Spyro- The Colliding Worlds chapter five

Story by Cloudline Dasher on SoFurry

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#5 of Spyro: The Colliding Worlds

Disclaimer: I do not own the Spyro characters but I do own some of them that I myself created. Also if you are under aged or do not like the things that may occur in this story series then DO NOT continue.

Chapter five:

Miskio the wolf tribe leader groggily awoke, his back cracking with his old age. He stretched with a mighty yawn and he looked out the window of the room he slept in. All the males slept in one room and the females in another with the pups. Miskio looked out the window to see it was about five am, about the time that they went hunting.

"EVERYBODY UP, time to hunt." Miskio yelled to the males.

Without the slightest problem everyone obeyed and woke up. They all ran after Miskio as he ran from the temple. They knew it would be difficult finding food in a new environment, but they would manage. They kept near the temple and scouted the area in groups of three and two. There was only five males so two went with the leader and two went off on their own.

Back at the temple:

Spyro was tossing and turning groaning loudly as he dreamt.

In his dream:

"Where am I?" Spyro asked himself out loud.

"I don't know." Cynder replied.

"CYNDER, Your in this dream?" Spyro asked worried.

"This isn't a dream is it?" Cynder asked confused.

"I'm not entirely sure." Spyro replied looking around.

The dream seemed real as could be, but the sky was a deep red and black clouds spotted through the sky, like something had been on fire. Spyro and Cynder took a quick look around and a shrill of fright went down their spins at what they saw. The temple was in ruins, and there were bodies on the ground.

"Let's take a closer look." Spyro said.

Cynder kept close to Spyro as the neared the ruins. The first body they came across was red and large. Spyro's heart sank as he looked into Ignitus's lifeless open eyes.

"I'm sorry Spyro." Cynder said comforting him with a claw on his shoulder.

Spyro went to close Ignitus's eyes with his claw, but his hand passed right through Ignitus's head.

"This must be a dream." Spyro stated.

"Is this the future?" Cynder asked frightened.

"Must be, stranger things have happened." Spyro pointed out as he remembered all the visions he had seen before.

Just then they heard a sound, "CRASH." and Spyro and Cynder raced after it. What they saw astonished them, Spyro and Cynder saw themselves along side of Dairu, Leia, and Cynthia fighting some creature. Spyro had sensed this power once before.

"Dark Lord." Spyro said almost whispering.

"That is the Dark Lord?" Cynder questioned.

Cynder and Spyro both knew what the Dark Lord looked like, and Spyro thought he had killed him. Even Cynder and Sparx was there to see it. Nonetheless if this prophecy was true, the Dark Lord was indeed not dead. The Dark Lord's new body looked like a demon, a creature that stood on its hind legs and was easily as tall as two guardians standing on there hind legs. Spyro and Cynder watched themselves fight the monstrous Dark Lord and with no avail. In the so called prophecy that Spyro and Cynder was experiencing, Spyro, Cynder, Dairu, Cynthia, and Leia all had new fighting techniques that Spyro and Cynder definitely did not know. So they guessed this was the far future, but how far in the future was it? How much time did they have before everyone was dead?

"Spyro..., I would very much like to wake up now." Cynder said with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Just then both Cynder's hearts jumped as the dream Spyro was crushed. The only thing left of Spyro was a bloody mess on the Dark Lord's claw. Pain shot through the two dreamers as the shot awake. Spyro was in his room and Cynder was in hers. They immediately rushed out to see if each other was ok.

"Do you remember the dream?" Spyro asked.

"Yes, what do we do?" Cynder asked.

"We need to tell the guardians." Spyro pointed out.

"Ok, lets tell them now." Cynder said charging toward where the guardians slept.

Out on the balcony:

"So in your world, the five temples tell of the furry races and the past events?" Ignitus asked making sure he was understanding him correctly.

"Yes, all my life I read books to find away back to this world." Dairu stated.

"Who knows how many parallel universes boundaries this one in this galaxy alone and how many individuals have been lost in the dimensions." Volteer said rambling.

"Volteer you babbling idiot, your rambling again." Cyril said getting annoyed.

"I was just stating the facts that could possibly be...." Volteer started before being cut off.

"IGNITUS." Spyro yelled running out onto the balcony with Cynder.

"What is it Spyro?" Ignitus asked.

