05: That Intimate Moment

Story by krisprowler on SoFurry

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Starshadow still had her eyes closed but she could tell it was morning. Cracking her eyes open she saw that the sun was already up and heard the various birds outside chirping happily. As she became more aware of her surroundings, she also felt a throbbing soreness down in her crotch. Tenderly touching her lower lips, she sharply inhaled at the slight stinging sensation she felt when her hoof made contact. She thought back to the previous night and everything that had happened; meeting Big Mac, the wildly erotic concert, going for a drink with the stallion, and then... what happened in her room...

Feeling something move behind her, Starshadow turned her head and saw her lover from last night next to her, still fast asleep. She turned over to face him and smiled as she watched him sleep. She couldn't help but sneak a peek under the covers at his crotch and saw that his massive member had receded back into its sheath sometime during the night. She shook her head in amazement, unsure how any stallion could manage to hide something that big. Her thoughts wandered back to the previous night; it had been ages since she had cum that hard, and she was amazed that she had been able to take so much of his cock in her pussy, though she was a little disappointed that she couldn't take his whole length, even though it seemed impossible for any pony to.

Big Mac yawned and stirred slightly as he finally woke up. Starshadow gave him a quick kiss on his nose and grinned. "Hey there, good morning sleepy." she said.

Big Mac returned her smile. "Morning." he replied.

Both ponies looked over at the floor where they had indulged in each other and saw the sticky mess they left. Starshadow turned red as she saw just how wet she had made the floor and looked sheepishly at Big Mac. "I guess I should leave a tip for the housekeeper, huh?" she joked.

Big Mac chuckled. "Eeyup."

Starshadow hopped out of bed and stretched her sore legs, but as she stretched her rear legs a glob of cum slipped out of her sore pussy and trickled down her leg, surprising her slightly.

"Oh eww, I'm still leaking!" she said, making a disgusted face. "Looks I need to take a shower more than I thought." Starshadow started walking towards the bathroom and stopper in the doorway to turn back and face Big Mac. "Well, you want to join me? You DID contribute to this mess after all." she teased.

Big Mac jumped out of bed and followed her to the bathroom, playfully smacking her ass as he passed by her. Turning on the water to a comfortable warm temperature, they found that there was just enough room in the shower for them to squeeze inside together. Both ponies let the warm water run over them and wash away the sweat and lingering traces of cum they still had on parts of their bodies. Being a gentlepony, Big Mac began to gently wash Starshadow's back, having noticed a bit of his dried seed above her tail that he had gotten on her while they slept. She let out a soft moan as he washed her back, his strong hooves surprisingly gentle as he worked around her wings. As he scrubbed lower towards her tail she felt herself starting to get frisky began to rub up against his body. Her body felt good against his but he was determined to finish cleaning her up without causing more of a mess. He continued to wash her, his hooves moving lower towards her tail to reach those spots that she couldn't on her own.

Starshadow's rubbing stopped when his hooves neared her cutie mark and she subconsciously held her breath. Though he couldn't see her face Starshadow tried to hide her expression of worry and pain as his hooves neared her flank. There was no way she could turn her body and hide her cutie mark from him, nor was there any way to cover it up. She could only hope that he wouldn't notice the thing she was desperately trying to hide...

Unfortunately for her, Big Mac did notice. As he scrubbed the area right above her cutie marks he noticed something he hadn't noticed before; an 'X' shaped scar over her cutie mark. Big Mac wasn't sure how he had missed it before as the scar was pretty large, and he guessed that however she had gotten it was not a pleasant experience. A quick glance at her other side confirmed what he thought; the cutie mark on her other side had an almost identical 'X' shaped scar on it as well. He also felt something else that he wasn't expecting; he felt Starshadow's body trembling under his touch.

"Starshadow..." Big Mac said, gently moving up to look at her face.

Even with the water still falling on her body, Big Mac could see that Starshadow was crying. She looked up at his concerned face with a mix of tears and water falling down her face and spoke barely above a whisper. "Don't... don't ask about that. Please, just don't."

Big Mac reluctantly nodded. He didn't want to know about her scars just out of curiosity, he wanted to know who marked her like that so he could hunt down whatever creature or pony would do that to her. His anger was clearly showing on his face as he felt Starshadow brush his cheek with her hoof to try to soothe his emotions. He looked back down at her and saw she was smiling weakly at him. "It's okay. It wasn't anything too bad, I promise."

