[SotO] Chapter 3: Unexpected intruder

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#3 of Shadow of the Oasis

A bit later than I wanted to air this but here is the next part. The next chapters will also include a lot of action. I hope you enjoy it.


All characters in this story as well as the story are copyright by me (Imya). Please do not repost or use characters without permission. You may do fan art of the characters (this is very welcome) but please link the story to the fan art.

This story is pure fictional and meant for entertainment only. All actions and characters in the story are pure fantasy and in a fantasy world.

The age circle in this story does not follow human standards but the standards for each respective animal that was used as reference for the characters. For legal reasons all actors of this story are adults (in this fantasy world).

This story does contain sexual and erotic content of feral big cats also involving cubs and adolescent big cats of different species with an adult lion.

If you are under the legal age for your country (normally 18),feel offended by this or do not like this kind of content please do not read any further. For the rest: Please enjoy.

Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 3: Unexpected intruder

Kamaria did stay true to her promise and as far as Chuma knew she did not utter a single word about their adventure to the other cubs. She was a bit stiff for one or two days afterwards but after a week she was just the same old cub as before. Chuma was not sure if her mind understood everything that happened but he did not press the issue and left her to play and recover with the others. Unlike Aisha Kamaria seemed not to behave differently and also Aisha seemed to be more relaxed around him again. It was nearly as if both these events never happened and he decided to not bring it up for now. Although he felt aroused a few times when they passed him and he was pent up very fast he hid his erection and controlled his urges. He did not want to take advantage of the two girls again. Three weeks passed since this night and the life went its normal routine. He went for a hunt every few days and watched them play in between.

It was a wonderful morning and Chuma silently sneaked through the jungle. He was on the search for a new prey. Even though they had still enough he liked to bring something fresh for them. Their food would most likely just last until this evening and depending on what he would catch, it would save him from going on a hunt the next day. Suddenly his ears perked up when he heard something else in the bushes and a scent tickled his nose. He stood silently and watched the clearing that started a few steps further. A small okapi was eating some leaves at the edge of the clearing. While he watched it he saw something sneaking through the high grass behind the okapi. He could see an orange fur with black markings that were bigger than the ones of Aisha. Some of them looked a bit like rings. Chuma never had seen a Leopard before but he was sure that this was one of these predators. He observed the hunt of the other big cat while crouching down to hide himself. Just a moment before the leopard was in range to attack the okapi the prey seemed to have noticed it. With a wild turn it looked back discovering the leopard and then fled right into the bushes leaving the leopard behind. The luck was with Chuma as the okapi directly ran in front of him and he only needed to pounce it with a strong leap and kill it with a bite in its neck. After the kill he went out into the clearing to greet the stranger that now sat back displeased with the luck of the hunt and licked the paws.

"Good morning." Chuma greeted the leopard that winced and looked at him shocked. Chuma picked up the smell of the leopard which told him that she was a female. She was around the same size than Kamaria but Chuma heard that this was the normal size for a female leopard that was fully grown. She seemed to be very young and inexperienced taken from the facts that she let her prey escape and did not notice him coming.

