Epic Shirt of Dragon Laying

Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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Dangit, this came out way longer than I'd anticipated, but oh wells here's a short steamy smut story!

Warning, gay sex between anthropomorphic dragon and human ahead!

Epic Shirt of Dragon Laying

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I watched the mailman leave the front porch, start up his delivery truck, and drive off. With great enthusiasm, I let go of the corner of the curtain where I was peeping through, hopped off the couch, and dashed towards the front door.

I restrained myself and opened the door carefully to minimize the noise. Lying on our welcome mat was the package I was waiting for!

I picked up the flattish bag-like shipping container, gingerly shut the door, and ripped off the perforated top of the package. Inside was the bright red shirt I needed! I pulled it out and pinched the shoulders to let it drape and show off my own artwork to myself.

It was a clean line work of an anthropomorphic dragon. The lines were black and crisp, and they'd printed out much better than I'd expected onto a t-shirt. The red color of the shirt filled in most of the dragon's color, although there was a hint of green in the eyes, and a more crimson shade of red for his frontal scales.

The dragon was my boyfriend's fursona. I wasn't really into furries, but Kevin loves them (especially big dragon men), and the appeal slowly rubbed off onto me, though I'd never delved deep into the whole anthropomorphism thing, preferring my boyfriend over fantasy. I was just a hobbyist artist too, working on digital painting in my spare time, but I knew this was just the thing Kevin would love for his birthday, so I worked real hard to make a nice looking shirt for him.

Ah, it's always odd how ideas for birthday presents come so close to the special day. I had to rush order the shirt, but it made it here in time. Kevin was in the kitchen making a nice birthday meal--I had offered to do it, but my cooking skills weren't exactly exemplary.

I turned the shirt so that its empty back faced forward, and then I started stepping towards the kitchen to reveal the birthday boy's gift, but I noticed a card had dropped onto the floor so I picked it up and glossed over it first.

Washing instructions blah blah blah. Thank you for ordering from Magical Custom Shirts, packaged with care by Horis. _ In handwritten text, there was a cursive thanks. _Loved the art, packed with extra special magic - Horis. This card has an inside! Look inside for guide to use shirt.

I grinned, set the card on top of the torn packaging, and tossed it haphazardly onto the couch. Who the heck needed instructions on how to use a shirt? Funny joke, I guessed, and so I marched on into the kitchen with the red shirt furled along my shoulder.

With the sound of sizzling pans and boiling water surrounding him, Kevin didn't hear me enter. I stalked behind him while he was flipping some enticingly scented Korean BBQ beef briskets.

With a moderately loud yell that was more a holler than a scream, I called out, "Hey Kevin!"

He dropped the pan and swiveled around with a wooden flipper held in a very ineffectually defensive manner. "Ack! Oh shit, Mikey, you scared the hell out of me."

I flashed him a wily smile and swished the shirt in front of me. "Happy birthday," I said. I upped the creepy voice dial and added, "My precious."

Kevin's face gleamed and he took the shirt by the shoulders after dropping the flipper. "Oh gosh, you drew Ragnok and put him on a shirt! This is a kingly gift!"

"Even Smaug would be jealous," I said playfully.

"Mrawr, he's a cutie too. Hmm, why'd you draw him pants?"

"So he wouldn't look overtly furry to random strangers. Not that it's a bad thing, but, you know."

"Okay, you big silly man. Coulda just, you know, made it smooth down there."

"Nah," I said with a chuckle, "I couldn't hide your scalesona's great balls like that!"

Kevin turned down the fires behind him. "Hehe, it's still great! He still looks super sexy with them trousers." He took his normal old white shirt off, revealing his slim body to me for a few seconds, and put on my present. He looked really damn cute with the big buff red dragon lying on his flat belly.

"It looks great on you," I said.

"I bet it does!" He went on his toes to reach up towards me and give me a quick kiss. "Love you, hon."

I was half a head taller than him, so I craned down a bit to make the snogging a bit easier, and we delved into a longer kiss.

