The Back Way

Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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Just a one-off short short, actually kept my writing exercise goal and succeeded in keeping it under five pages, woohoo~

Rapey Gay M/M sex between two anthro dragons ahead, but it's not what you'd expect...twice.

The Back Way

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It's quiet. Chilly. The air feels fresh, and my feet dabbed into one of the little ponds made from the leftover rainwater from the last storm which hadn't quite evaporated yet. I'm making my way back to my apartment, maneuvering through the urban jungle. The city was quiet now, dark and sleepy from the rain earlier.

I glanced at my cell phone. It's almost midnight, but tomorrow was Saturday. I tucked my phone back into one of my coat's outer pockets and stuffed my claws into my pant pockets. Might as well begin my weekend now--I took the more fun way home, through the back alleys.

I saw a few wild dogs. It was funny watching them flee from a skinny as hell dragon like myself. I didn't even have wings, and there was nothing threatening about me at all aside from my species.

I weaved through the labyrinth of the city and passed by crazy old Grey, a raggedy wolf who, as long as I've known him, has never possessed a sound mind. He was smelly as always, and this time he didn't even make eye contact with me, instead continuing mumbling on about his riches in Canada or something. I'd toss him some money, but he never even acknowledges other people's goodwill. Poor guy, he was harmless and never wanting, but at least someone had given him a newish looking blanket to cover himself up with during the rain.

My scrawny legs kept moving. From above, I could hear the Johnsons having another argument again, their marital status always in peril from what I could gather. Sometimes I stay to eavesdrop on their problems, but not today.

I meander through the back side of several restaurants and took in the delectable smells wafting through this part of my way home. It was always the same Italian smell, like meaty pizzas but stronger and mixed with more spices.

The enticing aroma faded and was replaced by a damp musk intermixed with that nasty urban garbage scent as I passed through the last half-mile. The dumpsters thinned out in number as I made my way to the back side of a bunch of storage units, the other side of the alley closed off by an old warehouse, and then there was sort of no smell at all, just that of the city I've long become accustomed to.

I briskly made my way through the storage units until they also turned into warehouses. Both sides of me were walled up by the back side of varying three-story tall depots, the last segment of my walk before hitting my residential district.

This part of the alleyway was even more poorly lit than the other sections. Sometimes, when the moon was hovering right above the gap above, it would feel nice and cozy, but today I only had the rows of dim warehouse amber lights which barely overpowered the blotted city's starlight.

I slowed through this section. The air was still cool, but it was stale. There were no gaps for the wind to bleed through.

That's why I yelped when I felt a gust blast down from right above me. By the time I looked up, I had needed to look behind me. The sound of feet landing on concrete made me reflexively reach into my coat for the thing I dared not walk without anymore, not after the incident.

I was too slow. My arms were grabbed and pulled back, and a mass pushed me against a wall in one of the dark spots between the faint orange lights. I struggled and wiggled, but I couldn't find any way to escape.

Heavy breaths washed against my ear. "Scream, and I cut your throat. Understood?"

I grunted affirmatively.

"Good." The voice was deep and rumbled slightly. "Moan like a slut, and maybe you'll get something out of this too, little draggy."

"N-no, please don't--"

He slammed my head against the wall, dazing me for a moment, but at least he hadn't cracked it open. "You say please as if you don't want it." His hands groped the front of my pants and didn't stop until he'd made me hard. "Say please again."

I sniffled and did everything I could to stop from crying. There was no denying where this was going, and I couldn't stop it unless I wanted to be a lifeless pile of scales.

He grappled my shoulders and slammed me hard again. "Say it," he said with a spine-crawling growl.

My ribs were hurting. My chest felt like it was being squeezed by a pincer, but my mind knew there would be more pain in store if I didn't cooperate. "P-please," I whimpered out.

"Excellent," the voice said. "Since you're clearly begging for it, you're definitely not being raped, right?"


"Shut up. I'm going to back away, and you're going to pull down your pants and underwear. Then you're going to lift your little tail for me and be my bitch tonight, understand? You try to run, and you'll wish you had just obeyed me."

