Two of a Different Kind

Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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A quick one-off smut written over the past few days to help pass my flu.

Rough gay dragon sex ahead, sweet feral x anthro M/M dragon sex~

Also additional warning: Testicles are verbally threatened against in this story but not actually harmed!

Two of a Different Kind

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The half-dragon struggled against the thick constricting tail wrapped around his body. His legs dangled uselessly above the polished stone floor, his wings hurting terribly from the pressure and his breaths becoming more and more laborious.

"Please," Darren gasped out, "I've done nothing wrong!"

"You exist," the mighty dragon choking him replied. "You are an abomination that must be exterminated."

"But it's not my fault," the half-breed begged. "Please..."

The great red dragon loosened his tail and flicked it, tossing Darren hard against the cavern walls. Karov gave the little wretch a moment to recover from the blow and was mildly happy that the silver-scaled hybrid could take a hit like that without breaking anything permanently.

"No," Karov said, "it is not your fault you exist. However, I will prevent you from spawning more of your filthy kind."

Darren's vision took a bit longer to recover, but he had heard the words from the mighty drake. His instinct wanted him to run, to flee, but his limbs were paralyzed from the pain, his legs spread out uselessly in front of him.

Even if he could run, the true-blooded dragon was faster than he was. He would be ripped apart, but the half-breed was not without any option. His draconic half gave strength to his tongue, and he struggled to come up with something to barter with the dragon.

"Wait," Darren pleaded, "I can swear, I swear I'll never breed, please, just let me go home."

In his shocking daze, Darren's mind forgot to explain another thing which would prove his oath true. The thing that his mind did not recover enough to realize yet, but his loins had registered from the sharpening image his eyes were feeding him.

Karov snorted at the little creature. "Dealing with a true dragon, two-legs? How oddly resourceful of you. Fine. Here is my offer. You can let me end your life painlessly, or you can walk away to your home of wood and brick."

Darren was following the narrative of the greater dragon now and forgetting one major fact about himself, but he answered as one of his kind should have--with great suspicion. "And what is the price of letting me walk?" he asked.

The red dragon ominously stepped closer to the stunned lesser creature. He lifted a forepaw, forcing a pathetic wincing sound escape from Darren's throat, and brought down a single claw upon the silver half-dragon's balls, the digit larger than both his nuts combined. "You have these on the outside," Karov said. "That makes the alternative easier."

"W-what?" Darren said, stammering as he felt pressure on his sensitive, and now very apparently exposed drakeling-makers.

Yet, a little pink started showing right above the endangered pouch, reacting to the touch of a powerful male, but still unnoticed by both dragons as Darren's scales were practically turning white with fear and Karov's resolute eyes were fixed upon the half-breed's wincing pair.

"The price," Karov said, "is a guarantee that you will not breed. I will tear these poisonous fruit from between your legs, and then you may wobble your way back to your life."

The pressure increased, indicating to the half-dragon that the great beast towering over him was going to make his choice for him if he took too long to choose between his life or his balls. He wanted to cry, but then he felt the tingle, the throb in his cock, and his dragon half latched onto this opportunity.

"Wait," Darren huffed. "You don't need to perform such a drastic act to guarantee that I will be the end of my line."

"You are stalling," the red dragon said, and he pushed down his claw a little harder.

Darren's eyes bulged, but they remained honest. "No! I'm homosexual, I won't have offspring, I swear!"

It was then that Karov noticed the odd scent nearby. The scent coming from...

The red dragon looked down and saw the half-breed's cock standing tall. This was a...surprising development. "A tail-raiser? Now this is unexpected."

"You have my word," Darren said. "Please let me go."

The massive red dragon removed his claw, allowing Darren to let out a deep huff of relief. Karov sat onto his haunches and tapped his chin a bit, pondering. After several heart pounding seconds, he lowered his head, his expression still menacing. "No," he said. "Not yet. This presents a third option, another deal to strike."

"Err, yes?" Darren said, his horns scraping against the wall behind him.

Karov gave the lesser creature a toothy grin and pulled back but remained sitting on his rump. He moved aside his forepaws, revealing the mighty dragon's loins and, more specifically, a black piece of flesh starting to emerge from his hidden slit. His voice was like a deep rumbling echo. "You see, I too have an attraction for males, a desire I have not yet acted upon. You must prove to me that you are a tail-raiser. If you satisfy me, then you may depart my cave with your genitals unscathed."

