Experimental Escaped DNA Pokemon chapter three

Story by Cloudline Dasher on SoFurry

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#3 of Experimental Escaped DNA Pokemon

Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon and if you recognize any characters then most likely they aren't mine. If you are under 18 or don't like this sort of content in stories then do not read further.

Chapter three: Artificial Emotions

Buizel and Riolu made it back to there cave, and sat down across one another. It was in the middle of the day about twelve o‘clock, and they could hear plenty of bird pokemon singing in the trees. Riolu felt a little better and decided that since he now knows what happened when he was rapping the Rattata, he would never do it again by force. He needed to control himself, but what if he couldn't, he didn't know and decided not to let it worry him right now.

Buizel on the other hand was intrigued more than ever by mating and wished dearly to feel what it felt like. Buizel knew Riolu was deep in thought. Riolu was sitting against the wall, looking out at the brightness of the day. Just thinking, nothing more than that. Buizel stood up and headed over, sitting a mere foot away.

"What did it feel like?" Buizel asked his friend.

"What?" Riolu asked caught off guard.

"When you mated with that Rattata?" Buizel said being more specific.

"I don't know." Riolu said hoping Buizel would drop the subject.

"Please tell me, I need to know." Buizel pushed the question.

"Fine...., well..., um...., her smell was intoxicating, I had absolutely no power over my body." Riolu said frowning.

"oh..., but that was Team Rocket's fault." Buizel said cheering his friend up, "but what did it feel like?"

"When I first pushed my um...., penis...., in it felt wonderful, but I didn't enjoy it. Part of me hated it and wanted to die, I didn't want to do this unwillingly."

Buizel looked out of the cave, "um...., do you think you would do it willingly?" as Buizel asked that, Riolu looked at him scared and Riolu asked, "What do you mean?"

"Mewtwo said that males could mate, and I was just wondering." Buizel started.

"NO...., no....., I don't want too." Riolu said growling.

"Awe, I wont force you." Buizel said trying to understand how Riolu felt.

Buizel went to his own wall and sat down. He didn't exactly know how Riolu felt but he wasn't going to risk hurting his friend more than Team Rocket had done to him. He just sat back against the wall thinking. Both Riolu's and Buizel's thoughts were cut short when an unfamiliar feeling ran through there bodies. Hunger had hit them. Even though Team Rocket was terrible and cruel, they never risked there prized pokemon to weaken because of hunger. They were always fed and were taken care of properly. Other than the cages and punishment that is.

"Riolu...., are you hungry?" Buizel asked.

"Yes, I think we need to hunt." Riolu said standing up.

"What would we eat though?" Buizel asked.

"I suppose we could either eat fruit or other pokemon." Riolu said thinking.

"I don't like the sound of eating pokemon." Buizel said frowning.

"Well, I think the ocean might have fish that isn't pokemon and I saw a couple regular birds on the way to the cave." Riolu pointed out.

"I think I'll just stick with berries for now." Buizel said disgusted by eating meat.

Little did either of the pokemon knew, often enough there pokemon chow from Team Rocket had meat in it. What you don't know wont hurt you, unless you in the way.

"Let's go, we need to keep up our energy." Riolu said taking off to a fast run.

Buizel darted out of the cave in a different direction. Having just as much training as Riolu, he knew that the hunt would go better if they split up. They were on an island but the island was the size of Hawaii or maybe something just a little smaller. Anyway, the island was large.

With Ash and friends:

"How much longer until we get to there cave?" Dawn said panting like a dog, and her body hunched over exhausted.

"I don't know, but we should be heading in the right direction." Brock said checking a map that he had stole from Mewtwo's home.

"PIKA...." Pikachu yelled, running toward the cave.

"their it is." Ash said following Pikachu.

As soon as the group looked in the cave, they frowned.

"They ain't here." Dawn said sadly.

"They probably just went for food." Brock pointed out, "so lets start lunch and wait for them."

"Sounds good to me." Ash said holding his growling belly.

"Let's let our pokemon out." Dawn said reaching to her belt, "I choose you, Piplup, Ambipom, Buneary, Pachirisu."

Next was Ash, "I choose you Turtwig, Buizel, Chimchar, Staravia, Gligar."

And finally was Brock, "I choose you, Sudowoodo, Happiny, Croagunk."

Everyone prepared for lunch as Brock started preparing the food.