"I am Chuma. Are you new here?" the leopard still looked at him but her expression changed as she realized that he was friendly. He could not blame her for being scared at first taken that he was double her size. "I am Leta and yes, I just arrived yesterday." She replied. Chuma could hear her stomach growl and wondered when she last caught something to eat. "May I invite you to a meal? Our cave is very close by and we still have something left." Leta seemed to think about the offer for a short time but the growling of her stomach made the decision for her. "Sure, lead the way." She finally replied and Chuma took the lead. He picked up the okapi that Leta let go before and from her expression she was a bit unsatisfied that he seemed to have killed it so easily. He led Leta all the way to the waterfall. The cubs were playing at their usual place but Chuma just guided the leopard along the path to the cave behind the waterfall without disturbing them in their game. He placed the okapi on the side of the rest of their morning meal, a few smaller animals, and turned to Leta. "Help yourself and take a fill. There is enough here. It is just me and the cubs you saw at the lake." Leta did not wait for a second invitation. Chuma wondered how long it had been since she ate something. She cleaned the plate of the leftovers while Chuma observed his guest. Despite being just a bit bigger than Kamaria the leopard was lither and her muscles seemed to be stronger. These were clear signs that she was already completely grown up. Even though Chuma never saw a leopard before from what he knew this female was most likely around 2 years. Just at the brink of leaving her home but not very experienced yet. While he observed her eating he noticed that like Aisha she had the habit to raise her tail while eating. He noticed an overpowering scent and when he looked at her glistening pussy he knew that the girl was in heat. Maybe this scent had given her away for the okapi before. Chuma was not sure why he missed the smell before. He took a deep breath and felt his body warm up from the strong smell. Given the fact that she still hunted and downwind too gave away that she was indeed not very experienced and that this was for sure her first heat. Leta was so focused on the meal that she did not notice him circling around her, putting his nose close to her nethers and take in the intoxicating smell. He purred and felt his member creep out of its sheath already. Being on the edge for the last three weeks did not do much for his self-control. He had been able to suppress the urges the last weeks but with a kitten in heat right in front of him it was too much to ask. He moved next to her and observed her open and unprotected posture and neck. It took him a second to bite down and move atop of the smaller cat. She froze in her tracks while he felt her body being shaken by shivers from the endorphin traveling through her body. He took in her heavy scent through his nose before bringing his member closer to her pussy. When the tip was caught in her soaked and hot nether lips he pushed forward hard robbing her off her virginity and breaching her cervix in one go. Her inner tunnel was lubricated well by her own hot fluid that directly started to flow more when he entered. She shrieked when he pierced through her hymen and groaned and growled while he started to pull back and push in. He pumped a few times but the hot and wet passage aroused him much stronger than the females that were not in heat. The smell certainly did its job for this as well and after a minute he already pushed all the way to the hilt stretching the small pussy to its limits and then started to inseminate the kitten in heat with strong spurts. The quantity of his spunk that he pushed out felt like it was at least twice as much as normal. The heat of Leta had him in overdrive and he grunted and moaned while he filled her womb with his cubs.

When he dismounted her he had to evade a swipe from the leopard and retreated back to the entrance of the den. Leta first tried to rush out of the entrance but it was blocked by him. Instead she started to roll on the ground before she got up again. He knew that all this was just instinct of her because her eyes looked like she did not get at full terms with what happened yet. She sat down and cleaned herself but soon after she stood up again with her tail rose up to the ceiling. The heat was making her put up the best position for Chuma to take advantage of her again and he did not wait for her to notice that. He was next to her and before she could react he bit down her neck again and was atop of her. She was as tight as Kamaria but her tunnel was more slippery from her own heat that even the cum-coated tunnel of Kamaria had been. The feeling of gliding back and forth through the hot and wet tunnel was like heaven for Chuma. He hammered her hard until he spurted new semen deep inside her and he felt that she also reached an orgasm and started to milk him dry. When he pulled out she swiped at him again but he was prepared for that by now. They entered a never ending circle with her rolling on the ground, cleaning herself, getting up and him then mounting her again. After a few times she had given in to the heat completely and started to even present for him each time and he took the offer and pumped her full with his cubs until she was leaking his spunk every time he pulled out. Her groans turned into high pitched chirps and moans while her breath became ragged and fast. Even though she got more and more exhausted she still presented for him a few minutes after he pulled out. Chuma enjoyed to ride the heated pussy and got lost himself in the sexual overdrive. He started to help her clean up and actively licked her pussy until she got up and he could mount her again. He spurted inside her a lot. He only knew it had been far over ten times but he lost count in his pleasure. Finally her energy got depleted. Her heat seemed satisfied for now and she did not get up even after he nudged her a few times.

