confidence to try to get past the cotton barrier. While rubbing at it through her panties had been an amazing experience, this was a whole other level. Her nether lips were so soft and radiated heat, with a small amount of her little girl juices lining them as his probing fingers pressed deeper. Beneath him, Sonya's hips ground into his hand of their own accord, pressing him against her even harder. He slid his finger back and forth along the length of her honeypot, exploring every bit of it as he sought out the entrance to her pussy. He noted that it became much easier to slide along the tiny cleft as her body very quickly started pumping out more of her juices to help him along.

After some searching, he finally found her entrance. It was so tiny... from what he could tell, even his finger would be a tight fit. Not that he was going to let that stop him. With only a moments pause to line up his middle finger he pressed down on her tiny hole until his finger ever so slightly pushed inside. He could feel her walls stretch slightly to accommodate, accompanied by a tiny whine. Though he only just entered her diminutive cunny, he could immediately feel the difference in heat; it was almost as though her insides were literally on fire. And while her outer lips had been wet from his rubbing her so intently, inside she was absolutely soaked!

Immediately the vision of the beautiful cub writhing helplessly through an intense orgasm as she rode his cock flashed through his mind, but he was somehow able to hold back long enough to remind himself to take it slow. He would need to loosen her up a lot before that was a possibility, assuming he was even willing to attempt to go that far... For now though, he would just get the process started and keep his little sleeping beauty as happy as she was making him.

He gently swirled his fingertip inside her, teasing her entrance into hopefully loosening up on its own; his efforts earned a groan from the girl. He could feel her tight little walls moving slightly, trying to squeeze down on his finger, but there simply wasn't enough of him there for her to find purchase. Yet. He withdrew his finger from her, only to slowly press it in again. He repeated this until he slowly found a rhythm; with each gentle thrust he pushed the finger just a little bit further into her steaming hot flesh. All the while he continued to suckle and tweak the girl's nipples, stopping only to switch from one to the other.

By the time he was able to push in to his first knuckle, Sonya's body had completely succumb to him. Her hips bucked mindlessly against him and her labored breathing was colored by tiny whines and moans in time with each thrust of his finger. Meanwhile Marcus was struggling to maintain his resolve to not simply ram himself in all at once. Every moan, every jerk and grind against his hands and mouth drove him deeper into his lust fueled delirium. He wanted her, he wanted to claim every part of her, mark her as his and his alone. But... no, he had to stay patient. He had to keep her happy.

A few minutes passed and Marcus managed to work his way to the second knuckle before he decided he needed to go further. Pushing any deeper ran the risk of hitting the girl's hymen and the pain from that would ruin everything. Instead, he decided he would try to stretch her further.

He pulled his finger all the way back until just the tip remained; if he didn't know better he would have almost though she let out a whine of disappointment when he didn't immediately thrust back in. Instead he brought his ring finger alongside the one still holding her soaking wet depths open, holding them as close together as possible. With a little more force than he had used initially, he set about trying to work his second finger inside. Alas, his ring finger, not having been lubricated, wedged against her opening until it slipped out, sliding up the length of her pussy until he hit what felt like a tiny button buried among her diminutive folds...

Sonya's response was immediate and intense. Her entire lower body jerked forward into him and she let out a loud squeak which melted into a long, heavy moan as her sudden movement forced Marcus's finger back into her. She bucked one more time before her body relaxed and slid back down onto the bed. After a moment to verify that the tiny Pom pup was still asleep, Marcus silently marveled at the strength of her reaction. He must have hit her clit, he realized after a moment. There was no other explanation for it. He'd heard other boys at his school talking about the clitoris as if it were the holy grail; after seeing how sensitive it was, he was inclined to agree.

Resuming his steady sliding with his finger in her, he brought his thumb down over the top of her tiny folds. His new mission was clear: he had to find that magic button again. There was so much flesh in her now soaking cunny that without being able to look he was having trouble finding the right spot, but he would not be denied the chance to give his sleeping angel the ride of her young life...

His relentless search was finally rewarded by another gasping moan and buck against him, signaling he'd found her weak spot. The tiny nub was so small that he might have missed it had her reaction not been so intense. But the fact was he'd found it, and now the real fun could begin...

* * *

Sonya couldn't believe her own good fortune. Her plan had worked, just like Jynx and Sara had said it would! It wasn't all a dream after all, Marcus really had been the one to make her feel so good the night before...! And he was doing it to her again right now!

It was so hard to stay still and quiet though... Being fully aware of what was going on this time, it seemed like every little sensation was so much sharper this time. She'd nearly blown it when she felt him flick at her nipple through the gown, and that had just been the beginning...