With Buizel:

Buizel had run a mile sniffing out whatever food he could. He had some power of aura since he had some blood of a Lucario in his DNA. He looked about trying to figure if there was any fruits about. He sniffed the air smelling something he didn't expect. His curiosity was aroused when he smelt the same smell that Riolu and that Rattata was giving off in the lab, when Riolu was raping her, but it was only a single smell and it was female from what he could tell. He was curious to find out what was emitting the smell. He slowly walked, the smell becoming stronger and stronger.

The land started bending down hill as he walked, but he didn't pay any mind to it. He kept aiming for the smell with his nose up in the air. His senses was getting intoxicated by the smell and he was starting to get aroused. He didn't know exactly what was happening to his body. He just knew he was captivated by the smell and needed to find the source. He closed his eyes, the land still going downhill as he moved. He allowed his nose to lead him. Then with a loud yelp the land ended, when he took the next step he fell down a hill. There was plenty of brush and weeds that tried to stop his descent, but to no avail. He was quickly plummeting to the bottom of the hill and it was painful. Finally it hit him, he hit the bottom and rolled until he was on his back. Buizel coughed growling in pain as he stood up.

"ARE YOU OK?" A female voice asked rushing near him.

Buizel's eyes shot open as he looked at the kind worried face of a Pidgeotto flying down at him. Buizel stepped back watching the bird land and he gawked at her and the smell returning to his nose. He gasped as Buizel said, "You're the one that smells like that."

Pidgeotto blushed stepping back a couple steps as she replied, "Yea..., um..., I'm kinda in heat."

Buizel walked over sniffing her, she was about ready to fly off afraid of this Buizel's intentions.

"I really like that smell." Buizel said with an innocent goofy kid smile.

"Why aren't you like um...., all hyper like males usually are when they see a female in heat?" Pidgeotto asked curiously, "Wait, are you um..., into other males?"

Pidgeotto was curious and had never seen a pokemon that liked the same sex, she had heard of humans doing it with the same gender, but never a pokemon.

"No, I just can control myself I suppose." Buizel said grinning.

Pidgeotto giggled, "Well, I have to be going now." She said about to take off.

"PLEASE..., please don't go." Buizel asked anxious to get to know her.

"Why?" Pidgeotto asked wondering what this pokemon could want.

"Cause..., I like you." Buizel asked blushing.

"You just met me." She said frowning at him.

"Yes, but I...." Buizel said twirling his foot in the dirt while looking down and fiddling with his fingers.

"Your just a kid aren't you?" Pidgeotto asked.

Buizel nodded to her yes and blushed.

"That probably also means you're a virgin too, huh sweetie?" She asked placing a wing on his cheek.

"YY Ya... Yea..." Buizel replied stuttering.

"How about you um..., help me with my little..., problem then?" Pidgeotto asked seductively.

"PR..pr Problem?" Buizel stuttered nervously.

"Just follow what I do." She said leaning toward him, "By the way, my name is Sonya."

She kissed him right after giving him her name, rubbing his chest with her other wing. Buizel's member rapidly growing and pushing from its sheath. He couldn't believe she was doing this, maybe her heat was leading her or maybe something about a virgin excited her. Either way he was eager and ready to please the beautiful Pidgeotto. Sonya led the young Buizel to his back, where his mon hood stood proudly at five inches for his Buizel body. Buizel's body convulsed and he let out a short gasp as his male hood was touched for the first time of his short little life.

The knowledge that Team Rocket packed into his mind didn't teach him nothing about anything this intense. Pidgeotto had ran a wing over his member, slightly tickling the underside. Immediately ejaculating pre from the tip as he bucked his hips.

"You really are a virgin aren't you sweetie?" Sonya asked giggling.

All Buizel could do was moan as she kept her gentle touches, her wing gently running across his length.

"let's see what you taste like, shall we?" Sonya asked with one more giggle before lowering her beak.

Sonya inhaled, smelling his musky arousal in the air, making her insides twitch, exciting her heat. She grabbed Buizel's member at the base forcing him to buck into her wing as she licked the tip, tasting the pre he had to offer. Not much of her short tongue could come out of her beak so she ended up just taking his member into her mouth. Taking extra care not to scrape him with her beak. His and her smells rising into the air was just too much for either of them. Sonya had a wing rubbing against her red swollen sex, moving in rhythm of her head slowly moving up and down of his male hood.