Darren knew he had no choice. He knew what was wanted of him. He had to please the great dragon, but he felt no disgust or shame--rather, his dragon half was pleased at the thought of a powerful male dragon using him, and his human half had the same attraction which had created him, the same thirst for dragons that had been passed down to him by his human father. The only difference was that he wanted to mate with males.

And Karov was a dominating male. His musk, his pheromones, started flooding his nostrils, and he felt his tail instinctively try to rise. At this point, he could feel his limbs again and moved them just a bit. "I--I agree to this third bargain," he said.

"There is a stipulation, however."

The silver dragon frowned. "What?"

"You must satisfy me wholly, not just show me you truly are a tail-raiser. And I will not be satisfied by just rubbing my cock over your body. You will enlarge yourself so that I may use your tail, as I will not suffer the indignity of shrinking to your size."

Darren narrowed his eyes at the greater dragon. "Enlarge myself? I can't do that!"

"You have dragon's blood in you, yes you can. Will it!"

Weak spells were all Darren had ever been able to perform. But he found himself surging with magic as soon as the red dragon had once again clamped down two claws around his balls, and his body seemed to grow almost automatically until those claws slipped into the empty space between his now proper dragon-sized nuts.

"There we go," Karov said. "I knew you had it in you."

Darren mewled softly as he sat at the not quite the height that the still larger red dragon was at, his balls still aching from being threatened and his head trying to acclimate to the new perspective. "Nngh."

Karov leaned back as far as he could while still remaining comfortable, and then he parted his forepaws until there was a gap a dragon's head and neck could pass through. "You. Suck it. Lick it. Now. However wet you get it is how easy you make it for yourself when it goes up your tail. I feel teeth, and you die."

The silver half-dragon grunted and crawled over, his scales preventing his knees and elbows from hurting too much, but it was uncomfortable enough to make the half-breed wish he walked naturally on four legs like the magnificent dragon he was pleasing.

Karov watched the boy crawl up to him and crane his neck towards his nether regions. He looked at his back and snorted. "Those wings are pathetic. Can you even fly with them?"

Darren's head inched closer to the powerful male's cock, the musk becoming overpowering. His mind was drunk with it, his cock hard with want, and he responded with as little thought as possible. "No."

"A pity," the red dragon said.

Darren did not respond with words, only with his tongue lapping out to seek the treasure between the red dragon's legs. It was not prehensile like a full dragon's tongue, but he was able to curl it around once and suckle the thick black meat into his maw. It had more texture, a sharper tip, and was altogether fiercer looking than his own pink half-human shaft, and he wanted more of it.

Karov could tell this silver scaled boy was a tail-raiser already. He could've let him go, but he had never delved into this part of his sexuality before. It was discouraged because of the dwindling draconic population, and males were encouraged to breed. Females were scarce to find and even harder to please, and there was nothing he or his kind could do to stop the more whorish dragonesses from fooling around with humans and making more of Darren's like, but while it was difficult to hunt individual humans and impossible to chastise dragonesses, they could at least stop the spread of the half-breeds by tracking them--a rather easy task compared to finding the humans responsible for making such abominations in the first place.

It was a job delegated to him. Karov didn't particularly care for it, but the other dragons had chosen him to do it. But if he had to perform, he might as well make it fun for himself--nobody would know, and Darren's existence would have to be kept a secret. Nobody would really ask, anyway, since he was known for doing his duty without complaint, and there wasn't really a spare dragon around to check on him.

The red dragon let a moan escape from his throat. Oh, he was definitely going to have fun with this half-breed. "One minute," he said impatiently, "that's how long you get to lube it up."

Darren replied by making his suckles louder, his mouth salivating hard to get the black cock wet and slick. He washed it with fervor, and the minute was up before he knew it.

Karov weaved his claws between the lesser dragon's horns and grasped at the fuzzy curiosity between them. There was no webbing or frills like he had on his head, but rather there was a patch of snow white hair in its place. He tugged at the half-breed's hair and pulled him off his slobbery cock. The red dragon could've sworn the lesser silver had whimpered in disappointment as he forced him off his shaft and moved his head away from the scents between his legs, a true tail-raiser indeed.