Ten minutes later after Spyro told everyone his and Cynder's dream:

"This is serious." Ignitus claimed.

"The prophecy of unknown origin has surfaced and if Spyro dreamt it, it must be truth." Volteer stated.

"Yes, even if the Dark Master is whom you saw in the prophecy, we half to train nonetheless." Ignitus pointed out.

"Ok, since no one here are ice dragon's I will teach flying techniques, except when I'm training Spyro, or Cynthia." Cyril stated.

"And I'll teach claw to claw combat, unless I'm teaching Spyro." Terrador pointed out.

"I'll teach speed and land maneuvering speed capabilities." Volteer stated.

"I will of coarse teach fire and power control." Ignitus said with his usual calm deep voice.

"How about the wolf tribe?" Dairu asked.

"Um..., they can train with us, we could use all the help we can." Ignitus replied.

"We could also send a wyvern to go ask the Manweersmalls, and the Atlawa." Spyro pointed out.

"Yes..., and I have allies in the mountains, they are missionaries but I don't think they would mind working for free seeing that they owe their lives to me and Spyro for stopping the Dark Master before." Hunter said.

"Ok, I will need someone to go to the Wyvern clan so they can go for reinforcements." Ignitus said like he was expecting someone to volunteer.

Everyone was silent, everyone apparently didn't want to go. Dairu of coarse feeling like his whole life was wasted when he could be helping his fellow dragon's stepped forward, "I will go."

"I will go too." Cynthia said stepping forward.

"And me three." Leia said walking onto the balcony.

"Ok, but you three come back as soon as you send the wyverns." Ignitus commanded.

"Does anyone know where the wyvern tribe resides?" Dairu asked.

Cynthia and Leia shook their heads. Then Volteer stepped forward, "I will accompany the young dragons to show them the correct path to the mammalians draguilious specie tribe."

"Very well, you four go immediately." Ignitus commanded.

"Ignitus, could you tell Miskio and the others in the wolf tribe I will be back?" Dairu asked kindly.

"Of coarse, now go." Ignitus said pointing to the sky.

"Thank you." Dairu said taking off followed by Volteer, Cynthia and Leia.

An hour into the flight:

"How far exactly is this tribe?" Dairu asked.

"It will take about four days depending on the air current and if we are able to find a nutritious source of food along the way." Volteer said rambling like he usually did.

"Oh I see." Dairu said trying to not get annoyed at Volteer.

"THAT LONG?" Leia asked angrily from Volteer's back.

"Yea, us dragon's can only travel so fast because of the mass and wing span that proportions our bodies."

"If you don't shut up and stop rambling I'm going to jump." Leia said ready to pull her hair out.

Ever since they left the temple, Volteer had been ranting and rambling about every little subject that came to mind. Dairu and Cynthia had been a little more calm and bearing about it, but Leia was right, enough was enough. It was only an hour, but if he was going to do this the whole flight then might as well stop him now. At first Volteer talked about the weather and he was using his skills to forecast if they needed to find shelter for the night. Which was kinda useless cause, Dairu, Cynthia, and Leia knew it wasn't going to rain or anything. The skies were perfectly clear.

"Leia calm down" Dairu said to her.

"I'll calm down once either me or this large yellow dragon drops dead." Leia said growling.

"I'm sorry if my intellectual need for conversation is...."

"There he goes again." Leia said slapping her forehead.

"Volteer, no offence but could you please?" Dairu asked being cut off.

"Yes, I will try to be quite." Volteer replied.

"Thank you." Leia said with a sigh.

"Please don't be upset Volteer." Cynthia said trying to make sure Volteer didn't hold any anger or frustration.

"Don't worry about me Cynthia, I'm an adult dragon and I believe I am capable of taking a hint, so to speak." Volteer said.

Hours later, around eight or so:

The whole day had passed, not so much as a scout or an enemy had been spotted by any of the four. Of coarse with Volteer being silent, Leia fell asleep on Volteer's back. It was now dark and everyone was exhausted, except for Leia that was now wide awake and ready to go, so she was put on food duty. She went out to hunt including Dairu as Volteer and Cynthia stayed to prepare a fire.

Dairu crouched down low and Leia stalked and sniffed like she usually did, but it had been awhile since Leia had hunted with Dairu. She usually had to hunt with the tribe for food. Dairu looked over to Leia once he noticed something, she was whimpering.

"Leia..., are you ok?" Dairu asked.