"I'v...., I've never....., Wow..." Buizel said with a plea fully panting.

Sonya just smiled through her beak, as she barely gagged as Buizel's member touched the back of her throat. Her wing that was expertly working her own moist sex was drenched in her aroma and juices. Her liquid slowly trickling down her wing as she slipped feathers into her treasure, teasing her insides. Buizel was in heaven and totally under her control, Her mouth felt so wet and warm around his meat that it forced jets of pre-cum from the tip. Sonya's Pidgeotto cheeks turned a rosy red as her mouth filled with flavor. Then Buizel felt a new sensation, like he had to pee but surprisingly pleasureful.

"I'm..., I'm going... to...., pee." Buizel gasped quietly moaning.

Buizel's hips were bucking upward against the Pidgeotto mouth that covered his meat. He gripped the grass under him panting out into the air, his little water body heating fast. His orbs tingled as his cum boiled. He could feel something building inside that totally confused him. He cried out squirming and jerking as his back arced, and jets of his cum started flowing into Sonya's beak. She didn't have lips so what she didn't instantly drank coated his furry balls and legs.

Buizel looked down noticing his member was throbbing and hard as ever, then he noticed the smell. Sonya's heat had kept him hard and he was all ready for another go. Sonya licked up whatever cum she could before climbing over his body bringing him into an awkward beak to muzzle kiss. It was a kind of weird kiss but pleasureful all the same. Buizel's member poking at her wet forbidden hole she whispered, "You ready?"

Buizel nodded and as soon as he did, Sonya pushed down slowly, taking an inch of his manliness into her love hole. Buizel gasped looking into those two wonderful milky brown eyes that stared back into his. There mouths rejoining for another kiss as she took another inch of his meat into her tunnel. Both let out a large breath of pleasure as Buizel hilted inside her. Sonya's cunny was heaven to him, he wrapped his arms around her, his fur mixing with her feathers. To Buizel her feathers felt like a soft quilt wrapping around his form. Her wings clutching his sides as she slowly pulled up off his member about halfway before pushing back down.

"Fas...., faster..." Buizel begged using his paws to force her up and down.

Sonya could only moan out as his soft fur ruffled her feathers, his male hood stretching her walls as she rode his shaft. His fur felt like a pillow as Buizel's chest moved quickly up and down as his heart raced. Sonya suddenly started screaming in pleasure as Buizel's body flashed, his body slowly changing as he transformed. His meat gaining another two inches as it grew with his body, Buizel hilting inside her. Sonya felt no pain but she couldn't believe how heavenly it felt having something grow in size inside her pussy. Buizel was now a Floatzel. Floatzel grinned at his new form, quickly flipping Sonya onto her back. Floatzel bent his head next to Sonya's as he whispered, "Time for me to repay you"

Before Sonya could say anything a moan was forced from her beak as Floatzel rapidly thrusted his seven inch cock in and out of her twitching sex. She was a lot tighter it seemed to him and she was screaming and moaning, "OOohhh..., PLEaaase don't... STOOooop."

Her heat was screaming out for release as both were feeling there orgasms nearing. Sonya came first as she came and came hard. Spraying juices out of her hole around Floatzel's crotch. Floatzel could feel his orgasm near, but he seemed to be lasting a lot longer since he transformed. Sonya's orgasm didn't have any time to diminish before another round of orgasmic bliss overcame her body. Her eyes were squeezed shut as tears of joy welled up in her eyes. A red rosy color filling her cheeks that could clearly be seen through her feathers. Her mouth agape along with squeals and moans. Just as a third orgasm hit Floatzel growled loudly grunting as he felt his own climax shoot string after string of cum into his lovely avian goddess. Quickly filling Sonya up and both there juices making a steady stream down her tail feathers.

Sonya's heat had been satisfied and Floatzel got to feel what mating felt like, but he felt something..., more than that. He felt closer to this female than just simply that she took his virginity. Then he heard something he didn't expect.

"I..., I love you Floatzel..." Sonya said panting trying desperately to regain her breath.

"I..., I love you too." Floatzel said collapsing his body atop her, kissing her neck gently.