The red dragon made a circling motion with a forepaw. "Turn."

Darren obeyed without delay. He had feared for his life, but now he considered himself a rather willing subject to the feral dragon's whims, the magnificent creature's body turning him on like nothing before, his heavy male scents pumping blood straight to his loins.

The silver dragon presented himself and raised his tail automatically, enticing the big red beast to come and take him. Karov wasted no time, and Darren could feel the large feral's legs completely surround him while his tail was pushed along the red dragon's thick belly plates, further exposing his tail hole.

Karov growled lustfully but did not thrust. "Beg," he commanded. "Beg for my huge juicy cock, I want to be convinced you're a tail-raiser."

Darren responded with a few needy whimpering sounds, all of which were actually genuine, and wiggled his ass between the red dragon's back legs. "Please," he stammered, "breed me."

"What was that? I can't hear you, two-legs."

"Fuck me!" the silver dragon cried. "Fill me with your thick seed, your superior cum!"

Karov grunted with satisfaction and thrust his spear-like shaft forward, hitting his mark on the first try. The tapered tip entered easily enough, helped along by the slobber, but there was soon quite a bit of resistance halfway into the silver dragon's tight ass.

Darren braced himself on the polished stone floor as the red dragon pushed and shoved, forcing his way into his clenched tunnel. The discomfort in his knees and elbows faded, making way for pain which slowly transformed into pleasure. The half-dragon clutched at the floor, but his weaker claws couldn't make a single scratch in the smooth stone.

The red beast was relentless and didn't let up on hilting the lesser creature. He shoved and shoved, sliding Darren along the floor until the silver dragon's horns smacked against a wall, and it was then that his big black cock was able to burrow deeper into the half-breed's ass. Every single ridge on the red dragon's thick cock was a challenge to slide in, but the constant force ensured they all made it into the tight silver dragon's ass.

Karov didn't give his fuck toy a single second to adjust to his size. He hilted him harshly, making the half-dragon cry out in pain, but Darren didn't vocally object. The silver dragon rather liked being abused like this, and in any case, he preferred to have his ass ravished than to have his balls removed.

After the base of his throbbing cock touched the silver dragon's tail hole, Karov started mounting the boy proper. Without any break, he pulled back, thrust, and bred the half-breed beneath him. He adored how the cries of pain slowly transformed into moans of pleasure, into calls for more of him, and he did not restrain himself from giving the gift the silver dragon desired so much.

Karov had mated with a female before, but this was something else entirely. Watching the male half-breed beneath him squirm and moan like a bitch in heat was incredibly arousing, and the bulb at the base of his cock started forming in no time.

Darren took the wild beast above him with great strain--a human would've been broken by now, but his dragon's blood granted him the sturdiness he needed to take the feral dragon's rough pounding. He felt himself loosen far sooner than he'd expected, and the crushing of his pleasure gland soon swept away any aches his butt was sending him. His draconic half screamed for more, but his human half wanted something, a single kiss perhaps, anything resembling a hint of intimacy. His pink knotless cock drooled puddles of pre squeezed fresh from his prostate, however, and those thoughts were scrambled by his pleasure-wracked brain.

The red dragon's forceful rutting never let up, and he only became rougher and rougher. Soon, Darren could feel the great beast's weight hovering on his back. More and more of those thick belly plates smashed against his tail, crushing the sensitive appendage against his back, and the roots of his useless wings fared no better. The feral beast was able to keep himself from utterly breaking his toy, as the red dragon was now contemplating keeping the smaller dragon for future use, but then the time came for the final act.

Darren had not seen the feral dragon's knot form on his spearing shaft. He hadn't one himself, but some instinct told him to brace himself, for something bigger than he could've imagined was coming. Indeed, he felt Karov shift with a few thrusts, and he caught, at the edge of his vision, the red dragon's forepaws press against the wall above his head, relieving the pressure against his tender tail and wings.

Then there was the last push forward. It was hard and merciless, and despite Darren's want, he found himself crying out in pain once more. "Stop," the silver dragon shrilled, "I can't! Please stop, you're going to break me!"

Karov ignored him and forced himself against the smaller dragon's tail hole so hard that Darren's knees actually started to rise from the stone floor, his lower body being lifted by the monstrous cock.