Leta tried to catch her breath while she moaned softly under the licks of Chuma who tried to get her into mating position again. Slowly she gained back her mind. She did not remember most of the last hours. This morning she had felt the burning itch inside her vagina increasing that had bothered her the last two days already. Everything had been so difficult for her, even hunting. She lost her prey but she found a nice lion who invited her to a snack. The last thing she remembered was that she had eaten her fill but then he was suddenly atop of her and bit into her neck. Unable to move she had felt immense pain in her snatch as he deflowered her and then a rush of hot liquid in her womb. Funny enough it both lit up and soothed the itch inside her. She remembered swiping at him by instinct and then cleaning her nether lips. The taste of his semen had been arousing and alluring and her mind slipped away more and more and before she could cope with the situation she stood there again with him atop and humping away at her. The first few times still hurt a lot but soon she moaned in pleasure. Her heat controlled her action and his dick and seed was exactly what her heat wanted. Her tunnel soon was burning and tingling in a good way and her mind went crazy in lust and pleasure. She could not remember every time he came inside her. She did however the numerous times she reached her own climax because her mind got a bit lighter and clearer in the few mating sessions after her climax until her over sensitive pussy made her go into a crazy heat driven mewling daze again. As a lion he was far bigger than she imagined a leopard lover but her pussy got used to the stretching pretty fast. It was as if her passage was made just for him and her heat called for his attention all the time. Leta's mind clearly lost to her heat by far. Her instinct won over her reason. It did not matter that he was a lion. He was the one male that was making her tingle. He was the one male that would ensure that she had strong cubs. Her body kept up with him until her legs would not support her to get up.

Now she lay down there and even if she wanted to comply with his demands for her to get up her legs would not listen. He licked over her hind and started to lick at her pussy. She looked to the side where his strong musk intoxicated her with lust. She was unable to get up but she could at least show him that she did not refuse him because she did not want him. Without a second thought she pushed her nose between his legs and against his erect penis. She licked the semen from the rod and the sheath and also started to clean his balls while she heard him moan in pleasure. Her heat influenced mind welcomed the taste of his semen and she started to suckle on his dick while he scooped out the rest of his semen out of her tunnel and cleaned her backside from any traces. Soon his licks stopped and he just stood there and let her suck him off. She took in his strong musk with long breaths. Her breath was now more relaxed and she slowly felt the tension fall down from her muscles. A few minutes later Chuma started to push into her muzzle slowly. He did not push past her throat but his tip touched it a few times and Leta had to fight against the gagging reflex. After a few minutes he finally erupted inside her muzzle. She was so surprised from the sudden spurts that she got it into the trachea and had to cough it up. Because spurts were still following the first one she sneezed out a mouth full through her nose but she directly started to gulp down the following spurts and soon was actively suckling and drinking his cum. His strong musk now filled her nostrils even more because cum coated the inside of her nose. After his spurts subsided he pulled back his member and she directly licked his rod and tip clean as well as the fur where cum that exited her nose had splashed. He turned around and licked over her face and nose to clean her from all remains. Leta purred and closed her eyes. His licks were so caring and soft that she felt well protected and a warm feeling of affection dwelled up inside her for this lion who was nearly a stranger for her. Her heat let her forget that she just met him a few hours ago. She already felt comfortable and close to him and when she laid down her head on her forelegs and started to doze off, she already had submitted to him completely.

Chuma watched the sleeping leopard. Destiny was generous to send him a female in heat. He enjoyed every second of the ride on top of this leopardess but he also felt that his energy was on the verge of depleting. The light that got through the waterfall told him that the sun was setting already because the waterfall was poured into a dark red color. With a last look at his sleeping mate he exited the cave to check for the cubs. They just started to run up the path led by Aisha. Chuma waited for them to arrive at the cave and went back in together with Aisha. They were all surprised by the sleeping leopardess and a bit wary.

"Don't worry girls. She is okay. This is Leta and I invited her to join us. I am sure you will soon be best friends." Chuma still did not know if Leta would really stay. He was sure that after their session she would at least stay for as long as her heat was still strong but leopards were normally not living in prides so he was not sure if she would stay until her cubs were born. On the other side he had a lot to offer her. Aside from protection and a comfy and safe den he would keep her well satisfied with food and the sea had enough water to drink for all of them. He sensed that the other girls still were a bit wary around her but they trusted him enough to not be afraid. He lay down next to Leta and the others cuddled up with him from all different angles after eating their fill from the leftovers. He felt the purring of 6 kittens vibrating around him and with a purr he placed his head over the shoulders of Leta and closed his eyes. His nostrils flared from the scent of heat that drafted around the leopardess. It was a bit weaker now that she had a long and hard fuck as well as a good bath from him but for the male it was still intoxicating and it kept him from sleep for a few more hours before he finally drifted into the dreamland while his erect member lay hard between his belly and the ground.

