New Love, New Type of Love

Story by Cloudline Dasher on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: if you are under 18 or offended by the content in this story then do not continue. I don't own pokemon and if you recognize a character then most likely it is not mine.

Chapter one: Does Type Matter?

This story was requested by Wolf Love.

Kuro a large wild male Arcanine sniffed the air of the desert as he searched for food. Being a fire type, he had no problem with going without water, but nonetheless needed the energy from food. Kuro was growing tired from venturing into the desert for food, which was very scarce. He had found a Rattata earlier that day and that served like an appetizer. He was growing tired and hungrier. Just then, a smell of cooking meat filled his nose. He ran toward the smell, then stopped dead in his tracks and jumped behind a sand dun as he looked at the pokemon. A Flareon was licking his lips while watching a small fire cook some meat that looked as if it was a Pidgeotto at one point in time.

Kuro licked his lips as he thought of a plan to steal this meal from the unsuspecting Flareon. He circled the camp until he was behind the Flareon. His mouth watered at the smell of the food. Then he froze as he looked at the Flareon again. He just caught another smell. He knew this smell, but he couldn't put a claw on it. Then was his chance, as Flareon started to move toward the meat, Kuro decided to run toward him. The Flareon heard and smelt the Arcanine coming. Flareon darted around pinning Kuro to the ground with ease.

"You thought you could steal my food, huh?" Flareon asked with a feminine voice.

"YOU'RE A GIRL?" Kuro asked surprised.

"Yea and you are a dumb male." Flareon said giving Kuro's ear a painful bite.

"HEY, what was that for?" Kuro asked squirming and trying to get away.

"Tell me, would you like some food?" Flareon asked.

"GET OFF." Kuro yelled.

Flareon had to be half his size and weight, but she easily kept him pinned. Mixed with hunger and exhaustion, Kuro was losing patience with the female.

"Just admit you want some food." she said with a grin.

"NO." Kuro said with a growl.

"ADMIT IT." Flareon said biting his ear again, but harder.

"OW, OW, OW..., OK, OK..., I want some food." Kuro said defeated.

"Good boy, now come get you some." Flareon said getting off him, "Oh and my name is Hana."

"I'm Kuro." Kuro said getting up, "You really going to share your food?"

"Yea, why not?" Hana asked.

"Just awhile ago I was going to kill you and steal your food." Kuro pointed out.

"Yea, but I like the company." Hana said with a grin.

"You really are unusual." Kuro said.

"Thanks now have something to eat." Hana said tossing him some done meat.

Kuro easily caught it and lay down, pulling at the meat with his teeth as he chewed. The light in the sky would be fading soon; he needed to find a place to stay for the night. He glanced at the female as he thought to himself, "this female is strange, I should get going soon."

"You from around here?" Hana asked.

"Yea, are you?" Kuro replied.

"Nope, but I've been in this desert for about a month." Hana replied.

"And you haven't been killed, or raped yet?" Kuro asked curiously.

"I'm too strong for any pokemon." Hana said with a sly grin.

"I doubt it." Kuro said taking another bite of the meat.

"You want me too prove it again?" Hana said with a weird smirk.

"I'd better leave." Kuro said standing to leave.

"I didn‘t mean to scare you." Hana said with a frown.

"I‘m not scared of you." Kuro said with a frown.

He just didn't want to be around this female any longer and needed a safe place to sleep for the night. Most of the strong pokemon in this area had territories and boundaries of their feeding areas. Kuro had his and knew he would be safe bout anywhere, but never risked it.

"Please stay." Hana said almost pleadingly.

"Why?" Kuro asked with a curious look.

"I just..., never mind." Hana said looking sadly at the dying fire.

Kuro didn't give it another thought; he left and ran at full speed. He didn't care for the Flareon and had plenty of mates, but none that were permanent. It was only females that were in heat and he didn't have any intention to settle down. The sun was disappearing and it was getting cooler. At night, the desert got really cold, but Kuro kept warm, usually. Kuro easily ran at full speed, and was eagerly looking for one of his usual resting spots. Then Kuro saw it, an oasis that was his most favorite place in the desert came into view. He aimed for it and couldn't wait. Just as he came close, a familiar smell crossed his nose. He knew whom the smell belonged too, Pearl. Pearl is a beautiful Ninetales and her mother gave her name to her. Pearl meant gem of the sea, but the only sea she was in, was the desert sea. Every time Pearl came into heat, or just wanted a good fucking, she would seek Kuro out.

