Spyro the Colliding Worlds chapter four

Story by Cloudline Dasher on SoFurry

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#4 of Spyro: The Colliding Worlds

Disclaimer: I do not own the Spyro characters but I do own some of them that I myself created. Also if you are under aged or do not like the things that may occur in this story series then DO NOT continue.

Chapter 4: What the Hell?

Dairu looked around and sighed in relief. Everyone was safe and it was all because of Cynthia. Dairu stood up and counted all the wolves. It seemed everyone was here and safe. Everyone got to his or her feet and the leader of the anthro wolf tribe came up to Dairu.

"Dairu, we need to find shelter, we cannot have all of the tribe in danger." Miskio the leader stated.

"Yes, I'll go scout the area." Dairu said taking to the skies, "Take care of them while I'm gone Cynthia."

Dairu yelled as he took off. Miskio is the strongest and oldest wolf in the tribe. He is the leader and protects the tribe with his infinite wisdom. Miskio's great grandfather was actually a soldier in the northern ruins in his world. Only a handful escaped the tragedy that demolished their cities. Miskio is a black wolf, but his fur turned somewhat grey with his age.

Cynthia then thought, "This would be a perfect time to tell Leia about Dairu's feelings."

"Leia, can I talk to you?" Cynthia asked walking up to her.

"What is it?" Leia asked annoyed, not really wanting anything to do with Cynthia.

"Um... I might as well say it, Dairu loves you." Cynthia said with an awkward smile.

"HE DOES..., I mean he does?" Leia said trying not to show her joy.

"Yea, he told me he liked you and he just didn't know how to tell you." Cynthia claimed.

"Why are you telling me this?" Leia asked.

"Well I..., I don't know." Cynthia replied blushing.

"You like him too don't you?" Leia asked.

"Kinda, but he likes you though." Cynthia answered with a sad look.

"I think we can fix that." Leia grinned evilly.

"What do you mean?" Cynthia asked.

"In the wolf tribe, we aren't limited to just one mate." Leia stated.

"RE..., really?" Cynthia replied stunned.

"Yea, but it usually doesn't work out unless all three are willing to be mates." Leia said looking at Cynthia like she was waiting for a reply from her.

"Yea, I'm willing, but will Dairu be?" Cynthia asked.

"We will just half to find out, now wont we?" Leia asked with another devilish grin on her muzzle.

With Spyro, Cynder, Sparx, Hunter, and the guardians:

"So you freed Spyro, Cynder and Sparx from the crystal imprisonment?" Ignitus asked.

"Yes, I got the spell from a friend named Garjist." Hunter replied.

"What ever happened to Cynthia, she was supposed to free Spyro?" Cyril asked.

"I don't know but I am going to search for her." Hunter replied.

Just then, the doors to the balcony opened and a confused looking red dragon appeared in the doorway.

"Hello." The red dragon said a little nervous.

"Who might you be?" Ignitus asked.

"My names Dairu, and who are you?" Dairu asked.

"I'm Ignitus, and this is Cyril, Volteer, Terrador, Sparx, Cynder, and finally and definitely not least, young Spyro." Ignitus said pointing to everyone as he named their names.

"Spyro?" Dairu said walking up to him.

"Um..., yes?" Spyro asked a little freaked out at how Dairu was looking at him.

"Cynthia was supposed to free you, how did you escape?" Dairu asked.

"Hunter freed me." Spyro said pointing to Hunter.

(If you didn't read Spyro the Relaxing or haven't played the game then I will explain Hunter's appearance.) Hunter is a Cheetah fur and sent Spyro a note saying that he had allies, when he was on Skabb's ship. Hunter wears a brown tunic with a brown loincloth. He has a bow and quiver on his back and is a sharpshooter and devilishly sneaky.

"So you know where Cynthia is?" Hunter asked.

"Yea, she is with my tribe." Dairu answered.

"TRIBE, you mean there is a living tribe of dragons?" Ignitus asked.

"No..., I was raised by wolves." Dairu said looking a little scared at Ignitus's quick jump to conclusions.

"Oh." Ignitus said embarrassed.

"Well I'm sorry to run, but Cynthia and the others must be worried." Dairu said before taking off from the balcony that he had entered from.

In a matter of minutes, Dairu had returned to the tribe.

"Cynthia, I found Spyro." Dairu said excited.

"What, how did Spyro free himself?" Cynthia asked astonished.

"A fellow named Hunter freed him." Dairu explained.

"We need to get to the temple." Cynthia stated.

"Yea and the temple looked big enough for the tribe." Dairu claimed.

"Ok then, we all move out immediately." Miskio commanded.

Every wolf in the pack moved instantly to Miskio's command and Dairu led the way. It was a fairly easy walk, because there was a path next to Silver River that led straight to the temple. Walking however would take at least an hour for them to get to the temple. Cynthia was relieved that everything was ok and that she was back in her world of the dragons. She would soon see Spyro the purple dragon and will finally get to ask if the Dark Master was alive, or his army just was out to dominate over territory.

"Dairu?" Leia asked catching up to him.

