[SotO] Chapter 4: Captured by the heat

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#4 of Shadow of the Oasis

It is december and here is the december Update for this story.


All characters in this story as well as the story are copyright by me (Imya). Please do not repost or use characters without permission. You may do fan art of the characters (this is very welcome) but please link the story to the fan art.

This story is pure fictional and meant for entertainment only. All actions and characters in the story are pure fantasy and in a fantasy world.

The age circle in this story does not follow human standards but the standards for each respective animal that was used as reference for the characters. For legal reasons all actors of this story are adults (in this fantasy world).

This story does contain sexual and erotic content of feral big cats also involving cubs and adolescent big cats of different species with an adult lion.

If you are under the legal age for your country (normally 18),feel offended by this or do not like this kind of content please do not read any further. For the rest: Please enjoy.

Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 4: Captured by the heat

Chuma licked over the tail base of Leta with a painful hard-on between his legs. The heat drove him crazy but he stopped himself from mounting the sleeping leopard. He knew that staying here in the den with all the heat scent waving around would torture him because Leta would sleep for a while now and respecting that she needed her sleep he did not allow himself to go with his urges. He could go out to clear his mind but right down the ramp were the cubs playing their game but he was not sure if he wanted to show around his erection. He also was not sure if he would be able to hold himself back when he came cross Kamaria and Aisha in his current state but he wanted to prevent showing all the other cubs how he took them. In his clouded mind he could not make a decision until he heard a soft and surprised voice.

"What are you doing in the den?" Chuma's head shot around to the entrance and he saw Bina, the 11 months old panther cub. She stared surprised at Chuma and Leta and her eyes transfixed between his legs where his enormous member was swaying.

"Erm... I was just helping her to get cleaned up and relax. She is pretty exhausted." Chuma tried to explain. "What are you doing here? Tired from playing with the others?" he tried to change the topic.

"I got hungry again." She replied but still looked at his hard member. "What is that?" she wanted to know and Chuma felt his blood rushing into his head when he followed her gaze. "This is my penis." He replied and before his reason stopped him he continued. "Do you want to observe it?" Right after saying that Chuma hoped Bina would refuse to observe his member. Even though she was older than Kamaria she still looked much more like a cub. She was a head smaller than the white lioness and the second smallest after Sanura. Her full body also still had the fat and chubby figure of a cub. It was rare for her age to not show any signs of becoming adolescent.

"Yes, I would love to." The little lion panther replied and Chuma remembered that she was by far the most curious cub of them. There was no helping it now and after all he would just let her observe his member. The scent around him pushed away his worries when he watched the little girl approach. He sat back and watched Bina sniffing at his big organ. Her nostrils quivered in his strong musk that mixed with the scent of Leta's heat into a mix that made Chuma very horny.

"You can lick it if you want." His voice sounded weird for Chuma. He did not even remember speaking before it was out and he was not able to take it back. His body reacted faster than his love crazy mind and before he even took in what he just said he already felt the small tongue wash over his malehood. Chuma moaned when the stimulation of the tiny organ hit the right spots. Bina licked over his shaft and sheath as well as around his orbs. She discovered the strange taste but seemed to not be disgusted. It took a minute until Chuma noticed that he did not clean himself after his last session with Leta and that the cub just licked off the remains of his semen and Leta's juices. This thought aroused him even more against his will. He watched the cub clean up the last traces of his semen in the fur around his member and then she discovered that a bit of pre was starting to seep out of his tip. Bina licked over the tip and licked it up just to see another drop exiting his member. She licked the tip a few times until she noticed that every time she did this just another drop replaced the first one and that it became more each time. Finally the cub came to the conclusion that licking would not work to remove it and took his tip into her muzzle without him utter a single word. He moaned strongly when she started to suckle on his tip gently and he closed his eyes to engulf in the wonderful blowjob by the cub. He forgot who was serving him right now and imagined Leta sucking him off while the heat scent around him added to the arousal and he came very close to his orgasm. Chuma shot his eyes open when he went over the top and climaxed into the muzzle of the young cub. He saw her gulping down the white liquid but it became too much for her small muzzle soon and she let his rod pop out of her muzzle. He sprayed his semen all over the young cub and covered the surprised Bina from head to the tuft of her tail with splashes of cum. She giggled and after gulping down what she had in her mouth she opened it wide in the try to catch a few of the last spurts before she licked the tip clean when his spurts subsided.