The two ponies stared at each other, forgetting that they were cramped together in the small shower stall. They lost track of time as they became lost in each other's gaze and slowly found themselves being drawn forward. "Mac..." Starshadow whispered before her lips connected with his. They tenderly kissed each other slowly in the shower, exploring each other's mouths with their tongues. Though Starshadow had kissed countless other ponies, and some non-ponies, not a single other one compared to Big Mac's surprisingly soft lips and strong tongue. The kiss they shared earlier last night was a quick simple kiss, but this one was packed with emotions, feelings, and genuine care for each other. Starshadow couldn't recall ever having been kissed like this before, never quite so tenderly, so passionately.

Neither of them wanted to break their connection, but due to their prolonged shower the hot water began to run out and soon the water coming from the shower head was beginning to become too chilly for them. Starshadow and Big Mac finally broke their kiss and Big Mac turned to shut off the now freezing water. Her small size causing her to be more susceptible to the cold, Starshadow stepped out of the shower shivering slightly, the warm humidity that was lingering in the bathroom not quite enough to warm her back up. She suddenly felt a towel being wrapped around her, causing her to stop shaking. She looked up at Big Mac who had been the one to wrap her in it and she couldn't help but smile up at him again. "Well, aren't you quite the gentlecolt." she said, sticking out her tongue at him.

"Eeyup." he answered, causing Starshadow to laugh. His simplistic answer was a bit amusing, but she was laughing mainly for a different reason. She had been reluctant to accept Vinyl's offer to come play a private show as one of the headliners despite her friend promising her the larger share of the night's take, and it had ultimately cost the DJ a night of drinks to finally get her to say yes. But now, after all the fuss and complaining she had put up before, Starshadow didn't want to leave the small town. She had exponentially more fun playing at the concert last night with Vinyl than she'd expected to, but what she really didn't want to leave was the stallion that she was now with. Never before had she thought of ever settling down with one pony, especially one she had just met, but she felt something special about the large red pony. It wasn't that she liked him only for his huge dick or strong libido, though she certainly didn't mind those either, but she felt safe with him. She felt like she could lower her guard and he would take care of her, that he would give up anything to ensure her happiness. She couldn't explain why she felt like this, but she did, and she had to admit that she liked the feeling.

Having finally dried themselves off and left a tip for the housekeeping pony as an apology for the mess they made, Starshadow and Big Mac made their way down from her room and back down to the lobby. Big Mac looked somewhat sadly at her. "So ya gotta leave today?" he asked her, having hoped that she would stay in town for a bit longer.

Starshadow nodded. "Yeah, I can't really afford to stay another night in the hotel, plus I have to get all my equipment back home. I really wish I could stay." she said sadly. "I'll stop by your farm before I leave to say goodbye. I also have to pay you for the first cider delivery so I'll bring the bits by then."

"Okay, but don't bother bringing those bits. Your money ain't gonna be any good." he said.

"What?" she asked in surprise. "But I thought... you said you would deliver the cider to Cloudsdale for me."

Big Mac wanted to tease her so badly but after the shower he couldn't bring himself to do it. "Don't worry, I still am. No need for you to pay, though. It's on me."

"S-seriously?" Starshadow asked in surprise. Big Mac barely had time to nod once before Starshadow hugged him tightly. "Big Mac, you're the best. Thank you."

The stallion smiled and hugged her back. "Just be sure to stop by before you leave town." he said.

Starshadow smirked. "Eeyup." she said, unable to help herself. Both ponies laughed at her imitation of him before kissing each other once more.

Reluctantly the two finally parted ways. Big Mac rushed off back to Sweet Apple Acres; no doubt that his family was probably worried about him when he never came home last night. Starshadow walked over to the address that Vinyl gave her the night before and reached the address within a few minutes.

The mailbox out front had the same musical note that Vinyl Scratch had for a cutie mark, but without that mailbox Starshadow would have never guessed that Vinyl lived there. It looked like all the other houses in Ponyville and gave off no hint that a wild, party-loving unicorn resided inside. Starshadow knocked on the door and a few moments later a tired looking unicorn opened the door. Her face lit up slightly at the sight of Starshadow and the unicorn gestured her to come inside, bringing her to the kitchen

"Hey, you okay?" Starshadow asked Vinyl, noticing the lack of energy coming from the normally hyper pony.