Kuro grinned as his eyes spotted the feminine vixen. Her rosy white fur and her strong features of her curves easily would make any pokemon lust for her. The oasis had three palm trees and a very small watering hole. Pearl smiled as she noticed Kuro walk up next to her.

"Long time no see, big boy." Pearl said smiling.

"You in heat, or just want a good time?" Kuro said knowing it was one of the other.

"It's just like you to get straight to business." Pearl said with a smile as she got up and ran her body under Kuro's chin like a cat.

"Yea, you know me." Kuro said with a smile, "So which is it?"

"I just wanted a good time, and I know you give the best times that any male could give." Pearl said seductively swaying her tails at him.

"You couldn't be any more correct." Kuro said with a devilish grin before quickly pulling her muzzle into a kiss.

Pearl broke the kiss as she stated, "And you're always ready to please too."

"You better believe it." Kuro grinned as he slowly walked behind her, pushing his nose into her needy wet sex.

"Oooo..., Mr. Kuro..., your tongue is so ruff." Pearl said with a pleasure-filled moan.

Kuro lapped at the flavorful juices that Pearl's pussy leaked out. Kuro's member was quickly growing as both the arousals of both pokemon thickened the air. Kuro stopped suddenly as Hana flashed into his mind.

"Why did you stop?" Pearl said panting.

Kuro decided to just shake it off, and he mounted Pearl's back. His member was beginning to shrink because of the random thought of Hana. He tried to focus on Pearl. He nipped at Pearl's neck as he pressed the tip of his member at her pussy. Pearl let a little, "Tales." as Kuro pushed into her.

Kuro let out a growl of frustration as Hana shot back into his mind. He pulled off Pearl as he lay down.

"What is wrong?" Pearl asked.

"Sorry, but I'm just not in the mood." Kuro said with a sigh.

"No male just stops mating like that, tell me the reason." Pearl said demandingly

"I met this female today." Kuro started.

"Oh, so you're in love?" Pearl asked as her curiosity was peaked.

"NO..., I have no interest in love." Kuro said growling.

"Well you meet a girl and then stop having sex with the hottest fire pokemon in the world, it is love Kuro." Pearl said with a big grin.

"Wha..., what do I do?" Kuro asked sadly.

"You tell this female how you feel." Pearl said smiling.

"How, all I know how to do is fight?" Kuro stated.

"Then display your strength to her." Pearl said with a grin, "it always works for me."

"Yea but you're easy." Kuro stated knowing that it was true and would piss her off.

"I'M NOT EASY..., just sexually active." Pearl yelled at him.

"Whatever makes your fire burn?" Kuro chuckled.

"Be that way." Pearl said taking off, "Oh, and good luck with that female."

Kuro often pissed Pearl off, and she always came back when she got horny enough. Now Kuro was all alone in the oasis, with only the moon to keep him company. He could barely see clouds stopping his view of small parts of the sky. It was getting almost too cold for his taste, but he didn't really give a damn. He has been through worse, and knew he was just too tired to care. He licked his lips and tasted the food that Hana had let him eat on his muzzle. That was enough to make Hana pop into his mind. He had only spent about thirty minutes with her and yet he couldn't stop thinking about her. He closed his eyes as he started to wander in his memories.

Five years ago:

"Kuro, you half to stop soloing apart from the heard." Kuro's dad stated.

"And why would I do that?" Kuro asked.

"The heard needs you; it's not just all about you." Dad said.

"Why should I hunt for myself and then hunt even more for the females that lost their mates, and are pregnant?" Kuro asked angrily.

"You just don't understand, if you were ever injured, the clan wouldn't hesitate to hunt for you." Dad pointed out.

"I don't need anyone, if I'm not strong enough then I will just perish, which that will never happen." Kuro said.

"One day you will fall in love, and you will understand what it means to be with others and the joy of knowing your life can improve others lives." Kuro's dad said.

"They only good thing about being in love is passing your strength to your pups." Kuro said frustrated.

"No, it is nothing like that." Dad said getting frustrated himself, "You are just too foolish to understand."

"No, you're the foolish one dad." Kuro said growling.

"You will see who the foolish one is when you find love." Dad said walking away.

"We will see." Kuro said to himself.

Three years ago from the present day:

"You put your clan in danger." Avis the clan leader said.

"I was just hunting." Kuro said.

"No..., you were stealing." Avis said.

"How was it stealing, I killed that food fair and square?" Kuro stated.