"That was funny." The small girl giggled and observed the sticky fluid in her fur. "But I am all sticky now." Chuma came down from his orgasm and looked at the cum-coated cub with a smile. His half limb member started to twitch by this sight and refused to shrink. "Yes, this can be quite messy. You did great there. Come here I will clean you up." To his surprise the cub trotted to him. She seemed to be not concerned about what happened. She seemed to think of it as a funny game. She also seemed to not mind the taste too much. Chuma bent down and started with the head of the cub and cleaned her with long and strong licks of his tongue. Bina started to purr and stretched out in front of him enjoying the welcome bath. He continued with her back and then her belly and when he ran his tongue over her dugs he noticed to his surprise that they were hard and erect. The scent around, his musk and his licks seemed to have awoken some kind of arousal in the kitten. He continued with her legs until he came to the tail, the base of the tail and her hind. He stopped for a moment when he noticed that the fur around her slit was damp. The little girl actually felt quite some arousal even though it was clear that she did not know what to make out of it. She started to moan softly when he ran his tongue over her slit.

"Does this feel good?" he asked and she purred back. "Yes, this tingles." He rolled her on her belly and started to clean her tail and then ran his tongue over her pussy again. The girl directly lifted to her paws and stretched the tail up to the ceiling of the cave. He had full access and a top view on her small pink girl parts. Mischief thoughts crossed his lust fogged mind but he still hung on a thread of reason and only continued to lick her pussy that was started to juice up more and get really wet from his saliva. Chuma's penis was rock hard again while he licked the little girl and made her moan. He wished Leta would wake up so he could take her but she seemed to be totally knocked out. The little Bina started to giggle now and then between her moans and it was clear that she liked this new game. Chuma started to feel that he stood beside himself. He did not have control over his body but just observed firsthand what it was doing. His mind realized the actions only a minute later but by then he was far further with his actions and clouded by the heavy scent and the innocent taste of Bina his mind did not urge him to stop. He did not know how many minutes passed when the little girl suddenly started to breathe really hard and moan loud. With a lustful cry she started to twitch around the tongue that Chuma just noticed he pushed inside her nearly up to her hymen. She now stood steadily on all four paws with her twitching tail still raised high and chirping moans with each huff. He pulled back and watched the pussy lips clench and spray her girl juices on the ground. Even though his next movement seemed like slow motion for him he was unable to stop himself. He slowly moved over her climaxing body feeling her tail brushing against his belly. When he was over her he noticed that he would not be able to bite down on her because she was too small and too short. He just stepped a bit more over her and crossed his paws in front of her chest. He already felt his penis being brushed by her tail now and then. By chance his head was very close to the hind of Leta right now and her intoxicating heat scent washed away the last traces of his reason. Before completely loosing himself he whispered in a voice that sounded very different than his normal voice: "Bina darling. This might hurt a bit but it will soon feel good so just bear with it, okay?" His body did not wait for the answer to his question. He crouched down so that the back fur of Bina brushed against his belly fur and he heard a surprised yipp from the cub when he descended. His tip brushed over her tail base and her tail hole until he could feel her still quivering wet cunt. There was no further hesitation in him. No further warning to the cub. Slowly he pushed forward moaning loud. His moan was even louder that the groan of the cub when he painfully pressed against her hymen while his forepaws pushed back against her chest and made sure she would not rush forwards or to the sides.

The 11 months old cub did not know what hit her. Her curiosity had made her observe the member of Chuma. She did not remember the boys of her killed pride and had been curious about this thing that she sometimes saw crawling out when Chuma peed for some time now. She remembered that she started to lick it by the suggestion of Chuma and the taste was strange but not too bad. It was salty and had a strong aftertaste. In her eager curiosity she even suckled on his tip until more of this strange liquid spurted into her muzzle and all over her. She could still taste it on her tongue. She enjoyed the bath of Chuma afterwards and suddenly felt a new feeling in her snatch when he licked her there. It was a nice tingle that went stronger with every lick until her whole body convulsed around his tongue and her mind was shaken by a wave of a feeling she had never experienced before. It was a nice one and left her in a daze. She only heard Chuma's voice very faintly next to her ear and then yipped when he suddenly was over her pressing his belly at her back.

