[SotO] Chapter 2: The moonlight

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#2 of Shadow of the Oasis

My work keeps piling up and my life will be a bit more hectic (I will try to get an agent for my real books to finally publish something and maybe earn some money with this). I will try to keep up one release for this series every month though (and maybe a few extra now and then).

I hope you enjoy it.


All characters in this story as well as the story are copyright by me (Imya). Please do not repost or use characters without permission. You may do fan art of the characters (this is very welcome) but please link the story to the fan art.

This story is pure fictional and meant for entertainment only. All actions and characters in the story are pure fantasy and in a fantasy world.

The age circle in this story does not follow human standards but the standards for each respective animal that was used as reference for the characters. For legal reasons all actors of this story are adults (in this fantasy world).

This story does contain sexual and erotic content of feral big cats also involving cubs and adolescent big cats of different species with an adult lion.

If you are under the legal age for your country (normally 18),feel offended by this or do not like this kind of content please do not read any further. For the rest: Please enjoy.

Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 2: The moonlight

For the next week it was hard for Chuma to hold in his urges. There were no more possibilities to bring up the topic with Aisha and he got the feeling that the cheetah female tried to avoid being alone with him. Every time there were other cubs with her and as he did not want to do it in the open in front of them he did not try to advance on her again. He also did not know if she avoided being alone with him on purpose. Her behavior towards him did not change much. Only when he could not control himself and his member slipped out a bit in her presence she seemed a bit shy and reserved towards him. He forcing himself upon her had been an experience that she still seemed to try to understand and get on terms with. But he felt that his actions did not make her hate him. She still enjoyed cuddling up with him at night or showing affection in rubbing her head or licking his face. Fighting his urge to mate her was harder now than before because he had tasted from the forbidden fruit and his hormones went crazy when he indulged his thoughts into the memory of their mating. He would leave the den at night sometimes to get fresh air and cool down because lying next to her and taking in her innocent scent made his member creep out a lot of nights.

The same happened this night. He had woken up with a hard member and noticed that in his sleep he moved around and his head was close to the hind of Aisha. He wondered why he was so turned on taking that none of the girls was in heat and they would not be for a long time. He even started to lick her tail until he snapped out of this and stood up. He was confused about his arousal towards the adolescent cheetah. He quickly exited the den to get a fresh drink and fresh air to cool down. The moon stood bright and round in the sky and he stood at the sea looking into the reflection of the moon in the water. Without him noticing his thoughts went back to Aisha and their mating. He remembered the tightness around his dick and the taste on his tongue. He moaned softly and a bit of pre dripped down from his erect member.

"Why have you gone outside?" Chuma nearly jumped into the water by the sweet voice of Kamari and turned around. The white cub stood there looking at him. Her fur seemed to glow a bit in the moonlight. Despite her being just 8 months she was pretty big for her age. She was just a bit smaller than Aisha but this also came from her being a lioness and lions being bigger than cheetahs even when they were grown up. She seemed a bit more studier and bulkier than the cheetah.

"Oh, I just wanted to have a drink." He tried to avoid the question. "Did I wake you up Sweetheart?" The cub shook her head. "No, I was awake already and then saw you leaving the den." Chuma hoped the cub did not see what he did before leaving the den. He also tried to calm down but now that he focused on his heart beat he noticed that he still had an erection. To hide it he jumped into the water with a splash that rushed even over the cub next to him and made her wet. He felt the member slowly retracting in the water and sighed in relieve.

"Why did you splash me wet?" the cub asked and when he looked at her she was wet from head to toe. "I am sorry Kamari. I just felt like taking a bath in the moon." He replied. The night was rather cold and he already saw the cub shivering. "Come here, I will clean you up. Sorry about that." He offered Kamari and stepped out of the water shaking off the excess water and sprinkling more of it over Kamari. The shivering cub took him up by this offer and after also shaking of a bit of the water she moved to him and purred when he started with her head and licked away the water with his tongue.

