Too Much Video Games

Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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Just a story to go along with a pic I commissioned, a wish fulfillment thing, really.

Gay M/M sex between an anthro dragon and charr ahead!

Too Much Video Games

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I glanced at my alarm clock. 4AM.

I should go to sleep.

Fucking Mai Trin. My stupid party's wiped four times already.

I'm tired of seeing my Charr engineer lying dead on the floor. I resurrect him. My armor's broken this time. Fuck it. Alt F4 it is.

My head droops and lands on my keyboard. I'm tired.

My eyes shut. I'll just sleepwalk to my bed later...

Echoes bounce around my ears.

I can make out some of the words. Gruff. Manly. Beastial. Pretty damn sexy, too.

Did the ritual work?

I don't know, why don't you wait for the smoke to clear?

My patience is growing thin, shaman. I'm tired of getting killed because he refuses to party with professionals.

You know you can't take it out on him. He can't die here.

I know. But I can teach him. With a good beating. He's probably a scrawny little human like the rest of them.

I hear footsteps approach me. My eyes open, but I see nothing except white.

Pain suddenly erupts from the top of my head. Someone's pulling hard on my hair, and I'm pretty sure a clump of it ripped right off.

I scream, wave my arms, and try to hit whatever's dragging me by my hair, but the punches don't connect. I try to reorient my legs so that at least I'm not being totally lifted up by my hair.

The voice again. Somehow familiar. "Stop struggling, you stupid bastard."

Another hand went under my arm. A swing, and then I felt myself flying through the air. The white fades away as I'm tossed, and I see a stone wall right before I smack headfirst into it.

The pain paralyzes me. I can't move. I didn't want to move. My head faces the wall, not wanting to turn around to see what had been able to throw me like a ragdoll.

The angry one spoke. "What the fuck?"

"Huh." A softer voice. "That's different."

"_Different? _ Did the damn Elder Dragons interfere with the spell or something?"

"I don't feel any corruption. Apparently he's your player."

"But he ain't human."

"So it seems."

"Get out."

"As you wish. Tell me when you want me to send him back."

"Yeah, okay."

A set of footsteps depart and fade away. I hear cloth rustling, like someone was changing. Another stronger set of footsteps approaches me. I brace my mind for some point of pain.

A hand grabs the hair on my neck. "Get up. Get up, you bastard."

I struggle to gain my balance, and when I do, I'm forced by a set of claws to turn around. Before my eyes figure out what's in front of me, another set of claws push me back against the wall, and my head would've whiplashed against it if it weren't for my horns being in the way.

Another second and my eyes could see him.

Big. Fuzzy. Brown. Four ears. Holy hell. My attacker was my character. My charr, a tough as nails horned feline buff beast. From my video game. "W-what?" I utter.

He grabs my throat and squeezes it enough to make my eyes widen. "You bastard, you fucking god damned bastard! I expected to give a pathetic ass little human a beating tonight, but instead I get this!"

I don't know how the hell I'm supposed to respond to seeing my character trying to kill me. "R-Rylin?"

"Fuck! You know my name. You're the right one. You're my fucking player." A paw grabs my muzzle and forces me to look down. I see something I've kind of daydreamed about before. "Look at this, you bitch! I wanted to beat some sense into you, but instead you come here looking like a fucking dragon or something! Some damned sexy beast instead of an ugly ass human! Stop trying to look away! Stare at it! That's right, take in its size. It's going into your tail hole, you stupid fucker." His face leans towards my ear. "You're too fucking sexy to beat the shit out of, so I'm just going to have to fuck some sense into you instead."

He grabs my body and tosses me again, knocking me into a pile of pottery. Ceramic pieces go flying everywhere, and if I were human, I would've been bleeding out all over. As I was now, though, my scales safeguarded my flesh from the shattered pots and plates, and my wings suffered a few cuts but those leathery membranes didn't bleed. Still, the pain of being thrown like a child's toy made me start to tear up, and an instinctual power welled up from within me as my Charr character approached with rage glaring in his eyes.

I raised my hand to defend myself and, to my surprise, a faint blue dome of light surrounded me.