She groaned strongly when she felt a sudden pain in her snatch that increased when the thing that intruded it pushed against a barrier inside her. Her mind was still clouded by her earlier orgasm which dulled the pain a bit but at the same time her pussy was oversensitive right now which mixed into a feeling of pain and arousal that confused the overwhelmed cub even more. She had her eyes closed and tears ran down her cheeks from the pain. She felt Chuma's paw push her back against the big rod that was pushed into her pussy and when the pain was at its climax she felt something break inside her and the intruder slipped a bit further into her passage. The pain dulled a bit but peaked again when she felt the big thing being pulled back. There were some kind of nails or barbs on it that raked her inside and her tunnel was sore in matters of seconds. Far away she heard her own growls and cries overpowered by a heavy moan above her but her mind slipped away in the confusing mix of pleasure and immense pain. The big meaty thing pushed back in but only managed to get a few millimeters further than before. It pulled back painfully and then pushed back in gaining a few millimeters at each additional push. She felt being torn apart in half with the rod that got thicker the further it moved in overstretching her tiny pussy. She just stood there helpless and unable to go anywhere, surrounded by Chuma and filled to the brim by his big dick.

The intruding organ poked at her cervix and the pain increased again for a few minutes which made Bina get a bit out of her clouded daze. She noticed that her muzzle was open and she was huffing strongly in exhaustion. Saliva was drooling out of her muzzle and mixed with the tears that were still dropping down from her cheeks. When her last defense was broken, the tip of Chuma's penis breached into her womb and she felt his hilt and balls colliding with her little snatch with a wet smack she let out a husky growl. She had no energy to scream anymore. Then something warm hit her womb and it lit up the pleasure and soothed the pain. Despite all the pain her body was highly aroused and after the third spurt she felt this strong waves of feelings run through her body again while her pussy and her love cavern started to twitch and squeeze the intruder that already was a tight fit. Her orgasm depleted the last of her energy and she leaned against the paw in front of her and her body relaxed. She did not fall down. She was held by the paw in front of her and the big member of Chuma that was stuck up to the hilt in the little cub. Her love tunnel still squeezed weakly around the heavy intruder and she felt really sleepy. She could not fall asleep though because the pain and these waves of arousal from her orgasm kept her on the edge to sleep.

Chuma could not stop to moan and enjoy the tight tunnel around his member that milked him of every spurt he could muster. He felt the cub relax as her energy vanished fast. He supported her front with his paw while he just held his member in her womb letting her weak spasms urge his last spurts into her. The husky and weak groans of the cub told him that she was still hanging in there even though she might drift off to unconsciousness soon. When his last spurt entered her womb his member did not go limb. Aroused by the tightness and the last squeezes he kept hard and even started to do very small movements. He did not pull enough to not rake her insides with his barbs but he pushed her hard against his hilt and his balls smacked against her wet clit every time he pushed. It did not take him long until he felt his balls contracting again and with strong spurts he added to the spunk in Bina's womb. Bina finally fell asleep exhausted but Chuma still stayed inside her and let his spurts fill her tiny womb. Her tunnel was so tight that the lock of his member and her cervix had yet to be broken and he could feel all his semen swim around his tip. Pulling out right now would scratch her tunnel very hard and wake her up and he wanted her to be able to rest so he just held his member deep inside her inner sanctuary and filled it with more of his fertile liquid.

His mind returned a bit but he still swam in the hormones and the arousal from the scent in the air and the tight grip around his member. He started very small and slow pushes again while he moved closer to Leta so he could lick her pussy. The taste of her heat had double the effect of the scent and he started to push a bit faster into the cub below him. The leopard moaned in her sleep but did not yet wake up and Chuma grunted with each push and felt his climax closing in very fast. One of his paws moved over the small belly of the cub and he noticed that she already had a small bulge. He could also feel his dick in her. She was so tight that he could feel it from the outside. The scent and the taste in addition to the strong pressure on his dick made him come even stronger as before and he felt with his paw how the spurts entered her already filled womb and bulged her belly out a bit more. He knew he had to pull out soon or else the cub would wake from the pain of being overstretched.

A stronger moan of Leta let Chuma look to her head and he met her gaze. His licking had woken up the leopard and her look showed that she was already burning in need. She seemed to not have noticed Bina yet as she only looked at him and then she rolled around, lifting her hind to invite him to mate. While continue to lick Leta's snatch he slowly pulled Bina off his spurting member. When the seal of her cervix was broken and semen flushed into her tunnel he found it easier to pull out. She groaned a bit and started to wake up from the pain of him scratching her insides but then he pulled a bit harder and was out of her. He carefully put her down on the floor under him while still spurting his semen all over the cub. Bina seemed to have fallen asleep again as her groan turned into a steady breath.