Every touch, every breath against her was setting her nerves ablaze. And every time he escalated his assault on her "sleeping" form, the sudden spike in pleasure made her want to scream. It was only by some divine grace that she somehow was able to avoid alerting him, particularly once he'd pulled the nightie off of her. She could feel that same feeling she'd felt earlier in the bath building up in her, slowly at first but as Marcus continued to get more and more aggressive she felt like she was going to explode.

Of course now she knew what was coming and how amazing it would be and was very much looking forward to it, especially when it was her sort-of boyfriend that was taking her there... But at the same time, she dreaded it. She remembered the bath, how when it was happening she had lost control of herself... There was no way she could keep her secret if she went over that cliff. And so she tried her very hardest to keep that amazing, horrible feeling at bay as long as she could. It was a struggle, but she was somehow able to stifle her moans and keep her thrashing in check enough to not deter Marcus from his ministrations...

... Then he found her clit.

In that moment, Sonya felt as though she'd been struck by lightning. So intense was the sudden jolt of pleasure that rocked her that she'd lost complete control of herself for a moment. Only the fact that it had also mostly robbed her of her voice saved her from completely blowing it right then and there. While she tried (and failed) to catch her breath and regain control of the explosion she felt building inside her, she felt him graze over her button again. While it wasn't anywhere near as intense as he first time, still she felt the wave of pleasure that threatened to overwhelm her at any moment swell again.

And he just kept going. Now that he'd found her pleasure button, he resumed his all-out assault on her erogenous zones. His sucking and teasing her nipples and fingering her tiny pussy were now joined by rubbing her clit. It was too much to bare all at once. She couldn't suppress the ragged moans anymore or the way her body seemed to be milking him as though begging for more.

And that was exactly what she got; Marcus was relentless in pushing every single one of her buttons. The waves of pleasure were coming so fast now that they were a steady stream and it wouldn't the long before she was completely consumed by them. There was no stopping it now, she couldn't even temper her body's reactions anymore. It was becoming increasingly difficult for her to even care about anything but that beautiful release she was rushing towards... All she could do, helpless as she was in his grasp, was pray he somehow didn't notice when he finally pushed her over the edge again...

And then all at once the dam finally burst.

* * *

Marcus was once again taken by surprise when the cub suddenly began wildly spasming underneath him. She seemed to be crying out, but all that came out was a long, whimpering moan. Her velvety insides begin rhythmically squeezing down on his invading finger with all their strength, he felt as though she might actually break his finger. For a moment he paused in confusion and concern, afraid that he'd somehow hurt her, but after a moment the truth dawned upon him. He quietly congratulated himself at the fact that he'd made the sleeping girl cum, hard by the look of it. Then he quickly resumed his ministrations, hoping to keep this beautiful scene going just a little longer.

On and on the little girl thrashed as he continued to work over her erogenous zones. As his fingers continued to delve into her pussy and rub her throbbing clit, the girl screamed again, louder this time, and he suddenly felt something wet squirting against his hand. There was no confusion this time; his little sleeping beauty had just had a squirting climax!

Finally, despite his efforts to keep her cumming on him forever, the girl finally began to relax a bit, finally releasing her death grip on his hand. Marcus continued to look on in wonder. She just came so hard that she'd squirted, and still she was asleep...! She gasped aloud and her face and most of her upper body was beet red, but somehow her eyes remained closed. More importantly to him in that moment though was the wetness that was slowly soaking into his hand...

Marcus slowly lifted himself off her chest and sat back on his knees over to one side of her. Not wanting to stop playing with her amazing little body completely just yet, he swapped his hand, now drenched in her lust, for his "clean" hand on her still throbbing clit. He brought his hand to his face; even before he could give it a curious sniff his senses were flooded by her scent. It smelled so strongly of her, and scent he knew well, and something else he couldn't quite identify but it was intense and somehow managed to push his lust-fueled thoughts even further.

He brought his finger, the one that had driven her to cum so spectacularly, to his lips and gave it a cursory lick. He then without even consciously thinking about it eagerly pushed the entire finger into his mouth, desperate to get everything last drop of her love juices inside him. If the smell of her arousal had driven him wild, her taste was the sweetest ambrosia in all of existence. She had an almost sugary sweetness tinged by a light tangy aftertaste that set his taste buds soaring.

When he finally finished cleaning off his hand he started down at her tiny pussy again with genuine hunger in his eyes. He had found the fount of the most deliciously erotic juice he had ever encountered and he needed more. That perfect little body that had so generously opened up for him and given him this divine gift was right there waiting for him, and nothing would stop him from getting every last drop she could give him...

* * *

Sonya's head was still floating as she finally was able to wrest some level of control of her body back. She had expected the shockwaves, when the pleasure became too much for her to handle, but somehow it was so much more intense than what she remembered from her earlier exploration.It must be because he was doing it to me,_she reasoned. _Because he's so much better at this than I am.