Half of Darren's mind screamed for more, the other half screamed for mercy. Regardless, the magnificent heavily scented beast above him would not be denied, and his hole was stretched beyond what he would've thought possible. His wings fluttered in desperation, his head was still locked and straining against the wall, and the force of the red dragon almost hurt his neck.

The ordeal seemed to last for several agonizing minutes, but at last there was an audible shlick, and the silver dragon's tight passage sealed behind Karov's massive knot. It was followed by an ear-shattering roar, and Darren felt his insides fill with hot, virile, and true dragon seed. The silver dragon's pleasure gland was absolutely smashed by the bulbous tool, and he followed shortly after with a wincing squeal instead of a mighty roar, his half-breed cum splattering against the floor.

Time went as a blur for Darren. His mind took a while to process what he'd just gone through, and whether he liked it or not. He didn't realize for a while that Karov had dropped onto his side, making him face the other way slightly by being tugged at the ass, and was spooning him softly.

Once he could form words again, he relaxed his limbs, though the plug in his ass still ached and made him clench painfully every so often. "So?" he asked, "May I go in peace?"

A low, echoing chuckle bounced off the wall. "Yes. Well done. Very well done."

"You have my gratitude," Darren stuttered.

Karov brushed a forepaw along the silver dragon's unique head hair. "Eager to leave quickly, are you? I was thinking of sparing you the pain of pulling out my knot before it deflated."

Surprised by this small show of kindness, Darren flicked though a litany of words before settling with "no."

Karov chuckled again and let the smaller dragon rest.

A few hours later, Darren woke up from a rejuvenating nap. The dragon magic which enlarged him had drained him considerably, but he was now up, back to his normal size, and ready to depart Karov's home. Despite the considerable ache under his tail, he had decided that he did in fact enjoy being bred so thoroughly by such a handsome, powerful male.

As he tried to stand up from the floor, he saw Karov standing towards the way out and plopped back down. "Why do you do this?" he asked, "why do you hunt our kind?"

Karov stepped closer to him and shook his head solemnly. "It is my task. I do not choose to do it from my own volition. I was appointed to do it. Do not claim I am harsh, for it took many pleas for me to present the same offer I'd given to you, your testicles or your life. Let none know of what we've done here, for if word were to spread, I would be slaughtered by my own kind, and someone more ruthless may be given my task."

"I understand," Darren said.

"Now, I shall carve a mark of a eunuch upon your shoulder so others may know I have supposedly castrated you. Try not to wander around without pants on, will you?"

"Yes sir."

The red dragon pressed a claw against the silver's shoulder, and a flash of magic flowed through the point of contact. In a second, a crimson red mark appeared seared into the silver scales, a permanent declaration of the half-dragon's alleged infertility.

"Hmph," Karov said, "if we could control our females, then this would not be necessary."

Darren rubbed the place the mark had been imprinted and found it neither painful nor pleasing to touch. "What do you mean?"

"They've got all these ideas in their heads these days," the red dragon replied. "Human ideas. Like romance, and flowers. They keep their eggs locked from our seed, and we can't do anything to them because they are too few, and we cannot risk harming a single one. Along comes a romantic human, and they fall head over paw, making half-breeds like you."

"Err, can't you just try being romantic too?"

Karov barked out a laugh. "Hah, we try. Some even kidnap princesses to try and learn what pleases them, but I don't think it's working."

Darren nodded started to stand up. "Well, if you ever want some tips from me, just ask."

The red dragon smirked as he watched the half-breed wobble on his legs while thick virile seed flowed down his tail hole and legs. "Is that an offer to return?"

Darren shrugged his wings. "I liked it. You liked it. What do you say?"

Karov licked his lips. "Yes. Come back whenever you wish, half-breed."

The silver dragon smiled. "I will. Let's start with a kiss."


"A kiss. You want to be romantic, right?"

Karov flicked his eyes back and forth, and then he craned his head down. Darren gave him a quick peck on the snout.

The red dragon pulled back and looked at the smaller dragon blankly.

"Well?" Darren asked. "Was it nice?"

"I--I suppose," Karov said. He did not admit that his cheek started feeling warm.

The silver dragon nodded and sauntered out of the great beast's cave, looking forward to the next time he would lay his eyes upon the high walls and red scales. And black spires.


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