"Yea Leia?" Dairu answered.

"The pups are tired of walking; can they ride on your back?" Leia asked.

"Well I'm a little small to carry all three, I could carry two though." Dairu said.

As soon as Dairu said that, two female pups giggled and ran up, climbing onto Dairu's back.

"I can carry the last pup." Cynthia offered.

Before anyone could answer, the last pup went and climbed onto her back. The little male pup was a little heavier than either of the female pups, but she only had him on her back. Which they didn't half to carry them for long, as the temple came into view. As the temple came into view, the sun vanished into a colorful sunset. No one had eaten and many were tired from fighting the apes. They entered the temple and the guardians looked surprised that so many came through the doors. Volteer looked silly as he used a claw to count the wolves.

"Four adult females, five adult males, one male pup, and two pup females." Volteer said grinning as if he had answered the question to life.

"Good, at least we know you can count." Cyril said with a short snarl.

"I was just checking to see how many rooms we would need." Volteer retorted.

"Very well then, all of you can just help yourself to a room when yall get tired." Ignitus said pointing to spare rooms.

"Dairu, the females are going to bed with the pups, and the males are heading out to hunt." Miskio said leaving with the other males.

Dairu didn't answer as he walked up to Spyro, "Spyro, so you are the purple dragon?"

"Yes I am." Spyro replied.

"Spyro's the boss round here so you take orders from him." Sparx said rudely.

"Sparx..., Sorry but Sparx can be rude some times." Spyro said apologizing.

"No worries, but just so you know, I only take orders from Miskio." Dairu said growling at Sparx.

Sparx quickly hid behind Spyro, "YIKES."

Just then a female walked up, her black scales glinted with the lighting of the torches on the walls. She was as big as Spyro and She seemed innocent, hurt, or I suppose a good word would be, empty at the moment. She was definitely beautiful and also seemed darkened by her past.

"This is Cynder." Spyro said introducing her.

"Hello." Cynder said holding out a claw.

"Hi." Dairu said shaking her claw.

"Are you hungry?" Spyro asked.

"A little but I'll be fine till tomorrow." Dairu stated.

Dairu knew what hunger felt like, like when neighboring tribes hunted in the wolf territory then food sources would be low. Some of the tribe had to go hungry and it was usually Dairu since he ate more. All the furs had gone to bed except Leia. The males were out hunting and Cynthia was talking to Hunter.

"I need to leave and tell Garjist that you are safe." Hunter said.

"So he knows I went missing?" Cynthia asked.

"Yes, I visited him and he said he sent you about a week and a half ago, but you never arrived at the Well of Souls." Hunter stated.

"Well, I kinda ran into some trouble." Cynthia claimed.

"Yea I can see." Hunter said with a grin as he looked at Dairu, "So is he your mate yet?"

"WHAT, no he is just a friend." Cynthia said with a blush.

"For now." Leia said jokingly as she walked up.

"What does she mean, for now?" Hunter asked.

"Nothing, she is just trying to push my buttons." Cynthia said giving Leia a playful grin before walking toward Dairu that was talking to Spyro and Cynder.

"We have plenty to eat in the storage room." Spyro said pointing.

"Well...." Dairu said and everyone heard his stomach grumble. "Maybe just a bite."

"Follow me then." Spyro said leading the way to the storage room.

Spyro looked around and Dairu was amazed at all the fruits, meats, and vegetables.

"Take your pick." Spyro said.

No body had to give Dairu another word before he was diving into a pile of berries and eating his fill. Cynthia laughed as she watched. Dairu blushed as he looked at her, berry blood covered his maw and he gave her an awkward toothy grin.

"Let me give you some help." Cynthia said before walking up and licking at his maw.

Dairu just thought she was cleaning him. The females usually cleaned him and each other often enough that it was just another bath, but Dairu began to notice that Cynthia was liking this a little too much.

"Cynthia?" Dairu asked.

Just then Cynthia took Dairu's maw into a kiss, there was no berry blood anywhere on him now and she seemed more interested in getting her tongue into his mouth. Leia and Hunter had a clear view into the storage room and the grinned and giggled at the sight. Leia walked to the kissing dragon's and whispered something in Cynthia's ear. Cynthia pulled away suddenly as she whispered to Dairu, "Let's find somewhere we can be alone."

Dairu didn't argue, he was just curious at what Leia whispered to Cynthia and why Leia was coming with us. It was true he loved Leia, but Cynthia was a dragon. It just made sense for him to fall for her, he did have feelings for Cynthia too, but Leia was in his heart more. Leia closed the door behind the two dragons and Dairu looked nervously at the two females.

Leia walked forward getting on her knees in front of Dairu, "All my life I could never become aroused around any of the other wolves, even when I was in heat I didn't have any desire to be with them."

"Why, do you not like any of them or something?" Dairu asked.

"I liked them, I just liked you more. I found myself looking at your body when you wasn't looking, and the more I looked the more I wanted you."

"Why are you telling me this now, especially in front of Cynthia?" Dairu asked confused.

"Because, she likes you too." Leia said with a seductive smile.