The big furry engineer stopped lumbering towards me. "Guardian magic? But you can't do that. None of the players can do that!"

I tried to focus on him through the tears and the light, his form blurred heavily by both. "Rylin," I cried, my hand holding the sheltering shield up. "Why? Why are you doing this? I didn't make you to be full of hate. I partnered you up with Tybalt so you'd learn that a charr could be gentle and still have glory!"

"Don't you dare talk to me about Tybalt," he said. He picked up a pistol from a table nearby and pointed it at me. "Put the shield down, or I'll shoot it down."

"Please, Rylin, just tell me why!"

He shot at me once. The blue barrier rippled, but it didn't falter. "Because you're an idiot!"

"That doesn't explain anything!"

He shot a volley, and I felt a sharp headache as the bullets slammed against the shield. "It's not that I mind dying," he said. "It only hurts a bit. I'm fine with you making me do shit in the Mists, that's glorious war and battle. But those Fractals, and the stupid dungeons! Getting wiped in the Citadel of Flame? That's just shameful! And it's not you that's the problem, it's your stupid decision to party with morons!"

I shook my head, trying to throw off the pain. "I--I just wanted to help newbies out, I didn't know it was bothering you!"

"It was. It was damn annoying. And you're gonna pay me back with your ass."

I watched him raise his pistol again, and I dropped my hand. The blue shield dissipated, and I left myself exposed to him. "I'm sorry," I said. "Hurt me if it will make you feel better, just please don't kill me."

He glared at me and tossed his pistol aside. "Fuckin' hell. I couldn't kill you here even if I wanted to. And I don't. Damnit." He slammed a fist on the table, bouncing a few more guns off of it, and growled. "You're right. Tybalt made me a softy."

"No," I said, "he taught you how to be honorable without being a bastard."

"That's a softy in charr-speak."

"But you still have your glory, don't you? Hundreds of victories in the Mists, innumerable kills."

He grunted. "I guess. It's still fucking embarrassing to wipe in a no agony Fractal, you know that?"

I tried to get myself up but failed miserably. I relaxed where I was and sighed. "I always considered a bigger challenge. Besides, I hate those elitist 'pros only' douchebags, don't you?"

He grunted, but it looked like there was a hint of a smile there. "They're dicks most of the time."

"But if you want it, I'll join them."

His faced seemed to tighten, and then he slowly walked over to me, his heavy feet creating a rather ominous echo through the floor.

He bent over me, and for a moment I thought he was going to give me a harsh kick. His paws started coming down, and I braced myself for a punch. Instead, he grabbed my arms and lifted me up. I relaxed and sort of slumped onto his fuzzy shoulders. He sounded like he was barely making an effort, too, his massive muscles having no trouble picking up a skinny guy like me.

He placed me relatively gingerly onto the table where all the guns had been knocked off and snorted at my face, giving me a rather hefty dose of his manly breath. It was not unpleasant, and I was thankful it wasn't the season for Meatoberfest.

"No," he said. "You don't have to. They're not just dicks, they're idiots half the time too. I just needed to let off some steam. Sorry if I hurt you too badly."

Before he could pull away from me, I forced my arm to go around his burly shoulders. "Hey Rylin? You're my softy. Thanks."

"Don't push your luck," he said. "You still made me horny, and I'm still gonna fuck you."


"Relax. I ain't gonna hurt you more. I'll get some lube."

Okay, the thought of getting humped by my big sexy charr engineer was really, really turning me on, but my curiosity was, as of yet, the dominant feeling in my brain.

"Wait," I said, "how is this even possible? How are you and I here?"

He paused and grunted. "It's a long story."

For a split second, I felt a little chill on the side of my head. "Err, it doesn't involve crabs, does it?"

"What? No, there's this thing with a Contract and a person, could be a man, woman, charr, asura, whatever, with the Red Arches over his head. He offers you temporary immortality in exchange for being controlled by a player occasionally, and it holds as long as the Contract exists." He started walking away again. "My shaman friend devised a ritual from dissecting the Contract's magic to temporarily bring a player into this world. Anyway, lube first, talky later."