Chuma licked her clean carefully and the massage of his tongue warmed her up and when he was at her flanks she was not shivering so strong anymore. When he licked the belly he felt the dugs softly under the wet fur. He continued with the flanks until he reached her rear. He gulped when he was finished with her tail and started to clean the wet fur around her tail-hole. His nose was close to her snatch when he cleaned the legs and a faint innocent smell tickled his nostrils that reminded him of Aisha. It was a bit different, sweater and more faint than for the cheetah but he could not prevent himself from looking at her slit. Even though the moon was shining bright he could not see much of the pink flesh. Mostly he saw the wet fur around it glowing white. He gulped again while he continued to clean the legs leaving the dripping fur around her nethers for now. He tried to get his head straight but pictures of Aisha popped up in his mind and he felt his member sneaking out again.

His head finally traveled back to finish the job around her hind and when his tongue ran over the wet fur around her vagina he unconsciously also let it run over her slit. The cub did not seem to notice the change of his licking and that he started to focus on her nether lips at the beginning. She constantly purred and her shivering stopped. After a few minutes with him licking over her cunny again and again he noticed a very faint innocent taste and that her baby clit poked out a bit. Just now he noticed very low moans between the purrs of the cub. She seemed to not understand what was going on but enjoying it at the least. Chuma actively inhaled her innocent smell and started to push his tongue a bit into her snatch earning a louder moan. His member started to constantly dripping pre again and his mind went off letting his instincts take over again. He fought the urges for a few more minutes while his tongue reached the barrier of her hymen inside her little pussy and explored the now erect clit of the cub. Her lips started to clench slightly from the arousal and finally Chuma lost all of his restraint. He forgot that Kamaria was the second youngest cub with only 8 months. He slowly advanced towards her head running his head along her flanks making her purr. She continued to purr when he licked her head and her ears and then her neck. She still did not change her purr when she softly bit down at her neck preparing to hold her. He felt her body tensing up when he reinforced his grip at her neck as of now the endorphins would begin their travel and she would not move anymore. He could smell his own scent mixing with hers at her neck from his earlier bath and behind all this his own strong musk waving towards his head from the back. Kamari started to look up surprised when he started to move over her and she felt his heavy body atop of hers but he did not bother to give explanation or risk to let go of her neck.

He heard a slightly frightened growl when his penis touched and parted her wet virgin folds. Her eyes looked up into his and her expression showed that she was confused and scared but Chuma did not stop. Slowly he pushed further inside parting her lips with his tapered dick until he softly hit her hymen. Her growl grew stronger but he did not stop. He took a new footing and pushed stronger making her start to cry and then with a shriek of the girl he pushed through her hymen robbing her virginity. The lust crazed lion did not regard the crying girl under him. Like with Aisha before he totally was lost in the pleasure of taking a tight female. He came to a halt at her cervix and made her groan and cry louder when he pulled back and scratched her with his barbs. With Kamaria, also because she was much tighter and the pain made her clench hard around him, he went very slow which increased the pain for the poor cub. He slowly pumped in and out of the tight passage a few times and the tunnel that slowly lubricated with fluids began to let him in more easily. A few minutes later he did not stop with the cervix but pushed strong forward piercing through her last defense. With another shriek followed by a sobbing cry he entered her small womb and on the spot started to inseminate her. While tears ran down her eyes and her sobbing got more and more silent he finally released her neck and started to lick her neck, her head and her nose from above while his balls contracted again and again pushing more and more semen inside the small chamber deep inside of Kamaria.

"I am sorry sweatheart." He whispered while he felt a few more spurts pushing into her womb. "I know this must have hurt but I could not help it. You were so damn cute." He smiled and licked over her face. He was so much bigger than her that he easily could bend his head down and licker her throat, her head and her face. He cleaned the tears that dropped from her eyes and licked over the crest on her forehead. The cub seemed to be in some kind of shock from the pain and did not move but just looked up to him and he looked down into her eyes before gently napping at her neck while his last spurts entered her cavern.

"You did very well for your first time my dear." He whispered and licked over her ears and neck while he took in her sweet scent that was underlined by his musk and the fresh scent of their combined juices. His member, that just had started to soften up, twitched and arousal struck Chuma making his member rock hard again.