With Riolu:

Riolu was running quickly through a forest, the trees stayed about enough so he could easily see far away. Which was useless since he was using aura to search for food. Riolu saw a berry bush about five hundred yards away with his aura. He darted toward it before smelling something. He stopped dead in his tracks to sniff it. The smell was blood, he distinctly could smell blood and it was fresh. Something was injured nearby so he darted after it. It took him five minutes but when he made it he saw what was creating the smell. A Kirlia was laying on the ground, tears running from her eyes, and her foot stuck in a metal contraption. The device that was cutting into Kirlia's flesh of her left leg was like a bear trap but was the size of a pokeball. It even looked like a pokeball, on side was red and the other was white and it had the Team Rocket logo imprinted on the side. (you would think Team Rocket wouldn't be stupid enough to put a logo on poaching equipment.)

"Please..., please help me..." The Kirlia begged, crying up to Riolu that stood above her.

"Ok, just stay still." Riolu commanded.

Riolu touched the device but instead of trying to open it, he used his Gengar DNA too faze the device right off her leg. Making it fall right off without the slightest worry of injuring her further. Riolu knelt down to Kirlia and looked at her.

"Why were you in Team Rockets Vice grip?" Riolu asked.

Vice grip (FYI the device that looked like a bear trap) was a Team Rocket device that was created to be shot out of a gun at pokemon. Instead of keeping pokemon or capturing them in Pokeballs, Team Rocket started using poaching devices to just capture them. Which most of the pokemon were going to Giovanni's secret collection pokemon museum.

"Thank..., thank you..." She said weakly before fainting because of a lose of blood.

Riolu's training taught him to only save Team Rocket member's pokemon or capture wild or other trainer pokemon. Riolu stood there looking over the female Kirlia. Wondering what to do. He didn't know why, but he decided to pick her up, darting quickly to the cave. It seemed to take him less time to get back because he was rushed. Hopefully he could patch up her wounded leg and save her life. As he neared the cave his aura flickered, revealing that three humans and several pokemon now inhabited the cave. He could not defend this Kirlia and also fight off the intruders. He decided it would be best to find another location for the current time being.

He darted into the forest once again, but instead of looking for shelter decided to patch up Kirlia's wound. He grabbed a vine, leaves, herbs, and came back to Kirlia. Riolu needed to help her before she woke up. She might be afraid and try to escape, so he worked quickly. Mashing the herbs up and cleaning her wound he placed the leaves on the wound tightening it with the vine and tying it off. His handy work seemed to hold stop her right leg from bleeding. Riolu picked her back up, running into the forest for either shelter or for Buizel, whichever he came across first.

Thunder clouds boomed, warning Riolu of the impending storm, that was actually being brewed up by Mewtwo to stop Team Rocket's advances on the island.


With Ash and friends:

"Looks like a storm" Dawn said crossing her arms.

"Do you think Mewtwo is creating the storm?" Ash asked.

"Must be, because the sky was clear all day." Brock pointed out.

They all sighed as the put away there cooking supplies and everything else that needed to be put away. Dawn sat against the wall of the cave, shivering as Piplup waddled up, crawling into her lap, giving her extra heat.

"Where can they be?" Ash asked.

"We could either be in the wrong cave, or something happened to them." Brock said.

"Maybe we should look for them?" Dawn said standing up tossing Piplup onto the floor.

"Pip." Piplup said sitting and rubbing his head.

"Sorry Piplup." Dawn said apologizing.

"Well lets go." Ash said running out into the storm just like his normal over eager self right after returning his pokemon.

Dawn and Brock followed, also returning there pokemon. Pikachu running next to Ash as his fur began becoming soaked, as was Ash, Dawn's, and Brock's clothes were becoming.


With Floatzel and Pidgeotto:

Just as the storm started Floatzel and Pidgeotto awoke from there slumber after the passionate workout they earlier endured.

"It's raining." Sonya the Pidgeotto stated.

"Don't you just love the rain?" Floatzel asked with his loving demeanor.

"I'm a bird pokemon and it's thundering, we should go to my nest." Sonya said pointing to a tree with her wing.

"I'm sorry, but I need to see if my friend made it to the cave ok." Floatzel said standing up preparing to leave.

Sonya grabbed him by the shoulder pulling Floatzel into a kiss.

"I hope this isn't the last time I see you." Sonya stated with love in her eyes.

"It wont be, I just need to check on my friend." Floatzel said giving her a smile before running on all four to the cave.


Sorry but this chapter is plenty long, I'll continue another chapter when I feel like it. :P

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