Spyro- The Colliding Worlds- chapter six

Story by Cloudline Dasher on SoFurry

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#6 of Spyro: The Colliding Worlds

Disclaimer: I do not own the Spyro characters but I do own some of them that I myself created. Also if you are under aged or do not like the things that may occur in this story series then DO NOT continue.

Chapter 6:

Back at the temple with Spyro, Cynder, Sparx, Ignitus, Terrador, and Cyril:

It now had been two days since Dairu, Cynthia, Leia, and Volteer left for the Wyvern tribe. All had been training ferociously for two days, including the wolf tribe, but excluding Cynder that was now sick to her stomach, and had a burning sensation at the base of her tail when she slept. Cynder was fire, so Ignitus of coarse felt the need to talk to her, but decided to wait, until it wasn't obvious that there was a problem of any sort.

On the balcony of the temple:

It was around 6 pm and everyone had given up training for the day. Spyro's muscles ached and he just sat there looking up at the sky. Just then Cyril walked onto the balcony, Ignitus had talked to Cyril and they decided to talk to both Cynder and Spyro separately because of Cynder's heat.

"Spyro?" Cyril asked slowly sitting down next too the small purple dragon.

"Yes Cyril?" Spyro said looking up to the big ice dragon.

"I need to talk to you about Cynder." Cyril pronounced.

"What about her?" Spyro said a little worried, because she had been sick.

"Well, lately she has been in heat, it's mating season for almost every specie in the land around this time of the year. It is spring time and the land changes something within all females." Cyril explained.

"So your saying Cynder is in heat, that she isn't sick at all?" Spyro asked.

"Exactly, and since seeing that you and her are so close, I was just curious if you could ease her suffering?" Cyril pointed out.

"You mean have sex with her?" Spyro asked a little angry.

Cyril turned a deep red as he looked away, "That's exactly what I meant."

"That is so low, I would never have sex with her just because she was in heat, I want to love her, not fuck her." Spyro said snapping loudly at Cyril.

Cyril just stood their wide-eyed and astonished at the profound logic and pure heartedness of the young purple dragon.

"I'm sorry, I just thought you should be the one to know, and by the way, her heat wont go away for a month, so it's either mate with her, or she stay in pain for a whole month." Cyril said before walking into the temple from the balcony.

Spyro sighed as he was left on the balcony. He thought of Cynder and he knew she would be in pain, but she probably would rather deal with the pain. Spyro knew he should talk to her and that was just what he decided to do. He walked from the balcony toward Cynder's room. A blush on his face seeing Ignitus just leave Cynder's room. Knowing he had spoken with her, just moments before. Spyro's heart raced as he neared the door, aiming his right claw balled into a fist as he hesitated to knock on the door. Spyro gasped with his nervousness as he finally hit the door, repeatedly knocking to get Cynder's attention.

"Come... Come in..." Cynder said with an almost pained voice.

Spyro opened the door, seeing Cynder curled up on her bed, her head lifted staring at Spyro. As soon as Spyro closed the door behind him he smelt something. He just immediately assumed it was her heat because with every breath he could feel himself becoming aroused.

"Cynder, I assume Ignitus spoke with you about your heat?" Spyro asked bluntly.

"Yes he did, and he advised me to have sex with you." Cynder replied with a stale look on her face.

Spyro held his head low with his eyes looking up at her, kind of unsure of the situation.

"I know that we probably don't know each other well enough to love each other, but I deeply care for you and if you want, you can use me?" Spyro offered, with a clear blush marked on his face.

"use you..... No Spyro..... I do have feelings for you and I admit that I lust for you, but I would never...., use you." Cynder said with a glazed over weak lustful look.

"But...., Cynder, would you really rather be in pain for a whole month?" Spyro asked, half expecting the answer.

Cynder slowly got up, stepping weakly off her bed, sitting in front of Spyro. She gently took Spyro's cheek in her claw. Spyro just sat there seeing the pain in her eyes as she said, "Spyro, I have feelings for you that definitely could be love, if..., if your willing...., I would like to see if it is."