"The next round will be less painful for you, I promise." He whispered. His mind was half clear now but still he felt no guilt. He just felt love, affection and a need for the lioness under him. With his member still deep inside her he nibbled at her neck and then softly bit down again before he started to pull back and get into a slow rhythm of in and out again while the cub under him started to growl and groan again. But it was clear that her sore tunnel did not resist as much as before and also that her pain faded a bit. Even though Chuma was not sure if she felt pleasure from this already he did not care at this moment. Moaning and grunting he moved in and out of the white cub slowly making sure his whole length was pulling out until his tip was just between her lips and then back all the way in to the hilt. Her nether-lips where shivering but Chuma was unable to identify if this was because of pain or lust. While holding her pinned down at her neck he looked into the deep eyes of the cub that started to fill with tears again. Her growl and groans were very low now and only tuned up a bit when he pulled back and scratched her sore tunnel with his barbs. Chuma could hear the slurping sound of her vagina each time he moved and felt her liquid and his cum that escaped her womb run down his shaft, to his balls and then dripping on the ground. He began to purr under his moans and grunts and enjoyed every push into her little snatch. Her young age and that her body was not yet fully grown did not matter for Chuma. Also that she was still feeling afraid and was in pain was of no concerns for him. He enjoyed his tight girl with every push and his nostrils quivered heavily taking in the scent of their love making.

He took much longer this time to come. He took his time and went slowly and when he finally was at his climax again he stayed in her to the hilt and just pumped her full of his fertile seed. He knew that he had even less chance to knock Kamaria up than he had with Aisha but for the lust crazed lion making cubs was not his intention at this moment. The pressure on his tip increased with every spurt and he released her neck, started to lick her tears away again and with one paw ran over her belly. He was not sure but he could swear that it bulged a very slight bit. He felt at least his last spurts through the skin under her belly fur and purred into her ear. After his splashes subsided he waited inside her until his member slowly went soft and licked her face during the whole time. The little lioness seemed to be in a trance not moving and just letting him wash her face. When his member slipped out of her snatch followed by a small stream of his cum he nudged her shoulder until she lay down to the side under him. He rolled her on her back and turned around dangling his cum coated sacks and sheath with the retracted penis over her nose and crouching down enough to have it touch her nose pads. He could feel her breath and hear her taking in his strong musk while he watched how his cum oozed out of her snatch and over her tail-hole and tail.

Something cold, wet and slimy hit Kamaria's nose. A strong musk weaved around her head making her head swim even more. She did not know what happened and her vision was still a bit blurry from her tears. Chuma had cleaned her up and some strange feeling in her belly started it all. She remembered that she had not been able to hold back some moans before she suddenly felt a small piercing pain in her neck and then a shudder that ran through her body. After this Chuma had been over her and when she just noticed his heavy body atop of her the pain had started. She did not remember much afterwards other than pain. It all started with a strong pain, moved over to a dull pain and then something warm and slimy entered a chamber inside her she never knew she had. Between her growls and groans and cries she did not remember much more than the pain that returned but with each time it was weaker. Then whatever had been in her pussy was removed and she suddenly was on her back and felt something slimy ooze out of her snatch and over her tail-hole and tail base. It felt strange but her snatch also tingled a bit and for the first time she felt something different than pain. The warm slime soothed the burning tunnel a bit and made it feel strange. She did not know yet if this feeling was nice or disturbing. She was very confused already when a wet and musky thing hit her nose.

"Why don't you lick it clean?" she heard the purring low voice of Chuma. Before her mind reacted her tongue was out taking a testing lick over the sheath above her. The slime tasted salty and she did not like the taste at all. She wanted to stop but the wet thing was pressed at her nose again. "Continue please. You are doing great." Chuma comforted her and even though she did not like the taste or the musk she followed his request. The last months he had become something like a father figure or a big brother for her. She trusted him and even though she did not understand why he wanted her to lick this disgusting slime up there had to be a reason. She could feel his breath on her wet pussy lips and tail-hole. He seemed to sniff at her private place but he did not clean up the slimy mess at her nethers.