He sprinted off like he'd just equipped a tool kit, and I was left mellowing on the table, trying to recuperate my strength. The blunt pain from being tossed around was fading, and by the time my big sexy charr returned, I was able to regain control over all of my limbs.

Well, technically speaking, anyway. Realistically I could move them about, but I'd been tossed like a ragdoll and I couldn't really stand if I wanted to.

And I didn't want to. I wasn't normally submissive, but something about the charr's powerfully layered muscles, penetrating musk, and gruff attitude kept me glued to the table. If I were lying face-down, I might've lifted my tail involuntarily.

Funny. Two-hundred and fifty years ago, I would have never thought about a charr being sexy and gentle. Or was that five years ago?

Abstract thoughts and blurry memories were brushed aside as I felt a claw trickle along my tail.

"Nice, thick tail you've got," Rylin said in a voice even deeper than normal for a charr.

"Erm, thanks," I muttered, shivering a bit from the buzz of his both sensual yet potentially threatening touch.

"Heh, I wonder if you've got a thick dick to match."

"P-probably not as big as yours," I said, getting a bit nervous now thinking about how big a charr would be. Shit, even a small charr would probably be wielding a two-handed weapon by human standards.

"Relax," he said. "You're clenching your butthole. That's not gonna make it fun. I told you I wasn't gonna hurt you." His touch disappeared, and then there was a sudden prodding of a handful of claws right around my softly scaled scrotum.

I held my breath and tensed a helluva lot harder.

The claws were lifted away. "See? I coulda done some nasty things here if I'd wanted to."

Something fuzzy plucked into my cock slit. My wings curled from the curious prodding.

"Retracted my claws for you," Rylin said. "Wouldn't want to carve up your sausage, eh?" Another furry object burrowed into my ass, making me gasp and twitch my tail. "Or your insides, too."

"How considerate," I grunted.

"Pfft, believe me, before you showed up, I was expecting to claw you up everywhere and leave you in a pool of blood. I don't think I can even cut through your scales now. I probably wouldn't have sliced you up if you came as a human anyway. Tybalt wouldn't have wanted me to do that."

"That's very comforting to hear," I said, still a bit apprehensive.

"Hmph. I can see you're not relaxing your tail hole with talk, so I'll have to help you out." He fondled my balls and rubbed my slit until my cock slid out and hardened. He purred in a weirdly cute way. "Nice package. Not as big as mine, of course, but then again, your whole body isn't as big as I am, even a dragon man thing as you are."

"I don't think anyone but a norn can compete with you," I said.

"Hah, in size, maybe, but not in shape."

"What do you mean?"

"I like your set-up. Dick hidden in a slit like a skelk, but still got a pair of manly nuts. And your cock is like mine, shaped like what it should be--a sex weapon to penetrate into someone as much as possible! Not some ugly ass overgrown mushroom thing like humans and norn have."

"Err, and what exactly does yours look like?"

He grunted, I think humorously, and I felt his heat peel away. I was about to lift my head up when his warmth returned, only it was concentrated entirely near my face.

A big slab of flesh slapped onto my cheeks.

"There's a nice view for you, drakeling."

And an imposing one it was, that. His meaty shaft was tapered like a spear, and the upper half was adorned with plenty of feline barbs. I felt them slide against my muzzle, however, and was relieved that they were fleshy and only partially rigid bumps instead of sharp and dangerous needles.

It took a moment for realization to dawn, but the future was inevitable. That massive thing was going inside me. And I sort of wanted it. Sort of. Okay, really wanted it. Badly.

I blame my lust on his heavy, manly scent.

The longer he filled my nostrils, the more I wanted him. My tongue slipped out of my mouth almost of its own accord and began swishing on his hard, tasty cock.

He encouraged me and angled his shaft better to enter my maw. "Eager, ain't you? Come on, lap at it like a dog. Show me how much you want my bone."

Some part of me wanted to growl. I wasn't a mewling little pet to be toyed with. I was a man. I should be the one shoving my cock into his dirty mouth.