"Um..., I think I'm in heat." Leia said with a blush.

"Really?" Dairu said noticing her smell.

"Yes, I'm just glad I'm not around the tribe right now." Leia said embarrassed.

"Yea, I seen how the males act around a female in heat." Dairu said remembering back, "is there anything I can do?"

Leia stopped walking for a moment, Dairu and Leia's gaze met and Dairu knew instantly what she needed.

"Dairu..., it'll go away if um..., you have." Leia was interrupted with a kiss.

Dairu pressed his dragon muzzle to hers in an awkward kiss, there tongues wrestling inside each others maws. Dairu's member was slipping from it's hiding place in the pouch of his body. In the kiss Dairu was standing on his hind legs with his claws behind Leia's back, undoing her top. Leia gasped as she felt Dairu cup her breasts, She broke away from Dairu's grasp and took off her loincloth leaving her body completely naked. Dairu just sighed in awe at the sight as he gave his member a tight grip. Leia giggled before getting on all fours and lifting her tail, giving Dairu full view of her swollen pink sex. It was dripping a little blood but that was just because she was in heat, then it dawned on Dairu. No wonder she was in an bad mood earlier, she was in heat. Dairu grinned knowing he was about to ease Leia's pain.

Dairu slowly walked over, giving Leia's sex a good sniff before licking at it. Making her pant and yelp in pleasure. Her chest and chin rested on the ground as she tried to get her tail higher and higher in the air for Dairu. Dairu's prehensile tongue was expertly darting everywhere inside Leia's folds, eager to please her.

"please..., please mount me draggy." Leia pleaded to Dairu.

Dairu did as he was told and mounted her, letting either of his front limbs wrap around her waist, his meat poking at her needy treasure. She gasped as her tunnel was stretched, his member ripping her open, spreading her apart the more he pushed in. Dairu's dragon cock drilling, pushing into her sex. Leia let out a whimper as her hymen broke, but her pleasure quickly overwhelmed the pain as her sense of lust kicked in. Her heat taking a toll on her mind as she forced her hips against Dairu's thrusts almost making it painful as he plunged into her depth.

"OHhh...., DAIru...., Fuck me..." Leia screamed panting with her tongue hanging slightly out. Dairu was like a wild dog, burying his meat into his bitch in heat. Dairu could definitely smell it now, his smell mixing in with Leia's heat. Leia's tight little cunny was giving off an extreme amount of warmth and Dairu could barely stand it. He loved pleasing his woman and the feeling that wrapped his cock. First came Leia, she screamed arcing her back and cumming hard, which with the extra lube forced Dairu to pound eagerly into Leia. She was screaming louder than ever as orgasm after orgasmic wave overcame her body. Multiple orgasms fusing into one hormonal bliss of screaming and moaning. Dairu then exploded into his lovely female, roaring out claiming Leia as his female as he slipped his knot in with another thrust. Shooting string after string of his cum into her depth. Her tight tunnel filling fast and had no way to exit. Tears rolled from Leia's eyes as she felt the intense feeling of being spread open like a water balloon. Leia blacked out instantly from the cumming.

Dairu lay at her side with his member still plunged inside her with his knot tying them together. He gently licked her neck worrying about Volteer and Cynthia worrying, and he still needed to get food. As soon as he was able to pull out he went to hunt.

Back with Volteer and Cynthia:

Come to find out, Cynthia was sick to her stomach. Volteer knew what it was and offered to make the fire and let her rest. Cynthia had just started her first heat, or what you can call heat for dragon's. She was now asleep and was having an almost burning sensation at the base of her tail. Cynthia was asleep and Volteer knew that she didn't know she was kneading her hind feet into the dirt, like cats do when they are in heat, forcing her tail up in the air, like trying to let other dragon's smell her sweet scent. Volteer hadn't explained it to her yet, he thought that he should probably tell Dairu first. He had heard the um..., racket Dairu, Leia, and Cynthia were making in there room. Volteer knew the only way for her heat to go away would be for her to mate. He of coarse was too old and too big. Plus she wouldn't want a big dragon like him. Which thinking about all this and the children's situation, made Volteer think about his own lonely situation.

