03: That Apple Cider

Story by krisprowler on SoFurry

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Though the hotel Starshadow was staying at was close by to the club, it still took her and Big Mac almost twenty minutes to make the short trip. Starshadow wanted to avoid being seen, not because she didn't want to be seen alone with the large stallion, but because she didn't want to be stopped and held up talking to a fan. She wanted to get back to her room and be alone with him as quickly as possible, so she mostly hid behind Big Mac's large frame during their walk back.

Thankfully for her they managed to make it back to the hotel without anypony spotting her. She asked for him to wait in the lobby for her while she quickly went to go wash off the paint from her body, but not before giving Bic Mac a glimpse of the message on her butt. He didn't have to wait long for her as within ten minutes she was rushing back over to him, her mane and tail still wet from the VERY quick shower she took. Her coat was back to its original color and to his slight disappointment there was no trace of the heart on her ass. Shrugging, he was happy that he was spending time with the beautiful mare and walked into the hotel bar with her.

They chose to sit at the far end of the bar where they were somewhat secluded and placed their order with the bartender; Big Mac getting a strong whiskey on the rocks and Starshadow getting a large hard apple cider.

Big Mac couldn't help but notice how happy Starshadow looked when she got her cold cider and took a huge gulp of the drink he made. "Really like that cider, huh?" he asked her.

"Oh my gosh, it's the best drink I've ever tasted!" she said before taking another mouthful of the drink. "I'm so ticked that they don't sell this brand anywhere else in Equestria. I asked the bartender when I first arrived the day before yesterday where else I could get this and he said that it's only available locally!" She placed the mug on the table before letting out a dejected sigh. "Ugh... I don't know how I'm going to survive going back to Cloudsdale now!"

Big Mac couldn't help but return some of the teasing she had given him earlier, especially now that he knew that she had a weakness for the drink he was responsible for making. "Well, I may have heard that the pony who makes it sometimes will send certain ponies special shipments of his hard apple cider."

Starshadow almost knocked Big Mac off of his bar stool in excitement. "You do? Which pony is it? Do you think he'd be willing to send some to Cloudsdale for me?"

Big Mac smirked. "I reckon I can introduce you to him. I know he's close by, let me go get him."

He hopped off his seat and headed for the entrance. Starshadow was a bit disappointed that she was going to have to spend less time now with Big Mac, but the possibility of having her new favorite drink delivered to her home was too good to pass up. She was already short on bits, but maybe the pony she was about to meet would be willing to make some sort of payment plan deal with her.

Her eyes lit up when she saw Big Mac return just seconds later, but her excitement quickly came plummeting down when she saw that he was alone. "You weren't able to find him?" she asked sadly.

Big Mac grinned. "Nnope, I found him."

"Oh, he didn't want to meet with me?"

Big Mac grinned wider. "Nnope, he did. He's here."

Starshadow looked around. The bar was relatively quiet, just a few other ponies occupying the tables littered around the room and two mares gossiping at the other end of the bar. Nopony there looked like they were capable of making any sort of alcohol, only drinking it. She turned back to Big Mac and gave a sigh. "Okay, I give up. Which pony is it?" she asked, beginning to think that maybe this stallion was a little insane.

Big Mac let out a short chuckle and extended his hoof in greeting. "Howdy ma'am, Big Mac. My family and I own Sweet Apple Acres and I make the hard apple cider myself."

To prove his point he turned slightly and showed her his cutie mark. Starshadow could have hoof-smacked herself for not connecting his cutie mark and her drink sooner. She suddenly felt guilty for having teased Big Mac so much at the concert and hoped that he wouldn't hold her fun against her. "You, um... heh, you wouldn't still be willing to send up some of your apple cider to my place, would you?" she asked hopefully.

Big Mac knew he had turned the tables on her and made a big, dramatic show of thinking. "Hmm... lemme think." he said, toying with her.