I never knew anything could feel so amazing...!

As she continued to lay there in her post-orgasmic daze, the warm, deeply satisfied glow threatened to drag the cub, who had to that point been pretending to be asleep, actually into unconsciousness. All the nervous energy she'd built up was released along with her explosive climax, leaving her feeling completely exhausted; even the aftershocks barely phased her tiny body at that point. She would have to remember to thank Marcus in the morning, as soon as she figured out a way to do so without giving up her secret...

As she thought on this, her nerves suddenly were on edge again as she felt the unmistakable warmth of breath on her crotch. It wasn't much, not even direct contact, yet still it forced an audible gasp out of her. Her love button seemed even more sensitive than before somehow... Before she could even attempt to guess at his intention, she felt his rough tongue slide from her quivering entrance all the way up to her throbbing nub.

Behind her closed eyes Sonya's world exploded with color and the burning needy feeling was suddenly back with a vengeance. Again?! Sonya though in a panic. No wait, please! Marcus, it's too much! I can't take it...! But there was no denying that she could her body building towards another peak, much faster and stronger than before. When she felt his tongue repeat its lashing of her hypersensitive nethers, it was all she could do to keep her eyes tightly shut as the rest of her body betrayed her commands.

"Aaaunngh!!" She moaned out inarticulately while her body shook and thrashed of its own accord. Several more licks followed as Marcus found a rhythm. Each lick and the accompanying mind-blowing shockwave that it sent through her forced another uninhibited shriek of pure pleasure out of the wildly trembling Pom cub. "Haaahh! Nnghh! Aaa_aaaahh!!_" On and on it went, the puppy barely even able to breathe through the unending ecstasy ravaging her body and mind...

Meanwhile Marcus, it seemed, was getting frustrated with having to chase her honeypot around. In the next instant, she found his arms encircling her legs, holding them wide open as he picked her up by her waist and held her tightly to his face. From this new position his oral assault was completely unhindered by her thrashing and he attacked her pussy relentlessly. From her now completely helpless position, she felt his tongue growing more focused on her hypersensitive clit. Every touch caused her body to (attempt to) thrash wildly in ecstasy; not being able to do so anymore with her lower body pinned as it was seemed to cause a feedback loop that made her feel even crazier in her out of control lust.

After only a few moments of this her climax, which had been building unabated this time, crashed over her, leaving her adrift in pleasure like nothing she'd felt before. His arms holding her up by the legs were the only thing keeping her sane. And yet he mercilessly continued to devour her sweet ambrosia as it fired from her spasming cunny. She felt him take her whole slit into his mouth while his tongue pushed as far as it could into her wildly convulsing hole, her pussy immediately clamping down on the invading muscle, trying to pull it in deeper. Even with the imposing tightness of her contractions on it, his rough tongue continued to lick at the insides of her walls.

Before her first orgasm had even crested, a second completely consumed her. Whatever part of her consciousness that remained through the waves of pleasure was cast helplessly into a beautiful void where nothing existed beyond the pure rapture that flowed through her pussy out through her whole body. Endlessly it seemed to the tiny puppy she was awash with nirvana and she hoped to stay there forever.

As the world very slowly came back into focus, he little puppy was overwhelmed by emotion. She didn't know how to express what she was feeling in that moment, it was all too much to comprehend. She had no way to define the sensation she was still adrift in at that moment; satisfaction didn't even come close to enough to describing it. With nothing else to grasp onto, her weary, reeling mind latched onto the only thing she knew for certain. The one that had brought her to this all-consuming euphoria. He was the only thing that made sense, his blessed name her only anchor in the beautiful abyss that he'd cast her into...

"Oh Marcus...!"

The words left her mouth of their own volition; saying them was the only thing that had mattered to her in that moment... In the next moment however reality set in with and she froze as the weight of her mistake dawned upon her.

Though she couldn't see him, Marcus was similarly frozen, a look of abject horror on his face.

Neither of them could move or think, save for a single thought that ran through their heads repeating endlessly.

Oh no, he knows...!

Oh fuck, she knows...!

Sweet Dreams 5

_No! Oh no oh no! What have I done?!_ Sonya was sure she had ruined everything with her sudden outburst. Marcus must have figured out what was happening for sure which is why he suddenly stopped. _He must think I'm some kind of perverted freak..._ And...

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21: Guardian

"H-hold on. I think I... have to... t- huurghh!" Specter sighed and looked away in disgust as Thunderlane started vomiting on the ground. Though his teleportation spell could only be detected by powerful unicorns who spent time training in forbidden...

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20: Jealousy

Just seconds ago, while downstairs with Big Mac, her mood had been happy and her heart as light as a butterfly, but by the time she reached Big Mac's bedroom her stomach felt like it was twisted in several knots and she was more nervous than a pegasus...

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