"You hunted out of our territory and now the Primeape clan is declaring war." Avis said with a growl.

"Yea, well that isn't my fault." Kuro said with a growl.

"IT IS TOTALLY YOUR FAULT." the clan roared.

"I had called a peace treaty with them and they said that if I banned you, then they would forgive the trespassing." Avis stated.

"What?" Kuro asked frightened.

"You are banned from the tribe, Kuro." Avis said pointing out into the desert.

"FINE I DON'T NEED YOU OR ANYBODY." Kuro said growling before taking off.

"KURO." Kuro's dad yelled.

Kuro never again seen his father since that day.

Present day:

After recalling his past, Kuro then thought to himself, "I suppose I will see what my dad meant by falling in love with this Flareon."

Kuro jumped awake after smelling a familiar scent. It was the same scent Hana was giving off, and Kuro decided to see if it was her. He stood up and ran toward the smell. He knew he was getting closer and another smell crossed his nose, blood. He sped up even faster so he could help her. His paws skidded in the sand as he saw her. Hana had a gash in her side, and was fighting off two Sandslash. These Sandslash were the slash bros that usually ganged up on pokemon that were alone. They never dared cross Kuro though. Kuro smiled as he thought, "Here is my chance to prove my strength."

Kuro roared as he jumped beside of Hana, "LEAVE HER ALONE."

"LET'S GET OUT OF HERE BROTHER." the older Sandslash yelled.

Kuro didn't even half to fight as the pokemon ran for their lives. Kuro had run into these two trouble makers before. Slash and Suro was their names and they were always trespassing in other pokemon's land. Last time Kuro faced them, they had a sister but she was too cocky and tried to fight Kuro. Their sister was named Sara, and she thought she could fight Kuro, but her ego forced him to kill her when she took had weakened Kuro with a hard blow to his ribs. He had no choice but to kill her, it was she or he. Suro and Slash said at one time they didn't hold a grudge, maybe they were just too scared or something.

Hana drew Kuro's attention as she fell to her unwounded said panting. The wound didn't look too serious, but Kuro picked her up on his back and took off to the oasis. Hana was bigger than a usual Flareon, but was still smaller than Kuro, almost by half the size. Kuro made it to the oasis and placed her down on a smooth rock that was big enough for three or four pokemon. Kuro licked at her wounds, cleaning the blood from her already red Flareon fur.

"Why are you hel..., helping me?" Hana faintly asked.

"Just returning the favor for the food yesterday." Kuro said giving a reassuring smile.

"O..., oh I..., I see." Hana said panting, barely staying awake

"Don't force yourself, sleep if you need too." Kuro reassured her.

It didn't take her another moment before she had passed out. Kuro laid next to her for some time, making sure her wounds stayed closed. She only had one gash and it seemed to close up and heal quickly, this Flareon didn't seem anything like any ordinary Flareon he had seen, or any pokemon for that matter. He then decided that it would be a good idea for him to get her some food, for when she awakes. He slowly got up as to not wake her and took off. He was going to find something to eat, but if today was like yesterday, he might not find anything. Luckily, not even ten minutes later, Kuro saw Slash and Suro. This was his chance to get a good meal and get revenge. He jumped into the clearing scaring the two.

"KURO..., what..., what do you want?" Slash asked frightened.

"Just too eat." Kuro said pouncing.

Kuro landed on Slash, immediately ending his life with one bite to the throat.

"NO..., SLASH NO." Suro said crying.

Suro's face turned to anger before using slash attack. Kuro roared in pain at the cut that went down his side. Kuro aimed for Suro's neck as he used bite. It missed as Suro dug into the ground. Suro almost instantly came back up, hitting Kuro in the chest. Kuro went flying but landed on his paws. He gasped at the blow, trying to regain his breath. Then when he did catch his breath, his maw filled with fire. As the flamethrower shot out at Suro, he tried to dodge, but the fire hit him scorching his back.

"Damn it." Suro said trying to stand, "I'll get my revenge next time."

Suro then dug down into the ground, disappearing into the earth. Kuro looked at the cut on his side before heading over to Slash's lifeless body, picking him up in his maw. He could already tell the Sandslash would be a good dinner. He rushed back to the oasis with the Sandslash and Hana was awake.

"Is..., is that the Sandslash that attacked me?" Hana asked curiously.

"Yea well I was just looking for food, I guess it's a win, win situation." Kuro said happy with himself.

"You save me, and then get revenge for me, then going to feed me?" Hana asked, "We are definitely not even."