I whimpered out a meek grunt of submission, and I felt my attacker's heat dissipate from behind me. For a moment, I thought about reaching into my coat, but it was a huge risk which would end up with one dead body in the dark night.

It could be mine, if I failed.

I didn't dare it. I did as the voice commanded and released my belt, zipper, and tail buttons. I managed to get a good look at the owner of the voice while struggling with the back buttons.

He was a dragon too, but he had great leathery wings. He was layered with muscle, a big red-scaled beast who could probably beat me to a bloody pulp with his bare hands. In fact, from what glances I could sneak, he looked exceptionally like my m--

The hunky bastard tackled into me as if I'd stolen his football, and I felt his warmth flood me and overpower the cold seeping in around my legs from the loss of my pants.

Oh, he was a fire dragon, alright. There was so much heat in him that it made my knees wobble. A fire dragon melting an ice dragon. I felt my body quiver in spite of the rough impact against the wall, the tall manly beast pinning me tightly.

He yanked my tail up, making me yelp, and started grinding against me. I could feel his growing hardness mash against my tail while he held one of my horns and kept my head pressed firmly against the metallic wall.

"Say you want it," the red dragon harshly whispered into my ear. "I know you do. I smell male all over you, cum slut, and I know it can't be you since you're such a little runt."

I tried to slink along the wall, but he was too strong. "P-please just let me go."

He let out a low chuckle which seemed to bounce multiple times throughout my ear. "Let you go? I'll consider it, after I've let myself go into you."

And that was all the warning I had. He thrust once and hit his mark, burrowing into me with one strong push. It took everything I had not to cry out in pain, and I barely managed.

I felt his tongue lick around my snout and leave a trail of saliva until it slid under my eyes and took away the tears I didn't even know had dribbled out.

But his heat was so inviting, so warm and enticing. The red dragon's body made me want to meld against it, made me want to melt in his arms, made me growl softly with lust...

"What a cum slut," the heavily muscled tower of a male muttered into my ear. "So easy to plunge into. Bet you like my thick cock in you, don't you?"

I let out a little whine and clutched the cold wall, my claws scratching slightly into the grungy warehouse.

He pulled back, almost all the way out, and then he pounded into me so hard that both my feet rose off the concrete floor. My eyes bulged out in terror, the spiking pain bearable only by the fact felt good.

"Say you love it," the big dragon said. "Say you love my hot throbbing cock inside your chilly ass."

I tried to croak out the words, but it came out as a mewling cry.

He rammed me up again, this time making me rise even higher. "Say it!"

"I--I love you," I stammered.

The red dragon pulled back, softly this time, and drew me a bit away from the wall. I didn't realize I'd been so constricted down there until the free air allowed my engorged member to stand proudly.

His silky wings folded around me a little bit and covered my upper body. His muzzle slid across my shoulder and nuzzled the side of my head. "I wasn't too harsh on you, was I?" he asked soothingly.

I closed my eyes and soaked myself in his presence, his warmth, his scent, and his strength. "No," I whispered, "not at all. Thanks for lubing yourself up beforehand, though."

A warm hand stroked my risen shaft. "Hehe, wanna continue, babe? You love it when I make you turn all hot."

"Hell yes," I said, squeezing my ass on his cock. "Even rougher, if you'd like."

He let out a light chuckle and swept his wings away after gliding them over my front. "Just tell me if I'm hurting you, Kev, okay?"

"Fuck me, Jake. Don't worry about that."

And then his tone changed back to the act, and the lovely hand around my cock disappeared. "Bend over, bitch."

I started to turn my head around, but he grabbed one of my horns and shoved me down. His massive body started smashing down against me, but I tried to struggle. I was easily overwhelmed, however, and with a gasp, I bent over and went on my hands and knees. He had to have come down with me since his cock never left my tail hole.

With my head pressed tightly against the hard edge of the warehouse and the floor, I couldn't see or move much anymore. Jake could do whatever he wanted to me, and I braced my ass for the pounding to come.

The red dragon didn't wait for my permission. He started thrusting hard and fast, slamming me and dragging my back end closer towards my head. My horns and skull were bashing against the cold steel, but that was of little concern. Even a runty dragon could handle far worse treatment.