In the middle of the night Chuma woke up. The scent of the heat was heavy around him and his member hurt from being hard and pressing against the ground. Carefully to not wake anyone up he got up and turned to the exit of the den. At the opening he turned around seeing Kamaria following him with her eyes. He winked and she also got up and trotted to him. "Where are you going?" she whispered and he looked to the others to make sure they were not disturbing them. "I am just going to relieve myself. I will be back soon." He replied and turned to go but Kamaria was faster and dashed in front of him on the path. "I will come with you. I also need to pee." She said and Chuma smiled. The cub probably just waited for someone to go out because she did not want to go alone. "Well then lead the way." He said and followed her.

Leaving the heavy scent of the heat behind and feeling the cold wind was clearing up Chuma's mind. From the looks of it Kamaria also seemed to breath lighter now and Chuma was not sure if she really needed to go to the bushes or if the heavy air inside was just suffocating for her. He was sure they had picked up the scent by now even though they might not know what it was. Chuma's dick still stood erect and pre dripped down from its tip to the ground. Just thinking about the heat of Leta kept Chuma aroused and horny. He followed Kamaria very close until they reached the small plateau where he usually laid down to watch over the cubs. She stopped suddenly in the middle of the plateau to look back to him. Because he was following her very close his nose bumped into her hind and slipped under her tail. His nose pads hit a slightly wet pussy. The heat seemed to have had an effect on Kamaria even though she did not notice. Still in his thoughts about Leta Chuma did a long probing lick over it cleaning up the innocent juices and making Kamaria raise her tail high from the sudden unexpected pleasure. It was too hard for Chuma to control himself. He was still highly aroused by the smell in the den and the taste of her fluid just heightened that arousal. Before the cub could grasp the situation he was already above her and bit down at her neck. His dick smeared pre over her pussy that quivered in anticipation and then he pushed in the first time all the way to her womb. She was wonderfully tight and her own liquid and his pre made her slippery. Chuma did not go slow like he did with her before but directly went at a fast pace making her huff and moan strong. She was a little bit lower than Leta and her pussy was tighter and less lubricated but Chuma closed his eyes and imagined taking the leopard in heat right now. He was pent up with urges from the night surrounded by the heavy heat smell. At this moment Kamaria was just a relieve for him. A substitution pussy to shoot his loads until his horniness would die down. The cub could do nothing than breath heavily, moan, chirp and groan now and then because her snatch started to burn. Chuma did not even dismount for the first few climaxes but just pushed into her while spurting her womb full of his sperm. After his fifth release he finally stopped hilted in her and opened his eyes. The cub just had her tongue dangle out of her muzzle and her ragged breathing was accompanied with low moans. He felt his balls and hilt as well as the rod all along in her tunnel being coated by his own slimy seed. The pressure on his tip made him caress over her belly with one paw and while he let go of her neck and licked her head and ears he felt that this time there was no misinterpreting her belly. It was clearly bulged out a bit. He stayed like this and purred into her ear while he felt her insides starting to twitch a bit. She was surely not far from her own orgasm. He started to pull back and push in but this time at a slower pace. Each time he pulled back the seal at her cervix broke and a bit of his semen was pulled through her tunnel as well and at his pushes it splashed out of her pussy and over his hilt until his balls hit her pussy with a wet smack. He increased his pace and already felt her tunnel spasm and her moans underlined that she was climaxing as well. Chuma just pushed through her twitching and milking tunnel until he reached his own sixth climax not much later and bottled her womb up by hilting as far as he could and then felt the cub's inside milking every spurt out of his member.

"Thank you Kamaria." He whispered into her ear while softly licking it. "This was exactly what I needed right now." The cub was so out of breath that she did not answer and Chuma did not yet fully take in that he took advantage of the now 9 months old cub again. Both of them stood there at the plateau under the moonlight locked with each other and his semen seeped into her longer than with any of the other five climaxes. Even when his climax died down her canal still milked it to churn out a drop more. A low groan between the heavy pants and the pressure at his tip told Chuma that her womb was getting to the limits of comfort for the cub but he still did not move but stayed like this enjoying the clenching vagina around his dick. It took him a few more minutes until his mind was clear enough again to realize that Kamaria did feel a bit uncomfortable and he pulled out. He heard a stream of cum flushing out of her and splashing on the ground. Chuma cleaned the exhausted cub and himself before he led her back into the den. His member was satisfied by now but when the heat hit his nose he felt it twitch again even though it did not directly go hard. Kamaria directly fell asleep after they cuddled up with the others and even Chuma only was awake for a few minutes where he ran the event through his head with some regrets for taking advantage of Kamaria but finally he fell asleep in the middle of his girls.