Okay, it was a really long kiss, and the beef got a bit charred even at the lower flame setting, but Kevin still had a lovely birthday dinner anyway, and I cleaned up the dishes, pots, and pans afterward--it was the least I could do to make up for my lack of cooking skills.

"That was a great birthday," Kevin said with a big ole' grin. "Thanks for taking the day off, Mikey."

I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and held his hand to our bedroom. "Next year we'll take a week vacation somewhere nice."

"That sounds lovely," he said. He yawned and sat down on the mattress. "Phew, I'm tired from today though."

I sat down next to him and rubbed his lean stomach through his new dragon shirt. "Too tired for one last fun thing tonight?"

He nuzzled my shoulder. "Not tonight, hon. The classic movie marathon after dinner wore me out. The call of the mattress summons me."

I let my hand drop and give his crotch a little disappointed tease. "Aww, that's okay. Happy twenty-sixth birthday Kev."

"Thanks, hon. I'm super sorry, but I'm pooped."

"It's fine. You wanna shower first?"

"Nah, I'm just gonna go to sleep now."

"Heh, okay."

I washed up and came back to find Kevin fast asleep with his new shirt and, disappointingly, his shorts still on. He looked so sexy and vulnerable, especially since he was of such a small build, but I wasn't that kind of boyfriend. Oh well, can't have him every night, eh? I quietly snuck onto my side of the bed and went to sleep without disturbing him.

I dreamt of fire, but it was not a burning flame. It was a soft fire, a flicker of life, and it hummed gently. It crackled a song, music which I couldn't fathom, and slowly, there were more and more human sounds.



Mike...oh gods, Mikey, more...

More, please...


My eyes snapped open, and there was blackness. I heard moans coming from behind me, so I realized I was facing the wrong way.

Hmm. Was Kevin jerking off? I thought he was too tired? Or maybe he was playing a little game with me, but that wasn't his style. I rolled around, but there was no moon outside to give me some sort of sight.

"Mmm, just like that, Mikey, yesss..."

Oh, wow, I realized he probably wasn't jerking off behind my back--he was probably just having a really sweet dream. But his voice was abnormally low, and I pressed my palm against him to make sure he was fine.

Err, okay. I must not have been fully cognizant. I lifted my hand and pressed it against him somewhere else.



That was weird.

I moved my hand around, rubbing what should have been Kevin's skin, but instead there was a smooth scaly texture. And then there was skin again when I went behind his back, almost as if he had wings or something.

Wow. I must've still been asleep, but then why was I having a dream like this? This was more Kevin's kink. I shifted out of the bed, all while my boyfriend was practically purring my name over and over, did a few jumping jacks in the dark to make sure I was awake, and then I flicked on the light switch.

Holy hell.

There was a big red humanoid dragon on the bed. There was Ragnok on the bed. He had the very same pants I'd drawn him with, and he was wearing the shirt I'd given Kevin. The line art seemed to soak in the light and glow, and the dragon was panting with what, from the massive bulge I could see in the front of his pants, extreme horniness.

And no, not literally either. He only had the two normal horns (plus the third which was threatening to tear his meager trousers) which distinguished him as a dragon. Kevin had designed him with hair and fluff, which made his head look rather equine aside from the ear frills, so he would be comfy to snuggle with, and there were no spikes and extra horns adorning his smooth crimson body.

"Mmm, I love you so much, Mikey."

Well, okay then. I should be freaking out, but the dragon was, against all possibility, apparently my Kevin. Magical Custom Shirt, indeed? Eh, I must've been really loopy and in some weird realistic but fantastical dream, right?

And shit, I couldn't deny that if the tough hunky red dragon was indeed Kevin, then he was hot as hell. In fact, he was so damn hot that I didn't realize I was aroused until my cock was painfully hard and struggling to burst out of my lounge shorts.

Hey, if this was a dream, then it wouldn't hurt to be bold, right? And there was no way this couldn't have been a dream, even if it was something more likely to be conjured up by Kevin's mind than mine, but maybe his love for dragon porn was rubbing off on me. In any case, I closed in towards him, and the cloth constricting my dick sent wonderful tingles up my spine.