Spyro just froze as she said that, because she leaned her head in, closing her eyes and moved her scaly lips to kiss him. His heart raced and he closed his eyes, his heart forcing him to freeze. Their muzzles met with a kiss and both of their arousals sky rocketed as they felt the others tongue wrap around the other. Cynder meant for it just to be a kind kiss, to see where it would lead, but her assumption was right. It was leading to love and this kiss definitely proved that.

Even though Spyro was intoxicated by Cynder's aroma and she was under the spell of her heat. They were connected by there love. Spyro didn't have any thoughts of stopping, all he thought was he loved her.

Cynder yelped slightly as Spyro broke the kiss, pushing her slightly helping her to her back. Cynder looked up not with that weak glazed look, but now she looked energized, as if she was ready for anything. Spyro brought her muzzle into another kiss and ran his claw over her chest. Cynder lay on her back, wrapping her claws around Spyro's torso, feeling of all his muscles as she pulled him close. The kiss broke immediately followed by the two looking into each others eyes with a blush. Spyro's member had grown from it's hiding place and the tip was touching her pussy folds.

"Are you sure... I mean..., I love you..., and I don't want to do something..." Spyro was silenced by Cynder's finger and she whispered, "It's ok, I love you too."

Spyro's fears and hesitance left his body as he knew this wouldn't be a mistake, he lowered his body feeling his shaft push into her folds. She whimpered slightly feeling herself being spread by Spyro's rather large dragon meat. Spyro then was stopped by a barrier, it was her hymen. Cynder nodded to Spyro and he nodded back before bringing her into a passionate kiss as he plunged in, hilting inside her, knot and all. His knot wasn't swollen and it was just a tad bigger than his length. Cynder gave muffled shrills against the kiss, but instead of pulling away, she intensified the kiss.

Spyro began to rock his hips and broke from the kiss, taking his muzzle and biting her neck gently, running his tongue across her neck to calm her. By now though the pain had been overwhelmed by pleasure as Cynder was rocking herself across the floor, trying to make Spyro's thrusts just a tad bit faster. Which Spyro noticed and bucked his hips, the intense feeling almost immediately sending him over the edge. They were now going at it, him plunging in and out of his lover. His meat stretching her tight tunnel, but leaving her slightly empty as he pulled out before thrusting back in. Both were moaning as almost like they were screaming.

"CYNDER....." Spyro yelled through his muzzle as he bit Cynder's neck.

"SPYRO....." Cynder hollered in return, biting the edge of his wing as it lowered.

Both having the ability of fire, mixed the room with heat, but Cynder on the other hand could feel Spyro's electric powers send jolts through her treasure, and ice sending a shrill and heated by fire. The earth seemed to aid Spyro's thrusts as his earth powers kicked in and the whole room seemed to aid their love making. Spyro couldn't hold out much longer, as so could Cynder. Deep within there bodies they were becoming one and there moans could be heard from outside the room. Cynder gave a short yelp as she felt Spyro's knot pop in and out of her cunny, it growing in size due to his nearing orgasm.

"CU... CUM IN ME........" Cynder yelled....., unable to know what she was yelling.

Spyro grunted feeling himself on edge, tightening his tummy to make his thrusts last just a tad bit longer, but it was of no use. Both screamed in an orgasmic bliss as they came. Cynder's sweet nectar like honey, splattering across Spyro's stomach and legs, as Spyro roared out spraying his hot dragon seed into Cynder's tight little hole. Mixing both of their juices as Spyro thrusted into her, riding their orgasms for all they were worth, with Spyro‘s knot tying them together. Spyro slowed, feeling weakness overwhelm him. Which she was overwhelmed also, both from her heat and the intense feeling that Spyro sent through her body. Spyro finally collapsed on top of his love.

"I... I love you..., Cynder." Spyro panted into her ear.

"I..., love you.., too..., Spyro." Cynder gasped into his ear.

Spyro panted and heaved as he felt Cynder's warmth under him, his knot locking the two of them together. Sleep overwhelmed the two, unknowing of who heard, or how much time was spent reaching the bliss they were in.

In the Temple:

"The sounds stopped, you think they are finished?" Miskio asked Ignitus.