Leta woke up from the loud voices of the cubs. When she opened her eyes she saw Chuma directing the cubs that were bundles of energy outside. A small drop of blood at the muzzle of two cubs hinted towards them just eating their breakfast before. Chuma stood over her facing towards her rear and she could smell his heavy musk and her own heat. Her tail base was soaked in her own fluids. When the last cub exited the den the male directly lowered his head and started to lick her tail base with a satisfied purr. He seemed to like the taste and when her tail moved up and to the side by instinct Leta started to moan loud from his sudden attack on her pussy. He licked over her folds until all the liquid was cleaned up and then started to push his tongue a bit inside which made her chirp in ecstasy. Her mind clouded in the rush of pleasure and arousal that hit her snatch and she went into a crouching position and raised her hips. Her new mate did not let her wait long and she felt his bite and weight within seconds. He just continued where he left off the last evening and hammered his dick inside her pussy hard and fast with rhythmic grunts. Her tunnel was soaked with her own heated fluid and she heard the slurping sound of him going in and out. His balls slapped against her clit every time he hilted her and sent electrical jolts through her body. Even though he took her harder than the day before there was no pain anymore but just a lot of pleasure and lust. When he stopped and emptied his load inside her she also came down with an orgasm and joined him in his roar. Her mind got consumed by the lust again and all instincts of her were focused on getting stuffed by his big meaty member. Time lost its value and she turned into a moaning recipient to his love. Her head swam in lust and pleasure and her veins were pumping the endorphins through her body. Just a day ago she had her first time with a male and swiped him because of the pain and her confusion but right now swiping was the last thing she wanted to do. She loved the feeling of jolts traveling through her body every time his barbs scratched her well lubricated insides and when his cum splashed into her womb. She did not think about the future to come but just about the moment and the male that fulfilled her heat crazy needs. She had never thought that she would one day have cubs with a lion but dreamed of a strong leopard. It had been a shock to her when he came inside her heated womb for the first time thinking about that her cubs will be half lions but by now the lust and pleasure took all her worries away. She wanted to have just him inside her and she wanted him to fill her with his cubs. Her instinct did not care about his race but only about getting healthy and strong cubs and from his build and his skill in hunting she was sure that he would produce exactly such litters for her. The rest of the day was just a continuation of their mating. Leta did not have many times where her head was clearing up a bit. Most of the time she was swimming in the pleasure, moaning, chirping, roaring, mewling and begging Chuma with her body to take her again when her instincts felt he had left her long enough. The cave filled with the scent of their mating, her heat and his musk and added to the lust inside the leopardess. She remembered two times where she gave him a muzzle job and gulped down his salty semen but the rest was him rimming her pussy without exhaustion until her own energy finally depleted and she dropped to the ground after an orgasm in unison with him spurting inside her. She panted heavily and moaned when he licked her pussy to urge her to get back into mating position but her legs would not support her. After a few tries he finally just brought her some meat from the okapi of the other day and let her eat and replenish her energy. She just realized in this moment how hungry she was and ate in haste. After the meal she started to get very sleepy and with a purr she put her head down on her forelegs and went off to sleep.

[SotO] Chapter 4: Captured by the heat

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 4: Captured by the heat Chuma licked over the tail base of Leta with a painful hard-on between his legs. The heat drove him crazy but he stopped himself from mounting the sleeping leopard. He knew that staying here...

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[SotO] Chapter 2: The moonlight

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 2: The moonlight For the next week it was hard for Chuma to hold in his urges. There were no more possibilities to bring up the topic with Aisha and he got the feeling that the cheetah female tried to avoid being...

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[SotO] Chapter 1: A new home

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 1: A new home Chuma sat on top of his favorite rock next to the waterfall and watched the cubs play near the water. Behind him the small path at the cliff went up and behind the waterfall where their cave was...

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