He drove into me fast and faster, speeding up from an already quick pace to an even quicker one, like a jackhammer adjusted from the fast setting to the maximum setting.

Gods, he felt so fucking good! My Jake was a red fire dragon, which meant that he, unlike me, had external balls. They, out of necessity, had to be further from his heated body, so they hung low and proud. They swung under my taint and would hit the space under my cock with every one of his heavy thrusts, making a loud clopping sound every time. The sound of his balls slapping me turned up like a metronome, only this one measured thrusts per minute. Then again, with the way he was smashing my body into the warehouse, beats per minute would still be a fine measurement.

His ridged, textured cock pounded my prostate into pulp and made my body loose as jelly. I was streaming pre, I assume, from the wet feeling on the tip of my cock and from previous experience, and I was definitely going to blow without touching myself.

Rough and sexy was the way we both loved it, but Jake couldn't help himself from making sure I was pleased as well. His warm scaly hand went over my drooling shaft again and pumped in tune with his harsh fucking, his raw lovemaking, and drove me swiftly to the edge.

With a horny grunt, I splattered my seed over the concrete, darkening large spots with my copious dragon cum. Dim though it was, I knew from feeling the fluid flowing through my shaft alone that I'd be able to see the stain even if I was standing. Of course, I couldn't see it until my head was no longer stuck against the wall--until my mate was finished too.

Jake growled as he fucked me through my orgasm. "F-fuck, you're tightening so much, can't hold much longer!"

I knew he couldn't. His balls were pulling up, and his thrusts were becoming more erratic. His heavy scaled sack retreated from slapping against where my balls would've been if I was not an icy blue dragon to clobbering my taint.

I could almost predict exactly when he'd cum. It would happen right as his balls pulled back enough to start hitting my butt cheeks instead of my taint. When they did, I was proven right again.

My cum, as I've been told, is cool and feels like it had just come out of a refrigerator. Jake's was the opposite--hot, though not uncomfortably so. It was like comparing chilly soda to warm milk, both delicious in their own ways.

When the big dragon fills me, I can really feel it. His throbbing cock shooting his hot load into my warming flesh and igniting every nerve I've got back there was absolute bliss and almost as pleasurable as cumming myself.

I loved making my mate feel as good as I was feeling.

I shut my eyes and slumped while my lover's cock kept me from totally collapsing onto the ground. His arms and wings helped soon after he was done filling me, surrounding me with a warmness I lusted for.

I breathed heavily while my senses slowly returned from their heightened state of pleasure, and the stagnant chill slowly bled through the temporary warmth I'd generated throughout my body.

I could feel my body complaining, sores and aches demanding respite, but there was one pain which overwhelmed all of them.

When my hands were cold again, I opened my eyes, and the illusion shattered. The wings around me evaporated, and there was no hand around my shrinking shaft but my own.

I was hurt, but not from anything in my tail hole. My eyes were watering, but not from any unwanted or wanted assault.

I stood up, turned around, and looked at the empty alleyway.

"I miss you," I said.

I felt an unearthly wind, impossible in this constricted space, and strained to keep my eyes open.

I know.

I brushed my arm against my cheeks to wipe away the tears, the wetness formed not from the illusionary pain but rather from the memory of him.

He'd been shot coming home this way. I hadn't been in our apartment at the time, luckily, or I would have heard the shot, a high-caliber round which could pierce dragon scales, that killed him. Many months have passed since, and the sadness is still there. It always will be. Despite the danger that took his life, I'll still walk home the back way just to remember an echo of his warmth. Sometimes, if I stopped walking this way for any long period of time, I'd feel as if I was abandoning his memory, and that was worse than the trepidation.

After all, the back side of these grungy warehouses had been the last thing he'd ever seen. It shouldn't have been that way. I'd always imagined the end to be far more romantic involving both of us, but life doesn't fit neatly into a perfect story most of the time. But the least I can do now is remember him, and I hope he's up there watching me show my faithfulness to him.

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Two of a Different Kind

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