Interlude: That After-party

Story by krisprowler on SoFurry

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Vinyl Scratche's after party was in full swing. As soon as the majority of the audience had left Vinyl returned to the main dance hall and looked at the handful of ponies still present. Her assistants and the club employees were all present, as well as a large group of stallions and some mares that her manager had hoof-picked from the crowd earlier to stay. Vinyl smiled as she saw that her manager knew her perfectly and picked out the stallions who had been partying the hardest during the concert.

Having washed the paint off of her body she nodded to one of her assistants who would be stationed at the turntables for the night, giving Vinyl a chance to enjoy some relaxation herself. The music started and the ponies began dancing, this time having enough room to actually move around instead of just bumping into each other constantly.

The bar at the back of the room was still open and many of the ponies were taking advantage of the free drinks, as that was part of the contract deal Vinyl had set up for playing here. The owners had made a ton of bits off of the concert, and supplying free drinks for the small group would hardly put a dent in their profits. Vinyl herself threw back six assorted drinks within the first hour, wanting to unwind and relax after putting on possibly the best performance of her life. Still, she was a little peeved that Starshadow didn't stay after the show or take her up on the offer to go on tour with her...

As the dancing continued, a few stallions became bolder and moved in towards Vinyl, trying to dance with her and catch her attention. Their efforts were not in vain as this is what Vinyl had been waiting for, and to the stallions' surprise she had no hesitation rubbing her body against them as they danced on. The dancing continued and became more and more erotic, the simple body rubbing soon becoming body thrusts and dry humping. A few of the other ponies dancing close by noticed the erotic display and turned their attention to Vinyl and the three stallions touching her all over. Vinyl Scratch knew that they were staring at her and thinking dirty thoughts about her, and knowing that began to make her pussy wet.

Vinyl wasn't the only pony becoming aroused. The intimate touching and the smell of sweat accompanied by a hint of Vinyl's arousal were causing the three stallions Vinyl was dancing with to become aroused themselves. Their cocks began to harden and become erect, but instead of trying to hide their cocks they began to try to touch her body with them.

Vinyl knew exactly what they were trying to do and she became even wetter as she felt their hot members rubbing all over her. One of the stallions bumped into her flank and caused her to lose her balance, causing her to stumble and fall forward.

"Ah! I'm sorry! I didn't mean t-" the stallion who bumped into her started to say. His mouth lost the ability to form words as he looked down and saw Vinyl's exposed ass sticking up in the air and her wet pussy in plain view.

Vinyl looked back and saw her dancing partners staring at her. "Well, you going to just stare at my ass or do something about it?" she teased.

Two of the stallions looked unsure at each other but the third one was not about to pass up the chance to bang his favorite musician. He stepped up behind her and slid his raging erection between her legs and rubbed it back and forth on her thighs. Vinyl smiled and let out an erotic moan as she pressed her ass against his body. Without him knowing she quickly used her position to measure how big the stallion's cock was and how far it would reach into her. She brought her hoof up to her stomach and quickly felt where on her stomach his cock ended. She had a slight look of disappointment on her face once she was done. His cock was still a decent size for a stallion, but it wasn't the largest she had ever had. It was also nowhere near the size of the stallion she lusted after, but it would have to do for now.

Vinyl pressed her legs together and let the stallion begin to hump her, his cock rubbing against her pussy lips and clit. She was hoping that the other two stallions would jump in and join them, but to her disappointment they continued to just stand and watch. She was growing impatient; her show with Starshadow had gotten her a lot more flustered than she had thought she'd get, and since her fantasy of hooking up with the elusive pegasus wasn't going to happen tonight she needed to find some other form of release. Normally, one or two stallions would have been enough for her, but the added fact that Starshadow was now alone with Big Mac had her so worked up that she was almost begging to be fucked in every hole.

Not having any more patience, Vinyl released her grip on the stallion's cock between her legs and turned around, pushing him down so he was lying on his back. She straddled his body and rubbed her pussy against his cock, leaving a trail of her juices on his erection. "You want me? You want to fuck me, dontcha?" she asked him needlessly. The stallion beneath her nodded desperately, his many nights of fantasizing about the sexy unicorn DJ about to finally come true.

Vinyl moved herself up so her body was hovering above the stallion's cock, her soaking wet pussy just touching the tip. "You better not cum before I do." she said seductively. She lowered herself onto the stallion's erection, feeling it fill her pussy as she took his entire length in one swift movement. Both Vinyl and the stallion let out groans of pleasure as their bodies connected, and Vinyl leaned forward as she began riding the pony's cock. "Heh, not bad." she commented as she rode his cock.

Turning her head to look at the other two stallions standing close by, Vinyl beckoned them over. "You guys want to join, or should I get somepony else to take your place?"

The stallions rushed forward, not wanting to lose this once in a lifetime chance. The faster of the two positioned himself behind Vinyl, his cock poking at her tightly puckered rear hole. The other stallion was more than happy to move further forward and presented himself to Vinyl, able to feel Vinyl's hot breath every time she exhaled.

"Much better." she said. She took the cock by her face into her mouth just as the pony by her ass began to press himself into her last opening. Vinyl let out a moan but it was muffled by the cock in her mouth. Her body shook in pleasure as she had all three of her holes stuffed and she felt her body begin to be rocked back and forth erratically as the three stallions began to move.