"Yeah, sorry." Vinyl said, pouring two cups of coffee for both of them. "Last night got a little wild and I stayed up way later than I was planning on, but it was sooooo worth it."

"Oh really?" Starshadow asked, her curiosity getting the better of her. "You going to share what happened?"

"Sure, right after you tell me what happened last night with you and Big Mac." she said.

While she normally would be more than willing to gush about the pony she'd gone home with after a concert to her wild partying friend, Starshadow had some reservations about telling anypony about her perfect night and the crush she developed on the big red stallion... But then again Vinyl WAS the one responsible for setting up the scenario that led to them meeting. "Nuh uh, you have to tell me how your after-party was first. Then I'll tell you."

Vinyl groaned. "Fine... only because I really, really want to hear what happened." she said. Vinyl told in clear detail the events that occurred after Starshadow had left. The wild dancing, rubbing up against so many ponies, taking three stallions at once, causing an orgy to break out, being covered with the cum of over a dozen stallions...

Starshadow listened intently to Vinyl's narrative, and normally she would've become extremely jealous that she missed out on such a fun night of indulgence, but in this case she was okay with the fact that she missed this event. She also wasn't feeling as aroused as usual while hearing the story; usually she would be literally holding her hoof back to stop from rubbing her soaking wet crotch, but now the thought of masturbating right in front of Vinyl didn't even cross her mind.

Once Vinyl finished she once again demanded to hear how Starshadow's night was. Starshadow sighed at Vinyl's impatience; the older unicorn was behaving more like a spoiled foal who couldn't wait to open their birthday gifts. She started to tell Vinyl about what happened after the show without going into too much detail, but the DJ soon stopped her and demanded a more in-depth narrative. Without any other choice, Starshadow told Vinyl everything; the playful tease she gave Big Mac during the concert, walking back to her hotel, what happened in the bar, and finally the wild, satisfying night they spent together. The only thing Starshadow left out was her stronger than normal feelings she had for Big Mac, since even she didn't quite understand them or why she had them.

Vinyl Scratch listened to her every word in silence, and once Starshadow was done talking the DJ's mouth was left hanging open. "He... he's seriously that big? You couldn't take him past your mouth?" she said in disbelief.

Starshadow nodded. "He was huge. It actually hurt quite a bit when he mounted me."

"And you were able to take him like that? He was able to mount you?" Vinyl asked, she herself beginning to get wet from the details of Starshadow's story.

The pegasus nodded again. "Y-yeah. It took a while, and it hurt more than my first time, but sweet Celestia, he filled me up so completely, more than I can ever remember being. He wasn't even able to get half of his cock in me, though."

Upon hearing that last sentence from Starshadow, Vinyl almost dropped her coffee mug mid sip and dribbled some of her drink down her chin. "Seriously?!" she asked in amazement. "Oh my gosh... I am so freakin' jealous of you! You know how long I've been trying to get in bed with him?"

Starshadow remembered Vinyl always telling her of a certain stallion she had always wanted to hook up with, but Vinyl never told her his name until yesterday. Now, Starshadow had developed strong feelings for him and wasn't sure if she could stand the thought of Big Mac with another pony, and surprising even herself, she wasn't sure if she wanted to give herself to any other pony ever again either. "I don't know, I... I think I really like him." she said, not quite answering Vinyl's question.

"Well of course you like him. He's got the biggest cock of anypony in all of Equuestria!" Vinyl said.

Starshadow blushed, knowing firsthoof that Vinyl was probably correct. "It's not just that! I mean, yeah it's definitely a big part of it but..." She paused for a moment, realizing she wasn't sure exactly how to describe what she was feeling. "Never mind... So, you said you like Big Mac, so why haven't you asked him out?"

Vinyl put her coffee down and looked at Starshadow grumpily. "You think I haven't tried? Trust me girl I've been trying at every opportunity. I mostly saw him whenever he's dropping off the apple cider order off for the club. I try to get him to stay for my shows but he's not into the music I play, so I tried visiting him at his farm but..." Vinyl trailed off and she appeared to be thinking about her "Well, his sister isn't very open to the idea of him dating a non-earth pony and she has a tendency to chase off any pegasus or unicorn that tries to hook up with Big Mac. She's a tough one, that mare; I don't think I've ever seen her loose a fight, so be careful if you ever go over there."

Starshadow shrugged, sighing heavily. "I guess that doesn't matter too much. I can't afford to stay in that hotel, even with all the extra bits I made last night, so I have to go back to Cloudsdale. I actually came by to see if you had all my stuff brought over here from the club."