That was the normal me. But he was being suppressed right now. He couldn't break free from the intoxicating male aroma stuffing my nostrils, the throbbing greedy maleness demanding attention, and the rough teasing voice echoing in my ears.

I slurped and sucked, the dominant part of me slipping away to give this beastly charr the top play today.

He grabbed my horns and dragged me closer to the edge of the table, so close that most of my snout was hanging over it. He started face-fucking me, ramming that hot piece of barbed flesh into my mouth. His hefty balls, held in a soft furry sack, bounced heavily against my mouth as he drove into me. His cock was so long that it nearly made me choke the few times he was a bit too forceful and knocked it too far towards my throat. I was definitely not anywhere near ready to deep-throat that monster, but luckily he didn't hump into my mouth long enough to start.

Without warning, he removed his cock from my well-used maw. I didn't have a chance to react before he smothered my nostrils with his massive balls while I was held firmly by my horns. He wriggled his hips to make sure they were mashed as close to my nose as possible, their ridiculously heavy musk absolutely driving me wild with need.

My entire body shivered. By the Six Gods, I needed to be filled by my charr's thick seed, the virile fluid churning and preparing to be blasted within me in those hot, heavy balls pressed against my muzzle.

"Heh," the charr said, "you're good with your mouth. I'll return the favor."

I purred rather lustfully and curiously when his balls drew away, leaving me with his lingering musk. It was replaced with a moan as I felt his hot breath wash over my risen shaft.

It didn't take long for him to take it into his muzzle. My cock was smaller than his, but it was still long enough to reach into his throat. I almost couldn't believe how easily he was able to deep throat me, taking my draconic shaft in balls deep. Charr had big teeth, but Rylin was delicate, and I didn't feel a single scrape.

Oh, he acted tough like a charr should, but I knew he was a gentle giant.

I bet I could force him down and take it.

That part of me was diminished greatly, but it still whispered to me, wanting me to take my charr and show him who owned who. It wanted me to thrust my hips forward, to ram myself into him and slap my scaly balls against his chin. But before that voice could take control, he was banished once more to the back of my mind as Rylin released my cock and slid his snout lower, brushing past my balls and taint.

A wet, wriggly, fleshy thing pressed at my tail hole. I relaxed as much as I could. It pressed against me, harder and harder, until my walls yielded to him and granted his rough tongue entrance.

His tongue had an odd texture. It was like soft sandpaper, and it made me clutch at the table and scratch it a bit with my claws.

My wings stretched wide when he pushed his tongue against one side of my interior, nudging my bliss button. He pressed on it repeatedly, making me nearly drool with stars flashing across my eyes.

And then the warm wetness was gone.

"I love the slutty noise you make," Rylin said.

I mewled again, wanting that warmth back inside me.

The voice echoed like a dying wind. I'd love to hear what kind of noises you make when I drill into you, big man.

A loud voice shouted back. He's doing the drilling today, draggy, and you're gonna love it.

"Now for the main course," Rylin said, interrupting my thoughts.

He tugged my tail back, moving my rear towards the edge of the table, and dragged his furry sack along it, the thick appendage guiding his hips straight to my ass. I made a rumbling sound as his pointed tip found my entrance and pushed against it, re-opening the way his tongue had so graciously coaxed open just moments before.

His barbed cock slid in rather easily, thankfully. He had probably lubed it up before he came back to use me, but I could still feel myself struggling to stretch to accommodate him.

Of course, he battled the tightness like any charr would. By going in full force.

I didn't mind. I was writhing in pleasure on the table, lost to all sensation but ecstasy.

Seconds ticked into minutes. Time passed, but I wasn't sure how fast. Rylin moved faster and faster, giving me a general guess as to how long he was fucking me, and I could feel my quivering, the electricity of the moment, coalesce and flow towards my loins. The scraping of his soft barbs along my inside knot didn't help either, and the knot on my cock responded to his pounding by inflating to their maximum size.

I was going to blow soon, and I was going to enjoy every second of it. My tail was even unconsciously curled behind him and pushing his back to encourage him to thrust harder.