I bent slightly over him, slipped a hand under the glowing shirt, and rubbed his adamant belly plates. They were as smooth as glass, but very warm to touch. That was not entirely unexpected since Ragnok was a fire dragon after all. I guided my hands down his literally rock hard abs towards the great tent, the horn which yearned for freedom, and he mumbled my name throughout the entire descent.

"Y-you feel so good, Mikey. Mmmf..."

"Heh," I whispered, "I'll make you feel even better."

I unbuckled the simple belt and peeled down his pants. He had white boxers underneath, and it was already blotted with a large dark spot the size of my fist all around the large protrusion. Good god, I couldn't stop myself from licking my lips as I started to pull down the wet underwear, the scent of dragon pre and musk filling my nose and making my head imagine a great many things.

Once done dragging the underwear beneath the critical point, I was fixated on my transformed boyfriend's massive dragon dong. I mean, damn, it was fucking huge! I was used to being the bigger guy in our relationship. I went to the gym every week and built up strong muscles, had a six-pack and all that, and I stood taller than he did. I had a bigger cock than he did, bigger balls, and was just way bulkier than he was. I could lift him up all day and even fuck him like that, but now everything was turned upside-down: I was no match for a godly body like dragon Kevin had right now.

Damn, man. I liked feeling like I was his guardian and being the big strong guy who would keep him safe. I know he liked having someone with muscles built like a wall sheltering him, but now I really understood how he felt because at this moment, I wanted to curl up next to this massive dragon man and furl a wing around me.

Oh, but my throbbing cock wanted something more.

You want that huge dragon dick lodged inside you, pulsing inside as it empties out those heavy nuts you still haven't uncovered yet. Yeah, that's right, pull those undies off. Go on. You're such a small, feeble man compared to him now, turn-about is fair play. You want him to use you as he deems fit...

I was drooling. Drooling on those fist sized dragon balls. They beckoned to me with their musk, tugging at my nose, dragging my face down onto them. I let my head be smothered by Kevin-Ragnok's scaly studly nuts, their warmth and thick manly scent making me want to stay right there.


Uh oh. That sounded less dreamlike than the other sounds he'd been pouring out of his maw. I lifted away from his succulent sack and looked up to see a dragon dozily staring at me, his proud member blocking the middle of his snout. He was waking up, waking up in my dream, right? I wanted to say something, but no words would come.

He blinked a few times, and then his eyes bolted onto mine. "Mike? Mikey? Oh, wow, I guess part of me wasn't as tired as I thought. Wait, what the fuck? Is that my dick? It's so, so huge and pointy and ridged! Holy shit, what the fuck happened to my penis?"

His voice was so deep now, so mesmerizing and powerful! It rumbled into my ears and sent a tingle down to my erection, making it pulse with need to be used by the owner of that commanding voice. I could barely mutter out, "Err, erm..."

His hands went towards his cock, and then they went up to his face. "Oh my god, what happened to my hands? They're, they're--"

"Whoa, okay," I said, trying to gather my wits. "Kevin, you're still, uhh, you, right? Wait, am I still dreaming? Umm, hang on, let me grab a mirror, don't panic, alright?"

His hands started patting around his muzzle, so I dashed to the bathroom and grabbed a little mirror. I rushed back over him and showed him his reflection.

He stared and tested his head's movements. Then he made some facial expressions. And then he smiled. "Oh my gosh. This. Is. Awesome. But how?"

"I dunno," I said, "magic? Did you feel anything when you transformed?"

"Umm, no, not really. You know what?"


"I don't care how. I want to take advantage of it before it wears off." He grinned, showing off his sharp teeth. "I had a nice dream before I woke up like this, you know."

"Oh? What was it about?"

"Well, it involved you not having that measly cloth trying to hide your cock, for starters."

He moved with supernatural speed. Before I realized what was happening, he was towering over me with one of his clawed hands shoving my head against his warm chest. Whatever urge I might've had to struggle was crushed by his very presence, his scent and heartbeats making me completely complacent. A ripping sound signaled where his other hand went, and my cock quickly replaced its hugging partner from my shredded underwear to my dragonified boyfriend's toned scaly thighs.