"Yea..., I think they are." Cyril said kind of blushing from thinking of the two youngsters going at it, just barely able too keep his arousal hidden by laying down.

"I heard of dragon's subconsciously using their element to please their mate, but Spyro has all four, I know all of you felt the rumbling in the temple." Ignitus said swallowing his own awkward feelings.

"Yea..., I hope Cynder wont be in any more pain." Cyril said trying to change the subject.

"She shouldn't be in heat after today." Ignitus said looking to Cynder's room.

Miskio saw that it was getting dark and the females of the tribe dashed of for their turn to hunt. Cyril calmed down slightly after about an hour, only to have his curiosity spiked once Ignitus got up and left. All he said was that he needed some time to his self, but decided to follow his fire friend. Cyril kept his distance, keeping Ignitus in his view, Cyril almost tripped as he heard Ignitus call out his name, "Cyril..., I know your following me."

Cyril walked from his distant hiding spot and confronted his fire friend and said, "I'm sorry, I know you said you wanted to be alone."

"No, I'm glad you came with me, I needed to tell you something." Ignitus said starting to walk.

Cyril nodded to his friend, walking beside him into the mushroom forest. Mushroom after Mushroom passed by as they walked, Cyril looked to Ignitus wondering what this was about. Suddenly Ignitus stopped, Cyril sat as he watched Ignitus do the same.

"Cyril, you're my dearest friend." Ignitus said turning to face him.

"And you are mine, Ignitus." Cyril replied.

"I've gone through my life, having several mates, male and female and I've never felt love before. I believe what Spyro and Cynder have is love and that has gotten me to think about the relationships around me." Ignitus explained.

"And what have you got to say about the relationships around you?" Cyril asked curiously, mostly wanting to see what he had to say about himself.

"Well out of all of the dragons and furs that I know, my mind always turns back to you, and now I'm beginning to think that your more than just a friend." Ignitus said with a stern look.

"How long have you been thinking like this?" Cyril asked.

"Ever since Cynder became good and spent the first night with Spyro and us at the temple, I saw how Spyro was around her, and I couldn't help but compare relationships between everyone." Ignitus pointed out.

"So where does that leave us though, do you really think what we have is more and what does that mean?" Cyril asked trying to get a clear picture of what Ignitus meant by them being more than friends.

"If you will allow, I'd like to figure that out?" Ignitus asked as he brought Cyril into a kiss.

Cyril went wide-eyed, not expecting the forwardness of Ignitus, but he soon returned the kiss. Not sure if two males kissing was appropriate, but at the moment, he couldn't give a damn. It felt too right to be wrong. Seeing that Cyril was now returning the kiss, Ignitus placed his claw on Cyril's chest breaking the kiss.

"Cyril, I don't know if you feel the same way, but I have feelings for you." Ignitus announced.

Ignitus's face had an embarrassed blush on it, but his face also made Cyril know he was serious, and wasn't about to take it back.

"Ignitus...., I am feeling something too, but..., is it right?" Cyril asked.

"If it's wrong, I don't want to be right..., so what do you say, want to give a relationship a shot?" Ignitus asked with hopeful eyes.

All Cyril could do was nod, which gave Ignitus a grin and a lustful look as he brought Cyril's muzzle into a steamy kiss. Logic claims opposites attract, and in Ignitus and Cyril's case, it did. Ice and fire were now kissing passionately, even though being the same sex. Cyril blushed through the kiss, not helping but get an erection. He didn't hide it though, he wanted this kiss to be so much more. So he brought Ignitus into a hug, pressing his adult dragon hood against Ignitus's own length. Making them both blush noticing that they were both aroused. Ignitus broke the kiss, his logic forcing him to speak, "Cyril, I know your views on gay relationships, we can stop and never speak of this again if you wish it?"

"But I don't wish it." Cyril claimed as he reached between their bodies and gripped both their members in his claw, forcing both of them to release a moan as he squeezed.

Ignitus's eyes were glazed over and panting, wanting more pleasure. Ignitus hesitantly pulled away and Cyril watched as Ignitus turned his tail to him. Ignitus raised his tail displaying his tail hole to Cyril, looking back.