Dairu was more confused than ever now, "Both of you can't have me though..., can you?"

"Only if you're willing." Cynthia said interrupting.

"I'm willing, but it just seems..., dirty being with two females." Dairu said nervously.

"I guess dirty is a good word for it." Leia said with a small giggle.

Just then, Leia got up, headed over to Cynthia, and started whispering.

"I hate it when furs whisper in front of me." Dairu said getting worried at what they were saying.

Dairu stepped back as Leia and Cynthia both looked at him with a seductive glare. Dairu gulped and no matter how nervous he was, he knew he did love both of them and was getting extremely aroused as the two females neared.

"Roll over." Leia said with an almost evil grin.

"What?" Dairu asked nervously.

Just like in any cartoon, a drop of sweat appears on their forehead, the same happened to Dairu as he backed up and the wall stopped him.

"I'd do what she says, Dairu." Cynthia said with a giggle.

Leia grinned at what Cynthia said and looked at the nervous Dairu. Leia got on her knees as she brought Dairu's muzzle into a kiss. Cynthia watched, as she was kinda nervous at what was happening. She knew Dairu could say at anytime that he didn't want this. Cynthia's eyes wandered to in-between Dairu's legs and she blushed at what she saw. His member was slowly throbbing as it grew in size.

Leia pulled from the kiss only to shoot out a command, "Roll on your back."

Dairu hesitated but did as he was told. He lay on his back, displaying his arousal to the two females. Dairu watched the two girls eye his member before Leia said something.

"You have quite the package Dairu." Leia said with a grin.

"Ye..., yea." Cynthia agreed blushing.

"Cynthia how about you taste him first?" Leia said pointing at Dairu's member.

Cynthia replied be heading in-between Dairu's legs and sniffed at his member. She looked at Dairu and he gave her a nod, so she started to lick at his arousal, eliciting moans from him. Just then, Leia removed her clothes that covered her breasts and pussy and she positioned herself over Dairu's face. Which he got the idea and licked deeply from the start. Leia was already wet from the kiss and seeing his member. She let out soft moans as her insides were licked. All the while Cynthia was losing herself in gently sucking on the tip of Dairu's member, slowly taking more and more into her maw. Dairu had never felt anything so intense or smelt anything so intense of the two females and including his own musk, deeply thickening the air.

Cynthia attempted to get Dairu's entire shaft in her mouth but almost gagged and had to pull back a bit. She didn't even get to the knot at the base of his member. Dairu and Leia both was coming close to their climaxes and the more pleasure Dairu received, the deeper his tongue went into Leia's tunnel. Leia kneaded her own breast as to increase her pleasure. Cynthia jumped in surprise as she felt her claw run through her pussy lips, sending a shock through her body. She wanted something to pleasure her needy sex, but she also wanted to taste Dairu's seed.

Dairu arced his back growling as his seed started spewing into Cynthia's muzzle. Leia saw Dairu convulse as he stopped licking for a minute or two. She pulled off and Dairu and Cynthia both watched in wonder.

"You up for what's next?" Leia asked.

Cynthia and Dairu both nodded and Dairu's member grew hard again after mere seconds after hearing Leia say that. Leia sat on Dairu's stomach with her pussy touching the top of the base of Dairu's member.

"Cynthia put your pussy on the other side." Leia commanded.

Cynthia did as she was told and a new sense of pleasure washed over her as she could feel her pussy press against Dairu's shaft, which pushed against Leia's pussy lips, making a penis sandwich. All three let out moans and Cynthia jumped in surprise as Leia pulled her into a kiss and she eagerly kissed back after she relaxed. Leia guided Cynthia up and down, moving both females' entrances over Dairu's member, making the helpless Dairu thrust his hips upward against the two females. Cynthia could not believe how soft Leia's fur was against her scales, not to mention her breasts against her chest.

Cynthia got a little daring as she let her claws caress Leia's breasts. Leia gave out another moan at the new sensation and the two females moved faster and harder on Dairu's shaft. Dairu was totally enveloped in the moment and couldn't help but moan. He had never had any females let alone two at once. The feeling was extremely intense and he was going to blow his load at any moment. Cynthia was first as she screamed out, covering both Leia's and Dairu's privates with her very first orgasm of her life. Leia and Dairu came next right after, mixing the three juices together in a sexual cummy mess. Cynthia and Leia's stomachs were coated with Dairu's cum.

Dairu just lay their panting, Leia and Cynthia pulled off him and Dairu let out another moan as the girls was licking the cum off his belly and shrinking member. After everything that happened this day, all three were drained of energy. Cynthia and Leia barely had the strength to clean up the mess. Cynthia and Leia both loved the taste of all three of their juices. After Dairu was clean, Cynthia and Leia licked at each other's bodies. They soon curled up next to Dairu and fell asleep.

Spyro- The Colliding Worlds chapter five

Disclaimer: I do not own the Spyro characters but I do own some of them that I myself created. Also if you are under aged or do not like the things that may occur in this story series then DO NOT continue. Chapter five: Miskio the wolf tribe...

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