"Kevin," I moaned with a lot more lusty greed than usual.

His hands went along my sides and lifted me up, doing something I liked to do to his formerly slim twinky body. "Wow, you feel as light as a feather," he said, his new Smaug voice continuing to drive me wild. "Is this how you feel when you carry me? How precious I am, yours and yours alone, belonging in your arms only..."

"Yes," I nearly cried out. "Now it's your turn, love."

He set me down, leaving me on the verge of whimpering for more. "I want to be as close to you as possible," he said, and then he started taking his birthday present off. "I hope this won't ruin the magic."

The shirt seemed to ignore the existence of his wings and claws and came off without any damage. It continued to glow as my lover delicately set it aside on a table like it was a fragile artifact. Kevin looked over his hands, and we were both satisfied to see that removal of the shirt did not turn him back into a human. The question of whether this was still a dream, or if not, how he could transform back to human form, was nowhere near the top of our priorities at the moment.

He waltzed back to tower over me and pulled me into a big warm hug with his wings folding somewhat clumsily over me. "Mikey?"


"This is definitely my best birthday ever."

"There's two unsatisfied cocks in the room," I said, nuzzling his chest. "It'll only get better."

"A-are you okay with being on bottom this time? I know it's not your turn, but are you--"

"For a beastly hunk like you? Hell yes. Don't make me beg."

"Maybe just a little?"

"Kev, you know how Helen of Troy had a face that launched a thousand ships? Right now, I would launch a thousand for you too, but you also have the voice which commanded those thousand ships. Could you, you know, try to be a lot more assertive?"

I heard a rumble from his throat. Then a cough. And then he said, "Embrace with me."

So I did. We simply stayed in each other's arms for a while, and I dared not disobey or question the absolute order to embrace.

I was starting to sweat from being so hot. His body was warmer than what I was used to, and his muscles pressed against mine. I considered myself pretty well sculpted, but he was absolutely chiseled--funnily, his pecs, his abs, every bulge of powerful muscle was crafted by my hand, drawn from my artwork, and I knew how outclassed I was.

Scaled flesh pressed against my smaller frame, a reversal of what I was used to. I moaned as he suddenly pushed me against a wall, and he took advantage of my open mouth to dive straight in and swirl his tongue inside me. His long, dexterous flesh could flick circles around mine, but I managed to catch it once. It slipped away, however, and then it dove straight into my throat, simulating a cock but much thinner.

Okay, wow, I totally understood my boyfriend's dragon fetish now. I didn't care if this was a dream or not--if it were, I'd soon be jizzing all over myself in real life, if not, then I'd soon be doing that and getting hot dragon jizz all in my bottom.

While he was still in the depths of my throat, he lifted me off my feet and took me back to our bed. I was rather grateful that it was a king sized mattress right now, because anything less would be too small for this hunky dragon man.

His tongue retreated, and I was playfully tossed onto the soft mattress. I whimpered, not at the lack of ability to resist him or the power my formerly weaker boyfriend was displaying, but at the loss of feeling his warm scaly flesh.

"On your stomach," he said, his voice even deeper than it had been. "Kneel over the edge and present your ass to me."

My body obeyed before my mind could put forth any objections. Kevin's dragon voice was driving me wild, and I raised my rear with a whine. He approached slowly, but that gave my brain enough time to bring up at least one problem. "Umm, you've got the lube, right?"

"Heh, no need. My slit fluids have slicked it up real nice, just like I wrote on my character sheet."

Any culminating thoughts were scattered as I felt warmth press against my entrance, and thinking ceased to make room for sheer anticipation. Slowly but surely, the powerful red dragon, who was my mate, bonded with me in the most intimate way possible.

I grunted and groaned as the massive slab of dragon meat pried me open. The special lube helped, but I was unused to being on the receiving end. It didn't help that, as a human, Kevin's cock had been on the small side, so I had very little training aside from the handful of times he'd played around and stuffed some of his dragon dildos up my bum. Ah, but now here was the real deal, and I tried my best to relax to make way for that unyielding diamond-hard flesh.