Kamaria ran her little tongue around the sack, along the sheath and tried to clean the fur completely from the liquid. The more she licked off from this stuff the less she liked it. But at the same time her body seemed to start tingle from the taste and the musk and even though she felt like puking her throat emitted a low purr and she felt her pussy clench squeezing out a bit more of this ooze that then ran over her tail to the ground. Something emitted from the sheath above her, something thick and long. Without thinking about what it might be she just also licked along it because it also had a thin layer of this disgusting slime. She felt a tongue lick over the dugs at her belly and in a strange way it send little tingles through her body. Her dugs were erect and a shiver went through her body every time Chuma licked over them. When Kamaria opened her muzzle again she suddenly felt a pointy tip being pushed past her lips.

"Don't bite but just suckle on it please!" she heard Chuma who was moaning. The confused cub did not know what this all meant but she complied to this request as well and started to suckle on the meaty thing that pushed deeper inside her and went bigger from the tip. The taste of this slime filled her full muzzle and so she was unable to tell if there was a different taste for this meaty thing. She just continued while Chuma made her purr from his licks over her teats. The meaty rod was pushed forwards and back and Kamaria soon had it coated good with Saliva. Small barbs massaged over her tongue but it was not painful. Then suddenly it slipped past her throat and deep inside which made Kamaria gag. She felt the furry sacks that she just recently cleaned press against her nose and the strong musk filled her nostrils while she gaged and tried to get this thing out of her throat. It would not move no matter how much she tried to push it out and soon the gaging around it stopped as her throat started to get used to the meaty intruder. Tears blurred her vision again as she saw the stars above swimming in them. Then she felt the thing in her throat twitch and something filled her food canal and went into her stomach. It felt warm and gooey. After a few twitches the big intruder was slowly pulled back and when it pulled over the entrance of her throat the slimy liquid filled her muzzle to the brim and the disgusting and strange taste filled it again. Kamaria was not sure if she wanted to gulp down this slime but more and more gushed into her muzzle and so on reflex she just gulped hard and felt it travel to her stomach with the rest. The aftertaste was even worse and Kamaria nearly puked from the taste when the big intruder was removed and fresh air waved around her nose finally freeing her from this heavy musk. She slowly calmed down and closed her eyes while she tried to understand what this all was about. She felt a nudge at her shoulder again.

"Stand up Kamaria. I am sure this will now feel a lot better." She realized it was Chuma's voice but she still did not understand what he was referring to. She opened her eyes and complied by slowly standing up. She felt the slime that still oozed out of her snatch drop by drop now running down her legs. Chuma was next to her. He licked over her head and ears again and then there was this little pierce in her neck and the tingling feeling that followed it before already. She tried to move but her body would not listen. At the same time she felt his heavy body moving atop of her again and something poke at her slimy entrance. It did not hurt as much as before when the big member of Chuma stretched her pussy again to the limits. Helped by the slimy lube in her tunnel he slipped right into her womb hilting inside her. She felt his sack smack against her pussy and then he started with a faster rhythm than before. The feeling for her was a strange combination of burning and a nice tingle. Her mind slipped away and she felt and heard all as if it was not her feeling it or emitting the sounds but someone else. She heard herself moan and pant hard while the rigid member pushed in and out of her used tunnel. There was no barrier to hit anymore. Her hymen was torn and her cervix wide open to welcome the intruder. She felt a feeling dwelling up inside her that heated up her body. Then Chuma came to a halt and more of this liquid was poured into her. Kamaria lost the sense of time. She just felt him enter her again and again, filling her with this mysterious slime and then either staying inside her until he started to pump again or pulling out and licking her head until he pushed it in again. She could not tell how many times he filled her inner chamber. Sometime along the way a sudden strange feeling exploded inside her making her twitch with her whole body and clench around the intruder. If Kamaria had to decide it was a good feeling but she never felt something like this before and in her dazes and confused state it just added to the confusion. Chuma seemed to love the feeling of her clenching around her. He roared and more of his semen splashed inside her soon after.