Starshadow was actually nervous that he would say no to her request. Her mind began racing to see if she could think of some sort of offer or trade that Big Mac couldn't refuse. An idea finally entered her head and she blurted her idea out before fully thinking it through, but as she spoke Big Mac answered her at the same time.

"Sure, I'll sell it to ya."

"I'll suck your cock if you'll do it!"

Both ponies went silent as Starshadow's words sunk in. Big Mac's face was redder than it had been at the concert, and Starshadow's face was almost the same shade as his.

Starshadow was now panicking. She knew that she had gone too far, even if she blurted out her offer by mistake. She was afraid that Big Mac would think that she was some sort of whorse if she was willing to put out for some hard cider. Part of her wanted to go run back up to her room and hide in embarrassment but she managed to find the willpower to stay for now.

For a second Big Mac thought that he misheard Starshadow's offer, but as he looked closer at her clearly embarrassed expression he knew that he had heard her correctly. As much as he found the mare attractive... okay, he found her extremely sexy, he couldn't imagine that he would take advantage of any mare for something as trivial as some cider. It went against everything he believed in, not to mention his sister Applejack would buck him to death if she found out about him forcing some poor mare to do such a thing. He opened his mouth to tell her that he was kidding, that of course he would send the cider over to her house, as long as Rainbow Dash was able to resist the urge to drink the alcohol herself. But for some reason, his brain wasn't in control of his mouth, and a completely different answer came out.


It was Big Mac's turn to cover his mouth with his hooves. Starshadow was taken aback by his answer, not expecting to agree to her deal at all, but she was not about to question him. She looked around the bar and saw that nopony was paying them much attention, and the bartender was busy serving another pony. Satisfied that nopony would see what she was about to do, she hopped off of her stool.

Big Mac thought for a second that she was going to leave, not that he could blame her. However, he was shocked when she hid behind the bar and lowered her head to his crotch and began licking his sheath.

"What are ya d- oooh." he tried asking. He didn't get to finish his sentence as his dick responded to her warm tongue and his shaft began to harden. He wanted to get her to stop as anypony who walked near them would be able to see her licking his cock but he was too scared of drawing attention to themselves should he speak up. Instead, he bit his lip as his cock grew harder and harder with each lick Starshadow gave him.

At first Starshadow could lick all the way from the base of his shaft to the tip, but as he grew bigger she soon found it impossible to continue doing so without starting to stand back up. 'Luna's flank, how big IS this stallion?' she thought as she began to suck on the tip of his shaft. Luckily for her Big Mac wasn't able to achieve a full erection due to his worries of being caught, but he was still bigger than most stallions that Starshadow had bucked before.

Large drops of precum began to leak out of his dick and Starshadow was happy to lap it all up. As his size got her curious, she decided to follow her instincts and began to take inch after inch into her mouth, wondering just how big he was and how much she could take. Big Mac let out a snort and kicked the side of the bar as she took his massive cock into her mouth, wrapping him in a hot wet paradise. It didn't take long before his member reached the back of her throat, and she closed her eyes and began taking more of him, feeling so full as his dick slid down her throat. She stopped when his cock was a few inches down her throat and reached where the largest stallion she had sucked off before had reached. She opened her eyes to see if she had taken all of him, but was caught off guard and started choking as she saw that she was maybe a little past halfway to taking all of him. Unable to breathe due to her lost concentration she quickly released his cock and gasped for breath.

Big Mac felt her release his cock and looked down in concern when he heard her gagging. "You okay?" he whispered down to her.

She didn't respond as she was staring at his semi-erect dick in wonder. She remembered that he still wasn't fully erect, and if she couldn't deep throat him while in this state, she may not even be able to take him in her other holes. The thought of her struggling to take this massive stallionhood inside of her slightly scared her, but it turned her on even more. 'Besides, if I stop now I won't get that cider later.' she thought.