"Yeah, it's all in the back room. I had my helpers bring it in earlier this morning." Vinyl said. "And hold on, you're just going to leave Ponyville and go back to Cloudsdale? There's no way that Big Mac could visit you there!"

"I know." Starshadow said. "But I don't have much of a choice. I'm bound by my lease to my place in Cloudsdale for another few months, and there's no way I could afford to rent a room here on top of that."

"Well, why don't you stay here?" Vinyl offered.

This time it was Starshadow's turn to almost drop her coffee. "W-what? You'd let me stay here? How much would you want in rent?"

"Oh, pfft, don't worry about that." Vinyl said. "I'm hardly here anymore, so all I would need in return is you to keep the place tidy. My old roommate moved to Canterlot permanently, so you can have her old room. And I heard the club owner talking last night after the show; I'm sure he'd love to have you play there on the weekends after the performance we put on."

The offer sounded too good to be true. After Sapphire Shores canceled her upcoming tour, effectively grinding Starshadow's career to a sudden halt, the keyboardist was forced to take on part time gigs back home in Cloudsdale. At best, she would only get to play once a week; she could barely cover her living expenses. Even if the gig in Ponyville paid more than she'd made in the last three months combined in Cloudsdale, the fact that she would work at least two days a week every week offered stability that she hadn't had in months, and if she didn't have to pay rent she could actually start saving bits for her future. But best of all, she would be living in Ponyville, just a few short minutes away from Big Mac. She could spend a day or two in Cloudsdale whenever she worked the dance club there, but she would be free to stay in Ponyville all the other days and see Big Mac.

"R-really? You'd let me stay here rent free?" Starshadow asked again. Vinyl nodded, not telling her that she herself had a slight ulterior motive for letting her stay. "Oh thank you so much! That would be awesome!" Starshadow exclaimed, hugging Vinyl tightly.

"Don't mention it." Vinyl responded, pulling herself free from Starshadow. "It also means I don't have to lug your stuff out of the back since you're staying here." she teased.

"Vinyl, you're the best ever. I definitely owe you big time." Starshadow said. "Oh! I should go over and see Big Mac and tell him that he doesn't need to send over the hard apple cider. I'll be back soon!"

Starshadow rushed out the door, extremely excited about Vinyl's offer, and couldn't wait to tell Big Mac that she'd be staying in town. Vinyl laughed to herself at her friend's excitement, comparing her to a filly with her first crush. 'Lucky mare, she really does owe me for helping her hook up with that stallion. Hmm, maybe she's let me join them one night to return the favor, or at least let me watch.' Vinyl thought to herself. Her hoof began working its way to her crotch, but as soon as she touched her crotch she was caught off guard by just how wet she had become listening to Starshadow. 'Bucking damnit...'

Remembering that she was alone in her house now and figuring that Starshadow wouldn't be back for at least an hour, she quickly rushed upstairs to her bedroom and jumped onto her bed, not even bothering to close her bedroom door. She brought out one of her favorite toys from under her bed; an oversized dildo in the shape of a stallion. The color matched the coat of a certain pony that Vinyl had a crush on, and his name was written on the bottom of the large shaft. Studying the toy carefully, she sighed in some discontent. "Sounds like this doesn't even come close to you, Big Mac." she said to herself. She sighed again, figuring that her toy would have to do for now, but after hearing Starshadow's experience she desperately wanted to see Big Mac's massive rod.

"I wonder who could take more of him, me or Starshado- ooooooh yeah, right there." she moaned, sinking her toy into her. She was still a little disheartened that it wasn't as realistic as she had hoped, but for now it would have to do.

Sweet Dreams 4

The minutes after her mother left the room seemed like months to Sonya as she anxiously waited for the door to open again, bringing with it the boy that she so desperately crushed on. The boy that may or may not have introduced her to a whole new level...

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Interlude: That After-party

Vinyl Scratche's after party was in full swing. As soon as the majority of the audience had left Vinyl returned to the main dance hall and looked at the handful of ponies still present. Her assistants and the club employees were all present, as well as...

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04: That Massive Stallion

As Starshadow and Big Mac entered her hotel room she felt slightly self conscious that her room was so basic. She had been in the hotel room Vinyl had gotten when she had seen the unicorn's recent show in Manehattan; it was a suite with a separately...

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