"F-fuck," he rumbled, "you're so tight. Feels so good."

I could only grunt as his hips pressed forward. My hands clutched at the nearest pillow I could grab, holding it as I battled through this initial transient pain. It was a tiered process--I would slip by the flesh between each ridge until I hit the next one, and then struggle to open myself up for the next ridge.

But the workout was oh so worth it. It took what seemed like ages, but eventually I finally felt the heaviness of his massive seed-filled balls settle against my smaller set. They departed before I could fully savor their heat, however, and I gasped lustfully, desiring their return.

Kevin didn't ask me if I was ready, which signified that he was settling into his new role. Instead, he took what he wanted. He took me, and there was nothing I could do to resist such a powerful beast even if I had wanted to. The second thrust was exponentially easier and less painful than the first, the third was when the pleasure started building, and I lost track of any stinging by the sixth or so pump.

As his ridges relentlessly ground against my prostate, I drooled again all over the pillow I was grasping even tighter than before. Even though I could only feel pleasure now, I knew I would be walking funny for days, and that knowledge only made me harder. I leaked all over the edge of the bed, making dark spots with my pillow from drool and the bed with my pre.

The heat behind me grew immensely, and I heard him breathe close to my ear as his chiseled body pressed against my back. Clawed hands rubbed all over my head, feeling my face and brushing my hair. He handled me like the precious thing I was to him, his one and only lover.

My entire body started becoming slicked with sweat as it was ground into and used. My muscles gleamed, but they were little hills compared with the mountainous slabs on my lover's new form which shined like rubies without any sweat. It must've been a dragon thing.

Gods, he felt so fucking good! I wanted more of him, I craved more, I needed more. He seemed to sense my desire and moved his hips faster, his balls clapping against my cleft, but my body still demanded more and started bouncing back on him, and his ridges felt so nice going past my ring and digging through my little inside nub.

I moaned and cried his name repeatedly like he would've done in my position. Like he _had_done, so many times, when I made sweet love to him. We were ecstatic lovers, but this was becoming too much, and I could feel that urge pushing through my rear, from my little pleasure gland which was being stimulated like never before.

Mmf, so close now. I shivered, and then...

Nothing. Emptiness. Cold.

My ass automatically backed up in search of the beautiful shaft which was removed, and my cock twitched as it dropped back from the edge of ejaculation. Then, as quickly as I was left alone, the warmth returned and wrapped around me, lifting me away from the mattress and turning me to face the scale-clad beast who was my one and only lover.

"Not like this," Kevin said so damn seductively. "I want you closer to me, closer when you reach the height of bliss, the culmination of our show of love."

"A-anything," I sputtered out.

"Mm, legs around me, now."

I reacted without thought, his incredible voice resonating down my spine and ordering my legs to wrap around his back, right above his new tail, while his palms kept me from falling down. I could feel his giant dragon dick throbbing against my taint, eagerly waiting for the moment it would re-enter me.

His hands shifted so that they went under my arms, and then he pulled me slightly up to give his shaft a chance to find my hole. He lowered me and missed it, but he gave the crevice between my butt cheeks a few humps anyway. He tried again, and this time I helped him by tightening my legs, and his aim was true.

His massive cock entered my well-stretched ass easily, though the short period of emptiness had tightened it back some and brought back a little stinging. The small buzz of pain was banished almost as soon as gravity brought me to the base of his hot meat. I expected him to start pumping into me immediately, but instead he folded his arms around me and hugged me tightly against his powerful body while I clutched to him like I was a baby.

In the past, when I was in his power-lifting position, I would eventually tire out, but I had no doubt the dragon's strength would not yield. My little Kevin was now a towering giant, but he was still being gentle. My needy cock thought he was being excessively gentle out of habit. You can cuddle after I'm satisfied, it begged, asking me to tell my lover to fuck my brains out.