Taking a deep breath of air, Starshadow began to take Big Mac's cock into her mouth once again. It didn't take long for her to reach her old limit, and she found that as she took another inch of his shaft into her throat the urge to gag was beginning to return. She clenched her eyes shut and shoved another inch down her throat, and then another, until she finally felt her muzzle touch his body. Though she was ecstatic that she had managed to swallow perhaps the largest pony cock in all of Equestria, she couldn't breathe at all. Her body tried swallowing to clear her airway but of course it did nothing for her. For Big Mac, he felt her entire throat massage his cock as she tried to swallow his meat, and out of instinct he bucked his hips forward ever so slightly. Mistaking the move as his way of telling her to suck him off, Starshadow continued to try to swallow his cock while also beginning to bob her head back and forth in quick bursts, trying her best to make him cum without gagging too much before she passed out from the lack of air.

Luckily for her the wait wasn't too long. Her expert technique proved too much for the stallion to handle and he silently groaned as his cock pulsed and his cum erupted from his dick. Starshadow froze as she felt Big Mac's cock throb in her throat as he came. She braced herself for the familiar feeling of his hot sticky cum to slide down her throat but it never came, yet she felt something being emptied into her stomach. It finally dawned on her that Big Mac was cumming almost directly into her stomach. The pulses from his cock continued for almost twenty seconds as more and more of Big Mac's cum was poured right into her stomach.

With his orgasm finally done and no room left in her stomach, Starshadow began to release Big Mac's cock from her mouth and throat. She let out an involuntary gurgle as his cock slipped free and she finally tasted his semen as his cock left a trail up her throat and in her mouth. Finally free of being impaled by him she gasped for breath, greedily sucking in much needed air as she refilled her lungs. Big Mac was also gasping for air, the orgasm Starshadow had given him being his first in a very, very long time.

As soon as she had recovered Starshadow gulped down the rest of her cider to clear her throat. "By Celestia, just how big are you?" she asked him in amazement.

Big Mac shrugged, not in modesty but to avoid scaring her. He didn't want to tell her how big he was or that almost every single one of his past marefriends had been scared off by his monstrous endowment. Starshadow was far from scared of his massive size. She was actually quite curious about just how big he did get and if she could take him in both of her holes. However, there was still another matter to attend to first...

"So, do we have a deal?" Starshadow asked Big Mac. "Will you sell me the cider and deliver it to me?"

Big Mac was more than willing to agree now. "Eeyup." he said with a large grin.

Starhadow hugged Big Mac. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" she said excitedly. "You're the best!"

The bartender came back over and refilled their drinks, and both ponies did their best to try to talk about anything besides what was on both of their minds. Their attempts didn't work too well, and it didn't help that the bar was due to close soon. Once again taking a chance, Starshadow downed the rest of the apple cider she had left looked at Big Mac. "Hey, um... you want to go back to my room and talk some more?" she asked.

Big Mac followed suit, downing his much stronger whiskey before nodding yes. Starshadow smiled seductively and led the way up to her room with Big Mac right behind her. As she climbed the stairs she lifted her tail slightly, giving the large stallion a clear view of her soaking wet slit as she thought of how much fun she was planning on having with him. Once at her room she opened the door and let Big Mac walk in first so she could steal a glance at his balls. She licked her lips as she saw the size of them and thought that he could probably fill an entire bathtub in one night. As she followed him inside she thought about Vinyl Scratch and her after-party at the club.

'Pfft... no way she's having as much fun as me.' she thought before closing the door behind her.

35: Hope, Part 2

"Next stop, Canterlot! Canterlot is the next stop!" The call from the conductor sounded through the train, and as the train pulled into Canterlot Station two ponies watched as a certain orange mare disembarked the train. Both ponies got up and...

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24: Surprise, Part 2

Despite his previous day of hard labor, as well as not having his usual tasks to complete today, Big Mac still woke up at his usual time out of habit. Stretching his hind legs, he found it a little odd that his entire body felt so refreshed and well...

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Sweet Dreams 4

The minutes after her mother left the room seemed like months to Sonya as she anxiously waited for the door to open again, bringing with it the boy that she so desperately crushed on. The boy that may or may not have introduced her to a whole new level...

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