"Ignitus..., are you sure?" Cyril asked with his heart racing.

"I'm sure...., I want this Cyril." Ignitus looked back with lust.

Cyril stepped forward, his member throbbing under him. Usually he told himself that gay relationships were the downfall of the civilized world, but really now he thought differently. He looked at Ignitus before mounting his back, slowly allowing his weight to lay on Ignitus to see if he could hold his body. Ignitus didn't have any trouble though, forcing his tail end up just a little higher, trying to take Cyril's length. Ignitus gasped as he felt the ice cold pre-cum from the tip of Cyril's member prod at his hole. He had masturbated many of times to the thought of Cyril mounting him, now his fantasy was becoming reality.

"Ignitus..., this may hurt for a moment." Cyril warned.

"I've had males before, I'm pretty loose." Ignitus said, unsure if he was reassuring himself or Cyril at the moment.

Cyril's shaft seemed huge and Ignitus was fairly young when he had his last male encounter. Ignitus gritted his teeth and grunted as slight pain shot through his body. Cyril slowly pushed in feeling Ignitus's fiery insides engulf his member. Cyril was in about halfway to his knot before Ignitus was giving low moans and whimpers. Cyril bit the back of Ignitus's neck as if to try and calm his dearest friend and new lover. Cyril gasped a puff of cold breath as he hilted inside Ignitus, feeling his cold ice shaft being warmed by Ignitus's insides. Their heads were side by side and steam was formed as they breathed.

"Fu.. Fuck me Cyril...." Ignitus pleaded to his ice friend as he tried pushing back against the shaft that was impaling him.

"With joy my love." Cyril said, blushing at his own words before pulling out slowly, about halfway.

"ha... harder..." Ignitus whimpered.

Cyril obeyed, slowly thrusting his hard shaft in and out of Ignitus's tight hole, making the fire dragon's cock throb with each push and pull. Ignitus's member was leaking pre that made a long string to the ground. Cyril was starting to get warmed up as he quickened his pace, moaning himself as his fore arms gripped his little male bitch. Ignitus couldn't stop himself from reaching a claw under and gripping his own member, jerking himself off, covering his claw with his pre-juice. Ignitus was squirming and roaring as Cyril rocked the two adult dragons. Cyril's mighty ice cock leaving Ignitus open each time he pulled out and thrusted forward again. Coating Ignitus's insides with his own lube.

"It... feels... so good..." Ignitus moaned out, jerking on his cock.

Ignitus's head was now resting on the ground, unable to hold both his and Cyril's weight up, forcing his tail higher and speeding Cyril's thrusts even more. Ignitus was jerking away feeling his orgasm speedily nearing, and Cyril heavily panted as he tried to near his orgasm, lasting longer than Ignitus. Cyril's balls were filled with icy cold sperm that was ready to flow into his fire mate.

"I... love you.. Ignitus...." Cyril whimpered feeling himself near the edge.

"Cum... cum in me..., my love...." Ignitus pleaded.

Ignitus yelped in pleasure and pain as suddenly, Cyril's knot pushed in locking them together. Cyril still thrusting somewhat spurting his seed roaring out and breathing ice into the air, freezing a nearby mushroom tree. Tears ran from Ignitus's eyes as he exploded after feeling his arse being filled with sticky ice cum. His insides freezing with pleasure forcing him to shoot his fire like seed onto the ground under him. Cyril fell from atop Ignitus, pulling his fire mate along with him, his shaft stuck deep in Ignitus's tail hole. Waiting for him to loosen up. Cyril licked lovingly at Ignitus's neck.

"I... love you... too...." Ignitus panted, still slowly messaging his aching cock, that drizzled cum across the length to the puddle he left.


From the author:

After like a month of no writing, I'm finally back. This chapter was full of yiff, mainly because I was really horny. Hehe..... But I suppose everyone will like that. Oh one more thing, I'm bi so please don't comment asking me not to do male yiffs. It would be like me asking you not to be straight, or a gay guy to not fuck his gay mate.

On another note, I really hope you all loved this chapter, and I hope to bring you another one soon. Sorry for my grammar, spelling, etc. Ta Ta fer now.

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