Leta did not notice any of this because she closed her eyes and enjoyed his licks. While still spurting Chuma stole a glance at the cub and saw her leaking large quantities of his spunk from her snatch while her belly deflated. Even though he was highly aroused right now from Leta's scent he still felt a bit guilty for taking advantage of the girl like that. His reason wanted to clean up the cub and have her snuggled safely in a corner but it was pushed aside by his urges and his horniness. His spurts subsided but his member while continue to twitch was still hard and ready again. He mounted Leta and totally forgot about Bina the moment he bit down on his leopard lover and pushed his rod into her. The heat that surrounded his dick made it melt and him forget all about the poor cub that lay behind them. He rutted Leta fast and returned to the never ending circle they had been in the last days. He took her again and again and she obtained quite a number of orgasms until he finally tired her out again. He saw the light through the waterfall getting darker and knew that the cubs would soon return from their game. Now that the heat scent diminished a bit his mind was clearer and he noticed the puddle of cum on the ground and the still cum coated sleeping Bina. "Poor girl, I am sorry for taking you like that." He whispered and started to clean the cub and also the floor. He did not want the others to notice what he was doing in the cave. This would only indulge questions and he was very much spent himself even without a horde of girls asking questions.

When he was finished cleaning he felt his dick erected hard again. His own taste and the returning scent of heat had made him pretty aroused again. He sighed and looked at Leta. She was sleeping nice and deep and he was sure she was exhausted right now. His gaze went to the cub Bina who was still sleeping as well. He fought against his urges. His reason made him pull back; cool down, maybe outside the cave. He put Bina next to Leta and stepped to the entrance of the cave. When he was just out a bit he saw that the other girls started to go up the ramp. It would still take them a minute to get here but there was nowhere to hide his erection. He could not get past them now. Without thinking about it he returned to the sleeping girls inside, pulled Bina up and held her in front of his big dick and pushed in carefully. The girl was in a very deep slumber so she only groaned a bit but did not wake up. Chuma lay down next to Leta on his side with his leg right over the hind of the cub and his own balls and hilt hiding the fact that he was inside her. He didn't know why he even entered the cub. He could have just lain down next to them without pushing himself inside her but his arousal and sex crazy instincts had decided in this time of emergency before his mind could catch up. He licked over the head and muzzle of the cub that now relaxed again because he was not pushing any further but just held his already throbbing dick inside her. Just a few seconds before he closed his eyes he heard the cubs enter the den. They were surprised by finding them asleep but Aisha directly made sure they were silent to not disturb their sleep. Chuma took in the scent of Leta and felt his spurts entering the womb of Bina again. He controlled himself hard to not moan and hint the girls to what he was doing. Soon he felt them cuddle up with him from all angles. Sanura squeezed herself between Chuma and Leta at his chest just above the sleeping Bina. The others cuddle up with his back or his head and Kani comfortably lay down on his hind and flank right above his spurting member that still pushed his last spurts into Bina. Chuma felt the arousal pike up again from their touch and knew that the poor Bina would be filled up hard again and he was possibly in for a few more shots. This time it would be far harder to pull out and clean her up without the others noticing it though. Before he finally fell asleep as well, the girls all were asleep he heard them already breathing slowly and steady. He had spurted inside Bina once more and his dick still refused to go limb. With the last spurts that he felt inside her womb filling it to the brim he also finally found his sleep and let himself being swallowed up by the darkness and a wonderful dream.

[SotO] Chapter 5: The sounds of the night

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 5: The sounds of the night Chuma woke up from a soft groan and a movement of Bina. The first thing he noticed when his mind slowly took note of his surroundings was the tight grip of her love tunnel around his member...

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[SotO] Chapter 3: Unexpected intruder

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 3: Unexpected intruder Kamaria did stay true to her promise and as far as Chuma knew she did not utter a single word about their adventure to the other cubs. She was a bit stiff for one or two days afterwards but...

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[SotO] Chapter 2: The moonlight

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 2: The moonlight For the next week it was hard for Chuma to hold in his urges. There were no more possibilities to bring up the topic with Aisha and he got the feeling that the cheetah female tried to avoid being...

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