"No, don't worry about it." Kuro said laying down the Sandslash.

"I just..." Hana said.

"I said don't worry about it." Kuro said giving Hana's ear a playful bite.

"Well ok, I just don't feel like we are even." Hana said almost pouting as she laid her head on the ground along with her body.

Kuro started up a flame that cooked the Sandslash and quickly too. Matter of seconds the meat was done. Hana went wide-eyed as she saw Kuro's side, "Your hurt."

"Yea, it's just a cut." Kuro said.

The cut was only minor and would heal quickly, but this made Hana feel even worse knowing he was hurt because of her, Kuro could see this too.

"Please let me clean it." Hana said trying to stand up.

"No, you just rest." Kuro demanded.

"I said I will clean it." Hana said limping over and lapping at the wound.

Kuro flinched in pain but after a moment or two, it started to become pleasureful for him. He lay down and laid the Sandslash next to him. Waiting for Hana to finish treating his wound with her tongue. Kuro blushed and tried to keep his face out of view of Hana's sight. His member was slightly growing and he was growing aroused.

"Am I hurting you?" Hana asked as she pulled away.

"No." Kuro replied keeping his face turned away.

"Then what's wrong?" Hana asked.

"Nothing..., here you hungry?" Kuro asked.

Just as he said it, Hana blushed as her stomach grumbled loudly.

"Um... *chuckles* I guess you are." Kuro said pulling some cooked Sandslash to her.

Hana gave Kuro a smile before digging her teeth into the side of the pokemon. Kuro grabbed a leg and started to tear meat from the bone. Their stomachs slowly filled and energies replenished as the Sandslash slowly was pulled from all its meat. You could call this heartless, or cruel to eat the Sandslash, but to Kuro and Hana it was just survival.

"Kuro?" Hana asked softly

"Yea..., what is it?" Kuro asked back.

"Why are you doing all this, is it to mate with me?" Hana asked worried.

"What..., no..., I just." Kuro said looking at the meat between his paws.

Kuro didn't really know, he wanted to know what love would feel like. Not the sex part of love, but honest to god love. He had seen pokemon couples and pokemon that had been permanent mate. In the past he usually thought of permanent mates weak, throwing your life away by protecting someone just seemed...., stupid. Now even though Kuro intentionally went out to fall in love with this Flareon, he succeeded to do so. Even if he hadn't noticed, he had. He already felt different and attached.

"Well?" Hana asked confused and a little worried.

"I..., I don't know." Kuro replied looking at the remainder of his food ashamed that he couldn't give a better answer.

"How can you not know? You either love me, want to mate, or just a nice pokemon, which is it?" Hana pushed.

"I..., I just never been in love before and I don't know what I'm feeling for you is..., is love?" Kuro asked confused.

"It is love then." Hana said with a grin.

"Is this what love feels like?" Kuro asked.

"*giggles* that's not even the half of it." Hana pointed out as she stood up, limping over to Kuro and kissed him on the lips.

Kuro went wide-eyed at first, but gently returned the kiss. The kiss lasted longer than any kiss Kuro had with any of the pokemon before her. She seemed..., different from the others. He started to smell her scent and she could smell his. They were both getting aroused, but maybe Kuro was more than she was. Kuro made his move as he did with so many females before him. He got up and headed behind her to mount her. She quickly turned away.

"What do you think you are doing?" Hana asked playfully.

"I was just gonna...." Kuro started before being cut off.

"Yea, I don't think so; if you love me, then you can do it my way." Hana said with a sly smirk on her muzzle.

"Yo..., your wa..., way?" Kuro asked with a gulp.

Kuro in all his experiences was dominant. He had heard that pokemon couples and permanent mates often took turns dominating, but he had never been dominated. He became extra aroused the more curious, anxious, and maybe a tad bit afraid of what would come.

"Yea." Hana replied rolling onto her back, "how about putting that tongue to work?"

Kuro did as he was told and went over to her body. He looked down at her six nipples and her wet pussy lips, and sighed in awe. He lowered his muzzle, licking sensitively over one row of nipples then over the other row. She gave out a small sweet moan as Kuro's tongue eagerly lapped at her flat chest and belly. The oasis had a line of grass growing around the oasis pool and Hana was holding onto it with her paws. Hana's back squirmed in the grass the more Kuro worked. Kuro had enough and darted between her legs, licking once eliciting a howl of a moan from Hana's maw.