The rhythm between the three stallions was terrible, but Vinyl didn't care too much. Every now and then one of the stallion's dicks would slip out from her body, but seconds later they would manage to slide it back inside of her and continue their thrusting. The three stallions were becoming frustrated with the occasional slips and pauses, and without speaking a single word to each other they began to find a steady rhythm to bang the mare with. After some trial and error they found the perfect pace to go at, and though none of them could change the tempo to fulfill their own needs they still found the steady pace more than enough to satisfy their needs.

Vinyl, on the other hoof, was in absolute heaven. The pace of the stallions was nowhere near the hardest she had even been done before but in this case she didn't care. Being filled in both of her lower holes while having another cock to suck on was amazing, but she also had over a dozen other ponies watching her being fucked by her three partners, many of them who were stroking themselves to the show going on in front of them.

The sensation of being stuffed in every hole and having so many stallions clopping to her current situation proved to be too much for Vinyl to handle and she felt her body begin to quiver. The buildup she was feeling told her that this was going to be a strong orgasm and there was nothing she could do to stop it. It started with one of her rear legs twitching, and moments later her entire body shook and her pussy and ass clamped around the pony cocks embedded in her as she came. She let out a series of muffled screams as her body spasmed uncontrollably from her climax. The pony using her soaking wet love hole couldn't take it anymore and clenched his teeth as he started shooting off his seed into Vinyl's body, his orgasm stronger than usual since he couldn't stop her from riding his dick due to the other stallions.

Once the stallion beneath her was finished dumping his load into her he slowly slid his body out from underneath her and moved out of the way so another pony could have his turn. Before another pony could step up the one using her ass pulled her backwards, laying on his back and letting her ride him using her ass. The pony getting sucked off wasn't too happy about having to move, but it allowed the next pony easier access to Vinyl's vacant hole.

The next pony walked up and was a little off put by having to use her cum-filled hole, but the chance to fulfill one of his biggest fantasies won him over in the end. He sunk his erection into her hole and ignored the feeling of another pony's cum being squeezed between her walls and his shaft the best he could. The two stallions who had been using Vinyl started up their old rhythm and the newcomer followed their lead, and soon found the correct pace to fuck her at.

Since he was now weighed down by her body weight, the pony inside Vinyl's butt couldn't buck his hips and instead had to rely on her body movement as the other two had their way with her. Her rocking motion proved to be enough to satisfy his needs, and soon all four of them were moaning and panting as they indulged in their deepest desires.

Many of the ponies watching on the sidelines began to either realize that there wouldn't be enough time to get their turn or they ran out of patience. The few mares in the audience took one or two stallions each and followed Vinyl's example, taking their partner's hard shafts in various holes or giving them hoofjobs to satisfy both their needs. There were still plenty of partnerless stallions left over, though, and they had no other option but to clop themselves off to the orgy that was building all around the room.

With one last groan of satisfaction the pony in Vinyl's ass hit his limit and exploded in her, filling her rectum with his white seed. The other two stallions slowed down just long enough for him to slide his dick out of her rear with a wet 'schlurp' before he too removed himself from under her... and just in time. Two of the ponies clopping themselves off nearby had reached their limit, and not wanting to waste a golden opportunity they awkwardly stepped forward and unloaded their hot, sticky load onto Vinyl's stomach and chest. She moaned loudly as she felt her coat weighed down by their semen and lazily dragged a hoof through the sticky mess, spreading it around her body as she continued to be used in two of her holes. Taking a hint from the first two, the remaining stallions left stroking themselves decided to release themselves in the same fashion, and when they felt like they were getting close to release the majority came up and came all over Vinyl's body, while a few others unloaded themselves on the other mares being used.

The pony being sucked off by Vinyl Scratch finally hit his limit, too, and pulled out of her mouth just as the first shot of cum was released. Vinyl opened her mouth as his cum shot everywhere, some of it landing on her tongue while more hit her right in the face and glasses. As his orgasm subsided she leaned forward and gave the tip of his member one last lick before he pulled away, completely satisfied. With just the one pony left using her foal hole, she turned all her attention on him and looked at him with the most seductive look he had ever seen.

"Come on, big boy... fill me up." she said, licking her lips. Her words made him lose all control, and with a quick series of frenzied thrusts he reached his peak, filling her with her second load of seed in that hole. Before he finished he pulled out, letting the last few weak shots coat her crotch. As he walked away the last few ponies finished clopping and coated her body with their contributions as she remained lying on the floor on her back with her eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of being covered and filled with so much warmth. She listened as the ponies around her also finished bucking each other, the sounds of their groans and orgasms almost enough to arouse her once more. She wasn't thinking too hard on the orgy still going on around her, though. Her thoughts were on two ponies who were alone together, both of whom she wished she could spend even just one night with them, and would give up music forever if she could have a threesome with.

"Starshadow, you lucky mare." Vinyl Scratch whispered under her breath. "You better enjoy Big Mac and tell me about all of it the next time I see you."

04: That Massive Stallion

As Starshadow and Big Mac entered her hotel room she felt slightly self conscious that her room was so basic. She had been in the hotel room Vinyl had gotten when she had seen the unicorn's recent show in Manehattan; it was a suite with a separately...

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03: That Apple Cider

Though the hotel Starshadow was staying at was close by to the club, it still took her and Big Mac almost twenty minutes to make the short trip. Starshadow wanted to avoid being seen, not because she didn't want to be seen alone with the large...

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02: That Music and Concert

In the next forty five minutes the dance club went from almost deserted to absolutely packed. There was barely enough standing room on the floors, and anypony who wanted to walk somewhere had to force their way through the massive crowd just to move a...

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