Even though Chuma could feel the pressure on his tip because he came the third time in a row inside her he did not pull out. The feeling of her tunnel milking his cock was just too wonderful. When he checked her belly it was now without a doubt slightly bulged and he felt the spurts inside with his paw pads. He was surprised by the endurance of Kamaria. She was 6 months younger than Aisha but held up much longer already. It was true that she also took much longer for her first orgasm but Chuma still felt no sign of exhaustion in her. He stayed hilted inside her until his last spurts subsided. Her body sure received all the pleasure by now and even after his semen stopped gushing inside her he felt her walls twitch and milk his member. Even though he did not move but just was hilted and licked her neck he did not go flaccid. Her clenching tunnel and womb kept him aroused and after a few minutes he started to pump again. He did not want to believe how young his mate was. Sure she had the size of a one year cub but her mind hardly was that far already. Chuma showed her a glimpse of the adult world but from her expression she did not understand any of this and she seemed rather confused. Chuma started to move again and her cute moans and huffs sounded just a bit tired when he established a fast rhythm. His own semen was a good lubricant. When he came next he pulled out right afterwards because the pressure became too much and he felt the sperm flood over his member and balls. He looked up to the moon and noticed that it was on the edge of leaving for this night. They had been at it for longer than he thought and it would take only an hour or two till sunrise. He did not want the others to find out about this night with Kamaria. They needed to clean up soon and go back to bed.

"Kamaria! I think it is time that you clean yourself up and we go back, right?" he whispered and it took him two more repetitions of it until the cub seemed to understand. She slowly came down from her orgasm and her mind started to clear up a bit with every minute. "Make sure that nothing is dripping from your slit anymore." He requested while sitting back and watching the cub starting to lick her own tail-hole, tail base and nether region. The expression of the cub while she was lapping over her pussy and taste more of the semen that pushed out made clear that she did not like the taste. Every time she licked over her pussy new semen was pushed out from inside. This view made Chuma hard again but he stopped himself from mounting her again because then she would never be able to finish her task. Instead he moved over her and pushed his erect dick and dripping balls into her face. "How about you clean me up as well?" he asked and to his surprise the cub just complied. When his nethers were clean he pushed the tip of his hard member between her lips and into her muzzle. Without him utter any word she began to suckle on the tip and Chuma controlled himself to not push it all the way into her throat. He just stood there moaning while the cub nursed at his member like on the teat of her mother. It did not take long for him to come down with a climax again and filling her muzzle with his spunk. He heard her gulp down the slimy load and stepped back letting the cub continue to clean herself. He showed her how to scoop out the semen from her pussy with her tongue and soon the cub was not only licking at her pussy but pushing the tongue inside to get the job done faster. After a couple of minutes finally no spunk leaked out of her and her fur was completely cleaned up. She rose to her paws and Chuma inspected her snatch. It was slightly open and he still noticed a faint smell of his musk from it. He was sure that there was still semen deep inside her womb sealed by her cervix but it would at least not leak out and give reason for questions. Chuma controlled himself hard to not jump atop of her again. The view of her tiny pussy slightly open and glistering from her own saliva was just too arousing but they had no time for that now. He moved to her head and licked over her ear before he whispered into it.

"This will be our secret, okay Kamaria? Do not tell the others about this." The cub looked at him with big eyes and nodded after a few seconds. "Good girl. Now back to sleep or else we won't be able to wake up with the others." Side by side the two went back to the cave. All the other cubs were still sleeping and they cuddled up with each other before closing their eyes. Chuma took a deep breath and the smell of all the girls around him soothed his mind. He started all this as a babysitter for the cubs but when he looked over them one last time before laying down and closing his eyes as well he found that even this had its opportunities. He just needed to make sure not to overdo it with Aisha or Kamaria and regard that they were still very young and not fully grown and in addition that they were not in heat.

[SotO] Chapter 3: Unexpected intruder

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 3: Unexpected intruder Kamaria did stay true to her promise and as far as Chuma knew she did not utter a single word about their adventure to the other cubs. She was a bit stiff for one or two days afterwards but...

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[SotO] Chapter 1: A new home

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 1: A new home Chuma sat on top of his favorite rock next to the waterfall and watched the cubs play near the water. Behind him the small path at the cliff went up and behind the waterfall where their cave was...

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