But my head overruled. I rubbed my cheeks on those wonderful scaled pecs, and then I felt his muzzle crane down over and brush against my hair. "Love you," my big dragon said in a crackling attempt at a whisper.

"Mm, you too," I uttered into his flexing muscles.

"I can feel your cock jumping and slapping against my abs," he said. "You want me so badly, don't you?"

What else could I say? "Yes."

"Do you want it hard, my sexy little human?"

Sweat poured off of me as I was held so close to this furnace of masculinity, and I could not respond in any other way. "Yesss..."

His arms moved away from my back towards my sides. He grabbed a hold of my torso and started pumping me up and down, fanning the heat and making me shut my eyes out of sheer ecstasy. I was so weightless to him, this handsome dragon boyfriend of mine, that he was holding me like I was a giant human sized fleshlight, thrusting into me while pushing me up and down along his hot length.

I helped out by squeezing my legs on the downthrust. I felt like I was streaming off sweat, more than I've ever done for any workout, and there was no stopping it. My vision was reddened as Kevin furled his wings around me, encapsulating me entirely within his flesh. Nowhere I could look now had anything but him, my love, my mate. His head came down to kiss me, and our tongues dueled while he fucked me silly.

With many more thrusts, I felt closer and closer, that electric buzz returning to satisfy my drooling cock. But there was a new thing, something causing the sting in my rear to return. It threatened to stop the buzz, but Kevin wouldn't allow it.

Oh jeez. I forgot Ragnok had a knot that inflated when he was close. His dragon dildos had them, but they were small sized ones which could not compare to my real dragon lover's shaft, and his knot was immense in comparison. I retreated from his mouth, breathed the hot air, and tried to relax while my red hunk tightened his hold on me and tried to push down harder to pop it into me. I was a bit afraid of how difficult it was going to be, but I knew he wanted it, and I wanted it too.

My ass fought against his rippling muscles and gravity, but it could not resist such an onslaught of force for long. Kevin shifted one of his hands away from my sides and pressed onto my shoulder for more leverage, and I could feel the rounded flesh slip further and further as my ring relented.

With an incredible surge of pleasure, he tied with me.

The tingling buzz was interrupted by a blast of energy, not tipping me but absolutely firing me over the edge. I pulled myself closer and absolutely mashed my face against his pecs as my cock received what it had so desperately wanted, firing off load after load of my seed as a reward. It shot all over our middle, and I could feel my sweet liquid rub between our bellies.

And all the while, my ass tightened and convulsed around his hefty knotted shaft. Its effect did not go without result, and the wings around me came closer until arms and membranes locked me tightly against my boyfriend's chiseled dragon flesh.

He made a soft purr. Not what I was expecting, but I supposed he didn't want to deafen me with a roar, not with me so close to him. Regardless, I knew he was cumming, and cumming hard.

I could always feel it when he came into me. I could feel his cock jump and throb, eagerly stuffing me with his cum. That feeling was there, intensified tenfold by the sheer size of his new shaft, but now I could also feel every load of seed he deposited deep into me. His cum was hot enough to feel, as befitted a fire dragon, though it wasn't hot enough to be uncomfortable. Absolutely the opposite--hot enough to make me absolutely inflamed with pleasure and satisfaction.

And his knot ensured not a single drop would be wasted.

There were no more words exchanged. I was far too exhausted and content to even try to think. Kevin must've felt the same, because the next thing I knew, the lights were off, he had carried me back to our bed, and we were cuddling against each other, locking mouths and nuzzling each other until our afterglow slowly transitioned into the depths of sleep.

In the morning, a little card appeared in the slumbering dragon's hand. It was the card with the shirt's washing guide and usage directions folded inside. The usage directions, written by hand, said the following: Hey, you probably read the outside of the card, laughed, and tossed it somewhere, so it'll magically pop into the wearer of the shirt's hand after what I'm going to guess is an extraordinary night. To return the wearer to normal, remove and FOLD the shirt. To reactivate the shirt's magic, wear the shirt and go to sleep with it on. That's all! Hope you order from Custom Magical Shirts again!

First an End

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The Back Way

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Too Much Video Games

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