I expected sex with a charr to involve a rough pounding and that would be it. That had been true up until my knot bulged out, and then Rylin started falling over me, slowing his thrusts but making up for it by touching me all over and testing my pleasure zones.

Paws rubbed and caressed all over, moving from my chest to my wings and back. Onwards they went, to my face and ears, then they ruffled through my hair and massaged the base of my horns. They moved around over and over, accompanied eventually by Rylin's face nuzzling mine, and the little sparks of pleasure all flowed to my cock, joined by the big zaps coming from his feline cock, to push me over the edge.

It was mind-blowing. I don't remember cumming so hard in my entire life, and my cock wouldn't stop spewing forth my creamy seed, the sticky substance forming globs on my belly scales and matting Rylin's fur. My ass tightened again and clamped over his barbed cock, driving him to give a short few thrusts before his roar dwarfed my fading one, continuing our throes of bliss.

The warmth overwhelmed me, and there was a sharp pressure against my shoulder. His claws had extended at some point during his climax, and he was clutching me hard, but my scales held firm and I only felt a tingle which only translated into more pleasure for my drooling cock.

And drooled we both did, for quite a long time, both through cock and mouth.

Ultimately, the big charr collapsed onto me, offloading to the side somewhat so he didn't absolutely crush me. "Damn," he said.

"That was hot," I said in agreement.

"Fuck yeah it was. You must've been pent up, I feel a bucketful of jizz soaking into my fur."

"I feel a bucketful of jizz filling my insides."

He stroked my ears. "Heh, yeah. It's been a while."

I returned the favor, but I couldn't exactly decide which of his four ears to rub. "Rylin. Thanks. For not hurting me."

"No problem." He faked a cough. "I like the little nubby things you have on the bottom of your shaft. Bet it makes guys quiver when they grind on their little pleasure spot, eh?"

That dominant voice reasserted itself.

He wants your dick.

I was far too tired though. I just wanted to sleep, and then...

"Shit," the charr said, "you're fading. The spell's wearing off."

I narrowed my eye slits and stared at my arm. It was disappearing. "I'm...leaving?"

"Yeah. Damn. Wanted to mess around with you some more, but I guess that's it."

I didn't want to fade. I wanted to stay right here with him. "Rylin, will I see you again like this?"

"I don't know. Life is strange once we make The Contract. Time passes like a dream, cities fall and rise, and people don't seem to be...natural anymore. I am here when you control me, but when you're not, it's all a blur. But the Man with the Red Arches said it would be the price of near immortality, and I had agreed to it. The ritual may or may not work again."

"You'll try. I'll try. We'll find a way back."

He grunted, and then I my eyes seemed to shut involuntarily.

Annoying light filtered through my window shutters. It egged me to open my eyes and start the day. I slowly rolled my eyes towards my computer screen and noted that my head lolling on the keyboard had caused it to shut down at some point in the night.

I groaned and sat up straight, swiveling my chair around to answer a couple of needs my body were demanding. Before I got up, however, I noticed my hands. They were skin again, soft and lame. I remembered my dream, the memories flooding back to me, and then I sighed.

Reality sucks.

I contemplated that for a bit before I started to stand up. I sat back down again when I noticed I had jizzed in my shorts during my time with Rylin.

Well, shit, I guess it was going to be one of those play Guild Wars 2 until 4AM nights again. Maybe even every night, at least on every weekend I've got.


_Nightmares_ I dreamed. People swished by, swept in bright ribbon trails like echoing spirits. Their faces were blank, bare of all features except an indistinguishable mouth. Their voices echoed and blurred. _I'm sorry._ _There's nothing I can...

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Two of a Different Kind

_Two of a Different Kind_ _ _ The half-dragon struggled against the thick constricting tail wrapped around his body. His legs dangled uselessly above the polished stone floor, his wings hurting terribly from the pressure and his breaths becoming more...

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_Procession_ _ _ Anthony was peering outside the ship's windshield. There was a sight he could relate to. There were starships everywhere. Big ones, small ones, starfighters to great leviathans--it was a giant metallic mass (with some organic...

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