Ever since the raid of the Dark Master twelve years ago on the year of the dragon, all the dragons of the world went into hiding or fled into other species territories searching for a home. A pain shot through Volteer's heart as he laid his head on the ground, thinking of his loneliness and hopefulness on finding a mate. Dragons are pretty much immortal unless killed by another, or he stops using the gems shards. If you were immortal, you would understand the reason for this, especially if you were alone for thousands of years. Volteer would be turning two thousand even just in a week and a half. Yes the other guardians were his friends for life and they always put together something nice for him, but he would like something...., more.

Forgetting his hunger for the moment, he drifted off to sleep.

In a dream of Volteer's:

Volteer is flying through the air, confused at the dream, he hasn't had a vision in many decades and it seemed clear like one, but usually dragons only have visions if they are needed to either do a specific task, or give information to other dragons. So Volteer kept an eye out for anything that might lead to what was needed of him. He was trained in visions just as all dragons was sooner or later in there lives. Volteer first noted the terrain, the trees below were normal trees instead of the mushroom trees that thickened the forest around the temple. He knew exactly where he was, and knew that it was on the way to the wyvern tribe. Then he saw it, he looked below at a small lake, he was amazed at what he saw. A dragon...., so he flew down fast, knowing it wasn't the Dark Master because of its color. This particular dragon was brown color, a nice sandy brown color, almost golden scales.

Then Volteer noticed the feminine features this dragoness possessed. Instead of horns she had flimsy hair like back spikes. The spikes dangled from the back of her head, about a foot down her neck, Volteer watched as the dragoness looked his way smiling.

"I knew you'd come." the dragoness stated.

"Did you bring me into this psychic phenomena induced vision?" Volteer asked in his usual intellectual way.

"Well, I did have the help of the Chronicler." She replied to him.

"The Chronicler? What does he have to do with all this?" Volteer asked curious.

"The Chronicler is a part of everything that can be fixed." She asked giggling at his curiosity.

"What do you mean by um... fixed?" Volteer questioned.

"The world silly, he can see glimpses into the future and he sent me to fix yours." She explained.

"I'm an old dragon, the only futures I worry about is the young ones." Volteer replied.

"That doesn't mean you cant be happy." She said with a happy grin.

Volteer let out a sigh, "Well what do I half to do?"

"Just make sure you land at this spot, I will be waiting." She said pointing to the ground.

"What is your name?" Volteer asked.

"Shasha, now go." She commanded.

Volteer growled as he shot back to reality, lifting his head and saw Dairu, Cynthia, and Leia on the ground. Cynthia still had the smell of heat in the air, and Leia smelt of sex. Volteer sighed at the youngsters, feeling like they were too young, but also felt that they needed to feel pleasure, just in case the future didn't turn out for the best. Volteer looked to the fire and saw a carcass of a deer, he cooked it and eagerly pulled the meat from the flesh. All the while he thought about Shasha, all his life all he thought about was intellect and information. He had pursued the fantasies and pleasure of sex, with dragoness's before, but only because of his knowledge. If there was something he didn't know, he searched for the answers. The biggest thing that bugged him was love, he felt nothing for those women, and the only thing he cared for was his friends at the temple, and the eggs they cared for.

After finishing the deer, he laid his head down and closed his eyes. He tried to sleep some more before the sun rose, but before he drifted off to sleep he whispered, "Shasha."

Author's discussion:

Dairu: Volteer is a intellectual dragon and was kinda hard for me to write about his dialect. He always rambled in the game using large words and stuff.

Volteer: I only use intellectual words because that is all I know, I'm always in pursuit of any knowledge known coarse to up my intellect or vocabulary.

Cyril: Yes, that as it may, it is fucking tiresome.

Ignitus: *Slaps his forehead.*

Dairu: I hope everyone is liking my stories.

Spyro- The Colliding Worlds- chapter six

Disclaimer: I do not own the Spyro characters but I do own some of them that I myself created. Also if you are under aged or do not like the things that may occur in this story series then DO NOT continue. Chapter 6: Back at the temple with...

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New Love, New Type of Love

Disclaimer: if you are under 18 or offended by the content in this story then do not continue. I don't own pokemon and if you recognize a character then most likely it is not mine. Chapter one: Does Type Matter? This story was requested by...

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Spyro the Colliding Worlds chapter four

Disclaimer: I do not own the Spyro characters but I do own some of them that I myself created. Also if you are under aged or do not like the things that may occur in this story series then DO NOT continue. Chapter 4: What the Hell? Dairu...

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