Kuro licked repeatedly, tasting every wet morsel that Hana had to offer. Hana screamed out as Kuro's tongue expertly searched her pussy lips. He hadn't even pushed his tongue inside her yet and she was screaming for more. Finally, it hit her, Kuro pressed his tongue hard, pushing in and tasting a whole lot more of her juices. He found one spot and he guessed it was her g-spot and started licking. She squeaked and arced her back in bliss as he ate her out. The more juices she produced, the faster and harder Kuro drank it up. All kinds of moans, grunts, growls, and howls were emitting from her maw, she was totally under Kuro's control right now. Finally it hit her, her orgasm peaked rewarding Kuro with a mouth full of juice that peeked his taste buds with flavor. Hana out of instinct had her legs wrapped around Kuro's head so he couldn't move until her orgasm stopped. When it finally did stop, she let go panting up into the air.

"You liked it didn't you?" Kuro asked smiling in accomplishment.

"Ye..., yea." Hana said standing up slowly, "now lay on your back."

"Ooo..., ok." Kuro replied nervously.

Kuro hesitantly lay on his back, carefully watching Hana's actions. Hana limped still feeling the strain of her wounds, but headed over between Kuro's legs and eyed his large appendage. It was a good nine and a half inches for an Arcanine and bout an inch wide. His knot was about an inch and a half while it was still shrunk. She used a paw to point it straight up into the air and gave the length a long loving lick, which forced a pleasured filled sigh from Kuro. Her tongue was so warm against his member, and this was a new feeling for him. Kuro had never been pleasured on his back before. He had only ever done the doggy position, being the dominant male.

Hana was laying in between Kuro's hind legs and her fur on her mane felt the warmth of his ball sack as she worked on his member. Kuro laid his head back with his eyes closed, gently panting. He felt his orgasm steadily building, but he tried to hold back.

"I..., I'm gonne." Kuro said pleadingly.

Hana stopped instantly gathering a deep frustrated growl from Kuro.

"Why did you stop?" Kuro asked looking at her, still on his back.

She didn't answer as she climbed atop of him. He could see a grin on her face as she gave him a deep tongue filled kiss before moving backwards making Kuro's member touch the folds of her treasure. She gasped as his member stretched her pussy the more she took into her. Her fiery insides heated his member, and she felt just as warm from his member. The cold night air around them was quickly heating up, forming a flaming orb around them. Hana suddenly screamed as her hymen ripped as she finally took his entire length.

"YOU'RE A VIRGIN?" Kuro asked surprised.

"Yea, is that a problem?" Hana asked panting.

"No..., you're just too pretty to not have done it yet." Kuro said blushing.

"I was just waiting for true love." Hana said with a smile before starting to move back and forth on his member.

Kuro placed his paws on her hips and guided her up and down along his body. Hana's pain subsided and was replaced with overwhelming pleasure that was clearly noticeable by the rosy bliss marked on her face and the look in her eyes that were left half-open. She quickly hurried her pace as Kuro's member slipped halfway out before being plunged back into her depth. The grass that cushioned the ground burned as the heat orb that incased them, intensified. It was now starting to look like a big red ruby with two pokemon wrapped around inside. The oasis bubbled and the palm trees near the oasis cried as their leaves burned and the went up in flames. Hana and Kuro both could feel their immanent orgasm near and they vigorously pounded onto the other as Hana rode his cock.

Growl filled moans coated the air, any pokemon that was in Kuro's territory and maybe even beyond could hear. The moon watched in awe, as it glistened over the bubbling boiling oasis, watching the two lovers. Kuro held on and so did Hana, their bodies wanting that pleasured release, but also not wanting it to end. Finally, with one flame burst, the entire oasis was obliterated as the two-fire pokemon's orgasmic juices mixed inside Hana's tunnel, and with one final thrust tied Kuro's knot deep within Hana's forbidden treasure locking them together. Both from the wounds that both Kuro and Hana had and the vigorous sex afterward, they were totally beat. Hana collapsed onto Kuro's chest at the same moment, Kuro's head collapsed onto the scorched grass. They fell asleep in bliss as they began to dream, with Kuro's member still plunged deep within her.

Kuro awoke the next day with his new beloved on his chest. He saw that the entire oasis had been destroyed by their powered sex. He had just lost his favorite spot in the world for a girl, and yet he didn't give the slightest damn about it now. He licked Hana's forehead lovingly before squeezing her to his chest as he closed his eyes to get some more sleep with his new lover.

Spyro the Colliding Worlds chapter four

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